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Cum In Me

"Vernon and Sally consummate their relationship. Sally also opens a door for Vernon to peep into her deepest as a woman"

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Author's Notes

"This is the fifth chapter the series, Vernor Gerber."

I lost all sense of reason, space, and time for a few minutes. When I came to, my cock was deflated, Sally stood on her knees, still in front of me, holding me gently with her cheek against my stomach.

Reaching down, my trembling fingers found her hair, a border of moisture marking her hairline and some into her auburn curls. She looked up and smile the gentlest of smiles at me, her eyes telling me how she felt about what had just transpired.

She looked elated and very proud of herself. “You enjoy that?”

“You really want me to chance speaking after that? Nobody ever blew me the way you just did. You knew exactly what you were doing.”

“I guess the difference between a guy and a dildo, plastic doesn’t cream a girl’s throat, nor does it give compliments. Though batteries do go flat with overuse,” she giggled, “like yours right now.”

Leaning down, I gently lifted her by her arms till she stood in front of me. We kissed softly, opening our souls to each other. Breaking the kiss, I complimented her on her skills.

“I told you, from here on, your cum will always be inside me, unless you really want to be kinky and spray my face,” she replied.

“We might get to that, but it will be your choice if you want to be washed down with cum.”

“Your cum is precious to me and I would rather taste than waste or, get it where it counts most.” If I was supposed to pick up on her wordplay, I missed it as my knees crouched slightly and I lifted her bodily into my arms and her breasts against my chest. Her legs went around my waist like it was the most natural thing.

“You know, If I was hard, I could have entered you just like this. Just a matter of,” and I pushed her slightly against my groin. It did not have the desired effect. It would take some to get it up again.

“So, tell me, darling, what would get you hard again?”

“This,” I breathed, moving toward the bed, and gently laying her on the cool sheets. I looked down at Sally for a few moments, words were not offered nor demanded. We knew, we just knew.

Supporting myself on my hands, I leaned down and she pulled me in with her hands around my neck and met my kiss with natural anticipation and need.

I moved my kisses toward her ears and her neck, and she shivered. Sally seemed to have an abundance of erogenous zones. Her neck, just below the ear was one. My mouth moved down over her left shoulder ending up at that soft patch where her collarbone meets the arm joint. I sucked and she hissed with pleasure as my sucking increased.

“Are you marking me?” she giggled, which soon turned into a soft, breathy moan, “it burns a bit, but it does feel good.”

Pulling back, I appraised my handiwork. The bite had already darkened in the flickering of the candles, and she would not be able to wear strappy type tops for a few days.

“There you go Ma’am, your Boyfriend branded you,” I said in a mock accent.

“My Boyfriend?” Sally enquired. Our eyes met knowingly, and she pulled me toward her.

“C’mere, Boyfriend,” she murmured before she captured my lips. My hand slid up the side of her ribs and up to cover her left breast which I gently kneaded while we kissed. Sally moaned into my mouth, her body reacting to the stimulation.

The whole time, I was kneeling between her knees only holding myself up on my elbows. I straightened my legs, lying flat between her legs; I was hard again.

Sally broke the kiss, “I can feel you against me, Boyfriend. Tell me, is Boyfriend going to fuck his Girlfriend soon? Because Girlfriend can hardly wait to feel that magnificent cock inside her.”

“Yes, he is going to fuck you, after he made love to you first. But even before that, Boyfriend will be exploring Girlfriend all over with his mouth.”

“Why his mouth?”

“Because his mouth has not been all the places his fingers have been, and he thinks Girlfriend will like that.”

Her nipple was very stiff beneath my hand and my fingers gently captured the rubbery pebble. Rolling it between my fingers, Sally’s body started reacting again after being distracted by the mock roleplay. I gently started pinching the nipple exerting more and more pressure. I remembered from our encounter on the beach, how Sally had an orgasm from playing with that same nipple.

Her hips started undulating and her feet started rubbing up and down over my calves. From her undulations, her labia started opening and pressing firmly against my cockhead. So much, that from her movement, I started entering her.

I replaced my hand with my mouth, her nipple now pinched between my teeth. I applied more pressure while also sucking and flicking the nipple between my teeth. My left hand found her other tit and immediately started mauling the firm flesh, capturing a nipple, and pinching hard.

Sally’s legs were now around my buttocks, her feet urging me forward.

“Baby, I feel like I’m gonna pee…”

“Hmmm?” I replied behind closed lips.

“VERNON, FUCK!! I am going to piss myself, ENTER ME!!” She growled.

