The decision to rent our mother-in-law suite as an Air BnB rental was life-changing for my wife, Rhonda, and myself.
We interviewed an engineer who was working on a project to expand our local airport. The projection was six months but these things were unpredictable and we gave him the first choice for an extension if necessary.
His name was James and he projected an air of quiet confidence and was not intrusive in the least. The suite had its own exterior entrance but there was a door that opened into our home also that was normally kept locked.
One fateful day, Rhonda was taking fresh towels and linens to our lodger with the intent of leaving them on a linen rack outside the door. She approached and noticed that the door was slightly open and suddenly, James appeared at the door naked, their eyes locked as he said, “Sorry” without any real regret in his voice.
She related to me later that he paused for what seemed like an eternity, then closed the door. She left the towels and linens on the rack and hastily came back downstairs and closed and locked the hallway door.
The life-changing part of the encounter was that she noticed that he was incredibly well-hung. She felt that the pause before closing the door was for her benefit, so she could clearly view what he was so obviously proud of.
She told me the full story that night in bed and the revelation had an arousing effect on both of us. She described his body as lean with a dark hairy chest but shaved between his legs. The major revelation was that his dick was huge. She stated that she almost gasped out loud when she saw it.
I positioned her comfortably on the bed against fluffed pillows, legs spread, as I demanded thorough details. She lay back and the stimulation of my finger between her legs and the kisses to her neck and ear slowly elicited the information I craved.
Her pretty face was flushed with embarrassment and arousal as she described the encounter. She stated that he showed no shyness whatsoever and his expression was a bit cocky, as though he was used to women's reactions to his manhood. She described it as semi-erect and very long and thick. She wasn’t accustomed to dimensional description but said that it must have been eleven inches long and so thick that she wasn’t sure her hand could fit around it with fingers touching.
I must admit that I was aroused as much as she was and was a bit curious to see this incredible specimen of manhood for myself. We experienced several intense orgasms that night and realized that this experience, however brief, had turbocharged our sex life.
We discussed it on a nightly basis and Rhonda’s curiosity grew with each intimate discussion.
“ I had no idea they even came that big, I wonder what it would feel like inside of me?” she whispered to me after yet another discussion of the topic and was immediately flushed with embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that, forgive me.” she blurted out remorsefully.
“Shhh, don’t feel guilty, it’s a natural curiosity,” I stated as I kissed her gently. I placed her hand on my rock-hard erection so that she could feel the proof that I wasn’t hurt or offended. The truth was quite the opposite. I was aroused as hell.
“How would you feel about a game of strip poker with him, if he was willing?” I asked this casually as we were basking in the glow of yet another huge orgasm centering around our lodger's huge dick.
She sat up abruptly and said, “Oh John, I don’t know if I could do it. It would be too much for me, I’m too shy.”
I kissed her gently and said, “You’re beautiful and should be proud to show yourself off, just as he was proud to display that huge thing of his.”
She blushed and said, with a voice thick with arousal, “Yes, he certainly was proud of it. I would be lying if I said that his cocky, confident look wasn’t a bit of a turn-on.”
I admitted to her that this whole thing was a turn-on for me. I also confessed that it would be exciting to watch her pleasure him and maybe even have him take her with his, now-famous, manhood.
She agreed to at least make the offer and have him down to our space and see what happened. “I want to take it slow though,” she said firmly before we went to sleep.
The next day I taped a note to his outside door inviting him over for a wine and cheese get-together at 6:00, I truly believed that the brief encounter with Rhonda was deliberate and that he would not be surprised at the invitation, and honestly was probably expecting it.
Rhonda was very nervous with the expectation of his visit and I opened the first bottle of wine at 5:00 to help calm her nerves as she prepared the cheese and cracker tray. I had several pre-rolled joints and two cases of wine so at the very least, we could just all get bombed, it was Friday night, after all.
The expected knock at the door came after three glasses of wine for Rhonda and one for me. I went to the door and greeted our guest, whose hair was still wet from a recent shower and I could smell the fragrant body wash or spray as he walked past me into the living room. He was casually dressed in scrub pants, sandals and a t-shirt. Rhonda was a bit shy, but with the help of the wine, greeted him with a hug.
I filled everyone's wine glasses and we sampled the cheese and crackers as we made small talk. The airport expansion was going well and seemed to be on schedule and he inquired about my job and generally seemed interested to get to know us.
We had more wine and I asked him if he cared to partake of some weed and he immediately agreed. We passed a joint around and we were all very relaxed at that point so I brought up the point that was the elephant in the room, no pun intended.
“Rhonda told me she caught you in a compromising situation the other day, we’re sorry about that, she told me all about it.” I threw this out there to see where it would bounce.
