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A Great Aunt Tale Part 2

"Ryan and Aunt Peg bond"

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When I arose in the morning, Mom and Peg were working on their second cup of coffee.

"Morning, Sunshine. Did you sleep well?" Mom was always chirpy in the morning, something that required getting used to since I was more of a night owl.

"All right, I guess." Especially after I listened to Aunt Peg's orgasm from her vibrator. "You know me–I'm a light sleeper. I ended up reading for quite a while." Penthouse illustrations count as reading, don't they?

Peg only smiled, but I sensed there was more to that smile than met the eye.


The rest of the day continued uneventfully. I did some chores for Mom and ran a few errands. Mom and Peg decided to check out some real estate offices and shop together. I politely declined when asked if I wanted to join them.

"I'll just hang here and play my guitar. I've got my cell if you need anything, just call."

And later that afternoon, my phone's ringtone alerted me to a call from a strange number.

"Ryan, this is Peg. Would you do me a favor, Sweetie? Would you look in my room and see if I left my checkbook on the dresser? Just text me if you see it. I don't need to have it, but I thought it was in my purse, and I can't find it. I was putting things away and might have set it there."

"No problem. I'll look for it and let you know."

I left my room and opened Peg's door. The first thing I noticed was the smell: perfumed accents shouted that this was a lady's room. She had neatly made the bed, and the room was tidy. I glanced around before inspecting the dresser covered with small jars of lotions, a perfume bottle, and an open box with earrings and other jewelry. On the chair next to the dresser lay a pair of baby blue panties covering an object. I picked them up, put them to my nose, and inhaled the sweet fragrance of Aunt Peg. The gusset had a circular stain of a slightly different color. Then I saw what was lying beneath them.

At first, I thought it was a microphone. On the chair lay a black tapered plastic shaft with a bulbous end made of some kind of foam. It had a switch on the side, and when I turned it on, it began vibrating. I almost dropped it in surprise. It was Peg's vibrator. I turned it off and sniffed it. My cock was rock hard. I was smelling Aunt Peg's pussy juice.

I grabbed the panties and sat on the end of the bed. Immediately my shorts were on the floor, and my cock was rigid and angry. I wrapped her panties around it and turned on the vibrator. I slowly jacked my prick and ran the vibrator around and up and down my cock. Eventually, I lay back on the bed, eyes closed, and imagined Peg on top of me.

It didn't take long. In minutes, I was pumping semen into my panty-covered hand.

"Fuck, I need to clean these before Peg returns," I said to no one. Then I saw the checkbook. It was on the chair next to where the vibrator lay.

Jesus, did she do this on purpose? My brain spun at the possibilities. This couldn't have been an accident, could it?

I quickly put the room back in order except for the panties. I ran into the bath, rinsed them off as best I could in warm water, and patted them in a towel. Then I remembered Peg wanted me to text her.

"Found the checkbook, Peg. Right where you said it would be. No problem." I hit send and almost immediately received an emoji in return for a smiling face with hearts for eyes.

I placed the checkbook on the dresser and covered the vibrator on the chair with the panties. I hoped they would be dry by the time Peg returned. I returned to my room and listlessly strummed my guitar, all the while thinking about possibilities.


Later, I heard the women return and put away groceries and things. When I joined them, they were drinking a glass of wine and chatting on the patio.

"Oh, hi, Ryan. Thanks again for finding my checkbook."

"Happy to help." I swore that Peg winked at me, but again, I was hoping for any sign that she had set me up on purpose.

The two sisters sat outside in the warm summer air until the sun disappeared behind the mountains, and the patio lights automatically came on. By then they had finished the bottle of chardonnay and had opened a cabernet for dinner. I could tell Mom was getting tipsy and assumed that Peg was also.

We all pitched in with dinner preparations, and as I chopped and stirred a few things, both Peg and Mom gave me frequent hugs and smooches.

"I can't believe how much you've grown up, Ryan. And so handsome. Maybe you'll play some songs for me tonight. I'd love to hear you play. Do you sing, too?"

"Not really. I'm not that good. I'm getting better, though."

Once again, Peg and Mom reminded me not to sell myself short. But soon, we were finishing dinner and cleaning the kitchen.

"You gals enjoy yourselves. I'll clean up."

That elicited more praise and hugs, not to mention a big lipstick smudge from Peg on my cheek.

We watched TV after finding a chick flick on HBO. It did have some nudity and some nice tit shots, which got both women giggling and teasing me. A minor character was particularly well endowed and showed all during a shower scene.

"Don't look, Ryan. Boobs make men crazy. I should know." Peg thrust her chest out in a parody of the scene.

"Mine used to look like that. When I was nursing, you should have seen them. My breasts were huge! Now they're reaching for the floor instead of the sky." Mom giggled and hefted a heavy bra-filled globe in one hand.

