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Author's Notes

"Thank you for all the love on the previous stories in this series. We are genuinely grateful and humbled at your comments, ratings, and requests for more. This episode introduces new characters and dynamics to the mix while continuing the thread of finding themselves in inescapable compromising situations of their own making. <p> [ADVERT] </p>As you may have noticed, each story is written to build off of previous episodes, but can also stand alone. We recommend reading them in order for maximum enjoyment."

“How did I get here?” I asked myself, sitting alone at a back table of a popular restaurant. I was on my “lunch” break, working third shift (3:00 to 11:00 pm) as a police officer. My name is Joey Holmes. Moving from day to night shifts was the downside of my new promotion. When the opportunity was offered, I thought, “Why the hell not? I deserve the promotion. Having evenings free would just be a painful reminder of my recent breakup with Ashley.”

It was not how I planned or wanted things to happen in my life. The truth was, I had fallen hard for Ashley. I met her a year before at a softball game. We were on opposing teams; I played first base for the police department’s team. Playing in the league was a great way to get to know some of the other officers, have some fun, and meet girls. Everything changed for me when I saw Ashley step up to the plate the first time. She was a gorgeous at about 5’5,” with shoulder-length blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, fit athletic body and a smile that lit up like a diamond. I suddenly realized what it felt like to fall in love with someone at first sight. By the way, she hit the ball, I could tell she was competitive and determined to win. I watched as she ran toward me, sprinting toward first base. It was as if everything moved in slow motion.

“Nice single,” I said.

“Thanks,” she answered panting, already positioning to lead off the base, ready to run for second.

“Are you?”

“Am I what?”

“Single?” I asked.

“Wow, that’s a line,” she said, shaking her head. She paused and looked at my face, sandy brown hair and then up and down my 6’1” fit body as if assessing the opportunity.


“Maybe,” she answered.

“Talk about it over dinner, after the game?”

“We’ll see,” she said, as she took off to steal second base. She also stole my heart.

By the end of the game, she decided to take me up on my offer. We came to this restaurant. It was an instant connection. We talked and laughed for hours, before closing the place down. She invited me over to her place where things became passionate until the sun came up.

Ashley and I dated for several months. She was smart, feisty and competitive, which I loved. All of that also came to play in the bedroom, or wherever we had sex. Ashley was a seductress, priding herself on her ability to tease and please me. She had no limits on what she was willing to do or ways of being used.  I’ve never experienced anyone like her.

Then, Ashley dumped me. It was out of the blue, but I should have seen it coming. She gave some lame excuse of just needing space to find herself, but she knew I was smarter than that. As a cop, I read people well. My sharp investigative mind and natural intuition put pieces together better than most, even other cops. That’s why I was offered the promotion. My breakup with Ashley was an open and shut case. She dumped me out of loyalty to her mom, Pam.  

Ashley introduced her mom to me early on in our relationship. That should have been a clue. Ashley talked a lot about her mom. She admired her and wanted to be like her. They even worked at the same bank, although Pam was in the executive offices. In many ways, they were more like sisters than mom and daughter. I knew it was important for my first impression to go well if there was any future for the relationship. I was glad it did.

The first time I met Pam, I immediately saw where Ashley got her beauty. Pam was a MILF. My mind shouldn’t have gone there, but it did. Ashley bragged on her mom and told me I wasn’t the first of her friends to think so. I could also tell Pam secretly reveled at my irresistible glances, and the idea she was catching the looks of her daughter’s new handsome, muscular boyfriend. Like Ashley, Pam liked the attention, and almost competed for it.

Pam was only 5’2”, a few inches shorter than Ashley, and slightly more petite. Except for Pam’s brunette hair and sparkling brown eyes, the likenesses between Ashley and Pam were striking. They were similarly built with perfectly round tits, fit bodies, and asses that commanded attention. Ashley’s confident broad smile was an exact match of her mom. Pam had clearly taken care of herself, looking at least a dozen years younger than her fifty-four years. She knew it. Pam wore her favorite multi-colored halter top, secured only by two strings tied in a bow behind her neck. The top showed off the firmness of her ample naked tits beneath. Her small jean shorts and casual heels accentuated her nice ass and tan fit legs.

