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Incestual Thoughts: Ch01

"A father's desire to see his wife and son fuck come true."

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Relaxing by the pool, I watched as my loving wife, Samantha, and our son, Kevin, horsed around in the water, and it made me smile. I couldn't help but think back to a time when I had such closeness with my own mom, except mine went well beyond what you would call "normal."

When my recollection ended, I found myself perplexed. It had been years since I'd uprooted those old, unmentionable memories, and I had to question why.

Samantha—or Sam, as she likes to be called—is the love of my life. I'll never forget that day in high school when I first gazed at her beauty; I knew right then she was the girl for me. We wed soon after high school, and a year later our son was born. It's been almost twenty years now, and my love for her is still as strong.

Or is it? I thought. Like most long-married couples, our sex life had diminished over time. We still have sex, and I really do enjoy it, but the excitement that once drove us wild with lust was gone. Maybe that is the reason for my recollection.

Figuring nothing could be resolved at the moment, I went back to watching them playfully enjoy the hot summer day. Sam looked delicious in her fleeting white bikini. I chuckled to myself as I admired her perky little nipples poking outward from the thin material.

Then I noticed my son's eyes and a strange feeling flooded over me, a feeling I hadn't felt in years. The feeling continued to build as I gazed upon my son staring unyieldingly at his mother's firm nipples also. As his eyes stayed fixated on her chest, the wickedest apprehension entered my mind, causing a most delightful shiver.

Does he find his mother hot? I pondered, feeling myself getting stiff. Suddenly, he grabbed her by the waist and tossed her into the air, breaking me out of my twisted thinking when she crashed into the water. Sitting upright in my lounge chair, I heard her laugh as she splashed him and then got behind him, climbing onto his back and pushing her wonderful chest into him as she tried to dunk him under. My wicked thoughts increased substantially and, in an effort to hide my expanding hardness, I yelled to them that I was going inside. They both acknowledged my departure laughingly, still playing.

Out of the upstairs bathroom window, I spied the pool. I know in reality their antics were truly harmless, but in my mind, it was becoming intoxicatingly erotic. I couldn't stop myself from rubbing my hand over my now extremely hard cock. I'm sure I would have jerked myself off to completion if they hadn't both gotten out of the pool and headed toward the house.

Adjusting myself, I did my best to control these inappropriate, incestual fabrications and greeted them in the kitchen.

"You two done?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah, you know how easy I burn," Sam replied, kissing my cheek as she quickly departed.

Figuring she must be going to change, I walked over to my son who had his head in the refrigerator searching for a can of soda, and said, "Got thirsty, did you?"

"Yeah. So why don't ever join in on the fun?" he asked, opening the can.

"Oh, I think my days of having fun like that are over. Besides, I enjoy watching you two like that."

"You do?"

Did I just say that? Paranoid that my son had somehow become aware of my sexual visualizations, I continued, "Yeah," clearing my throat, "I always enjoy seeing my loving family spending time together."

"Oh... Yeah, I do too, Dad."

I breathed a sigh of relief as Kevin went to his room.

Get a hold of yourself, Jarid, I thought as I went to the family room.

The rest of the day was back to normal for me, and I just chucked up my improper thoughts to being a fluke.

However, that night as Sam and I went to bed, I still felt a tad horny from the day's earlier events and whispered, "You want to fool around?"

She turned to me with a smile and nodded. As we engaged in our ordinary sexual routine—her on the bottom, me on top—we got into our typical lovemaking rhythm. Except this time, in the middle of our sexual act, my mind flashed back to the pool. If it wasn't bad enough that I couldn't give my wife the attention she deserved, I was vividly picturing Sam and Kevin playing like before—only this time, when her nipples got hard, my son swam right up to her and removed her tiny top.

A strange euphoria overtook me, and I heaved hard into my wife's moist pussy, causing her to huff loudly...the same huff I was now imagining when I pictured my son's mouth sucking on her succulent right breast. Faster and harder I pounded as my wicked thoughts of them unfolded. I could see the lust in her eyes building as I imagined my son fingering her feverishly, making her moan in sexual delight, screaming for him to make her cum over and over in the most sinful, demanding way. I couldn't hold back any longer and exploded deep inside my loving wife.

My wife panted profusely, managing finally to ask, "What brought that on?"

"I...I don't know," I said. In truth, I did, and so my hunger to see them fuck was born.

Sleep never came for me that night as I wondered over my newfound excitement. Did I really want this obscene act to happen? Should I explore ways to make this craziness a reality or just be content with my wicked fantasy?

The more I thought, the more my head spun. I finally concluded there was too much to lose in carrying on with this insane idea, as it could ultimately cost me the love of my life. I just couldn't jeopardize that; I told myself to be content with what happened.

For the rest of the summer, as we made love, my wicked thoughts would be that of Sam and Kevin engaging in some form of a sexual act. Thankfully, Sam never questioned my newfound lust and seemed quite content with it herself. Life was good once more in the bedroom.

