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Love, Commitment And Submission

"Sally takes their relationship further and offers her submission to Vernon"

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Author's Notes

"The foods I note in this story is highly sought after South African dishes as well as the wine, which is a dryish but very fruity one. <p> [ADVERT] </p>While I wanted to write some submissiveness between the two lovers, it is not a total Dom/ Sub scene."

The week after getting back from the States was a busy one.

I was gone for two weeks but could see how much Sally kept the office together and the rest of the company going. She was indeed a gem and her abilities invaluable.

Intimate touches around the office became the norm over the course of the week though we kept it as normal as possible. It was not much different from other physical contacts when she wanted my attention in professional matters. It was more a matter of showing recognition for each other’s presence, than acting clingy. Her eyes did reveal what she really felt, and it also assured me we were still on track at home.

She slept in a few nights but the nights she stayed over at my place, it was more a matter of supper, then a bit of relaxation before crashing in the main bedroom with little else happening other than an intimate cuddle. She did meet Gillian, her friend from varsity, for drinks one night but she was back home at around eleven.

Had I been awake, I would have noticed Sally’s flushed face and perhaps guilt as well. It was only months after that I learned they still had an on/off thing.

Heavy petting was the exception on some of the nights we spent together. When still single, I had company an average of three nights per week. Though my prostate was emptied on a regular basis, I was getting needy for some hot action. Yet I had to respect Sally in going slow about things. It was not a matter of her not knowing I was getting a bit frustrated; sometimes I wondered if I should not just poke her deeper than the fast-becoming customary squashed morning wood in her butt groove.

On the other hand, I felt that us getting to another level was worth a bit more effort than a quickie before work.

We showered together often, and it usually turned out to her having a crashing, watery orgasm over my hands and me soon after splashing my seed against her soft stomach at her very competent little hands. It just seemed that we were not at that level of trust yet where we could indulge in making love, let alone getting a blow job. I was often feeling like it was time to go out and just have a good-old old-fashioned fuck. Yet that would break the trust we needed to build in our budding relationship.

It also had to be good timing as I was out coaching rugby some nights and those nights she slept at her place. Nights we did have together we were tired from running our pace at the office.

Late in the third week of our relationship, Sally walked into my office with a sly smile on her face. She had my diary in her hands. I wondered what was up.

I took her in as she approached my desk. Her slightly freckled legs were bare and her black skirt was just above her knees. Her white silk blouse had two buttons undone and there was the hint of her cream lace bra behind the edges of the undone buttons. Her hair was up in the customary bun, and she had a pearl bracelet on her left wrist which complimented her leather-strapped gold watch.

“You need to stop looking so gorgeous when entering my office with a smile like that,” I noted.

She walked around my table, put the diary on my desk, and bent over so her lace-encased breasts were directly in view. “Thanks for the compliment, it does have the desired effect. Though looking gorgeous for you is exactly my point,” she said softly into my ear.

My cock stirred and kept growing, her perfume was intoxicating, and I was getting sweaty under my collar.

“If you continue this type of behavior, I might just ravish you right here on this desk,” was my reaction.

“Really? I thought you were against fornicating at the office. You even have an immediate dismissal policy on that,” she reminded me. “Besides, I am not a quick office fuck type of girl, I need to be wine and dined before you can remove my panties Boss.”

Without thinking, my hand slipped around her buttock, I pulled her closer before sliding my hand over her buttocks and down to the seam of her skirt. My bare hand on the soft skin of her leg made her gasp and she groaned softly as the same hand slid up her leg toward her buttocks. Halfway up my hand changed direction to the inside of her leg; destination, her ever-so-juicy crotch.

We both stiffened as my fingers got into contact with her bare crotch.

She was pantyless and already dripping.

My fingers softly played with her slippery labia, making her sob in pleasure. “Put your fingers inside me, please?” she breathed.

“No!” I smiled as I removed my finger and stick it into my mouth, savouring her taste while looking deep into her eyes.

She slumped her shoulders in frustration. “You are one cruel Boss, not getting his secretary off when she needs it most.”

