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The Halloween Mom, The Club

"I took Caroline out to a nice club where she could show off a little."

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For the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, Caroline texted me pics of her fingers in and on her pucker, slit, and tits. We chatted back and forth, with me always giving her encouraging comments with every snapshot.  

It was nearing ten o'clock in the evening when I sent a final text.  "Okay, Sexy, I want you to stop playing with yourself now and get some sleep. Tomorrow morning, when you're dressing for work, you should wear slacks and concentrate on your job more and less on your needs."

"But... but you said no more pants, and I love touching myself during the day."  I could hear the pleading in her thoughts like a scolded child sent to their room without any toys.

"It's only for tomorrow. I want your sensual bits rested and ready for our night out. You're going to have so much fun, I promise! More fun than you've ever had!"

"You're going to turn me into a wanton slut if you keep this up. You know that, right?" 

"The only thing I'm doing is freeing you to do the things that you've always wanted but wouldn't allow yourself. Whether you continue that way going forward is entirely up to you. But I have no doubt that you'll enjoy the ride for as long as you take it."

"Thank you, John. Text me tomorrow, please."

"You're welcome, Caroline. Get a good night's sleep, and we'll talk tomorrow."

The morning arrived, and I got moving about. I worked part-time doing some online service for the company that purchased my business and had flexible hours. Usually, I worked in the mid-afternoon when the sun was high, and it was too hot to be out in the garden. That wasn't a problem this time of the year, but I wanted to get it out of the way so that I could swing by the sex shop for an item that I'd been considering for Caroline tonight.

I already had the nipple clamps that were joined by a thin silver chain and was wanting to add a clit clip to the assembly. Browsing the sex shop's website, I saw an anal hook that attached, by chain, to a leather collar. My thought was to combine the entire assembly by joining them all to the collar. Caroline would have her ass filled with the hook, and her nipples and clit clamped for unending pleasure. I imagined that between those items, the short dress without undergarments and a little alcohol, that she'd be ready for most anything.

Per my promise, I texted Caroline on and off throughout the day, reminding her of how much fun she was going to have without revealing too many details. My trip to the sex shop was inspiring. I saw so many things that gave me even more ideas for Caroline and Angela. I'd brought in my nipple clamp set, and the owner helped me design exactly what I wanted while showing me how to easily adjust the lengths for Caroline's comfort. He also gave me some single-serving lube packets that I could keep in my pocket in case she needed a little extra for her back door.

"I'm leaving work now. I can be ready around nine if that's okay," Caroline texted.

"Do you want me to pick you up, or would you rather come here?"

"Honestly, I'd rather come there so that no one sees me in my dress. Is it alright if I change there?"

"Of course it is! Did you model it for Angela?"

"No way! If I had, I'd never have gotten out of her house. She saw it on the hangar and slipped her hand under the dress that I'm wearing to show her appreciation as it was."

"Well then, you better get that cute little butt of yours over hear lickety-split before you can't get out at all!"

"On my way!"


I walked to John's house with my small purse and heels in one hand and my tiny excuse for a dress in the other. It was only about three blocks, and the concrete sidewalk felt good on my bare feet. The other thing that was amazing was the cool air blowing past my pantiless pussy. I'm sure if John got me in the right frame of mind, there would be more than air crossing my smooth puss tonight. I couldn't blame him at all since it was me who came on to him and loved every second so far. And although he helped things along, I knew that John would keep me from harm. His only interest was my pleasure.

He was standing at his front gate as I walked up and planted a deeply sensual kiss on me that lasted just long enough. Taking the dress, John pulled me inside and closed the door behind us.  

"So, what's the surprise for the evening?" I asked.

Jim pulled me into the bathroom and closed the door behind us. After he hung my mini-dress on the door, he relieved me of my purse, shoes, and the dress that I was wearing. I stood there staring into his eyes as his lips once again tangled with mine. Pulling back, he opened a box and pulled out a black leather collar with two silver rings attached. John snapped it onto my neck, leaving enough room to keep it from being uncomfortable. Turning back to the box, he pulled out a chain with two nipple clamps and one clit clip, all joined by the chain.

"Ummm, I've uh, never used one of those uh, clit clips before."

"Then how do you know what it is?" John queried.

