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Author's Notes

"Read the end of "A Lawyer, A Nurse, A Struggling Teen, and John - A Little Winter Tail, Part 8" for Elizabeth's perspective of the events described below..."

Tommy spent the rest of Tuesday evening in his room enjoying his new nude photo collection from earlier in the day.

Wednesday he couldn’t wait to rush home after school, but when he walked out of the building he was disappointed to see it had clouded up and had been raining. 

He went straight home anyway, but when he got there, as he assumed, his mother’s car wasn’t in the garage.

He started wondering if that was just a lucky one-off catching her, or if she was going to be doing it regularly. He grabbed some food and headed to a friend’s house to hang out for the rest of the afternoon.

Thursday his hopes and horniness were renewed when he exited the high school building and was greeted by a beautiful blue sky and the sun beating down in the eighties.

He couldn’t get home quick enough in hopes of finding a repeat of Tuesday. Trying to prepare himself for a let down, he started telling himself, ‘She’s probably not going to be there… it was just luck that I caught her before.’

Tommy crept in the front door of his house, straight through the mud room to open the garage door, and there it was… his mother’s car!

He started to shake with excitement as he made his way to his viewing spot at the dining room window.

He saw all of her stuff out and the chair in the same position pointing toward the sun and the house, but where was she?

Tommy noticed her black bikini draped on the chair, and then her movement caught his eye as she swam in to view. Watching her splash around for a few minutes, he got his shorts down and his phone out and ready to record. 

Finally, she made her way to the steps, then stood up out of the water. Her beautiful breasts came into view, the water running off of them and drops falling from her erect nipples. She exited the pool, and went over to her chair to get her towel. Tommy just took it all in, watching his naked mother parading right in front of him.

He watched her dry her body, then enjoyed her rubbing sunscreen all over, from head to toe. It wasn’t intended in a sexual way, but her hands circling, cupping and rubbing over her breasts to spread the lotion was quite the sight. He also enjoyed when she sat and pulled each knee up to rub the lotion up and down her legs.

After she settled back into her chair, she leaned back, her phone in one hand and a can of some fruity alcoholic drink in the other.

She was reading something on her phone as she finished her drink and set it to the side. Over the next few minutes, she just laid there, engrossed in her phone, but then Tommy started to notice her dragging her fingernails of her free hand over her breasts and across her nipples. 

 ‘Was she teasing herself?’ went through his mind as he followed every movement of her hand.

He didn’t wonder long as he got his answer. She laid her phone on the little table beside her, rested her head back, eyes closed, and both hands began circling her nipples and tracing over her stomach.

He felt his breathing become shallow as his cock throbbed in his hand when her right hand slipped down her hips and he watched her middle finger disappear between the lips of her pussy.

‘Oh my god, that’s so hot!’ he just kept thinking as he watched her feet parting more and more as her fingers would slip into her pussy then return to her clit to slowly rub. Her other hand continued to caress and squeeze her breasts, pinching and occasionally pulling at her nipples.

It continued to get better as she was clearly losing herself in the stimulation of her fingers in her pussy. He watched with intensity as his mother, laying on display right down in front of him, slowly pulled her feet up and let her knees open wide, giving him complete access with his eyes. He couldn’t believe how great this was! She started pushing her fingers deeper into her pussy, her face displaying the expressions of her pleasure.

Her position could not have been any better for him. The bottoms of her feet were flat together, pulled halfway up to her ass in the chaise. Her hips were completely flexed open with her knees almost flat out to her side. He could see the soft lips of her pussy pushed out around her middle and ring finger as they were driven all the way into her.

She looked like she was really getting into it. Her body jerked and she would thrust her fingers quickly into her pussy. ‘She’s going to make herself cum. That’s it mom, finger your pussy for me, make yourself cum for me,’ he was thinking to himself. 

Suddenly she stopped. It was her phone. She looked annoyed as she picked it up and stared at it for a second before answering it. 

Tommy was annoyed too. ‘God damn it… She was going to get off… What the fuck?... She better finish!’

He impatiently watched, cursing under his breath as she continued to talk when he couldn’t believe what he saw. She looked worried or nervous for a second as she took the phone away from her face, but then she put her legs down, held the phone up high and took a selfie… a naked selfie!

She did something on her phone, and then brought it back up to her ear. ‘What the hell? Did she just send someone her naked picture? It has to be Rob.’ 

