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Author's Notes

"Please note, I've pushed this out ASAP to resolve the cliffhanger, this means I've not finished Ch14 yet, so there may be a wait for that one."


We had played starring matches as children. If mum caught us, we would usually get told to stop it. This was one staring match that mum would definitely tell us to stop. We were naked on the bed together. I was kneeling between Laura’s legs. These legs were, in turn, hooked behind my thighs. My hand was holding my cock, rubbing it up and down Laura’s pussy. I was certain my pre-cum was leaking and merging with the juices seeping from Laura.

Her hand ran down my arm and she wrapped it around my cock locking her fingers with mine. She mouthed ‘I love you’ and pulled forward with her heels. I could feel my cock pushing harder against her. Laura guided us, changing the angle, pulling me in, not just with her heels, but with her hand. Her other hand was behind my head, pulling me forward for a kiss, which I obliged. I kept my hips back and could feel her pushing against me. As we kissed, I felt a warmth around my cock head.

We stopped kissing and looked each other in the eye. It was unspoken, there was no nod of the head. As one she lifted her hips a little more and I pushed forward. With a little gasp, I was in her, not all the way, only an inch or so, but the line had been crossed. Time froze once again, neither moved more. Laura smiled, a tear ran down her cheek and she reached up and rubbed her thumb over mine. She licked my tear off of her thumb and then stroked my cheek.

I leant forward and kissed her cheek, as I did so I pushed forward a fraction. This time a moan escaped Laura’s lips. Her pussy was throbbing around me, she was snug, tight, without being painful. She was aroused enough that she was lubricated enough for me to slip forward without too much resistance. With every movement gentle, encouraging noises came from her.

“Please go slow, Tommy.”

I pulled my head back and looked at her. I then pulled out a little and slipped forward.

“Yes, just there, that’s the one, just let me get used to it, then you can start,” she gasped.

Taking Laura’s hand, I brought it between us and had her hold onto the end of my cock. Her eyes opened in surprise.

“Really?” I asked. She nodded and started sniggering.

I slowly pushed forward again. Laura put both hands on my back. Dragging her fingernails down until she was gripping my bum. She pulled me forward, pushed up with her hips and moaned as the gap between us slowly closed. Finally, our hips pushed together. Her eyes opened, her smile broadened, and she gave a little nod.

“Home at last,” she said. “In my loving embrace.”

I slowly pulled out and pushed in again. Laura’s pussy was resisting me all the way out and opening to let me, in pulsing through my thrust.

“What do you tell Laura?” she asked in our lifelong nod to the song we had adopted as ours. .

“I love her!”

I pulled out again and slowly pushed forward. We built up together, a little faster, Laura lifting her hips as I pushed forward. There was no urgency, being together, joined as one was the important thing. So long as we were together, nothing else mattered. At this pace, I felt I could carry on all night.

“I love you, Tommy!”

Laura’s ideas were different, there would be no carrying on all night. Her breathing was getting faster. She was pushing up harder each time. Her fingernails were digging into my cheeks. Wrapping her legs around my bum and pulling in hard. I stopped kissing her and took a nipple between my teeth and started to lick and roll it. Each time I reached my full depth I rolled my hips a little, grinding against her.

“I have always loved her.”

I felt her nails dig into my back. The pain soon engulfed by the endorphins running through me. It seemed every muscle below her waist tensed. Her pussy gripping my cock. Her legs gripping my bum.

“Fuck me! Oh yes, Tommy!”

I paused in a bit of a panic, I was about to cum too and we had not talked about this. I looked up at Laura and she smiled and stroked my cheek.


In a voice the complete opposite of when she had orgasmed, she said, “Finish it, Tommy. Make me yours, give yourself to me.”

Too late for any other decision, I tensed and thrust forward five or six times as I came. Before I finished Laura had a shiver visibly run through her. We stared at each other for what seemed like an age but was more likely less than a minute. Then, like the time after Bev’s party where we had started giggling when our tongues touched, we started giggling again. I rolled onto my back but pulled Laura with me, slipping out in the process, I soon felt myself leaking out of her onto my thigh.

We lay with her on me, kissing and staring and stroking. Nothing was said, we were both grinning like idiots. Both cats had got the cream. Laura lay her head on my chest and shuffled about, so she was half off me, with a leg between mine. With her, in my arms like this, I cannot describe the thoughts whirling around my head. A few minutes later, Laura kissed my chest which I responded to by hugging her a little tighter and kissing her beautiful brunette locks. After this, we eventually fell asleep.



