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The Neighbour - Part 6c - The Weekend Comes To An End

"Continuing my weekend with Emily and her sister Phoebe, the end of the weekend."

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Author's Notes

"If you haven't been following the series, this is the third part of a weekend with my neighbour and her twin. these can be read as standalone, but it does follow on from the other in the series. <p> [ADVERT] </p> I do hope you are enjoying them. (as much as I wish I had enjoyed them in reality)."

Having spent some time eating out, licking, drinking their love juices and playing with their clits for quite a while, the girls told me they were getting sore ‘down there’ and they were worn out after multiple orgasms. I had to admit, I had given my tongue a good workout and needed a break as well.

I crawled onto the bed between them and kissed them both.

“Food?” I asked.

“Sounds good. In our out, we’re paying.” Phoebe said. “Our way of thanking you.”

“Out, and I know a nice restaurant!” Emily said looking at me with a glint in her eye.

“What are you up to, sis?”

“Me? Why would I be up to anything?” Emily feigned innocence.

I rang up our recently visited restaurant and booked a table. Emily dragged her sister home to put on a suitable dress for the evening. Thankfully, she had laundered it since the last time, thinking it was a shame she only had one dress like it. The waiters’ eyes would bug out seeing it again!

She got out the goddess-like dress and handed it to Phoebe.

“I can’t wear that, there’s hardly anything to it.”

“It’s quite comfy really, and I’ve worn it to this restaurant before. It’s fine,” Emily goaded her.

Phoebe tried it on and looked in the mirror.

“It looks fabulous on you; I knew it would, as it looks fabulous on me!”

“It is quite revealing, though.”

If only she knew, thought Emily!

Phoebe reached for some panties, but Emily stopped her, saying she only had coloured ones and they showed through, not that she would be wearing them by the end of the night anyway if the last meal was anything to go by!

She tried to protest, but Emily kept cutting her off. Knowing it was futile, she gave in. “Well, I’ve been walking around showing my pussy off all afternoon!” Phoebe thought. What the hell!

Emily went for a halter-neck dress. I had to go with some loose trousers, as I knew I would spend most of the evening stiff!

We got to the restaurant, and the same waiter greeted us. ”Same table, sir?”

He led us back to the table we had previously used. The girls sat opposite each other. I slid in next to Phoebe, knowing what Emily had planned. I leaned over and gave her a kiss, then turned to Phoebe and kissed her.

When I turned back, the waiter was at the table with the menus and a knowing look on his face. He took our drinks order and said he would be back soon with them and for the food order.

“What was that look on his face for?” Phoebe asked.

“Well, last time we came here, Emily wore that dress. She arrived with panties on, left with none, and my hand was sort of doing this throughout the evening.” I said as I slid my hand up her leg to her bare pussy.

“So, that’s why you said no panties,” Phoebe whispered to Emily.

Emily just grinned at her and looked at the menu! The waiter returned with our drinks and asked if we were ready to order. From where he stood, it was fairly obvious my hand was under Phoebe’s skirt. I ordered the same as I had last time. Phoebe hadn’t managed to look at her menu, so Emily ordered for both of them.

“You are getting wet,” I whispered to Phoebe. "Lift your bum up.”

I grabbed a napkin, slid the back of her dress up, and slid the napkin under her. She sat back down, Emily giggling. I replaced my hand on her leg and she spread them for me. I brushed her slit and massaged it a bit.

“I’ve brought you a few spare napkins in case you need them, sir,” the waiter said, having suddenly appeared. “Just in case you need to mop up any spilt liquids!”

Phoebe went red, and Emily had a coughing fit.

“Oh, thank you. She is a bit clumsy with her drinks,” I replied, nodding at Emily.

“I guess he had the napkin last time, then!” Emily chuckled.

“What do you mean?” Phoebe asked.

“Well, we did exactly what you are doing now, and at the end of the meal, the napkin was soaked. I wanted to steal it, but he left it on the plate!” Emily told her, pointing at me.

I pushed a finger into Phoebe as she said this, causing her to gasp. A couple a few tables away looked over with concern, so I loudly said, "here, take a drink, that might help!"

Thankfully, the waiter must have guessed what we were planning and had left at least a table all around us free.

I carried on finger fucking her and rubbing her clit with the heel of my hand. I could tell she was getting near, so like with Emily, I pulled out, making her moan in her displeasure. I reached my hand over the table, Emily quickly looked around, and then licked my fingers clean.

I gave it a couple of minutes, then moved my hand back to Phoebe’s thigh and her slit, pushing a finger back into her.

“You are just going to keep edging me, aren’t you?” She whispered to me.

“Yep, I know what you are like when you cum, you aren’t exactly quiet, I’ll make sure you cum after we leave.”

