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A Family Affair

"Christmas gets unexpectedly intimate."

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Author's Notes

"Timewise, this is the final part of the series and takes place after Truth or Dare, which I recommend you read first. There will be more stories in the series but set before this. As always, if you enjoy the story, please hit the like button."

It had been a dreadful, lonely year, but Christmas was less than a week away. Thanks to government stupidity and repeated lockdowns, I'd been alone except for a few brief months over the summer, so I looked forward to some company. 

The stresses of lockdown had been almost unbearable for everyone, so we decided to have a proper family get-together for the first time in many years. Now the latest panicked lockdown had been lifted, the chances of it happening looked good. My brother David and his new wife would bring his two sons - my nephews - and David's stepdaughter, July. My sister and her husband were also bringing their grown-up children.

Sadly, my daughter Helen was going to stay with her mother in France. It was for the best, though. I longed to see her, but it was sensible that she wouldn't be here, as our mutual desire was impossible to ignore.

My house is spacious, but it would still be crowded. My brother got one spare room, and my sister got the other, leaving the five children unaccounted for. I finally decided July could use the sofa bed in my office, and David's two boys would sleep on the sofa beds in the studio. My sister's two children would have to camp out in the lounge.

The following day, my brother phoned. "Bad news, I'm afraid," he said. "The silly sods in Westminster have just put us into Tier Four."

Tier Four: that meant they couldn't leave the house. "I guess that rules you and Val out?" I asked.

"Afraid so. God knows what we'll do for Christmas lunch on Friday," he replied. "The three kids are off gallivanting and can't get back here, so is it okay still for them to spend Christmas with you?"

David's two boys were just into their twenties and were good fun. Val's daughter, July, was eighteen. My dick hardened as I wondered if I'd be able to fuck her again in such a crowded house. Obviously, my brother David didn't know I'd slept with his stepdaughter. I laughed.

"No problem," I said. "There's loads of food. I've got two huge geese on order."

David chuckled. "I'll have to see who I can bribe to deliver us something. If all else fails, I know the local Indian delivers." He paused. "And you know what? That is actually appealing."

After David hung up, I mentally rearranged the rooms. July got the freed-up spare room, and my sister's children got the office. I grinned. That was my best chance of a sneaky fuck.

My accommodation problem suddenly became much easier that evening when my sister, Helen, for whom I had named my daughter, phoned. 

"Danny's has caught the bloody lurgy," she said. "He tested positive yesterday. The rest of us are all coughing, so we'll have to cancel."

"Shit," I said. "I hope you are all okay!"

Danny was much younger than my sister, so I wasn't surprised when she replied. "Danny and the kids should be fine," she replied. My sister Helen snorted. "But I'm knocking on a bit," she continued jokingly.

I was a few years older than my sister, and my brother - a doctor - had terrified us with the age-related statistics.

I chuckled grimly. "Thanks for reminding me," I said. "Thankfully, I've avoided it so far. I'm lucky: I can work from home, though I hate Zoom with a passion now."

We talked inconsequentially for a few more minutes before she hung up. I worried for a moment about the mountain of food I had on order, and then I grinned when I realised my chances of fucking July again had increased dramatically.

Two days later, on Wednesday, the day before Christmas Eve, my brother's sports car pulled up the drive. David's two lads, Richard and Ian, got out of the front doors. For a moment, I was worried, and then July climbed out of the back, looking stunning. 

I helped lug cases and bags of presents into the house. The Christmas presents were left near the tree to be arranged later. I put July in the main spare room - what used to be my daughter's bedroom - at the back of the house, facing the garden.

"One of you gets this room," I said. "I'm afraid the other gets the sofabed in the office."

The two lads argued briefly in that typically brotherly way, all macho bluster. Finally, they settled it with a coin toss. Ian lost and was relegated to my office.

"I need to pop to the farm shop to collect the birds," I said. "Does anyone want to come with me?"

Richard and Ian demurred, but July was enthusiastic. "Yes, please," she said brightly. "I need to pick up a couple of last-minute presents."

It was a short ten-minute drive to the farm shop. During the journey, July reached over and massaged my colossal erection. "I hope you're going to fuck me again," she said. "I'm glad you were my first, but your enormous dick has ruined sex with anyone else."

We soon arranged that she'd cross the hall to my room after we all went to bed that evening.

Collecting the geese and browsing the shop was easy and enjoyable, though the intimacy between July and me drew tuts and stares.

The shopping took two trips back to the car before we were ready to head back to the house. I won't bore you with the details, but the rest of the day passed without incident. As arranged, July sneaked into my room late at night, and we fucked repeatedly. The first time, hard and passionately, then slowly and lovingly, savouring every sweaty moment.

The following morning, Christmas Eve, I awoke with July snuggled against my back. It was still dark, and the house was silent. When July finally stirred, I turned over.

"You'd better head back to your room before your brothers wake up," I said.

She giggled. "Don't worry, our secret was blown ages ago. Ian spotted me last night, and Richard already knew you took my virginity. He's such a pervert."

It was still early, so we fucked again, with July riding me until we came to a mutual climax.

