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The Anniversary

"Sometimes your life can be turned around in a mere evening out"

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Author's Notes

"A bit longish but as there is another part coming, I had to allow for character development"

I’m an asshole, always been one and always will be. I got where I am because I take no prisoners, do business the hard and honest way, and am respected for it but, most of my clients will agree with the afore statement.

My brand management company was built from the ground up. A lot of hard work, gambles, and sacrifices brought me where I am today. What helped a lot was the fact that I moved on from failures, counting it as education in the big world.

My private life sucked but again, I ran it the way I ran my business: take no prisoners. At forty-five, I was well established, and with my looks, energy, and built, there was never a shortage of pussy. I never wanted a relationship, seldom bedded the same girl twice, and never had any scares. Bedding the same girl twice was creating a pattern, and patterns lead to commitment and trouble.

I looked up from my laptop and saw Sally standing in the doorway. For once, her expression and what I felt at that moment scared me. It was just a funny feeling I had.

“Your brother is on line one,” she said.

Sally had been my executive assistant for almost ten years. I never hired or appointed her by the way. She saw to that herself. She would probably be the closest I would ever come to a relationship with a woman.

The day she walked in after being invited for an interview with me is one I will never forget. She was dressed professionally in a navy-blue skirt, white blouse, and four-inch heels. Her legs were encased in black stockings shielding the fact that she had a good sprinkle of freckles all over her body. Her hair at the time was a burning red, simply in a fishtail pleat, dark-rimmed glasses adorning her face.

What she did in the interview was what blew me out of the water.

The phone on my desk rang and without batting an eye she leaned over and picked up. “Vernon Gerber’s office.”

I faintly hear the other person to which she replied, “He’s in a meeting at the moment, how can I help you?”

She leaned over me to retrieve my diary from the other side of my desk while I listened to the faint noises coming through the receiver.

In the process, she had to almost lean over me, her cute butt was in my face, a whiff of her soft perfume permeating my nostrils. She simply sat on my desk, going through my diary.

“He’s got an opening on Tuesday between nine and ten. Your number?” She proceeded to scribble it down in pencil. It was a former and very valued client of mine.

Then she uttered something that I never expected. “It’s Sally, I’m Vernon’s PA. I just started today.”

That sealed the deal for a relationship that would have its ups and downs, but it gave me a person I could rely on from the word ‘Go’. Sally was the first woman I ever trusted, save my mother, of course.

I took the call from Douglas. It was Helen and his twentieth anniversary, and they wanted me to fly over to Seattle for the event.

As a teen, Douglas was your typical podgy, Coke bottle-bottomed glasses, nerd but fuck, he was brainy. After completing his degree in Electronics at a major Cape Town university, he was invited to do his Masters in the US, and eventually, he was awarded his Ph.D. a few years after.

That is where he met Helen, a shy, brainy but absolutely drop-dead gorgeous strawberry blonde. They soon got married, and I flew out to the States to attend the wedding. Afterward, we kept in contact, and they flew out to South Africa a few times on holiday.

How he kept up with such a gorgeous creature got the better of me at times, but they stuck it out. She eventually graduated with her own Ph.D. in Bio-Medical Science. Phew, brainiacs…

Sally saw to everything like a good PA; all my travel arrangements were perfect as could be expected, and I walked through the gates at Seattle-Tacoma a week later. Douglas was there to meet me, and I realized how much he had changed over the years. Goatee, gone were the glasses, and he looked almost as fit as I was.

“Welcome to Seattle,” he beamed, giving me a tight bear hug.

On the way home he gave me the nutshell about him and Helen, the family, kids, work, and general shit. I stiffened when he mentioned how Helen’s baby sister Julie was looking forward to seeing me. I remembered Julie - quite well, actually. I fucked her then-eighteen-year-old brains out the night after the wedding. Of course, she would now be around thirty-eight if I do the quick math.

We agreed beforehand that I would stay in a hotel that Douglas wasn’t very keen on but which conveniently was just around the corner from the hotel where their celebrations would be. It was just more convenient for me, and I also had two days to kill before the party.

