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My First Experience At University - Part Two

"Sandy's adventures continue"

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It had been six weeks; a lifetime in reality since I arrived to start my new life at university. It could not have started worse with all my belongings being stolen by some bastard at the bus station leaving me soaked to the skin and with just the clothes I stood in.

Just when I thought my life was ruined, I met my beautiful roommate Savvy who took me into her arms and brought light into my life.

Last week Savvy’s mother came to visit, and they went for lunch and shopping before a spa date. This was followed in the evening by dinner with myself and our best friend and next-door neighbor Laura. It was a wonderful evening. We all dressed up and were driven to a very fancy restaurant where the food was to die for. It was my first time eating lobster; it was amazing. At the end of the evening, Mrs. Dayton-Jones -- or Patricia as she insisted Laura and I call her -- hugged and kissed us all before saying her farewells to Savvy and leaving for the airport to join her husband in Dubai.

I very much doubt that she realized that the three young women with whom she had dined would return to their room for an hour or two of mutual pleasure.

We went into Laura’s room as she had a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket.

Laura slipped out of her dress, a short and very fitted little number that emphasized her long toned legs and full 34D breasts, leaving her in sheer black thigh-highs and heels with deep red satin bra and thong panties.

Savvy quickly followed suit, her dark blue dress pooled around her elegant ankles revealing sheer nude thigh-highs and blue lingerie that matched her dress.

I was wearing a grey knitted wool dress with sheer holdups that I had teamed with a black lace bra, no panties to avoid a line in the clingy dress which quickly joined Savvy’s on the floor.

Savvy embraced me parting my lips with her tongue whilst her hand moved to cup my warm ever-moistening mound. I, in turn, popped her bra clasp to allow myself access to her nipples and started to pinch and stretch them in a way I knew would excite her.

Not to be left out, Laura moved across to join us. Hands, fingers, mouths, and tongues all came into play until the three of us were standing naked and entwined in each other's arms.

“Atishoo, we all fall down,” Savvy drawled in her come-fuck-me southern accent; she always exaggerates it when she’s wet and wanting. With that, we all dropped to our knees before embracing again.

I moved to part Laura’s thighs and inhaled the scent of her arousal. I could see her pussy, such a slight minimal slit in her tan skin but already it was glistening with her juices, and nestling at its head was the small silver ring that pierced her hood.

I lowered my head to lick; as I did I felt Savvy’s warm breath on my ass cheeks as her tongue started to caress my pucker.

I raised my head from Laura’s sex as she needed to wriggle forward slightly to close the chain. Watching her tongue flick out and engage with Savvy’s shiny wet sex as she knelt pleasuring my pucker, I dropped my head and tugged on her ring with my teeth. I flashed back on Uncle Sebastian urging me to clean my teeth every night. "A pretty girl needs good teeth,” he would laugh, but I very much doubt he had this scenario in mind.

By the time we were finished with each other the room was warm, and our bodies were aglow with the pleasure of our exertions. There was a strong aroma of horny girl in the air and more than a few traces of girl juice on the wood floor.

Two days after the visit we welcomed a new friend and roomie for Laura: Celine Duprè, who came from Quebec originally and had the sexiest French accent. Her father worked for an international wholesaling chain, and they had moved back from Europe. The timings of his move had changed, so Celine was given a dispensation from the university to start the semester late.

Now, Laura, Savvy and I had instantly hit it off; I guess loud masturbation can do that. When we were told of Celine’s arrival, we were concerned that she might not fit into our group. Oh, were we wrong.

I had planned to be there to greet her along with Savvy and Laura, but I got a summons to the Bursar’s office which is an invitation that you cannot ignore. Especially if, like me, you are on a scholarship.

I came back from the meeting bursting with good news, if not a little puzzled. It had been explained to me that due to my good grades I had been selected to receive a very generous bursary each semester to cover my living expenses.

It was not a scheme that I had been aware of, but it meant that along with my scholarship money I could study and live comfortably without taking the part-time job I had been looking for.

I got back from my meeting to find Savvy and Laura carrying several boxes and packages into Laura’s room. I was just saying hi when Celine stepped into the corridor. "Bonjour, I’m Celine,”

I turned to see a tall, and I mean tall, slim girl with jet black hair smiling at me.

“Hi, I’m Sandy, Sandy Mitchum,” I replied offering my hand in response. Instead of taking my hand Celine moved forward to briefly kiss me on each cheek, so I kissed back and, in the process, inhaled the most wonderful citrus perfume.