Then came Kevin's first year of college, and Sam seemed a little depressed. He would be moving away, and I felt a need to cheer her up somehow. I suggested before he left that we have a night out on the town. Sam happily agreed, and I made the arrangements.

That evening as we got ready, my wife was in the master bath showering while I finished dressing. Suddenly, I heard a rap on our bedroom door. Since the bathroom door was closed, I just yelled, "Come in!"

"You sure?" my son asked after opening the door, shooting a puzzled look towards the bathroom.

"Yeah, your mom just got in there," I chuckled.

Hesitantly, he came in and said in a troubled tone, "Listen, Dad, can we talk?"

I could tell by his demeanor this was serious and told him to take a seat, pointing toward the bed.

"What's on your mind?" I said, sitting next to him.

"It's about girls," he responded, looking down at his feet.

"What about them?"

"Well...I kind of don't know much."

This was a little shocking to hear. But then I realized I never did see him go out on any dates. How stupid could I be? I just assumed that, unlike me, he was more forward and had already figured things out. I remembered back to my own youth and how my mother had explained sex to me.

Figuring her method wouldn't be the best approach, I said, "Okay, go on."

"This is embarrassing, Dad."

"I know, son. But if I can get an idea about what you do know, I can explain the rest."

Kevin straightened up and rapidly replied, "No, not about sex! I figured that out."

Now I was puzzled. "Okay, so what then?"

"Girls in general. How do you like... talk to them and stuff?"

I was just about to give some examples when the bathroom door shot open, and there in the nude stood my wife.

"OH!!" She squealed as I saw the shocked expression on my son's face. However, instead of turning his head away he just gazed at her, totally motionless.

Quickly, my wife covered what she could with her bare hands, and I stuttered, "I...I...I thought you knew he was in here?"

"NO!" she screamed, retreating back into the safety of the bathroom.

It was only a second but it felt like minutes before I suggested, "You'd better leave. We'll talk over your problem later."

Kevin just nodded, yelling to his mother, "I'm sorry, Mom!" before running away himself.

Sam came back, this time wrapped in a towel, and said, "I'm so embarrassed."

"It's okay honey, so was he," I said, trying to calm her down. But what I didn't realize was my little friend was very stiff, and I was caught off guard when I heard, "Jarid, you're hard?!"

Hard? Oh fuck, think of something! Quickly, I replied off the cuff, "Of course. How couldn't we be hard after seeing the most beautiful, sexy woman walking around naked?"

"We?! You don't think...oh my God!"

"Wait, no, I didn't mean we..."

"You said we. Was Kevin hard too?"

"NO...I mean, I don't know, I wasn't looking..."

"My God he was, wasn't he?!" She was ranting hysterically.

Something inside me snapped, and without thinking it through I said, "So what if he was? You're a sexy woman, after all."

"Jesus, Jarid, he's my son!"

"And also a young man with sexual urges."

"What!! What are you saying?"

What the hell am I saying?

"Wait, that didn't come out right. I meant..."

Too late. She ran into the bathroom crying, locking the door behind her.

Wow, did I just fuck that up?

"Honey, please let me explain."

She didn't respond. After twenty years of marriage, I knew she needed time to calm down. I left figuring I should have a chat with Kevin.

I walked down the hall contemplating what I could say to her that might fix this mess I made. Preoccupied, I didn't think twice about opening my son's door and walking right in.

OH FUCK!! my brain screamed as I saw my son sitting on his bed, feverishly stroking his hard cock.


"Oh sorry... I, errr," I replied, turning my head away. Instead of being embarrassed by what I saw, however, I actually chuckled, "Well, that answers that."

I could hear my son fixing his pants and replying, "What answers what?"

Turning, I saw how red-faced he was and I tried to put him at ease by smiling and saying, "Your mother wondered if you got excited seeing her naked."

"Shhhee... she did?"

"Yeah, but only because I messed up by saying we both did."

I could tell this only made him more puzzled, so I attempted to explain how I messed up my words with her. Like before, I couldn't seem to help myself but figured it couldn't get any worse.

"You did get excited though, didn't you? That's what you were thinking of, wasn't it?"

Kevin looked bashfully at the floor, and I continued, "It's okay, son. I understand."

"You?! You do?" He looked very perplexed now.

"Yeah, and I'll keep what you were doing just between us."

"But Dad, isn't it wrong to think like that?"

My question of whether Kevin found his mother appealing had just been answered. That strange feeling overcame me once more, making me think about them in a lustful embrace.

"Dad?" he asked, shaking me out of it.

"No, son, it isn't wrong. What I'm about to tell you never leaves this room, you understand?"

Kevin nodded as I softly whispered about my own incestual tale and explained how his feelings for his mother were only natural. When I finished, I could tell by his look of shock that he was trying to grasp it all.

He finally said, "And Mom doesn't know you did that with Grandma?"

I shook my head.

"But why didn't you tell her? She's your wife."

"I don't think she would understand. Kind of like how she wouldn't understand why you were jerking off to her." I then chuckled, "She's upset just thinking you were hard. Can you imagine what she'd do if she caught you jerking off afterward?"

