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When I got home early from lunch with John, my husband wasn't home yet. My son wasn't there either, probably at his friend's house. I decided to relax in a hot bath, reflecting on everything that happened to me today. As I sorted through all the memories, I felt my hand slip between my legs where it became evident how aroused I’d become from everything I was made to do.

As I lay in the warm water, lathering my body with soap as I ran my hands and fingers over all of my intimate areas, I pulled my feet up, pushed my knees out, opening myself as my hand slid further between my legs. I'm slowly sliding my fingers over my smooth mound, occasionally letting a finger slip between my lips as I drag it up over my clit.

My mind started working backwards through everything John made me do today...the humiliating way he made me give him oral sex, exposing me in the parking garage, whoring me out to those two young men. Then I thought back through my meeting with Anthony and the things he made me do. The way he made me interact with Megan, remembering what her touch felt like, what she tasted like, what she felt like against my lips.

And then my mind went back to John, and this power I've given him over me. I remember every detail of how he walked into my office, sat down in front of me, exposed himself and only said, "Suck," and that was all it took for me to disregard all of my better judgement and let him use my body right there in my office. And then my mind went back to the beginning, what started all of this. Remembering the shower in the cabin, the feeling of his body stepping in behind mine, his hands, his words. I felt myself slide my hand deeper between my legs, my middle finger moving past my pussy, sliding between the cheeks of my ass to gently tickle and press against the little star opening of my ass. I continued to tease myself as I looked up at the glass shower enclosure in the corner of my bathroom and knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to go back to that moment, I wanted to feel that night in the shower again.

I pushed up out of my tub and wrapped the towel around myself. I went into my bedroom, to my closet, to my special box I have hidden in the back. In it, I found my lifelike toy, eight inches long, with a suction cup on the bottom. I took it back into the bathroom with me and started the shower running. Dropping my towel, I stepped in and closed the door. After a moment of experimenting, I found just the right height and suctioned the dildo to the glass wall. As the hot water sprayed down across my back, I reached for the bar of soap, sliding it down the crack of my ass, then back over the head and shaft of my "John". I took it in my hand, stroking it a few times as if it were real, before arching my back and lining the tip up with my opening. I brought both of my hands up above my head to the wall in front of me as I slowly applied pressure back, feeling it start to open me. My rational thoughts were to go slow and allow my body to adjust as it penetrated me, but I wasn't thinking rational thoughts. I was in a place of fantasy and lust and I wanted to feel taken and submissive. I took a few deep breaths as the tip was penetrating me and then in one motion, I pushed back and impaled myself on its full length. I moaned as the fake balls pressed against the lips of my pussy, fighting to hold myself there as my ass adjusted to this intrusion. As I began to relax, I started to move, stroking it in and out of me. Soon I was fully fucking myself as I kept my hands pinned high on the wall, my eyes closed, putting myself back in the moment with John in the shower. I was lost in the moment as I actually heard myself say out loud, "Fuck my ass, fuck my ass, cum in my ass!" I continued this motion a few more seconds and suddenly an orgasm rippled through my body. I let out a guttural moan as I pushed back, driving it as deep as I could.

As my body stopped shaking, I slowly moved forward, feeling it slip from inside of me, as I leaned against the wall in front of me, aftershocks still sending shivers through my body. I couldn't believe I just came. I never imagined I could get that from anal penetration, but I just came with nothing more than my thoughts and being fucked in the ass.

My God, what has John turned me into? Or maybe the more appropriate question is, what has John unleashed that's always been inside of me?

I got out of the shower, put my little friend away and touched up my makeup and hair. I was starting to feel a slight return to normal, getting that out of my system for the moment. I slipped on a pair of black leggings and a soft, cropped sweatshirt and headed downstairs to start dinner.

It was almost 6 pm when my husband got home. He came into the kitchen as I was cooking, making small talk about his day. He stepped in behind me, put an arm around me and slid his hand up under my sweatshirt to squeeze one of my naked breasts as he asked, "And how was your day?"

Luckily he couldn't see the expression on my face as my mind immediately flashed the image of my dress open in the back seat of John's car as I stroked a stranger. I just replied, "Oh, you know, just another glamorous day in the world of copiers and office supplies."

He continued to give my breasts a little more attention as we heard the front door open and my son was home. He gave one more squeeze as he whispered before walking away, "How about tonight, maybe you give me a little squeeze?"

I chuckled to myself and said, "Maybe, we'll see."

I stood there thinking about the exchange I just had with my husband. Why did I feel so different with him? What is different about John or Anthony? My husband asks me to give him a handjob and my response is "maybe". But John or Anthony tell me to do the most taboo or explicit act and I immediately comply.

That's what it is... if my husband would have pushed me to my knees and drove himself into my mouth, I would have taken him without protest and swallowed every drop. If he would have spun me around, looked intensely into my eyes, and said, "Strip, bend over the table, and beg me to fuck you," I'd be facedown, pleading with him to take me in an instant. But he doesn't take that strong position with me, so my response is a "maybe". He's not pushing my buttons the way John and Anthony do.