"Well, I am a part-time lesbian with a very excitable and eager partner who's always showing me new toys."

"Oh, okay. So, you won't mind trying it, then?" he stated more than asked as he clipped the chain to the front ring of the collar. Letting it slip from his hands, John then grabbed the appropriate nip clip and attached it to my right one gingerly. The other was attached to the left with equal consideration. Then came the clit attachment. He spread it wide and pulled it down behind my clit, causing it to protrude more than normal. The combination had me floating until I noticed that there was still another chain in the box.

"What's that?!" I questioned rather loudly.

"It's an anal hook that will be attached to the back of the collar and will stay in you as long as you want," John explained while turning me away from him.

As I tried to comprehend having a metal hook in my ass for the evening, I felt his spread my cheeks and began to rim my delighted pucker. With nipples and clit already flying high, any words of objection escaped me. My hands found the wall for support as his oral actions were causing them to get weak. The next feeling was lube being applied with an insistent finger that repeatedly sunk into my rectum to spread more and more lubrication. With a finger still in my ass, I heard the water turned on in the sink. It seems that John wanted to warm the metal a little before sliding it into me. He always was so courteous.

The water was turned off, and suddenly, his finger was replaced with something a little wider and longer. The hot water did the trick, making it feel like another real appendage entering my colon. After a click on the collar, I felt the chain brushing back and forth across my back as the other did the same on my front. I was still leaning on the wall as my juices began to flow down my thighs. John pulled me against him to caress my chest, abdomen, and pubis softly. I came in his arms as he held me tight and nipped at my neck and ears.

With my first climax of the night ending, John pulled my mini-dress from the hangar and slipped it over me until the thin straps settled on my shoulders. Kneeling down in front of me, he lifted one of my feet and slipped on my four-inch high-heeled shoe. I automatically started to bend down to help him when I felt the chain pull on the back of my collar as the hook was pulled deeper inside.

"Oh, fuuuccckkk!" I cried at the delicious penetration.

"Yeah, between the hook and this dress, there won't be much bending over for you tonight. That is unless you want me to fuck you on the dance floor," John offered while slipping the other shoe on me.

"By the time we get there, that might be a real option," I expressed as he rose up and pulled me into his arms for a lingering kiss. "Do you have a floor-length mirror that I can see myself in?"

"No, but I thought you might ask and figured that I could take a picture with your phone so that you could see the front and back."

I grabbed my purse, pulled out my phone, and backed up to the door as John stood in the tub to get all of me in the shot. He snapped a couple before I turned sideways, and he snapped some more. Facing the door, he took a couple more before saying, "Raise your hands like you're dancing." Some more clicks happened before I turned to the other side and paused for more.

"Okay, let's go out into the kitchen and take a video of me dancing, so that I can see how much to sway my hips," I suggested while opening the bathroom door and walking to the kitchen. John followed as I started to dance, slowly at first, until the stimulation from my movements got me all riled up. Before long, I was really into it, with a dance song in my head and my juices flowing down my thighs. I danced for several minutes as John circled me to get shots from all sides. When the orgasm hit, I grabbed his sink hard as he moved in behind me quickly, pulling me into him.

After a minute or two to compose myself, I asked for my phone to review everything. John stayed behind me and watched over my shoulder while intermittently kissing my neck. The pics were pretty sedate so far. The two things that were noticeable were the thin silver chains attached to the collar. It was clear to anyone that they were attached to something. And with a little knowledge or imagination, you could figure that it was something sexual.  

Even with my arms raised, you still couldn't see the bottom of my ass, but you knew that it was millimeters away from being seen. As I lingered on those pics and enlarged them for more detail, I felt John's engorged prick pressing into my buttocks and against the hook.

"Mmmm," escaped my lips as I turned on the video.

It was only seconds into it that I got the first view of the bottom of my ass, and John pressed against me again. In the video, I stayed pretty much in one spot as John slowly circled me at varying heights. Unbeknownst to me, as I danced, he had dropped to his knees when he was in front and had a birds-eye view of my pussy. Even when he was standing, he got flashes of it as my dancing got more intense. The other thing that got more intense was the grinding that he was doing on my ass.

"If you don't stop right now, then I'm going to take you upstairs and fuck you all night!" I voiced at the brink of another peak.

