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Author's Notes

"Thank you for all the love for the stories in this series. We appreciate your encouragement, comments and ratings! This is the 11th episode in the series. While we recommend reading them in order, each episode is written to be read on its own. All main characters are real people, including their names and details about them. <p> [ADVERT] </p>We hope that adds to the fun! The concept for this episode originated from the delicious imagination of my awesome collaborator Koo. She is amazing. Let her know!"

“Welcome, handsome,” I said, strolling up to the table for two. “My name is Alyssa. What can I start you off with?” The gentleman sat down less than thirty seconds before, at the high-end bar inside the upscale downtown restaurant where I work.

“Thanks,” he said, without more than a glance. His eyes were fixed on the doors to the bar.

“Will someone be joining you?” I asked, half hoping his response would be no.

“Yes,” he answered, sitting back in his chair, this time drinking in a longer look.

His eyes gave the familiar look, first to my face, then down my body. I’m not surprised or even bothered by it. As a bartender, I dress for tips. Tonight, it was one of my favorite black, long sleeve, leotard tops, open in front all the way down my cleavage to almost my navel. Strings crisscross the front, allowing me to get away with it at the upscale restaurant. I matched it with my tight, olive, thigh-length, leather skirt, accented with black zippers and my knee-high black boots. The top stretches tightly across my fit body. I love how it shows off my impressive tits, teasing beneath the crisscrossing strings. I know my assets and I use them to my advantage.

His glance returned to my face. He was doing his best to resist another look down my body again. I smiled, flinging my long, raven hair over my shoulder, keeping my wide eyes on his. “Anything I can give you while you wait?” Subtle suggestive language also works well to seduce tips from customers.

He glanced at my body again, considering his options. “Ah, yeah,” he answered. “Give me a Vieux Carré.”

I smiled silently.

“You know that that is, right?” he asked, with a cocky tone.

“Absolutely,” I answered. “No one makes them better, although it’s been a while since anyone has ordered one. Preference on the whiskey?”

“I’m impressed. Give me your best.”

“Would you like a lemon twist garnish or a cherry?”

“Cherry,” he answered, enjoying the continuing, flirtatious wordplay, before looking again toward the door.

“Yes, sir. Open a tab?”

“Sure,” he said, handing me his credit card.

I returned a few minutes later with his drink and credit card. “Here you go Mark,” I said, capturing his name from the card. The chair next to him was still empty. His focus was still on the door.

“Guaranteed, best you’ve ever had,” I boasted as I set the drink down.

He looked up into my face again, reciprocating my smile. “The drink?”

“Anything I serve,” I answered, continuing the tease. “Can I get something started for your date?” My experience taught me how to ask questions, to get more information about them.

“I don’t know what they like,” he confessed.


“It was a spontaneous Tinder date,” he added, in a confident tone, volunteering the explanation.

“They usually are,” I answered with a wink.

He tapped his long fingers on the table. “You haven’t seen a blonde sitting around here, have you? Her name is Katie.”

Damn, I thought. I wondered if he was waiting for my friend, Katie Kingston. She likes to meet dates here. “Well, if it's the Katie I know, she doesn’t stand dates up.”

“You know her?”

“It might be her. She’s blond and beautiful. She attracts quality guys, but,“ adding under her breath, “never gets what she could out of them, like I do.”

“I have a thing about being on time,” he said firmly.

“Well, I’m sure she’ll be here soon,” I offered with a glance at the clock. It was ten after seven on a Friday evening.

I served my other guests, keeping an eye on the lone patron, and his glass. I approached just as he emptied it. Twenty minutes had passed. “Can I get you another?”

“Yeah, sure,” he said, his voice showing signs of frustration.

“She still coming?” I asked.

“I’m sure,” he said, clearly not used to being stood up. “I’ve been trying to reach her through the app, but she’s not responding. She must be in her car on her way here.”

I’ve seen it many times. As a bartender, I’ve learned to read people well. Their nonverbal tells often say more than their words. His finger tapping on the table intensified as time passed. His face and neck reddened with each passing minute. His glances back and forth from the shiny watch on his wrist to the door became more frequent.

“I’m sure,” I lied, especially if it was Katie. She’s always on time. “One Vieux Carré coming right up.” I smiled as I walked away, spying his glance lingering on my ass, in the mirror on the opposite wall.

I continued to serve other customers, working the bar and room to keep the tips coming. I’m good at my job.

“There she is!” a familiar male voice called from behind me.

