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Laura had warned me that the director was quite up himself. He was successful at what he did and was well aware of it. My first impression was of someone trying to make people think he had done more than he had. He certainly wasn’t as confident as he tried to appear. What was better was that Laura got fed up with him trying to belittle me. I know she caught me, but I couldn’t help smirking at him when I was letting her take the window seat.

“Behave!” she hissed at me.

It wasn’t long after take-off that Laura had pushed the arm of the chair up and was leaning on my shoulder. In no time, I could hear the regular soft breaths telling me she was asleep. I got the attention of one of the cabin crew and asked for a blanket. He was nice enough to put it over her, so I didn’t wake her in my attempt.

About thirty minutes into the flight, one of the models came and sat across the aisle from us and introduced himself.

“You’re the brother, I hear,” he opened, with a smile on his face and his hands up in a defensive posture. “I’ve worked with Terry before, if you’re not a lovey,” he flashed the two fingers to indicate speech marks, “you’re beneath him.”

I shrugged my free shoulder, “No skin off my nose, but he was pissing Laura off. How’s it go? Insult me, I can handle it, upset my friends or family and I will deal with you.”

“I get you. Listen I’ve seen Laura’s work and heard some stories about her style. I can’t tell you how excited I was when I heard she was going to be the photographer. I’m not the only one. If he carries on with his usual shit, I bet there’s a chance she’ll say stick it. A couple of us are going to have words.”

“Fine, saves me doing it. If you really want to do me a favour, repeat what you told me about being excited to work with Laura.”

He smiled and put his hand on my arm and nodded. The rest of the flight was nothing too out of the ordinary. Laura had about ninety minutes of sleep and with a squeeze of my hand announced to me she was awake.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yes, I needed that. Thank you, Tommy. I think now we are on our way, all the stress drained away. I suddenly felt so tired.”

She kissed my cheek and we got some drinks and snacks; after we circulated a little. Some of the models were so full of themselves it was laughable. I wondered if they actually believed the persona they wore. When we were told to take our seats again, Laura started telling how some of the models were excited to be working with her. I caught the eye of the model I had spoken with and nodded my appreciation. Disembarkation, customs and security didn’t take that long and then we were on our way. I had been confused as the airport was called La Gomera Tenerife, I thought we were landing on Tenerife and transferring from there. We landed in San Sebastian and then it was a mini-bus overland to the other side of the island.

We finally arrived at the hotel and when we checked in found that a room had been booked for both of us. I had a word with the receptionist who was able to relocate us to two rooms with a connecting door.

“Why didn’t you just cancel one, or just not use it?” Laura asked.

“Did you tell Tel that I would be happy to sleep in your room?”

“Stop it,” she sniggered, “Yes, I’m sure I did.”

“That’s what you told me. I know, I’m a suspicious git, but it feels like someone wants to play games with me. Fine, let him have his illusion and we get a large dressing room.”

We were invited to dinner with all the crew that night, it was a light affair and spent mostly talking about the shoot. Laura positively shone when she presented her ideas and glowed even brighter when they were almost universally accepted without change. She was like a little girl coming back to her seat. I stood up, as my father had taught me, and she just ran and jumped into my arms. As I hugged her, I caught the eye of Terry who had got out of his seat to congratulate her and she hadn’t even noticed.

“I think El-Tel wanted a word,” I whispered.


“El-Tel, Terry. Have you not heard of the England football manager that dad used to go on about, Terry something? Dad always called him El-Tel. Seemed appropriate, given where we are.”

For my troubles, I was slapped on the arm and Laura snorted her drink out of her nose.

“You fucker, I’ve got to work with him.”

“Oops! I’ll have to make sure I don’t mention it to any of the models,” I knew exactly who I was going to speak to.

That night we walked up to our rooms with some of the others. I said goodnight to Laura at her door and being the good brother, made sure she was safely ensconced before heading to my room. I heard movement in the room as I opened the door and had to control my face as I said goodnight to the others. When I turned, Laura was in the bed with just a thin white sheet pulled over her.

“Come here, stinky.”

“Let me have a wash first.”

“No, I’m shattered we can use my bed tomorrow.”

Not one to misbehave. On second thoughts, not one to disobey my sister. Still not right, I couldn’t miss the chance to cuddle up to such a beautiful woman. I dropped my clothes and climbed in behind her.


“Not our home bed. Different country, different rules.”


“And we have five nights after the shoot, I want to remain focused,” she looked over her shoulder at me pleading.


“Yes, dipshit, Mr and Mrs Shelby. Our. What’s yours is mine, what’s mine’s my own.”

“I thought you said different rules?”

