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Author's Notes

"This is part twenty-five of the continuing story of Silvia and Megan. If you haven't read from the beginning "Seduction in Paradise: Part One and the rest of the series, this probably won't make a lot of sense."


Our 'date' with Caroline and Jen fell on a Friday evening, which was also Valentine's Day. Michelle and I had gotten together the Wednesday before, exchanged gifts, and made love after Michelle had prepared a delicious dinner. We talked about Friday night, not really knowing what to expect with Caroline and Jen. I agreed to follow along since Michelle had experience with this type of thing. If anything happened that upset me or made me feel uncomfortable, Michelle told me to say something like my stomach hurt or something similar so we could ease our way out of there. We both hoped it wouldn't happen, but you never know.

At the gym Friday morning, Michelle and I talked more about what might happen. I wished her a happy Valentine's Day. She smiled and said she hoped it would be a very memorable one, then winked. I was very nervous, and Michelle reassured me that things would be fine. We'd go slow and see what happens. She suggested we both dress casually, not too sexy, but nice. She also suggested we both wear one of the sets of lingerie Megan had given us for Christmas, which I thought was a good idea.

I opted to drive the two of us since Michelle's place was on the way. If things got crazy, I could leave and deal with the aftermath later. Hopefully, it wouldn't happen. That evening, I picked Michelle up around six thirty. We stopped and got a couple of bottles of wine, a Pinot Noir, and a Chardonnay, not knowing what dinner was.

When we arrived, Jen greeted us at the door. We all hugged, and I asked where Caroline was. Jen said Caroline was still getting ready and would be out shortly. She was dressed casually, too, but her hair looked damp, as if she had just gotten out of the shower. Jen thanked us for the wine and led us to the kitchen. She placed our two bottles in the fridge as Caroline joined us. More hugs and greetings as we watched Jen pour four glasses of chilled Pinot Grigio they had in their fridge.

With glasses in hand, we moved to the living room to chat. Caroline's attire was like the rest of us: casual and slightly sexy. She left a couple of buttons loose on her blouse to show off her cleavage. Caroline wasn't busty, but what was showing looked delicious.

As we sipped, we talked about what we'd been up to since we last met. When our glasses were close to empty, Jen headed to the kitchen to get the opened bottle to freshen our drinks. While Jen was in the kitchen, Caroline mentioned she was preparing shrimp scampi with a Caesar salad for dinner. She had also gotten some Oysters for appetizers whenever we were ready to eat.

When Jen returned, I noticed two buttons on her blouse were unbuttoned to match her lover. I smiled as Jen leaned over to refresh my wine, showing off her perky cleavage. I saw Michelle also notice as Jen served her. Caroline noticed and gave Jen a wink, which made her smile. That wink and smile confirmed that Caroline was in charge and probably would take the lead if we were going to do anything. With that revelation, I felt a delicious tingle surge through me. I almost felt like purring, but it was too soon. We hadn't had dinner yet, and I was getting hungry and looking forward to what I hoped would be dessert.

We talked more and polished off our second glasses of wine. With the bottle empty, Caroline announced she was going to start dinner. She gave us a brief timetable and told us that the salad was already made and needed the dressing. She would place the oysters on the dining room table before cooking. There were a couple of garnishes, a mignonette, lemon wedges, and a mint granita. I'd never tried a mignonette or the granita, so I was looking forward to them. She told us to help ourselves with the oysters.

When Jen started to get up to help to assist Caroline, I asked Caroline if I could help instead. She smiled and said I was welcome to join her. Jen grinned, thanked me, and sat closer to Michelle on the sofa. Michelle winked at me, which made me blush and sent a nice tingle through me.

In the kitchen, I asked Caroline what I could do to help. She smiled, telling me just to follow her lead, and apologized for not asking if we had any food allergies. She'd been busy, and it completely slipped her mind. I told her it was fine; neither Michelle nor I had any food allergies, so not to worry. Caroline opened the fridge and pointed out the oysters and condiments for them. She asked me to take them to the dining room table while she got the shrimp going. As I took each dish out, I could hear Jen giggling and answering Michelle with a 'yes, ma'am' now and then. I knew Michelle liked that type of response, so I figured things were going well with them.

Back in the kitchen, Caroline was busy mixing the salad while the shrimp cooked, and the pasta water slowly came to a boil. I stood, leaning back against the counter, sipping my wine as I watched her work.

After Caroline paused to sip her wine, she moved to me and stood facing me, smiling. "I can hear Jen giggling and a little bit of their conversation. I assume you both discussed what you and I briefly talked about at Michelle's house."

I blushed as I took a sip, "Yes, we did. At first, I wasn't too keen on the idea. This is all still relatively new to me. But, the past year has been full of new experiences, so I decided to see what happens."

Caroline smiled, "You're adorable when you blush, Silvia. It's something I find very attractive about you. I'm so glad you two talked it out. I've been told that communication is the key to this type of thing, especially in relationships in general. Jen has been talking about Michelle constantly. It's weird and exciting at the same time."

My blush intensified as I listened. Her voice became a little sultry as she talked, which made me want her more.

I replied, "I've been thinking about you also. By the way, you acted at Michelle's; I sort of assumed you were more of a 'take charge' kind of gal."

Caroline put her glass on the counter, “Just a sec.”

