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Incestual Thoughts: Temptations Ch02

"The family tradition continuous on with the next generation."

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I recalled our conversation the next morning and was flabbergasted by what my wife said, and excited at the same time. Was this really going to happen? Was my wife going to let our son touch her sensually? Would it go further once she did?

I almost couldn't control myself with the inkling of that happening and found myself wondering how I could get things started since it appeared my wife was a little hesitant. But, at the time, I was drawing a blank.

My moment arrived the following day when we planned to have a picnic at a state park close by us.

At first, things were as they usually went, with a couple of exceptions, like how my wife Meadow was dressed in her blue jeans and had on a light white button-down shirt. While she was setting up the picnic table I noticed she unbuttoned the top a little more than usual, and thought, That's my girl.

Then, my daughter, Stevie, of course, decided to wear her tight little cut-off blue jeans and that same dam sexy tank top she had worn the last day we studied together, which caused me to glance at her in an unfatherly way more than once.

Only Robby and I appeared to dress like we usually do, putting on a pair of loose-fitting jeans and a t-shirt. The only difference was, mine was a plain grey shirt while his shirt was black with a Chevy logo on it.

I had just finished cooking the hamburgers and set them down when I saw Robby gandering at his mother's cleavage while she reached for a hamburger bun. Then I saw the life drain out of him when he realized I caught him staring at her.

Quickly, Robby lowered his head, but I noticed my daughter now leaning over to grab a bun. My mouth dropped, and my pecker jumped when I saw her two little pink perky tits peeking out from under her top.

I wish I could say that only happened once, but it didn't, and I couldn't help myself from stealing several inappropriate glances, every time the opportunity presented itself.

But just as I had caught Robby, my wife had finally caught me when my daughter had bent over to pick up a fork she dropped, letting me see her sexy young ass in the process.

Only it wasn't her tush that drew my attention. It was the fact that her petite cut-offs were crammed between her thighs so tightly that they barely covered that sweet little pussy of hers, and I thought, Busted!

However, I was beside myself when Meadow only gave me a little smirk while she finished making her sandwich. I wasn't sure what that meant, but figured I was going to find out later, for sure.

I tried to be a good boy after that, and I think my son did too; only I guess my willpower was more significant than his because I caught him ogling his mother once again.

It was when my wife and daughter ventured to the bathroom together that I decided it was a good time for a talk.

I waited until I lost sight of the women, and then said, "Listen, Robby."

"I know, Dad. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Hold up a minute." I interrupted. "What I was going to say was, I understand what you're going through and think I can help."

"What?" Robby said with a shocked look. "I don't think you do, Dad."

I got a little closer to my son and leaned over when I said, "You got the hots for your mom."

Now it was apparent Robby was bewildered, and I said, "Listen, Son. It's okay. I was the same way at your age. In fact, I had a conversation like this with my father."

"You... You did?"

"Yeah, and now I'm going to let you in on a little secret. My dad was okay with it, also."

"He... He was?"

"He was. So much, so he wanted me to pursue what I was feeling."

"In what way?"

I looked around quickly and then blurted out, "He wanted me to seduce my mother while he watched."

Robby was speechless and just looked at me like a deer staring at headlights until I said, "So, what do you think?"

"I... I don't know what to think of that, Dad. Shit! That's a lot to take in."

"Well, let me give you something else to rack your brains on. I don't have a problem with you doing the same."

"You mean... To seduce Mom?" Robby hoarsely said. "While you watch?"

"That's exactly what I mean. Haven't you noticed how your mother has been dressing and acting, lately?"

"Yeah, I have."

"Well, that's because deep down she's got a thing for you, also. She just doesn't fully realize it, yet. But I'm sure we can figure out a way for her to come around."

"I don't know, Dad. This sounds kind of dangerous. I mean, Mom could get really upset if you're wrong."

"Tell you what. What if we just test the waters a little? Nothing too drastic. Would you be willing to try it, then?"

"I... I guess I can go along with that."

Quickly, I sat upright and said, "They're coming," when I noticed the girls strolling back, laughing as if one of them had said something funny.

For the rest of the day, they both appeared to be happier than usual. Almost as if something had changed while they were gone.

I wasn't going to say shit about it, since it had been such a long time since I saw both of them acting that way with one another.

That evening as we got home, I waited for the repercussions I was sure I was going to get for my inappropriate gawking. Instead, I heard Meadow say, as we were in the living room relaxing while the kids were in their rooms, "So, I guess we should talk about today."

"Yeah. I'm sorry for that. I don't know what came over me."

Meadow chuckled and said, "I do, and I can't blame you for it."

"Can't you?" I replied.

"No, silly. Haven't you guessed by now your daughter has a thing for you?"

"What?" I replied, in a very shocked manner.

"Don't worry. I had a talk with her about it."

"You did? When?"