He responded, “ Yes, I’m afraid I came to the door nude and she got a full frontal view. I hope it wasn’t too stressful for you.” He was looking straight at Rhonda who was blushing and looking down.
She managed to summon the courage to look up at him and said, “ No, it was a surprise but not stressful.”
I rescued her from the situation by saying, “She couldn’t help but notice that you were uncommonly well-endowed. I’m sure you didn’t mind her catching a peek at it.”
He laughed and said, “Yes, I believe I’m truly blessed in that department.”
He finished his wine and I asked if he would like more and he stated that he would. I went to open a bottle and when I returned, Rhonda seemed totally relaxed with him and he appeared at ease also.
I took the opportunity to bring out the deck of cards and said, “Strip Poker, anyone?”
James heartily agreed and Rhonda made a weak token effort to refuse but gave in quickly.
I dealt the first hand and James said with a grin, “I hope I’m lucky because I’m not wearing underwear.”
We all laughed and I noticed that Rhonda’s pale skin was flushed with excitement as I dealt the cards. We played a few hands and James was pretty lucky, much to my dismay, because I couldn’t wait to see that thing between his legs that all the fuss was about.
I was down to a t-shirt and underwear and Rhonda still had on her shorts but was down to her bra. James lost a hand and the shirt came off and I could see what Rhonda meant about the thick hairy chest. Rhonda lost the next two hands and had to lose the shorts and bra. She was breathing heavily as she removed her bra, exposing her pert, sassy breasts with their erect nipples to both of us.
James made her blush with his compliment of how beautiful they were as I dealt the next hand. James lost and the moment of truth had come. The huge bulge in his pants was obvious but still didn’t prepare you for what was to come. He stood up and dropped his pants and kicked them off to one side.
The sight of that magnificent cock was awe-inspiring. It was semi-hard when he dropped his pants but the exhibitionist in him made it grow before our very eyes. It was every bit of eleven inches and was incredibly thick with a pair of huge balls that were shaved smooth hanging below it. I have a respectable eight inches and it made me feel small and unworthy by comparison.
He stroked it a few times and said, “I’m sorry, it turns me on when people look at it.”
I regained my composure cleared my throat and said, “It’s difficult not to look at, it’s really amazing James. “
Rhonda was fanning herself with a drink coaster and said, “I’m not taking my panties off, I think I’m going outside to the hot tub.” She picked up her wine glass and looked back over her shoulder as she walked away and said, “Anyone care to join me?”
James turned to me with a questioning look on his face and I said, “Go ahead and join her, I’ll open another bottle of wine, grab another joint, and be right out.”
He nodded and began to walk toward the back door and watching that huge thick cock bob up and down as he walked was a sight to behold. His ass cheeks were surprisingly smooth but thick and muscular. I took my time opening the wine, grabbed a joint, and headed outside.
The deck was dark except for accent lighting but I saw an amazing sight when I approached the tub. James was sitting on the side of the tub with that beautiful dick fully hard and my beautiful wife was slowly pumping it with one hand.
James said, “I hope you don’t mind, why don’t you drop those shorts and join us.” Rhonda looked like she was in a trance and didn’t acknowledge my presence but I did as he suggested and dropped my shorts lit the joint and climbed in. It was surreal as James and I passed the joint back and forth watching Rhonda pump that huge shaft, I passed the joint to James and then got down in the tub next to her and said, “It’s time to use your mouth on him.”
She looked at me, still in a daze, as though she just realized I was there, and said in a quiet voice, “Oh John, are you sure?” I nodded and kissed her and gently pushed her mouth toward that huge, swollen, angry cock head.
She licked around the head and then opened that petite little mouth and took as much in as she could. I took the joint from James as he threw his head back and moaned from her sincere efforts to please him by accepting the full head of his cock in her hungry mouth.
She began to service him faster and he had his hand on her head holding her against his shaft so I held the joint to his lips for him and he took one last hit and said in a low tone of pure arousal as he exhaled, “I’m about to cum!”
I joined Rhonda down in the tub and wondered if she would let him shoot in her mouth but she pulled his cock out just before the first huge jet of cum shot out in a thick rope. It splattered the side of her face and onto her lips as she continued to pump his thick shaft using two hands. He continued to shoot huge ropes of cum that splattered all over her tits and the amount of cum was commensurate to the size of his balls. He finally had shot his last and she stood up, looking sexier than I had ever seen her, with his cum dripping off her tits. She idly ran a fingertip through the cum on her tits and said in a daze, “I need to go clean up.”
She climbed out of the tub and walked toward the house. We watched her full ass cheeks as she walked away from us, the wet silk panties almost transparent with the dark cleft between her globes clearly visible.

James was still sitting on the side of the tub and just said “Wow” in response to my rejoining him.