I couldn’t help notice Pam reciprocating the glances, not only in that first meeting, but whenever Ashley and I were with her. My observation skills are strong. Even though Pam was always dressed attractively, Ashley noticed her mom started dressing a little sexier when she knew I might be around.

Even with all her flirting, Pam thought Ashley could do better. The longer Ashley and I dated, the stronger Pam felt about it. “Have your fun with him, Ash,” she’d say, “while you’re looking for someone worthy of you to settle down with.” Pam didn’t pull punches. She had already been divorced twice and felt an obligation to pass along her unsolicited wisdom to her daughter. Ashley felt caught in the middle between her enjoyment of me and her mother’s insistence that Ashley find someone better. Ashley finally made her decision. She reasoned she could have any of a million guys out there, but she only had one mom.  Ashley wondered if anyone would be good enough for her in the eyes of her mother.

I moved the food around on my plate with my fork. I had mixed feelings about the restaurant. I liked the food and atmosphere. But it also brought back memories of the many times Ashley and I spent here on dates, including that first one, only to go home and fill the rest of the night with memorable sex. It was Ashley’s favorite place to eat. It made eating here both reminiscent and repulsive.

Suddenly, a burst of familiar laughter interrupted my melancholy quiet introspection. “Damn,” I thought to myself. I took a quick glace over my shoulder, confirming what I already knew. Ashley, Pam and Ashley’s sisters Maryah and Jordan were at a nearby table behind me. They were engrossed enough in themselves and their own conversation to notice me sitting there with my back to them.

“I just can’t believe I’m in this situation,” Ashley’s familiar voice said, cutting through the restaurant chatter. I tried not to eavesdrop, but couldn’t help it. “I can’t believe I let him beat me in that golf game.”

“It’s okay,” Pam said, trying to console her daughter. “You’ll beat him next time.”

“Who is he?” Maryah asked.

“His name is Cliff,” Ashley answered. “Katie Kingston met him at a wedding we went to.”

“Is he handsome?” Jordan asked.

I shook my head as I tried not to listen. It always goes there for them. It’s all about using men for what they want. I had already resigned myself to the fact I was just one of many they’ve used and discarded. The three girls learned it from their mom. She taught them well. They are all attractive. Pam was a master for how to use men for all their worth before throwing them away. 

“You didn’t put any money on the game, did you?” Pam asked, knowing Ashley’s confident competitiveness. Few people could beat Ashley on the golf course.

“Well, no,” Ashley said truthfully. (Ashley didn’t share that it wasn’t money at stake in the game; it was her ass. If she lost, she had no choice but to take her friend Katie’s place, offering Cliff her complete willing sexual submission, without limits. If she didn’t, the pics and video she gave would go viral, causing her to lose her job and reputation.)

“Well, good!” Pam said. “Beat his ass next time.”

I listened as the four girls gossiped and drank together like sorority sisters, getting louder with every drink. The lusty-eyed waiter made sure the drinks kept coming for the four attractive women. I cringed at the sound of incessant shallow chatter.

“Joey was handsome,” Maryah said with a laugh. “I bet he was a good fuck.”

“Shit!” I thought to myself. “They’re really not going to go there, are they?” I couldn’t resist looking over my shoulder to steal another glance. I was surprised to see Ashley blush.

“The best,” she confessed with a giggle.

Pam laughed. “Amateur. I bet there are more than a few things I could teach him.

“Mom!” Ashley shouted playfully, knowing it was probably true.

“I’m just saying,” Pam continued, emboldened by the alcohol. “Like the right way to use those handcuffs,” she teased with a wink.

The table erupted in laughter as they clinked their glasses together. The three girls looked at Pam, impressed again by their mom’s cocky sassiness.

“I’m just saying,” Pam said. “But you can do better,” she added. “Plenty of good fucks out there. That’s why I tested him, dressing and flirting like I did when he came around. He couldn’t help stealing looks and flirting back, which told me he must not have been that into you. Better you find someone who is.”