Saturday night, a cab dropped me at the designated hotel and with a slight whiff of bourbon, I entered the foyer. I wasn’t sure where to head off to and while trying to figure things out, I was approached by a gorgeous young redhead.

“You look about as lost as I am.”

“Yes, I’m here for the Gerber party but not sure where to go either.”

A concierge approached us, and soon we were pointed in the right direction. There was a sign, apparently, that both the catwalk model and I had missed. As we walked on, I stuck out my hand, “I’m Vernon by the way.”

She extended her right hand with perfect nails and varnish and striking blue eyes meeting mine, “I’m Andy.” I saw her much clearer now, and it was as if I looked right into Julie’s eyes. An uneasy sensation ran down my spine.

“Looks like we’re both here by ourselves,” she smiled at me. I smiled back and indicated we should get to the ballroom.

“Yes, I flew in the day before yesterday. So, no time to arrange a date.”

“Your accent, it’s almost….”

“South African?” I completed for her.

“You’re uncle Dougie’s brother then?”

“That’s me, yes.”

“He’s my uncle.”

I could see where the uneasy feeling was coming from and where it was going. Well, if it worked out that way, maybe I could notch both mother and daughter on my bedpost.

We took a slight turn and headed to the bar, no use walking in and not having a source to drink from. I got her a glass of red wine and myself a bourbon, and, as it was a bit early, we shot the shit while enjoying our drinks.

Slowly, things started coming out. She was in her final year of Medical at some institution back East.

“I never met my dad; my mom never mentioned him. So, I think he was just one of her mistakes along the road. Luckily, I did not inherit her loose ways, if you understand what I mean.”

“Who’s your mom then?” I chanced.

“Julie, Aunt Helen’s youngest sister.”

I went cold and felt the blood drain from my face. There was an uneasy feeling underneath my collar, but I hid it all by taking a calculated sip of bourbon. If she noticed, she did not show it and the conversation went on as before.

As the party started and got underway, I was the only one between us who was sort of in step with who and what we might be. We were seated at the same table, enjoyed our food, and danced often.

She was an excellent conversationalist, I enjoyed her company immensely. Much later we stuck around on the dance floor when a slower number played. Naturally, we danced closer. I started getting turned on and the situation was becoming a bit uncomfortable. At some point, I could swear I notice her breathing change. All the same, there was this little voice nagging, ’Is she or isn’t she.’

After the song, we left the floor with her looking at me sideways and smirking. Moments before we sat down, Julie was at our side. “Who’s the handsome guy, Andy?”

“Oh, sorry Mom. This is Uncle Dougie’s brother Vernon; Vernon, my mom, Julie.”

“Hello Vernon,” Julie greeted me stiffly, “Andy, allow me to introduce your father.”

Andy blushed a bright crimson but stepped in and gave me a hug. “No wonder we get along like fire,” she giggled. I was perplexed. I had an idea but…

The night of Douglas and Helen's wedding, I had singled Julie out from the start. I mean, who had never fantasized about fucking the bridesmaids at a wedding? Julie was gorgeous at eighteen years old; I was going to have her. All the while dancing, she indicated her interest in me by purposely brushing against my hard cock. Julie might have been young, but she wasn’t shy about it. At some point, I was sure she would have allowed me to take her right there on the dance floor. Late that night, my hand slipped between us, and I gently rubbed her generous-for-eighteen tits, around dark corners she was sly enough to cop a feel of what I was sporting.

She was eighteen at the time and her flaming red hair and the subtle warmth of her perfume and her soft skin did it for me. That I was a few years older than her never bothered me, it was a pussy, and I was going to take it. My brother wasn’t the only Gerber having a wedding night.

She looked up at me with a face flushed and asked, “Wanna go somewhere quiet?”

I led her off the floor, out of the ballroom, and up to my fifteenth-floor hotel room. In the elevator, I wasted no time and when the doors opened, two of my fingers had already found her slippery snatch. She was moaning and I am sure, had we two more floors to go, she would have creamed on my invading digits.

The door closed behind us, and my jacket slipped off my shoulders the same moment she slipped my suit pants down. She inhaled my erect cock halfway down and cupped my full nut sack with a free hand. The other was between her legs getting her the rest of the way from where I left her.