Pulling back, John replied, You're not very convincing when it comes to keeping me from ravaging your sublime body. But let's go show it off a little anyway."

He spun me toward him and kissed me softly before leading me to the car. The drive was about thirty minutes to a nicer part of a town that I'd never been to. I squirmed about for the entire ride from all the stimulation coursing through my body. John couldn't help but notice and placed his hand high upon my thigh.  

"That's not helping," I muttered at the extra titillation.

"How about this?" he countered as his fingers slid up my thigh and onto my pubic mound. Before I could reply, his middle finger reached out and grazed my swollen and overly sensitive clit.

"Goooddd!" I bellowed as I slammed back into my seat while my climax exploded in a squirting, convulsing outburst.

John dropped his hand down in front of my spraying cunt to catch as much as he could while still keeping his eyes on the road. Moments later, he pulled into a gas station and parked off to the side to aid in my cleanup, or so he said.

"What a mess I've made of your car seat and dash, " I panted, still recovering from my orgasm.

"Nonsense. I love the taste and smell of your pussy nectar, so think nothing of it," John said while licking his coated hand. "In fact, why don't you turn that pretty little thing my way so I can clean you up properly."

"If I did that, then we'd never get where we're going. Because after you gave me two or three more orgasms in the car, to the delight of the voyeurs already looking our way, I'd insist that you fuck me too."

"Ah, but what fun that would be, especially for you!" John replied while handing me a towel from the back seat to dry off with while he started driving again.

We pulled up in front of a club with valet parking, and John handed them the keys as he moved to my door and aided me in getting out of the car without fully exposing myself to the bouncer. We walked inside, arm in arm, and found a cozy little booth for two adjacent to the dance area. The floor was already about half-full when we ordered a couple of drinks.

I scanned the place thoroughly to see if anyone looked familiar while doing my best to keep my dress from exposing too much. The drinks came, and we toasted to the evening before I took a big swig of my vodka-cranberry to find that it was very strong.  

"Wow, these drinks have some kick. I'll have to take it easy going forward, or everyone in this place will be seeing my bits all night."

"Isn't that what we're here for?" John reminded me as he took another sip of his.

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"Yeah, but maybe not all of them," I countered while tasting a little more of mine.

"Shall we dance?" John offered while extending his hand.  

Let me just say that sliding out of a booth with a dress that barely covers anything is a losing proposition at best. John generously stood in front of me as I did to block what most could see before it dropped back into place. I was sure that most of them knew what the leather collar and chains were for, which only caused them to stare harder.

The first song was slightly more upbeat than a slow song and could be danced to either way. John pulled me in close, opting for the slower way. He held one hand with his while the other rested on my lower back and right on top of the anal hook. At first, it seemed a coincidence, but knowing John as I had over the last week, I knew that it wasn't.

Our faces were side by side as he whispered in my ear, "Are you ready for your first climax on the dance floor? I want everyone to see the juices running down your thighs."

"You are such a naughty man," I panted as he pushed the hook back and forth and up and down. "If I didn't know... better. I'd think... someone was fuckiiinnnggg meee!" I squealed while gripping him hard around the neck and forcing my tongue into his mouth.


Caroline was on cloud nine as I held her close through her first dance floor orgasm. A few people that were directly behind Caroline had been leering at her short dress and all that was exposed. They also seemed to notice the chain from the collar that disappeared under to the top of it, too. I was sure that most had an inkling of what it attached to, but I really wanted to show them.  

"You have some admirers behind you that seem to be wondering where your chain goes."

"Are any of them taking pics?" Caroline slurred, still high from her recent acme.

"Not that I can see. None of them have their phones or anything else in their hands. Why?"

"Give them a quick flash so they can see where it goes," she told me with hesitation.

I glanced back toward them as the song was nearing its end and blurted, "Look," just loud enough for the group of five or so to hear.

I gave them a few seconds to gaze our way before I lifted Caroline's dress about halfway up her back for a few brief seconds and then pushed it back down. They all got wide-eyed at the sight of the hook buried in her sphincter, and one girl in particular moved much closer.

"What did they think?" Caroline inquired.

"Oh, they were all flabbergasted, but I think you have one girl who wants to see more."


"Yeah. In fact, she's getting very close to your other ear."