“Uh hmm,” I responded again.


I flexed my hips and slowly but firmly slid inside her. She groaned something, her head rocked back, and she came, warm fluids washing over my cock, balls and even flowing in between our bodies.

She was wide open, soaked and semi-coherent. I pushed all I had inside her, bottoming out and crashing into her cervix. As my balls rested against her cunt, she groaned again, her body shuddering in another watery climax.

My focus changed, my mouth released her abused nipple, as my hands slid beneath her shoulders, holding her in place. I was a madman as I started pummeling her with all the force my hips could muster. Sally was now wailing nonstop, our loins a continuous watery mess

I never kept track of how many times Sally came on my cock, but I could feel myself getting close.

Where to cum was my dilemma. I wanted to cum inside her, but the situation was so damn hot and so filthy sexy that I could not help but pull out at the last second and direct my cock to lay thick lines of cum over her whole torso.

My fist was a blur as I groaned with each spurt of cum flying from my cock and landing on Sally’s face, chest, abs, and finally, the last dribble, pooling in her navel.

I sank back on my heels, breathing like I’d run a marathon, my mouth parched as I tried to get my breathing back. Finally, I could muster looking down at Sally. Her eyes were droopy, and she smiled softly.

“I never imagined I could rouse so much emotion out of a man… nor so much cum for a second time in one night.”

I looked down at her, trying to make sense of what she meant.

Sally reached over to the bedside pedestal and handed me a glass of water which I eagerly gulped down. Handing the glass back I asked, “you look a mess, want me to get you a towel?”

Sally grinned and started to massage my cum into her abdomen and even smearing some on her breasts.

When done she asked, “do you think we’re sexually compatible?”

I laughed so hard I let out a fart. A heavy silence hung in the bedroom. Sally started giggling, “you really think so?”

I just shook my head and fell over next to her on the messy sheets.

I felt drowsy but was aware of Sally shuffling closer and wrapping a leg over mine. She drew pointless circles on my chest with her perfectly manicured index finger. Sometimes gently pressing down on a nipple with the pad of the same finger.

“You know, I am glad we got together, and I know we’re going to be good for each other. So many nights, I knew my boss was out with some bimbo and it hurt. I wanted to be the one in your bed, replace the whoever one you were allowing into your bed. But you never acknowledged me for who I was as a woman, never knew me and what my yearnings were. But I fought it, not dare to allow you to realize how I felt.”

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She continued her pointless drawing of lines while adding with a soft voice.

“Though I was fooling myself as, days when my defenses were down, I would get home with soaked panties. You had a way of doing certain things and that got to be big time. Many nights I lay alone in my bed, fantasizing about an event such as tonight. Other nights… well, Gillian was there but not always. She had a husband seeing to her needs and she did not want to risk us with her husband finding out. Those nights were fulfilling but afterward, when she eventually fell asleep next to me, both of us spent, I always wondered what it would be like with a real cock. With a real man driving it into me instead of a shaft of rubber strapped to a woman.”

“Also, I never wanted to make my yearnings known to you. I just didn’t feel like becoming a stat in your life.”

“Gillian played a huge role in your life?” I asked.

“She did. And in time I will tell you all about her. She was my go-to for emotion and the same with me for her.” Sally hesitated. “She’s divorced now. So, we did hang out again a few times.” I felt my cock stirring at the thought of them being together but also a pang of jealousy.

Deciding to probe I asked, “what happened?”

“We both always knew we had each other since… you know? But she met a guy a few years ago and it was head over heels for her. I was glad but also sad as I realized my confidante and friend was going her separate way.”

“Their marriage wasn’t all moonshine and roses though. She didn’t want kids, but he was adamant about it. Eventually, when nobody was looking, she fell pregnant. She was devastated but he was over the moon. It all went well, and mom and baby were as healthy as can be. She got used to it and was looking forward to being a mom. Almost full term, one morning she woke up, bleeding profusely. She had an emergency cesarean, but the baby was stillborn.”

“She was devasted and fell into a deep depression lasting several months. Eventually, he started an affair and left her. It was a long road but eventually, she took charge, got help and wrestled through it. The divorce left her substantially and she is content. We did get together a few times after that and it always seemed she was happiest when she could wake up next to me in the morning. About a year after the divorce, she started dating again which moved our relationship to the back burner.”

“Throughout all this, I tried to remain strong. I was sad when she had the opportunity to fall pregnant as I knew, that would probably never happen to me. I wept my nights away, knowing she was with her husband, pregnant and happy and I was alone.”