“Well, Officer Joey,” I said, turning toward the voice. “What brings you in tonight?” I asked. I love to see a man in uniform, especially one as muscular as him. Unfortunately, it also meant he was working.

“Patrolling the area and on my break. This is better than a donut shop. Thought I would stop by to see if there was anyone misbehaving that needed to be cuffed and detained.”

I chuckled. “I’ve been very bad, Officer,” I toyed, putting my wrists out as if surrendering.

“Yes, you have. You deserve a stiff sentence.” His statement was playful code.

“Yes, guilty as charged, Officer,” I answered.

I have a few regulars who get special non-menu bar services for a price. I make it worthwhile for them, and they make it worthwhile for me. I looked around the room. Drinks were all topped off, including Mark, still sitting alone, licking his wounds. “Am I under arrest?”

“Yes, you are, Bitch,” he said. “I don’t have much time.”

I took Joey’s hand and led him around the bar and through the small door leading to the back room. I boldly ran my hand across the front of his pants. “Damn, do you have a license to carry that?” I asked, playfully, looking into his blue eyes. My other hand ran through his sandy brown hair.

“More than just carry it,” he answered.

I took hold of the zipper with my fingers and pulled it down. My hand pushed inside, immediately finding his semi-soft cock. I dropped to my knees as I freed the cock from the restraint of the officer’s pants. “Mmmm,” I said genuinely, glad to see the familiar cock, already growing in my hand. I licked his head as my eyes opened wide to look up at him.

“Fuck, yes,” he said approvingly.

I swallowed his cock, purposefully moistening its length with my sloppy blowjob. After a few passes, I pulled off. Both my hands massaged the lubricated shaft, twisting both directions as they moved up and down his length.

“Oh fuck,” he repeated.

I lowered my thick lips again over his head again. Precum already began to flavor his cock. My tongue licked it up as my lips descended again down his length. My pace quickened as I consumed him with a determined thirst. Nobody gives better head. Nobody. My hardening nipples betrayed my arousal, further stretching the thin leotard fabric of my top. I love cock.

Joey’s knees buckled from the growing climax. “Oh fuck!” he yelled, forgetting discretion, let alone risking charges of public indecency and lewd behavior. My oral skills were worth the risk.

I continued to masterfully suck his cock. I looked around, hoping our activity was still undetected. Most in the bar area were lost in their own conversations, oblivious to their bartender servicing Officer Joey. Except for Mark. I could only get a glimpse of him from my vantage point on my knees, but he appeared to be looking in our direction. His face was red.

“Swallow every drop,” Joey demanded, breaking my distraction of Mark watching us. “Don’t you dare get a drop on my uniform." 

Joey’s cock thickened in my mouth. My eyes widened in anticipation. I reached around his body, grabbing his ass with both hands, pulling him toward me. I looked up into his eyes.  My oral skills were taking him to another world.

“Fuck!” he screamed.

Warm cum suddenly sprayed the back of my parched throat. I gagged before sealing my thick lips tightly around his shaft. His cock pulsed as wave after wave of cum filled my mouth and coated my gullet. My skilled tongue circled his shaft, coaxing every drop from him.

“Fuck!” he said again, lost in a dizzying nirvana.

I softened my licks, while slowly pulling off of him. I savored the last remaining beads of nectar from his head, before licking my lips, ensuring the capture of every drop.

I stood up with a devilish, proud smile of satisfaction. It’s not lost on me how good I am. It would take the rest of his shift to recover. I put my hand out. “Well Officer, I hope I’ve paid my debt to society for being such a bad girl.”

Joey’s eyes sharpened again. He zipped up his pants. “You have, for now,” he said, satisfied. He slipped one hand into his uniform pants pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. He pushed it down my cleavage, through the laced front of my top, instead of into my hand. He deposited the cash and walked away without another word. None was needed. 

I looked around the bar and tables, assessing what empty glasses needed to be refreshed. After three drinks and waiting an hour, Mark moved to the bar in defeat. I could read the frustration on his face.

“She not make it?” I asked, feigning shared disappointment.

“The bitch ghosted me,” he answered, looking around for potential prey.

“That sucks. How about another drink?” I said, seizing the opportunity to elevate the tip.

