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Sex Toys

"Four friends experiment with sex toys but are interrupted by workmen."

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Caro considered the message from Lisa. We really must play with these soon, it read. A photo showing an assortment of sex toys accompanied the text: dildoes of all shapes and sizes and a similar array of butt plugs. She grinned. Lisa had just done her first porn scene and loved experimenting sexually.

Caro decided it would be fun. A few WhatsApp messages later, everything was arranged. Lisa and Sophie would meet them here, in the first-floor flat she shared with Helen the following evening. 


The following evening around six, Caro poured a glass of wine for herself and one for Helen. They sat in the lounge, with the sun streaming in through the windows, and chatted while waiting for Lisa and Sophie to arrive.

Caro scanned the spacious room and wondered if her encounter with Helen's father had affected his choice when he rented the top floor of one of those enormous Victorian edifices for their second year at university. The lounge was huge, with a dining area near the entrance to the flat. A big sofa and two comfortable chairs surrounded a large coffee table, well-lit by two sets of tall windows with double doors between them that led onto the wrought iron balcony surrounding the apartment. 

She smiled to herself. She had loved fucking Helen's father, but she didn't think Helen knew she still met him for sex occasionally. Anyway, the flat was lovely and the envy of all their friends.

In typical noisy fashion, Lisa and Sophie arrived together, already slightly unsteady on their feet. Sophie brandished two large bottles of gin, one in each hand.

"I brought refreshments," Sophie said. "I hope you've got tonic."

Helen laughed. "Always," she said. "Come with me, and we can sort out drinks."

Helen and Sophie disappeared into the kitchen. Caro heard the tinkle of glasses as she watched Lisa unceremoniously dump the contents of the large bag she carried onto the large coffee table in the middle of the lounge. A vast array of sex toys tumbled out, far more than the assortment in the photo she had sent to Caro. A few toys cascaded onto the floor, and Caro helped Lisa pick them up and place them back on the table.

Helen and Sophie returned, each carrying two huge G&Ts. Caro grabbed a gin from Sophie and sat in the armchair facing the windows. Helen and Lisa sat next to each other on the couch, and Sophie took the other comfy chair.

"Cheers," Caro said, raising her glass. "This should be fun."

Inside, Caro felt self-conscious; she had never played with herself in public before and only had an audience during sex once and then just briefly the first time she had fucked Helen's father when Helen had caught them together in the shower.


She picked up a long pink dildo from the coffee table and watched Sophie and Lisa choose a sex toy to play with. Helen stood and selected a butt plug and one of those vibrators you applied to your clitoris onto the sofa and walked towards her room.

"Back in a moment," Helen said over her shoulder.

Caro's self-consciousness increased enormously when Helen returned. Helen placed three small cameras, their red recording indicators already illuminated, on the coffee table, arrayed so they would record everything, regardless of where it occurred.

Since that first snap Helen had taken of her father fucking Caro, she knew that Helen liked to record things. Helen said it aroused her, knowing someone might watch the recording.

"For posterity," Helen said.

Caro switched on the pink vibrator she had selected. She pressed a finger against the protuberance clearly intended for her clitoris. Sure enough, it was vibrating.

She took off her panties, discarding them on the floor and sat back in the armchair. She spread her legs, aware of the camera and lifted her skirt.

The vibration felt marvellous when she slowly pushed the dildo into her pussy. She gasped when the protuberance vibrated against her clitoris.

"This is fantastic," she said, "it will make me come in no time at all."

She pulled the dildo out slightly, so her clitoris was no longer stimulated, and she sat back, enjoying the vibrations in her tight wet pussy. 

Caro glanced around the room and saw her friends doing similar things. Helen had a vibrator pressed to her clitoris, and her wet fingers played with her pussy. The pink heart-shaped jewel of the butt plug she had selected protruded from her arse. Sophie also had a dildo in her cunt.

Lisa was the first to strip. She stood on the low coffee table in the centre of the lounge and slowly started to take off her clothes.

"Come on," Lisa urged her friends. "We should all be naked for this." 

Sophie stood up and stripped, revealing her massive perfect boobs. Caro felt her own tiny tits and felt inadequate; all three of her friends were well-endowed with big boobs. She grinned to herself. It didn't stop her from being fucked. Plenty of men wanted her, and she let them have her.