Well, it happened, it finally happened. That night after my date, I had told Tommy I was his, but that was not with the intention of leading to this. It was confirmation that I could not be without him in my life. Between the date and getting back to our room, I was not sure whether it would be that another man would have to accept Tommy or something different.

Up to that point, his naked cock had touched my naked pussy, so we were not breaking new icy, really. He had tasted me, he had penetrated me with my dildo, that was much the same as his fingers, really. The mood was different though, I think maybe tonight had woken something in Tommy too. Even so, crossing the Rubicon was something we had to do together, I held him and pulled him to me; while I pushed up to him. He could have pulled back, but he didn’t.

As I felt my lips engulf him, we stopped again. His cock was just touching the entrance to heaven. Or hell, I suppose it depends on your perspective. Finally, we moved together as one, joined together as one. I could feel he was bigger than my dildo, stretching me as we merged. He was so gentle, slowly moving forward, pulling back before moving further. When he was deeper than my dildo, I said that he was there. I was surprised when Tommy took my hand and showed me that he still had a bit to go. He obviously saw my surprise and asked, I couldn’t help laughing at the thought of my pathetic ex.

Even reaching depths no one else had, being wider than any… thing else, there was no pain. He was careful to move at my pace, letting me enjoy him to the fullest. We built our rhythm together, like collaborating on a story, both of us needed to read all the parts and make sure ours fitted seamlessly. Even within that, he did little things that made me cum a little a couple of times before I was engulfed in the big one. In some ways I wish I had died then; it was the happiest I had ever been. And to round it off, he remained in control enough to check where I wanted him to finish.

This didn’t make me love Tommy anymore, it was an expression of the love we already had burning for each other. I know we would have to talk, we would both be fighting the demons of a lifetime of morals telling us what we had done was wrong. I knew we would be okay; we might not make love again for a while, but in time we would and would be fine. I kissed Tommy on the chest, and he gave me a little squeeze and kissed the top of my head. I fell asleep in the warm protective embrace that I had known all my life.

When I woke, I felt a breeze on my face and no Tommy. My eyes jerked open and I sat up with a start. Looking around I saw him on the balcony, looking out to sea. The balcony was private, unless someone tried really hard to get a look. Like Tommy, I didn’t bother to get dressed. As I stepped out onto the balcony, I put my hand on his back and slid it up and I stepped in next to him.

“Morning,” I said.

“Once again she is correct,” he sounded sarcastic.

“Do you want me to leave?”

“Do you want to?”

“No, but I’d like to talk,” I tried to pull his face around, but he resisted keeping focused on the sea.

He took hold of my hand and put it on the railing. Then he stepped behind me taking my other hand and holding that on the railing. His next move was to put his chin on my shoulder and his cheek right next to mine. He had pinned me once again. I could feel my belly churning and, in some ways, hated him for it. A few touches and he had me.

“Calm your tits and look,” he whispered. He knew what effect he had and was telling me to ignore it.

It had been twilight as I went out, but in those few moments, the Sun had risen and finally cleared Alto de Garajonay, the highest peak on the island. As the sunlight sparkled off the ocean, suddenly a shape burst through the surface. This was followed by another and then more until there were six or seven clearing the water. I glanced at Tommy who had the most serene look on his face.

“Dolphins,” he whispered, almost as if he was scared of ending the display.

I tried to break his grip, but he held me solid, “My camera,” I said.

“Can stay where it is. Just enjoy it, bring up the memory when you want it. Or set your camera up tomorrow.”

The show went on for about fifteen minutes after which, Tommy kissed my cheek and stood up. He went in and made a coffee for us both and brought them out to the balcony, setting them down on the table before he sat down too. I looked out to sea for a while longer, his mood was sombre, it was almost certain he wanted to talk now.

“Where did you hear about the dolphins?” I asked as I turned and sat opposite.

“Same place I heard about the elephant,” he replied. “The one in the room,” he finished when I screwed up my eyes. Thankfully this broke the ice and we both laughed a little.

“I was chatting to one of the staff while you were galivanting on the beach,” he started.

“You mean when you weren’t spying on me.”

“Spying is such a harsh word. I prefer stalking you.”

“I know you do, you pervert! I’m your sister and don’t you forget it.”

He leant across the table and whispered, “Fuck. You.”

I leant over and whispered back, “Yes. Please.”

Then I carried on, “Do you want to talk about it? I think we should.”

