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Incestual Thoughts: New Beginnings Ch02

"The continuation of a Father's forbidden desire to see his wife and son fuck."

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We must have been on the couch for a couple of hours drinking and relaxing when I heard someone coming down the steps and turned my head to see Meadow dressed in a pair of tight black shorts and a dark tank top.

Slowly, she approached us and said, "Kevin's already asleep. Mind if I join you guys. I'm not that tired yet."

"Of course," Sam said kind of in a slur from all the wine we consumed and went to move her legs while I set our glasses down on the end table.

However, Meadow quickly spoke up and said, "No, please don't move. I think there's enough room."

Her idea of enough room was to lift Sam's legs so that she could slip herself under them.

"There," Meadow said as she placed Sam's legs on her thighs.

Except when she moved Sam's legs, her robe parted and no longer covered her, ultimately revealing a good portion of bare skin up to the top of her knees.

"See, we all fit," Meadow said and rested her hands on my wife's shins.

Another movie was just about to start. A romantic film and we all watched it in silence. But occasionally, I would catch Meadow moving her hand lightly on Sam's leg.

Sam started to fidget and squirm around and said, "Do you mind if I move myself down a little?"

"No. Not at all," Meadow said, and Sam hurried her legs further down while resting on her side and placed her head and hand right on my groin.

Oh shit! I thought as I felt Sam's hand gently brush my shaft, causing me to squirm now.

I placed my arm on Sam's biceps and did my best to stay motionless, pretending to be interested in the movie.

It didn't take long before Meadow once again slowly moved her hand. It was only over Sam's knee and caused her robe to part open even more, showing my wife's silky skin almost up to her crotch.

I looked down at my wife, who acted as if she was deeply watching the television, and rubbed my hand on her arm.

It was then that Meadow moved her hand upwards past Sam's knee and ran it over her bare lower thigh. Sam's mouth parted while her eyes closed, and I felt her clutch my now growing dick lightly.

My heart started to pound in my chest as Meadow's hand ventured at a snail's pace further up my wife's thigh and heard Sam's breath start to race while her hand grasped my semi-hardwood a little harder. Brazenly I moved my hand down off her arm and onto the outer edge of her breast.

"Mmmm..." Ever so faintly, I detected coming from Sam as Meadow's hand was now massaging right where her upper thigh and mound met.

Sam's legs parted slightly, and I felt her grip my rod hard as Meadow rubbed her finger several times over her clit.

"Mmm... Ohhh. Yes..." Sam tenderly sighed as Meadow went faster while I played with her chest. This was getting me hot, and I wasn't sure this was going.

However, my lust drove me onward, and I threw every caution into the wind and opened my wife's robe, exposing her bare breasts and toyed with her hard left nipple.

"Jarid... Oh god, what's happening?" Sam murmured as she tugged at my tool.

However, as I felt Sam give her hips a hard thrust into Meadow's hand, she suddenly stopped and pulled her hand away.

I watched as Meadow sniffed her fingers before saying, "I'm getting tired now. I'll let you enjoy the rest of the movie."

I was stunned and thought Sam was too as she covered up and slowly scooted herself upwards.

Meadow sat up and very casually announced, "Thanks for letting me enjoy the show with you," and sashayed up the stairs, leaving Sam and me horny and dumfounded.

Sam looked at me and, in a lustful, tone huffed, "Fuck me, Jarid."

She didn't have to ask twice. Rapidly I tugged my sweats down as she threw open her robe and lay upon her back.

I fast pasted myself between my wife's legs as she spread them wide and pulled my ass towards her.

My heart was already pounding in my chest when I readied my throbbing cock at her moist entrance. However, just before I rammed my pole into my wife's hot love hole, I caught Meadow at the bottom of the steps watching us with her hand tucked down her little shorts.

I don't know why but I paused and didn't say a word as our eyes locked but noticed her mouth the words, "Fuck her."

That did it. I was so driven by Meadow's wicked act I nudge my cock until just the tip pushed inside and heard Sam sigh, "Yesss... Oh, fuck yes... Fuck me, Jarid. Fuck me hard!"

Thankfully, Sam's head was facing the other away from Meadow as I eased my entire dick inside her wet pussy.

My eyes never broke from Meadow as she built up her tempo and matched mine.

A little harder, I pumped, and Sam whined, "Yes... Oh, Jarid, you feel so good."

However, as I built up my speed, I got another shock. Kevin quietly came down the steps naked and looked at me with a devilish smile.

Fuck! I thought as I heaved hard into Sam, causing her to wail, "OH Fuck!"

Sam's body started to thrash around under me as I pumped into her while Meadow stood up and stroked Kevin's dick.

I could feel Sam's pussy clutching my shaft as I watched Kevin back Meadow up against the wall and kiss her.

Suddenly, Sam locked her legs onto my hips and screamed, "I'm cumming! Oh! OH! OH!!