“Laura and Savvy have told me all about you,” she giggled knowingly.

I turned to Laura, "Hope it's not all bad,” I laughed.

“Well I know what you all did Tuesday night,” she all but purred in that sexy French accent.

I could feel myself blushing, "Everything?” I queried.

At this, Laura and Savvy dissolved into a major fit of giggles. Before dabbing at her eyes Savvy offered an explanation, "We were carrying Celine’s things into her room when one of the boxes split, and the most amazing selection of sex toys fell out.”

“That just kicked off the conversation,” added Laura dissolving into another giggling fit.


By evening we had finished moving Celine in and taken a walk around the university grounds to show her the lecture rooms, food bars, etc. She was particularly keen on seeing the swimming pool and gym with its health suite as she was studying sports medicine.

Savannah suggested that we all settle back in our room with a cold buffet and a bottle of wine and get to know Celine a little better.

Now I should probably explain that yes, we are all underage for alcohol, and it's against the university rules, but as long as you are sensible and discreet it's generally not a problem.

So that’s what we did: crackers, cold cuts, cheeses, grapes and wine with the four of us freshly showered and in our robes.

We had a little music playing and a glass each and just sat there grouped on our two beds, which were now pushed together most of the time, chatting and laughing. It quickly became obvious that none of us was wearing anything under our robes. Every time someone moved for a glass or bent to reach the food table there would be a flash of breast or a nipple would pop free or a smooth pussy would smile at you.

As we opened the second bottle of wine, “I thought you guys were naughtier, I expected nudity at the very least from you,” laughed Celine raising her glass in a toast, "Am I cramping your style?”

With that, she stood and handed her glass to Laura before turning her back to us and slipping her cream silk robe from her shoulders. Her back was long, firm, lightly muscled and very toned. She had trapped the robe at her waist just low enough to reveal a small blue Fleur-de-lis tattooed at the base of her spine. Shimmying, she wriggled and teased out the moment as we quietly cheered her on.

Leaning forward from the waist she then dropped the robe to expose lean, toned thighs leading to the tightest firmest butt I’d ever seen.

Straightening up she turned to face us and what a sight: a ripped taut abdomen, closely trimmed jet black hair around her pussy and the smallest sweetest breasts you could imagine. Actually, they are really little more than extremely puffy nipples, but my god are they sexy.

“Voila, you like?”

“Oui, Oui,” we chorused, quickly shedding our own robes and re-joining her on the bed.

“I hope you like my petit poitrine,” she giggled, stroking her erect nipples. "They may be small, but they are very sensitive.”

I leaned forward. "May I?” and with that, I reached out and drew my fingers lightly across her puffy mounds.

Celine shuddered in response to my touch. I repeated the stroke. Once more she shuddered and twitched under my touch, a small gasp of pleasure escaping her lips.

Laura moved across the bed and started to stroke Celine’s left nipple, just gentle circular strokes with the pad of one finger. I had seen her do the same thing with her clit.

I copied her motions with the right nipple. It took just seconds for Celine to start moaning and gasping as her pleasure built.

“Oh, my darlings, look how wet she is?” Savvy, being Savvy, had moved between Celine’s long coltish legs to get a closer view.

“She’s absolutely dripping.” Savvy was gazing in awe as Celine’s juices flowed from between her lips to coat the dense black hair that she had trimmed to frame her slit.

Laura moved to suck and lick her chosen nipple. I watched as she took Celine’s entire left breast into her mouth, swirling her tongue as she did so.

Celine started to make a high-pitched keening noise; again I copied, taking the other breast into my mouth and sucking hard.

Celine started to pant and emit short gasps of breath between releasing high-pitched wails of pleasure. A dark red flush began to spread upwards from her breasts.

Just as it reached her throat, her orgasm hit. I could feel a wave of energy pass through her body as I sucked hard on her breast. Her body went still in our arms, a high-pitched wail escaped her throat, and a jet of girl juice hit Savvy square in the face.

I went to pass Savvy a tissue for her face as Laura moved a pillow to make her new roomie more comfortable whilst she caught her breath.

“Sandy, as I have this beautiful girl's sweet cum all over my face I’m just going to make myself comfortable.” That southern drawl was back again. Savvy just helped herself, licking every inch of Celine’s thighs and mound until she was all cleaned up.

Celine just lay there, eyes half closed as Savvy tongued her clean. Well, there was a small whimper or two as her lips and clit got a spit-polish.

