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Back at the room

Sophie was still pleading with Ian to take her back. “Please, I need you,” she cried.

“It’s over, Sophie. You were just a bit of fun, something my wife wasn’t.”

“I can be that again. I don’t mind being the other woman. I won’t ask you for anything other than sex.”

“Sophie, I want my wife. You need to accept that I don’t want you anymore.”

Agbagwa saw her perfect little face drop and her beautiful blue eyes started to glaze.

“You don’t mean that. Look, I know I’m high maintenance but I won’t ask you for anything. I can change.”

“Can you change how you look?”

“Yes, I’ll get any type of work done,” she said. “Whatever you like… breast implants or whatever makes you want me.”

“No, you will not have any work done,” Agbagwa said, reminding them of his presence as he held the dolls of Sophie and Ian. “Sophie, you will have an unrelenting desire for Ian, but it will be on his terms.” He twisted and shaped the Sophie doll as he spoke. “Every time you make love to Ian, your model looks will diminish. Your body will change with every thrust of his cock: you’ll shorten in height, your hips will gain weight, and your breasts will sag. You will still want to be fucked by him even though you’ll be upset at your changed body.”

The Voodoo Prince saw the fear in her face. “Don’t worry too much, my dear, this will be over a long period of time, happening a little at a time. If I’m convinced you’ve become a better person in that time, I might lessen the punishment.” 

He then turned to Ian, holding up his doll. “You should’ve appreciated your wife more instead of sleeping with beautiful young women. That’s why you’ll now find your wife beautiful and desperately want to sleep with her. But the only woman you’ll ever be able to sleep with is Sophie. You’ll find her appearance to be like you found your wife’s when you started the affair. You’ll become increasingly repulsed by her changing body, but only she can make love to you.” 

Ian stared at Sophie as Agbagwa continued, “You’ll be unhappy but unable to let on to your wife about her sleeping with black men. You know she’s doing it because you cannot please her sexually. You will try but fail to get hard. The more you fail her, the more you’ll want to have sex. But it’ll be only with ugly Sophie.”

Agbagwa put down both dolls and asked, “Do you both understand?” Ian and Sophie both nodded. “Good. Now let’s continue.” 

He pressed the panties he’d got from Penny into Ian’s mouth. “You know these are your wife’s panties and they’re damp with her juices.” He then held them toward Sophie and said, “Ian loves his wife’s pussy.” 

Sophie smiled and raised her dress up to her hips. She rolled down her thong and slowly stepped into Penny’s panties. As she did, she tried to smile seductively at Ian but the panties were too big and did not sit on her well.

“This is the closest you will get to your wife’s pussy tonight,” Agbagwa said, turning to look at Ian, then at sexy Sophie. 

Ian walked to Sophie, turned her around and rubbed his erection against her ass while reaching to rub the damp patch left from Penny into Sophie’s pussy. Sophie wriggled her ass into Ian and repeatedly tried to kiss him, offering him her tongue. But he only pulled away while rubbing harder.

“I think you should talk to Ian, Sophie,” instructed Agbagwa. “Tell him about his wife if it makes him want you.”

Sophie turned to Ian. “Rub your wife’s cunt juice onto my clit.” Even Sophie was surprised at the reaction she got. Ian started to grind his hard cock against her ass even more vigorously and tilted his head against hers. Sophie realised this was the way to go.

“Force her knickers into my cunt, then pull them to one side.” Ian let Sophie kiss him. “I want her knickers rubbing your cock as you slide in and out of my pussy.” 

Sophie was taken by surprise when Ian grabbed her arm, spun her around, and pushed her onto the bed. Sophie watched Ian unbuckle his belt, pop the waist button, and pull down his zip. Setting his hard cock free, Ian climbed onto the bed between Sophie’s legs.

Agbagwa watched, amazed at how easily the people of this country went under. ‘It’s like they have no resistance at all,’ he thought.

Ian was now above Sophie and she moaned as he thrust roughly into her pussy. Although she knew she’d be sore later, Sophie found the pain mostly a turn-on and was only concerned about the moment.

Ian felt his wife’s panties trying to slip back into Sophie’s pussy and knowing his cock was against them made him harder. Sophie enjoyed the dozen or so full thrusts until he unloaded deep inside her. She tried to kiss and hold him but, after a few seconds, he got up and tucked himself away. At the side of the bed, Sophie again tried to hug him but Ian pulled away.

Agbagwa enjoyed the show and the change in Sophie. She wouldn’t have acted in that way yesterday. “Sophie, what do you notice about yourself?” he asked.