She checked the shrimp and the water before returning to answer me, "I guess I do that with Jen more than when we first met. It came naturally to us. Jen gets so stressed from teaching that we discovered when I take charge, she forgets all the crazy things that happen at work and relaxes doing what I tell her to do. Nothing extreme; she likes not thinking for a few hours."

I smiled, "I'm not like that; I'm very easygoing and don't stress out over much. Michelle tends to get her way, but I'm not a pushover. This was my decision to accept your dinner invitation."

Just as I finished my sentence, we heard the water for the pasta boil over and hit the stove's burner. Caroline rushed to lower the temperature and drop the noodles in before setting it back on the burner. She stirred the shrimp, asked me to place the salad on the table, and told Jen and Michelle that dinner was ready.

I smiled, then replied, “Yes, ma'am.”

Caroline giggled, "Oh, this is going to be so much fun."

I grabbed the salad bowl and replied, “I think so too.”

After placing the salad bowl on the table, I peeked in to see Jen sitting on Michelle's lap, facing her. Jen's top was unbuttoned, and Michelle was smiling at Jen. I told them dinner was ready, which startled Jen. She quickly covered up and left Michelle's lap, straightening herself up before replying, "Okay."

With a smile on my face, I returned to help Caroline. She was tasting the noodles to see if they were done. She pointed out where the plates and silverware were as she poured the noodles into a colander to drain and then into a serving bowl. Next, Caroline added the shrimp while I grabbed plates and placed silverware on them. Jen walked in to get another bottle of wine as I slipped past her to set the table.

Michelle was seated at the dining room table with a huge smile. She mouthed, 'Thank you,' and I mouthed, 'You're welcome.'

When I returned to the kitchen, Jen opened the bottle and whispered in Caroline's ear. Both women were smiling as I asked if there was anything else they needed help with.

Caroline replied, "No, we'll be out in a second; please have a seat, Silvia."

I left the kitchen and sat across from Michelle. We patiently waited for our hostesses to join us, placing napkins on our laps and sipping wine. I took the liberty of placing an oyster on my plate as I debated which condiment to try. I'd eaten oysters once, and that was when Lloyd and I had been dating. We'd been drinking, and there weren't any sauces to put on the oysters. We just gulped them, and that was that.

I was about to choose one of the condiments when Jen stepped behind me and refilled my wine glass. When it was full, she moved around the table to do the same to Michelle, Caroline, and herself. Caroline entered the room with the main course in a large bowl. She placed it in the center of the table, then stood back, looking it over to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

Michelle commented, "It smells delicious, Caroline."

Caroline smiled, "Thank you, Michelle. Are you trying to decide on a condiment for the oysters, Silvia? Try the mignonette. If you don't like it, I'll eat your oyster."

When Caroline said that, I blushed crimson. Then, it dawned on them that it made a good double entendre. We all started laughing as Caroline blushed. When the laughter subsided, the others picked up an oyster, and we each slurped one down with only lemon juice. We tried the other condiments, and they were delicious.

I finished all of mine first and told Caroline with a sly grin, “Your oysters were delicious.”

That got another round of laughs and blushes. Then Jen proposed a toast, “To new friends and our delicious oysters!”

We smiled and clinked our glasses, then ate dinner. The conversation was light, sexy, and fun. We laughed, ate, drank, and completely enjoyed ourselves. When dinner was over, Michelle and Jen cleared the table and cleaned up while Caroline and I moved to the living room. We'd gone through two bottles of wine, and we were all feeling good while not drunk.

I sat on the sofa, waiting for Caroline to sit. Instead, Caroline said she felt like dancing and asked if I'd join her. I told her I'd love to, as I felt a little buzzed. She smiled, admitting she was too. We giggled as she walked over to their sound system and turned it on. They had a huge collection of CDs on shelves, and I thought she'd select something from there. But she'd planned this, and a mix was ready to play.

The music had a nice beat to dance to. Caroline turned to face me, her hands outstretched to help me up from the sofa. I stood, and we started dancing after kicking off our shoes. Before the first song was over, Jen and Michelle joined us. We were having a great time shuffling around, bumping into each other, laughing, and complimenting each other's moves. We danced to three fast songs, and a slower one came on. Michelle and I paired up, while Jen and Caroline did the same. I'd never danced with Michelle, so we were slightly awkward at first. But then, we sort of melded together and moved as one.

Michele nuzzled my neck as she whispered, “Are you still okay with all of this, my love?”

I whispered back, “I am if you are.”

She looked at me, smiling, "I am. I just wanted to be sure you are."

As I nodded, Caroline asked, "Are you two okay? You're looking too serious right now."

We both laughed, and I told her we were fine.

When the song stopped, another upbeat one came on, and we started rockin' again. Jen and Michelle paired off this time, bumping and grinding as Caroline and I looked on. It didn't take long for us to copy them. Caroline led, grinding against me, her hands running up and down my sides as I swayed and reciprocated. We switched partners after the third song, Jen with me as our lovers danced and looked on. When the next slow song came on, we didn't exchange partners. That gave Jen and I a few minutes to whisper to each other.

Jen whispered, "You're fortunate, Silvia. Michelle is amazing, funny, and very sexy. Do you mind that I'm paying a lot of attention to her?"

I replied, “No, I don't, Jen. I feel the same way about Caroline. Is that alright with you?”

Jen purred and nuzzled my neck, “Yes, it is. I'm glad you're okay with this. I assume you're both staying the night?”