I held my cock deep inside her soaking womb and saw Kevin lift Meadow and sink his dick into her.

Jesus! I thought and felt my raw lust overtake me entirely. Quickly as they fucked only ten feet away, I pulled out of Sam and spun her round.

I heard her huff loudly as she noticed them, but before she could say a word, I pushed her forward and rammed my cock back inside her.

With her head up as I fucked her doggy style, I heard her groan, "My God, I'm watching my son fuck!"

I crocked back, "Yes, you are. And you like it, don't you?"

I pile drove inside her, causing her to push back and moan. "God forgive me, but I do."

With the sweat pouring off my body, I leaned over Sam's back and whispered, "But you really wish that was you; he was fucking like that, don't you?"

"Oh fuck... Jarid... Oh... oh. I'm cumming again!" She whined as her pussy once again gripped on my dick.

I sat back up and fucked through her orgasm, just as I saw Kevin have his. With a mighty heave, I held my cock deep inside Sam as she quivered and exploded.

"Oh, ffffuck!!" I growled as my legs buckled from cumming so hard.

Both Sam and I crashed on the sofa with our breath racing. We didn't move for several minutes, but when we did, I noticed the kids were gone and said, "Well, that was different."

"Yes, it was. But I think it went too far."

I knew exactly what she meant but was already trying to figure out a way to expand upon it even further.

So as we tossed on our garments and finally went to bed, I reminisced the entire night over what had happened and sinfully hoped more would come.

Unfortunately, it appeared it wouldn't matter since when we all met for Sunday breakfast, Sam gave a compelling lecture on why it shouldn't happen again.

I guess I can see how the rest of the world would think it was twisted to have fucked alongside their Son and future daughter-in-law, so all I could do was agree with a sunken heart.

I could tell by Kevin's expression; he felt the same as I did. However, Meadow didn't appear to be affected by what Sam said at all. As a matter of fact, she seemed happy.

Maybe I'm missing something? I thought as I took a sip from my coffee cup.

The rest of that day was uneventful. Even when I treated everyone to an action flick playing at the local movie theater. Nothing remotely exciting took place. So sadly, I could only hope something would change in the near future.

As usual, it was back to work, leaving my family to fend for themselves come Monday morning. Which I guess wasn't much of a big deal. I'm sure if something did happen, I would have heard or sensed it coming off of Sam. However, sorry to say the entire week was just talk of them going to the park or how Sam cleaned the house while Kevin and Meadow went out with his friends.

At least, it was the weekend again, and I could just sit around and relax. So after we had breakfast, I went into the living to do just that and had just sat down when Sam sat next to me and said, "You just going to watch television?"

"Um... I was unless you wanted to do something," I replied.

"I thought we could go horseback riding."

"Really?" I questioned since I knew nothing about doing that.

"Yeah, I think it would be fun. I'm sure the kids would enjoy it."

"Okay," I said and went to change without any knowledge of even where to go to do this. We located a place and, after a short lesson on how to ride, spent half the day on the back of a horse. Okay, I did have a fun time, and the scenery was delightful also. Not the actual outdoor scenery, but from the view, I took in as both girls trotted along in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off of either of their firm asses as they rode their ponies in tight blue jeans. Sadly, I was left with a hard dick that just begged to be jerked off when it was over.

However, it would have to wait because I guess all the riding got the rest of them pretty hot, and surprisingly heard Sam say, "Let's go back to the house for a dip."

I sure wasn't going to disagree with that since I figured I would now be able to just relax by the pool and drink a cold one.

Happily, that is how it played out. I had just sat down under the patio umbrella when my wife dove into the pool wearing her skimpy yellow bikini and was followed by Kevin and Meadow, who had decided to wear a little hot pink bikini of her own.

Now I could have some time to let my wicked imagination run wild as I watched them happily splash around. I didn't have to imagine for long before I felt my dick come alive when Meadow grabbed Sam from behind, putting both her hands on her breasts while Kevin yanked her legs out from under her. I heard Sam scream just before she went under the water and was quite surprised when she came back up. Meadow was still clutching at her tits. Sam quickly pulled her hands off and gave a laughingly squeal as she swam away from them.

I watched as Kevin swam after her while Meadow got out of the pool and walked towards me. I don't know why but as she approached, I couldn't help but admire her, perky hard nipples, and the way her slender body swung from side to side.

I saw Meadow give me a grin and realized she must have known that I admired her figure and quickly looked at my wife and Son as they appeared to be talking on the far end of the pool. Meadow grabbed a towel and proceeded to dry herself off as she sat beside me and asked, "You enjoying yourself?"

I just acknowledged her question with a nod and took another sip of my beer.

"So, do you also believe what Sam said last Sunday?" I heard Meadow say.

"Huh?" I replied.

"What she said about it not being proper and all."

I wasn't sure where this was going, but I replied, "Truthfully, no."

"I didn't think you did."

Then I remembered how she appeared to take the news, and I looked at her and said, "Why didn't it look like it bothered you?"

