Once again we were recovering from a night of rousing physical activity, seated in our robes on our deck. This night had been shorter than the previous one but was equally as satisfying.
“You don’t think I was too aggressive, do you?” Rhonda asked, just before taking a sip of the special Irish coffee I had prepared to speed our recovery.
“Absolutely not, if anything, it was exciting that you knew what you wanted and went right after it. I’m amazed that you were able to take every inch this time, it seems that you are becoming accustomed to his thickness.”
She blushed slightly and said with a smile, “It was an accident, thanks to your kisses, but now I know I can take it all and, you’re right, I’m definitely accommodating that thick shaft of his much easier.”
I ran my foot up and down her leg under the table and said, “I love how you’re losing your shyness, that’s a huge turn-on.”
“Yes, I love it when we’re all naked together now. I love watching him walk around when he’s hard. His dick reminds me of a thick tree limb in a high wind, bobbing up and down.”
I took another sip of the coffee and felt the burn of the Irish whiskey as it went down before I responded, “I love that too, it’s an impressive sight.”
I noticed her robe had fallen open and her finger was lightly moving up and down her slit when she said, “I think I might try to drink all his cum next time, Would you mind?”
“I would be disappointed if you didn’t. Be prepared though, you saw him cum that first night in the hot tub. That’s what I had to deal with, minus the shot up your ass crack and the one on my neck before I got my mouth on it.”
She stopped rubbing her slit and playfully slapped my arm and said, “I was in the throes, and his dick gets harder just before he cums, which makes it difficult to just stop.”
I noticed her robe had fallen open completely, she had her her head back, one foot up on the chair, with her legs open, and was openly stimulating herself with her finger, My cock was hard as a rock and I began to stroke it with my robe open also. It felt totally decadent to be doing this outside and I was considering taking it further when the sound of the doorbell from inside interrupted us.
We both stopped abruptly and sat up, closing our robes.
“Who the hell can that be on a Sunday morning?” I asked out loud and Rhonda shook her head as we both stood up, cinching our robes. We walked into the house together, closing the door behind us.
Rhonda went into the living room and once I had regained my composure, I took one more sip of coffee and answered the door.
I opened it and there stood our neighbor, Lisa, from next door.
She saw me in my robe, looked embarrassed, and said, “Good morning, I am so sorry to barge in like this. I can come back another time…”
“Don’t be silly, if you don’t mind our casual attire, you’re welcome to come in. There’s one condition, you have to have an Irish coffee with us.”
She agreed and I ushered her into the living room, where Rhonda greeted her with a hug. I left them there as I took our cups to the kitchen to prepare the coffee for all of us.
A brief bit of history will be helpful here. It was a surprise to see her today because we had drifted apart over the last six months or so. They, she and her husband Bill, had moved in next door almost a year ago and we had interacted with them many times with cookouts, drinks, etc. The problem was that her husband was an obnoxious know-it-all and over time we stopped inviting them over. I think she understood why and was always pleasant and exchanged greetings when we would see her outside. Her appearance here today was unusual but, sans husband, was welcome. Her timing was a bit off but we had all day, after all.
I brought the coffee for each of us into the living room, and after delivering the coffee, sat in my easy chair facing the two of them on the couch. Rhonda explained everything in one brief sentence, “Bill is out of town.”
I nodded and said, “I see, well, it's good to see you. It’s been a while."
She took a sip of her coffee and as she placed it on the table, I could see some whipped cream stuck to her upper lip. She winced a bit as the Irish whiskey burned its way down but complimented me nonetheless.
She cleared her throat and told us that she understood that Bill was unbearable to be around and felt the same way sometimes. She wanted us to know that she liked us and wanted to remain friends. She took another drink of her coffee and continued to try to explain her husband's abrasive personality. I felt she was vacillating and following another longer sip of her coffee revealed the true reason for her appearance.
“I am very much not a nosy neighbor and I realize you value your privacy…..,” she stopped and took yet another sip of coffee, more for the liquid courage than anything else, “but I saw something here on Friday night that I just can’t get out of my head.”
There it was, Rhonda and I gave each other a knowing glance and immediately knew that it had something to do with James. He was the only thing happening here Friday night. I wondered if she saw us in the hot tub but what she said next cleared it up for us.
She took another sip and blurted out, “I saw a naked man come out of your house and go up the stairs to your apartment.”
This was news to Rhonda, who gave me a questioning look. She had gone to our bedroom after she had finished James and didn’t know that he left naked.
Lisa continued, after another sip and it became obvious that the Jamesons was making it easier “ I couldn’t sleep and I just happened to be looking out the window when your side security light came on and I saw him walk up the stairs. Is he your renter?”
“Yes, he is. His name is James and he’s an engineer working on the airport expansion. We had a bit too much to drink and played a few hands of strip poker. He was the loser, as you could see.”
I smiled as I finished and Rhonda gave me an approving look, indicating that she approved of my small subterfuge.
I apologized for it and said that he would be using our inside entrance from now on so it wouldn’t happen again.
She took another sip of the coffee and complimented me again on it. She sat on the coffee table and I noticed she had finished half of it. She cleared her throat and said, “I noticed something else….”
Rhonda interrupted, with that evil grin that was becoming very familiar, “His dick was huge?”

Lisa sat bolt upright and blushed, took a deep breath, and said, “Yes.”
