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Author's Notes

"Welcome to part eight. Thank you for getting this far. It's not much further until the conclusion of the story. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This one and the next few chapters have all the sex in them, along with maybe a surprise or two."


I slept better than a baby and woke fresh and ready to go. It was earlier than usual because we had the jungle cruise. I grin every time I think of that and the ride at Disneyland. I'm sure there won't be any fake animals on this one. I almost didn't want to go, another day with Triana would be nice, and I'm hoping that will happen at the beach.

There's so much I don't know about being with another woman. You'd think it would come naturally, just doing things I like to do, but it must be more complicated than that. I got my pack together and then went to breakfast. Triana was busy in the kitchen talking with Ines, so no good morning kiss.

I grabbed my coffee and waited for this morning's breakfast, a tamal, and it was a little different than the tamales we get in the states.

Sleepyhead Megan showed up, and we all sat discussing the day's cruise. Triana didn't make our lunch because it was provided on the cruise. Before leaving, Triana and I snuck a kiss goodbye, a passionate one which made me tingle. I hoped that feeling would last all day.

Megan and Ines played their game as usual. I wondered if they snuck off someplace the day before and did anything. Megan didn't have as many pictures as usual at the end of their hike.

We arrived at the little dock area and met our cruise director; he seemed nice and spoke perfect English. Ines told us that English is taught as a second language in Costa Rica, so many people speak it. I was still wondering if I should learn to speak Spanish. Megan was beginning to converse with fewer mistakes, and I was a little jealous.

Ines joined us, cruising down the river. It wasn't long before we started seeing animals. We moved slowly, watching the canopy and ground for any movements. Our guide knew all the scientific and common names of the animals we spotted. He told us little stories about the river, his life, how he got into this type of work, and other tidbits. We were on the river for about four hours when we pulled into a small dock with a shack part-way into the jungle for lunch. A sweet lady made burritos for us; of course, we had bottled water. We stayed for about half an hour, then slowly headed back to the main dock and home.

It was a lovely cruise, and I liked it a little more than some of the trails we hiked. Costa Rica is fascinating, and I can see why Americans move here.

Ines drove us to our new location, a beach house maybe two hundred yards from the ocean. We had access to a semi-private beach, but you had to walk down a path through the jungle to get there. The house was secluded and probably more expensive than the ones we'd stayed at when we were birding.

Triana met us with our fruit plate, dressed in a thong bikini. My heart fluttered as she offered us another sample of her handiwork. I loved how we were treated on this trip. Even if I weren't infatuated with Triana, I'd recommend this company to anyone visiting here for birding or a vacation.

Ines gave us a house tour. This house had four bedrooms, three baths, a family room with a pool table, and a big-screen television. From the family room, we had a view of the swimming pool with a huge waterfall.

I wondered why anyone would need a pool next to the ocean, but I guess when you have money, it doesn't matter.

After our little tour, I slipped into my bikini to lounge by the pool. I didn't chill for long because Ines wanted to show us the beach. Once more, I felt out of place surrounded by three young beauties in a thong or string bikinis. I lagged, watching all three adorable asses wiggle along the jungle path to eventually emerge on the semi-private beach. There were four loungers with little tables between them looking out over the calm blue sea.

We walked to the water's edge, standing as the gentle waves crashed on our feet, looking out over the ocean. I could definitely live here once I won Powerball.

Ines and Megan continued walking down the beach while Triana and I stayed to talk. Triana and I embraced when our companions were out of sight, kissing and holding each other tight. My hands roamed her sweet body as she grabbed my ass, pulling me to her. She managed to whisper that she'd try to sneak into my room tonight because she missed me. Before she did that, I cautioned her to ensure the others were sleeping. I didn't want to get caught quite yet. She giggled and promised to be quiet but couldn't guarantee that when we were making love. That made me blush, which made her giggle.

It wasn't too long before we thought we heard Megan and Ines talking, so we parted and looked back over the water. When they returned, Megan was holding Ines' hand. I did a double take as they walked towards us.

I had a feeling Megan would confess, come out, or whatever you want to call it about Ines and her. My wondering was put to rest when Megan asked if we could sit and talk for a few minutes. Ines nodded to Triana, and they left us to chat.

We sat facing each other in a pair of loungers. Megan was obviously nervous, looking for the right words to tell me something I already knew. I kept a straight face waiting for her confession.

My baby cleared her throat and then started her long story. I watched her face as she explained how, back in school, she'd never liked any boys she dated and that a few girls on her teams had approached her, but none of them did anything for her romantically.

