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Time To Start Training, Love

"Love struggles to begin her training"

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Author's Notes

"A longer piece to start Love’s training. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you like!"

Ella awoke with a start and took a second to remember where she was. She was lying in a large bed made of walnut with red bedding; the walls were white, and the ceiling was bright red and raunchy artwork was spread throughout the room. A large television was playing what looked like porn in front of the bed.

What – the professor!

The events of the previous day came rushing back to her, and Ella cringed. She remembered servicing the Duke before being led from the hotel wearing only dried cum, high heels, a raincoat, and her whore choker. The Professor drove her back to a large house in the countryside.

I must have fallen asleep after I drank that tea – I was clearly more tired than I thought.

Ella took a deep breath, gave herself a stern talking to, and moved to slip out of bed. A sudden pain in her nipples made her pause; looking down, she gasped. Her nipples had been pierced, and now two thick barbells were her newest pieces of jewellery.

What on earth? They’ve literally shoved things in my body?!

Well yes, me, remember what you signed up for? Idiot girl!

Ella shook her head to wash away her father’s disapproving voice. Standing up, she explored the room, finding a shower but no clothes.

As she padded out of the bathroom, she was surprised to find the Professor sat on her bed, a sad look on his face.  

“Good morning, whore. I am glad to see you are up and about already, because your training begins today and it begins in earnest. Are you ready?”

Standing awkwardly, Ella nodded.

“You may speak freely today, Ella. In fact, I demand it. Today, anything and everything that comes into your head, I want you to say it. Don’t worry about sounding silly or strange or stupid, just say it. And don’t lie to me, whore, because I will know, and I will have to punish you for it. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir. Um…”

“Speak, whore.”

“When um…when I speak m- my mind, um, do I have to tell you that I am speaking my mind?”

“That’s a good question, whore. You can say, 'I think that'. Do you understand?” The Professor looked at her, his eyebrow raised.

“Yes sir. I think it is strange, but I will do as you ask,” Ella said, unsure but willing to play along. “Sir, may I ask a question?”

“That is a question in of itself, Ella, and I cannot stand that sort of thing. Just ask your question.”

“Sorry sir – I wanted to ask why my nipples are pierced sir,” Ella muttered, not daring to look him in the eye.

“Ah, yes. Those are – well, they are very special devices. They are there for the pleasure of our clients, they are tracking beacons, they are medical devices which allow us to track your health, and they have another function which we shall discover later,” the Professor grinned at Ella.

“I… I think you have a nice smile, Professor,” Ella mumbled.

“You do?” Asked the Professor.

“Yes sir. I think it’s a very nice smile.”

“Thank you, whore. You are very sweet. Are you ready to begin your training?”

“I think I am nervous, sir, but yes, I am ready.”

“Good whore. Now get on your knees,” rumbled the professor.

Ella smiled. This, she knew how to do. Kneeling on the floor, she placed her hands in her lap and began to wring her hands, staring at the Professor’s feet.

What the fuck – ouch! Jesus! Ella thought to herself as a sudden intense burning came from her nipples. The barbells had become searingly hot, and she cried out in pain.

“Sir, sir, it hurts! God, it hurts!” She cried out.

A few seconds later, the heat stopped and Ella took a deep breath, wiping the tears from her face. Looking up, she saw the Professor staring at her with a blank face.

“Sir, what – what was that?” demanded Ella angrily.

“Do not fidget, whore. Our clients pay for perfection, and that does not allow for fidgeting. Your waiting pose is on your knees, hands on your thighs, back straight and mouth shut. Do you understand?”

“I was nervous! And somehow that’s punishable by abuse? Get on my fucking knees – fuck off, you absolute – oh my god!” Ella cried out, writhing in pain as the heat began again.

I know this is what I signed up for, but Jesus, that hurts!

The pain stopped again, and Ella glared at her captor.

“Tell me what you are thinking, Ella?”

“I am thinking, sir, that you are a prick and that I hate you,” Ella snarled.

The Professor stared at her for a moment, shocked, before throwing his head back and laughing. Ella sat, confused, watching him.

You must be a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

The Professor stopped laughing, wiping his eyes, and looked at Ella again. Seconds passed in awkward silence.

Say something, you prick.