"When we went to the bathroom."

" What did you tell her, since both of you came back awfully giddy?"

"Sorry, Dear, but that's something that will stay between us girls."

I knew better than to push any further and said, "Okay. I won't ask what you said, but at least, tell me if that was the reason for her behavior."

Again I heard, "Sorry, Dear."

Well shit! I thought and found myself wondering what their conversation might have been, until that evening when the kids decided to join us in watching some television.

Like the other night, Meadow picked out a movie for us to watch, while I sat on the sofa and then waited for her to snuggle up next to me.

Stevie, still dressed in her little outfit, sprawled out on the loveseat while our son Robby planted himself in the lazy boy, and I thought, Smart move.

You see, where the lazy boy sat; it gave you the clearest view of the sofa while still appearing to be watching the television.

About a half-hour into the movie, while I was rubbing my wife's arm, I noticed my son eyeing his mother up, again. I wasn't aware of why, until I looked down to see my wife's button-down top had opened up, almost exposing her bare breast from my rubbing her arm.

I felt myself stiffen, figuring Meadow had to be aware of it. Leaning over, I whispered to her, "Robby's watching you."

And I then heard Meadow softly reply, "Mmm-Hmm."

I got a little bolder and, while applying a bit more pressure on her arm, which opened her top even more, whispered, "I bet he would love to see your tits about now."

Meadow, with her head still on my chest, glanced upward and grinned, before sitting up and fixing her shirt and said, "I'll be right back."

As my wife departed, I caught my son giving me a sign with his head to meet him in the other room, and I casually walked out into the kitchen and waited before he entered and said, "So, Dad... About our talk earlier."

"What about it?"

"Well, I thought that maybe I could try and, you know... seduce Mom tonight?"

"Robby, your sister is right there."

"Yeah. I guess you're right. Forget what I said." Robby replied with a disappointed look, but before he could walk away, I stopped him.

"Listen," I sighed. "I guess if you're careful, your sister wouldn't be able to see you from the loveseat."

"So it's okay, then?"

"Yeah. But I wouldn't push your mother too far. Especially with Stevie being in the room, also."

"I won't, Dad. But how are you going to get Mom to... You know. Go along with it?"

I thought quickly and said, "Before your mom comes back, sit on the sofa next to me and just play it cool."

"Okay, Dad," Robby said, and we both returned to the living room where Stevie still was sitting on the loveseat, all balled up, while Robby sat to the right of me on the sofa.

It was seconds later before Meadow came back, wearing her silky short red robe. I truthfully hadn't a clue she went to change into that, and if, like the night before, she didn't have a bra underneath her robe, I wasn't sure if she would play along now with being in such a state of undress.

"What's going on here?" I heard my wife say with a genuinely puzzled expression.

Hoping for the best, I quickly replied, "Nothing, why?"

Meadow gave me a smug look before sitting down to the left of me.

Once again, we all settled in, and as before, I put my arm over my wife's neck while she snuggled up, but after a short while, when I figured my wife was more comfortable with the new sitting arrangements, I took a shot and whispered, "So what do you think about cuddling like this, with your son?"

Meadow peered up at me with a lost expression for a good five seconds, before she slowly gave me a hesitant nod.

I fought back the smile that wanted to burst out, and said in a loud tone, "Listen, Honey, I have to use the bathroom."

Meadow sat upright, giving me room to stand up before I walked away, and actually used the restroom. I waited until I figured enough time had passed before slowly making my way back into the living room, stopping at the doorway before entering when I saw my wife had moved up next to her son and was resting her head on Robby's shoulder. Her hand was resting on his leg, while her body was curled up on the couch.

Robby appeared to be a little uncomfortable as I stood there surveying the situation, which I guess is understandable. The poor boy probably was scared shitless, wondering what his mother might do if he pushed things too far.
If I had been him, I know that I would have seen how hot my wife looked, sprawled out, wearing that fucking sexy little robe that was barely covering her breasts!

I did my best to put him at ease by standing in front of them, before looking down at my wife and saying, "So I leave for a second and you find another body?"

"Meadow played right along and quickly rubbed Robby's chest and said, "It's not another body. It's my son, and I don't think he minds me snuggling up with him. Do you, Robby?"

"Nnnoo..." Robby hoarsely replied, and I watched as he unsurely put his arm over his mother's shoulder.

I shook my head as I walked away, but before I could settle into the recliner I heard Stevie announce, "Daddy, I'm cold. Can you hand me the throw blanket?"

I handed the soft fleece blanket to my daughter and watched as she wrapped herself in it before I settled into the lazy boy and reclined.

This is it. I thought as I pretended to be watching the movie when I was taking in the light petting taking place in reality. It wasn't much to see to the average person, only Meadow rubbing her hand lightly on Robby's chest while he gingerly ran his up and down her silk-covered arm. But to me, it was fantastic, and I could feel my dick slowly getting stiff.