Then she mentioned Ines, telling me how she made her feel special, all tingly inside, cared about her, and thought they had a unique bond. Then she said she might be in love with her and wanted me to know they wanted to share the same bed for the rest of our visit unless I objected.

I stood, with my arms open wide, “Come here, baby.”

Megan stood, almost falling into my arms because she stumbled in the sand. We both giggled as we wrapped our arms around each other. I held her tight as I told her it was fine. I'd noticed the sparks between them from day one and was waiting for her to tell me. She was so relieved, she kissed my cheeks, and I could see tears welling up in her sweet eyes.

Then I told her I had a confession. I looked up at her, wiping a joyful tear from Megan's cheek.

Pausing, for a moment I reminded her about her dad and how much I loved him. I told her he probably wouldn't have initially approved of her and Ines because of their age difference. I also mentioned that she and I would remind him that his and my age differences were slightly larger. After that, he'd sulk and whine, but we'd get him to understand. I told her that he would love her regardless of who she fell in love with.

We both cried for a minute or so, then wiped each other's tears away. Megan knew I was right and hugged me tighter. Then I continued my little speech. I told her she wasn't alone in her feelings. I still missed her father, which would never change. However, something about these two Latina beauties we traveled with made me feel like I'd been missing something.

That's when my doll looked at me and gasped, "You and Triana? Oh my god, mom, she's only a couple of years older than me!"

I looked into her eyes as she realized why I had mentioned her father.

She apologized, "Oh, mom. I'm so sorry. Here I am confessing to you about an older woman and being a lesbian, and you are doing almost the same thing with a younger woman. Please forgive me, I love you, and that will never change, mom."

I smiled, kissing her softly on her lips, "It's okay, baby; I've lain awake these past few nights wondering about it myself. It's not love for me, though. I don't know why I found Triana so attractive, but she's shown me a new light, and I love how it shines.

Once more, a look of surprise was on Megan's face, "So, you two went all the way? Wow."

I nodded and smiled, “Yes, baby. It was magical. I hope you and Ines have as much pleasure as Triana and I did.”

Megan blushed, "Well, I guess we don't need all these bedrooms anymore, do we?"

I giggled, "No, my sweet girl. We don't, and it will be easier now that we both know. No more hiding."

We hugged again, then returned to the house to tell Ines and Triana we needed to move some luggage.

Ines and Triana were in the kitchen talking. I walked over to Triana, pulled her to me, and kissed her. I wasn't watching, but I think Megan did the same with Ines because when Triana and I parted lips, Megan and Ines were going at it.

We smiled, then walked past them to move Triana's luggage to my room.

Triana and I got her settled in my room, and while she was moving, we talked about what had happened. I told her what I'd seen the previous few days but wanted Megan to say something first. Triana thought that was an excellent idea. She said it was usually better to let someone tell you a secret and be open about it than to accuse them of something and make them feel guilty. She's never told her parents because they are devout Catholics, and she doesn't want to lose part of her family. She loved that I was so loving and accepted Megan for who she was. She also felt that way about Megan.

When we finished moving, it was time for Triana to make dinner. We were having Costa Rican Taco Ticos. They looked like Taquitos, but tasted different, served with french fries drizzled with a delicious sauce. It was sort of a fast food type of dinner which didn't take Triana much time and effort to make.

After dinner, we lounged around the beach, sipping wine and talking. It looked like Megan was in love. She and Ines could now hold hands, giggle, kiss, and not worry about hiding their affection towards one another. The same could be said about Triana and me. Life was good. Since we were staying here for the rest of our vacation, we could sleep in and not worry about traveling. The downside was Triana wouldn't have breakfast ready for us because I would be ravaging her as often as possible.

After the sun had set over the ocean, Triana and I headed to our room. Ines and Megan weren't far behind, I thought about saying something to Megan besides goodnight, but I didn't know what I'd say. What do you say to your daughter when she goes to bed and you know she will have sex for the first time?

Have a happy orgasm! I hope you climax, sweetie.

So, we all hugged and said goodnight to each other, then closed our doors. Time will tell if I made the right decision regarding Megan's first love. Tonight I was going to focus on the sweet goddess in my bed.

Triana and I readied for bed, doing the usual things. I'd never actually slept with another woman before or after making love. I guessed it was the same as with a man. You kiss goodnight, roll over and go to sleep. Tonight was going to be an education for me.

After getting ready for bed, we removed our bathing suits and climbed in. It wasn't sexy or seductive. We'd seen each other naked and as close to naked as you could get in our bikinis.

We didn't need a top sheet because it would have ended up on the floor. So, Triana and I lay facing each other on my king-sized bed. The Costa Rican moon would be full in a couple of nights, so our room was partially lit through the blinds on the window.