I fumed. “Bitch,” I thought to myself. “That’s entrapment.” I tried not to let her words bother me, but they did. I lost whatever appetite I had. It was time to leave. I put cash on the table and headed out to my unmarked police vehicle to finish the second half of my shift. The women were so caught up in themselves, they didn’t see me slip out. I was glad the rest of my shift was pretty uneventful, patrolling the area. In that quietness I couldn’t shake the frustration of seeing and hearing Pam and her three daughters carrying on in the restaurant. My anger boiled. I knew better than to let it get to me, but the pain of Ashley dumping me still ached. It was even worse confirming her MILF mom was the one who pulled the strings to kill their relationship. “Damn right I was a great fuck, Ashley,” I thought to myself. The truth was, she was for me too. I hated that Pam took that away from us.

A few hours later, near the end of my shift, I circled back past the restaurant on my patrol. I noticed a blue Volvo pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road, right in front of me. It looked like Pam’s car. My frustration from dinner immediately resurfaced. I realized they must have been at the restaurant for hours. I decided to follow her. The car swerved a bit on the road, but mostly stayed between the white lines. I tailed her from a safe distance so not to be seen. Her car journeyed onto a more remote section of road. That made me certain it was Pam, likely on her way home. I could feel the fire of pent up resentment, anger, and lust rise in me.

I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I reacted impulsively. It was uncharacteristic, but everything in me felt justified. “She thinks I’m not good enough?” I thought to myself. “Well, Bitch, let’s see how good I am when I arrest you for driving with an elevated blood alcohol level for that little skank body of yours.” I reached down and flipped the switch. The red and blue lights lit up the darkness of the remote road. I flipped the siren on and off quickly to add to the notification for the driver to pull over to the side of the road. She did. I knew her heart must have been pounding out of her chest. I parked behind her, turned on the side and headlight high beams and turned off the engine. The red and blue lights on top continued to flash. I stepped out of the vehicle, slipped my thick black baton in my belt and picked up my flashlight.

I approached the driver’s side window and shone my flashlight in. She lowered the window, but was blinded by the lights from seeing my face. I paused to take in the view of her tan petite body. She was wearing a tight-fitting salmon-colored tube top. It was one of her favorites that she wore a lot when I was around. She liked to wear it to show off her firm perfect tits. It was lower than I remembered seeing it from my quick glance earlier in the evening at the restaurant. It offered an ample view of the top of her cleavage and accentuated the fullness of her breasts. I had no doubt she was using what she had to try to manipulate her way out of the situation. The bottom of her short skirt was also hiked up, exposing the very bottom of her pink panties. I knew it was either from the natural positioning of the skirt when she sat down in the car or that she slid it up in a further attempt to manipulate her way out of a possible ticket. I had no doubt it was the latter.

“License and registration, please,” I said, masking my voice slightly.

She immediately reached into her purse in the passenger seat to get her wallet and reached forward to the glove box for the registration. I smiled, seeing she was rattled. Her movements also showed off more of her body. “I’m so sorry, Officer. Did I do something wrong?” she asked.

My mind flooded with all the things she had done wrong and ways she wronged me. “Yes, ma’am,” doing my best not to vent my anger on her. “Your vehicle was swerving in the road. You been drinking?”

“No,” she lied. “Well, I mean, not enough to affect me. I was out to dinner with my daughters, celebrating. We drank a little wine with dinner, you know.”

She had no idea that I did know. I knew better. I saw the rounds of mixed drinks at the table. “Wait right here, please,” I said. I walked back to my car as if to check her identification and registration. I couldn’t help but smile at seeing the anxiety intensify on her face. I purposely took my time to let Pam sit with her nerves.

I returned to the car. “Mind stepping out of the vehicle?” My words startled her. I turned my flashlight back on to blind her ability to see who I was.

“Wait, why?” she asked. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Her words were almost enraged me. “Haven’t done anything wrong?” Nothing could be further from the truth. I maintained my control. “Sobriety test, ma’am,” I answered.

“Oh god, please, officer. I just live a short distance from here. I can’t get a DUI. I’m an executive at the bank. I’ll lose my job. I’m good to drive home. I’ve driven it a thousand times. Can’t I just drive home? You can even follow me and see.”

“Step out of the vehicle, please.”