“I did,” Laura screwed up her eyes in confusion.

“Does that mean, no, doesn’t mean no?”

“And I’ll cut your balls off while you sleep!”

I kissed her hard and hugged her tight.

“There’s the sister I have always loved. Hold that thought, carry that with you, always.”

She smiled and kissed me back, “You are a shit. I will get there, Tommy, I promise.”

“Nah, I think you’re pretty much there. You just need to see it too.”

Laura turned and snuggled back into me. I put my arms around her and drew her closer. Her final movement, that I remember, was interlocking our fingers on one hand and holding it over her heart.



Morning arrived far too soon, by about two or three days. As soon as my alarm went off, I was up and the first thing I did after that was rush to the loo and throw up. I heard a chuckling behind me when I finished.

“Has anyone told you how beautiful and sexy you are first thing in the morning?”

“Oh, fuck off.”

He did, laughing all the way. I heard some doors opening and closing and when I came out of the bathroom, he was dressed and sat in one of the chairs. It was funny, I was hesitant to drop my towel with Tommy sitting there. Maybe it was because he was clothed, maybe I just became shy during the daytime. Laughing to myself I turned away from him and got dressed. I was more than a little disappointed that when I caught sight of him in the mirror, he was looking away.

“How do I look?”

“Huh?” My brother the speed freak.

“Do I look okay?”

“Erm, you’re taking the photos. It’s the models that are parading the fashion.”

“Yeah but…” Tommy walked up behind me and took me in his arms.

“You look perfect,” he said and kissed the side of my neck.

We were the last at breakfast and I was so nervous, the best I could do was a coffee and a juice. Tommy wrapped some croissants in a tissue for later, telling me to eat them dry, a little at a time. I was not happy after Terry bluntly told Tommy there was no room on the bus to the beach, but Tommy had just laughed.

With a kiss on the cheek, he said, “See you later, knock ‘em dead!”

The shoot went to plan that morning and a good-sized buffet was laid out for lunch, with a well-shaded area. It was during this time that Terry pulled me to the side to talk about the afternoon. I smiled as I saw a few of the models moving away from us, dropping their shorts and going for a swim.

“It’s going well,” Terry said.

“Yes, I’m pleased, so far.”

“You looked very nervous to start. Have you settled down?”

“I was, there’s a few reasons. It’s the biggest I’ve done and the first in over a year. To be honest after the first few clicks of the button the butterflies flew.”

“I’m glad you settled so quickly. I knew you were capable, but no one had seen or heard anything about you. I tried your husband, which is when I found out he is in prison and some of what happened came out.” He stopped, obviously hoping that I would fill in some blanks.

“Ex, yes, he’s in prison,” was all I said.

“Well, I got my assistant working on the task. Seeing if she could find any evidence of what had happened to you. Although you were a big risk, not having done anything for so long, I thought it a risk worth taking.”

I could see what he was trying to do and Laura a year ago may have fallen for it. Someone having faith in me, willing to take a chance. I was flattered, but it was all tempered by the way he had treated Tommy.

“Thank you, Terry. I’m not sure it would be that hard to find me. I’ve got my own website and the have been trying to promote my new business. I will do my best not to let you down. A good job here could set me up well.”

“I have always liked your work, Laura. I have no concerns that you will let me down. Without the limits your husband put on you we could even explore some.”

“Thank you, but what do you mean, explore?”

“Your husband…”

“Ex!” I interrupted.

Terry smiled and continued, “he wouldn’t let you do nudes.”

“These are swimwear shots. Where does the nudity come into it?”

“I was thinking something like them taking them off. Still has the underwear in and we can target an adult audience.”

“Sorry, Terry, you should have raised this last night. I haven’t scheduled it in.”

“We have some extra days at the end, we could do them then.”

“No Terry, the contract was for the nine-day shoot. The other five, I’m taking with Tommy it’s our first break away since my wedding.”

He was just about to say more, when I heard, “Laura, El-Tel! We doing this?”

I almost spat my food all over him. Trying to keep a straight face at his reaction was harder. I looked around for Tommy, but could not see him and wondered when he had spoken with the models, he hadn't had chance at the hotel.The rest of the afternoon Terry was very quiet, but the models were absolutely on point. On the drive back Terry sat close to me, trying to persuade me to do the extra day. That is until I asked if there was another reason that he wanted photos of the men naked.

When we got back to the hotel, Tommy was sat by the pool reading. I kissed him and told him I would be back soon. A quick shower and change of clothes and I went back down to him, where he had a drink waiting for me.

I asked how his day was and what he had got up to and was shocked.