Tenderly, I removed a stray lock from her face,” Why is that?”

Sally sighed deeply. “Well, for starters, my chances of ever getting pregnant is slim after what happened to me and the infection I had. Second, at the time, I felt, the only man that was ticking all my boxes, was fucking a different bimbo every second night and would not even look at me twice.”

I gently lifted her face and she looked at me.

“That is not entirely true you know.”

Sally looked at me with doubt in her eyes.

“For starters, I didn’t want to... couldn't get involved with you. You were my PA and confidante. I felt guilty whenever I had thoughts of ‘what if’ because I thought it would have been unfair to you as well as against our policy.”

“I put those thoughts and feelings behind me, and things changed over time. Tonight, where we are, timing has come to perfection.”

Sally’s eyes flickered up to me and she looked down again, continuing her aimless wondering of her fingers over my torso.

“Remember some four years back, the fundraiser we had.?”

“The Ball? Yes, I remember.” Her eyes sparkled, “You asked me to dance? The whole company’s eyes were on us and, the moment you put your hand on my back, all gentlemanly, I was soaked. I have never been so turned on by anything you did like I was that night. Afterward, I felt like a complete slut for reacting to you so strongly.”

“It was also the closest I ever got to you. Your red dress against my tux. There’s a photo of us somewhere. I can still smell your perfume and feel the warmth of you through your dress. That night, getting home, I was sorry I did not try and take things further. But that would probably have been a mistake.”

“Perhaps not.” she simply said and shifted her weight to place her between my legs. I made space for her and my cock, which was beginning to stir, lay flush against her stomach.

“Had you just held me a bit closer, with the music, slightly dimmed lights, I might not have refused your advances. At that moment I was ready to lay my face against this strong chest of yours and lose myself in you,” she smiled brightly.

“At least I made up for it…”

“How did you do that?”

“You were quite active during the Ball, and I think with all your work, the success of it, you made a few impressions but not like the impression you made on me. I felt you would spot me immediately, but you never questioned me if I knew anything about the two dozen red roses you got on the Monday after.”

“So it was you? The card simply said, ‘An Admirer’, I remember. Masculine handwriting, not yours, so I never thought it would be you, but I must say, our dance, the roses, it was the most romance I experienced in such a short period.”

Sally started laying small pecks in between her narrative and eventually, after speaking, lifted slightly and directed her pecks closer to my groin. I was getting hard, and Sally noticed, “Is there any limitations to this thing?”

“I told you; I think it has more to do with the woman than the testicular health.”

“Well, while it is getting to the desired state, maybe I should put it where it should go?”

Sally moved down and palmed me gently, looking at me briefly before curling her fingers around me and slowly wanking me. Her mouth moved down, and she licked my slit a few times before engulfing about three stiff inches. Releasing me again, she moved south where she carefully bathed my testicles, in turn, searching my eyes with hers for a reaction to her stimulation of me.

My cock twitched and she stopped abruptly, placing her knees astride my hips. Her hair created a curtain of privacy around our faces as she bent down and kissed me gently.

As we kissed, my hands roaming her body, I felt her aiming my cock at her very wet entrance and slowly sinking down on me. She broke the kiss, only to moan as she slowly took all of me inside her.

Sally was a vision, sitting astride me, my cock deeply embedded inside her, the candles creating enough light to bathe her features in a soft glow.

She sat still on top of me, breathing deeply and seemingly enjoying the feel of our union.

I could barely make out the words as she uttered, “this is amazing, so deep inside me, right against my cervix, ready to accept your seed inside me. I feel so full, so contented. I feel so Woman.

She slowly lifted off me, her breasts barely moving. Seemingly wanting to feel my cock stimulating every single little bit of her as my thickness rubbed against her insides.

Sally rode me slowly, she was in control, she was taking every bit of pleasure for herself. She was in no hurry, and I would last a while before I would eventually cum. Or so I thought.

Sally rode me slowly for about fifteen minutes before she sped up and started mewling as she repeatedly impaled herself on my cock. Her hands started gripping into my chest muscles, a slight sheen of perspiration visible on her face as she announced, “I’m gonna cum.”

She started chanting that and she must have felt me as she said, “cum with me, cum in me.”

The timing was perfect as she forced herself down. Her head snapped back, her stomach muscles convulsed, her legs quivering against mine as she came with a long wail. As her inner muscles contracted and let go of her fluids, I honored her wish and let go of my cum against the entrance to her womb.


To be continued…

Written by Gallo
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