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I was just getting started into my day as my phone rang. It was the receptionist telling me there was a Mr. Keller and Mrs. Bernaby here to see me. I told her I wasn't sure who they were. She said they told her it was regarding the contract that was discussed over the past weekend at the charity event I attended.

Immediately I realized it was regarding the auction at Anthony's party. I felt a knot forming in my stomach as this brought back the reality of what I got myself into. I met them at the elevators and showed them to my office where we would not be disturbed. They were both very matter of fact and business like.

Mr. Keller said he was the attorney representing Mr. Dominic Jenson. And Mrs. Bernaby was a registered nurse that was there to provide a medical exam.

He was an older gentleman, probably close to seventy, dressed in a very expensive grey suit, white shirt, blue paisley tie, with black shoes and what was clearly a very high-end Rolex watch on his wrist.

She looked to be in her thirties, long brown hair, with glasses. She was very attractive, also wearing a grey suit with a white blouse, black nylons, and black high heels that I immediately identified as Jimmy Choo.

Mr. Keller laid out a huge stack of papers and started flipping through them showing me where to sign as he gave a brief explanation of each document. There were model releases for any videos or photographs taken of me, hold harmless agreements, and a plethora of release, disclosure, and consent forms. After a few minutes of signing my life and all my rights away, he said he needed to take all of my measurements and a few photos and then Mrs. Bernaby would need to conduct an exam and take a few samples.

I'll admit I was a little shocked by the formality of it all. You just don't imagine a sexual encounter having so much paperwork and hoops to jump through, but I suppose I do understand their client is a very powerful person and wants to stay protected.

The whole thing was just really odd, but I didn't question anything, I just complied with what they asked.

He had me stand in the middle of my office as he shut the blinds on the window. They both just stood there staring at me as I heard him say, "Please disrobe."

Somehow that didn't surprise me, it should have, but it didn't. Matching with their demeanor, I very matter-of-factly unbuttoned the front of my tan dress, took it off and draped it over the chair. I then reached behind and unhooked my tan bra, sliding it down my arms and laying it over my dress. I kicked off my black slingback high heels, and then hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my sheer nude pantyhose and slid them down my legs.

I turned back to face them, feeling embarrassed and self-conscious, completely naked in the center of my office as he stepped in front of me. He took out a measuring tape and proceeded to take all of my measurements. Nothing sexual, nothing sensual, nothing delicate, just took the measurements of my breasts, waist, hips, height, and my shoe size.

Next he stepped back, took out his cell phone, and proceeded to take full body photos of me from the front, side, and back.

Mrs. Bernaby then stepped beside me, setting her bag down on my desk and taking out all of her medical instruments. She took all the normal vitals; temperature, blood pressure, heart rate. Then she proceeded to give me a head to toe exam, looking in my ears, up my nose, at my eyes, my throat, and taking swabs of the inside of my mouth. She gave me a breast exam, felt my entire abdomen, and then made me bend over my desk where she very unceremoniously put on a latex glove and gave me a complete cavity exam and took two swabs from the inside of my vagina.

Through everything, I tried to maintain a very even disposition, not showing any emotion to what they were doing. I stood back up, she instructed me to have a seat in the chair, and then I watched as she took out two needles to draw blood and I had to ask, "Is this really all necessary?"

As I sat there having my blood drawn, Mr. Keller explained to me that this was all routine to identify any pre-existing conditions and make sure that I was in a healthy state.

After drawing my blood, she instructed me to put my clothes back on. As she put all of her instruments away, I quickly dressed.

Mr. Keller handed me an envelope and said, "Barring any issues with all of the medical tests, your time with Mr. Jensen has been scheduled for approximately two weeks from now. This envelope contains all the details you will need and further information that you should review and be fully versed on for your visit. My card is also inside if you should have any questions."

And as an afterthought, he added, "You should also work on your tan, full body, before the visit."

That kind of struck me as odd, but whatever, I can't really disagree. I haven't had much opportunity to get outside since it's been nice and you don't have to send a lawyer to make me take a few days to lay out by the pool.

Mrs. Bernaby said, "One last thing, if you would walk out with us so we can stop in the restroom, I will need to collect a urine sample as well."