We just finished eating as I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at my husband and said, "Rob, why don't you get that while Tommy and I clean off the table?"

My reluctant 17-year-old wasn't thrilled about putting his phone down and cleaning up plates, but he's a good boy and did his part.

I could hear my husband talking and laughing as he was walking back into the kitchen with someone. I wondered who it was when I heard high heels clicking on the wood floor.

I looked up and to my surprise, Megan was standing there with my husband.

She was wearing a charcoal grey, button-up dress that she had unbuttoned to the middle of her cleavage, clearly with no bra. The hem was very short and the opening at the bottom just stopped at the bottom button, barely covering her as she walked. She was not wearing nylons and had black high heels on, and if I know her, she wasn’t wearing panties.

I could tell my husband is taken by her, he was acting very friendly and slightly nervous in her presence. He looked at me and asked, "Did you know this is John's niece?"

I tried my best to hide all of the emotions and thoughts running through me at that moment as I smiled and said, "Yes, I did just recently find that out." And I looked at her with a smile as she returned an ornery grin.

I then, as politely as possible asked, "And why are you here, Megan?"

I didn't like that she showed up at my house after everything that had just recently happened with her. It's just too close to home. I'm fearful things will get exposed.

She replied, "Mr. Scari had some papers he wanted me to drop off for you to look over, and you forgot your jacket the other day in our coat room after your meeting, so I brought it as well."

As she was talking, I could see my husband looking her over, up and down her body, and I think looking down inside of the top of her dress. And my hormonal son was no better, leaning in from the living room to check her out.

She then continued, "Is there somewhere we could go sit down privately for a moment so I can point a few things out on this contract?"

"Yes, down the hall, we can go into my home office."

I led her down the hallway and opened the door to my office. As soon as we stepped in, I shut the door behind me, all acting was dismissed as I looked at her and said, "What the hell are you doing here?"

She just smiled and replied, "I told you, I had to drop off some papers and I brought your jacket back. You're welcome. And there's nothing out of the ordinary for a CEO's personal assistant to run some errands for him."

As she was speaking, she took her phone out and dialed a number, then brought it up to her ear. Then I heard, "Yes, she's right here." And she extended the phone to me.

I brought it to my ear and said, "Hello?"

And I heard Anthony's voice say, "Hello Elizabeth. So good to hear your voice. I had Megan stop by to bring you a few things, and I'll be honest, I couldn't stop thinking about you after I spoke with John this afternoon and heard about your day. Quite amusing I must say. Anyway, it made me want to see your beautiful body again so I told Megan to get a few pictures for me while she's there. You should think of her as an extension of me right now, so whatever she says to do, your response should be the same as it would be with me. Understand?"

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I pause for just a moment before responding, "Yes, I understand."

"Good. I look forward to seeing you Wednesday morning to finalize our contract, Megan has all the details. Goodbye." And he hung up.

I handed the phone back to Megan and asked her about Wednesday. She said to be there at 11 am and be prepared to give a thirty minute talk to the board of directors and some of the senior management about the services and products your company will be providing. She said it's just a formality to finalize the deal.

She was very specific as she told me to wear a gray suit, with a short skirt and gray high heels, a pink blouse, no bra, a pink g-string, and nude thigh highs.

The papers she brought with her were just the purchase order details, nothing important.

She laid the folder on the desk and then turned back to me and said, "Now that the business is out of the way, take off your clothes."

I reached back and locked the door, then lifted my sweatshirt up over my head revealing my breasts. I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of the thin black leggings and pushed them down to my ankles, taking them over one foot and then the other, dropping them to the side and standing back up in front of her. I realized then she had been videoing me as I undressed. Still pointing the camera at me, holding it with one hand, as she brought the other hand up and unbuttoned the four buttons at the front of her dress.

It fell open, hanging from her shoulders, revealing her small bare breasts and, as I had assumed, no panties covering her clean shaved pussy. She stepped forward and ever so slowly brought her lips to mine and began to kiss me softly. It only lasted a few seconds before she took one step back and said, "Taste me."

That familiar nervous, sexual knot returned my stomach as I lowered myself to my knees in front of her. She followed me with the camera as I leaned in, bringing my hands up the back of her thighs under her dress as my tongue slipped between her folds and began to trace up and down her slit. I gave in, I didn't try to fight it, I immersed myself in the moment. I brought my hands up under her dress to her behind and I squeezed and pulled her hips forward against my lips as I drove my tongue in against her, probing and licking at her clit, feeling her body respond.

I brought my left hand around the front of her hip and slid it up her body to her breast where I found her nipple. I pinched and pulled at it as I continued fucking her with my tongue.

Before, I told myself I didn't know what to do to a woman. But then I thought, what would I want done to me?

