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I woke next to an empty pillow wondering where Triana was. Then the fog in my brain cleared as I got a whiff of that delicious Costa Rican coffee brewing. I lay thinking about the night before and the lovely way Triana made me feel.

Within a few minutes, I heard light footsteps approaching as my lover tip-toed into the room with coffee for us. I propped up the pillows, smiling as Triana, who was nude, walked in.

She handed the cups to me, went to the other side of the bed, climbed in, and slipped next to me. I handed back one cup thanking her. We kissed good morning, then took a sip.

Triana grinned, "I wanted to be sure there was coffee for Megan and Ines when they woke. I'll make breakfast after we finish ours and shower if that's alright with you."

She was so adorable. I smiled, "It's fine, sweetness, and thank you for the coffee. I think our routine is a little more relaxed this week. Are you going to wear anything today?"

Triana giggled, "Only in front of Megan and Ines if it was just you and me, no. Well, maybe when I cook."

We quietly talked as we drank our coffee. Triana mentioned what she had planned for breakfast: a frittata with a little Latin twist. She hoped we'd like it. She wasn't going to start it until our companions were awake.

It took us about half an hour to drink and ease ourselves into the shower. When we did get out of bed, I snuck over to our door and peeked to see if Megan's door was open and if I could hear any sounds. It was dead silent, so I closed our door and joined Triana in the shower.

I felt frisky, and having Triana naked next to me in bed got my heart pumping; of course, the coffee helped too.

When I entered the shower, Triana had just finished washing her privates. She turned around as I closed the shower door. I joined her under the water, holding her tight as we kissed.

We parted lips a minute or so later, and I eased down her sweet body, kissing and licking until I was on my knees in front of her. She spread her legs for me, giggling that she wasn't breakfast.

I looked up, smiling, “I'm famished, sweetness. Can you back up against the wall, please?”

Triana did just that as I placed one of her legs over my shoulder.

With Triana in position, I began dining on my young lover. My hands massaged her legs and thighs, enjoying the smoothness of her skin. It was a little awkward for me in that position, but I managed to get my face where it needed to be.

Triana moaned as my tongue played around her labia, inner thighs, and sweet pussy. My back was under the stream of water, and I could feel the droplets hit me with an occasional one landing in my eye. I closed my eyes to concentrate on my precious Triana and her pending orgasm. By no means was I an expert at this yet. With enough practice, I'd know what to do to give another woman an orgasm and long for a repeat of my performance.

My tongue seemed to have a mind of its own. I was lost in how delicious this felt and how naughty I was becoming. Once I touched Triana's clit she pressed my face into it and began repeating, "si, Silvia."

Then it was, "si ahí" multiple times and with greater intensity. I stayed focused until my doll achieved her climax. She pressed my face into herself, almost blocking my breathing. When she finished, the water was beginning cool, so we hurried and finished our shower so Megan and Ines would have some hot water when they got up.

We kissed, dried, and then slipped into our bathing suits. I followed Triana out to the kitchen carrying our coffee cups. Trina poured us another cup full, then began making breakfast.

About thirty minutes later, Megan and Ines emerged from their room. Both in bikinis with smiles on their faces, Tiana poured their coffees, served them breakfast, and then sat with us to discuss our day.

This was our first full day of relaxing. We could snorkel here, go someplace and snorkel, or stay here and relax. Tomorrow was the zipline attraction all day due to the length of the drive. I asked Triana if she wanted to go with us tomorrow. I'd pay the additional charge if she wanted to go.

She blushed, thanking me, but no. She couldn't go; she was our cook, not a guest like we were. Megan insisted, telling her she and Ines were more than our guide and cook. It took a little persuasion, but Triana finally said yes.

That left us to decide for today. This wasn't a great place to snorkel, but we could practice and play in the water. Megan thought that was a great idea, so we did that.

After breakfast, Triana and Ines cleaned the kitchen. Megan and I got towels and went to the loungers. Ines filled a cooler with ice and water, and Triana brought the sunblock. We each had masks, fins, and snorkels if we wanted to use them to swim and practice looking for fish.