I looked over at Michelle and Caroline, who were watching us as I whispered in Jen's ear, "We brought overnight bags, just in case we were invited. We didn't want to assume."

Jen giggled, "Consider yourselves invited. I know Caroline will be thrilled."

The song ended, and we separated. I could feel my face flushing, so I excused myself to get a drink of water. Caroline followed me into the kitchen and asked if everything was alright. I filled my wine glass halfway from the refrigerator's water dispenser. Before taking a drink, I told Caroline, "Everything is good. I just needed a break and some water."

Before Caroline could reply, Michelle entered the kitchen and asked for my keys to get our overnight bags. I told her they were in my purse near the sofa. She smiled and thanked me, then scurried away to get them.

Caroline's expression made me tingle as she looked at me and grinned, "Is that what you and Jen were discussing?"

I blushed, sipping my water. After I swallowed, I managed a weak "Yes."

Caroline drew me close, wrapping her arms around my waist as we looked into each other's eyes as Caroline confessed, "I was going to ask you during the next slow dance, but Jen is a little excited about the idea and beat me to it. I'm glad you're both staying the night. They'll be in the guest room, Silvia. Did you want to dance a bit more, or should we grab your bag and go to my room?"

Then she leaned in and kissed me. It was long, slow, and delicious, as it should be with lovers. I managed to set my glass on the counter then wrapped my arms around her tightly as we continued kissing. As we kissed, I heard the music stop, the front door open and close, and then silence. We didn't stop kissing until Caroline decided that Jen and Michelle had called it a night and were in the guest room for the night. I didn't mind the wait. Caroline was a fantastic kisser, and feeling her hands exploring my body while we kissed excited me further.

When we broke our kiss, Caroline asked me, “Is this how you want the rest of the night to go? Slow and passionate?”

I smiled and replied, “Yes, I love your kisses. Let's take our time and explore tonight. Do we have all weekend?”

Her reply was a smile and a soft, “Yes, we do.”

She took my hand and led me out of the kitchen. I grabbed my overnight bag from the sofa and watched as Caroline turned off the lights and locked the doors before taking me to her bedroom. Pausing in the hallway, we heard Jen giggling with a mix of moans before we entered Caroline's bedroom.

We smiled at each other, and Caroline said, "I hope we have more moans than giggles, Silvia. We're going to go slow with our fun."

I felt a rush between my legs as I entered her bedroom, then turned to watch as Caroline clapped and the nightstand light came on before closing the bedroom door. I giggled, "I've never actually seen those things work, Caroline. It's pretty cool."

She grinned, "It sometimes comes in handy, pun intended."

Caroline smiled and then showed me where I could leave my bag. I looked around the room, trying to figure out which parts were Jen's and Caroline's. There didn't seem to be anything to determine which side of the bed or which dresser Jen used, although I did notice a few pictures of them on the large dresser along one wall, which I assumed they shared.

After opening my bag to get my toothbrush, I joined her in the bathroom to get ready for bed. It was fun; we weren't rushed like Michelle and Jen. I think we were both nervous since it was our first time together, but it didn't show. When we finished, I left my toothbrush and other toiletries in the bathroom and followed Caroline to the bedroom. We paused on her side of the bed, and she smiled, pulling me close. The light on the nightstand seemed dimmer as we began kissing once more.

We'd kiss, hands roaming each other's body, pause, look into each other's eyes, then kiss some more. We both seemed to enjoy it and weren't in any hurry to get to the really good stuff as our arousals built.

Finally, Caroline decided to break the pattern. She released me, then sat on the edge of the bed and asked me to undress for her. Although I was dressed casually on the outside, underneath, I was wearing the Kelly green lingerie Megan had given me for Christmas. I told Caroline I wasn't good at doing a strip tease. She replied that she'd be the judge of that, which made me smile.

She said, "See, I like it already, sweetie."

My face must have turned crimson because Caroline smiled and said, “Yum.”

I began unbuttoning my blouse. Our eyes locked as I worked my way down my front and then eased the garment off one shoulder, then the other. Caroline must have liked what she saw because she bit her lower lip and suggested I place my blouse on their dresser. Her next comment made my heart pound harder than it had been. She told me she loved the Kelly green against my skin and my hair color. She said it was a shame it had to come off, but she wanted me to continue. Next were my slacks. I had one of the songs we danced to still in my head, so I began swaying back and forth and turning for her. Easing my slacks down my hips, then over my ass, I turned and bent over for her.

Caroline showed her appreciation of my body with another 'Yum' as I let go of the waistband and stepped out towards her. My blushing continued as Caroline stood and asked me to stop as I reached back to unhook my bra. My hands fell to my sides, waiting for her next request.

She walked over to me, grasped my hands, and suggested I sit on the bed to watch her undress. I sat down and waited as she loosened the remaining buttons on her blouse. Her bra was beige and lacey, nothing fancy. She didn't think we'd agree to this liaison, so she didn't dress up.

Caroline's breasts were a little smaller than mine. Her slim waist and flat tummy looked delicious as I pictured myself licking my way down it and back up. She flung her blouse into an empty corner of the room, not caring how it landed. I smiled and bit my lower lip, anxiously awaiting the removal of her pants. Then Caroline turned her back to me to undo her pants, peeking at me over her shoulder as she loosened them and let them pile at her feet. Her ass was small and tight, perfect for grabbing and other naughty things. I complimented her body as she turned to face me and curtsied, thanking me. Her panties matched her bra, simple and lovely.