Caro slipped out of her short skirt and watched Sophie help Helen out of the tight black dress she wore, leaning over to kiss each of Helen's impressive boobs.

Caro giggled when she noticed they all still wore their high heels.

Lisa sat down, leaning back, on the edge of a chair, her shaved pussy exposed. Like Helen, she had a butt plug in her arse; this one sported a long fluffy tail that dangled down to the floor.

"Who is going to play with me," she asked, scanning her three friends.

Lisa tutted. "None of you has ever enjoyed another woman?" she asked. She shook her head sadly.

Caro was shocked when, finally, it was Sophie who spoke up. "Never, but I want to try."

Out of the four girls, Sophie was, by far, the least experienced, and Caro knew she'd only been fucked twice. She grinned; Sophie seemed very willing to broaden her horizons.

She watched, fascinated, as Sophie knelt between Lisa's widespread knees. She heard a faint slurping as Sophie tongued Lisa's pussy. Lisa placed her hands behind Sophie's head.

"Finger me as well," Lisa said.

One of Sophie's hands crept between Lisa's legs. Caro couldn't see her fingers penetrate Lisa's cunt because Sophie's head was still between Lisa's legs, but her tongue made moist noises.

Sophie's elbow started to flutter as she finger-fucked Lisa, and Caro saw Lisa close her eyes and moan.

"Oh yes," Lisa said. "Just like that, Sophie."


Caro worked the dildo in and out of her own pussy as she watched Sophie finger-fucking Lisa. Lisa's moans got louder, and Caro watched her squirm beneath Sophie's tongue and invasive fingers. Moments later, Lisa bucked, and her legs visibly quivered as she came loudly. Sophie kept her face buried in Lisa's minge until the climax subsided.

Lisa sighed, and Sophie raised her head to look at Lisa, face wet from Lisa's pussy, and her juices dripping from Sophie's chin. She grinned.

"I hope that was okay," Sophie said. "I've never eaten pussy before."

Lisa laughed. "You're a natural," Lisa looked up at Caro, "and it's excited Caro as well. You'd better finish her off too."

Caro realised she was moaning softly and still shafting her own pussy with the pink, vibrating dildo. Sophie stood up and turned around. Lisa's juices were smeared all around her mouth and dripped slowly from her chin. She looked down at the dildo rammed into Caro's pussy and grinned.

"I'd love to," Sophie said. She dropped to all fours and crawled towards Caro.

Once Sophie was between her legs, Caro let go of the dildo and put her hands behind Sophie's head. She felt Sophie's hot breath on her pussy, but she still jumped when she felt a tongue delicately probe her slit. Far gentler than any bloke, she thought.

The thought that a woman was sucking her pussy and going to make her come was exciting and almost drove her immediately over the edge. She tried to concentrate only on the feeling as Sophie continued to tongue her clitoris, now pressing harder and circling her hard button. Caro sighed with pleasure when Sophie nibbled her clitoris gently and sucked.

When Sophie started to shaft her pussy with the pink dildo, Caro felt herself approaching climax. She wanted to savour the feelings of her first lesbian experience, so she tried to think calm thoughts. But to little avail, she felt herself come, her muscles twitching and quivering, and her pussy clenched around the dildo.

When her climax was over, Caro looked around. Lisa was standing bent over with her arse facing Caro, the furry black tail hanging between her butt cheeks, as she fucked Helen with an enormous black dildo. Caro watched for a moment as the ribbed monstrosity repeatedly disappeared inside her best friend's dripping pussy, the pink jewel of the butt plug in Helen's arse briefly visible with each insertion.

Caro gasped when she noticed two men behind Helen, peering in through the leftmost windows. She felt her face grow hot.

"Bloody hell," she said. "We've got an audience."

She covered her small boobs with her arms, then giggled when she realised her neatly trimmed pussy was fully exposed and facing the windows, with the pink dildo protruding. Though she was still embarrassed, Caro put her hands behind her head and smiled at the two men. Might as well give them a good look

Lisa laughed. "Oh, goodie," she said.

