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The Halloween Moms, Having Both, Part One

"Finally the time had arrived for Caroline and I to share Angela."

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After my shower, I added a few more scary items to the house for a little more effect. The more I thought about it, the wilder my ideas became. Writing out a sketch of my rough plan, I texted Caroline, "Is Angela with you?"

"Yes, why?"

"Okay, I have an idea to really get her juices flowing, but you can't tell her anything."

"Alright, I'll text you back in a few when I can get away for a moment."

I fine-tuned my plan while waiting impatiently for Caroline's text. I was startled when my phone rang, and I saw it was her.

"I figured it would be quicker to call. So what's the plan?" she whispered quickly.

"Oh, okay," I mumbled, still surprised by the call. "So, I was thinking of having you both come through the back gate toward the basement door so that I can up the scare value. You did tell her about how spooky the house was, right?"

"Yes!" she replied, seemingly impatient with my question.

"Okay, well, my plan was to dress up and grab you after tearing off your clothes and then dragging you inside the basement door, leaving Angela to follow on her own. I've already increased the number of creepy items set about the house, and adding the basement to it all makes it that much better. What do you think?"

"Sounds awesome, but I gotta go. I told her that I needed to use the bathroom, and she's probably wondering what I'm doing in here. Text me any other info that you think I'll need to know. Can't wait for tonight!" Caroline whispered loudly.

"Me either," I responded before she hung up.

The most important thing that I wanted to tell her was to wear easily removable or tearable clothing without underwear. I was thinking of a button-down blouse and maybe a zippered skirt that wasn't too long. I sent her an abbreviated text and hoped that she understood. Now, I had to dig up my old scarecrow costume and make sure that it was scary enough.

Later on, as it started getting dark outside and I was putting the finishing touches on the house, I finally got a call from Caroline.  

"Sorry about earlier, but Angela wouldn't leave me alone, especially after I showed her the video."

"No problem, Sexy!"

"If I understand this text and your brief idea from earlier, you want me to dress in something that you can tear or pull off easily, correct?"

"Yes, I was thinking of having you enter through the backyard and hoping that she'd get distracted by a few of the decorations while you keep coming toward the steps to the basement. I'll be sitting in plain sight dressed as the scarecrow that I had standing in my graveyard on Halloween."

"But wasn't that stuffed?" Caroline asked.

"Yes, I bought two of the costumes last year when they were seventy percent off in the aftersale. I was thinking of trading places with it this year if I could find someone to hand out candy for me, but no one was available."

"You sneaky bastard. You were going to scare the crap out of someone when they looked too closely, weren't you?"

"That was the plan. Hopefully, Angela will remember it from two weeks ago and think nothing of it, just standing there."

"Well, that all sounds good, but don't you think that she'll realize that you are the one in the costume? I mean, we are coming over to have sex with you, so why all this?"

"I'm sure that she'll figure it out after the initial shock of her friend and lover being stripped and dragged away before her eyes. And, yes, I know that it's already a planned thing, but she seemed to get off on the fear even more than you, and I wanted to really get her juices flowing."

"So, it has nothing to do with tearing my clothes off outdoors, where one of your neighbors might see?"

"Well, that and to get you naked as quick as possible. I already miss that phenomenal little body of yours and can't wait to lick that perfect little butt."

"Okay, you're making me wet already. How will it look with my sweet nectar running down my inner thighs as I walk over to your house, huh?"

"Delicious," I pronounced before adding, "And maybe Angela will notice and wonder what's got you going. But likely not since it will be dark outside, so it's really just for you to know and feel."

"Mmmm, I like that answer. Tell me more about the things that you're going to do to me."

"I could do that, or you could simply see how things progress and be surprised. You never know when I might change the plan?"

"Oh, you sexy, dirty old man! I so want you to fuck me right now, Goddd!"

"Be patient, my little sex toy. I'll be inside you before you know it."

"I love it when you talk dirty to me. But it's always better when we're together."

"Well, get your cute little butt over here, then."

"I just got to Angela's house, and we're waiting for her babysitter. She is supposed to be here in about ten minutes, so it shouldn't be long after that. You better get your costume on."

"Okay, I'll see you very soon, " I replied before hanging up the phone.


I could feel the juices between my legs at just the thought of John stripping and then taking me in his backyard. I know that he didn't mention doing me back there, but I was hoping that he would and that one of his two male neighbors would get a glimpse of my naked body being used properly. The more I thought about it all, the more I was sure that that was what he was planning. I was so worked up that my inner thighs were getting very damp as I stood impatiently waiting for Angela's babysitter.