I walked to the elevators with them, trying to be polite and make conversation but they were really not interested in pleasantries. The nurse and I went into the ladies room where she took out a small cup and handed it to me. I went into the stall and was slightly surprised as she stood holding the door open staring at me. The look on my face must have been enough to evoke her response as she said, "I have to witness you providing the sample."

'Of course you do.', I thought to myself.

Just trying to relax and get it over with, I bunched my dress up over my hips, pushed down my pantyhose and managed to provide enough of a sample to satisfy her.

As I watched the elevator doors close, I just shook my head and thought, 'Well that was not how I was expecting to start my week."

When I got back to my office, I opened the envelope to see what was in it. There was a paper with all the details for times and transportation. The "visit" as they referred to it would be the following week on Thursday and Friday. A car was going to pick me up at my office on Thursday at noon, and bring me back Friday by 7:00 PM.

The paper stated the only things I needed to bring were personal items and that all the clothing I would need would be provided.

I closed the envelope back up and got on with my day. I checked my schedule and decided that Tuesday and Thursday I could work half days, then head home at noon, making calls as I laid out by the pool to work on my tan as I was instructed. This was my son's last week of school so I figured I would take advantage of the house being empty.

I wrapped up Tuesday and slipped out of the office. I was really looking forward to the two days of playing hooky to lay by the pool. When I got to the house, I ran up to my bedroom and changed from my work clothes. I slipped on a simple black bikini that tied at the hips on the bottoms and at the back and neck on the top. I was planning to lay out naked obviously, but I just felt like I should have a swimsuit with me in case someone showed up. I grabbed a towel and my bag from work and headed down and out onto my back patio.

I positioned my chaise lounge for the best angle to the sun, actually facing the house. I pulled the little table over next to me and set up my makeshift office, then untied my bikini top and draped it along with the bottoms on the back of the chair.

After rubbing a liberal coat of 15 sunscreen over my body, I stretched out and let out a long sigh thinking, "I could really get used to work days like this!"

After a few minutes of relaxing, I picked up the phone and started making calls. The afternoon flew by and before I knew it I realized my son would be home anytime. I stood up and put my bikini back on, gathered up my things and headed in.

While I was up in my room getting dressed, I heard the front door and my son was home. There really should have been no issue with me being home or telling him or my husband I came home early, but I think it was just my mind being paranoid because I knew the real reason I was here. But because of this worry, I put my dress and heels back on from work before going downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen and was talking to my son, for some reason I made up a lie that I finished a meeting with a client early that was close to home so I didn't go back to the office and just came home early. As I continued to lie, telling him I just got there a few minutes before him, I could feel my conscience weighing on me wondering,  'Why the hell am I even lying? I don't need to lie, but now I've already done it.'

All through the day at work on Wednesday, I just kept looking outside and saw what a beautiful day it was, daydreaming about laying out by the pool again. Just before signing off from work, I received an email from Megan. It was a very professional email, not hinting at all at the relationship we truly had. It went on to state that after my presentation recently, several department heads have requested a more personal follow-up meeting and she listed the schedule for meetings in their offices this Friday.

To anyone else reading this email, there was nothing abnormal. But I knew exactly what it meant. It was a full day of me entertaining these men in their offices. I remembered seeing it in their faces when Anthony announced at the presentation that I would be available for follow-up meetings in a more personal setting, I knew there was going to be more to it.

Thursday morning, I couldn't get out of the office fast enough as I was really looking forward to relaxing by the pool again.

As before, I hurried up to my room, stripped out of my work clothes and grabbed my little black bikini and headed back out. This time, as I passed through the kitchen I grabbed a vodka soda canned drink. I felt a little edgy and like I needed something to relax me.

I positioned my chair, set out my work items, off came the bikini, and I waded down into the pool for a little relaxing swim before laying out.

I patted myself dry with the towel, then rubbed the sunscreen over my body. I was trying to get a tan quickly, but really didn't want to be burnt. I laid back in my chair, finished most of my drink, and then started scrolling through emails. I was drawn to and reread the email from Megan about my appointments tomorrow. Feeling the slight buzz from my drink, my mind started drifting, wondering what was going to happen to me tomorrow. There were eight appointments set throughout the day!

