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The Foursome’s Discipline Journey Continues

"The Moms and Daughters continue their spanking adventures"

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Author's Notes

"Have fun reading more about Kathy, Sarah, Teresa and Kate's journey."

All four women made their way inside Teresa and Kathy’s house. Kathy and Sarah each hugged both moms and then they all sat around the kitchen table. Kathy pulled out her cell phone and handed it to her mom.

“What is this for, darling?” said Teresa.

“It is a part of our punishment,” said Kathy. “We will explain why, but first we have to tell you how it happened.”

Kathy and Sarah told Teresa everything that had taken place so far that day. This included them being naked until they got ready to leave Kate and Sarah’s house that afternoon, the French toast breakfast, and the bare-bottomed sit-spot spanking Sarah had requested.

They also shared what they had picked out for the line they would write three hundred times (I will never, ever deliberately worry anyone ever again.). That they fell ten lines short during the time allotted because they kept thinking about how it made their pussies get wet since they were naked while doing this punishment exercise. Teresa also heard about how the girls had each of their palms smacked twenty-five times with a wooden kitchen spoon for not completing their task and also the fifteen sloppy lines they wrote.

Sarah added she had decided that both she and Kathy should have to surrender their cell phones and iPads while they were at home until the end of Tuesday night. They also told Theresa what sex toys and spanking implements Kate had ordered for Sarah and they also wanted to order proper English canes to be used on them in the future. Theresa agreed to that request with a glint of excitement in her voice.

Teresa was fully impressed by her girls and this made her fall even more in love with Kate. She was becoming an even better disciplinarian than she was.

“Girls, your honesty is so refreshing and the fact that you are actively engaging in your punishments, including knowing when you need more of them, is impressive,” said Teresa. “I was never this open and brave with my parents or friends at your age. I am looking forward to granting your wish to be properly punished at Kate and Sarah’s house this coming Friday night. Kate, you are an extraordinary mom and I love you so very much.”

Teresa and Kate kissed each other passionately and then Kate said, “Yes, you girls are such a revelation. I am immensely proud of how you have conducted yourself this weekend. I think both of you should have an early bedtime this week, so you get enough sleep before your upcoming Friday night discipline session. How does 9:30 p.m. sound to you, Teresa?”

“I like that idea, Kate,” said Teresa. “Both of you will be required to be in bed with the lights off at 9:30 p.m., so you should plan your homework accordingly to adhere to this temporary early bedtime.”

“Yes, Mom,” said the girls in unison.

“Sarah and I have to get back home,” said Kate as she got up from the table with the rest of them following suit. “We all have some work to do to prepare for our week.”

Teresa kissed and hugged Kate again while Kathy and Sarah hugged each other, whispering that they would find their friends right away in the morning at their regular before-school meeting spot to share their epic weekend with them.

As Kate and Sarah were driving away, Teresa guided Kathy back inside their house and said, “I am surprised that the two of you did not complain about your early bedtime this week. Also, I am so delighted to watch you mature into such an outstanding young woman these past weeks. How are you feeling?”

“Mom, I am cherishing these moments with you,” said Kathy in her most earnest tone of voice. “I want you to continue to discipline me when you feel I need it and when I know I need it, for many years to come. I know Sarah feels the same way. Our desire for this has only grown stronger each day. That is why we asked to be punished further this morning. It felt proper to do so.”

Teresa hugged Kathy again and kissed her on her forehead. Then Kathy brought her overnight bag upstairs to unpack so she could finish her homework. Theresa still had to do some architectural work, so they worked together at the kitchen table again. Kathy had come downstairs naked with her backpack over both shoulders. Teresa giggled a little at the sight of her daughter with nothing on but her backpack. Kathy smiled with amusement.

While driving back to their house, Sarah said, “I am so happy you suggested an early bedtime for me for this week. I need that structure so much right now. We only have a month left of high school and I need to focus more. This will help. I love you so very much for everything you have done for me, especially this past weekend, Mom.”

“I love you so very much too Sarah,” said Kate. “This new way of living has emerged so fast for us and I am excited to continue to be yours and Kathy’s disciplinarian alongside Teresa. I quite like this side of myself.”

“I like this side of you too, Mom,” said Sarah. “You are an expert disciplinarian and I am looking forward to being punished by you in whatever way you deem proper for as many years as you see fit.”

They both laughed and when they got home, both women got to work. Sarah had homework to do and Kate was still on call and had charting to finish. She was lucky that no one needed her at the hospital that weekend because that did not happen very often. Such was the life of a highly sought-after doctor. They also sat together at the kitchen table to get their work done with Sarah, completely naked.

