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A Great Aunt Tale Part 5

"Ryan has a heart to heart with his mother."

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When Mom indicated she wanted to chat with me about something, she had a Mona Lisa smile on her face. I thought I could read her well, but this time, I was flummoxed. She couldn't have guessed what was going on between Peg and me—at least I hoped so. I waited until Peg had gone upstairs, and then I found Mom in the den, reading.

"What's up, Buttercup?" I cheerfully sat on the ottoman opposite her. Our knees were almost touching.

Mom looked up and paused as if carefully selecting words to say.

"Ryan, I did some washing today and...."

Holy shit. Peg's cum soaked panties were in my laundry. I must have looked like I swallowed a turd when I realized what she was going to say. My brain went into panic mode as I searched for a plausible excuse.

"And I found a pair of woman's panties in your clothes pile. They're definitely not mine. So I'm wondering who they belong to and how did they get there?"

I put on a look that would have been appropriate for an impossible "Jeopardy" question in the category, "Lies you've told your mother." Next came the Eureka moment. I almost raised a finger to punctuate my discovery.

"I've got it! Maybe Peg threw them there. She probably figured you'd be washing clothes, and my pile was convenient."

Mom looked anything but convinced.

"I also found an old Penthouse magazine in the trash. I'm guessing that was not Peg's." She smirked. "Ryan, you're old enough to be considered a man. I know guys your age have needs, and I don't want to be intrusive. I'm sorry that your dad isn't here to give you advice, but I am willing to listen. I'm open-minded, and I'm not a prude. If you have things you want to ask, I'd be happy to have a frank conversation with you at any time on any subject.

"Sure, Mom. I appreciate that. I'll keep it in mind." At that moment, my mind drifted to a picture of Mom's sister sitting on my lap with my cock buried in her as I sucked on her big tits. "Thanks. Anything else?"

"Just one more thing. Peg needs her privacy. I hope you are not going into her room uninvited. For any reason."

"Of course not." I only fuck her when she invites me first. "I completely understand."

"Good. Then keep my offer in mind. I'd be happy to talk to you about girl stuff, or even guy stuff. Just ask."

"Okay, Mom. Thanks. I do appreciate that."

But the questions I had at the time were just a tad too personal, I figured. Like–when you are having sex and you have to fart, what do you do? Or, if I stick my finger in a woman's ass when we are fucking, how deep should I go, and how long should I keep it there?

No way was Mom THAT open-minded.

Regardless, I did feel bad about not telling her the truth. It's too embarrassing to explain to your mother that the panties were calling your name, so you beat off in them. No way was I going to try to explain how her sister had introduced me to the wonders of sex, starting with a handjob and ending with actual intercourse. Besides, Peg and I had made a pact that no one would ever hear about our escapades. I also knew that finding a replacement for Peg was probably years away, and I didn't want to ruin a good thing.

It was reasonably clear to me that Peg was enjoying guilt-free sex as much as I was. Well, maybe guilt-free was not accurate, but "strings-free" was a fair descriptor. We were never going to have a romantic relationship, given our ages and the fact that she was my aunt. Still, I could dream. Living with Peg wouldn't be the worst thing in the world except in the eyes of just about every other human. Our Southern small town would erupt in torches if people knew about us.

So, for now, the status quo was just fine. Peg and I continued to connect both physically and emotionally, just not as often. Mom must have sensed something. I noticed that she changed as well after our "talk." Perhaps it was my imagination, but Mom started dressing more provocatively around the house.

Both Mom and Peg had voluptuous bodies, to be sure. I never really thought about Mom in that way, but with Peg as a semi-regular partner in sex, I realized Mom probably looked just as good until she put a few pounds on as she dealt with Dad's cancer and eventual death. She had big boobs, like Peg. Maybe even bigger. They hung lower, but it seemed like she was going braless more often with Peg's arrival, and her nipples were out there as a result. Protruding nipples always turned me on, so I did feel guilt whenever I felt my cock stiffen in Mom's presence. Getting a boner over my aunt was one thing, but fantasizing about Mom? Yeesh!

Those thoughts need to be preserved for therapy sessions.

When Peg finally did move out, I was selfishly saddened. However, she did comfort me by reminding me that I was only a few minutes away and that she still had needs. I knew, though, that sooner or later she would find someone else. And she did. The first time I heard Tommy's name, I cringed.

Tommy was a firefighter locally and had met Peg when she had a minor fire due to an electrical short in her shed. He was handsome and single. His nearly nude body on the annual fireman's fundraising calendar was a hit with all the MILFs in town. Peg had dated him several times since then.