“It should teach you not to dare me to take your panties off when you’re not wearing any.”

I stood up and pulled her into my arms. Our eyes closed as I leaned down and captured her lips with mine. It was our first kiss in the office.

Sally was breathing deeply and moaning into my mouth as she often does when we kiss. We were compatible kissers. We both knew the importance of a good kiss and we matched each other in that. She rubbed against my hard cock in my trousers, and I could feel pre-cum oozing from my slit. We were both dangerously turned on.

Breaking the kiss, I pulled back and asked her, “What was it you wanted to talk about?” I smiled down at her.

“I just wanted to share the rest of your afternoon with you and beg for an hour or two please?”

“You know what my stance is on that, as long as your work….” Her arms went around my neck, she kissed me with fervour and pulling back said, “thank you, you’re the best boss ever.”

“Before you go, what are your plans for tonight?”

“Quite open, why?”

I closed this small distance between us, rested my hands on her hip and asked, “would you have dinner with me please?”

“You know I would, but you seem so serious about it,” she replied softly.

“Last thing before you do, please get us a table at Vincentio’s, please? Eight should be great and if you want to, I can… no, I will pick you up at seven thirty.”

“I’ll be ready then,” she replied and left the office with almost a bounce in her step.


I got busy with my work and left the office at around 6 PM. The drive home was leisurely as most of the traffic had cleared up. It gave me some time to reflect on some work issues and what was going on in my life.

I reminded myself to give Andy a call. Since being back from the States I have not really reached out. A text here and there, mostly her reaching out first. I endeavored to give her a call in the morning.

While the rugby season was going well and my assistant coach had it all in hand, I wasn’t that active in coaching the team directly. Some things were gnawing but I promised myself to sort it out.

There was Helen and some thoughts on her seemed off still. Then I remembered the envelope inside Andy’s album I never opened. To be honest, I forgot about the envelope.


I pulled into an old watering hole of mine. One or two drinks would not make a difference. It was quick for me to get ready for an evening, which I felt was necessary for Sally and me to get a bit closer. She had been over the top busy the past few weeks and she deserved a break and a bit of TLC. To be honest, I could not think of when last she had a decent two-week leave period. It was mostly a two-day with a weekend betwixt.

In the end, she gave her all for me. I’ve read her file, did some checks on Facebook, and learned a lot over the past few years.

What worried me a bit at this specific point was her post about being ‘in a relationship’ with Gillian a few years ago. What part of her life was still influenced or dominated by Gillian? I had never met Gill, but I did know, she was a gorgeous, strawberry-blonde hottie straight off the front of Vogue. In my books, I’d fuck her on a whim, she was exactly my type.

I had one Jack Daniels before heading home to get ready for my date. Date? Yeah, I was going on a date with my secretary. Honestly? Yeah, desperately wanted to fuck her, make love to her, take her, dominate her, have her scream my name – and I had the ability to do that to a girl.

This girl was really getting to me and I was tumbling fast. But also, for the first time in my life, for the right reasons.


Pulling into the garage at my place, I suspected nothing. What was there to expect? A Dog, a welcoming party? Opening the door joining the garage to the lobby stopped me in my tracks. From the door, I had direct sight into the kitchen. What awaited me was a vision I never expected.

Sally was in the kitchen, dressed in a modest black cocktail dress, stockings, and heels. She had a plain white apron around her waist and was bent over, legs straight and calves tensed, taking a dish from the oven.

Turning sideways, putting the dish on the kitchen island, I could see her slight smile as she concentrated on the dish before her. I smelled lamb. Her smile said she knew I was watching her.

Right that moment I had only one thought; this woman was the ONE. I wanted to marry her, fuck her, cherish her, make love to her, love her, cross swollen rivers for her, impregnate her. Make her my own, never letting go, no matter what.


Libido suddenly rampant, my cock steel hard, I walked forward into the kitchen and grabbed her from behind. My cock easily found the crevasse of her buttocks, nestling between the firm freckled globes beneath her dress. My right hand slipped around her, coming to rest resting low on her abdomen. I pulled her upright, filling my left hand with a firm tit. Her hair was in a ponytail and my teeth lightly grazed her neck as I mashed her firm tit. My right hand slipped lower, gathering her dress, and pulling it up.