Both Mom-daughter pairs ordered Chinese takeout for dinner without the other household knowing this. They ate and then, after getting everything ready for the following morning, they watched some more TV together. When 9:15 rolled around, Kathy and Sarah got up and headed upstairs to get washed up and brush their teeth. They were in sync even when they were not in each other’s presence.

When Kate finished washing up and brushing her teeth, she went into Sarah’s bedroom to say goodnight and give her a reminder spanking. Sarah was coming out of her bathroom, still naked, as Kate walked into her bedroom.

“Hop into bed Sarah,” said Kate. “I will tuck you in, but first I am going to give you a reminder spanking, so turn over on your stomach.”

Sarah complied and then Kate gave her thirty spanks, kissed her on her forehead, and pulled the covers up over her body. This calmed Sarah down. She liked this little ritual and hoped it would continue each night. The reminder spanking helped Sarah sleep more soundly because tomorrow would be an eventful day.

They still had to tell their friends about the epic weekend they just had, get through the school day, and then buy that wooden hairbrush for spanking. Sarah’s life was opening up in lots of amazing ways. This past weekend was just the start of so many great discipline and sexy times adventures in the future.

“Mom, come tuck me in please,” said Kathy from the upstairs hallway down the stairs.

“Sure, darling, I will be right up,” said Teresa, and then an idea popped into her head.

When Teresa went into Kathy’s bedroom, she found her daughter naked in bed with the covers ready to be pulled up and tucked in. Teresa sat down beside Kathy and said, “Turn over on your tummy so I can give you a little reminder spanking. You have had a huge weekend and this will help you clear your mind so you can sleep properly.”

Kathy did as she was told and the Teresa raised her hand and smacked it down on her daughter’s awaiting bottom thirty times as well. Then she pulled the covers up over her daughter’s body, kissed her on the cheek, and said, “Good night and sweet dreams darling daughter. I will head to bed soon, too.”

Kathy quickly drifted off into blissful sleep, happy and content with her new life.

Sarah and Kathy met up in the school courtyard the next day at the place where they gathered with their other friends Angela, Chelsea, and Maria every morning to start their schooldays. There was so much to tell them.

Angela came rushing toward them and after she caught her breath said, “Chelsea, Maria, and I have been so worried about the two of you. What have you both been doing since we left each other last Friday after our Senior Ditch Day activities? Neither of you has answered our texts.”

“We are so sorry about that, Angela,” said Kathy. “It was all my fault, and Sarah and I will explain everything once Chelsea and Maria arrive.”

Sarah added, “We promise we will not go MIA on all of you ever again. You will understand why we did this past weekend once you hear our story.”

As Sarah was saying this, Chelsea and Maria came toward them with indignant looks on their faces.

“Where have the two of you been all weekend?” said Chelsea and Maria in unison in a lecturing tone of voice.

“We deserve to be scolded by all three of you,” said Sarah. “But we have a great excuse. Please let us explain. We have been so excited to tell you everything that happened to us since last Friday night.”

“Okay, fess up the two of you,” said Angela. “And we want all the details.”

There were still twenty minutes before they had to get to class, so they all sat down at one table to hear Kathy and Sarah’s story.

“I convinced Sarah to do something she never thought she would agree to a little while ago so we could introduce our Moms to each other,” said Kathy. “After I met Sarah’s Mom, I wanted them to date and decided that they should bond over something really important. We planned on Sarah spending the night at my house after Senior Ditch Day and I asked her to break a rule with me so our moms had to intervene that night.

“That would mean her mom coming over to my house to deal with her. You see, I knew that if we came home after our promised arrival time, we would get punished and that meant getting spanked like I asked for the last time I was late coming home.” 

Chelsea interrupted and said, “Wait, what? Did I just hear you say the two of you got spanked last Friday night?”

“Yes Chelsea, we got spanked that night,” said Sarah. “And that was just the beginning, but I will not get ahead of myself here. It was terrifying, intense, painful, and also a glorious and illuminating experience for me.”

Looking back and forth at Kathy and Sarah and seeing the smiles on their faces sent Chelsea’s mind spinning. She was so puzzled. Angela was eagerly awaiting the minute details and Maria was trying to figure out how to react to this news without being her usual teasing self.

“Kathy did a great job assuaging my fears ahead of time,” said Sarah. “That night, I learned my mom has a stronger constitution than I ever imagined. She did not flinch when Kathy’s mom started off our punishment process after she arrived at Kathy’s house.”

“When we came home thirty minutes late that night, my mom ordered us into the living room and made us stand facing the wall in different corners,” said Kathy. “Then she called Sarah’s mom after getting her phone number from Sarah.”