“Oh, a little of this and that. I took a stroll to the beach and watched people cavorting together. There were some fine specimens down there.”

I knew he was winding me up, and it was working. He carried on despite my obvious disdain.

“I was watching a couple and they were obviously disagreeing about something. He looked like a right arrogant prick, but she was gorgeous. While he was getting flustered and angrier, she just seemed so cool.”

I was getting really pissed off now and not trying to hide it either. Tommy was oblivious, it was so out of character, I wondered how much he had drunk.

“The funniest part was when someone, who was obviously part of their group called to them, it just seemed to heighten their moods. He was more pissed off, she looked like she was about to wet herself. She looked even sexier when that smile spread over her face.”

“Look, Tommy, this is all very nice…”

“I didn’t think she would approve of someone calling him El-Tel though.”

“What?” He was grinning like an idiot now. “Where were you? How long were you there?”

“I was in the shadows, just watching my beautiful sister thrive and excel. Watching her in her world, doing what she loves. Making sure she was safe, without anyone putting on any airs just for me. I know how Tel loves to impress me.”

“You are a dipshit, you know that?”

“But you love me all the same,” he grinned as he said this. Then he got up and kissed me, took my hand and led me to the restaurant.

While we were eating some of the other crew members said hello and some joined us. It was very relaxed. After, we took a stroll along the hotel’s beach. It was nothing more than brother and sister, and even without our recent history, it would have been a beautifully romantic night. Finally, we slipped into bed together and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The rest of the shoot followed much the same pattern. I looked around for Tommy and could never spot him. From talking to him, I picked up he wasn’t there all the time or even every day. Every day, however, Terry pushed for the extra shots and every day I turned him down. On the last two days, Terry started to insist it was part of the contract and I wouldn’t get paid.

It wasn’t long after he first mentioned this that I saw Tommy walking down the beach toward us. To anyone else, it looked like he was just strolling along, but I could see a determination in his stride. When he reached us, he gathered me into his arms and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

“Errm excuse me,” said Terry.

“What?” replied Tommy.

“We were having a meeting.”

“Were? Past tense? So, finished?” Tommy turned to me. “Have a look at this shell I found.”

I gave him a questioning look. “Look, I think it’s an old oyster shell. That’s mother of pearl.”

“Look, you will have to leave we are working!” Terry tried to assert himself on the situation.

Tommy just ignored him, “Now, here’s the bit I really wanted you to know about. Feel the edge, feel how sharp it is. Careful, it will go through skin like butter.”

I ran my finger along it, and it was sharp, but not as sharp as I had expected. Tommy just winked and turned to Terry, “Feel.”

“It’s not that sharp,” Terry said, after following Tommy’s instructions.

“Imagine how it would be cutting through flesh. And cut through flesh it could well do. It looks like I’ve taken too much of your time. I’ll leave you to it.”

He kissed my cheek again and then turned to Terry, “Don’t mind if I get some lunch? Thanks.”

Terry looked stunned as Tommy helped himself to the buffet and wandered out of the gazebo. When he passed a group of the models, he stopped and had a brief chat. They laughed a little and I noticed him pointing his thumb over his shoulder. He then walked on and I didn’t see him until I got back to the hotel.

The final day, he parked himself on the rocks overlooking the beach. He was very obvious, but well out of the way and it seemed engrossed in a book he had been reading. After the lunch, one of the models who Tommy had been talking to came up and asked if I would like to go for a drink and something to eat the following evening.

“Apart from being a privilege to do so, I think Terry is planning on asking you. Even if you’re not interested, it gives you an excuse.” I said that I would have to check with Tommy, as I didn’t want to leave him in the lurch.

That night there was a meal for all the crew and Tommy was pointedly not invited. Several people made overtures to Terry about it, but to no avail. Tommy assured me it was fine; he would eat then go out to the pool. We spoke about me being invited out too.

“How do you feel about it?” He asked.

“It feels like I would be cheating on you, is that daft?”

After a minute thinking, he said, “No, I don’t think it’s daft. We’ve effectively been a couple for nearly a year now. Or is that twenty-five years?”

“I suppose. He’s a nice guy and I don’t think it would be an issue. I’m just worried he would get the wrong idea.”

“We spoke about this before we came away. I still think you should. Make it clear it’s just dinner and a drink and you’d like to stay in the hotel. See how he reacts. You’ll know where to find me.”

“By the pool. Thank you, that’s all I wanted.”

“Other than me you have not had a one-to-one date of any sort since your ex. I think it would be good for you to test your feelings about that. It will give you some more information to compare all the rest of this too.” He waved his finger in the air to indicate the work, us, everything...

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Written by kiteares
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