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Taking Things Into My Own Hand

"My ongoing love of masturbation provides a pleasurable, "always there" outlet for my sexual needs"

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Author's Notes

"This third chapter in my ongoing periodic memoir of my sexual explorations explores my oldest sexual activity, the one which bridges all of the others."

My affair over, my sex life returned to normal: a few times per month a quick fuck (split-level house put the bedrooms close together, my son would be up late, and my wife was “intimidated” by the kids’ presence). Jerking off became a much more common occurrence. I would jerk off at the office (I was always the first on the scene and a few minutes of DVD porn, later Internet porn, with my pants around my ankles, cock in my hand) and on frequent business trips.

There was nothing unique to my masturbatory technique. I never used lube (still do not, except soap in the shower). I am right-handed and that is the hand which gets me off. I will use the left to play with my balls or, if reading a magazine, hold it and turn pages or click the mouse on another web page.

I will vary the stroking pace, using slow strokes to build. Edging was a concept I did not know by name when I got heavily into masturbation, but I often stroked slowly, building up anticipation and exploding when I finally let go. Early edging. I have gone more than an hour (nothing when compared to the times I have read edgers can achieve) before exploding (which is the sensation I experience when I cum after the long tease, not necessarily referring to the quantity of semen).

I do love to masturbate and have since my discovery of this fantastic activity. I wish I could remember the first times – the circumstances, the locations. Must have been in my bedroom, using some of the academic books like The Naked Ape I had discovered in the house and at the library which described sex clinically and scientifically.

Regardless how often I fuck, I love to jerk off and always have, even when I was having the affair with my co-worker (so even while I was fucking two women on a very regular basis, I couldn't resist masturbating).

Porn, memories/mental images (can’t watch anything while taking a shower except the “video” in my brain), reading, conversations, “performing” for my partner of the moment (whether or not she is also playing with herself, though if she is, it is a plus) all work as stimuli for me.

The pandemic made jerking off difficult at times. I did not want my wife to feel she was neglecting my “needs” (her word describing why she fucks me when she is not in the mood – though she quickly gets into it while playing with her clit in preparation. Now we fuck between two and four times per week, sometimes more, depending upon what else is happening in our lives.).

I came in the shower more often during the pandemic than in the previous twenty-five years (virtually all the previous times with the water streaming down were either in my partner’s mouth or pussy; we did not fuck in the shower that often, but when we did, it was special). As I have said, I have still got the fertile imagination I had once, especially where sex is concerned, and I can conjure up images to get me hard and help get me off.

I love jerking off for my partner and occasionally I will do it with my wife watching (like this morning). And when I do, she plays with her tits and pussy and drives me crazy! (I am so hard right now).

I jerk off at least once a day and when I can, at least twice (morning and night). If we did not fuck before I left for work (not possible for a number of years due to scheduling and timing), I went right at it in my office.

Traveling alone on business always meant great masturbation sessions. In the beginning of my work life, before the Internet, it was magazines like Penthouse, Penthouse Forum, Penthouse Letters, some hardcore porn (magazines filled with photos from porn videos with the likes of Seka and Annette Haven) I had found in an old-magazine store and some erotic novels providing the impetus. (I did not resort to hotel-television porn; the softcore stuff just was not worth the money or a movie charge on my bill.)

Erotic (or flat-out dirty) writing has been a part of my sex life since my late teen years and remains so (books as well as magazines, now supplemented by online prose, especially stories on Lush). I especially like “true” pieces, personal revelations, remembrances, and descriptions of sexual interactions.

I also love photos of women in various stages of undress and sensual poses, as well as hardcore sexual acts – porn photos. I have collected numerous “Love” photos and videos from Lush and just cannot stop doing it. When I see a woman on Lush who intrigues me, turns me on, I “love” it and occasionally then “follow” the woman.

I also visited “gentlemen’s clubs” while on the road for business. This was the one sexual activity in which I occasionally participated as part of a group of colleagues. During one set of trade shows, a group of us would go to Cheetah’s, a club in Windsor, Ontario, across the river from Detroit. Drinks and tips for table dances was the extent of the interaction with the women but their impact on my loins was undeniable. (During one such visit to Cheetah’s, I picked up the bar tab for a group of about twelve and, because the client’s CFO was part of the group, could expense the entire amount!)