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She seemed to battle with my girth and length so, grabbing a handful of hair, I helped her sniff my pubic hair. She did not seem to be bothered by it but rather grateful for the help and a few moments later, without warning, I pulled her slightly off my cock and I filled her oral cavity with warm cum.

That bothered her because, I don’t pack lightly, pumping at least seven squirts in her mouth. She choked and a strand of my cum squeezed from the corner of her mouth. She remained game and held her mouth there until she got it all of it before detaching and smiling up at me.

“You sure know how to fill a girl up.”

“Well, you’re not the only Flannagan girl getting filled up tonight,” I smiled back at her.

I held her for a few moments while she caught her breath before claiming her luscious red lips again. I was well on my way to recovery as our kisses started getting deeper and juicier.

Lowering the zipper, my hands peeled her dress off her shoulders and gravity pooled it around her feet. No bra and only a small scrap of lace covering her. I picked her up and carried her three feet to the bed where I dumped her. Without even getting on the bed, I reached out and slipped my two fingers underneath the wisp of lace protecting her pussy from view.

Looking at her I smirked and then, ’Frripp’ as the lace separated from her body. It landed somewhere behind me.

She gasped at the move and immediately covered her pussy with her hands.

“Put your hands behind your head,” I barked, “you suck my cock like a hungry whore, but you want to cover your pussy?” She blushed at this and shivered under my gaze.

I took her in, she was young but gorgeous. In a few days, I would be heading back to South Africa, and she would remain in the US. Well, making the best of the night and cherishing a hot memory was probably the best option.

My eyes never left her sexy, supine body on the bed as I slowly and meticulously undressed while she watched me with huge interest. Finally naked her eyes went wide.

“I had all of that in my mouth?” I nodded as she blushed crimson. I could not but laugh as I kneeled on the bed, taking her gently by her ankles. Lifting one leg I started with her dainty toes, kissing her all over. By the time I was kissing and licking the instep of her foot, she was squirming, and a generous drop of moisture was forming on her pussy lips.

Kissing down her leg, I held short of her pussy and did the same on the other leg.

By the time I softly stroked a finger over her outer lips, she was moaning and breathing heavily. My cock was a steel bar, protruding upward from my groin. I wanted her badly, but I dared not take her without her pleasure first. The moisture on her pubis soon transferred to my tongue, and she clearly enjoyed it.

The moment my tongue entered her she held me back.

“Vernon, wait, just a moment please?”

“You okay, should I rather stop?”

She nodded and I moved up to take her in my arms. We kissed gently before she said, “I didn’t mean we should stop completely; I want this, I’m really enjoying your attention.”

“Yeah? But?”

“You said I wasn’t the only Flannagan girl getting filled up tonight?”


“Well, if we continue… well… Helen is… well….” She trailed off and took a deep breath. “If we continue, Helen is not the only Flannagan girl losing her cherry tonight,” she stated with big eyes.

“Oh? She’s a virgin?” I said, teasing her.

She giggled, “For a much older guy you are really very slow Vernon. Now get down there and do what comes naturally, my cherry is not going bust itself, I need you to do it, I’ve wanted it from the moment I saw you, please?”

For a few moments, I was concerned that this gorgeous young vixen was tumbling but I dulled my thoughts and kissed her until she started moaning into my mouth. My hands got busy with her ripe melons, massaging them firmly and pinching her rosy nipples. My mouth captured the one unattended and I suckled pleasurably on it; I always loved tits and hers was no exception.

Her face had a rosy glow which fascinated me about redheads. Their lust always shows in their cheeks.

Kissing my way down her defined abs, my fingers were ahead, toying with the tuft of red hair, pulling gently until her hips were undulating.

Kissing down her groins first, my fingers gently stroked her pussy, not entering yet. It was only when I licked her labia from the bottom to the top where her button was getting erect that she let out a loud moan. I made her cum first just sucking and licking her clit then again by rubbing her G-spot with my index and middle fingers. The wet spot below her buttocks was growing from the cum seeping from her pussy. I looked at it closely, realizing I am almost at that point where I’m going to turn her pussy into a raw, red fucked cunt.