We set up the loungers so we could watch the entire beach. The tide was ebbing, so we didn't have to worry about moving them all day. The next high tide was around seven that night. Megan and Ines were the brave ones going first into the water. They donned their equipment and then walked out into the surf. Triana and I watched as they lay down into a wave and began swimming. We easily kept an eye on them because their snorkels were day-glow orange. It was fun watching them swim around, wondering when they'd turn, parallel each other, or go in opposite directions.

While they were swimming, Triana and I talked about food and life in the states. She'd never been there and would love to see what it's like. I'd love to take her home, but she needs to finish her culinary degree first, and I wasn't sure I could afford to pay for her trip and hire her. We sipped bottled water, enjoying the ocean view, the birds calling out to each other, and being lazy.

Megan and Ines came ashore after about forty-five minutes or so. They saw a few little fish, but there wasn't anything spectacular. That would happen on day three of our leisure week or maybe day four if we wanted. We'd have to drive to a charter company because it was an island excursion. Everything was prearranged; Ines would only have to call and confirm our reservation.

It was beginning to get warm, so Triana asked if I wanted any sunblock. She'd been doing her arms and legs as we talked. I told her I would and should have put it on sooner.

She handed it to me, “Would you do my back first, please?”

I smiled, “Of course, I will.”

Ines and Megan headed to the outdoor shower to rinse off, then inside to get something to eat.

As I applied the sunblock on Triana, I massaged it in, enjoying touching her. She was happy as I leaned in to kiss her neck while reaching around and cupping a breast. Triana purred as my hand moved under the tiny cloth covering her nipple. Scooting closer, my other hand slipped under her arm to cup her other breast. She laid back into me as I massaged each one and occasionally rolled a nipple between my thumb and index finger.

Triana giggled, "Now you've done my titties. Maybe I should take my top off, Silvia."

I whispered, "Well, this is fairly private. I guess you could."

Then she asked, “Will you join me if I do?”

My answer surprised me, "If you put sunblock on me, I might. But you have to hurry. I don't know when your cousin and Megan will be back."

Maybe the sun, the privacy, or just Triana's sweet body encouraged me. I removed my hands from her breasts as Triana turned around to put the sunblock on my front. I lifted my bikini top over my boobs as Triana squirted some in her hand.

It wasn't long before I was tingling as she applied the sunblock to each breast. The little brat even pinched each nipple when she finished with me. I quickly covered my boobs and sat back in my lounger just before Megan and Ines returned with some fruit that Triana had in the fridge.

I tried to look innocent. Unfortunately, my right breast was only partially back in my bikini top. Triana was busy straightening her top when our companions rejoined us.

Ines was the first to notice, “I'm sorry, did we interrupt something?”

Megan saw Triana adjusting her top, then saw my half-exposed breast, "Mom, what were you two doing?"

Triana giggled, "Applying sunblock, Ms. Megan. That's all. I was thinking of going topless, but I wasn't sure if it was okay."

I was blushing crimson, but it felt yummy. I was wondering what Megan would say when Ines spoke up.

“It is very private here; it's up to you, Ms. Silvia. I don't mind being topless or nude, and neither does Triana. So, you and Megan decide. We're fine with whatever you want."

The pressure was on. I looked over at Megan, who was looking back at me, waiting for a decision. I didn't have time to weigh the good or bad, and since I'd pretty much become a new person on this trip, I told them it was their choice. I know. I passed the buck. It was sort of two against one and a half. Megan would go along with Ines and Triana then I would cave as usual.

So, I made a non-decision. Triana looked at Ines, who looked at Megan. Then Triana removed her top, followed by Ines. Megan looked at me, shrugged her shoulders then off came her top.

I sat up, removed mine, gathered around the fruit bowl, and snacked. It was strange. I expected more gawking from each of us. It was like we did this every day. Don't get me wrong, and I did look; I didn't stare.

After we finished the fruit Triana and I sat back in our loungers and got some sun. Ines and Megan passed the sunblock and applied it to themselves. I spent another twenty minutes basking in the sun, wondering if I was going crazy. If we were home, there's no way I'd be sitting around topless with three other females. Well, I wouldn't be having sex with one, either.