Other times I went to the clubs with one person, a close friend who had given up drinking (after issues when he was younger). Again, it was just a social evening, no sexual discussions, or activities (except, of course, for the hard cock and memories which helped fuel my masturbatory activities when alone later in my hotel room).

Then there were the times I ventured to the clubs by myself. Windsor, Dearborn, Michigan, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., central Pennsylvania, and New York – I visited clubs in all these locations. In some, I paid for lap dances, something which really could get my juices flowing.

My first lap dance occurred in the early eighties. I had a client in Tampa who was a real sexual horndog. He was single and always talking about women and sex -- he would be very out of touch in today’s “me-too” culture. Well, one of the places he always talked about was Mons Venus, an all-nude club which featured something unique at the time – lap dances. So, on a trip to visit this client I took myself to Mons Venus (alone) to check out the next step for me in my sexual exploration.

I loved it! At this point, I was just beginning to really branch out sexually. I had not started the affair discussed in an earlier chapter. My sexual interaction, except for heavy petting in high school, had been limited to a single woman.

This first lap dance was the first physical contact I had had with a naked woman other than my wife. EVER. And it made a major impression on me . . . on my shorts and on my underwear. (I cannot remember the number of dances I paid this one short brunette with a firm, round ass, full tits, and shaved pussy, but it was a couple of hundred nineteen eighties’ dollars.

Yes, she made me cum in my pants by grinding on my groin. No regrets on my part. I was lusting for more when I left the club and went back to my hotel room. I worked over my cock, cumming twice more before falling asleep.

This single visit triggered my sexual odyssey into a more proactive phase, though for a while it would still revolve around masturbation and telephone conversations while traveling.

This was my vice – this was how I would spend much of my (limited) free time while on the road. I was not going to hang out at bars or gamble; I was more intent on broadening my sexual world in a discrete, private way without endangering my public, regular life.

Traveling, when staying in a hotel alone (I get hot thinking about hotel rooms; had some incredible sexual experiences in hotel rooms) means I will be jerking off in the morning and before going to sleep – and possibly a few more times.

As mentioned, magazines provided a major help and were supplemented, then replaced, by videos when I had a laptop computer with a built-in DVD player. This allowed me to play videos from my home collection, which I eventually downloaded onto the laptop to make viewing simpler. As time went on, Internet porn helped me to fill my computer and tablet with all kinds of stimulating material, allowing me to broaden my sexual horizons.

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Lately, I am drawn to either classic porn -- porn from the seventies and eighties, when women often had pubic hair -- or amateur porn. This is the same porn I have at home and use as stimulation whenever I get the chance.

One of the major draws for me with this type of material is the “real” quality of the women. Most of the women in the porn industry forty/fifty years ago had pubic hair and were not surgically enhanced – big, small, average, they were “real” women as are many of the women in amateur videos (do not misunderstand, boob jobs can be great, just something about the natural look of the women from the classic era).

But the major change in my masturbatory activity, again primarily when I traveled (though my obsession has led me to do it at home when I can), became aural stimulation. This began before I began the affair in the eighties and found myself alone in a hotel room.

Penthouse and Penthouse Forum magazines were filled with ads for a vast variety of phone sex operations. These were mostly in the $4.99 per minute range for MILFs, girls next door, every type of partner you might want. Most were part of large phone-sex operations where the women (and men, if that was your preference) worked from scripts or orchestrated responses to the participant’s words. I balked at both the price and the concept.

Amongst the myriad of phone-sex ads were a few for amateur numbers, priced at twenty-five to sixty-nine cents per minute to talk to “like-minded women and men” (these are dating, and sex phone lines combined) looking for “intimate encounters” (the actual name of one service).

I tried one of these services. As I said, they funneled callers looking for dates, relationships, hook-ups, and intimate conversations into one large group. You generally begin by stating your name – or what you were using as your name -- and then recording a brief “ad” or “profile” introducing yourself, explaining what you are looking for on the line and trying to sell yourself to the women on the other end (and many of the services allow women to call in for free to build up inventory since men are the primary paying customers).