Mom noticed my depression and finally asked about it.

"Ryan, what's bothering you? I know something is wrong. You seem out of it lately. Anything I can do to help? Are you upset because your aunt is no longer living here?"

Women's intuition being what it is, moms have a sixth sense about these things. We were done with dinner and watching an old movie when she interrupted my reverie. I had been thinking about Peg with another guy. They were in bed, and he was where I should be–between her legs and plowing an engorged cock in her tight pussy.

"Oh, it's nothing. Yeah, I guess I do miss Peg a bit. It was fun having her around. You know...."

"It's not like she's gone. She's close by, Honey. And remember, I promised I would be here for you. We can talk about anything, okay? Come over here and sit by me. I have some things to talk about with you. I've been holding back."

Oh, oh, I thought. She couldn't know about me and Peg. I moved next to her on the couch, and she held my hand.

"Peg made me realize a few things, too. You are no longer a boy. You're the man of the house. I see your father in you every day more and more. You not only look like him, but you even have his mannerisms. Like the way you laugh. But I also remember you as a little boy and even an infant."

I smiled at the thought of my tricycle racing down the driveway.

"Never mind–those days are gone. You are a man now. And a handsome one, as Peg discovered. Ryan..." she paused and frowned. We were looking at each other only inches separating our faces. "Ryan, I know what you and Peg were doing."

My face must have registered shock. Oh, fuck. What now? I tried to look innocent. It wasn't a look I was good at.

"I wondered why you were spending so much in your bedroom when Peg was here. And one night, I could hear the two of you. It sounded like lovemaking, and I was curious. I went upstairs, and I saw your door was open, but you were gone. And then I heard both of you in the guest room. What you were doing was obvious. I knew you had been masturbating frequently. I clean your underwear, remember? I knew Peg was attracted to you sexually as well as in other ways. I figured she was a good person to show you real love."

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there looking at my feet. Mom still held my hand in both of hers.

"This is hard for me, Honey. Since your dad died, you were my only salvation, and then Peg came along, and suddenly I was out of the picture. Knowing that you, my son, were making love to my sister was a hard pill to swallow. To be honest, I was jealous. I could hear her moaning your name and the bed squeaking. I haven't had sex in months, and I need to, but little chance of getting my itches scratched. I know that sounds terrible, doesn't it? Talking to my son about my needs. You probably think your mother is a slut or something similar."

"Mom, I am so sorry. Things with Peg just happened. And it seemed so natural. Before I knew it, we were in bed together. I was a virgin, and she showed me how wonderful making love can be. The fact that she is my aunt didn't bother either of us. She needed me as much as I needed her at that moment. I never imagined that you would be jealous. I just figured you would come unglued if you found out I was making love with my aunt."

"It was a little of both, but then I realized that Peg would show you what a woman needs from a man. But it was difficult going to bed at night knowing you two were probably having sex."

Mom had tears in her eyes. I felt like shit. Here I had been screwing her sister and never gave a thought to my own mother's needs. I should have realized that she was lonely. She and Dad used to flirt openly in front of me. Part of my shyness growing up was sort of an ironic reaction to their openness. Now, I was having sex regularly, and she was alone.

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I looked her in the eyes and then kissed her on the cheek. I tasted a tear and wiped it with my finger. We looked at each other for a moment, and then I just reacted. I kissed her on the lips. Immediately, I heard a moan, and her whole body seemed to lose its tension. Our lips parted, and I felt a tongue exploring my mouth.

Automatically, my hand went to my mother's breast. Something I always did whenever Peg kissed me. Mom wasn't wearing a bra, and her nipple swelled at my touch. Then, I felt my mother's hand reach for my groin and feel my rapidly swelling cock. I couldn't believe what was happening. In seconds we had gone from tearful confessions to passionate groping.

"This is so wrong, Ryan, but I need this more than you can imagine. Can you ever forgive me if I let you make love to me? I want you to do to me what you do to my sister. I know I'm not as gorgeous as she, but I'm not bad, am I?"

Mom was pleading with her eyes. As she was talking, she unbuttoned her top. Before I knew it, I was staring at my mother's huge breasts. I'd never actually seen them before, at least not like this. They were even bigger than Peg's. Her large nipples jutted from saucer-sized areolae, and even though they were hanging lower on her chest than Peg's, they were beyond my wildest dreams.

"No, Mom. You're fantastic. What do you want me to do?

"Suck on my breasts, Honey. I love that. We don't have to do more than that. I mainly need you to hold me, but while you're at it, I love to have my breasts suckled. Your father loved my big tits."