He agreed and began to work the room, hitting on girls and buying drinks. “My name is Mark. Mark Maculiff,” he’d usually start with, rather than some pickup line. He had an assertive, magnetic personality, who clearly liked being the center of attention and life of the party. As a bartender, I could read he was used to having girls respond to him. He harnessed his good looks and charm, accented by his bald head, strong neck, and athletic, 6’0” build. He was fit, but not jacked as if going to the gym was all he did. His charm was an ease of talking with complete strangers as if they were long, lost friends. As the hours went on, he flaunted his money, buying rounds to attract more attention – and hopefully women. He focused most of his attention on the girls at the bar. It didn’t matter if they were with someone or not. It made it easier for me to listen in. He was determined.

I noticed his Rolex beneath his custom, tailored sport coat. He bragged to several women that he was in town, closing a big real estate deal. He was a developer, primarily of upscale, urban condos and townhouses. He talked about his travels, his Maserati, and his inability to decide which of his three homes he liked best. He dressed to impress, including his high-end sport coat, slacks, and thick leather belt. He loved to talk about himself, certain he would impress someone enough to bed them.

The more I observed and heard, the more I saw opportunity. One unspoken perk for me as an attractive bartender is meeting men like him. He was wealthy, handsome, cocky and…alone. The perk isn’t just meeting men like this, but leveraging my assets to exploit them. I can play them like a violin. I let them think they are in control, while I use them to get what I want.

As the clock approached midnight, the crowds thinned. Only a few couples remained, intimately isolated at their own tables. One heavyset woman in her late 60s named Delores remained alone at one end of the bar, drunk enough to wonder if Mark might consider her. Mark made a point to take up his position at the other end, distancing himself from any of her hopes. He instead turned his attention to me.

I had begun to tease him hours before, seizing the possibilities, while feigning disinterest. Subtly is the lost art of seduction. Getting all I want never comes by giving what they want too easily. Nobody’s better at making men think they’re in control rather than the other way around. 

At this hour, couples at tables with full glasses want to be left alone. My choice was to small talk with Delores at one end of the bar or take my subtle seduction with Mark to the next level.

“So, how is it that such a handsome, eligible guy is still all alone on a Friday night?” I asked. My question intentionally poked his frustration while pretending a compliment. I could tell he was used to having things go according to his plan. He was a classic alpha male.

“I’m picky,” he lied. The frustration of the night showed on his face and edged his tone.

“I see,” I said in a sarcastic tone that poked his pride harder. “So, what do you like in girls you date?”

“Sexy. Attractive. Like to have fun. Put out.” He rattled off his list, more like ordering a car than describing qualities he likes in a relationship with someone. His words were brash and unapologetic. “And who show up when they say they’re going to,” he added with another glance at the door.

“A man who knows what he wants,” I said, teasingly.

“No apologies,” he said. “Women like a man who knows what he wants.”

I playfully looked around the almost-empty room, and then back at him. “I guess they do,” I answered with another sarcastic jab.

“I can tell you like strong men who take charge,” he asserted. “You like giving them what they want.”

“So, you can read people now?” I asked.

“Like a book,” he shot back. “I’m observant, and I’m right, aren’t I?”

“Depends,” I answered, to bait him.

“Oh yeah, on what?”

“If he’s worth it,” I answered without hesitating. “Or at least if he makes it worthwhile. Men are men. It’s what they have to offer that sets them apart, for me. There are a lot of pretenders out there.”

He smiled devilishly. I could tell the wheels in his mind were beginning to spin. He realized I wasn’t going to give anything away. My words poked his arrogance.

“So, what makes you so valuable?” he asked, attempting to turn the tables. His tone turned more sparring, yet dripping with charm.

“Let’s just say, men get very generous when they realize what I am capable of.”

“Is that true,” he said more as a statement than a question.

“Not to boast,” I lied. Men like him are used to getting what they want, when they want it and how they want. He came to the bar with expectations for how his night was going to go. I was now his last option. I had him by the balls. “But most don’t have what it takes,” I added.

“So, you’re looking for a Sugar Daddy?”

Before I answered, another guy walked into the bar, and stood next to Delores. Without answering, I walked over and waited on him. Ignoring Mark, I served the new customer a drink and the one he bought for Delores.  I returned to Mark. The conversation moved easily from topic to topic, from the superficial to personal issues, finances, and sex. I shared my lease was ending at the end of the month and was looking for a new place.

He intensified his bold charm, certain he had an answer for everything. He boasted of his properties around the world. He ridiculed real estate investors who poured everything into commercial office space, saying, “I saw its decline coming miles away with the advancements in technology. No, the real money is in residential, now more than ever.”