Kevin chuckled to himself and replied, "Yeah, I guess you got a point."

"So about your girl troubles," I said, but we were once again interrupted, this time by a knock.

"You boys in there?"

"Yeah, Mom."

"Well, I'm ready."

"She doesn't sound happy," Kevin whispered.

"She'll be fine. I'll talk to her. Finish getting ready," I said, ruffling his hair.

I found my wife downstairs, sitting on the couch and bouncing a crossed leg.

"Honey, I'm sorry," I said, sitting next to her.

"So what were you two talking about?" she asked noxiously. I swallowed hard.

"Kevin asked about girls."

Sam uncrossed her legs and sat up. "What about girls?! Was it because of what he saw?"

"Calm down, will you? No, it wasn't. He wanted to know how to talk to them."

"Talk to them?"

"Yeah. Don't you remember how hard it was for me to talk to you? I guess he suffers from the same thing."

That at least made her smile, and then she giggled, "I remember how lost you were when I said 'eat me.'"

Now I laughed, lovingly tapping her knee and saying, "Come on. It was my first time. I think I did pretty well for not knowing what I was doing."

"Yes, yes you did. And I still love you for it," Sam said, leaning over and kissing my lips.

I apologized again in a soft tone, and she replied, "Forget about it."

Kevin had just entered the room and coughed loudly, making his presence known.

"Oh, now you let me know you're around."

"I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to-" Kevin said, stopping when I shook my head.

"-to stare," he finished.

"It's okay, honey. I hope seeing your mother's old body like that doesn't give you a nightmare!"

I saw Kevin was ready to reply, and I quickly interrupted.

"Hey, we'd better go before we lose the reservations."

The drive to the restaurant took almost an hour, and I listened as Sam and Kevin chatted the entire time about his college plans. The restaurant I chose wasn't high priced but wasn't cheap, either. We placed our orders and had a couple of glasses of wine while we waited. I can't speak for them, but I found my meal superb and ordered a bottle of wine afterward.

Sam enjoyed dancing, and that was really why I chose this place as there was a dance floor next to the piano bar. We were just about halfway through the bottle of wine when I asked her to dance.

I really enjoy dancing with my wife, and she was sinking into a very sultry mood when our son asked to cut in.

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I sat down at our table and watched as Sam and Kevin swayed to the slow beat, and I noticed my wife had moved herself closer to him. Her head was on his shoulder while his hands were on her waist. I could see as they swayed that my wife's leg would brush against his groin and observed his growing penis bulging out. After about a minute of this light flirting, Kevin pulled her tight to him, and I saw his hips thrust forward, grinding his hard tool straight into her mound.

That must have really startled Sam because she immediately stopped and pushed away from him. She hastily made her way back to our table.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

She was quiet at first and then said, "Yes, I'm fine now. Please pour me another glass."

Kevin strolled back and said in a low tone, "Thanks for the dance, Mom."

Sam nodded, finishing off the glass I had just filled.

I poured her another and she polished that off just as quickly. Talking very little, Sam just sat and drank until the bottle was empty, which at least seemed to make her less tense. I asked if we should order another bottle, but Sam suggested we should leave.

With the wine we had both consumed, I asked Kevin to drive while Sam and I relaxed in the back seat.

On the trip home, Sam was apparently half out of it from the wine and kept rubbing my thigh and occasionally giving it a squeeze. Then, out of the blue, she leaned into my ear and whispered in a slur, "Kevin got hard when we were dancing."

I acted surprised and just whiffed, "He did?"

Sam smiled, nodding her head haphazardly, and softly whispered, "I want you," grabbing my crotch.

I had to pull her hand away several times, reminding her that Kevin was in the front seat. She was like a cat trying to catch a fish clawing at my crotch. Thankfully, we were soon home and I rushed her inside. I told Kevin to lock up the house while I helped his mother to bed.

Wow, Sam was hot. As I tried to remove my shirt, she had already pulled down my pants and was sucking my dick.

"Fuck, Sam!" I shouted, trying to at least get her in our bed.

"Fuck me," she whimpered. I quickly removed her clothes and laid down next to her. Her hands were all over my stiff pole, stroking me feverishly as I kissed her neck.

Out of the blue, I heard her whisper, "He was stiff, Jarid. My son's cock was stiff."

Whispering by her ear while rubbing her clit, I said, "Did that excite you?"

"Ohhh," she moaned as I felt her nub harden and her wetness increase.

While slipping two fingers inside her moist pussy, I asked again, "Did that get you hot, Sam?"

Her ass bucked upward as she cooed, "Yes!!"

That did it. I quickly centered my raging pecker and pounded into her profusely, making her cum several times before I climaxed myself.

Kevin left for college the next day, and I think Sam took it well. We never brought up our dirty sex talk from that night, but our sex life seemed to have improved a tad over the following month.

Sam appeared to be coping well with Kevin being away and talked to him daily. It was after one of these talks in October as I got home from work that Sam ran up to me with exciting news.

"Kevin's coming home...

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Written by bob03567
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