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Soon my urgent fingers found her swollen, bare pussy and slipped in between the wet labia, pushing deep inside her wet cunt, just as she wanted… no, needed me to do in the office.

“Tonight, I’m going to fuck you till you scream, right here on this kitchen island and anywhere I find a place to dominate you and take you,” I growled in her ear.

My right foot kicked her heels apart and as I pushed her down, her cheek a mere two inches from a scorching dish with our dinner. My cock was out, leaking precum my hips flexed, and I pushed my cock inside her with total disregard for her feelings or if she was even ready.

“VERNOOONNNN,” she screamed out as I bottomed out and exploded inside her pulsing cunt. Pulling back and shoving back deep inside her, releasing my second volley of cream, I growled in her ear, “You. Are. Mine!!”

Sally whimpered and nodded her head…


I sighed deeply as I calmly put my briefcase down and walked into the kitchen.

“This is a surprise I never expected, Darling,” I said gently as I softly kissed her cheek.

Sally turned toward me, wiping her hands on her apron. She slipped her arms over my shoulder as she leaned against me and kissed me softly, “This has been a long time coming, my Love,” she said softly after breaking the kiss and pressing her forehead against mine.

“May I see?”

She picked up a mitt and lifted the lid, “Sure.”

Inside a burgundy mass of sauce were three lamb shanks, my all-time favorite. It was cooked to perfection and would have taken most of the afternoon. I wasn’t asking as Sally smelled quite a bit better than the dish and did not look like she was in the kitchen all afternoon.

There was a different air about her; she looked fresh and revived. Her eyes said something as well, love, adoration, submission perhaps.

“There’s a bottle of wine opened on the table, be a darling and pour us some please?”

I retrieved the bottle noting the table being set in a very romantic way. What on this earth? I took two glasses and poured us each a measure. Sally was busy with some vegetables which after a final stir, she transferred into two ceramic bowls. I remained seated by the island, relishing her moving around as if… ‘No, not those thoughts again’ I thought.


With the Lamb Shank, she had Yellow Rice with raisins, Sweet Butternut pumpkin, and Creamy Spinach. It was real traditional South African food, just the way I loved it. I was being Treeeated!!

It made me wonder what was for dessert.

I waited while she got everything on the table, slowly sipping the very expensive Meerendal Cabernet.

When she walked back in a final time, her apron was removed and she walked to my side in a quaint manner, “Dinner is served, my Darling.”

It was all I could do to take her right hand in mine and softly press it to my lips, “Thanks, my Love.”

I walked in, soft, romantic music was playing on the stereo. I decided not to expect too much.

Dinner was superb, she was a great cook, and every dish was done to perfection. Ending our meal, she took my hand and looked up to me. Again, that look as I thanked her from the heart.

Squeezing my hand softly, she said, “Why don’t you go take a shower while I tidy up a bit?”


I walked into the bedroom and on the bed was a chocolate-colored silk house coat. I deduced it was supposed to be mine and after enjoying a good shower, donned the coat and stepped out to the family room.

Sally finished her wine before me and announced she needed to take a shower as well and she would call me.

Returning to the bedroom on Sally’s prompt, there were candles lit on the bedside pedestals as well as on the small shelf I kept a few classic books. The atmosphere was once again romantically dominated but there was something else.

Sally was in a short, white silk house coat, knelt by the foot of the bed, she looked down in a typical submissive pose. Though I had always been dominant in bed yet not a Dom, I recognized the pose and my heart melted.

I gently put my fingers under her chin and tilted her face up till our eyes met.

I wanted to kneel down, by her side but realized it would spoil the moment; instead, I simply asked, “Why is this, Darling?”

Sally sighed deeply before speaking.

“We have been in a relationship of sorts since I started out as your PA. I always felt you were the Boss and I was the PA. As such, I had to submit to you. You were always gentle with me, even the times I made mistakes. You never raised your voice to me; I was always the one you shared your deepest secrets with. I always felt you respected me, and you were always willing to listen to my contributions around the office. We had laughs and we shared a few sorrows. I was happy, I was where I needed to be.”