I gave him the joint, refilled our wine glasses, and brought one to him as he handed me the joint. I sat next to him and couldn’t help but notice his dick hadn’t gone soft.
“It looks like you needed that,”’ I said after I exhaled. “It looks like you had a build-up, I’ve never seen so much cum.”
“I did, it was a great stress reliever. It has been stressful with this project and I’ve worked some long hours. Thanks for letting me borrow her.” He winked at me as he said that and took one last hit off the joint.
“It was her pleasure, believe me. She’s new to this but we have discussed doing it but never followed through. I think the day she saw you naked tripped the switch.”
He took a sip of wine and said, “ I’ve done this with couples before and sometimes the husband wants to be involved also.”
My mouth went dry so I took a sip of wine before responding, noticing that his dick looked like it was getting harder, and bobbing up and down in the night air.
“Well, honestly I would like to be involved.” I said as I assumed the position my wife had just vacated and looked up at him noting that he had that confident smirk that had excited my wife and was now exciting me.
I grabbed his shaft and was immediately amazed at how thick and heavy it was. I began to pump it and a thick white blob of cum came out on the head and began to run down the shaft. I squeezed his shaft to milk it and then licked him clean. I opened wide and took as much as I could in my mouth and began to move up and down on it. I tried to keep my lips tight on it as I serviced him, feeling him get harder with my efforts. He moaned slightly and that inspired me to go faster while cupping that huge ball sac in my left hand. I kept the rhythm for a while until he said something that excited me to the point that I thought I might cum.
“I’m getting close again, I can cum in your mouth or in your wife. Which one will it be?”
I thought that question was exciting due to its pure arrogance and also because both options were appealing.
I removed him from my mouth and slowly stroked him as I answered with a wink, “Both, but tonight cum in my wife while I watch and you can cum in my mouth tomorrow.”
He laughed and said, “Deal.”
I stood up with my erection in full view and said, “I’ll prep her for it and then bring her to you in your bedroom.”
He stoop also, that magnificent cock sticking straight out, and said, “I’ll be waiting, don’t take too long.”
I watched his ass and cock as he collected his things from the living room and I noticed he walked out of the house naked saying “See you soon, I’ll leave the door on your side unlocked.”
The door to our bedroom was closed and I entered, leaving the door open behind me. Rhonda had cleaned herself and was lying in the bed naked, legs slightly spread displaying her neatly trimmed bush.
I lit the last joint and we had almost finished it before she spoke.
“I don’t know what got into me tonight. I was out of control,” she looked at me with a pained expression and said, “I almost let him shoot off in my mouth. If I had, there’s no way I could have swallowed that huge amount of cum”
I kissed her gently and said, “You, no, I mean, we were seduced tonight. The cocky confidence and the raw masculinity and sexual power of that beautiful dick did us both in.”
She rolled over on her side on one elbow and said questioningly, “We, my goodness, John, what happened after I left?”
I decided to tell her everything and she listened intently with her hand between her legs, lightly stroking herself.
“We sat there talking and I noticed that his dick stayed hard after you made him cum.” She blushed slightly but urged me to continue.
“He saw me staring at his dick and he told me that he does this with couples a lot and that often the husbands get involved.”
She moved closer and spoke in a voice thick with arousal and said, “My goodness John, you mean you….” Her voice trailed off and she took my hand and put it between her legs, he grabbed my hard dick and slowly began working it and urged me to continue.
I kissed her and nodded, “I took your place and began pumping his dick, it was still hard and thick and heavy,”
She exclaimed excitedly, “God, yes it was amazing!”
“I pumped it and a thick blob of cum came out. I licked it off his dick, milked it for more then licked that off too. Do you think I’m crazy?”
I noticed she was soaking wet and she kissed me and said, “Do you feel how wet I am? This is the most exciting thing I have ever had, I need to cum so bad.”
“There’s more, ” I said to her and she became very attentive but was breathing heavily, “I was moving my mouth up and down on him and he said he was close to cumming. He said he could cum in my mouth or my wife.”
She stopped, sat up and said, “ John, you didn’t ?”
I kissed her and slowly stroked her love button and said, “I actually told him I wanted both, but yes, I did offer you to him for tonight.”
Her reaction was unanticipated, instead of protesting, she melted into me, and my stimulation between her legs caused her to orgasm violently.
“Do you really want him to fuck me?” she asked this dreamily following her orgasm.
“Yes I do, and I want him to shoot a huge load into you and we can share it later when I fuck you.”
“This is so crazy, but I want that big thing inside me too. And the thought of sharing that tremendous load of cum is very exciting”
“Good, he’s waiting in his bedroom for us, I told him I would deliver you to him when you were ready.”
She smiled and kissed me and said, “You are so bad."