Despite making love to Triana a couple of times, I was still nervous. Triana sensed that, not saying a word as she moved closer to me, then pressing her lips to mine. We kissed briefly, then she pulled away and asked if I was okay.

I told her I was fine, still just a little nervous.

She smiled. "I understand, Silvia. Please, lay back and let me make love to you again. Then you'll be more comfortable, si?"

I told her I'd love that.

We started kissing, and as we kissed, Triana moved on top of me. Her warm, soft skin felt delicious against mine. She moved, so our breasts pressed together, and then she watched my expression as she moved back and forth, making sure our nipples rubbed. I watched, too, as she continued to move not only her sweet breasts but her hips.

I grasped her by the hips, helping her sway back and forth. The sensations I was feeling were new and very exciting. Triana smiled, then rested against me.

Scooting up my body, she whispered, “Would you like to taste me, Silvia?”

I whispered back, “Yes, I'd love that.”

My little love moved further up my body placing her sweet pussy over my face. She put her hands on the wall and began moving her hips so her pussy moved over my face. I stuck my tongue out as she lowered herself to meet it. Then I placed my hands one again on her hips to help guide my sweet love.

Triana moved over my tongue gradually at first, and then as we found a rhythm, she pressed down harder. She'd vary her movements as my tongue stayed still. I did move it now and then for a little variety as my sweet love became more aroused. When I felt her wetness on my cheeks, I knew we were doing it right.

We continued until Triana achieved her orgasm, then she eased herself off me and joined me. We talked, kissed, and giggled.

Triana giggled again, kissed me, then moved between my legs. She used her fingers in my pussy to get me started, then licked and kissed me to a swift and intense orgasm. When we finished, I was a sloppy mess but extremely satisfied.

I wondered how long I could live like this. I'd never had multiple orgasms in a love-making session; maybe this week I would. I was looking forward to that and a few other delights that Triana had in mind.


Gosh, our last day of dedicated birding. I knew mom was a little burned out on hiking in the jungle, but she was going along with us on the cruise, which was nice. We did our morning routine of breakfast and coffee. Triana would take our things to the new house, and we'd meet her there after the cruise.

The cruise was fun, I thought the water smelled funny, but nobody said anything. I took another four hundred pictures bringing my total to nearly three thousand. I was going to be very busy when I got home.

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When we returned home, Triana greeted us in one of her thong bikinis. I thought Ines was hot, but Triana looked delicious in her kini. It left very little to my imagination. I felt a warm glow as I took some mango from her tray. She smiled, walking past me to offer mom some before Ines. Mom looked like she'd never seen a girl in a thong before. Her eyes roamed up and down Triana's body as she popped a piece of fruit in her mouth and slowly chewed.

After Ines had her snack, she gave us a tour. Once more, mom and I were enchanted with the house we were staying in. It was an open floor plan with lots of windows, a pool with a waterfall, a playroom, and a neat little path to the beach. We changed into our things, except mom, the prude who continued to wear her old lady's bikini, then walked through the jungle to the beach. Mom and Triana stayed where the path ended at the water line while Ines and I walked down the beach and talked.

When Ines and I were out of sight from mom, we snuck into the jungle's edge just off the beach. Ines swept me into her arms, and we started kissing. I'd missed her lips and the feel of her body against mine. We hadn't had a chance to do anything since we went to the market for ice cream. It was then I decided to talk to mom. We quit kissing, and I told Ines I would let mom know about my feelings. She asked if I were sure we still had almost a week left, and it was the fun part, snorkeling, swimming, zip lining, and relaxing. I told her I had to. The secret was eating me up inside.

Ines told me she'd wait with me if I wanted her to. I told her it was something I had to do with mom alone. She kissed me again, and we left our hiding place, holding hands to help reassure me I was doing the right thing. When we reached the small clearing, I saw mom notice our hands clasped together. Ines squeezed my hand before she and Triana returned to the house so mom and I could talk.

Mom and I sat on a pair of loungers facing each other as I slowly found the words to tell her I thought I was gay.

When I was through, she said she understood, and it was fine. She didn't care, and she would love me always regardless of who I was in love with. We both cried a bit, and then she dropped a bigger bomb on me than I did on her. I started to freak out until I realized she wanted to be as happy as I did. She'd developed a crush on Triana. I had thought about it but, I didn't see that coming at all. Triana certainly is cute, and at first, when she told me, I couldn't wrap my head around it. But we talked more, and soon I calmed down and accepted her the way she accepted me.