Pam dutifully opened her car door, providing a better view of her body. She turned her legs and looked up toward me with reddened puppy dog eyes. She stepped out of the car and followed me to the other side, away from the road. She pulled her skirt down as far as she could, but also pulled her top down a little, offering a better view of her cleavage. It didn’t make sense to me, except as unthinking nervous actions of someone trying to compose herself. She stood there in front of me looking vulnerable and hot.

“Pass the sobriety test and you can go home, Pam. If you don’t, I’ll take you to detox and charge you with a DUI.” I spoke in my normal voice and dropped the flashlight from her eyes to the dirt.

“Oh, fuck no!” Pam yelled. “Fuck, no, you son-of-a-bitch. It’s you, Joey. You knew it was me! You pulled me over on purpose!”

“You pulled out in front of me leaving the restaurant,” I answered calmly. I admit, I enjoyed seeing the look on her face more than I anticipated. “Your vehicle swerved in the road. I’m just doing…”

“Don’t give me that ‘I’m just doing my job’ bullshit, Joey,” she interrupted. “You son-of-a-bitch. I can’t believe you pulled me over. I can’t believe you did that to me. You scared the shit out of me.”

“That was not my intent, Ma’am,” I said, preserving my professionalism. “Now, for that sobriety test.”

“Fuck you,” she said. “I’m not taking any test or any more of this.”

“There is no reason to become belligerent, Ma’am,” I said, maintaining my cool.

“Belligerent? I’ll show you fuckin’ belligerent. You’re just mad because Ashley’s ass isn’t yours anymore. You can’t stare at mine anymore either. Only in your dreams.”

“That sobriety test?” I said, trying my best to repress my irritation. “You can cooperate or I can cuff you and take you in.”

“Yeah, you'd like that. You’d love to put me in cuffs and have your way with me like you used to with Ashley. She told me about your games. You’d never have a better fuck than me, but that’s not going to happen. I’m leaving. I don’t have to stand here and take this harassment.”

My frustration grew. “You can file a complaint with the department if you feel you feel I’m treating you unfairly.” The irony pissed me off. She’s spiraling because she thinks I’m treating her unfairly? She’s the one who stuck her nose in my relationship with Ashley, pulling the strings to unravel the magic we had. She was used to manipulating things to get her way.

“You’re a piece of shit,” she shot back. “I knew I was right when I told Ashley to dump you. Maybe I will file that report and destroy your career too. I’ll tell them you tried to assault me. It will be your word against mine. So, now that you’ve had your fun, I’m out of here.”

Pam crossed the line personally and professionally. She admitted she made Ashley dump me and she was refusing to cooperate while threatening to file a false report. I smiled and shook my head as I pointed to the faint red light on my chest.

“What?” she asked. “What’s that?” Then it registered. “Shit! Is that a body cam? It’s on? You have your body cam on?” Her face changed from a look of hostility to stunned unease. “Oh shit.”

I reached up and turned the body cam off. “Now, let’s start over, shall we?

“Oh fuck,” she said.

“I don’t see what option I have but to arrest you on a DUI and disorderly.”

“No, no, no, Joey. You can’t!”

“I can. You’ll spend the night in detox with the other drunks. Your arrest will be a matter of public record. You can be sure the bank will know first thing in the morning,” I added with a wink.

“Oh no, please!”

“Your body cam footage will also become a matter of public record. Provocative footage like this always seems to get leaked. News media love it. That would not put you in a good light now, would it, Pam? Won’t look good for the bank either. People would see the slut you really are.”

“Please, Joey, that can’t happen. There’s got to be another way,” she answered. “You can’t take me in. I can’t have a DUI. Please! There’s got to be something we can work out.” She pleaded desperately.

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“What are you offering, Pam?” I asked, turning the tables on her.

“Anything, Joey. What if I get Ashley to get back with you?”

“We both know that’s not going to happen. Once Ashley makes her mind up about something, there is no changing it. She’s as hard-headed as you.”

“Surely there is something we can work out.” Pam’s look of desperation suddenly dissipated. She blushed and offered a seductive smile. Her whole countenance changed. “I’ll do anything.”

“Are you propositioning me?” I asked.