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By one-thirty, the bar emptied. Even Delores left with the new customer after one drink. It wasn’t lost on Mark that Delores was going to get some tonight, and he might not. My seduction moved to a new level in the solitude of the empty bar.

“So, you’re that good?” he asked.

“Truthfully, most men can’t handle me,” I boasted, as a challenge to his ego. “They’re too vanilla,” I added. I purposely ran my index finger down the center of my cleavage, strumming the crisscrossing strings teasingly like a guitar.

“Is that right?” he asked, taking the bait.

“Yeah. I mean, it makes it memorable for them, but less for me when I have to take charge.” My words and tone boldly baited his arrogance.

“Not me,” he asserted. “You’ve never had someone like me.”

“Yeah,” I chided. “If I had a grand for every guy who’s said that before,” pretending disinterest.

“I’m not fucking around.”

“What makes you different?”

“I can set you up.”

“What are you suggesting?” I asked, beginning to reel in my prey.

“I can make it worthwhile. I take care of you, if you take care of me, when I’m in town or call,” he said assertively.

“You want to be my Sugar Daddy?” I answered, letting him think it was his idea.

“Call it what you want,” he said. 

“You can’t afford me,” I answered.

“You said you’re looking for a new place,” he answered. “I’ve got a brand new, upscale penthouse complex opening up. I can set you up on the top floor, fully furnished. Nicer than anything you’ve ever seen.”

“I’ve seen a lot of nice places.”

“Not like this.”

“For free?”

“No money,” he answered, suggesting there would be a price, but it wouldn’t be paid with money. “Utilities, HOA, everything.”

I paused, surprised at his offer. If he offered that so quickly, I wondered what else he might do. “That’s not a bad start,” I replied.

“That’s fuckin’ generous,” he said, showing some of his pent-up frustration.

I smiled, enjoying the fact that he was easier and more desperate than I realized. I’ve become good at using men and getting what I want. Some might call it manipulation; I call it negotiation. Value is determined by what someone’s willing to pay. Why settle or sell myself short.? Is that using them? Maybe. I’m not forcing them to do anything they don’t want. Why would I decline when I’m fucking worth it?

“Well to live there, I would have expenses,” I pushed.

“Of course,” he said. “I wouldn’t expect you to live there with what you make here,” he added, condescendingly. “Five thousand a month.”

“Eight,” I shot back, surprised he offered as high as five. I knew if that’s where he started with his offer, it wouldn’t be where he would finish.

“Seven,” he countered.

“Interesting,” I said. “Is that all I’m worth?”

“I don’t know yet,” he said. “How about we see how tonight goes?” he asserted, suggesting the possibility of more.

“Hmmm,” I said, noncommittally. “I’m worth more than seven,” not backing down. “And I’ll need a car.”

“Damn,” he said, looking down at my body again, as if to assess value. “We’ll see. If you prove yourself, I have a Lexus here. When I’m not in town, it’s yours. When I am in town, you and the car are completely mine.”

I smiled approvingly. “I think we might be getting closer to working something out,” I answered, teasingly, running my index finger down the center of his chest. I’ve learned there is a great irony with men like Mark. They act like they are in control, always getting their way. That’s especially true with their women. But, at least with me, they are not the ones who hold the cards. I can let him think he’s in charge, while skillfully manipulating his every string like a puppet. He might use me for his desires. I will more than satisfy. It will cost him. Rather than him owning me, I will own him. I couldn’t believe how easy this was.

“We’ll see. You seeing anyone?”

“Yeah, a little,” I confessed, unwilling to expose the whole truth of our recent engagement.

“What’s he do?”

“Car salesman.”

“That’s cute,” he said. “I could buy the whole fuckin’ dealership. How would our arrangement work with him?”

“I just tell him I have to work. It’s not like he owns me,” I added, in a tone laced with irony. “So, your hotel?”

“Not yet,” he answered. “You’ll have to prove yourself before I bring you into my world.”

Such a prick.

“There’s a motel I saw down the street,” he said.

“The Starlight,” I answered. “I know it.”

“I bet you do,” he shot back. He dropped three $1,000 bills on the counter. His tab was just over a thousand, leaving the rest to me. “Meet me there, prove yourself, and we’ll finalize terms in the morning.”

“I’ll see you there,” I said, hiding my excitement. Mark played right into my hand. For such a high-powered mogul, he was putty in my hand. The penthouse, money, and car were only the beginning of what I would take from him.

“Don’t leave me waiting,” he said as he walked out of the bar.