“What’s to say? It’s been inevitable really if you think about it. Last year we were both left with just us and it took time to start expanding our circle. His visit pushed us closer and made us more defensive. Kaz, Tina and Diane may not have said it outright, but they have encouraged us, if not to do this, to follow our feelings. We needed to get our heads around our feelings and the conflicts. Being here helped I think.”

“Wow! I guess that’s the long and short. How do you feel today?” The git just raised his eyebrows at me to continue, so I did, “I feel satisfied, certainly, but also a bit confused. One thing I expected to feel but am not is guilt. It was right, it was natural. It was almost so slow motion to start that I thought we might die before getting there.” We both chuckled at this. “But this also says that we were both thoughtful and complicit, in a good way,” Tommy nodded. “My feeling is,” I paused and scanned his eyes, “you think we should not repeat it straight away.”

“Yes, sorry, no morning sex today. I think you have captured my feelings, other than relief. Relief that we are still talking, relief the Sun still rose. It happened and it appears I still have my sister. As I said, you were right. If it had been down to you, we possibly would have done this nearly a year ago.”

I grinned and got up and went and sat in his lap, “But I don’t think any of us would have been really ready. That could well have been the end of us. How about now? Till death do us part?”

“Nah, I’ve told you already, I’m protecting you in the afterlife too.”

I held his face and kissed him deeply and passionately. A lover’s kiss, but intimate, rather than any sexual overtones. I then stood and took his hand.

“Come on stinky, shower time. Then we can go for breakfast.”



Yes, I had honestly been terrified when I woke up. Our time together had been perfect. Physically, I had had better, but that comes with practice, experience and exploration. Emotionally, I don’t think I had ever been so in touch with someone. I was glad I remembered about the dolphins because I would have been a wreck lying waiting for her to wake up. I would have hated to lose my sister through this, even if we became full-time lovers. I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but first and foremost I wanted my sister, then my friend and finally, so long as it didn’t hurt the first two, my lover.

There were certain things she said and how she said them that told me my sister was truly there. The way she called me a pervert and the way she mirrored me with one of her responses. They were things I had only ever seen with me, even in the good days with him, these were mine. This was rounded off with ‘stinky’, Laura was the only person who had ever called me that and she had for as long as I remember.

She took my hand, as any good big sister should, and guided me to the shower. No, we didn’t have sex, but we stroked and caressed each other. We washed each other cleaning even the most intimate areas without flinching. We both watched each other’s reaction as we did this. I had to knock her hand away a few times as I came close to cumming. Laura, on the other hand, did not seem averse to the occasional orgasm.

We dried each other and unlike that night last year, there was body lotion and there were no qualms about drying privates. I chuckled at this and explained when Laura asked. She pulled me up by my shoulders, kissed me on the lips and pulled me into a hug.

“Thank you, Tommy. I don’t know if I ever really thanked you for everything you did that day. And every day since really.”

“Maybe, I hope not, but there may come a day when you can do the same for me or someone else. I would hope it doesn’t end us, this; but if it does…”

“That’s something else I think we should make absolutely clear. From last night and all our other conversations, I take it you would not like to see me with another man.”

I just looked at her blankly for a minute. “With, talking to, fine. With, on a date, I fucking struggled last night. With, working, fine, so long as they do not try what El-Tel did. With, in bed, just so long as it’s a man you don’t want to survive the meeting. If you wanted to go with some other man on a date or to bed, then it would mean us being just brother and sister again. I couldn’t handle being intimate with you, knowing another man was too.”

“I think that answers that,” she said with a smile.

We finished getting dressed. We had just stopped dressing to have that brief conversation. This felt like a change just through this trip. We used the stairs, I always preferred to. Stairs don’t get stuck and you get in some exercise too. Hand in hand we walked across the foyer and were just about to enter the restaurant when her date from the previous night came out. He looked us up and down.

“It’s pretty sick,” he said and went to walk off.

Laura grabbed his arm and stopped him, “Speak your mind.”

“You two, brother and sister. I was thinking about it after I left last night. Acting like you’re lovers, playing with people.”

“I made it clear, last night was a drink then dinner, nothing more. As for Tommy and me, have you never held your sister’s hand or your mum’s? Never hugged them? Or is it just envy, you think Tommy is getting something you think you should?”

As he stammered, I could not help but smirk, but Laura noticed and squeezed my hand. She mouthed ‘behave’ to me when I looked.

“Don’t ruin what has been a good time. The shoot went well, we had a pleasant time last night, but that was all it was ever going to be. If we are hurting no one and breaking no laws, where do you get off shouting us down?”

“Sorry,” he mumbled and walked off.

I put my arm around her shoulders and gave...

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Written by kiteares
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