“No. I would never do that, Officer,” she answered in a teasing seductive voice, playfully batting her eyes. “I’m just a grateful citizen willing to do anything to express my appreciation for all your public service.”

“That’s bullshit,” I said, amazed at her advance. I was surprised by how things unfolded. My plan was just to pull her over and have a little fun intimidating her. “A DUI is a serious offense,” I said. “It’s expensive, not to mention the record, job loss, insurance, and other consequences. Any way out of this is going to cost you.”

“Oh god, please, Joey. I can’t have a DUI.”

“Then there is no negotiation. You have two options. The first is I take you in now and everything becomes public.”

“No, no, Joey. That’s not an option for me. What’s my other option? I’ll do anything you want,” she answered desperately. “Anything.”

“Then option two it is Pam. You know the Starlight Motel up the road?”

“Yes, I know it,” she answered.

“I bet you do.”  

“No, I mean, I’ve driven past it and…”

“Save it,” I interrupted. “You’re going to reserve us a room and use it to work off this DUI by expressing ‘your appreciation for my public service.’ You’re going to make sure it’s the best fuck I’ve ever had or the deal is off.”

Pam gasped in disbelief.

“Or I can cuff you and take you in.”

“No, no,” she said. “Okay, okay.”

“What’s your choice?”

“I’m going to give you the best fuck of your life, guaranteed.”

“Before we go, I need to make sure that you’re not concealing any weapons. Anything that I should be aware of?”

“No, of course not,” she said, putting her hands up. “Impossible to conceal anything here.”

“You can never be too sure. Turn around and put your hands on the back of your car.”

Pam strutted to the back of her car and put her hands up on the glass. She looked over her shoulder, spread her legs and smiled as I approached.

“Eyes forward! I’m going to be thorough. You never know where a perp might be hiding something.”

I moved up behind her, reached around her body and fondled her firm and voluptuous tits. Pam moaned with pleasure. I was surprised by how much she was starting to enjoy this. I tugged her top down just barely above her nipples to maximize the exposure of her tits. They were already erect, either from the coolness of the night air, or more likely, from arousal. She pushed her ass back against me, rubbing it against my pants.

“Stand still,” I ordered.

She offered a small whine of disappointment.

I slid both hands down her body to the bottom of her tiny skirt. She moaned with pleasure. I yanked her tiny skirt up, revealing her ass.

“Mmmm,” she volunteered.

I squeezed both ass cheeks in my large muscular hands, massaging them roughly.

“Yes, yes,” she said, pushing her ass toward me. “Harder.”

“The little slut,” I thought to myself. She was used to manipulating things to get her way. I spanked her ass hard.

“Oh, yes,” she said. “Slap me again, Officer. I’ve been so bad.”

I slapped her again, reddening her cheek.

“Fuck,” she said.

“What a little slut,” I said out loud. I clutched her tender ass cheek with my right hand while working my left hand up her left leg. I moved tortuously slow until I reached the apex of her womanhood. “You little whore,” I said. “The wetness of your panties is giving you away. You’re turned on by all this.” I pulled her thong down her legs, leaving her ass and pussy fully exposed. She moaned without argument. I slid my thick black baton out of my duty belt and pressed the end at the top of her ass. She gasped as I moved it slowly down the canal between her cheeks until it arrived at her pussy. She pushed her ass out farther as if begging for it. I slid it forward between her legs, against her damp pussy.

“Oh fuck,” she said. Her knees buckled as the baton glided easily through her drenched folds. Her body quaked.

I retrieved it, pulling it through the same path against her pussy. She gasped again as her body quivered with desire from the torment. The baton glistened as I held it up in the light. “Fuck. You’re soaked. I reached the baton around her aroused body. “Suck it clean, Slut.”

Starting at the mid-point of the shaft, Pam’s tongue eagerly licked its length until her lips reached the end of the baton. The top of the shaft suddenly disappeared into her mouth. She ravenously devoured it until she cleaned every drop of her wetness from it. 

“Now, turn around and start begging me to fuck you,” I ordered.

“What?” she asked, surprised. “Right here? Now?”