Meadow chuckled and leaned towards me and whispered, "Because silly. I know it was her just being scared of what might happen if we didn't."

I felt a lump in my throat and choked out, "And what might that be?"

Meadow looked straight into my eyes and hissed, "She might want to fuck Kevin again."

My eyes grew big as I huffed, "You... You know about that?"

"Of course, I do. Kevin told me the next day."

"He... He did?"

"Yes... And you know what. I think it's so hot!"

You... You do?" I grumbled in disbelief.

"Yes... As a matter of fact, I think it's just a matter of time before it happens again."

"Oh... I... I don't know about that," I replied as my head was still spinning in circles.

Meadow sat back up and looked at them, talking, and said, "So why didn't you join us in the pool?"

I guess I could have told her the truth since Kevin must have told her I watched him fuck his mother, but I took the cowards way out and lied, "I'm just too old for it anymore."

Meadow stood up and took me by the arm and said, "Nonsense."

With a hard pull, she coaxed me to my feet and said, "Come on."

I was definitely having trouble controlling myself from getting stiff by the time I made it to the edge of the pool.

Thankfully, Meadow never looked back as she leaped in and proceeded to swim over towards my wife and Son. Once I was in the water, I sighed in relief since my rising dick was now hidden from view.

I must say the water did feel nice, and I swam up next to Sam while Meadow proceeded to flirt with Kevin.

Sam and I just watched as the two of them teased and splashed each other. However, as they did, Meadow backed her ass right up against my groin as she kept jumping up and down, causing it to grind against me. I did make an attempt to move, but my back was already against the pool side, and then I felt her actually push herself harder into my crotch, causing it to immediately become erect as it slid between her cheeks.

Quickly, I did a side step that put Meadow right next to my wife, who was rubbing her neck as she cocked her head from side to side.

"You okay?" Meadow said.

"Yeah, I think I just wrenched my neck when we were messing around."

"Here, let me give it a massage," Meadow replied and quickly placed her hands on Sam's neck.

"You don't have to do that," Sam said and started to fidget around.

"Nonsense, Sam. It will help. Trust me."

Sam became motionless as Meadow worked her fingers into the side of her neck, and I heard Kevin announce, "While you do that, I need to take a pee."

It was apparent Sam was enjoying Meadow's massage because her eyes closed and her lips parted.

Kevin was already gone when I noticed Meadow's hands move down to Sam's shoulders and say, "Does that feel good?"

"Mmmm. Yes, it does," Sam sighed with her eyes still closed.

I became fixated as Meadow worked for her hands down Sam's arms and didn't realize Kevin had returned until I saw Meadow give a come here jester with her head.

With Sam's eyes closed, I just watched as Kevin took over while Meadow eased herself backward until she bumped her ass into my erection.

I don't know why I didn't move and just watched as Sam's lips opened more and heard her coo when his hands just once brushed over her bosom before moving back to her arms.

It was then that I felt Meadow's hand slip down and rub over my stiff cock, causing me to lightly huff, "Meadow."

"Shhh... She'll hear you. Just watch and enjoy it."

My body started to shake as I watched Kevin so very tenderly massage his mother. Switching from her neck to her shoulders while Meadow palmed my wood.

"This is crazy," I whispered and reached for her hand to pull it away. But rapidly, Meadow twisted out of my grip and shoved her hand down inside my pants, and grasped my cock firmly.

With a couple of quick jerks, she had my head spinning, and all I could do was groan to the unexpected pleasure she was bringing out of me.

I huffed as Meadow stroked me off and then heard my wife sigh loudly as my Son lightly brushed his hands over her breast again.

"See, she likes it," Meadow expressed as she pulled on my cock. I couldn't help but thrust forward into her hand, which only made her go faster.

Just then, I saw Kevin grasp his mother's bosom hard with both hands and caused her head to toss backward while her hand reached behind her.

But then her eyes shot wide open, and she turned quickly, yelling, "My god Kevin!"

Meadow quickly squeezed my cock hard as she tugged on my shaft, causing me to explode in her hand, and noticed Sam look straight at us.

I could see her face go beet red, and she screamed, "My God!" and swam away.

Rapidly I pulled Meadow's hand out of his shorts and swam after her. I finally caught up to her in our bedroom and grabbed her arm.

"Let me go, Jarid! I'm so embarrassed."

But I held onto her arm gently and looked deep into her eyes and said, "I'm so sorry, honey. I just got so caught up with what was happening."

Sam sighed and then held me tightly and said, "I guess I did too."

"So you're not mad at me."

"For what?" Sam replied as she took a step back, still holding my arms.

Maybe she didn't see what Meadow was doing? I thought. Should I tell her?

Sam was waiting for a response, and I chickened out since she was already upset with Kevin feeling her breast; I sure didn't want to add to the fire and said, "For not interjecting."

I put on my...

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Written by bob03567
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