I closed down at 2:00 am and grabbed my purse. I stopped in front of the mirror and smiled at myself. Nothing makes me horny like using men and getting what I want. I was already up two-grand. By the end of the night, it would be much more. He wouldn’t be my first Sugar Daddy, but he looked to be my most lucrative. Most think they’re hot shit, but in reality, are just neophytes needing a pretty face to stroke their egos and cock. I’ll be his little toy, while taking him for everything he has.

My phone buzzed as I pulled into the familiar parking lot. The screen lit up with “Room 5.” I stepped out of the car and walked across the dimly lit parking lot, feeling like a whore strutting toward the motel room door. Whores give it away, I thought to myself. I’m a fucking goddess.

I knocked on the hollow door. It pushed open. The cheap simple décor reminded me what a dive this place was. I closed the door behind me and locked it. Mark stood there, with his jacket off. The top two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. He had a scotch in his hand.

“Scotch?” he asked, holding his glass up.

“Sure,” I said. “If that’s what you want.” I looked over at the table by the door. Five one-thousand dollar bills were spread out.

“You stay, you belong to me,” he said, without emotion. “No limits.” He took another sip of his scotch, allowing his words to sink in. “If you prove yourself, you get the penthouse beginning the first of the month, the car and allowance of no less than seven a month. There might be more based on your performance. What’s on the table, is a signing bonus.”

“It’ll be more, and worth it,” I answered.

“You can fuckin’ leave any time. No one is keeping you here. You can walk out the door and away from the penthouse, car, allowance and the money on the table. You stay, your ass is mine. Period. Simple as that.”

“Simple,” I said, “and a bargain for you.”

“We’ll see,” he answered.

I leaned toward him, to offer a kiss.

He pulled back. “Fuck no,” he said. “I saw you whore yourself at the bar. I’m not going to taste another man’s cum.”

His large hand immediately reached up and took my long raven hair between his fingers, forcefully pulling me down, signaling me to drop to my knees.

My knees hit the ground hard. My face was only inches from the front of his slacks. It was easy to see the shape of his large cock growing beneath.

“Undress me, bitch,” he ordered.

I reached my hands up to the front of his slacks

“What do you say?” he asked.

“Yes,” I answered.

“Yes, what?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir,” I answered.

I opened his pants and lowered them down his legs. I pulled his shoes off, then his pants. His thick, ten-and-a-half-inch cock raised in front of my face. Oh fuck, I thought. Look at that cock!

“Suck it,” he ordered.

I opened my full lips and welcomed the head of his cock home for what would be the first of the best cock-sucking he had ever experienced. I trapped the head with my lips, while my tongue swirled around it. His moan only encouraged me.

He suddenly took my hair in both hands and began to fuck my face roughly. He forcefully pushed his cock into my mouth, stopped only by his bulbous head hitting the back of my throat.

I gagged. I reached up and took hold of his thick, muscular legs with both hands, like poles to steady myself. I dug my fingernails into his flesh. My face slammed against his body with each thrust of his cock into my warm, moist mouth. Nobody is better at a rough face-fuck than me.

My eyes glanced up into his. There was an intensity to the look on his face. Every thrust was a response to his pent-up sexual frustration. It made me wonder how long it had been since his last fuck. It didn’t matter. Tonight, I was becoming his fuck toy, to be used however he wanted.

“Suck me, you whore,” he demanded, filling my mouth again and again with his flesh.

Talking like that only aroused me more. He refused to slow. Slobber poured from my mouth, dripping in long, thick strands down to my tits. I could feel his cock thicken in my mouth, tipping me off to the certain, imminent eruption.

I gagged again from the sheer force of him fucking my face. The more intense his approaching climax became, the more forcefully he fucked. He refused to slow. Fuck, I thought, what have I gotten myself into? I knew I could try to push away, but there was so much now at stake.

“Aaugh!” he suddenly screamed as my mouth filled with his warm thick cum.

I pulled my head back with all my strength to try to catch a breath and keep from drowning in his cum. The second I pulled off, a thick load of cum blanketed my face.

He immediately forced his cock back between my lips and down my throat. Waves of cum poured into my mouth. Some flooded down my throat. Some escaped the edges of my mouth, causing thick strands of cum to hang down the front of my body. I had never experienced so much cum from one load, which was saying something.

Mark pulled me up by my hair. I immediately stood. My face was white with thick cum. I gasped for air, trying to get it past the cum coating my throat. My cleavage and top were painted white.