Subconsciously I didn't even realize I had been tracing my fingernails over my stomach and breasts. When my hand brushed over one of my nipples, it sent a tingle between my legs and that was all it took for me to lay my phone down and close my eyes, beginning to imagine what tomorrow may hold.

Was I going to be fucked eight times? Was I going to have to swallow eight men? Were there any rules or limits put on what they could do to me? As these thoughts went through my mind and images and feelings of being used sexually consumed me, I began to open my legs as I slid my hand down between them and rubbed small circles over my clit with the pad of my middle finger.

My left hand was caressing my breasts and working my nipples with my thumb and forefinger as my right hand was between my legs. I had my feet pulled up on the chair with my knees bent and flexed open as wide as my hips would allow. The fingers of my right hand were opening me up, sliding into my wet pussy, and then bringing that wetness up to lubricate my clit as I made small circles and flicked at it with my fingertips. My body was quickly responding as I felt tremors travel in waves through it. I felt occasional jerks of my torso and thrusting of my hips into my hand, paired with my neck flexing back and my mouth dropped open as a low moan escaped my throat.

Just then, my phone began to vibrate as someone was calling me. I was not going to answer it, but it broke my state of mind and I started to worry it was something important. I picked it up and saw that it was John calling. I took a few deep breaths to try to relax myself, and then I answered.

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"Hi, I stopped by your office, I wanted to see you this afternoon but you're not here. Where you at?"

"I'm actually at home, I took a half day."

"Is that water I hear in the background?"

Hesitantly I answered, "Yes, I'm sitting out by the pool right now. I played hooky and I'm working on my tan."

John responded, "I see. So can I assume you're laying out naked?"

I paused for several seconds. I could have lied, but I didn't, as I said, "Yes."

"Send me a picture. Right now. I want to see you naked laying there."

I hesitated, and then replied, "Give me just a second."

I opened the camera on my phone and held it up above me. I put my legs back down into a more modest position before snapping the picture and sending it to him.

A few seconds later he responded, "Very nice! But I think you can do better than that. Open your legs wide and send me one with your fingers buried inside of your pussy."

I was already worked up from the way I was masturbating when he called, so his commands to expose myself this way were fueling the excitement I was already feeling. I pulled my feet back up, pushed my thighs open again, and rolled my hips to completely expose myself. I extended my arm as high above me as I could and began taking pictures. First my exposed pussy, then my fingers over it, then one, then two fingers pushed as deep inside as I could. After taking the pictures, I brought my arm down and then just laid there for a few seconds slowly stroking my fingers in and out of my pussy. I was so wet and worked up.

I selected three pictures and sent them to him, and then brought the phone back up to my ear.

"I sent them."

I heard him making sounds of approval as he was looking at his phone, looking at me performing for him.

I heard his voice come back, "One more picture. Bring your fingers up and suck all of your juices off of them, then tell me how good you taste."

His commanding tone aroused me even more as I continued pumping my fingers between my legs. I extended my arm again and captured the images of my fingers sliding from my pussy and then up to my mouth where I licked and sucked each finger clean.

I sent the images and then brought the phone back to my face. I told him I sent the pictures, and then as I heard him praising my images, I describe to him the sweet slippery taste of my juices that were now on my lips and tongue.

He told me he knew about my meetings all day tomorrow and it excited him to think about what all those men were going to do to me. He said he needed to see me today. He wanted to feel my body, feel my lips and ass wrapped around his cock.

He told me he would text me after five with directions of where to meet him.

I decided to wrap up outside and head in to get cleaned up. I needed to get dinner started and be ready to leave when John texted me.

I went up and rinsed off in the shower, then touched up my makeup and hair. I slipped on a light gray and yellow summer wrap dress with a pair of white thong panties, and a pair of beige, lace-up high heel wedges.

I was in the kitchen finishing up dinner when my son came in. We talked for a few moments and he asked me a lot of questions about my day. Again I found myself lying.

I got a text from my husband saying he had to work late tonight and wouldn't be home until after 8:00 PM.

As we were eating dinner, my son was complimenting me on my outfit. He asked me if I wore that to work? I responded telling him that I just put it on when I got home. He then asked why I was so dressed up and again, I lied, saying I had to run out...

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Written by ElizabethS
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