My hand was still under her dress when our food arrived, the waiter passed Emily her food, then leant over the table trying to get a good look, either at what my hand was doing, or her tits poking through the dress, I want sure, but I wasn’t stopping him. He put my plate in front of me.

“Enjoy,” he said.

“Will do,” I replied, both giving each other a knowing look.

Phoebes’ breathing started becoming more rapid, so again I pulled out, and offered her my fingers. She licked them clean.

“Dig in, it looks good.”

When we had finished, our ever-attentive waiter was soon back at the table, enquiring whether we wanted desserts. I could tell Phoebe wanted to get out and get fucked, but Emily had that glint in her eye that we spotted.

“No thanks, we’re all good,” Phoebe quickly replied.

“Aww, you spoiled my fun,” Emily said after the waiter left to sort the bill.

She paid the bill, and we left, leaving the sopping napkin on the seat. Getting to the car park, noting I had parked in a darker part of it, Phoebe pulled me to her.

“I’m not waiting. Fuck me now!” she whispered loudly.

I could hear Emily coughing or laughing, I wasn’t sure which. Phoebe pulled me to the far side of the car, and pulled me to her by the waistband of my trousers, undid them and pushed them down, grabbing my cock, lifting the front of her dress, and fed me into her, sighing.

“Now, fuck me like there is no tomorrow,” she demanded.

I pulled out, spun her around, lifted the back of her dress, and entered her from behind, giving her the fucking she wanted.

“My turn when we get home,” Emily called.

Thankfully, the car park was quiet. Phoebe certainly wasn’t! Two orgasms later, I unloaded my seed into her, then just held her before pulling out.

“Come on, unlock the car. It’s getting cold out here,” Emily moaned.

“Quite warm over here,” I replied, causing Phoebe to chuckle.

When we arrived home, Phoebe was nearly asleep in the car, content. So Emily took the keys and opened the house up. I reached in and picked Phoebe up and carried her in, putting her on the sofa for now. Then collapsed next to her. Emily decided my lap was the place to sit, and picked up the tv controls to see what was on.

I hugged her, and we just cuddled for a while, watching the telly. I started yawning, and Emily elbowed me. I pushed her off, and went upstairs to get a blanket, then lay it over Phoebe, who was still asleep, turned the light out, and Emily and I went to bed.

In bed, we cuddled, and she started playing with my cock, trying to get me hard.

“Thank you for today. I didn’t know how either of you would react when I introduced you. But you were likely to take to her better than her to you. But wow, it’s been so hot, we’ve all done things today we haven’t done before. I need you to make love to me. You’ve concentrated more on Phoebe today, but that’s ok as you get me more often.”

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I pulled her on top of me and held my cock up for her to mount. She slid on and rocked up and down slowly. After a few minutes, I pulled her to me and rolled us over and made slow, leisurely love to her. Both of us were almost asleep. I could thankfully feel my release coming and ejaculated into her. We rolled onto our sides, me still in her, and cuddled until my flaccid cock fell out.

She visited the bathroom quickly to clean up and crawled back into bed with me. I heard a grumbling noise and then a cold body hit me from behind.

“Fancy leaving me to sleep on my own on the sofa and coming to bed and fucking without me,” Phoebe grumbled.

She threw an arm over me and fell asleep again! Emily and I weren’t far behind in falling asleep.

I’m not a morning person and had been worn out by the two minxes the day before, so I shouldn’t have woken up so early. In fact, I thought I was dreaming. My cock was hard and straining, but couldn’t feel anything going on down there. Then a tongue licked my nipple, then the other. So, this was their game this morning, was it? I lay there, coming to my senses, letting the minxes have their way with me. I would have loved to roll over and go back to sleep, but don’t think these two would let that happen.

My arms being trapped beneath them were virtually useless in playing with any part of their bodies, but I could tickle them! I started moving my hands like they were spasming, then moved into full-on tickle mode, making them both pull away from me and start laughing.

“What time is it?” I groaned.

“Time to make slow sensual love to me,” Phoebe replied.

“Then me,” Emily added.

I looked at Emily. “You know that’s not going to happen this early. Let me wake up properly.”

Too late. Phoebe had mounted and started riding me.

“I’ve only got until two, then I have to get the train home, so you need to fuck me lots this morning!” she announced.

I groaned! “You two are going to wear my cock out!”

I just lay there, letting Phoebe enjoy herself, while Emily and I kissed and cuddled each other.

“Thanks for being so great this weekend. It’s been amazing. I didn’t know Phoebe was such a slut though!” she said, looking at her sister.

“We always share things. I like what you have, I like having the same experiences as you, and you said I could share him, so if I’m a slut, it must mean you are as well, plus, I don't have a boyfriend! I don’t think I’ve had this much sex in one weekend before, I’ll be bow-legged by the time I get home, and I bet my smile will be an ‘I’ve been fucked’ one that you won’t wipe off my face for weeks!” Phoebe added.