Finally, she arrived, and after a quick review of the rules, we were out the door and walking to John's house.  

"I can see that you're rather excited already, aren't you, Baby?" Angela said to me as her hand grazed my chiseled nipples.

"God, yes!" I squeaked. "And I can't wait for you to enjoy him, too."

"We'll see how it goes, but I'm definitely excited about how he's set up the house to scare me." 

"Oh, I'm sure that you'll love some of the surprises that he has set up for you."


I didn't want to admit anything to Caroline, but I was very excited at the prospect of being fucked by a man again. And from everything, and I mean everything, that she told me about John, I had no doubt that he would be a very fun romp. Hell, he was already getting her to do things that I'd never thought she would.

I couldn't get the video of her dancing with that girl in the club out of my head. And exposing herself the way she did while getting fucked by that enticing hook. Every time I pictured that in my head, my pussy began to leak, just as it was now. My skirt was a little longer than Caroline's, but it was still only mid-thigh, and with no panties, I could feel the trail reaching my knees.

As we closed in on John's house, Caroline took my hand to lead me through the side gate that we'd used on Halloween. Once we entered his side yard, she pulled me to the stockade fence gate into the backyard.

"Why are we going this way?" I questioned.

"He wanted to scare you a little extra," Caroline shared as she pushed the gate open to reveal the entire backyard decorated and with limited lighting.

I paused to take it all in as one of his motion-activated little signs began its creepy schpiel, "Dooo Nottt Enterrr!"


I saw the scarecrow over on the porch, close to the basement stairs, along with that nasty-looking ghoul that had been in his bedroom previously. We'd have to pass pretty close to that thing to get down the basement staircase. It was pretty damn scary with those glowing blue eyes and huge gnarly hands. Other than the face and hands, it was just a flowing black robe with a white cover-up. John seemed to have it hanging from the motion flood lights, which were turned off at the moment.


Caroline had released my hand and moved about the yard on her own. I was already on edge from just that simple sign, but her walking away had me even more skittish. I started to follow her when his fog machine kicked on and filled the small backyard area rather quickly. God, he was really fucking good at this scaring people shit. With the six-foot fencing, the fog spun in a slow circle, filling the entire area. I could still see glimpses of Caroline as she seemed to be moving toward the basement steps.

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I was frozen in place as I waited for the fog to abate, but with no wind and no place to go, it just hung around like my annoying husband when his girlfriend was pissed at him. Moving slowly toward Caroline, I once again triggered another of John's motion-sensitive devices that moaned in its creaky voice to stay away. Having a good lock on Caroline since the fog had begun to settle, I moved forward again. Of course, the fog machine began to whirr again and blinded me to anything. It was then that I heard a shriek and, seconds later, a guttural growl.


I had made it to the scarecrow only to realize that John had tricked me by placing the stuffed one out on display. As I turned in circles, trying to figure out where he was, the fog machine kicked on and blinded me to everything. I knew that I was close to the steps and looked up for the ghoul's glowing blue eyes as a lighthouse of sorts. With the fog machine silent and the fog easing, I acquired his eyes and then the rest of that dream-twisting incarnation. I hesitantly moved toward it inch-by-inch until I was almost in reaching distance before that evil fog-producing appliance kicked on again.

I stayed put as everything vanished in the abundance of smoke, not wanting to tumble down the concrete stairwell. That's when I felt those grotesquely oversized hands wrap around me from behind before my shirt and skirt were torn from my body. I screamed like a school-aged girl even though I was sure it was John. The hands came to rest on my breasts as a warm, stiff prick pressed into my backside, causing me to moan appreciatively at the penetration.

John then lifted the ghoul from in between us and walked me out into the grass, where he had his way with me under the blanket of fog. My face dropped to the grass as he held my hips high and slid in and out of my pucker, pushing me toward a delirious climax. Shaking and spouting obscenities wildly through it all. His penetration halted as I sprayed both of us before collapsing in a heap. I was sure that I heard Angela yelling for me, but was unable to respond with any intelligible speech until after John had released me.


I recognized that growl as Caroline's but couldn't make out where it came from with the second dose of fog. Another few seconds later, I heard her again moaning and cussing as she was want to do in the throws of great sex. It was clear that John had jumped her somewhere and was taking liberties with her heavenly body. After one last flurry of "Oh my fucking God's," she went silent. The fog began to ease a little, and I noticed that the blue-eyed ghoul had moved and seemed a lot shorter. As I stared, I felt something brush past my inner thighs, nearly at my pussy.