Helen surprised Caro by jumping to her feet and dashing, naked, into her bedroom. I didn't realise she was shy. Then she heard Helen's balcony doors open and laughed.

Caro watched Lisa stand and walk naked to the windows. She turned the latch, opened the windows wide, and then leaned forward with her forearms and massive perfect tits resting on the window sill.

"Do you like what you see, gentlemen?" Lisa asked.

The two workmen had scarlet faces and backed away from Lisa. 

"Sorry we intruded, miss," the older one said. 

Helen appeared in the windows and strolled, naked and in full view of the street below, along the balcony until she was behind the two men. Caro watched her herd the two men towards the double doors, which Lisa opened.

Helen pushed the two men into the lounge, and the older man stumbled on the sill.

"Ladies, it seems we have some new toys to play with," Helen said.

The two men were quickly surrounded by Caro's three naked friends. Helen boldly grabbed the older man's crotch.

"This one seems pleased to see us," Helen said.

The man blushed bright scarlet.

"Come on," Helen said to him. "Which one of us do you want to fuck first?"

Helen glanced around at her teenage friends. "You do want them to fuck us, don't you?" she asked.

Caro smiled. "Definitely," she said, though her words were drowned out by Lisa and Sophie's enthusiastic agreement.

The man, still scarlet, scanned the girls who surrounded him, looking them up and down.

Finally, he pointed at Lisa. "She looks like a dirty girl," the man said, stuttering slightly. "I want to fuck her first."

Sophie grinned, pressed herself against the man and kissed him deeply.

Caro decided to join in. She stood and walked over to join Sophie, feeling the man's erection through his overalls once she was pressed against his chest.

She could see Helen and Lisa's naked bodies pressed against the other significantly younger man.


With Caro and Sophie's naked bodies pressed against him, the older man held himself rigid and looked terrified, though, from the hard erection she felt in his overalls, Caro knew he was excited. She wormed a hand inside his clothes and wrapped her hand around his stiff dick.

"I want that inside me," she whispered into his ear.

The man let out a deep sigh, and Caro felt him relax. 

"It appears we have some willing fuck-toys," he said to the younger man. "We might as well have some fun."

Caro unbuttoned the older man's overalls, pulled them down, and undid his jeans. She massaged the massive erection that strained against his underpants, then dropped to her knees so his cock was at eye level. When she pulled down his undies, his hard, circumcised cock sprang free, and she leaned forward to greedily take it into her mouth.

Sophie knelt next to her and massaged the man's balls as Caro pushed her head forward until she was pressed against his groin. It wasn't the biggest dick she'd ever inhaled, but it was respectable. The man groaned when Caro started bobbing her head, letting the dick leave her mouth before swallowing it again.

Caro was curious whether Sophie would be able to deep-throat the man's cock, so after a few strokes, she pulled back and turned towards Sophie. "Come on, you try," she said, "I want to see you inhale that dick."

Sophie grinned back at her. "I was hoping you'd say that," she replied.

Caro watched Sophie run her tongue around the man's glans, then Sophie wrapped her fat lips around his cock and started to slowly take him into her mouth. Caro grinned when Sophie gagged with only half the dick in her mouth.

"You're doing it all wrong," she laughed. "Let me show you."

Sophie drew back from the man's wet pole, and Caro inhaled it. The huge dick slid easily down her throat, and she knew Sophie could see it distending her throat. She drew back, then inhaled the dick again.

"See," she said. "Like that. You've got to get the angle right."

When Sophie tried again, Caro tilted Sophie's head slightly. "Try now," she said.

Caro had her hands behind Sophie's head, and when Sophie still gagged, but only slightly, Caro prevented her from pulling back. Instead, she pushed Sophie further onto the cock until her nose pressed against the man's groin.

"Now try without my help."

Caro stopped pressing on Sophie's head but kept her hands ready, just in case. This time, Sophie swallowed the dick without help, and Caro watched her slowly bob her head.

After a few strokes, Sophie pulled back, letting the wet, stiff pole swing free. She turned to Caro, looking triumphant, and grinned.

"Another skill mastered," Sophie said. "Deep-throat blow-job. Check!"

After that, they took turns sucking the man's dick, and it was quickly dripping with their saliva. Caro had the man's dick deep in her throat when he suddenly groaned.