My time was up due to my lovely complexion, so I swam in the pool. I hadn't swum in quite a while, and it felt good. Soon Triana joined me, and we began playing like Ines and Megan had. We splashed, chased each other, and were having fun when Ines and Megan cannonballed us.

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Then it got crazy. Splashing, playing tag, and, of course, Marco Polo. We swam and had fun in the pool for a good hour.

When things calmed down, Triana asked what we wanted for lunch. She'd been packing our lunches for most days but didn't do anything for today since we decided to stay home. We were all dumbfounded, and we didn't have a clue what we could have.

We all left the pool and headed to the outdoor shower. Ines and Megan had left somebody gel there, and we needed to get the chlorine smell out of our hair. So, we ended up washing each other's hair and bodies.

At the time, I didn't think it was that sexy or erotic, but looking back, it was precisely that. Three of us would soap the fourth, then switch, and repeat. Having Megan's hands on me was weird, and touching her was a little strange. However, neither of us had any problems soaping down Ines and Triana. They were so different and lovely, with firm lovely breasts coupled with soft, smooth skin.

I hate to admit it, but thoughts of those two in my bed crossed my mind, but I would never suggest it because Megan would freak out.

When we finished and dried off, Triana made a nice thrown-together lunch for us, mainly appetizer-type things. Then after lunch, we sat around in the shade, napping. We did put our tops back on for dinner. It seemed the right thing to do.

Before dinner, Megan got her computer out again and reviewed her pictures. There were some fantastic shots and many beautiful birds. Triana told us she was making Olla de Carne, which is like a beef stew, along with a small amount of rice and beans. She mentioned that the Olla de Carne would probably fill us up, so she wasn't making much for the side dishes.

I hate to keep saying this, but dinner was once again spectacular. I may smuggle Triana home in my suitcase.

After dinner, we played pool, sipped wine, and discussed tomorrow's zipline adventure. Triana was very excited to be going with us. She'd lived here her entire life and never ziplined.

There was no point in showering before bed. The communal shower had me tingling. I wondered if Triana wanted to make love again, and my question was soon answered when she cuddled next to me, one leg over me as I lay looking at the ceiling. Her finger teased my nipple as she licked and kissed the nape of my neck.

That made my question utterly irrelevant as I moaned while she touched me.

My heart skipped when Triana whispered, "Would you like to lick mi vagina, Silvia?"

I moaned, "Yes, Triana, I'd love to."

Triana giggled, "You're going to be an experta when you leave my country."

She moved off me, propped up her pillow, sat back against it then spread her legs. Then Triana began fingering herself as I moved between her legs.

I looked up at her as she removed her finger, licking it as she smiled at me. I started on her thighs, long, slow licks. One side, then the other, then around her vagina. Next, I reached under her with both arms, pulling her closer. I stretched so my fingers could tease her nipples while I licked.

I was becoming addicted to this, and it felt marvelous. Triana called me all sorts of sweet things as I used my tongue. She told me to use a finger or two, and I did as requested. She knew exactly what she wanted, and I was glad to provide it. When Triana eventually came, my cheeks were bathed in her honey which Triana gladly licked off before we went to sleep.

She was worn out, thanks to my efforts. I was happy to provide and was content to snuggle with her and fall asleep.


The morning sun peeked through the slats of the blinds as I slowly opened my eyes. I could see minute specks of dust floating in the beams of sunshine. The room was silent as I watched them float without a definite direction or purpose. As I watched, I felt the same as those particles.

I wasn't focused anymore, looking for birds. I was going where Ines led me, discovering new feelings and sensations within my body and mind. Maybe I was in love, maybe not. I knew we only had a few more days together, and I was going to enjoy each moment.

When I felt her hand on my ass, I smiled. Then Ines snuggled against me, her body touching mine. We spooned like that for a few brief moments before she whispered, buenos dias, mi amor. Did you sleep well?"

My reply was a simple nod and whispering, "Si, mi amor."

Ines loved that I was speaking more Spanish. I was falling in love with that language along with Ines. We lay quietly basking in the glow until we heard mom and Triana head into the kitchen. Ines kissed my neck, asking if I wanted to shower before breakfast. I told her I did. I didn't want to tell her I felt a little dirty with the remnants of last still on my body. Maybe by the end of the week, I'd feel more comfortable about it, but for now, it was kinda disgusting.