“You heard me. Beg me to fuck you like you mean it. It’s got to be seductive and convincing. I’m going to record it on my phone. If you ever try anything, I’ll show what a slut you are, begging me to fuck you as something that took place between two consenting adults. I’m sure Ashley, the bank, and everyone else will be glad to see it too.” I held my phone up toward her. “So, show me the slut you really are, Pam. You won’t even need to act.”

I continued to hold the flashlight up to illuminate her body in the pitch-black darkness on the side of the road. “I’m starting the video in three, two, one.”

Pam’s face immediately changed even more to a seductress. It was as easy and natural as changing earrings for her.

“Hey, Baby. Please, let me fuck you. I have to have you, Joey. I want you.” Pam pulled her top all the way down. She fondled her tits as she continued. “Have your way with me. There isn’t anything I won’t do.” She continued to push her hands down her petite body. She lifted her skirt again, with one hand fingering her pussy while the other fondled her tits like a porn video. “I am so hot. Please fuck me, Baby. I need your cock now. Don’t make me wait any longer. I’ve fantasized about you.” She licked her lips. Please, Joey. My pussy is so wet. Fuck me. Take me. Use me. Make me yours. I have to have you.”

I stopped the video on my phone, amazed at how easily she became a desperate little slut. “I should make you do it again, but that will do,” I said. “What a fuckin’ skank you are.”

Pam blushed.

“Now get your ass to that motel.”

“But wait, what do I tell my husband? He’s expecting me.”

“What do I care?” I answered. “Tell him you won’t be home tonight. Tell him you are whoring your way out of a ticket. I can give a shit what you tell him. This was your idea.”

“Oh fuck,” she said.

“If you’d rather, I can cuff you and take you into the station. You can tell him to pick up your car and call a lawyer, because your DUI is about to fuck your lives up forever. And of course, I’ll be glad to share your video with him.”

“Okay, okay,” she said. “How do I get myself in these situations?”

She drove to the motel as ordered. I followed her. I parked in the poorly lit lot and watched her go into the motel office. As I waited, another car pulled up next to me. A young couple started making out in the car. The girl moved to the lap of the driver. The car rocked as they lustily devoured each other, unaware anyone was in the car next to them. The driver’s side door suddenly opened and the two toppled out. Both of them were drunk and insatiable. The girl’s top was open revealing her 34Ds. Her skirt was pulled up around her waist. His pants were open and his hard cock out.

“Fuck, Camryn, you’re such a whore. Let’s get inside where I can fuck you right,” the guy said.

“You better hurry, Chase,” she said. “I’m so horny, I’ll fuck you right here. Get the dungeon-themed room,” she said. “I have plans for you.”

They laughed as they stammered together toward the motel office, their hands all over each other.

Pam walked out of the office and looked for my car. She pointed to a room in the center of the long line of rooms and started walking toward it. I watched as she strutted toward the room, used the key and walked in. I remained in the car a few minutes to let her grow uncomfortable waiting. I thought of Ashley and what she would think if she knew I was about to fuck her mom all night. Pam toyed and teased me the whole time I dated Ashley. She even told her daughters at dinner she would love to have her way with me in the bedroom with a pair of handcuffs. She had no idea how prophetic her words would be.

I looked at the clock on the dash of my car. My shift was officially over. I got out, locked the car and walked toward Pam’s room. I walked in and locked the door behind me. There was an awkward tension that filled the room. Pam stood at the end of the king-sized bed, waiting for me like a whore.

“You’re such a little slut. I see where Ashley gets it,” I said.

Pam smiled back without saying anything. She didn’t deny it. She just looked at me lustily.

“And now, you’re competing against your own daughter. She is by far the best fuck I’ve ever had. There isn’t anything that girl won’t do. You should be proud of her. Now you guaranteed you’d be the best fuck I’ve ever had. With the things she’s done and the fucks we’ve had, that will be very hard for you to do.”

“Oh, shit,” she said. She hadn’t thought of that when she made her guarantee.

I reached down and took my handcuffs from my duty belt. “I understand you have some ideas about the right way to use these?”

“Wait! How do you know that?”

“Because I’m that good, Bitch. I’m better than you even know. I’m the best thing that ever happened to Ashley. Now it’s your turn. Time to prove yourself.”