Now that we were both in lingerie, Caroline asked me to stand and turn around. I did as requested and soon felt her long, nimble fingers releasing the hook of my bra. My hands were at my sides as Caroline eased the straps from my shoulders. She leaned in to brush my neck and shoulders with her lips before reaching around to cup each breast and thumb my nipples. I shivered in anticipation, feeling her warm breath against my skin.

Caroline spoke softly, "You're like a young straight woman, and it's your first time. I find that so very erotic, Silvia.

Her lips pressed against my neck, softly kissing it upward until she reached my earlobe. When Caroline softly gripped it with her teeth and tugged while pulling on my nipples, I nearly lost it. She could feel how it affected me and continued weakening me in the knees.

Her next words sent a shiver through me, "Such a sweet, innocent woman you are. Let's relax on the bed, okay, sweetie?"

My response was, “Yes, ma'am. I'd like that.”

Caroline paused, “Such a good girl. Pull the covers down and get in, baby.”

I did as requested, and when I was settled in, I batted my eyes and tried to look very innocent. It seemed to be what got Caroline off. As I sat up against the pillows watching, Caroline took her time removing her bra. One strap, then the other, placing her arms under her breasts to hold her bra in place as she watched my reaction. I continued playing the role as she reached around with her right hand to free the hook of her bra. She dropped it to the floor and exclaimed, "Oh my!" My eyes widened as I licked my lips, looking at her hard nipples.

I didn't know where Caroline was going when she asked, "Is my sweet baby hungry?"

I nodded and began rubbing myself as she stepped closer to the bed. When Caroline said, "No rubbing until I say so, my love, that's my job." I breathed a sigh of relief because she didn't step over the line. I was just a younger woman to her. I replied, "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry, I just love looking at your yummy breasts, Caroline."

Caroline replied, “It's Miss Caroline now, sweetness.”

I replied, “Yes, Miss Caroline.”

Caroline's eyes lit up when I said that. She joined me on the bed, and we began kissing. Slow, sloppy kisses as we caressed each other's bodies. When Caroline paused our kissing, she suggested I suckle her.

I giggled and replied, “Yes, Miss Caroline.”

She purred and cupped each of her breasts for me. I moved over her as she laid back against the pillows and began nursing one sweet breast, then the other. Caroline moaned, calling me her 'good girl' while running her long fingers through my hair. It felt strangely relaxing, sucking and licking her breasts as she softly praised me. I could have gone on doing that for a very long time, but Caroline had other priorities. She softly told me that was enough and that kitty cat needed attention. I smiled at her and said, "Yes, Miss Caroline."

Then I kissed and licked my way down her torso as she spread her legs. Then, I eased myself between them, slipping my hands under her legs. I raised her hips just enough to allow me to slip my tongue inside her as deep as possible. I could feel her hands sifting through my hair as she pressed me closer. I curled my tongue from the sides and used it like a penis moving it forward and back as if it were fucking her.

I heard her hands clap twice and out went the light. I grinned and briefly contemplated getting one of those clapper things. That thought didn't last long as I switched from fucking her with my tongue to painting her labia with the top of it. Caroline was moaning as I switched from painting to sucking on her lips. When I finished that part, I used the tip of my tongue to find her hood and the sweet, firm pearl underneath. After playing with it for a bit, I paused, looked over Caroline's tummy, and told her, "Your oyster has the sweetest pearl, Miss Caroline."

I think she nearly came after I said that she was so aroused.

Caroling replied, “Thank you, sweetie. I can't wait to taste yours.”

I returned to her pussy and repeated my moves, then added a finger to pleasure my new lover. Caroline gasped when I slipped it in and began fucking her. She started squirming and calling me more sweet names as I enjoyed myself between her legs. Suddenly, Caroline told me to stop. I looked up and wondered what I did wrong. She was grinning and panting as she told me to bring my sweet kitten to her face to make them both purr.

I grinned and replied, "Yes, Miss Caroline." I moved to be on top, and Caroline had my 'kitten' over her face. I returned to licking and kissing her kitten as she started on mine. She used her hands to massage my ass as she slipped her tongue between my lips. When I started rocking back and forth over her face, I heard her murmur, "Oh yes, my sweet girl, that's it. Miss Caroline loves this sweetie."

I arched my back, delighting at how Caroline was licking me. Then I returned to bury my face in her sweetness. We kept licking and kissing each other while in the background. We could hear Michelle and Jen, well mainly Jen, crying out how good she felt. I wondered if Caroline could hear them also, but if she did, she didn't react. I guess she was having too much fun between my legs and her moaning to hear them.

I managed to slide one arm between her legs so I could finger her as I ate. When I slipped it in, Caroline gasped and told me, "Fuck yes, Silvia. Faster, please."

I smiled, guessing the role play was over, and we would give each other very yummy climaxes. When Caroline recovered from my finger, she decided to try one on me. Well, actually, it was her thumb, and she began rubbing my rosebud. I stopped as my new lover softly played with my ass and told her, "God, Caroline, you are good. I love that."

She replied, “You are too, Silvia. I'm so close.”