With that new perspective, it only took me a few minutes before her legs were trembling and I could taste the release from her orgasm as she became very sweet to my tongue.

She suddenly stepped back away from me, visibly trembling as she steadied herself on my desk, hitting that point where everything became hypersensitive.

She regained her composure, took a deep breath and smiled at me. I don't think her video turned out very well as she seemed to forget she was even filming.

She buttoned her dress back up, still leaving her cleavage exposed, as I picked up my clothes and started to redress.

Before pulling the leggings up my thighs, she stepped in front of me and thrust her hand between my legs, sliding her finger easily into me, smiling and looking in my eyes as she said, "Feels like you enjoyed that too."

She took her hand away and brought her finger up to her mouth as she slid it in and out of her lips, teasing me. Before I even had my sweatshirt back over my head, she had unlocked the door and was walking down the hall to the living room.

I was only a few seconds behind her, but she was already sitting in the chair across from the couch where my husband and son were watching TV and talking with them. When I walked into the room, my husband and son both had a nervous look like they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

When I walked over by Rob, I realized why. Megan was sitting just a few feet away from them, giving them a clear view right up her dress. She looked at me and just smiled as she shifted in her seat and I watched her knowingly part her legs, letting them see all of her.

She continued to sit there on display for them, as she began to say, "One final thing, Mr. Scari asked me to invite you and your husband to his home next weekend for a charity party. I'll send you all the details in an email this week. It's an annual event, very formal, and a lot of fun. I really hope the two of you can make it."

As she said that last line, I clearly noticed her point her knees, still parted, in my husband's direction, as she also looked at him and smiled.

She then pushed herself to the edge of the seat, making her dress ride up even higher, as she said, "Well, I have to get going, I need to stop at the store and pick up a few things on my way home." And with that, she gave one last parting of her knees as she got up from the chair, leaving nothing to the imagination.

My husband, being such the gentleman, I thought sarcastically, eagerly offered to walk Megan to the door. As he showed her out, I looked over at my son and I swear he had broken out into a sweat as he was so nervous and excited from her little show.

Later that night in bed, I rolled over to my husband, probably feeling guilty from everything I had done through the day, and asked him if he still wanted me to give him a "squeeze". He replied, "I thought you forgot about me."

I laid my head on his chest and I slid my hand down inside of his pajama bottoms, wrapping my fingers around his semi-hard erection as I began to slowly stroke it. As I felt it growing in my hand and subtle moans coming from his lips, I thought I might take advantage of the situation to make him squirm a little and have some fun.

His precum had now lubricated my hand and I was very slowly stroking my fingers up and down the length of him and over the tip, making him feel really good as I asked, "Megan's a very pretty young lady isn't she?"

He tentatively replied, "Yeah, I guess so."

I could tell he was nervous, thinking he was going to be in trouble. I tried to calm him, saying, "It's okay, I'm not jealous, I noticed you and Tommy both checking her out. I don't blame you, she is a sexy little thing."

He was still nervous as he mumbled and tried to redirect, "Yeah, I think Tommy really liked her."

I responded with, "And I thought he was going to have an orgasm in his pants when she flashed up her dress in the living room."

He quickly said, "What? I didn't notice that."

I smiled to myself as I jokingly thought, 'You liar.' I then laid it on thick and said, "Oh my god, you didn't notice? She wasn't wearing panties! You could see everything… she was shaved."

His words denied seeing her, but the throbbing of his shaft in my hand told me otherwise as I reminded him of the details.

My final comment was meant to put him over the edge as I said, "It's a shame you didn't get to see up her dress. You could have pictured it in your mind as I do this."

And as the last words left my mouth, I pushed the covers down, pulled him from the opening in his pajama bottoms and slid my lips over the head and down the slick shaft. I laid my head on his stomach as I just held him halfway in my mouth, raking my nails down the underside of his shaft to tease, and then tug at his balls as I sucked on him.

He warned me, as he always does, that he was going to cum. Typically at that moment, I would spray him onto his stomach, or on my breasts if I was kneeling in front of him. But this time, I just pushed him a little deeper into my mouth and waited to feel him spray across my tongue.

There were many things going through my mind, the heaviest one feeling guilty and like I owed him this. I still love my husband, and want to make him happy, so he should get every opportunity to enjoy my body as the others have.

And as I lay there still, he let out a groan as I felt his balls tighten up under my fingers, and that now very familiar feeling of warm fluid being pumped into my mouth for me to savor. I just laid there, relaxing, slowly milking every drop from the tip as I felt him begin to shrink and slip for my lips. Soon after, I heard his breathing change and he was asleep. I tucked him back away and pulled the covers up as I rolled over to my side.

As I fell asleep also, as I was reflecting on this day, a day like no other. Unbelievably, I had given oral sex to five different people today! One woman, four men, all of them cumming in my mouth.

John and Anthony did not do this to me, it's been in me all along, I've just let them release it. John was right, I did need to come to terms with that.


Written by ElizabethS
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