Pam’s face showed determined seduction. I don’t know if it was her competitiveness, the opportunity to finally have me for herself, or the sheer lust of her insatiable sexual appetite. It could have been a combination of all of them, and more. She offered a smile and wink.

“You’re on, Joey,” she said. She pulled her top off, exposing her tits. Her dark erect nipples stood out in front of her. She walked toward me in a sultry way. She began unbuttoning my shirt while rising up on tiptoes to offer a kiss. “I guess I have to do whatever it takes to pay my debt to society,” she said.

I took my duty belt off as she continued to unbutton and remove my shirt. Her fingernails raked my naked muscular chest before moving her hands down my abs to begin removing my pants. I kicked off my shoes. Pam knelt down in front of me as she lowered my pants and boxers into a pile around my ankles. My already hard cock bounced up in front of her face. She looked up with her wide eyes, smiled as she licked her lips. “God, I’ve dreamed about this. It’s even bigger and more beautiful than I imagined.” Continuing to lock her eyes onto mine, she wrapped her lips around the head of my cock before making it disappear into her mouth. She filled one of her petite hands with my balls and began massaging while the other reached around to take hold of my ass, pulling me against her. She slowly slid her mouth off of me. She smiled before licking the entire length of my shaft from the bottom to the top, then took the head of my cock back into her wet warm mouth.

My knees buckled. I couldn’t deny that she was good. Her experience showed. I reached down and laced my large fingers through her hair behind her head. Saliva poured from the sides of her lips. She grabbed my ass harder, pulling me more firmly into her. Pam moaned lustily as I began fucking her mouth.

“Fuck, yes, you Slut!” I yelled. She felt so good. Her lips skillfully detained my cock while her tongue mercilessly interrogated it from the inside. She was insatiable. She pulled me over to the tall bed. She laid on her back with her head dropped over the edge.

“Don’t stop,” she pleaded.

I pushed my cock into her mouth. She moaned hungrily. Her eyes sparkled. Her agility devoured my entire length with her body laid out beautifully on the bed in front of me. I took hold of her tits and squeezed her nipples mercilessly. My cock thrust into her mouth. She gagged, but reached around and grabbed my ass, pulling me into her harder. Saliva poured from her mouth as she greedily consumed me.

“Oh fuck,” I complimented. “You fuckin’ whore.” My filthy words only encouraged her to ravish me more. Pam read my cock masterfully, bringing me to the very edge of climax before pulling off.

She turned around and pulled me onto the bed. “Fuck me, you son-of-a-bitch,” she yelled. “I have to have you in me.”

I climbed onto the bed behind her. I pushed her shoulders down with her facing away from me. Her ass was raised to me. I reached between her legs. Her pussy was soaked.

“Please Joey. Fuck me. I have to have you in me.” I pushed the head of my cock into her pussy. Pam whimpered. Her back arched. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me, damn it!”

I pushed my cock deep between the wet folds of her pussy. Her head looked up in sheer pleasure. I slowly moved out and back in again.

“Oh god, harder,” she begged. “Punish me like I deserve.”

I slapped her ass as my cock moved back into her. I grabbed her long brown hair with my left hand and pulled back.

“Fuck, yes!” she yelled. I spanked her ass with each penetration.

“Yes! Harder!”

Time passed quickly as I continued to pound her more forcefully. “Fuck, you’re insatiable, whore.”

“Oh fuck yes!” she screamed. Goose bumps began to cover her skin. Her body started to tense up. “Oh fuck, you’re going to take me. I’m so close. Harder! Faster!” she screamed. “Take me. You’re fuckin’ going to take me!”

I pulled out and stopped.

“Oh no, no, no! Oh god, please don’t stop!” Her body quaked desperately in front of me. “I am so close. I’ve dreamed of this,” she blurted.

“I bet you have, whore,” surprised again by her confession. “I’m not here for you, am I?  You’re here for me.”

I grabbed the handcuffs and my belt. To my surprise, Pam smiled.

“Mmm, do I get to put you under arrest, Officer?”

I cinched the belt around an opening in the center of the carved wooden headboard. I slapped the cuff on one of her petite wrists, wrapped the cuff through the belt and cuffed her other wrist.

“No, you’re the one being detained tonight,” I answered. “This is one of many ways I’ll teach you how to use these cuffs.”