"You ladies better slow down on the wine. I think it's making you silly."

"I guess we've had our share. Drinking tends to make me horny–not silly. I'd better go to bed. I'm probably going to feel this tomorrow. But tomorrow's another day, as they say. G'night. Don't let the bed bugs bite." Peg stood and kissed Mom on the forehead, and then on the lips.

"Your aunt is a good kisser. I imagine you didn't know that, Ryan. All the guys used to pant whenever she was around. That's how she was able to hook a big stud baseball player."

"Big shit baseball player, you mean. Asshole. On that note, I'm going to bed." Peg turned to me and kissed me on the forehead. Then she smiled and kissed me on the mouth. Her soft lips lingered for just a second, and then she pinched my arm playfully.

"G'night, Sweetie. I hope you can sleep well tonight."


I watched a few more minutes of the movie, and then both Mom and I decided we'd had enough and headed for bed. I heard Peg in the bathroom, and when I thought she was finished, I went in there to brush my teeth. She was still there applying lotion. Peg wore the same nightie from the previous night. I tried not to stare at her nipples poking out under the thin material.

"Sorry, Ryan. I'll be out in just a sec. Or is this an emergency?"

"No hurry, Peg. Just need to brush my teeth and pee."

"Thanks again for finding my checkbook today, Honey. By the way, I hope I don't embarrass you with all my hugging and kissing. I haven't seen you in so long. You've become not only a wonderful man but also handsome. I can't believe girls aren't beating a path to your door."

I was turning red at this kind of talk, I'm sure. Without thinking, I pushed the boundaries to test the waters with Peg.

"Maybe I'm a bad kisser. I don't know. I'm a klutz around girls if it's just me and a date. I can never tell when it's okay to kiss her. It's embarrassing. How can you tell if a girl wants you to kiss her?

"Oh, Honey. That is just a feeling you get when you are with someone. It's a bit simple and complicated at the same time. I'll tell you what–let me finish here, and you do your thing. Then, come into my room, and we'll talk about this if you are up for it. If it's too late, we can do it some other time."

"No, that sounds fine. Take your time."

So I returned to my room and waited until I heard Peg enter her room. I returned to the bathroom and brushed my teeth well beyond the ordinary brushing. I peed and checked out my unit—not that I was going to be doing anything with it, but just in case. My pajama bottoms were clean, and I wore no top in the summer heat. Our house tended to bake, and the second floor held the heat, so sleeping naked was not unusual when we didn't have company.

I knocked on Peg's door and waited for her response.

"Come on in, Ryan."

Peg was sitting up in bed with the covers only on her legs. A large table lamp lit the room and accented her breasts, but I made every effort to look at her face. And then, I noticed that she was wearing lipstick.

"Honey, your mom tells me you are shy around girls, and I just want to reassure you that you have nothing to worry about. You are growing up to be not only handsome but also a gentleman. Women love that in men. I know I certainly do. But first, can I ask you a couple of personal questions? I promise–this little meeting is just between the two of us. I won't even talk to your mother about this. Is that okay?"

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"Sure. I mean, yeah, you can ask me anything. We're family. I trust you, Aunt Peg."

"Well, I'm sure you've kissed girls before, Ryan. But let's not assume anything. Don't be offended, but do you like girls? I wouldn't be offended if you preferred boys. I'm open-minded about these things."

I almost swallowed my tongue.

"I'm not gay if that's what you mean. I'm just shy. I guess the fear of rejection is part of it. I don't want to like someone and then get dumped. And, yes, I've kissed lots of girls. But mostly only when they kiss me first. When should I take charge without offending someone?"

"First of all, relationships are complicated. You are young, Ryan, and you'll probably have several girlfriends before you are eventually married. My advice is don't get too serious until you are ready to settle down. But let's start with the basics. You asked about kissing. Kissing can be the most exciting thing in the world if done right. No one taught me to kiss, but practice makes perfect. Believe it or not, your mother and I used to practice kissing when I was sixteen and she was nineteen. Like you, I lacked confidence."

Peg removed the covers from her legs and slid over next to me so that we were partly facing one another.

"I think a kiss should start soft and then, depending on how that goes, get more passionate. The setting is important. A kiss goodnight at the door is one thing. Making out in a car is something else. And, of course, a kiss in bed is a whole other story. One more question–are you a virgin? Have you had sex before?"

"Um, not exactly. To be honest, no. I'm ashamed to say it, but I've never even come close unless you count copping a feel a few times. Most of my friends have had lots of sex."

"Ryan, I wouldn't believe everything your friends brag about. I know how that works. And there is no shame in being a virgin. Believe it or not, I was a virgin still when I was older than you are now. The first time needs to be something special–not rushed or filled with guilt. And it needs to be consensual. It will happen to you soon enough. Just make sure it is with someone you care for. And, of course, make sure you and your partner use some kind of birth control. You don't need the complications of a pregnancy the first time you have sex."