I froze in place as a bird-like squawk parted my lips. I couldn't recall ever making a noise like that as I replayed it like a sound-bite over in my head. The goosebumps rose across my skin due to the unrealistic terror that spread from that touch. I knew almost one hundred percent that it was John lurking under the blanket of smoke. But that slight bit of unsureness kept me in place and tingly all over. Another tickle across the base of my unclad buttocks caused a quick yelp and a short hop a foot or so forward.  

Part of me wanted to cuss him for scaring me so, but the other was enjoying the rush of girly juices now free-flowing down my thighs. He had my number and knew exactly how to get me hot and ready for anything that he wanted. Standing with my legs slightly parted for stability, the next touch came unexpectedly to my breasts. I'd basically copied Caroline's attire with a mid-length elastic waist skirt, a button-down top, and no undies. So, when fingers crossed my breasts, they had no trouble finding and pinching my already aroused and very stiff nipples. As a gut reaction, I swatted in front of me, only to come across nothing but air.

With my hands in front of me, searching for those that tweaked my nipples, I was unprepared for the sudden jerk that brought my skirt to my ankles and exposed everything from the waist down. I involuntarily bent forward to retrieve them and realized too late that I'd been set up. John had obviously moved behind me and spread my cheeks before taking a deep lap from my puss to my pucker. Before I could think, he grasped my wrists from behind and held me in place as his tongue explored every millimeter between my quivering thighs over and over. I came in a rush of adrenaline from the fear, sexual stimulation, and that amazing tongue before realizing he was gone again.

The fog began clearing quickly. That's when I noticed that the gate we came through had been propped open. As the fog escaped toward the front yard, I caught a glimpse of John and Caroline heading down the basement stairs. Abandoning my skirt, I followed quickly before losing the cover of the fog to the neighbor's prying eyes.


After tasting Angela's first cum of the evening, I propped open the gate and quickly found Caroline still lying in the grass. Lifting her up, I pulled her toward the stairwell to escape the clearing backyard. Once we were inside, I pulled her to me and kissed her thirstily to share Angela's nectar. We were like animals, all over each other from the thrill of it all. Seconds into the kiss, she jumped onto me with a death grip around my neck and sank my rigid prick into her girly hole. I began sliding in and out of her amazingly slick puss while walking to the steps that led to the kitchen upstairs.

After ascending them and turning the corner, I moved into the living room, triggering the girl's favorite crawling ghoul. Continuing up the second flight of stairs, we rounded the corner and made a bee-line for my bed, ignoring all the scary props along the way. After placing Caroline on the bed and falling down onto her, we both heard the basement door shut. Numerous shrieks and screams were noted as I did my best to ignore them and concentrate on making love to Caroline. We were fully into it before hearing another shrill cry at the bottom of the steps.

"I... I can't...I just can't!" Angela wailed above the sound of Caroline and I getting it on.

Pulling her mouth from mine, Caroline appealed, "Let's just go get her before she's ruined for the night. I don't want to have to deal with a crying, whiny Angela tonight. I just want to have fun fucking the both of you."

"Okay," I replied and stood up, pulling Caroline with me.

We moved down the stairs quickly to find that Angela was nowhere in sight.

"I think we've been had," I whispered while scanning the area for where Angela might pop out to frighten us.

Winking at me, Caroline said aloud, "Well, I guess the monster got her. Nothing left to do but go back upstairs and fuck!"

"What monster?!" Angela roared before running right at us.


Angela slammed into the two of us and wrapped her arms around each of our necks. "Gotcha," she added while holding us both tight.

As if in perfect sync, John and I each slipped a hand under Angela's shirt to fondle a heaving breast while the other slipped around back to grip her supple ass.

We each played with our side of her wonderfully soft and responsive form before I uttered, "Who's got who now?" and began rimming her pucker with my middle finger.

Angela's only response was a quiet whimpering as her legs spread, giving me further access. John gave her a series of slight but sharp smacks to her buttocks as I continued my exploration. She yelped and squirmed as we each pushed her shirt up and over her tits before beginning to suck her fat nipples.

More often than not, Angela was the aggressor in our sexual escapades, but on rare occasion, she would become passive as she was now. In these cases, she expected me to use her as I saw fit but also please her as well.

I whispered into John's ear, "She's playing the submissive and wants us to have our way with her. Kneel down and eat her. While you give her a leg-quaking orgasm, I'll start loosening her backdoor. I've always wanted to fuck her in the ass, but she never let me previously. Maybe with you distracting her, she'll finally let it happen,"

"Such sacrifices I have to make," John spouted with an eager grin on his face as he dropped to his knees.

To be continued...

Written by stockingluvr
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