By the time we had showered and went downstairs, Richard and Ian were already drinking coffee at the kitchen bar.

Ian grinned when he saw us. "God, you two are noisy," he said.

"At it like rabbits, all bloody night," Richard added.

I knew they were just joshing us as July wasn't noisy, merely grunting softly when she climaxed.

We were still drinking coffee and mulling over plans for the day when my phone pinged. A message from Caro.

Will be at your place with Helen in a couple of hours. Be extra nice; she's in a dreadful state.

I grinned. Only Caro would use semicolons in a text.

This could be awkward. Caro would expect to sleep with me, and I didn't know how July would react. I smiled to myself. Perhaps I could manage a threesome. Then I worried about my daughter. Why wasn't she in France, and what on earth had happened

I evicted Richard to the sofabed in my upstairs studio and transferred July to his room so my daughter could use her childhood bedroom. 

They arrived around lunchtime. Helen threw her arms around me and pulled me close. "Oh, Daddy, it's too horrible for words."

My daughter was distraught. She had flown home from France when she found out her long-time lover, Simon, was seriously ill with Covid and had been admitted to hospital. It had taken two terrible weeks, but he died in isolation and alone. Not even his son had been allowed to say farewell, and the funeral was for immediate family only. 

Finally, still in tears, Helen disappeared upstairs with Caro and a bottle of gin.

By the evening, Helen was calmer, but we were a sombre party. Caro and Helen had emerged from my daughter's room. Caro appeared cheerful, but Helen's smile was fragile. I poured the two girls some wine. Helen quickly drained hers, and she poured herself another glass.

"It's Christmas, and I'm not stuck in the house with my bloody mother," July said. "So can we at least try and enjoy ourselves? Something to forget how awful the world is right now." 

July looked at me with a wry smile. "Last time I was here, we played Truth or Dare. It was so much fun," she said.

It was. That was when I deflowered July. I laughed. "Yes, a game might be fun," I said. "But something different."

July looked around. "I don't know about you lot, but sex takes my mind off things. So something where I get fucked, please. Literally by anyone. Absolutely anything goes tonight."

Caro glanced between myself and Helen. "Anything?" she asked.

July grinned. She looked me up and down, and her gaze lingered on my crotch. "Yes, anything. There are no taboos today."

Caro nodded, and my daughter avoided my gaze, though I saw Helen fingering herself.

"So you'll fuck anyone?" Caro asked July.

"Christ, yes," July said. "I can't wait to be fucked."

My daughter laughed. "How about a lucky dip. We pick a person and then their partner."

Richard scanned the room. "Works for me," he said.

His brother was more reticent but acquiesced quickly enough. Caro and July were enthusiastic.

Caro and Helen hunted down some tinted paper, scissors and a couple of bowls. They cut out slips of paper, three pink and three blue, and wrote names on them. Helen carefully folded them and put them in the fruit bowl on the coffee table.

My dick was inappropriately hard at the thought that Helen and I might be drawn together. I could no longer control my desire, but I should ensure circumstances prevented anything inappropriate. "I'm really not sure this is a good idea," I said.

My daughter was staring at my crotch, and I knew she understood my desires and reciprocated them.

"Oh, Daddy, don't be a stick in the mud. I know you love fucking my friends," Helen said. "Anyway, Richard and Ian watched all my videos of you when they visited me at Mummy's in the summer."

My heart pounded. I suspected Helen had given in to temptation and had decided to fuck me. Fucking my daughter felt like it would be the inevitable culmination of the evening. 

Ian laughed. "You're quite the pornstar," he said.

"Yes, I love your fat, mammoth cock, Uncle," Richard added, his gaze firmly glued to my crotch.

My daughter had stayed with my ex-wife, Rebecca, for the entire year. "Christ, I hope you've -"

Helen interrupted me. "Don't worry, Daddy. Of course, Rebecca hasn't seen them."

July handed out slips of paper. "You all get three to throw into the bowl," she said. "Write down on each one what you must do if you draw it."

She giggled. "You can make it public or in private. It's your choice, and nothing is taboo."

There was a high chance I'd be drawn with Helen. "We should be able to pass," I said.

The three girls whispered together for a moment. Finally, Caro spoke. "You get one pass," she said. "But in return, anyone can play a joker to change what you do."

The rules were agreed on, but no one seemed sure what to do next.

July looked around at us. "Really?" she said. "We've all seen people naked, so get those clothes off, people."

She removed her almost transparent top, revealing her perfect, small tits. "Come on, we don't have all night." She paused, giggling. "Well, we actually do have all night, but let's get on with it. I want someone to fuck me soon." 

This was absolutely not the tame start to Truth or Dare we'd had when I deflowered July!

Ian was shy as he shed his clothes, but his brother Richard was brazen, clearly comfortable with his nakedness. The three girls made a show of it, slowly stripping in front of the three men. I tried to avoid watching my daughter strip, but failed. My eyes drank in her glorious body.

Soon, we all sat naked around the coffee table in the lounge. Caro and July were pressed against me on the sofa that faced the TV, and Richard and Ian sat in the two armchairs at either end of the table.