I continued kissing and licking her while my finger fucked her. It wasn't much longer that Caroline froze and then shuddered, having reached her peak. I eased up and rode out her orgasm, listening to her moans along with Jen calling out Michelle's name as she came into the guest room. When Caroline calmed down some, she continued her quest to give me a mind-blowing climax, and she didn't disappoint. When I finished and the reverberations of my orgasm subsided, I eased myself off her and then joined her so we could kiss. I giggled as I licked her face of my juices as she playfully purred like a real cat. We talked about how we felt as we listened to Jen and Michelle. I asked Caroline if Jen was always this loud. She giggled and said she is on rare occasions. Then I asked how it made her feel listening to them. She said she was a little jealous, but I was there with her, so it all balanced out. I told her I felt the same way, and we kissed again.

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Caroline asked how I liked the brief little role-play she started. I told her it was kind of fun, and I was glad she didn't take it too far. Her eyes widened as she exclaimed, "Oh gosh, I would never. It's just fun with an age difference. Jen would kill me if I was into that. She takes that very seriously."

I smiled, "It's fine. We didn't cross any lines. You're good, Caroline. What other types of roles do you enjoy? I've never done anything like that before."

Caroling calmed down and thanked me for understanding. She went on to list various roles she and Jen have played out. Some sounded like a lot of fun, and others were a little weird, in my opinion. She asked what Michelle and I enjoyed the most, and I told her about Kimmie. She giggled and said that's the toy she let Jen stash in the spare room, just in case. Caroline said her favorite was a cordless massager, which was on the nightstand if I wanted to see it. I smiled and nodded my head. So, She rolled over and opened the drawer to get it. It was pink and inviting. She flicked it on, smiled, and said it was fully charged.

When Caroline saw my eyes widen, she said we would play with it later. Right now, she only wants to snuggle with me and get to know me better. I kissed her and thanked her for being sweet. Then we started talking about our lives.

I wasn't expecting this swap to go the way it had. My imagination had taken over, and all I had thought about was having sex with Caroline all night long. It turned out to be a very erotic and loving night as we got to know each other better in between love-making sessions. I think we both came three times each that night. We never got to the dildo because we enjoyed feeling each other au natural. Our second session started with us kissing again. No role-playing, just making out and, eventually, Caroline between my legs, scissoring me. I wished the light had been on so I could have watched her body as she rocked against me.

After that session, we fell asleep in each other's arms, totally sated. When dawn broke and I opened my eyes, Caroline looked at me with a lovely smile. She kissed my forehead and lips before saying, "Good morning, lover."

I smiled, “Good morning, sweet woman.”

I blushed and then excused myself to use the bathroom. Caroline waited in bed for me to return, confessing she'd been awake watching me sleep for the last half hour. I asked if she had heard our partners, and she replied that she hadn't. They must have worn each other out, or maybe they were starting it all over again. I giggled and asked if we could shower and eat something before we returned to playtime. Caroline smiled, "I do like you, Silvia. You're sexy, smart, and practical. Let's shower, and I'll make some breakfast for us all. I need coffee, too."

We rolled out of bed and then headed to the bathroom. Caroline turned the water on in the shower and then used the toilet while we waited for the water to warm before stepping in. Caroline slipped in behind me when she finished and wrapped her arms around me. Her fingers easily found my breasts, cupping them as she nuzzled my neck. I pressed my ass back into her and then started moving against her. We continued standing there until steam rose from the water, and Caroline suggested we enter.

As we showered, I confessed that I felt a little apprehensive about doing this. But, so far, being here with her has simply been amazing. Caroline smiled, took me in her arms, and kissed me like a long-lost lover. If Jen and Michelle weren't here, we would have stayed in the shower playing around until the water ran cold. But we needed to leave them some, so we took a time out, dried off, and barely dressed to eat breakfast.

We walked out of Caroline's bedroom dressed only in our panties, figuring we'd be alone, and if we weren't, what did it matter to Jen and Michelle? Caroline started the coffee and then went over a list of possibilities for our breakfast. I wanted to stay healthy, so we decided to share Greek yogurt with some granola and a bowl of fruit.

I helped cut up some apples, bananas, and cantaloupe as Caroline retrieved two coffee mugs, a bowl, and two forks for us. The coffee smelled wonderful, and after Caroline filled our cups, I thanked her as she handed one to me. We took everything to the dining room table, sat, and enjoyed our meal. We still hadn't heard any noise from the guest room and figured our partners were still sleeping.

We didn't talk about them. Our conversation centered around how we might proceed from this weekend on. The two of us came up with some ground rules that we'd run by Jen and Michelle. With our tummies full and a burst of energy from our coffee, Caroline and I headed back to the bedroom. On our way there, we greeted Jen, who was nude, walking out of the common bathroom. She blushed and asked if there was coffee for her and Michelle. Caroline and I were smiling at Jen; her hair was a mess, and we saw hickeys at the base of her neck. I was also admiring her sweet little body and firm breasts, picturing them in my mouth at some point. I guessed Michelle was probably awake and had Jen fetch the coffee for them. She was taking full advantage of sweet Jen and her submissive ways. But Jen wasn't complaining as Caroline told her half a pot was waiting for them. Jen smiled, kissed Caroline briefly, and told her she loved her, then scamped off to the kitchen. Caroline didn't need to say anything, and I could see she was happy that Jen was having a good time. But, I think, well, I hope she concluded that she got the better of the arrangement. I know I did.

