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A Great Aunt Tale Part 3

"Aunt Peg teaches Ryan a lesson"

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The next morning, I woke up and wondered if my dream had been real or just another fantasy. I had sleep-walked into Peg's bedroom and got in bed to find her naked form snoring softly. As I slipped under the covers, she scooted back and rubbed her ass against my stiff cock.

"Mmm. You're up bright and early–at least part of you is."

I felt her legs spread, and then she reached back and rubbed my cock up and down her slit before inserting me into her cunt.

"There it is. I love a hard man in the morning. Go ahead and fuck me, Honey. I need to feel your cum inside me again."

But then I realized that never happened. However, there was no question Peg had given me a handjob. I still had dried cum on my stomach. My aunt made me cum in her hand! Jesus, she had even kissed the tip of my cock and showed me her tits. How could anything top that?

I lay there, slowly waking up and stroking myself before finally deciding to get up and try to act normal around my mom and her sister. Suddenly, everything had changed.


"Morning, Sunshine. Sleep well?" Mom poured me a cup of coffee and kissed me on the forehead.

"Like a rock."

I looked over at my aunt. She had a Cheshire smile on her face, and when Mom turned to put the coffee pot back in the holder, Peg winked and blew me a kiss. She made a fist and then moved her hand back and forth as if she were stroking a cock.

Mom turned around and saw me smiling. Peg's hand returned to her coffee cup.

"What's so funny, Ryan?"

"Nothing. Your sister is making faces at me. She's a riot."

"Yes, she is. She's always been the funny one. She's one for teasing."

I said nothing but only nodded. We ate breakfast, and then Peg announced that she was going to look at some property that she had researched on the internet.

"Want to come along and keep your old aunt company, Ryan? You can show me your favorite haunts. I'll even buy you lunch."

After checking with Mom first, I jumped at the chance.

"Mom says go for it, so yeah. Let's look at some houses."

So, we were set. Armed with several addresses to check out, we piled into Peg's Prius and hit the road.

We were no sooner out of the driveway when Peg looked at me and smiled mischievously.

"Ryan, Honey. I hope I didn't give you the wrong idea last night. I must have been a little drunk. That's not something I typically do with anyone, let alone my nephew. Please don't think ill of me. I guess I got carried away in the moment, but I'll be honest–I loved making you happy.

"Shoot, Peg, that was the best moment of my life. I could never think badly of you. You were sweet and gentle, and yeah, maybe some people might take issue with what we did, but not me. I know you were just trying to help my self-confidence, and you did. That was a fantasy come true. I don't want you to have any regrets. I certainly don't. You made me feel great about myself in more ways than one."

Peg reached over and squeezed my thigh.

"I'm glad you feel that way, Ryan. It was very special to me as well. Now let's enjoy the rest of the day together."


Peg and I visited many properties, and she seemed to value my opinion about the pros and cons of each. We chatted and joked as we drove around and stopped for a casual lunch at an old-fashioned drive-in eatery.

When we returned home, we were both worn out and giddy from joking about some of the less attractive places.

"That last one was well beyond a fixer-upper. I'd call it a tear-it-downer!"

"Yeah, I agree. It was a dump, but the owner was a cutie. He just needed to remember his teeth next time."

"Sounds like you two had a good day. Your aunt is lots of fun, isn't she."

"Ryan is a stitch as well, Sis. We're getting to know each other once again. It's been too long since I was around such a gentleman who is also so handsome."

Of course, I was glowing. I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with Peg, and I caught a few stares from friends who saw us at the drive-in. Peg drew stares wherever she went.

The three of us relaxed for the rest of the day by the pool. Peg donned her two-piece again and made no bones about flaunting her skin and I never objected. Mom did eye us warily when we were horsing around in the pool and at one point Peg was on my back and yelling "giddyup."

But other than knowing glances between us, we were careful not to raise suspicions. Peg had confided in me during our house-hunting details about her divorce, including intimate details that shocked me.

"Brent liked rough sex, and he got weird about it at times. During the length of our marriage, he went from being sweet in bed to rough and nasty. In retrospect, we were headed in the wrong direction for a long time. He became verbally and physically abusive. Catching him screwing someone else was the final straw. I'm so happy to be rid of him.

I listened attentively and offered words of sympathy which seemed to relax Peg. At one point, as we pulled into the driveway of a house to view, Peg leaned over and kissed me–on the lips.

"You are so sweet, Ryan. Some girl is going to be lucky to find you."


After dinner, we watched a little TV, but Mom was reading magazines, and Peg was looking over real estate notes. I listlessly watched several NCIS segments until it was getting late and decided to go to bed.

"Night all. See you in the morning."

"Night, Sweetie. Hope you sleep well," Mom chimed in. "We'll follow soon, I'm sure."