I started to say something but her hand on my leg stopped me.

“Long before we started getting intimate, I fell in love with you. Simply because I trust you and know, you will never humiliate or degrade me. I sometimes feel, considering what I have experienced with you, that I’m probably the only woman you respect. I know, I claim a great deal to myself stating that.”

“For the past three weeks you’ve been very understanding, and I was willing to allow things between us that may seem a bit much given my history and what I have been thorough. I have come to understand your urges and was willing to help and even enjoyed being sprayed with your semen. I felt you between my buttocks early in the mornings and sometimes wanted you to just do what came naturally. Yet you did not, you respected me. Did not force me or take unwanted advantage of me.”

“I have come to grow closer to a man I am not simply in love with anymore but someone I’m starting to love dearly. Since I have grown into that direction, I simply cannot refuse you anymore. I want to give you, no… need to, give you all you as man deserves. I want your cum inside me, not on me. If it be my mouth or my pussy or…,” she blushed visibly even in the flicker of the candles.

“I want to give you my all and my everything, as a gift for your patience and your respect, I’m willing to submit to you,” Sally paused, “…I want to be your woman… if you will have me.”

I tiled her face back up which she bowed down while speaking. With a voice thick with emotion, I looked down, “Yes Sally, I want you… and for all the right reasons. I am a man, I have urges and needs but, I also have a heart.”

“Tonight, I want you as never before. I had always thought, ‘what if’ and I admit, I had yearnings for you for the longest of time but suppressed it because of respect and our relationship at work.”


At this point, I was steel pipe and the silk of the coat I wore was killing me. I was afraid if Sally as much as touched me, I might empty my nuts all over her face.

She looked down to where my cock was tenting the silk coat, looked up briefly before palming my cock through the silk.

Her hand moved softly up and down, gently massaging the hardness.

“I have always wondered how you would feel inside me. You are big and I have imagined countless times how you would stretch my pussy, what you would feel like in my mouth. You are thicker than any dildo I have had inside me, sucked on,” she opened the front of the coat, holding me in her bare hand, then leaned forward and licked my cock slowly, tasting my leaking essence.

“I might not be able to take all of you or the loads you drop, but I am willing to try with all my being. I want to satisfy you like nobody ever had.”

With that she leaned in and slipped her lips over my cock, not stopping until she had me lodged in her throat. She held her hands against her lips before pulling off my cock, then look intently at how much she swallowed. It was more than half and she smiled at me proudly.

It took effort not to bust a load there and then. Sally inhaled me again, taking half of what had not been in her mouth previously.

I pushed my fingers into her red tresses and encouraged her, “Almost there Pet, want to try the last bit?” She nodded and I slowly pushed her mouth further onto my cock. She did not resist and very, very slowly, she took all of me until I felt her breath against the base of my cock and held her there.

Pulling her off slowly, she pushed back till she was breathing against my skin. Releasing her, she pulled off and, on a few times, before she smiled up at me and, exclaimed proudly, “I did it, Sir, thank you for encouraging me.”

“I am proud of you, Pet.”

I let her follow her own creativity and she went to town on my cock, swallowing, licking, and even polishing my heavy balls with her tongue, slipping them into her mouth one by one, gently licking and sucking.

She inhaled me to the root again before cupping my balls and gently rolling them between her fingers. She slipped off suddenly and looked up. “It almost feels like they’re vibrating. Are you ready to cum?”

I nodded and she smiled before grabbing me by my buttocks and fucking my cock into her mouth. My cock twitched, she pulled back slightly and started sucking for all she was worth. My cock twitched again, and she went deep. My first volley went down her throat as I groaned and my buttocks tensed. She pulled back and my semen started filling her mouth. Sally swallowed. I tilted my head back and groaned from my stomach, “FUUUUUCCCKK!!”

I lost all sense of reason, space, and time for a few minutes. When I came to, my cock was deflating, and Sally held me with her cheek against my stomach.

To be continued…

Written by Gallo
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