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“Celine, I have to say that was both beautiful and amazing; I have never seen someone cum so hard just from having their nipples played with,” I offered once everyone had calmed down.

“I think it’s because I’m so small, all the nerve endings must be really close to the surface. Anyway, it seems like my nipples are hardwired to my clit because the slightest touch and I cum hard,” she giggled, ”I have these vibrating nipple clamps and I can cum just from having them on.”

“Not touching your pussy at all?” queried Savvy

“No, my hands were tied, all I could do was kneel there.”

“Tied like bondage tied?” Laura asked, blushing.

Savvy and I now focussed our attention on Laura, noting her erect nipples and flushed cheeks. "Something you want to tell us, honey? You know you can’t hide from mama.” Savvy locked eyes with Laura.

It took mere minutes for Savvy to extract a confession from Laura; yes, she did have bondage fantasies. In return, Savvy fessed up to wondering about piercing her nipples.

“So, mon cherie, what is your dark secret?” Celine was now exaggerating her accent in response to Savvy’s southern drawl.

I could feel my cheeks warm, but I trusted these three like nobody I had met before. Indeed, my feelings for Savvy were deep and growing by the day. "Well it’s like this,” and I went on to recount how Savvy and I had gone shopping that first time and how she had taken me to the private shop and to cut a long story short although I regularly used both vibrators I had yet to try the butt plug and beads.

“Oh Sandy, that’s a favourite of mine and I know just how to introduce you to the pleasures of your pucker.” With that, Celine knelt up to kiss me slowly and fully on the lips before adding with a giggle, "It’s all a question of relaxation, we will start tomorrow.”

With mine and Savvy’s beds pushed together there was enough room for the four of us to snuggle down for the night. As I turned the lamp off, Celine was spooning with Laura whose legs were entwined with Savvy's who in turn had her hand firmly between my thighs.

I giggled as the chorus of goodnights gave me flashbacks of watching The Waltons with Uncle Sebastian.


Celine had decided that we would all meet in their room at eight-thirty which gave everybody time to get back from classes, tutor group meetings, etc., and get any important assignments completed before we turned to 'affairs of the pucker' as she happily put it.

At the appointed hour Savvy and I walked into Celine and Laura’s room to find that the lamps had been draped in silk scarfs to soften the light and flickering candles added the relaxing bouquet of verbena to the air.

Naturally, Laura and Celine were already naked, and we quickly shed our robes. For the first couple of weeks when the halls of residence had been mostly empty, the three of us had wandered between rooms naked, but we had been firmly informed by the Director of Residences that young ladies should show some respect and modesty in their behavior.

Turning to Laura and Savvy, Celine told them to take me to the bathroom where she had laid out scented bath oil and everything they would need to bathe and pamper me for the next thirty minutes whilst she made her preparations, "Mes amours, I want our petit Cheri to be smooth, soft and relaxed when you bring her back.”

Faithful to Celine’s instructions, my two handmaidens bathed me paying particular attention to my pucker, massaged me, and shaved me smooth before wrapping me in a fluffy towel and patting me dry.

Laura produced a large jar of L’Occitane Amande body cream, my absolute favorite and the two of them worked generous amounts into every inch of my skin before returning me to the care of Celine.

Celine took me in her arms and kissed me full on the lips, letting her tongue flick across my teeth and gums, “Now Sandy, as I told you last night the key to good anal, is total relaxation,” purred Celine before Savvy interrupted with, "and lots of lube.”

Celine giggled herself, "Yes, that too, now pay attention.”

Reaching behind her Celine continued, "Now this is a butterfly vibrator. It fastens around the waist and the thighs but leaves the anus completely accessible. We will use this to ensure that you are completely relaxed and comfortable as we loosen your entrance, first with the beads and then with the plug.”

I turned to look at Savvy for reassurance. “The first time can always be a little uncomfortable at first, but a good hard cum is the best cure for that.” Honest and open as ever, my best friend reached over to stroke my face and calm my nerves.

“If you enjoy it as much as I think you will I may take you to the next step,” that sexy accent whispered in my ear.

In what was clearly a choreographed move Laura and Savvy took my hands and drew me to the bed.

“That’s it, Cherie, kneel with your head down and that sexy little ass high and proud.”

I knelt as Celine instructed, arching my back to bare my rear to her.

Laura turned and produced a bowl of gently warmed oil; six hands started to massage my body.

Starting at my fingers and toes, they slowly worked to my core. Laura and Savvy took a breast apiece, working my nipples until I groaned in ecstasy.