I completed my nightly routine more carefully than normal. Hope springs eternal and while I assumed Peg would not do a repeat performance of last night, I showered to make sure I was clean in all the right places.

Once in bed, I soon heard Peg come upstairs and do her thing. Soon, the shower was running, and I heard the shower door click. I imagined her naked form–water cascading over those heavy breasts and big nipples as she sudsed up and washed sensuously, enjoying the tingling and occasionally slipping a finger inside her cunt as she thought of me fucking her.

Of course, this was a complete fantasy, but it succeeded in getting me rock-hard. I looked at my cock. Was I big enough to make someone like Peg happy in bed? I was certainly no John Holmes. But then Peg did say that I had a nice cock. What did she mean by "nice?" As these and other horny thoughts ran through my head, I heard the water shut off and the shower door open. Minutes later, footsteps sounded in the guest bedroom.

Later I got up to pee and saw that Peg's door was partially open and a light was on. I knocked lightly.

"Come on in, Ryan. I'm awake. I'm just reading."

I stuck my head in the door and smiled.

"I just wanted to say good night, Peg."

"Thank you, Ryan. I'm awake, as you can see. Come on in. I've been thinking about some things. About you, actually. Come over here, Sweetie."

Peg was wearing a different nightie. This one clearly showed her nipples through the semi-transparent material. It was sleeveless, and her tanned arms holding a book caused her breasts to jut forward.

"Sit here for a few minutes and cuddle with me. I'm lonely tonight. I need a little companionship."

I slid up on the bed and sat next to my aunt with pillows for support and my back against the headboard. Peg snuggled against me with her head on my chest.

"You were so sweet today. I can't get enough of you, Ryan." She kissed my stomach and the hair around my belly button. Her breasts flattened against my side, causing a stirring in my groin.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Peg? Something that has been bugging me for a while. Normally, I would talk to my dad about this stuff, I guess. But he's gone, and I'm too embarrassed to ask Mom."

"Of course. We're beyond trying to be polite around one another. Anything. What is it?"

"Well, when you were talking about how sex with Brent got rough and all, you said his size was scary sometimes. Does he have a really big cock? Is that what you meant? I guess I worry that girls will think my cock is too small. The stuff I see on the internet shows guys with huge cocks. Am I being too gross? Sorry, but I really am curious."

Peg frowned at first and then smiled reassuringly.

"Ryan, trust me. There is nothing wrong with the size of your penis. Believe it or not, you are bigger than my ex-asshole husband, if I remember correctly from last night. He is big and strong, but not that way. And those sausages you see on the internet are mostly freaks. Honey, your cock is more than adequate. I think it's trying to talk to us right now."

My cock was stiffening and pushing to escape my pajamas. Once again I was not wearing underwear–just my pajama bottoms. Peg slid her hand down and rubbed the tubular shape swelling in front of us.

"Let's settle this once and for all, Honey. Pull that snake out so I can see it."

She helped me slide my bottoms down, and my cock sprang up like a Jack-in-the-box. Peg wrapped her fingers around it, slowly stroked the shaft, and kneaded my balls.

"Definitely bigger than Brent. Both longer and fatter. You have a beautiful cock. Ryan. And I've seen more than one.

She reached over and kissed the head. Then she looked up at me and eyed me playfully. Without another word, she placed her lips over my swollen helmet and sucked before running her tongue around the crown and over my piss hole. She removed her mouth and smiled at me.

"I bet you've never had a blowjob, have you. I don't know what it is about you, Ryan, but you are very good at making me horny. I never, ever thought I'd be lying in bed with my nephew, but here we are: almost naked and with my lips around your cock. I don't think your mother would approve."

I was speechless. No doubt, the look on my face said volumes. I was praying for Peg to continue.

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"Umm, no! I've never had a blowjob. Not even close."

"Okay then. You know the rules. If I do this, we don't ever talk about it with anyone. Right? Consider this part of your growing-up education. I'd rather be the one to teach you some of these things than some inexperienced girlfriend or even a hooker. Lie down and slide those pj's off the rest of the way.

She watched as I stretched out naked on the bed. Her eyes were filled with hunger at this point.

"I love your body, Ryan. You have a real man's body, Honey. You should be proud. Now just relax."

I followed directions and Peg repositioned herself once again so she was kneeling by me. Her ass was near my shoulders, and after stroking me a few times, she craned her neck to look at me.

"Oh, what the hell. Since we're this far, we might as well both get comfortable."

And with that, Peg not only removed her nightie but her panties as well.

"We're going to do this the right way, Ryan. I'm going to straddle you so that you can do me similar to what I'm going to do to you. I want you to lick my pussy, Honey, as I suck your cock. I'm sure you've seen videos of this. Just do what comes naturally. Use your tongue to lick all around my pussy lips and even inside a little bit. Don't forget the little man in the canoe, as some people call it. I have a very sensitive clitoris, so be careful there. I know you'll be good at this."