We slowly rose, teasing each other with quick kisses and touches. We left the bed in a mess, then headed into the shower to wash and refresh. The warm water felt good, but not as good as Ines's soapy hands on my skin.

We lathered each other up, kissing and teasing. My hands were all over her as we rubbed our bodies together, giggling and discovering new sensations.

After one passionate kiss, Ines suggested we shave each other down there. I was surprised when she mentioned that. I've never even trimmed down there. I told her I'd think about it, but we should get out and have breakfast. Ines pouted but said I was right.

We dried off, dressed in our bikinis, then went out to socialize with mom and Triana to discuss the remainder of our vacation. Triana had made a frittata for breakfast, and I think I might have eaten more than my share, but I was hungry.

Ines went over our last two items, snorkeling, and the zipline. Mom asked Triana if she'd ever done a zipline, and she hadn't. So, mom asked if she wanted to, sort of like a 'date,' you could say. Triana was thrilled and would be going with us tomorrow. It was a reasonably long drive, so we had to get up early. Then maybe go snorkeling the next day or maybe stay here and snorkel the following day. We were in no rush.

After breakfast and cleaning the kitchen, we went to the beach to lounge around and soak up some sun. Ines and I decided to practice snorkeling in the shallow surf near our house. It wasn't great, but I got used to swimming around and breathing through the snorkel.

When we finished, Ines and I went to get some food for ourselves, and when we came back out, we caught mom and Triana playing around. Their tops had been off, and they had quickly tried to replace them. Which was fine; it led to all of us going topless for the rest of the day.

At times during this trip, I wonder about mom. It's like someone took the mother I knew back home and replaced her with somebody else. It seemed like she had no modesty anymore. Well, she did, but you'd never know it was the same Silvia I'd grown up around. I wondered if this same Silvia would go home with me or would the old Silvia.

I knew I wouldn't be the same old me, I had changed, and I think for the better.

After a bit, mom and Triana left to swim in the pool. Ines and I heard them playing Marco Polo. I was thinking, copy cats.

It did give Ines and me a chance to be alone. I told Ines she missed a couple of spots putting sunblock on. She looked all over but didn't see any. Just because I'm a nice girl, I grabbed it, sat on her lap, and applied some on her gorgeous breasts. Naturally, I took my time, not wanting to let my love get sunburned on her boobs.

Ines grinned as I massaged each breast. When I leaned in to suckle, it drove her crazy. The sunblock didn't taste that great, but the joy I brought Ines was well worth the discomfort. I played with her while listening to mom and Triana in the pool. As long as they were loud, we were safe. When they did quiet down, Ines suggested we join them. So, we waited until they were close to our end of the pool, then we cannonballed them.

Then we played Marco Polo and tag and had fun just swimming. We hit the outdoor shower to get the chlorine off us when we were all worn out.

That in itself was very yummy. Ines and I had left somebody's gel out when we showered from snorkeling. The four of us took turns soaping each other off, except mom and I only soaped each other's backs. But, soaping down Triana was very yummy. I loved how her smaller breasts felt in my hands as I soaped each one. I didn't linger on them because Ines and mom were right there.

But, Triana seemed to notice how much I enjoyed them. The look she gave me when I looked down at her made my pussy tingle.

I think mom enjoyed soaping down Ines as much as I liked Triana. I could see why mom liked Triana's boobs. They were a perfect size, and I just wanted to suckle and nurse them right there. But I didn't think that would have gone over very well with Ines or mom.

I guess I'm just anxious to explore this new world I've discovered. Sort of like being in a candy store, so much I wanted to sample.

Lunch was yummy leftovers. After that, we napped, then I looked at pictures on my computer. I looked up the zipline place online. It was pretty impressive, and I'm glad mom booked that and the snorkeling. If we were to do this again, we'd break up the birding days with more fun stuff.

Dinner was filling, Olla de Carne. Then after dinner, we played pool and sipped wine. When bedtime came around, we all said goodnight, looking forward to a fun day zipping through the treetops.

Written by _O2_
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