Sophie looked down, then clutched the top of her dress and pulled it down. “My tits are smaller,” she said, clearly upset at the reduction of her assets. Ian looked at her, then turned away.

“This is a good start. Ian, you may leave and go back to your room. Sophie, I wish you to stay. I’m going to require a little entertainment to allow me to sleep. You’ll dance naked at the foot of my bed until I’m asleep.”

Ian left the room and when the door closed and she could no longer see him, Sophie proceeded to do everything she’d been told.

The following morning

Agbagwa awoke with movement beside him. Sarah had let herself into the room, bringing his breakfast and placing it on the side table. She’d then stripped naked and slid under the covers. He couldn’t see Sophie and reasoned that she’d let herself out, as instructed, when he’d fallen asleep.

Sarah pressed her tits against his shoulder and ran her fingernails across his face and down his chest. Agbagwa felt her hand on his cock and she dragged her nails along his shaft. Then she poked out her tongue and licked his lips before smiling. Agbagwa kissed her and she started to stroke him.

“I missed you last night,” she said with a mock pout.

“Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Not for thinking about you. If you had been at the show, I would have been stroking this glorious cock of yours under your jacket.”

“Even with your mother there?”

Sarah slid a leg over him, reached down, and lowered herself onto his throbbing pole. “Oh, yes. No way could I have been able to stop myself. Oh, babe, I’ve been wanting this,” she whispered.

Sarah frantically bounced on his cock and Agbagwa soon exclaimed, “I cum now!”.

“Cum in my pussy. Cum baby, cum right up inside me. Yesss,” Sarah yelled as the exquisite feeling of her powerful master coating her insides with his man-cream nearly drove her insane with lust.

Agbagwa accepted her full weight on top of him while he recovered, only moving one hand to sweep her hair from his face. Eventually, he gently eased her off, picked up his tray, and started eating his breakfast.

At the reception

After Agbagwa finished his breakfast, he looked back to the bed and saw Sarah intently looking at him while playing with her pussy. She was obviously enjoying herself as she did not stop when he looked. Then he had an idea.

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“Sarah, I have organised with your parents for us to meet them at the reception,” he said. “We’re going to get ready to go out, but before you leave the room, I want you to finger your pussy and scoop up all the cum you produce. Then, like fancy make-up, I want you to smear it on your lips.”


As the lift doors opened, Agbagwa and Sarah, his young wife-to-be, stepped out and into the reception. Penny noticed the couple first and she went to greet them. Ian stayed in his seat with a newspaper.

Sarah hugged her mother as Penny kissed her cheek. Sarah then walked behind her dad.

“Morning, Agbagwa. I hope you slept well,” Penny said, embracing him and kissing both cheeks. He felt her pressing her breasts to his chest harder than the public greeting called for. He smiled inwardly.

“Slept very well, thank you,” he answered, enjoying the attention.

He turned to look a Sarah who reached down to wrap her arms around her father, slowly pressed her pouting, glossy lips against his cheek, and kissed him tenderly.

“Morning, daddy.”

“Morning, sweetheart.”

Penny and Agbagwa walked over and sat at the same table as Ian and Sarah.

“I thought you two might be late down,” Penny said with a cheeky smile. Ian seemed far from happy as he gazed up from his paper, but soon looked back to the page.

Sarah slightly blushed and grasped Agbagwa’s hand. “Some people were easy to get up this morning,” she said, staring at him.

Agbagwa sensed Ian becoming impatient behind his paper but saw Penny was eager for more details.

“So, what’s first today?” Ian asked, trying to change the subject as he continued to read.

The women looked at each other. “Shopping,” they exclaimed in unison.


At the shopping mall, Ian and Agbagwa walked together behind mother and daughter who looked in every window, discussing the displays.

“So, how was it last night?” asked Agbagwa.

“Not good,” replied Ian, his cheeks turning red with embarrassment. He was quite nervous as well.

“How so? Tell me,” Agbagwa pressed.

Ian didn’t want to talk about it but could not help himself. The more he resisted, the more details he revealed. “I couldn’t, you know?” he said, nodding his head down several times. 

Agbagwa was delighted and pushed the issue. “You couldn’t what?”

“I couldn’t make love to my wife,” Ian continued, now mortified. “It’s not like I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t.”

“Do tell me more.”