My face softened. Peg's words were comforting and reassuring, especially when she said she lost her virginity when she was older than me. Suddenly, a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Thank you for saying that, Peg." I leaned into her. Her breath smelled like Crest toothpaste. We both paused for several seconds, and then I felt a hand around my neck, and she pulled me closer. Our lips met in a soft, lingering kiss. I could taste her lipstick, and I reached around and held her by the waist.

Peg's lips parted, and I felt a warm, wet tongue enter my mouth. I responded in kind, and suddenly, we embraced in a passionate kiss, our tongues desperately searching and tangling. When we finally broke off, we were both breathing hard.

"Wow! There's nothing wrong with the way you kiss, Ryan. That was wonderful, Honey."

"Oh, thank you, Peg. I've never kissed anyone like that. And I've never felt anything like that, ever!"

I was completely turned on. I was sitting on the edge of the bed with my arms around my aunt. My cock was rock hard and straining for relief in my pajamas.

Peg smiled and then held my face in both hands before giving me a tender smooch on the lips. Then she seemed to pause as if contemplating an idea, and her right hand dropped to my lap and found my cock. She lightly caressed me through the fabric and smiled.

"Ryan, I'm pretty sure you may have noticed my panties when you found my checkbook today. I left them out on purpose. I know what men like, and I thought you might appreciate them. You don't need to use an old magazine to relieve yourself anymore. I'm happy to lend you my panties. But for now, how about this."

Peg reached inside the fly of my pajamas and grabbed my swollen cock in her hand. With a silky smile on her face, she slowly stroked me.

"Oh, Peg. That feels incredible." I didn't know what to say,

"You deserve this, Honey. Just relax and let me make you feel good. Why don't you lay back on the bed and we'll get rid of these pajamas for a few minutes? Okay?"

I quickly lay back and slid my pajamas to my knees. Peg helped me slide them to the floor, and as she bent over me, I couldn't believe what I was watching. My cock was sticking straight up, and my aunt's face was only inches from it. She added her hand to it once again and slowly stroked me.

"You have a very nice penis, Ryan. You will make someone very happy with it someday, I'm sure."

And with that, Peg bent over and lightly kissed the tip. I nearly fainted.

"I'm going to do something that I think you'll like, Ryan. Remember, this is between us. No one ever hears about this. Do you understand?"

"Oh my god, Peg. Absolutely. I promise." I would have put my firstborn son up for collateral for her to continue.

"You're a bit obvious about staring at my boobs, Ryan. So, just this once, since we've gone this far, I'm going to let you see your aunt's old titties."

Peg removed her hand from my cock and pulled her nightie over her head. As the material bunched around her head, temporarily obscuring her face, her magnificent breasts came into view. They were even better than I had imagined. Each full mound resembled a classic ski jump form, slightly turned up at the tips so that her large, pink nipples pointed out from her chest at a slight angle. Large, pencil eraser buds capped her bumpy, dollar-sized areolae.

Peg shook her hair free and smiled at me.

"So, as good as you hoped? They're my best asset. What do you think?"

"Your tits are incredible, Peg. Thank you for letting me see them." I was at a loss for words, so I just said whatever came to mind. My aunt was now kneeling at my side, dressed only in panties. She reached up and tweaked a nipple between her thumb and forefinger, pulling it and stretching it from her chest before letting it go.

"You're welcome. Now, let's finish what we started."

Peg once again gripped my cock and began stroking me. As she continued, she offered words of comfort and encouragement.

"That's a good boy, Ryan. Look how big and hard you are. Tell me how you like it. Faster? Or maybe nice and slow, like this. Hmm?"

Peg varied her strokes, occasionally running her thumb around the swollen crown and up and down the underside of my glans. Her huge breasts jiggled tantalizingly with her pumping motion.

I knew it wouldn't take long, and soon I felt a familiar, unmistakable urge and announced I was about to cum. Peg responded by squeezing my cock firmly at the base, temporarily stemming the tide of sperm about to shoot out of my cock. She paused for a second, my cock firmly in her grip, and then released the pressure and stroked me rapidly.

"Okay, Honey. Enough holding back. Let it go, Sweetie. Shoot your cum all over your aunt's hand. Let me have your sweet sperm."

And that was all it took. My cock twitched in Peg's hand, and a thick stream of cum shot into the air. Some of it landed on her thighs and the bed until she redirected my cock, so it shot onto my stomach.

"There you go, Honey. That's it. Give it to me–all your beautiful, sweet cum. Oh, my God, Ryan. That's so much cum, Honey. Nothing like a youth with a full set of balls. Wow! I'm impressed."

Peg slowly stroked my softening cock until it had long stopped spurting. A drop of white...

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Written by johndoe7
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