I was delirious with pleasure. Peg placed a knee on either side of my chest and lowered her ass so that with a pillow propping my head, I had free access to her pussy. I placed a hand on either side of her round ass and ran my tongue all around her downy labia. Peg had a fine mat of blonde hair there and with the first taste of her, I was in heaven.

"Oh, Honey. Yes. Just like that, Sweetie. You are a natural. Keep it up, and you'll make your Aunt Peg have a delicious orgasm. Your tongue is wonderful, Ryan."

I looked between Peg's thighs to see those beautiful breasts dangling and swaying with our movements. Her nipples scraped deliciously over my thighs. Then I felt her wet lips engulf my cock, and she began a slow, deliberate sucking and licking. Indescribable sensations filled my brain. Added to that, she began moaning as she slurped on my shaft, only stopping to offer praise for my tongue and give occasional directions.

In my enthusiasm, I sometimes licked beyond Peg's labia, and my tongue found the sweet taste of her tiny anus. Peg had a perfect little wrinkled star, and I spread her cheeks for better access. As soon as I touched her there, I could tell I had hit a nerve. She jerked momentarily and then moaned in pleasure.

"Oh, my God, Ryan. You are a quick learner, Honey. You have no idea how good that feels. You are making me feel things I haven't felt in years, Sweetie. Don't stop."

It was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened. My aunt's mouth was no comparison to a fist: either mine or hers. Soon my brain screamed that I was about to cum, and I tried to warn Peg, but it was too late. I shot a powerful stream of cum into her mouth, causing her to gag temporarily. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to stem the flow, but it was no use.

Peg did not slow down either. With cum running out of her mouth and onto her fist, she vigorously pumped and sucked, swallowing what she could. As I gazed between her perfect thighs, I could see a river of sperm leaking from her mouth and onto her fist and my stomach. Finally, she removed her mouth and tried to gulp a huge mouthful without choking. Her fist continued until only a watery sheen dribbled out of my softening cock. We were both drained.

"Did you like that, Ryan?"

We were now lying in each other's arms. Peg's face was shiny with cum as she kissed me repeatedly. I licked a thin stream of sperm from her chin.

"Fuck, excuse my language but I thought I was going to die for a while."

"Lesson number two. Don't ever try to stop from cumming during a blowjob. It never works."

We both giggled.

We lay there, smooching and touching each other. I was fondling Peg's breasts and sucking on her nipples. She made no effort to stop me, and I figured at this point, there wasn't much left to the imagination. In the process, my cock gradually began to show life. Eventually, it straightened out and nearly resumed its full length. Peg shook her head in amazement.

"The stamina of youth. You know, Ryan, we've come this far, no pun intended. Maybe it's time for you to honestly lose your virginity. All this is nice, but I'd be proud to be the one who showed you the coup d'gras. Would you like that?"

I couldn't believe my ears. I nodded yes vigorously.

"Yes, please, Aunt Peg!"

The good news is you won't need a condom since I'm on birth control. That will make the experience even better. However, make sure this is something you want. This is serious stuff, not that what we've been doing wasn't, but there is a reason why they call it "going all the way."

"I understand. This is something I want. And you are the perfect person to show me. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it And anything else. I'll wash your car for life."

Peg giggled.

"My car is fine dirty, Ryan. You can wash me for life with your tongue. Just kidding. But look, you are already set to go. We'll take it nice and slow, Honey. I'm so horny right now I could wash your car for life to feel that beautiful cock inside me."

Peg rolled onto her back and spread her legs. I stared at her pussy. For the first time, I realized how truly beautiful it was. Her labia were shaped like a butterfly's undeveloped wings. A hoodie of skin covered her large clitoris. As if she could read my mind, Peg rubbed two fingers around her labia and pulled the folds back revealing her sweet spot. Her clitoris so exposed did resemble a tiny penis.

"I probably don't need this, but just to be safe, why don't you use your tongue on me first? You're so good with that organ. Just a little. You can even stick it inside me to get the real flavor of your auntie."

I knelt between Peg's legs and gently pushed her thighs apart before placing my face in her honey pot. I inhaled the sweet fragrance of her cunt and then slowly licked all around those fleshy lips and clitoris. I nibbled on her clit and then slowly inserted my tongue inside her. Peg's neck was craned to get a better view.

"Wait a sec. Put this pillow under my hips. Yeah, like that. Now you can feast away."

Peg moaned and uttered guttural profanities as I worked her cunt over with my tongue and, eventually, my fingers. Soon she had both hands gripping my head as she ground her hips into my face. Suddenly, without warning, she uttered a muffled scream and froze for...

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Written by johndoe7
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