Next, you can select what part of the country you want the woman to be from (near, drivable, and anywhere) and then sit back and listen to the ads placed by women. Hear something you like, either send a message or request a one-on-one conversation.

Because the lines comingle women and men looking for a variety of outcomes as well as a constantly changing roster of women, each time I called was (is) a unique experience. On some occasions, I would spend hours on the phone without “hooking up” with a single woman (maybe they did not like my profile or my messages; maybe they were already in a conversation; maybe they were out for relationships or dating, not an intimate encounter), but I enjoyed many of the profiles.

I always said I was looking for erotic, adult conversation, sharing experiences, fantasies, adventures -- not necessarily phone sex (not into role-playing on the phone). Like these memoir writings and being on sites like Lush, the phone calls allowed me to interact with a real person and to discuss my most inner sexual secrets without any consequences or worries. I come to the calls and offer “non-judgmental” conversation and look for the same.

And the times I hook-up on the phone are great. I discovered as much as I love to masturbate, the intensity goes up with personal interaction, including the “partners” I find on these phone lines. Talking about sex, just like reading about it, stimulates me! Turns me on!

I look forward to these phone sessions; they make business travel palatable. I have spent hours on the phone line – sometimes exchanging messages/virtual conversation with several women, sometimes in a one-on-one session (and have switched to a true phone call to cut costs). I have gotten off to these more times than I can remember. And the overall conversations are often very pleasant.

I have talked to male/female couples, listened to them fucking and sucking; talked to two women together; talked to young women, mature women and occasionally I will get into a conversation with a male.

There are times I have spent the evening fucking, then later, alone about two in the morning, called the line. I will describe my fuck session in detail and get off again on the memory and the explanation. It was common for me to be on the phone into the early morning hours when the conversation(s) were especially hot.

I have never met any of the women off-line, in person, though two unique phone encounters stand out.

I really got into it with a woman on the phone while I was in a Monterey, California, hotel. She talked about coming to the hotel to meet and take our conversation to the next level. I stupidly told her where I was staying and she showed up in the parking lot (I looked down at her in her car – too far to make out any detail, but through the conversation, I could tell it was her).

We talked about escorts and how they operated and somehow the conversation drifted to her finding and sending a woman to my room. I paid her (not much; this was not a full-service escort situation, so I did not get to fuck her), we shed our clothes, and I used my hands, mouth, and tongue to caress her body. I played with her tits, massaged her pussy (no penetration) and she gave me an incredible hand job, working my cock with wonderful dexterity.

All the while, my mystery phone friend listened, instructed our movements, and “participated” via the speakerphone on the hotel nightstand.

After I came, I thanked my in-person helper; thanked the woman and the phone and went to bed – only to call the phone line a bit later and relive the scene with another woman – and cum again!

Then there is Carol (not her real name), a woman who lives about sixty-five miles from my home, with whom I have had many phone conversations. Carol describes herself as an older (my age – sixties) BBW married woman who loves and craves sex but does not get any from her older, out-of-shape and not-healthy husband.

Instead, she has short affairs, one-time stands and talks to men on the phone. She loves telling me of her adventures in detail (like the blowjob she gave one guy in the parking lot of a commuter bus line I know very well, knowledge which increases the intensity of the “picture” for me) and loves to hear mine (which I love telling her).

Every conversation leads to orgasms – mine always, hers usually (when her husband is asleep or not home, so she is not worried about noise or interruption). We have not met in person, but I could imagine it happening (but I am not looking for a relationship or another affair.

There have been other women with whom I have had multiple conversations and those are the best. As I said, the phone thing is a bit of an obsession. I’ve admitted it to my wife (years ago; she was not thrilled but not overly upset, either, seeing it as another version of porn to help me cum while I traveled) and my former lover (who did not understand my intensity or interest, though we did have one “successful” phone-sex session).

In addition to the travel times, when I know I will be alone at home for at least two hours, I will often jump on the line. The callers are a bit different during the day, but I have hooked up faster in the daytime (on average) – guess there are women out there who, like me, need that midday sexual relief.

I know I have multi-hour windows coming up and am looking forward to getting on my service of choice (there have been several since the eighties).

I just love to share my sexual activities and provide an interactive listening board when others want to do the same.

Written by googster
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