He reached up and grabbed the crisscrossing laces of my top. With a strong yank he tore the thin leotard fabric from the ties, leaving little of the top left on my body. The laces wrapped around his fingers.

“Take your skirt off, before I rip it off” he demanded.

I wondered what I got myself into. I glanced at the money on the table. My mind imagined the elegant penthouse, the car, and windfall of money filling my bank account. If he liked it rough, I wouldn’t disappoint him. I unbuttoned my skirt and let it fall to the ground, leaving me only in my black thong and boots. My large, round tits stood firmly. My aroused nipples reached out toward him.

He pushed me toward the bed, bending me over the well-used mattress. My legs remained straight, raising my ass high. Swat!

I winced but was secretly aroused by the spank. I could feel my pussy begin to moisten.

Swat! Swat! Swat!

The stinging of my ass signaled the reddening of my ass with each spank. After every few spanks his hand intentionally aimed for between my legs, spanking my pussy. My exposed clit and growing wetness betrayed my arousal. My thick nipples tightened as large as thimbles.

“What a fuckin’ whore you are,” he said. “You like this!”

I couldn’t deny it.

I felt his torso move in against my tender ass. He pushed the center of my back down against the bed with his large hand. His cock explored the folds of my pussy before forcefully filling me.

I squealed and gasped, from both pleasure and pain. He fucked me roughly from behind. The thickness of his cock filled me, mercilessly rubbing my tender points of arousal. I gasped again. The climax grew closer with rare intensity. My breathing quickened. Each thrust of his cock from behind grew harder.

Swat!  He spanked my ass again, aiming for where it was already the most red. The feel of stinging needs heightened my arousal.

“Oh fuck!” I whimpered.


The approaching climax grew forcefully toward the pinnacle of pleasure.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” I screamed. I stretched my hands out across the bed, gripping the cheap blanket with my fingers. My fists closed, taking hold of it with each hand, trying to steady myself for what felt like a thunderous, glorious orgasm.

Mark moaned behind me, letting me know his own next orgasm was also close. I knew every climax I milked from him would be rewarded. I rolled my ass, masterfully fucking that beautiful cock of his. The reality of that only intensified my own imminent arousal.

My climax quickly approached the point of no return. He knew what he was doing. He read my body perfectly. My back arched with the certainty of overwhelming pleasure. My body tensed, ready for it to wash over me. “Yes, yes, yes!” I screamed. “Oh fuck, I’m going to cum!”

Mark suddenly pulled out.

“Oh no! No! No! Don’t stop! I’m going to cum!”

He laughed out loud. “You’re my fuck-toy, I’m not yours, bitch.”

Even the way he talked to me, teased my arousal. I gasped in desperation. My body quivered with desire. “Oh please!”

Smack! Smack!

My ass rocked up and down, from the spanks, but also hung on the edge of intense climax.

He pushed me onto the bed, face down into the pillows. He used the ties from my former top to secure my wrists to the top corners of the bed.

“Fuck me! Please fuck me!” I begged.

He moved in behind me on the bed. His cock moved back and forth between the swollen folds of my moist pussy.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I pleaded. “Fuck me, you son-of-a-bitch.”

I felt the leather of his belt around my neck, like a collar. He pulled back on it, forcing my head up in submission. His cock glided back through my folds before ascending up to my ass. The hard tip of his bulbous cock pressed against the opening.

I waited in suspense. I had never met anyone like him. I was used to being in control, especially in the bedroom. Most men are easy prey to seduce both their body and wallet. They love to boast of their conquest. But I know the truth. They have been nothing but fools, used for my own pleasure, in the bedroom and after. No one is better at taking them for all they are worth. I had perfected the art.

Somehow this felt different. My hands were literally tied. My neck leashed. My ass raised. The air in the cheap room was thick with gravitas. His pent-up sexual frustration and need for complete domination drove his every move.

I glanced over at the table again, and all it represented. I had a choice to make. I could walk away with my pride, or surrender everything. Had I finally met my match? If I stayed, the penthouse, car, and money could all be mine.  I was worth it. Everyone has a price, right? Yet, my ass would be his – completely. I would willingly serve myself up to him again and again like the endless drinks I serve at the bar. I would be nothing more than another one of his possessions to be consumed on his terms and for his pleasure.

How did I get myself in this situation? Whatever I did next would change everything, and reveal who I really am.

I steadied myself, as I pushed my surrendered ass back toward him as an offering. I made my decision. His cock plunged into me.

Written by cliff_edger
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