“We stood in those corners for about twenty minutes while my mom was driving over to Kathy’s house,” said Sarah. “It was so nerve-wracking. Then when Kathy’s mom ordered us to go outside to cut down switches from the trees in her backyard after my mom arrived, I knew our spanking would be profoundly serious.”

“Switches,” said Maria. “I cannot get my head around all of this. And you just complied? Wow!”

“Yes, and when we came back into the house, my mom told us to take off all our clothes before we walked into the living room with the switches,” said Kathy.

“And Kathy’s mom made me tell my mom why we had to get switches and were naked,” said Sarah. “It was so embarrassing.”

“I am still trying to get past the two of you being naked together,” said Angela. “What happened next?”

“Well, after I told my mom that Kathy had gotten spanked for being late several weeks back, she said it was proper for us to get spanked that night too,” said Sarah. “Our spanking session took about two and a half hours but it felt much quicker.”

“So much happened that night,” said Kathy. “Our moms clicked immediately and now they are dating so our plan worked. They even told us they knew we set them up to meet each other and then spank us. That did not stop them from properly punishing us.”

Angela, Chelsea, and Maria had so many questions. They would have even more after Kathy and Sarah were done telling their story.

Kathy and Sarah regaled them with the details of their mom’s hand spanking them fifty times over their laps together on the couch, how fast Sarah’s mom took to spanking both of them, how they were spanked with the bath brush and ruler while laying across the kitchen table grasping each other’s hands, then spanked by each other’s moms with the leather belt and Lexan paddle laying on their tummies next to each other on Kathy’s bed and then the switching they received on their upper and inner thighs while in the diaper position.

They shared that the spankings made them cry with snot coming out of their noses that their moms took care of and the fact that they were very obedient and even said ma’am to both moms as a sign of respect.

Kathy and Sarah were animated and incredibly detailed, including how many spanks they got with each implement, which pleased Angela very much. By the time Kathy and Sarah had finished that part of their story, they had to head off to class so the other girls' questions would have to wait until lunch along with the rest of the story. None of the girls could concentrate in class at all that morning.

When lunch arrived, the five girls headed back to that courtyard picnic table with their food and drinks. The conversation picked up from their morning talk as they ate their food.

“So before you continue your story, what exactly is a Lexan paddle?” said Angela. “You also need to explain this diaper position thing.”

Kathy got out her cell phone, pulled up an image of a Lexan paddle, and showed it to Angela, Chelsea, and Maria. They all gasped.

“I love being spanked by that paddle,” said Kathy. “It is so painful in all the best ways and the sensation is sublime.”

“You would say that Kathy,” said Maria in her typical mocking tone of voice. “You are such a contrarian.”

They all laughed and then Sarah said, “The diaper position is when you lay on your back and raise your legs straight up so your bottom and thighs are visible and ready to spank. Also, our moms were so loving during this spanking. They rubbed us on our backs and kissed us on our foreheads to calm us down a few times. We gave them an A plus grade for their spanking prowess.”

“Sarah’s mom hugged and kissed us goodnight and went back to her house to sleep,” said Kathy. “We got ready for bed and I told Sarah that my bedroom was now a sacred space that was a part of our awakening.”

“That is when I told Kathy that our moms had to properly christen my bedroom with the same punishment spanking session and our moms agreed to it,” said Sarah. “We are going to be spanked together at my house after our moms go on their first official dinner date this coming Friday night. We are so thrilled that this will be happening.”

“I still cannot believe how excited the two of you are about being spanked and that you want it to continue,” said Chelsea. “I would not have the courage to face being spanked by my parents. Also, being naked around them would be so hard for me. I am so embarrassed by my body because it looks very awkward right now. You two are extremely brave.”

“Thanks, Chelsea,” said Sarah. “I was skeptical at first too, but now I would not want to live my life without being properly spanked. Do not sell yourself short. You might be surprised at how it makes you feel. My mind and body are at peace after this past weekend. I am so glad Kathy convinced me to do this. We have become kindred sisters and our moms have called each of us their darling daughters, which feels so good to hear.”

“Before they spanked us with the belt, Lexan paddle, and switches, our moms told us they knew we conspired to get them together and were not angry at us for doing it,” said Kathy. “They even gave us a warm hug with all four of us embracing at the same time. It felt like we were forging a sacred bond with each other that night. Like a family marriage of sorts.”

“Yes, I felt the same way about this too,” said Sarah. “I love Kathy’s mom deeply, and I know she feels the same way about my mom.”

Kathy nodded in agreement.

“Wow,” said Angela. “This experience was so intense for the two of you. I am curious about how it feels to be spanked since it has never happened to me. I do not know if I could bring myself to ask either of my dads to spank me. It might be better to ask your moms to do it. Would that be okay with the two of you?”

“Of course,” said Kathy...

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Written by generalleia71
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