Ian grabbed Agbagwa’s arm, bringing them to a stop, and looked to check the women couldn’t hear. “Well, you know how hot Penny was last night; I mean she was looking great.” Ian took a deep breath. “After I left you and Sophie last night, I went back to my room and showered. So, I was lying on the bed naked when Penny got back to the room. She came to the bottom of the bed and looked at me. I thought she’d never looked better than she did at that moment.” 

Ian again looked around nervously at the women before continuing, “So, she stood at the bottom of the bed and I’m hard, just from looking at her. Then she pulled up her dress to show she wasn’t wearing any panties and started playing with herself. I’m rock hard and Penny pulls her tits out. With one hand squeezing her tit, she slips one of her pearl strings into her mouth. The sight of those shiny pearls between her blood-red lips was such a turn-on.” 

Ian paused, shaking his head, clearly remembering the moment.

“I’ was so hard, never been that horny before, not even with Sophie before she changed. And let me tell you, she could do some turn. Penny then climbed onto the bed and slowly worked her way up to me. She’s dragging her tits along my skin and kisses my dick as she moves up my chest to my lips. I feel her pussy grinding against my hard cock. Her mouth is at my ear and between bites on it, she whispers, ‘I want you to fuck me.’ Penny has never spoken to me like that, not to mention acting like that with me. I can’t tell you how much my cock’s twitching. She then reaches down and takes hold of my cock and guides it to her pussy… but then…”

Ian stopped, looking around again for the women to ensure they couldn’t hear. Agbagwa knew Ian was still trying not to talk about his humiliating ordeal, but he also knew Ian couldn’t resist and would reveal all.

“But then what, Ian? You came too early?”

“No, I just went soft. In fact, not just soft but my cock shrank. I mean smaller than it has ever been.” Ian took a deep breath while watching his wife and daughter. “I was so horny, but I just couldn’t get it hard again. Penny was good about it. She tried everything from blow jobs to even slipping a finger up my ass, but nothing worked. I was so ashamed. I’ve been telling myself it was because of Sophie. She was the reason I couldn’t make it with Penny.”

“So you think it was Sophie’s fault,” Agbagwa pressed, smiling.

“Yes, it must be. I’ve never before had a performance problem.”

At that moment, Sarah and Penny called them over. Penny held a skimpy outfit against Sarah and also had a sexy red and black lace bra and panties on a hanger.

“What do you think, Agbagwa? Does my little girl look sexy in this outfit? Or, maybe with this underneath it will make her look even sexier?” Penny moved the bra and panty set to replace the black outfit in front of Sarah. Ian turned away and Sarah turned a bright shade of red.

“Mum, please,” she said in a mock begging tone, then laughed.

“Well, we’re all big boys and girls here, aren’t we, Agbagwa? Very big boys.”

Agbagwa saw Ian go from embarrassed red to shocked-white in seconds. “Yes, we’re adults, and Sarah, your mom has great taste,” said Agbagwa. “Both of you should buy the underwear. Or perhaps you could borrow it from each other. I’ll even judge who looks better.”

Then Agbagwa saw what had shocked Ian. Across the store was Sophie, looking worse than Agbagwa thought for one fuck. He smiled as she stood watching them, her hair loosely pulled back, make-up slapped on, and looking like she’d slept in her clothes.

“Let’s get something to eat,” said Agbagwa. “You ladies go ahead and pick. We will catch up in a moment.”

The women replaced the clothes and walked out of the store. As soon as they left, Sophie walked over. “Do you like this, Ian?” she said, lifting the dress and underwear from the rack. “I could wear this for you. It’s the stuff your wife likes. I could wear what you want me to wear.”

“Sophie, stop this,” said Ian. “I don’t want you.” 

He turned to leave, but Sophie grabbed his arm. “Come with me to the changing rooms,” she pleaded. “I’ll show you how it looks on me.”

Ian pulled from her grasp, but she lurched forward and grabbed him again. “Please, Ian. I want to make love to you here, right now.”

“Ian, if you’re as horny as last night,” said a smiling Agbagwa, “think about those pearls in your wife’s red lips, the smears of her lipstick as she pulled them across her face.” 

Ian couldn’t help it, his cock was suddenly ready to burst. Agbagwa looked at Sophie and said, “Maybe the woman is right. You shall go fuck her, then meet me, Sarah and Penny in the restaurant.”

Sophie smiled at Agbagwa. “Thank you,” she said, picked the items off the rack, and took the hand of a reluctant Ian, leading him toward changing rooms. 

Agbagwa watched as Ian looked around, clearly embarrassed as the obviously desperate Sophie pulled him along.

Agbagwa turned and left the store.

To be continued

Written by Fiona69m
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