Michael Powell, known to his friends as Mickey, was a cocky self assured young man. His English teacher had said that he had a sparkle in his eye and a smile that could often defuse a situation he had got himself into. Before he had taken his final year exams he had an engineering apprenticeship all lined up at a local company. However, one month before it started it all fell through as the company was in financial trouble.
Despite his poor exam results he managed to get another engineering apprenticeship, this time though a five year technician apprenticeship. Proof that the English teacher knew this student.
As with all apprenticeships, Mickey started on the factory floor with time in all departments, from stores through to sheet metal fabrication. Mickey was quick on the uptake, but not for him to be sent to stores for a long wait, especially after he was sent for some five eighth holes. He was gone a while and when he returned the apprentice master asked him where he had been. Mickey handed over a tin which contained some one inch square plates with five eighth holes in them.
“You didn't say how many so I did fifty and thought that would be enough!”
The other advantage to the fabrication department was the close proximity to the door to the offices, through which the young office workers, mostly female, would pass through enroute to other departments. Somewhat distracting for Mickey, maybe that’s why the team lead said his sheet metal welding was of religious qualities, it was said to be very holey!!
Not before long it was time for Mickey to assist in the front office departments and join the mostly female staff. Mickey was looking forward to his time with the ladies. As of the time, the departments were mostly headed by a male member of staff with his immediate male support staff and female secretary. Then the female juniors who did the filing and chasing of orders.
It was here Mickey first set eyes on Mrs. Tracey Young, the secretary to the Purchasing Manager. Mickey hadn’t seen this lady before and thought she was new. When he was taken round to be introduced he asked if she had only just started.
He was a bit taken back when she replied it was nearly three years with the company. Mickey particularly liked Tracey’s legs when she walked past his desk. Although he liked her he only really flirted with the younger ladies in the office and hardly spoke with Tracey, out of my league he thought.
To break the ice with the younger members of staff he used something he learnt from school maths lesson where he asked them to multiply by one hundred the number of the month in which they were born.
Add the day of the month in which they were born.
Multiply by two.
Add eight.
Multiply by five.
Add four.
Multiply by ten.
Add four.
Add your age.
This would give them a five or six digit number, which he deftly and easily reached a figure that enabled him to surprise them by knowing their age and birthday. They all asked how it was done but hoping to use it at a later date in other departments Mickey was tight lipped.
Tracey had watched the goings on from her vantage point at the back of the office. Although not asked, she had written her five digit answer on a scrap of paper.
The office was quite empty when Mickey recognised the footsteps of Tracey coming down the aisle. As usual he kept his head down to wait for Tracey to pass and then watch her gorgeous ass leave the office. However, the footsteps stopped at his desk, he looked up as Tracey slid the piece of paper across his desk. Mickey looked at it and told Tracey he was excited to see her thirtieth birthday was early next year.
Tracey like the others was surprised how quick a number that was nothing like the normal date of birth figure could be so accurate so quickly. As with the others Mickey wouldn’t tell her, but just watched her ass leave the office, although this time he was sure there was an extra sway to it, something he liked very much.
A short time later, he was filing a document in a cabinet when Tracey returned and she approached him to again ask how he knew it so quick. Again he told her that’s for me to know and you to find out. But she persisted to ask as Mickey sat down at his desk, Tracey leaned on the front of his desk.
Her blouse fell forward offering Mickey a glimpse of her very pert breasts in a simple plain bra. Tracey noticed where he was looking blushed and quickly stood up. Mickey looked round and told Tracey there may be an option to let her in on his secret. When asked how, he told her that he wanted to know if she was wearing stockings or tights. Tracey was not impressed and walked quickly back to her desk.
It was normal for the purchase orders to be typed up from hand written forms by the younger ladies. One day Marcia was off sick so Tracey helped out by typing up a few orders, one of which was Mickey’s. Tracey called him over to ask what the quantity of the order was because it wasn’t clear. As he got to her desk, she was pointing at the form which meant he had to go around to her side to read it.
At this point Tracey pushed her chair back slightly away from the desk. When Mickey looked down he could see that Tracey’s wrap round skirt had fallen open to reveal a fine pair of legs encased in stockings with the suspender belt in full view, now he knew. Tracey didn’t cover them up just asked Mickey what was the quantity again.
Mickey returned to his desk, but when summoned a little later he quickly answered Tracey’s call. This time the skirt was further open revealing Tracey’s M&S white cotton knickers. However, Tracey kept asking questions which only made him start to get aroused.
Tracey knew what was happening as this was all on her eyelevel as Mickey was over six foot tall and to be honest she was getting a little excited as well. Tingles were spreading through her and as she could see the effect she was having on this young man ten years her junior. To help him enjoy the view longer Mickey reached across the desk and grabbed a pencil and paper and wrote the answer to his maths problem on it and passed it to Tracey. Thank you she said and slipped it in her handbag. Mickey carefully adjusted himself and made his way back to his desk.
Tracey continued to type some of Mickey’s orders and always had trouble reading his writing. One day the knickers were lacy rather than plain cotton. On this occasion Mickey dropped her pen into her lap and as she picked it up rubbed herself a couple of times through the gusset as Mickey watched. When given it back to him she brushed her hand across his growing erection. Mickey’s brain was working overtime what will be next he thought?
To Be Continued