We slipped our panties off and left them on the floor, then back in bed. Caroline asked if I wanted to use the massager. I told her I'd love to, so she retrieved it before we settled in. Then she asked if I wanted to use it on her or vice versa. I pondered the question and said I'd use it on her.

I sat up against the headboard as Caroline handed me the new toy. I thanked her, spread my legs, then patted the area before me and asked her to sit. Caroline smiled and took her place in front of me with her back towards me. I had her lean into me as I switched on the massager. I adjusted myself so I could reach around to use the toy on her and look over her shoulder at the same time.

Caroline moved slightly, exposing her neck to me as I rested my chin on her shoulder. I asked if she was comfy, and she replied she was. Then, the fun began. I used my free hand to pull and pinch her nipple as I lowered the massager over her labia. I had it on low to start, and when the toy made contact, Caroline began to coo while telling me how good it felt. I placed my lips on the nape of her neck, gently kissing, and then tenderly nipped at her with my teeth. I didn't want to leave a hickey, but I wanted to arouse her.

Moving the wand up and down her lower lips had the desired effect. Caroline's body was reacting as she slumped back into me. I tugged on her earlobes with my teeth, licked them, and then kissed them. I asked how she was feeling. Caroline's voice was dreamy when she said, "Wonderful."

I smiled and whispered, “I'm glad.”

I continued playing with her neck as I moved the wand around her vagina, then up and down her swollen lips. Pulling on her nipple, she got moans and harder, please. When I whispered, "Yes, baby." Caroline shivered.

We continued playing like that until I moved the speed switch on the wand up a notch. Then Caroline melted.

I asked, “How's my baby doing?”

Caroline moaned, "I'm perfect, Silvia."

I kissed her neck as I pulled her nipple, then replied, “I love your purr sweetness. You feel so good against me, baby.”

After I said that, Caroline reached down to guide the wand to the top of her labia, where she wanted it. I kept it there as she held it with me. When she flipped the switch and clicked it to high, I painted her neck with my tongue.

I whispered, “Such a good girl.”

Then Caroline giggled, “Thank you, Silvia.”

I grinned as we continued to play, and Caroline moved closer to her climax. When she eased my grip from the wand and held it on herself, she asked me to finger her. I reached further down after shifting my body and slipped a finger between her lips. It wasn't difficult to find her swollen clit, and once I did, I began massaging it as she kept the wand moving over herself. I don't know how long we had been at it, but when I glanced at the bedroom door, I saw Jen standing there, fingering herself on the verge of her orgasm, watching. Michelle was standing behind her, both hands on Jen's breasts, pinching and rolling the young woman's nipples. I smiled and kissed Caroline's neck again before her body shook, and she dropped the wand. Caroline rolled off me and onto the bed. Her body quivered as her climax hit its peak, followed by numerous small aftershocks until she was spent. I watched and gently massaged her back as she lay moaning. Moving next to her, kiss the back of her neck after lifting her hair, delighted I could give her an earth-shattering orgasm.

After a few moments, I looked at the open doorway and noticed our audience had vanished. Within moments, I heard Jen call out Michelle's name, followed by numerous expletives. Caroline heard her also and rolled over. Reaching out with one hand, she placed it behind my head and urged my head lower to kiss me. Our lips met, then parted as our tongues danced, and my hand cupped her firm breast. Instead of pulling her nipples, I softly rubbed them because I loved touching them.

When Caroline returned to reality, she let go of my head to bask in her euphoria. She smiled at me as I sifted through her hair with my fingers.

I asked, “Did you see Jen and Michelle watching us?”

Caroline smiled, "I did. Thank you, Silvia. That was something Jen and I had never done. I've tried letting her guide me, but it's just not in her. I think this exchange thing is going to work out fine."

I grinned as I leaned into her and kissed her, “It does seem like the four of us are a good match the way it is. I don't know if Jen and I would be as compatible.”

Caroline replied, "We'll figure something out. It's only the first morning. We have all day, and if you want to stay the night again, we have that too. But, right now, I want to pleasure you like you did for me. On all fours, baby, and get that ass in the air."

I grinned, "Yes, Miss Caroline."

Caroline giggled, “I think we can dispense with that formality, Silvia. But, I do appreciate it.”

I gave her a quick kiss, then moved to the middle of the bed, settling on my hands and knees, then switching so I rested on my elbows with my ass in the air. Caroline moved behind me, gave me a quick swat, then massaged where I assumed my ass cheek was beginning to turn pink with her palm print.

I grinned as Caroline used both hands to rub my cheeks. She kissed and licked each one and then placed her hands on either side of me and gave me a firm wiggle. The next thing I felt was her hands spreading my cheeks and her tongue brushing over my rosebud. I gasped as she traced the crack of my ass with the tip of her tongue. When she slipped a finger into my dew-covered labia, I closed my eyes and moaned.

Caroline kept rubbing and playing with me back there, complimenting how firm it was and how she loved it. I thanked her and mentioned that Michelle was responsible; she helped me with a meal plan and modified my workouts. It was one of many things I loved about her. It was difficult to have a conversation with Caroline licking, fingering, and intermittently smacking my ass. So, I quit talking and enjoyed the attention lavished upon me.

Caroline returned to her alpha mode as she was pleasuring me. She'd take me close to my climax, then ease back and let me edge for a bit, then back to the edge. When she moved and positioned her face below me and gripped my ass, pushing it down, I figured she was going to let me cum. But Caroline had a different idea, so we went back to the edge a few more times. My heart was pounding, and my moans were loud as she finally took me over the edge with her tongue and two well-placed fingers.