And so I did. But I didn't stop there. I removed my mother's shorts and panties and fingered her pussy–the same pussy that had borne me some seventeen years before. She offered no resistance. We both were lost in the moment. She moaned her approval and kissed me passionately, our tongues writhing in unison. Finally, she held my face in her hands and looked at me seriously.

"Oh, Honey. Is this something you want to do? This is wrong, I know. I promise it will be the only time we do this, but I can't help myself. No one has made love to me in months, and I don't have any prospects except for you. Just stop me if you feel bad about this, Honey. I would completely understand."

"I'm going to make love to you, Mom, and try to please you in any way I can. I love you, and you deserve this. Just tell me what you like, and I'll do my best to make you happy. Okay?"

"Get undressed, Honey. Wait, let's go into my room. My bed is more comfortable than this couch."

We both got up, and then Mom led me to her bedroom and her king-sized bed. She unbuckled my belt and lowered my pants and my briefs. She gave a little gasp when my swollen, erect cock came into view, but immediately her hand went to it and stroked it a few times.

We climbed onto the bed, and I worked myself between her legs. She had her eyes wide open in anticipation, her legs spread wide. Her patch of pubic hair looked to be neatly trimmed, and after sluicing my cock up and down it, I decided to start with something else first. I slid down and wrapped my arms under and around her thighs and placed my tongue in her groove. This was only the second pussy I had ever licked, but I discovered with Peg that I liked the taste. Mom was just as good.

"Oh, Honey. You don't have to do that. I do love it, and I just took a shower, but if you just want to fuck me, that's okay, too. I'm sorry I'm putting you through all this, Ryan."

I looked up, my face already glistening.

"No worries, Mom. I want to eat you first. I love the taste of your pussy. Just relax and enjoy watching your son lick you. This is our secret, Mom. No one will ever know. You need this, and I'm happy to do it for you."

I resumed my position with my tongue lapping her juices as they began to flow abundantly. When I got to her clitoris, I wrapped my lips around it and sucked on it. She had a huge clit, and it swelled under my ministrations. I parted her labia, and remembering everything Peg had taught me, I went to work. In no time, my mother was moaning and gripping me with both hands. She gyrated her hips, and her breathing began to come in short gasps. I added a finger and searched for her G spot.

I must have found it.

"Oh, Jesus, Ryan. That is unbelievable. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Right there, Honey. I'm going to cum."

I had never heard my mother use the F word before that night. It only excited me more.

Suddenly, she began bucking her hips uncontrollably and jerking as if she were having a seizure. Her legs were now wrapped around me shaking in spasms. Finally, she pushed my head away and pulled me up to kiss me.

I paused to suckle her big breasts, now lying on each side of her rib cage. I bit and chewed roughly on her nipples for a few seconds before tenderly kissing and lightly biting them. Soon we were locked in another embrace, and I was able to work my cock in her pussy with just my hips. Once the head was in the right spot, I slipped right in, and suddenly I was buried in my mother's vagina. Her cunt gripped me more tightly than I expected. I held my cock there motionless for several seconds.

"Oh my lord, Ryan. You are so deep inside me, Honey. What have we done? You feel so good, Sweetie. Be a good boy and fuck me nice and slow at first. Mmmm, you are so big down there, Honey. You are bigger than your father, so you need to go easy until I can get used to you. Yes, Honey. Just like that. Now just kiss me while you work your big cock in and out of me. Mmm hmm. Right there. You gave me such a powerful orgasm, I don't know if I can cum again, but don't worry about me."

"Tell me what you like, Mom. I'll do whatever you want."

"You're doing just fine, Sweetie. Just keep doing what you are doing. It's been so long for me."

We made love like this for well over ten minutes, fucking and kissing one another. Mom fed me her tits and I sucked her big rubbery nipples into my mouth and distended them with my lips. I could tell she loved my nipple play as she purred and encouraged me repeatedly. And then Mom whispered in my ear in a strangely husky voice.

"Your dad used to like it when he finished in my mouth. Would you like that, Ryan? Let me know when you are getting close. That might be a safer way to finish. Hmmm? I love the taste of cum and I'll bet yours is extra sweet."

As those words entered my brain, my erogenous zones kicked into overdrive. I began pumping my cock vigorously in and out of Mom until I knew I was close. I propped myself on my hands and knees, and we were both mesmerized watching my gooey cock sliding in and out of her. She continued to encourage me and meet me thrust for thrust.

"That's it, Baby. Oh yes, your cock is so thick. I know you're getting close, aren't you?"

Suddenly I pulled out and slid up so I was straddling her rib cage. Mom pushed her breasts...

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Written by johndoe7
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