“I don’t know about you two, but I’ve definitely been fucked this weekend. I’m worn out. Do you mind carrying on and I’ll go back to sleep?” I asked.

“You’re awake now, you can stay awake!” they both said.

So, I just lay there and enjoyed the rhythmic motion of Phoebe rising and falling.

Emily got up and wandered downstairs and inspected the contents of my fridge.

“Do you actually have any food in the house?” she called up.

“There are hash browns and bacon in the freezer, beans in the cupboard, and eggs on the counter, if that’s what you are thinking,” I called back down.

A few minutes later, I heard her coming back up, and the shower being turned on. Then a few minutes later she reappeared in the doorway naked, drying herself.

“Wow!” Phoebe exclaimed. Looking over her shoulder, “Ah, that explains your cock growing then!”

Emily grabbed one of the returned bathrobes and went to sort breakfast. I flipped Phoebe over and started fucking her. I wanted release before breakfast burnt or got cold!

I pulled out, rolled her over, and ploughed into her again.

“Hey, I thought this was meant to be slow, sensual lovemaking?” she moaned.

“You had that. I can take ages cumming in the morning, so time to speed things up!”

I could smell bacon wafting up the stairs. I needed to cum soon! Phoebe was seemingly sweating her love juice, having cum herself already, but I wasn’t giving in. Harder, faster, and finally, I came as Emily called up.

“It’s cooked, come and get it or it will get cold!”

“Now that is timing,” Phoebe said, hugging me. “That was lovely. Let’s go eat if we can walk!”

She stole my other bathrobe, so I found some tracksuit trousers and we made our way down to get food.

I gave Emily a kiss. “Thanks for sorting breakfast.”

“Well, it was that or watch you two humping again!”

After breakfast we cleared the dishes, Phoebe and I both needed a shower, so Emily grabbed the dresses they had worn last night, checked to make sure the coast was clear, and for the third or fourth time that weekend, headed back to her place in one of my bathrobes.

I have no idea if any of the neighbours had actually seen this happen, but I’m sure some of them must have heard the girls over the weekend!

Emily had dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and was obviously wearing underwear. When I looked at her, she pulled her t-shirt up to find one of the sexy bras I had bought her a few weeks ago.

“I need to protect my nipples this morning. They are as sore as anything! I think you two abused them yesterday!”

“I know that feeling,” Phoebe said, cupping her breasts. “No nipple play for you today.”

“So… what’s the plan this morning?” she asked.

“Beach? walk? Both?” I asked.

So, we headed off to the local beach; it wasn’t warm enough yet to sunbathe, but if we had, I think I would only be able to do my back as I would need to hide a stiff cock laying next to these two!

We walked along the seafront, had a play on the two pence machines in the amusement arcade, had ice cream and a hot drink (not at the same time!), watched the lifeboat launch for an exercise, then got a portion of chips as we headed back to the car.

We stopped on the way, sat on the beach, and just watched the sea for a few minutes.

“Thank you for this weekend,” Phoebe said. “I know Emily said she had a surprise for me and had told me about you, but I wasn’t sure how you would take it, and didn’t expect my slutty sister to watch and join in. I had a great time.”

“I hadn’t planned on joining in. I just got so aroused I couldn’t help myself.”

“Well, it was a surprise for me as well,” I replied. “When I opened the door and saw you both there, I thought that was the surprise, then everything else. I should say I’m the happiest man in the world at the moment, and the most worn out in that department, I think!”

“Phoebe, you have been great, and I would love to see you again. Emily, thank you for sharing. I hope neither of you are jealous of the other now.”

“Well, I am,” Phoebe said. “She lives here and will get your lovely cock more often than me! But then she did see you first, I suppose. I will definitely be back again. Hopefully, she will let me share you again.”

“Have either of you ever been camping?” I asked, “Something you might be interested in doing?”

“With you, I’ll try anything,” Phoebe said. “I’m sure it will be more than just camping!”

Emily laughed; she was up for it as well! Looking at the time, I told them we had better make a move. Phoebe needed to pack the few items she had used, and I would take her to the train station.

We had a few strange looks saying goodbye. I had my arm around Emily and gave Phoebe a proper goodbye kiss. Then she hugged Emily before getting on the train.

Getting home, Emily announced she ought to do some washing as for some reason, yet again, she seemed to have a lot of clothes covered in cum or lady juice! I thought I had better change the bedding; I dread to think how many times we had cum on it during the day yesterday!

I then sat down, remembering the weekend I had met Phoebe. It’s not one I will forget for a long time.

Written by zebedee2022
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