"Can I touch it?" the girl asked, just loud enough for me to hear it too.

Caroline grunted, "Yesss! But only you."


I'd just given permission to a complete stranger to touch the hook in my ass and likely much more, and I hadn't even seen her face. I was on a sexual high like I'd never experienced, and it was all thanks to John. He would be rewarded well after we left this place.

As I was lost in my carnal thoughts, the girl moved in close behind me and touched the hook through my dress. A soft moan escaped my lips as a slow song started. John had raised his arms to the top of my back while both of mine encircled his neck and shoulders. Both of her hands slipped under my dress and touched the steel hook and my ass. After following it to my pucker with one hand, the other slipped further forward to tease my slippery lips.

She pressed her body into mine, and I felt the hard nubs that were her nipples against my back. As her hands played, she asked, "Can I fuck you with it?"

"Please," I begged while standing still and spreading my legs a little.

"Tilt your head back a little, so that I can have some slack on the chain.

I was in a dream state as just the thought of what she was going to do had me dripping down my legs. Then, I felt it as she pulled the hook out as far as it would go while still hooked to my collar. My legs trembled as John held me close. He pressed his lips against mine as she began to slide back in as far as she could before bumping my tailbone.

It wasn't much of a stroke, so I told her, "Unclip the chain from my collar so that you can pull out more."

A second later, I felt the chain slide down my back as my unknown partner pulled down on the hook and out before pressing it back to the hilt. She started off slowly but knew what she was doing to me and began to speed up carefully. I was growling into John's mouth as she slipped her free hand under my dress and around the front to toy with my nipple clamps one at a time.

In my conscious mind, I knew that my ass was now visible from either side, but cared not. Between her tenderly fucking my ass, aggressively mauling my tits, and John's grinding against my pussy, I came like a gusher. I'm sure to anyone who wasn't aware of what these two were doing to me, it looked like I peed right on the dance floor.  


Caroline came so hard that she passed out while I held her up. I told the girl to put the hook back in and clip it to the collar before I carried Caroline back to our booth. I pushed her across the seat and moved in beside her as she gradually came back to life. I held up a glass of ice water for her to sip from as the fog began to lift. After a few sips and her eyes focused, Caroline kissed me. It was soft and quick as she was still in a bit of a haze.

"Where did my girl go? Is she still here?" Caroline said, just above a whisper.

"Yeah, she is. She was a bit worried that she'd overdone it at first, but I told her that you were fine. Do you want to meet her?"

"Yes, please," Caroline responded like she was asking for a second helping of mashed potatoes.

I turned to where I knew the young woman was sitting with her friends and waved her over.  

As she approached, I slid off the bench and moved to the other side of the booth.

"Hey, where are you going?" Caroline pleaded.

"What are you worried about? She's already touched all your private parts and had her way with you. Hell, she made you cum so hard that you passed out. What else could she possibly do?"

"Oh, yeah. Okay," Caroline replied rather soberly.


"Janice," my recent anal intruder and all-around sexual molester stated, with a hand extended.

I wrapped my hand in hers and pulled her to me. Janice looked to be in her mid-twenties as I scanned her face. I noticed that her dress was nearly as short as mine as I pulled her in next to me. We stared for a second before I pulled her in for a kiss. It got heated very quickly as my hand dropped to her bare thigh, and hers did on mine. Janice moved first, knowing that I'd already given her permission. Her fingers toyed with my clit clip, which sent jolts of electricity throughout my body.

As Janice fiddled with my pussy, I moved my hand to hers. She was wearing panties, but I slid them aside with ease and tickled her opening labia.

"Finger me," Janice ordered as her legs opened wider.

I slid one finger in at first and realized that she was big inside. Adding two more, I went to work on hers as she continued to play with mine. Janice was opening up even more, so I tucked my thumb and pressed in until all you could see was my wrist.

"Oh, God, yes! Fuck me with your hand!" Janice howled as I made a fist inside her and went to town. She was meeting my thrusts, flexing her hips forward and back wildly. Just before her mouth covered mine, she cried, "I'm fucking cummminnnggg!" as loud as the music.

I could feel the flush of her juices coat her insides and my hand as she continued to pulse her hips involuntarily. I loosened my fist inside her but left my hand where it was until she settled down.