I was getting into it, hoping Robby would get up enough courage to take things further. Fuck. Now I even wanted to see my wife's tits. That was until my daughter expressed once again how she was cold.

I guess her saying that at that moment got under my skin, because I barked back when I looked at her, "Well, then, go put something on that's warmer!"

I could see the sadness filling my daughter's face, and I sighed, "Sorry. What would you like me to do about it?"

"Can I sit with you?"

"Here? In the recliner with me?" I said and then realized Stevie would be able to see Meadow and Robby if she did, and would probably ruin the rest of the night. "I... I don't think there's enough room for both of us, Cupcake. "

I was shocked when my wife spoke up and said, "Oh, Kevin. Just let your daughter squeeze in beside you, already!"

I gave my wife a 'what the fuck' look and replied, "Okay. Come on over, Stevie."

Happily, Stevie managed to squeeze into the right side of me while I put my arm over her shoulder. Stevie, before nestling into my armpit, tossed the blanket over the top of us and said, "There, Daddy, that should keep us both warm."

Stevie twisted and shifted her body around for a bit, before finally resting her hand on my chest. She cooed, "Thanks, Daddy."

I just smiled and gave her a little nod, before looking over at my smirking wife, who was watching this unfold.

I gave Meadow another 'what the fuck' look while shaking my head slightly, and was taken aback when she closed her eyes and rubbed her head on my son's chest like a cat a couple of times, before resting it in place.

Things appeared to be more peaceful as the minutes went by, and I have to say it was very comfy having my daughter resting next to me. I was about to lose all faith in anything proceeding any further when suddenly, I caught Robby's hand moving just a smidgen on his mother's arm. Only, it wasn't his hand; it was his thumb, while the rest of his hand stayed motionless.

Then, as I saw Meadow's fingers ever so slowly scratching Robby's thigh, I felt my daughter's hand slightly gliding over my chest before she cooed, "This feels so nice, Daddy."

"Yes, it does," I whispered, and gave her forehead a little peck while rubbing her arm.

Slowly but gradually, I saw Robby's thumb move a tad quicker and then realized what he was actually doing when Meadows's robe started to pull open, exposing a small portion of flesh between the robe's folds.

That's it, Robby. I thought as more of her robe opened up, and then I saw my wife's hand moving just a little more, up and down his thigh.

I could feel my dick stiffen as Robby's hand ventured off his mother's arm, and was inching closer towards her breast.

However, that's when I also realized my daughter's hand which was on my chest, had gradually ventured down without me knowing, and was now ever-so-gracefully brushing across my stomach.

"Stevie," I whispered when her fingers calmly went lower, but got no reply from her.

"Ohh..." I heard, drawing my attention towards my wife, and I swallowed hard when I saw they were kissing. Yes, they were actually kissing, long and hard. And I relished in the fact that I was witnessing this most sensual moment between them. I could feel my excitement grow exponentially with the notion this was only the beginning.

However, as I gazed upon my wife and son's sexual embrace, I wasn't expecting to feel my daughter's hand swipe over my groin, causing me to jump and squeeze the arm I was rubbing, just as Robby opened my wife's robe enough for me to see her exposed left areola.

My head was spinning. Between seeing my wife and son, and now having my daughter touch my groin, I was so confused. But I couldn't bring myself to say anything to Stevie when she brushed her hand over my now hard cock again. Sinfully, I liked it.

Then, I saw Robby's hand exploring his mother's breast, while she was rubbing hers over his groin. No fucking way did I want any of this to stop.

Stunned, confused, and horny, I squirmed around as I bit my lip when Stevie twisted her prying little fingers inside my pants, pushing her eager hand down until it had entirely nestled over my balls.

"Oh Fuck." I whispered to myself, as her playful fingers ever-so-gently toyed with my balls, while I sinfully watched the passion grow between my wife and son.

Then, as I studied how Robby kissed down to his mother's neck while he opened her robe completely, I was astonished that Meadow was completely naked underneath.

Holy shit! Holy shit! I thought when Robby suckled on his mother's breast, and she let out a very long and loud sigh while groping his cock hard over his pants.

I reluctantly groaned softly, when my daughter took hold of my swollen wood and started to jerk on it. Slow at first, she steadily increased her tempo while I watched our son ever-so-gradually slide his hand down his mother's body until it was resting on her upper thigh.

"Oh... Mmm." I could hear Meadow express, as her son bit and flicked his tongue over her nipple, while my daughter was making my cum rise up my shaft with ease, causing me to more and more enjoy what her devilish palm was doing to me.

I knew I would come soon, as my mind raced with all kinds of sinful ideas about my daughter now, and I grasped my daughter's arm while my waist thrust upward.

Then, when...

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Written by bob03567
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