He couldn’t hear anything she was talking about, but assumed it was his step dad on the phone. 'Who else could she possibly be sending a naked picture to?' he thought.

She was talking on the phone for a few more seconds and then he watched her as she held the phone up again and started taking more pictures. This time they became more and more provocative. He was getting so excited as he watched her pull her knees back up again and open them wide, capturing photos of her hand going between her legs. She pushed her finger back into her pussy, and then another. She was taking pictures as she was driving two fingers as deep into herself as she could!

She brought her hand down, still clutching her phone. Elizabeth let her eyes drop shut as she continued to finger herself for a few more seconds, clearly caught up in the stimulation she was providing herself.

Her eyes slowly opened, she slid her fingers from between her legs, and was again doing something on her phone. He watched Elizabeth bring the phone back up to her ear and started talking again.

Again, after a few minutes of conversation, still sitting there with her feet pulled up and her hips open wide displaying herself in Tommy's direction, she raised her arm and phone above her. Her right hand again slipped down between her legs. One, then two fingers back into her visibly glistening pussy. She continued to take photos as her hand ground between her legs, pushing her fingers as deep as she could. Then she slowly slid them from her pussy. Following herself with the phone, Elizabeth brought her fingers up to her mouth where she gently rubbed her juices across her lips and then took them all the way into her mouth to suck them clean.

"Aaaahhhhhh," escaped Tommy's throat as he came on the floor of the dining room as he watched his mother, performing so naughtily.

By the time he regained his composure and looked back out, Elizabeth was back on the phone finishing up her conversation. He ran into the kitchen and grabbed some paper towels to clean up his mess. By the time he finished he looked back out and his mother was sitting up, putting her bikini back on. It was time for him to disappear again.

As before, he ran outside and got back into his car, giving her time to get in and change before making his entrance.

He drove to the convenience store just a mile down the road from his neighborhood and sat in the parking lot killing some time until he would normally be home from school.

As he sat there, he was checking his phone and was quite ecstatic about the quality of the video he just captured. Every detail now could be studied at his leisure. The beautiful view of her pussy with her knees spread wide, pumping two fingers deep inside of herself, and then the licking of all of her juices from her fingers was all there for his pleasure. He was slightly embarrassed as he watched his mother sucking her fingers, tasting herself, and could hear his own sounds in the background as he came.

He looked at his phone and thought it was safe for him to head home now and not raise any suspicion.

He loudly walked through the front door dropping his backpack, and walking to the kitchen where he found his mom making dinner. He was a little surprised at how nicely she was dressed. She was wearing some type of yellow print wrap around dress that showed a lot of thigh when she moved and this pair of wedge high heels with strings that wrapped up around her ankles. When she turned around to greet him, he also couldn't help but notice the front wrapped loosely revealing a lot of cleavage and she clearly was not wearing a bra.

He went up to the bathroom and freshened up before coming back down to eat. when he sat down at the table, it was just her and he asked where Rob was?

Elizabeth answered, "Oh, he had to work late this evening so he won't be home right away, so it's just us for dinner."

Tommy was listening to her, but his eyes were exploring her cleavage and looking down at the slightly red, newly tanned thigh exposed by her dress falling off of her leg.

He made a comment about how good she looked and asked her if she wore that to work today.

Elizabeth stuttered a little as she said, "No, I changed after I got home."

"Oh? You look really good, why'd you put on something so nice? Just for me?" Tommy said with a sly smile.

Elizabeth smiled nervously and responded, "No, I have to run to the store this evening and I just felt like dressing nice."

Tommy noticed her phone start buzzing and her checking what appeared to be text messages. He noticed after she read them she seemed a little anxious.

She got up from the table and told him she needed to go... go to the store, and she'd be back in a little bit. She seemed very nervous and made it a point to be very specific that she was going to the store.

She ran upstairs to her bedroom and Tommy could hear her going to her master bathroom. He looked over and realized she left her phone laying on the corner of the counter. 

He quickly ran over and opened it up. Thank goodness she hasn't changed her lock password in four years!

He went straight to her text messages to see who messaged her. The first name at the top of the list was John.

He opened the message and couldn't believe what he saw.

With a flick of the finger, there were all the pictures she took today by the pool. 

'Oh my God, oh my God!" just kept racing through his mind.

He scrolled back down to the last messages. 