“I’ve been very bad,” she said flirtatiously as if role-playing.

“You are such a slut,” I said.

“You don’t even know,” she teased.

My cock was rock hard seeing her bound to the bed and enjoying it. Her arms were stretched above her head, immovable in the cuffs. Her tits were helpless to my touch. I yanked her skirt off of her body and threw it across the room. Her pussy was still drenched, begging to be fucked. I moved my cock back into her. She relished me having my way with her; desiring her; using her for my wanton pleasure. I pinched her nipples and slapped her tits as my climax grew closer. Her arousal grew, being helpless beneath me. My body quaked from the pent-up orgasm. I suddenly pulled out just as a thick ribbon of cum launched from my cock, covering her face and chest. She opened her mouth. With each stroke, another stream of cum covered her. She immediately tried to lick what she could using her tongue. Cum filled her eyes, covered her face and painted her tits.

“Mmm,” she moaned. “You taste better than I dreamed,” she confessed.

I continued to paint her body white.

“Oh god, there’s so much!” she cried. “I can’t wipe my face.”

I straddled her face. “Now clean my cock.”

Pam swallowed it hungrily, lapping up every drop she could get.

“I hope that’s not all you have for me,” she said mischievously.

“Barely getting started,” I answered.

We fucked all night, with Pam insatiably surrendering every part of her body to me. She was relentless. I used her every way I wanted, leaving her filled and covered with cum. Eye makeup was smeared across her cheeks. She looked like a whore at the end of a party. My party. Time passed quickly before the sun’s morning rays streamed through the motel window, mid-morning.

I got up, showered and dressed as she slept with a satisfied smile on her cum-caked face. Her naked, used body was splayed across the bed, flaunting marks from our marathon rough sex. She was a mess. She was spent. She slept hard. I took several pictures of her before throwing a few dollars on the bed to add to her humiliation. I picked up the room key Pam left on the top of the dresser. I quietly opened the door and left without closing it or looking back.

Pam awoke a short time later from the sound of a knock at the door. “Housekeeping,” the woman’s voice announced.

Pam moaned from the center of the bed. “Oh shit,” she said, trying her best to wipe her eyes.

The housekeeping attendant saw Pam’s body spread out naked across the bed. The room smelled of sex. Pam’s body was covered with cum. Her makeup from the night before was smeared beneath the thin layer of white covering her face. Her hair was a rat’s nest. Dollar bills dotted the edge of the bottom corner of the bed.

“You have to leave,” the attendant said. “You have to leave now.”

“Oh, god. I need a shower.”

“No, no. You have to leave. We can’t have whores here. I get fired,” she said in broken English.

“Please,” Pam said, realizing she was naked on the bed.

“Time is up. Check-out time has passed. You have to leave now or I call the police.”

“No, no,” Pam pleaded. “Please. Just a quick shower.”

“You’re not supposed to be here,” the woman insisted.

“Yes, I am,” Pam insisted. “This is my room.”

“You have room key?” the attendant asked in broken English.

“Yes,” Pam said, looking around. “I mean, I had it.”

“You have to leave,” the woman repeated. “It’s past checkout time.”

“Oh fuck,” Pam said, doing her best to stand and find her clothes. She quickly put on her top and skirt. Her panties were nowhere to be found.

“You must go,” the attendant repeated. “I get fired if they find you here.”

Pam picked up her shoes and purse and staggered toward the door. She got a glimpse of herself in the mirror. “Oh fuck,” she said. “I look like shit! I can’t go home like this,” she realized.  She knew she had no choice. Pam walked out the door and toward her car. Her hand searched desperately in her purse for the car keys as she stammered into the blinding sunlight.

“Fuck, Camryn! Look at that whore,” she heard the man say as the young couple walked toward her. “Someone got their money’s worth from that hooker last night.”

Camryn laughed. “Almost as much as you got from me last night.”

Pam tried to hide her face. Her cheeks tightened from embarrassment. It was impossible to see her blush from the layers of blotched mascara and cum. “How the hell do I get myself in these situations,” she groused to herself in complete humiliation.

Written by cliff_edger
Contributing Authors
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