“Well, you’re right. You should see it up close. John and I were just discussing how impressive it looks when he walks.”
Lisa was in full blush, sitting upright and possibly wondering exactly what can of worms she had just opened. She took a large sip of her coffee and after setting it down, took a deep breath and said, “I didn’t know they came that big.”
We both laughed and I said, “Those were Rhonda’s exact words the first time she saw it.”
Rhonda went on to describe her first encounter and then the strip poker game which led to the big reveal, and I do mean big. She tastefully left out everything else.
“I can be honest when I say this, and I trust it will go no further than this room, we talk about his dick when we’re in bed together and it excites us. Rhonda admits to me that she masturbates sometimes when she’s here alone and thinks about it.”
Lisa was still sitting upright with the coffee cup in her hand. She took one more sip and said, “ You two have a wonderful sex life, Mine is terrible!” She put her face in her hands and seemed as though she might burst into tears. Rhonda slid over close to her and put her arm around her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her.
“I should not burden you with my problems, I’ve had too much to drink.”
Rhonda insisted that it was no burden to us. I went over and kneeled next to her and began to rub her shoulder and arm to reinforce what Rhonda had said. Rhonda cut her eyes over at me in what I perceived as an indicator of “ hands off “, I continued for a few more seconds, just to be a small irritant and winked. I stood up, pulled my chair closer and sat down.
“Why don’t you tell us all about it, sometimes talking helps you work through it.”
Rhonda agreed and urged her to talk as well.
She told us the whole story, tearfully at times. She said Bill had a tiny penis and cared nothing at all for her satisfaction. The times they had sex were few and far between and when they did, it was over quickly. She tried masturbating during the day but he knew about it and became angry. She said she suspected he had cameras all over the house to monitor her when he was gone. She felt like she was going to explode at times and didn’t know what to do.
I suggested that she could come over to our house and masturbate with Rhonda, who did it frequently during the day. I told her that's what we all did after the strip poker game on Friday. I spiced the lie up by saying we took our clothes off because we felt sorry for James and then we all masturbated together,
Rhonda nodded her approval at my white lie and grinned as Lisa showed her amazement with her eyes wide and said, “Really?”
“Yep, the reason his dick was hard is because, apparently it never goes soft completely. The other thing is that he shoots an incredible amount of cum.”
Rhonda chipped in an enthusiastic, “Oh yeah!”
I know we were torturing her and I could tell Rhonda was enjoying it. Lisa’s face was flushed and her fingers were lingering between her legs.
I suggested that we all masturbate together now and Rhonda put her arm around Lisa,
kissed her ear and said in a whisper, “Let’s do it, it will be fun.”
Rhonda sat next to her and let her robe fall completely open. She began to lightly run her finger up and down her slit. I flipped my robe open and began to stroke my already erect cock. Lisa was wide-eyed, looking back and forth between us and said in a whisper, “My god, you’re both doing it,”
I said, “You can just watch us if you want. We love talking about James’ dick while we’re doing it. I hope you don’t mind. It might help you understand a bit better.”
Rhonda said, “We were just about to do it when you came over so it shouldn’t take us too long.”
Her voice was getting husky with obvious arousal, her legs were open wide and her finger was moving up and down her slit faster.
I began stroking faster, enjoying Lisa’s obvious arousal and indecision and I started to tell her a story. “Rhonda saw his cock by accident. She was taking towels and linens up the back stairs to leave them and his door was slightly open. He was naked when he came to close it and she got an excellent look at it.”
She had been rubbing herself lightly through the flannel pants she was wearing and, in a flash decision, stood up, pulled them off and sat back down with her legs spread. I noticed she was incredibly hairy between her legs with curly brown fleece. I thought to myself that Bill probably didn’t allow any maintenance down there.
I continued with my narrative, “She told me he had this sort of cocky arrogance about the size of it and was in no hurry to close the door. We believe he just wanted her to get a really good look at it and was accustomed to women fawning over the massive size of it.”
I heard Rhonda begin a slow moan followed by Lisa who began to orgasm loudly which set me off and I groaned and shot a huge load all over my belly.
We were all breathing heavily and Rhonda said, “Whew, that didn’t take long.”
Lisa was recovering and slipped her pants back on, I noticed she hadn’t been wearing panties, and said, “God, I’m embarrassed but I needed that.”
I asked her how long her stick in the mud husband would be gone and she said two more weeks.
I gave her a standing invitation to come over and meet James or to come over during the day to hang out with Lisa and she said she would.
We both walked her to the door, hugged her, and said our goodbyes.
We walked back into the living room and I slipped Rhondas’ robe off and dropped my own. We sat on the couch and I began to kiss her neck and lightly stroke her love button. I had an idea building and I wanted to share it with Rhonda.
“We need to get those two together, maybe for strip poker before her dickweed husband gets back.”
She spread her legs open wider and in a husky voice said, “That sounds exciting. I want to see her face when she sees his dick.”
“Mmmm, me too. I would like to see him fuck her and I have an idea how we can make that happen.”
She turned slightly and kissed me while massaging my thickening dick, “You have such an evil mind, I love it.”
We slid down to the floor and I entered her and began stroking slowly as my dick became harder and then gave it to her good until I finished in her.
We lay there together until we caught our breath. I kissed her and said, “Make us breakfast naked and I’ll tell you my plan.”
She kissed me and said, “Deal.”