Heat, searing heat. Wait—what is happening to my – oh my god, my choker, it’s getting tighter! I know I said that choking was a turn on but…fuck!

The Professor watched dispassionately as Ella writhed on the floor, overwhelmed with sensation. After a few moments, he stopped the punishment, and waited for her to compose herself.

“Let me be clear, Ella, in case you somehow forgot what you signed yesterday. You signed a contract. We own you, your body, your mind, your orgasms, even your safety. We own everything. You step out of line, and we will release the video of you, which would destroy your father’s career and ruin your life. What would your dear, dear grandmother say if she knew what you had got up to?” the Professor wondered, enjoying the sight of Ella going pale.

“N – Nanna?”

“I can’t imagine that her dodgy heart will handle seeing her beloved granddaughter getting railed,” the Professor wondered aloud.

Ella withdrew into herself for a moment.

Why am I so shocked? I knew what I was signing up for, I know why I signed up, these threats are not a surprise! Come on, idiot, pull yourself together.

“OK, OK, OK – OK, sir, OK. I… I am sorry, sir. I won’t fidget. On my knees, hands on my thighs, back straight, got it,” Ella said, her stomach clenching as she got into position.

“Good girl, Whore,” the Professor said, smiling.

A vibration in her pussy caused Ella to jump; the vibrations mixed with the residual pain from her tits to cause an intoxicating effect. After a few seconds, the vibrations stopped, and Ella whimpered.

“Tell me what you are thinking, Ella?” asked the Professor.

“I…that was…that was nice, sir,” she replied sheepishly. “It…made me feel nice.”

“Good girls get vibrations, Ella. Bad girls get burning or severe choking, or even both.”

“Yes, sir,” Ella said, hesitating.

“Speak, Ella, I won’t tell you again. Tell me what you are thinking,” the Professor demanded.

“I… I am confused, Sir. I hated the burning and the choking, it was horrible, but I really liked the vibrations. I want to be mad at you and hate you, but I also just want more of the…the stimulation.”

A buzzing sensation went through Ella again, and she moaned softly until it ended.

"Good Girl, Ella,” the Professor smirked.

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“Thank you, sir,” she whispered, hating herself.

Why am I so turned on by all this? He literally tortured me, so why am I soaking wet from knowing that if the vibrations start, he thinks I am being a good girl? God, I am so disgusting!

“You are welcome, whore. Now, time to tell you more about what you will be learning. The position you are in will be your default position every time you attend a client. You will enter their home, disrobe unless told otherwise, and kneel in that position until they allow you to move. You may not move until you are given permission. This may be two minutes, this may be up to an hour, but it cannot be longer under your contract because it can cause damage to your body over the longer term. You may say hello to the client when you enter if they have indicated they would like you to do so, but you will not speak to them unless you are given permission, including during intercourse. If you are permitted to speak, you must thank the client every time they give you permission to do something,” listed the Professor.

“Sir, clients might really want me to be silent during sex?” Ella asked, confused.

“Yes, Ella, because then they will get to punish you for disobeying them,” smirked the Professor.

“I think that is mean” grumbled Ella as her nipples heated up. It wasn’t as hot as before, but it was enough to sting her.

“Sir, what did I do?” She moaned, uncomfortable.

“You will not judge the clients, whore. You signed up to service their every desire, do not judge them. Do you understand?” the Professor growled.

“Yes, Professor,” Ella muttered. “What else do I need to know, sir?” she asked.

“You will shower twice a day. You must keep your body completely hair free. You will be given laser hair removal to reduce hairs, but you must shave every morning until it takes effect. Your nails must be short, but you can choose any colours or patterns you want, and your hair must be longer than shoulder-length and kept neat and tidy, but again, you can choose colours. Be aware, though, that you may lose the interest of the more conservative clients if you decide to die your hair a wacky colour, but equally you may interest someone with a fetish for bad girls,” the Professor laughed. 

“I couldn’t do that, sir, my Father would never approve, and the Negotiator said that seeing my family would still be a regular thing. It will be, won’t it, sir?” Ella asked, her eye suddenly teary.

“As long as you are a good girl, yes, but I will be accompanying you as your boyfriend. You will always have one of us at your side, whore, to ensure that you do not break the rules of your contract.”