We got up from the bed and walked across our home to the stairs to his suite. I admired my wife’s gorgeous ass and thought of the exciting humiliation factor of delivering my wife to a man with a huge dick so he could fuck her. My rock-hard dick bobbing up and down as we climbed the stairs was a clear statement of my arousal.
The door was open as promised and we found him propped up against the headboard with his legs spread and that gorgeous cock sticking straight up with his hand slowly stroking it.
“It’s about time, I thought I was going to have to jack off.” He looked Rhonda up and down and said, “Welcome Rhonda, come up here and lay next to me and we’ll let John take over the duty of keeping my dick hard for you.” He patted the area next to him and she had that trance-like look on her face again as she moved over next to him on the bed.
He began to kiss her and she responded enthusiastically to his kisses. He grabbed his cock at the base and held it up as a signal to me to begin my duty of keeping his cock hard. I lay on my stomach and grabbed his thick shaft and slowly pumped it as I kissed and sucked his balls. I watched as he ordered Rhonda to spread her legs and she responded readily and enthusiastically to his finger between her legs as he kissed her.
I heard Rhonda have her first orgasm as I began to move my mouth up and down on his dick. This scenario continued for a while as I enjoyed the feel of his thickness in my mouth and the sound of my wife cumming again.
He ordered me to stop and lay flat then told Rhonda to straddle him in a 69 position. I was told to concentrate on his balls. She complied and I was almost disappointed as she assumed the duty of pleasuring his dick, the look of pleasure on her face from his tongue was undeniable. I kissed her over the head of his dick and then began my duty of servicing his balls.
He pushed Rhonda off and her mouth came off his cock with a PLOP sound and I stopped sucking his balls. He said, “I need to fuck.” and ordered Rhonda to climb on and she scrambled to comply. He told her to start kissing him and told me to put his dick in her. I thought back on the Romanesque erotic humiliation factor of delivering my wife to him to fuck and then putting his dick in her pussy for him. The whole thing made my balls ache with a desire to shoot off.
I grabbed his shaft, licked the head one last time, then rubbed the head up and down my wife’s dripping slit. Her moans added to the intensity of the moment as the thick swollen head found its mark and a quick upward thrust of James’s hips sunk the head into her tight hole. This resulted in a sharp intake of breath and a slight squeal.
She collapsed forward and I heard him speaking to her in a soothing tone in between kisses as he slowly worked the thick shaft deeper and deeper into her. A continuous moan escaped her lips throughout, with changes in pitch as he slowly gave her more of his thickness. This continued until only about two inches of his dick could be seen outside of her. He then began a slow in and out, pulling almost all of his dick out and then slowly sinking it back into her.
I enjoyed the view from behind and then walked around to the side and watched her face as he began to fuck her a bit more aggressively, holding one creamy ass cheek in each hand as he began to vigorously fuck her. Her eyes were closed and the look of pleasure on her face was indescribable. She was producing one continuous guttural groan. I saw his balls draw up tight and I knew he was close. The force and pace of his thrusts increased dramatically with a scream for my wife indicating that she was feeling it. Then he said what we both knew, “I’m cumming.” Rhonda's tits were bouncing and he was thrusting that huge dick in her like a piledriver. I noticed thick, white cum running down his shaft as he finished and I could only imagine the amount that he shot up in her.
The amount became obvious when she rolled off of him and I saw the incredible, thick gooey mess that was in her. I grabbed his cock, which was still semi-hard, pumped it, and licked the last bit from the head of his dick.
“That was great, thank you to both of you. I need to get some sleep now because I have to go in tomorrow for a while.” He rolled over to Rhonda, kissed her, and said, “We’ll have to do this again soon.”
She was still in the throes of the post-orgasmic glow of the tremendous pounding she had just received as I pulled her to her feet and led her out of the bedroom. James asked me to turn off the lights on the way out and I watched him stand up with his cock swinging as he pulled the covers back to get in bed.
Rhonda was still a bit unsteady but was back to normal by the time we reached our bedroom, I pulled the covers back and she fell heavily onto the bed on her back and said “My God, that was intense!”
I joined her on the bed, kissed her deeply, and said, “You were wonderful, baby. You took almost every inch of that big thing like a trooper. It’s time for some TLC.”
I moved down between her legs and began to gently kiss her clit and continued to be amazed at the amount of cum down there. I licked through a huge pile, shared it with Rhonda, and repeated that process several times. I managed to bring her to orgasm twice before it became imperative that I cum before my balls exploded. I entered her and found that she was incredibly slick with her own juices and the huge amount of his cum still in her. Her tight little hole had been stretched but I could still feel the friction as I entered her and began vigorously fucking her. She responded and we came together locked in a passionate kiss as I added my cum to the cum that was already there.
We drifted off to sleep in each other's arms pondering the possibilities for the future.