My daughter, Helen, knelt naked in front of the TV, facing me. Her nipples were hard, and I could hardly drag my gaze from her enormous, perfect boobs.

It was just like the draw of a raffle. Helen swirled her hand around the bowl full of names and pulled out two slips, one of each colour. She opened the pink one, looked at July, and then opened the other slip.

"July, you get to play with Ian," she said.

July suddenly looked nervous and blushed when she looked at her stepbrother.

Helen flourished another piece of paper taken from the sex bowl. "And he gets to fuck you in public."

July was scarlet, and her mouth hung open. "I can't," she spluttered. "He's my brother. I know we're not really related, but I pass."

"Nothing is taboo?" Helen asked. "That's what you said."

July shook her head. "I know, I know, but I hadn't thought it through. Fucking my stepbrother is just too clichéd. Anyway, I pass."

"Yeah," Ian said. "Not sure I'm up for it, either."

Caro, Helen and Richard sighed or booed. Helen drew a random slip from the four remaining names.

"Richard," Helen said, "let's see who you get to play with."

She giggled when she read the following two pieces of paper that she pulled from the bowls. "You get oral sex with me."

"Nice," Richard said. He stood and held out a hand. "Come with me and suck my cock."

Helen laughed. "Not yet," she said. "We need to see what Daddy and Caro must do."

She theatrically pulled out another slip. "How boring," she said. "You must kiss in public."

I stood and pulled Caro to her feet. I embraced her, pulling her tight against me, and we kissed passionately. "I've missed you," I said when we finally broke.

"Ditto," Caro murmured. "This year has been dreadful."

My daughter, still sitting cross-legged on the carpet, looked briefly jealous. She turned to Richard. "To spice things up, I'm going to suck you right here, in public."

My daughter lifted her hand and beckoned to him. "Come here, cousin," she said.

Richard stood and took a few steps towards my daughter, stopping with his erect dick millimetres from her face.

My daughter grabbed Richard's mammoth pole with one dainty hand and pulled back his foreskin. His dick was about the same size as mine. He's definitely got the family gene. Helen stayed cross-legged on the floor; she leaned towards him and licked around Richard's exposed glans before she started sucking his tip. I was envious, imagining it was me she was sucking. My daughter toyed with the end of his dick for a few seconds before her hands reached around him to grasp his bum. I could no longer see much, but Helen pulled him towards her, presumably inhaling that massive dick.

Richard sighed contentedly. "Well done, cuz," he said. "Deep throat me until I come!"

I could just make out Helen bobbing her head back and forth. As she did so, Richard emitted soft moans as his cousin repeatedly swallowed his dick. God, I wish that was my dick. After a couple of minutes, his cries got more urgent. 

"That's it," he yelled in a high voice. "I'm going to spunk in your mouth."

Helen's scarlet fingernails dug into Richard's buttocks, leaving long pink scratch marks. He groaned loudly, his hips thrust forward, and his bum cheeks clenched. My nephew had just unloaded into my daughter's mouth! My dick throbbed as I imagined doing the same. Lucky guy.

His hips thrust forward several times as he emptied his balls into Helen's mouth. "God, I love having my dick sucked," he said contentedly. "I hope you swallow."

I'd seen my daughter inhale dicks before, so it was no surprise when she opened her empty mouth wide. She smacked her lips. "Too slow," she said.

Helen leaned forward again, and her head bobbed as she sucked my nephew's massive cock clean.

Caro slowly shook her head, grinning. "I need some action," she said. "Let me draw the lots this time; I want some proper filthy action."

The slips were duly put back into the bowls and shaken around. Caro pulled a pink slip out of the bowl and opened it. She turned to Helen. "It's your turn," she said.

Caro grinned. "Let's see who your partner will be." Her hand rummaged around in the bowl and drew out another slip. Caro paused a long time before opening, drawing out the suspense. She opened the second slip, and her eyes widened in surprise.

Caro turned to me. "You get to play with your daughter."

My heart sank. It was precisely what I simultaneously craved and dreaded. But my dick had other ideas and was instantly rigid. Please just be a kiss, I thought desperately. I didn't dare to even glance at Helen.

Caro picked a slip from the other bowl. She grinned. "You get to kiss her. Here, in public."

I saw relief all over Helen's face. I decided not to use my pass in case we were drawn again.

"Come on," Caro said. "In the middle of the room. We need to see you kiss."

I stood and waited for Helen to approach. 

She stood before me, looking stiff and rigid, with her eyes closed. I leaned forward and chastely pecked her on the cheek. But the audience had other ideas, and there was a chorus of boos.

"You've got to do better than that," Richard said. "Helen just blew me in public, and she swallowed."

"On the lips," July said.

I closed my eyes and could not resist pulling my daughter close. Her lips met mine, and her perfect breasts pressed against me. I knew, in turn, that she would feel my enormous hard-on pressed between us. 

Her tongue probed my lips, and I succumbed, allowing her to explore my mouth and our tongues to entwine.

My heart was pounding when I forced myself to break the kiss. There was a round of applause.

Caro giggled. "Get a room, you two," she said. "Remember, tonight, nothing is taboo."

My dick was painfully hard, and I stared guiltily...

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Written by grendel54321
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