I kissed my way back up her body, paying well-deserved attention, again, to her magnificent breasts.

After kissing her long and deep again, I broke the kiss to whisper to her, “You think you’ll be able to take my cock now?”

“Yes please,” she whimpered, “but please, take it slow?”

I rubbed her pussy again and she opened wide. I smeared some of my lubrication on her pussy before I looked at her. Our eyes met, she nodded, and I flexed my buttocks.

“Fuck, you are so big, slowly… please?"

I entered slowly, my cock putting pressure on her previously unused insides, she groaned, “Stop, just keep still for a bit, please?”

I held back and as I felt her hips tilting against me, I slipped another inch inside her.

She took a deep breath and moved against me again, I pushed, and a small tear ran over her cheekbone. “You are so fucking big.” Her face was red with exertion, and I held still.

A small movement from her hips and I felt her hymen. “We can still stop?”

She shook her head and wrapped her legs around me, with her heels on my buttocks she tightened her legs and I pushed again. She screamed and her nails raked my back.

With my groin flush against her pussy, she exhaled and opened her eyes. “I’m a woman,” she breathed and held me tight, “You made me a woman tonight,” she beamed.

I started slowly, pulling slightly, then entering. Soon she told me the discomfort was fading and I sped up. Not long after I found an easy rhythm, she stiffened, arched her back, and raked my back again. I could feel her cum flowing over my full ball sack.

I sat back slightly, put her legs on my shoulders, and sank deep inside her again.

“You’re so deep inside me, fuck me hard and deep, don’t hold back, please?

How could I refuse a lady?

Along the way I could feel my balls boiling over and knew I was not far off, I dropped her legs and supporting myself on my elbows, I hammered into her. Soon she was over the top, gushing my balls once again.

Slipping my hands below her buttocks and resting my head on her shoulder, I pumped away for the finish line and warned her, “I’m going to cum soon.” She didn’t answer probably because she was racing toward another orgasm, “Gonna cum again, don’t stop please?” Her nails raked my back again and she bit hard into my shoulder as she came.

I grabbed her buttocks so hard I was sure there would be marks later, then came deep inside her. She shuddered as my cum hit, groaning out to the world, “I’m cumming again, FUUUUCCCCK!”

Slipping out of her wrecked cunt, and rolling over, she asked, “You came inside me?”

“Yes. Why?”

“I’m not on contraception, but we should be okay. In the heat of the moment, it totally blew past me.”

We fucked a few more times that night, the energies of youth. The next morning, she was too sore and took another load of Gerber batter in her mouth. She was surprised I would still kiss her. The night before I left for South Africa we fucked again, and I claimed her ass as well.

Julie whisked me off onto the floor while Andy excused herself to get a drink.

On the floor, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I’m sure she could feel me getting hard. It’s difficult with a beautiful woman especially after you have just learned the gorgeous young woman you just danced with, was the product of your wild night together twenty years back.

We both looked at Andy departing from the room into the bar.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she? I raised her alone, made mistakes along the way but I am so proud of her. Thank you for our daughter.”

I kissed her softly and felt her gasp. It wasn’t a lover’s kiss or a horny kiss, but it did have its effect on me and it made me think.

Julie pulled back, “No, no, no, no, not again, although I would not mind having another ride?”

Soon enough Andy cut in, “Can I dance my first dance with my father please Mom.” Julie separated; knowing what she meant.

She was quietly amused, and I asked her about it, “Just unbelievable, that’s all.”

“What is?”

"I confess my whole life story to my dad, without even knowing. Did you know?”

“I wasn’t sure.”

“But you got a hard-on while tossing the idea that I might be your daughter? It is so fucked up, me dripping like a burst water pipe over the hard-on in my dad’s pants.

“See why I say, just unbelievable”

Suddenly it was different between Andy and me. Most of the time she looked intently at me. And by the last dance, she had her head against my chest. She tried to hide it, but I could feel her soft sobs as she whispered, “My Daddy,” against my chest.

Later that night, reflecting over a glass of bourbon in my hotel room, I was convinced I didn’t know the full story.

To be continued...

Written by Gallo
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