“OK, good, thank you sir,” smiled Ella sadly. “I…sir, please understand…it’s not that I love my father, it’s that I know him. If I don’t make an appearance every so often, he will come looking and I…sir, he won’t understand all this. Shit, I don’t under — ouch!” Ella cried out as her nipples heated up again.

“No rude language, Ella, unless the client demands it.”

“Yes, sir, I am sorry,” groaned Ella.

No rude language? Fuck you you motherfucking cunt sucking cum guzzler. Ouch!

“But sir, I didn’t say anything!” Ella moaned as the choker tightened around her neck.

“You were thinking something Ella, and you didn’t say it. I am tired of demanding you do so. Now, your clients will have different needs, and your training will be in several parts,” the Professor smiled as he turned on the vibrator inside Ella’s body and loosed the choker slightly. “Handjobs for men, fingering for women, sucking a cock, sucking a cunt, anal pleasure. Dependent on your performance, we may also go into BDSM, Golden showers, and other such assorted kinks,” smiled the Professor as he watched Ella trying desperately not to wiggle in place to get some friction in her most sensitive of places.

“Sir, sir, that is so hot sir, so, so hot” moaned Ella. “I really want to touch myself, sir, just hearing about it has got me so hot and horny. Oh my god, sir, please,” begged Ella.

The Professor grinned as he turned off the vibrator and turned up the choker at the same time, threatening to close Ella’s airways. Ella gasped in frustration at the loss of the stimulation and the removal of air.

“You may not cum without permission, whore,” smirked the Professor.

“Fuck fuck fuck off! Fuck!” Screamed Ella in frustration. “Fuck sakes!”

I need to cum more than I need to breathe. I might fucking combust!

The Professor turned the barbells to the highest setting and smiled as Ella screamed, adjusting his trousers. He was harder than he could ever remember being with a trainee before.

A few minutes passed after he turned off the heat and the choker before Ella was back in position and quiet. Her hair was a mess, tears were streaming down her face, and she was crying softly.

“I think now is as good a time as any for a break, Ella. You may crawl into the front room and sit on the sofa. Do not touch yourself.”

Ella moved to leave the room before screaming as a sharp slap on her arse sounded throughout the room. She fell to the floor before the Professor flipped her onto her back and placed his foot on her windpipe, pushing down.

“Thank you, sir, for allowing me time to relax. Thank you for your patience today in teaching me what to do. Thank you for looking out for me,” the Professor snarled at Ella, his spit flying over her.

“Thank – thank you, sir, thank you!” breathed Ella, as loud as she could. “Thank you!” She gasped again.

The Professor smiled sadly. “You are welcome, Ella. I don’t want to do this to you, but love if you don’t get this right, our clients will not be happy, and I cannot protect you from them when I am not there with you. If you get it right, baby, I don’t need to worry, and you will be safe, OK? You won’t be thrown out, the videos will stay hidden, and the world – and your father – will never know about what happened,” whispered the Professor, reaching down to stroke Ella’s face.

“Ye-yes, sir, I’m so sorry, sir. I’ll be go-good, sir, I promise. Sir?” cried Ella, “you really scared me. Sometimes I think you are on my side, and sometimes I think you are just trying to hurt me, and I get confused, and I don’t know which is which. And I want to hate you for being so awful, but I am so fucking horny, I feel like I might combust if you don’t fuck me or let me fuck myself. I honestly think I might die if I don’t cum soon. I hate that I get wet not just from the vibrations, but from knowing that if I get the vibration, I am being a good girl and god that makes me want to squirt. I’m so scared. But also, everything I have to learn, too – it’s so much, and I am already getting everything wrong. What will I do? What will I do, sir?” Ella began to sob, putting herself into the fetal position, and the Professor looked down at her, pre-cum leaking from his cock.

The training is already having an effect. Soon, she will worship me and do everything I want, and all she will think about is pleasing me, thought the Professor.

“You learn, whore, how to be the best whore you can be, for as long as it takes. To answer your question, I am on your side, Ella. I will always be on your side, more than anyone else ever will be. Now get up, get into the front room, and I will be along in a minute,” said the Professor softly.

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir, for listening,” whispered Ella.

“You are welcome, whore,” said the Professor.

Written by Beaanna
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