My body shuddered as Caroline paused to watch the fruits of her labor's effect. I collapsed on the bed. My arms grabbed one of the pillows to hold against me as I shook. When that initial yumminess subsided, I turned to look at Caroline. We were both smiling as she plopped down next to me.

I brushed the hair back from her face and whispered, “God, woman. I hate to ask, but why would Jen want Michelle when she has you? It's okay, you don't have to answer. But, wow.”

Caroline smiled, "Thank you for the compliment, Silvia. I could say the same thing about you and Michelle. I think it's because neither of us have been with anyone else. Sometimes, we wonder what's over the hill in the next pasture. I think time will tell if this was a good thing or not. I love Jen; no doubt in my mind about that. It was more her idea than mine, so I went along with it. I didn't realize how amazing my time with you would be. I think she's having the same reaction being with Michelle."

I smiled, "Yes, I think she is, and Michelle is too."

We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, then kissed long and sloppy. When our lips parted, I asked if I'd told her how I went from being straight to fluid or whatever the term is now. She replied she hadn't heard the whole story, so I told her about the trip to Costa Rica without all the vivid details. When I was finished, Caroline just looked at me. I didn't know what to think until she said, "Wow! Even without all the details, that is a very erotic story. Are you staying in touch with Triana and Ines? They sound delicious. Your stepdaughter, Megan, switched sides, too?"

I replied, "We lost touch with them after a few months. Megan never really had a 'side'. She wasn't interested in boys before the trip. Ines sort of showed her the way, you might say."

Caroline blushed, “Sorry, but that's a fantasy of mine, seducing a straight girl. Well, I sort of did with Jen. We were both on the fence sexually, I guess.”

I grinned, "I was very straight before Costa Rica. Now, I lean more toward the feminine side. If you're wondering if Megan and I sleep together, the answer is a firm, NO."

Caroline smiled, "Oh, god, Silvia. I wasn't wondering at all. From talking and being with you, I can tell it's something you'd never do."

I brushed her cheek with my finger, “I'm sorry, but I didn't want that lurking in the back of your mind. Please forgive me, Caroline.”

Caroline sighed, “It's fine, Silvia. People think what they want to think. Now, what would you like to do for lunch?”

I kissed her again, which started another make-out session. It wasn't long before we heard movement at Caroline's open door. Jen and Michelle were standing there, practically naked. Well, Michelle was in a thong, and Jen was nude, probably at Michelle's suggestion. We broke from our embrace as Jen asked what we'd like to do for lunch. They wanted something from one of the fancier eating places nearby and wondered what we'd like. Michelle was buying. I had no clue what they had, so Jen said she'd bring me a menu. Off she went as Michelle entered the room and sat on the corner of the bed, smiling.

We started talking as if nothing was going on. Mostly small talk about how we're feeling and if we're having a good time. When Jen returned, she handed me the menu and sat beside Michelle. Both Caroline and I could tell she was under Michelle's spell. It wasn't bad, but I think Caroline was having second thoughts about Jen hooking up with Michelle. I scanned the menu and placed my order along with Caroline. Our partners left us to order, and we returned to talking and lounging.

When lunch arrived, we sat at the dining room table au naturel. It was nice and relaxing as we talked about everything but sex. When we finished, Jen cleared the table and told us she would shower and then lounge around the living room. The guest room was making her a little claustrophobic. Caroline asked if she could use the strappy if they weren't. Jen said she'd wash it while showering and leave it in the bathroom. Caroline thanked her and then got up to embrace her. They kissed for a long time and then headed to their room. That gave Michelle and I a chance to chat.

I asked Michelle how it was going. She smiled and said, “Jen is fantastic. We saw earlier how well you two are getting along.”

I blushed and told her, “Yes, I was scared at first, but things are working out. I'm glad you didn't coerce me into this.”

Michelle smiled, “I would never do that to you, Sil. I'm glad you and Caroline are having fun. Do you feel like switching?”

I thought for a second, "Not really. I know we sort of talked about it. I'd do it if everyone else wanted to. It's only fair. I think Caroline and I have chemistry, but I'm not sure Jen and I would, at least not in the bedroom. She's sweet, don't get me wrong. But I'm good."

Michelle moved over to me, holding my hands as we looked into each other's eyes. "I think the same thing. Jen is more my cup of tea, and switching doesn't feel right at this point in time. But we'll see what they have to say."

When Caroline and Jen returned, they were both smiling. Caroline said they talked about changing things up a bit and came to the same conclusion we did. However, since Jen felt confined in the guest room, we'd switch if that was okay with Michelle and me.

Michelle and I agreed, so we returned to our original rooms, straightened up, changed the sheets, and started fresh. Jen and Michelle showered in the main bathroom while Caroline and I used the shared one. Instead of showering, we waited for Jen and Michelle to shower so we wouldn't run out of hot water. When they finished, Jen brought the strappy to Caroline and then returned to Michelle. Caroline put the toy in the smaller bedroom, and then we adjourned to the shared bathroom. I filled the tub with warm water as we waited for it to reach a nice level to cover us both. Caroline entered the tub, and we checked the level, not wanting it to overflow once I got in. It seemed fine, so I slipped in to sit in front of her. The water was a little low, so we let it run until it covered us to just below our breasts.