Celine worked her way around my thighs, teasing her way along my swollen slit, her nails passing so close to my engorged clit but never quite making contact.

Slowly she trickled more warm oil between my cheeks; I shivered as it passed over my pucker.

There followed a long and sensuous massage of my mound, my ass cheeks, my upper thighs, Celine’s long, strong fingers working my muscles and relaxing the soft flesh.

It was exquisite! It triggered a constant flow of my juices from deep inside my pussy, and still, Laura and Savvy teased and pleasured my breasts.

I could hear myself moaning in pleasure as the musk of warm wet pussy filled the room.

Celine’s voice awoke me from my reverie, “I think you are ready now, Sandy.”

With that, Laura and Savvy fastened the butterfly in place. Just feeling it being fitted almost triggered a huge orgasm.

Celine concentrated her efforts on my pucker, her long fingers applying pressure around the rim. Ever so slowly she was stretching and opening my flower, constantly adding more warm oil.

Oh, fuck did it feel good.

Cherie, I will use the beads now, just breathe deep.”

I felt the first bead replace Celine’s finger at my entrance.

A gentle pressure and it slipped straight in.

Almost immediately the pressure increased as the second bead entered my ass.

It was the first time I had ever felt something inside my anus, not a huge intrusion but it felt pleasant.

Savvy whispered in my ear how well I was doing and how hot I looked.

Celine lightly massaged my pussy as she picked up the beads again. “The next two are bigger.”

I yelped as number three stretched my ring but before the stinging hit home number four was inside me.

I consciously relaxed my ass and breathed deeply. Despite the sudden burn, I felt full and as my ass accepted the intrusion really fucking good.

Celine began to rub between my ass cheeks and down toward my pussy, I clenched my ass, tentatively at first but tighter as I enjoyed the sensation of fullness.

"OH FUCK!" Celine had blipped the butterfly, sending a pulse of shockwaves through my swollen pussy.

“MMM, my Cherie liked that,” purred Celine.

“I think she wants more,” drawled Savvy.

“Make her scream.” Laura was rubbing at her pussy, strings of cum running down her thighs

Celine turned the butterfly up high and left it there. My whole body shook as I lost control.

Lights flashed before my eyes, and my legs turned to jelly as wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through my body.

My insides had turned to liquid, and it was all escaping from my throbbing slit as I clenched hard on those four beads in my ass.

Just when I could take no more, Celine pulled the beads back out, each one a fleeting feeling of pressure and pain as it popped from my ring.

Laura got her wish. I screamed in release like never before as I collapsed onto the bed. Savvy and Celine moved to support me before I rolled off the mattress.

I caught a glance of Laura spread-eagled in the chair, legs hooked over the arms, fucking herself with a black silicone dildo. Her face a picture of orgasmic bliss.

The pulses stopped; the butterfly was off but still my pussy throbbed. I reached back to gently touch my freshly abused pucker.

There was some stinging and throbbing there too, but it had been an immensely pleasurable experience and one I was eager to repeat.

Savvy, my beautiful Savvy sat by the bed stroking my hair as Celine used first warm then cool washcloths to cleanse my body before applying aloe vera.

After a while, I sat up and hugged Celine. "Thank you, my darling; that was an amazing experience. I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard.”

Laura walked out from the bathroom, still damp from the shower. "I needed to pee and rinse off,” she offered before moving to hug me. "That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”


Savvy and Celine had followed Laura’s example and taken a shower, a somewhat lengthier process than usual and one that involved a lot of giggling and moaning. The combination of Celine’s French accent and Savvy’s southern drawl was exotic and exciting.

We were all sitting back on Laura’s bed. Celine’s needed to air, and dry out a bit.

Laura stood. "I propose a toast to my lovely new and sexy roomie, Celine.”

We all moved to clink glasses; a little frisson of tenderness passed through my bottom.

As Laura sat, Savvy moved from the bed. "I also have an announcement-- we have all been invited to the Sigma Chi Night of Darkness party at the end of the month.”

Laura hooted her pleasure, but Celine and I looked questioningly at them.

“It’s a wild night; everyone has to dress in a sexy outfit in accordance to the theme of the year. It’s girls only, and it’s held off campus because it gets rather raunchy and naughty.”

“What’s this year’s theme?” I asked

“Lace, leather and all things goth,” Savvy giggled, jiggling her large pointy breasts as she made her pleasure clear.

“So, we have two weeks to shop and get creative,” laughed Celine.

“I can’t wait!” I shrieked, moving for a group hug with my new friends.



Written by leggielibby
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