I was surprised when mom kissed me full on the lips. I guessed we were so emotional she just did and wasn't thinking about it. I'm not her biological daughter, but she'd never kissed my lips before. It was quick, not a passionate kiss, just a kiss and I didn't dwell on it.

When we'd settled down, we went to tell Triana and Ines we would rearrange the sleeping situation. They both smiled, and Ines gave Triana a surprised look because she'd heard rumors but wasn't sure about her cousin.

Anyway, everything worked out fine; I moved in with Ines and Triana with mom. Ines and I figured out which side we'd like to sleep on, assuming we'd sleep at all. I was nervous and anxious to see what being with another girl or woman was like. I knew Ines would go slow with me. I didn't know what to do, and with her patient guidance, I knew it would be fantastic.

Triana didn't have much time to make dinner, which was fine. She made little Costa Rican taco ticas with french fries. Yum!

After dinner, we watched the sunset over the ocean. Ines and I put our loungers next to each other, held hands, kissed off and on, giggled, peeked over at mom and Triana, and talked about being together. I didn't want to seem too anxious about sleeping with Ines in front of mom. I was only seventeen, and this was all new to me. Having mom confess her feelings for Triana was nice, but seemed a little kinky too. Not that I would tell any of my friends back home about any of this. They'd freak out and call the police or spread rumors about me at school. This was going to be my secret I shared with mom. Which I thought was kinda cool.

Mom was the first to call it a night; naturally, Triana, Ines, and I followed her lead, going to bed at the same time. We said goodnight to each other then I turned my back and heard mom's door close, then closed ours. It was strange and exciting getting ready for bed with Ines.

I never thought this would happen, but now it was, and I hoped I wouldn't do anything stupid or embarrassing.

I took off my bikini and put on some panties and a tee. I usually sleep that way, and when I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, Ines, who was also getting ready for bed and still in her thong, looked me over and smiled.

"This is your first time, isn't it, my sweet chica."

I looked at her, wondering why she'd say that; she knew it was, "Yea, why?"

Ines grinned, “Because I'm going to take those pretty panties and tee off of you as soon as we get in bed, my love.”

I blushed crimson, “Oh, yea. I kinda forgot.”

Ines walked over to me, hugging me from behind as we looked at each other in the mirror, “You're so cute.”

She kissed my neck, making me shiver. I finished brushing my teeth, used the toilet, and returned to the bedroom. Ines was lying on her side, nude, her head propped up on her elbow. I smiled as I took off my tee and panties, laying them on a chair.

I joined Ines from the opposite side of the bed as she rolled over to greet me. We lay looking at each other for a few moments. I was very nervous, but Ines quietly comforted me before we started kissing.

We went slow, kissing and touching each other. Ines would stop to ask how I was feeling. Each time I told her I was good and we'd continue. It wasn't long before we quit kissing on the lips. Ines began at my forehead, placing little butterfly kisses there, then my cheeks, onto my neck, and then lower to my shoulders, arms, tummy, and finally, my breasts.

Ines moved to my side, kissing and licking my boobs and nipples. Her tongue would swirl around my breast, tease my nipple. Then she'd suck it into her mouth, her eyes glued to mine. Everything she did sent tingles through my body. She'd see my reaction to something, smile, change what she was doing, then go back to see my response again.

Her hands teased me, one over my tummy massaging, and then a finger would make little circles or trace my hip bone as she suckled or did something to my boobs. I loved everything she did; it felt like I was in heaven.

When Ines moved her finger through my pubes over my lips, I nearly cried out. I had felt my moistness down there, and when Ines slid her finger over and in, I knew this would be magical.

My love looked up at me, smiling, asking if I was okay. I smiled, nodding my head, telling her it was beautiful.

She continued, playing with my boobs while toying with my lips. I closed my eyes and mentally thanked mom for this fantastic vacation.

Ines kept rubbing my lips as my excitement grew. When she left my boobs, I pouted, looking down at her. She grinned, replacing her mouth with her other hand, massaging and pinching my nipples as she kissed and licked down my tummy.

The sensations I was feeling were indescribable. Fingers on my boobs, fingers on my pussy, and a mouth on my tummy. All so new and exciting. When Ines switched positions again, I discovered the pleasures of sex.

My love moved between my legs spreading them wide. I bit my lip as I watched her lower her face to my tingling vagina. She kissed and licked my thighs before placing her tongue on my labia. My heart was thumping, and my adrenaline flowed as she entered me with that glorious tongue.

When we first did the rolling 'R', I thought Ines's tongue was longer than usual. Now I knew for sure, and she knew how to use it more than showing me how to pronounce words.