I asked Caroline if Jen was upset that we wouldn't switch. She giggled and said she wasn't. Not switching was her idea. I smiled and told her Michelle was the same way. The time we spent in the tub soaking and talking was very romantic. It would have been better with scented candles. However, needed a break to relax, since Michelle and I were going to spend another night with our new loves. The bath helped reinvigorate us, and it was sexy all by itself. Michelle and I don't seem to do romantic things, but it made me think. I shrugged the negative thoughts off as Caroline planted butterfly kisses on the nape of my neck and lovingly played with my breasts.

After maybe twenty minutes, the water felt too cool to stay in. As much as we hated to, we got out, dried off, and then went to the guest room to nap. The clean sheets felt good to my bare skin, and snuggling with Caroline was truly a delight. We slept until around six, then got up to use the bathroom. While in the hall, I heard Michelle and Jen talking about it. I heard Jen answering questions Michelle asked her with, "Yes, Miss Michelle. I love it, Miss Michelle. Thank you. Miss Michelle."

That only confirmed Jen and I wouldn't be a good match. I smiled as Caroline left the bathroom and paused to listen. I shut the door behind me so I wouldn't have to listen to the groveling. When I rejoined Caroline in the bedroom, I said nothing about what I'd heard. She asked me what I'd like for dinner since we would do take-out again. I thought something light would be nice. Caroline agreed, and she began to think. After a few moments of deliberating, Caroline suggested grilled salmon with a spinach salad from a little place she and Jen order from fairly regularly. I thought it sounded delicious, so we headed down the hall to see if our loves were in the middle of something. We didn't hear anything, so Caroline knocked, and Jen answered. Caroline told them where we were ordering from, and Jen talked to Michelle for a few minutes and then yelled out what they'd like. I told Caroline I'd buy since Michelle bought lunch. She smiled, and we went off to order.

Within forty-five minutes, our order arrived; I dressed in one of Caroline's robes and paid. The four of us sat eating and sipping wine, enjoying a leisurely dinner. When we were finished, Caroline and I cleared the table, washed what little dishes we used, and then returned to our respective rooms once more.

We had the strapless strappy this time, and we both agreed we'd trade off giving and receiving. Caroline suggested we try the reverse missionary position. I'd never heard of it, but I wanted to try it. Caroline described it to me. I got an image in my mind, and it sounded interesting. So, Caroline laid on her back after getting the strappy where she wanted it. She directed me to enter from the other side. It was a bit tricky at first, but we got into a nice rhythm once I got the hang of it. It was okay, but not a position I would want to do on a regular basis.

When we finished, both of us were exhausted and happy. We talked about some other positions we could try. Then we kissed, cuddled, and used the bathroom. When we returned to bed, we kissed again and worked each other into that lovely state of arousal. I love kissing Caroline. She teases me with her tongue, makes me chase her lips, and tastes yummy. When we were aroused enough, Caroline reminded me it was my turn to give with the strappy. I suggested the old missionary position, and Caroline agreed. We could see each other's expressions and kiss as we fucked. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but if Jen and Michelle were out of the picture, I think Caroline and I would be a good match. I know that sounds bad, but we're perfect for each other in bed. Caroline offers just enough romance, a hint of risque, and a lot of enthusiasm to make sex with her something to look forward to. I know that sounds weird, but I don't know how else to describe it.

So, we did the missionary position, and it was fantastic. I started slow, kissing and licking Caroline from head to toe. She cooed and moaned as I teased her almost to the point of climax. I was on the verge also, and when I eased the strappy in me, I had to pause before making love, or else I would have orgasmed right then.

Once I had it in, Caroline bit her lower lip and told me I looked so fucking sexy with it that she couldn't wait for me to fuck her. I blushed and thanked her just before I started using the tip to tease her swollen lips to lube the receiving end. Once my little friend was in Caroline, I bent forward to kiss her. We stayed like that for a very long time, both of us loving the feel of our naked bodies against one another and the toy within us. I eventually broke our kiss and rose so Caroline and I could cum together. I love it when that happens with a partner; it's so erotic and intimate.

I started moving my hips back and forth as Caroline reciprocated as much as she could with hers. She played and pinched my nipples as I tried to do the same to hers and still maintain my rhythm and balance. I thought it was funny; at times, I probably looked like a bronc rider, one hand in the air above me while the other rested on Caroline's breast. Our words and musk filled the air around us, which soon led us to another climax.

Caroline played with my boobs, pinching my nipples; we kissed relentlessly and had a very fulfilling mutual orgasm. After that, we fell asleep in each other's arms and woke the same way. Sunday morning came too quickly; we made love for the last time, no toys, just lips, fingers, and tongues, before getting up and showering. After that, we had a nice breakfast and waited for Jen and Michelle to join us. When they did, we sat around talking, not wanting to end this erotic and tiring weekend. But I needed to get back home and prep for work on Monday. Before we left, we planned another weekend for March, around St. Patrick's Day. We decided to go out dancing and celebrating before returning to Michelle's for the rest of the weekend. I almost volunteered my place, but I didn't know where Megan would go. Michelle and I said our goodbyes, and then I drove her home. On the way, we talked about Caroline and Jen and how we all got along. We were both looking forward to more time with them in March.

When I got home, I thought about telling Megan what we had done, but I decided not to because some things should remain private.

Written by _O2_
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