"I take it you're not new to girl sex," Janice inquired while reaching down to my wrist and pumping it slowly in and out.

"No, I'm not. In fact, until a few days ago, that's all I'd had in quite a while. Now, how hard do I have to work to get you to cum again in a club full of people," I answered while ramping up the pace of my fisting.

"Not... Not long now," Janice huffed while leaning back spread-eagle, reveling in the pounding that I was giving her.

Seeing the tell-tale quivering of her thighs beginning, I leaned in close to suck face as she climaxed hard. Again, I felt her nectar coat my hand and leak out around my wrist. This time, I eased out gingerly as she was coming down. Bringing my hand to our adjoined mouths, I shared my reward with her as we each sucked a finger. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw John grinning like a fool. He knew that he'd given me so much more than I'd have ever gotten on my own and was proud of his work. At that moment, all I wanted to do was take him to bed and make love to him all night.

He must have seen it in my eyes and suggested aloud, "Hey, why don't you two girls go have a slow dance, and I'll get a couple of pictures of you together?"

"Yeah, that sounds fun," Janice agreed and slid out of the booth, pulling me with her.

I smiled back at John for all he'd done to get me here and for the wonderful night that I was having. We stopped and held each other close, about fifteen feet from John, and I watched him snap a few pictures.

"Is he taking pics?" Janice asked.

"Yes," I replied while kissing her neck.

"Lift my dress and show him my butt for a picture or two. Finger my ass a little too. That'll make a great picture!" she said excitedly.

I did as she said and raised her dress before pushing down her panties. She swayed on place as I parted her cheeks and let my ringer finger diddle her pucker. Janice moaned appreciatively in my ear as I watched the movement of her hips cause her panties to slide down her wonderfully smooth and sexy legs. When they hit her feet, she simply stepped out of them and kept up her dancing in place like it was normal to shed one's panties in public. 

"Now it's your turn to show off your ass for the camera," Janice said before pulling my face to hers for a hungry kiss.

I relinquished her ass and let her dress drop back down before we slowly started to turn as the kiss continued. I noticed that John was still focused on us and taking pictures, with a huge hard-on pressing against his pants. Once we were in place, Janice didn't hesitate to raise my dress and squeeze my buttocks for the camera. She seemed to get off on exhibiting me as much as herself. This girl would be fun, on occasion, but far too dangerous for a regular thing. Plus, she didn't strike me as a one-woman girl. I think that she loved the chase and conquest far too much.

While still moving in place, Janice began to move the hook in and out, which was quickly sending me to the brink. To keep her face in the shot, she began chewing on my shoulder as I shuddered from another climax. With my knees weakening, I said, "I gotta sit down, or I'm gonna fall down," and pulled her back toward John. Fortunately, he saw my state and grabbed me around my waist before putting me back into the booth. He backed away, giving Janice a chance to join me, and sat across from us again.

Janice kissed me tenderly before whispering, "I was going to ask if you wanted to join me in the girl's bathroom to let me try on your harness so that you could fuck my ass the way I've done yours. But I can see that there is something between you and John. It's obvious that you need him to do these things, for now anyway. I had a great time with you and would love to do it again sometime. I'd also love to have some of his pics if you'd like to share. Then she reached into her dress near her breast and pulled out a little Sharpie. Raising my dress in front, she scrawled her number just above my pussy.

After blowing on it for a few seconds, Janice kissed me once more and then walked away and vanished into the crowd. I sat there with my emotions swirling in all directions for a minute before taking another big gulp of my water and turning to John before stating, "Okay, let's get out of here," while standing up and reaching for his hand.

We walked outside and waited for a few minutes in the refreshing night air for the car to be brought to us. Once it pulled up, John opened the passenger door and helped me inside. After getting behind the wheel and pulling away, he simply asked, "Was it what you hoped for?"

Pulling my dress over my head, I started to remove my stimulative jewelry while pondering his question. With my nips and clit free, I unbuckled the collar before raising up and removing the hook. Dropping them all on the floor, I answered, "It was so much better than I thought it could be, and I love you for allowing me all this..."

"But!" John added.

"Yeah... but right now, all I want is for you to take me to your home and make love to me until we're both too tired to continue.

"Okay," he replied and drove on.

To be continued...

Written by stockingluvr
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