I don't think there was a place inside me she didn't explore with that long sexy appendage of hers. When she touched my clitoris with it, my eyes rolled back in my head while my body shook. I don't usually swear, but a guttural 'Fuck, yes' filled the air. I caught myself and blushed as Ines giggled and continued toying with me.

She didn't prolong my climax, it was my first time with a woman, and she wanted me to enjoy and not beg her to finish me off. Ines knew I was ready, so she cupped my ass with her hands, propped me up slightly then brought me to my first orgasm.

My toes curled, almost feeling like they were going to cramp up. They hurt a tiny bit, but it was a good hurt. Ines sat back, massaging my thighs as I convulsed in ecstasy. Her smile was infectious, and I smiled back with glazed-over pupils until the echoes subsided in my body.

She rejoined me, and we kissed and cuddled, whispering sweet words in Spanish and English. We looked into each other's eyes, with Ines occasionally sweeping stray wisps of my hair from my face. We'd kiss, whisper, kiss, then lay silently basking in my glow. She told me I didn't have to make love to her if I wasn't ready. She knew I might not feel up to it since it was my first time. She didn't care; she loved being with me and only wanted me to enjoy it.

I told her I wanted to make love to her.

Ines smiled and kissed my forehead, "I would love that, my sweet chica."

I didn't know where to start. Since we were face to face, I began kissing her neck. Ines turned to expose more of it as I continued licking and kissing her. I moved around to her throat. I was placing little butterfly kisses on her skin. Pausing briefly, I straddled her so I could feast on her breasts. I placed my arms under hers as she wrapped hers around me. Her hands massaged my back as I explored each breast with my mouth and tongue.

One of my teammates had a cat that gave birth to kittens, The whole team went over to see them, and we watched as they crawled around looking for teats to suckle on. They were so adorable. As I was nursing Ines, I felt like one of those kittens. So cute and hungry for their mother's milk. I sort of curled up, if you could call it that, on top of Ines. I felt so content sucking and licking her breasts and nipples. Until Ines asked if I was going to do that all night.

I looked up at her and then smiled, whispering, “Maybe.”

I don't know how long I played with her boobs, and I guess my body weight was a little too much on her for that length of time. So, I moved further down, stopping at her navel to swirl my tongue in it. I don't know why I did, but it seemed like a good thing to do.

Ines seemed to love it as I swirled my tongue and kissed her belly button. I watched as her stomach muscles twitched and her body convulsed with each kiss. She wasn't laughing, so I don't think I was tickling her, but she was enjoying it.

When she nudged my head I moved down to her legs. That's when she started suggesting things for me to do.

First, she asked me to lift her leg over my shoulder and move so my pussy was on hers. It was an awkward position, but she knew more than I did. It did feel yummy as we sat like that. We were both moist, so I started to rock back and forth when she asked me to. Our combined juices helped make us glide over each other easier, if that's the right word.

As I moved, I could feel our labias touching each other, but Ines wasn't feeling as good as I was. She suggested I move slightly differently and guided me with her hands on my hips. We kept changing until we both were feeling each other.

Ines smiled, "That's the spot, chica; a little harder now, baby. Oh, yes, there, my love."

She was right. As I kept rocking on her, I felt my body respond. My juices were definitely flowing as I pressed harder and moved faster. My adrenaline kicked as I closed my eyes, humping away on Ines. Her words were mainly in Spanish as she told me how good it felt, and I was 'lesbiana nacida', which I think meant natural born lesbian if I understood her correctly. It made me smile and increased my intensity.

I gripped Ines's leg I had over my shoulder, and began fucking her like a crazy woman. The more intense and faster I thrust, the more she liked it. I was afraid mom, and Triana would hear, but I felt so yummy I didn't care.

Our vaginas were on fire, and I kept fanning the flames with all my might. I was so glad I was in good shape because it seemed I had been doing that for a long time. I could barely make out Ines's face in the dim room, but when her eyes opened wide, staring at me, I knew she'd reached that point.

I continued rocking on her, watching her upper body rise and fall as if someone had used a defibrillator on her several times. I experienced it also; it was more intense than the climax Ines had just given me. My body shook as we both orgasmed within seconds of each other. I slowed, loving how Ines felt rubbing against me. I gently rode back and forth enjoying the afterglow of my second climax.

Ines returned from her climax, then tugged on my arm to join her and cuddle. We were both exhausted and pleased.

Once again, we whispered and kissed both with sweat beading on our foreheads. Our heartbeats gradually returned to normal as we fell asleep. Before I dozed off, I wondered how mom and Triana were doing. I hoped mom felt as delicious as I did and debated asking her in the morning.

Written by _O2_
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