It was an address with a message that said, 'be there in 20 minutes.'

"That's where she's going! Not the store... she's going to meet him!" He said under his breath.

He quickly took his phone out and took a picture of the address. Tommy heard her walking out of her room so he quickly closed the app, shut the phone off, and went back and sat down at the table.

So many thoughts were racing through his mind as he sat there pretending to pick at his food. He knew at some point he wanted to get back into her phone and get those pictures off of it. But right now, he knew what he was going to do. He was going to follow his mom to that address.

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She came around the corner, grabbed her phone and hurried out to her car, telling him to stay out of trouble and she would be back soon as she closed the door.

As soon as Tommy heard the garage door going down, he ran out and saw her tail lights going down the street and got into his car. He typed the address into his phone in case he lost her along the way, and was careful to not get too close as he followed.

Elizabeth pulled into this old garage building, about fifteen minutes away from their house in a run-down part of the town. Tommy pulled off a little ways up the street and shut his lights off so he could watch where she went. 

He saw her get out of the car and he could tell she was nervous as she walked to the door, looking around over her shoulder like she was afraid someone was going to jump her. Tommy thought to himself that it could happen, the way she was dressed and looked in this neighborhood.

When she disappeared inside the building, he crept down the street and parked right around the corner of the building where she couldn't see his car if she came back out.

He got out and just as nervously, looked over his shoulders and walked around the building, trying to find another door or window.

He came around the back and walked between that building and the one next to it where there was only about a four foot space. There were weeds and it was over grown and dark. Halfway down the side, he found a window. It was an old metal frame with nine small panels in it, and a few of the panes were cracked. He bent down and peeked in through the bottom window, where there was about a two inch triangle broken out. 

And there she was, standing in the middle of this open garage, talking to John as he was moving a table into the open area.

He could barely hear them talking, not enough to really make out what they were saying but just some broken sounds. John threw a heavy blanket across the table, said something to her and pointed at it.

He watched his mother walk over to the table, sit in the middle, then she turned and put her legs up onto it and laid back. From Tommy's position he could see the table from the end. He watched Elizabeth shift herself on the table and lay her head back.

Her head was hung back off the edge of the table slightly, her face in this direction with her long blond hair hanging down almost to the floor. Her arms were down to her sides and her wrap dress was stretched across her breasts exposing a deep cleavage.

At first he didn't quite understand what was happening, but then watched as John walked and stood in front of her head, blocking his view. Tommy couldn't see exactly what was happening but he could tell John was doing something with his pants in the front. He saw  him step forward and then watched the man's hips begin to move slowly in a fucking motion.

'Oh my God... he's fucking her mouth!' Tommy thought.

All he could see from his angle was John standing with his feet apart, his hips moving in and out, and his mother's long blonde hair hanging visible between his legs. He could hear well enough to make out the occasional gagging sounds and assorted moans.

John went at her, for several minutes, using her mouth like a pussy. Tommy would see his hips drive forward and then just hold there. He must have been pushed all the way into her throat!

Finally he watched John step back and walked around to the other end of the table. With John out of the way, he had a clear view of his mother again.

Her head was still hanging back. She looked like she was slightly coughing and trying to catch her breath. Her lips and chin were visibly wet with her saliva. John had opened her dress. It was falling off each side of the table, and in this position her breasts were pushed up, naked and on display. Her legs were apart, one knee bent up.

Standing at her feet now, his glistening cock sticking out of his pants, he grabbed Elizabeth's legs at her calves and slid her toward him.

He pulled her hips all the way to the edge of the table and had her legs together, sticking straight up in front of his body. He roughly pulled her panties from under her hips and up her thighs where he left them. They were the skimpiest pair of white panties she owned, just a few strings with a shear patch of material in the front.

Tommy could see him reach between their bodies, guiding himself into her.

Soon John was fucking away as Tommy watched his mother clearly enjoying it, slowly wiggling on the table.

John was talking to her as he fucked her, but Tommy couldn't make out what he was saying. Then John began laying into her more aggressively. 

Tommy could see his mother tensing and pulling herself up like she was doing a sit-up as her moans became clearer. He was pretty sure she was having an orgasm by the way she was shaking and moaning.

The look on John's face as he watched her orgasm was an intense stare and you could tell he clearly enjoyed the control he seemed to have over.

As Tommy watched his mom start to relax back onto the table,...

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Written by ElizabethS
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