"I'm going to cum," he said.

Caro grinned inwardly and continued to avidly suck his enormous cock until the man's hips thrust forward, and a vast stream of hot cum erupted from his cock and gushed down her throat. She swallowed hard, fighting the need to gag, then pulled back, so his hot, salty cum flooded her mouth.

Caro pulled back all the way and opened her mouth wide to let the man see her mouth was brimming with cum. Then she swallowed and smacked her lips. "Mmmm ... supper," she said.

As she watched Sophie suck the man clean, Caro was aware of Helen and Lisa ministering to the younger man's cock. She looked at the older man's still-erect dick that waved gently in front of her face. It looked big enough to be satisfying.

"I want you to fuck me now," she said, "I want that cock inside me."

The man grinned and slowly shook his head. "You really are a little slut aren't you?" he said.

Caro licked her lips. "I love having a dick inside me."

She looked around. Sophie was now on the sofa with her knees akimbo, shafting her pussy with the pink dildo. Caro sat beside her, lifted her feet onto the couch, and spread her knees. She watched the man undress.

When he was naked, he turned to look at Helen and Lisa.

"You'll have to wait," the man said. "I want to fuck the girl with the tail first."

Helen had the younger man's dick deep down her throat and was sucking him noisily. The older man hesitated but still tapped his colleague on the back.

"Don't come in her mouth," he said. "Let's fuck these two anal whores."

The younger man laughed and pulled his dick out of Helen's mouth. "Good idea."

Caro was very disappointed and wished she had huge boobs like her friends. She settled down to play with herself as she watched. Aware of the cameras recording every move, she stayed in the same position, with feet drawn up onto the sofa and knees akimbo.

Sophie was sitting next to her in precisely the same position, and Caro was aware of the buzz of the pink dildo that was deep in Sophie's pussy with the vibrating protuberance pressed against her clitoris. Caro rammed a mammoth black dildo that vibrated nicely into her tight wet pussy and started to play with her hard love bump.

She watched Helen and Lisa get onto their hands and knees beside each other, with their bums raised high. The older man lifted Lisa's tail so it lay along her back. He slowly thrust his rigid wet pole into her dripping pussy.

"You feel wonderfully tight with that plug in your arse," he said.

Lisa laughed. "I should hope so," she said. "You'd better fuck my tight, teenage pussy properly."

Caro played with herself as she watched the man fuck Lisa hard, his erect dick sliding easily in and out of Lisa's pussy, wet with her juices. Soon Lisa was moaning in time with the man's thrusts. She wondered briefly what it would feel like the be fucked with a plug in her arse like that. She shook her head. I could never do anything that disgusting.

Caro shifted her gaze to Helen; she was on her hands and knees, side-by-side with Lisa, with the heart-shaped jewel of her plug peeking out between her bum cheeks. The younger man was positioned behind her. Caro watched him rub his glans up and down Helen's crack. Helen groaned loudly when the man suddenly thrust into her.

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The man paused balls-deep in Helen's dripping minge. "This slut is tight as well," he said.


She watched him pull out, his monstrous, hard erection now wet from Helen's pussy. Helen groaned again when he slammed his dick back into her.

Soon, the younger man built up a rhythm, and Caro was aroused as she watched the two men slam their cocks home in unison. Helen and Lisa were now panting and moaning with each stroke. Caro fingered her cunt, again wondering what it would feel like with a butt plug in her arse and a rampant cock pounding her tight pussy. No, it was too disgusting, even if both Helen and Lisa loved it.

She hadn't noticed Sophie re-positioning herself, but now she knelt between Caro's legs, and Caro jumped when Sophie removed the enormous black dildo and probed her cunt with her fingers. Caro loved watching her friends being fucked, so she kept her eyes on Lisa and Helen.

But when Sophie applied a vibrator to her clit, the sensations demanded her full attention, so she looked down to watch as Sophie finger fucked-her. Her pussy was dripping, and Caro heard the slurp as Sophie's fingers worked in and out of her dripping minge. 

Soon the vibrator and Sophie's intimate fingers worked the usual magic, and Caro came noisily. She was vaguely aware of Lisa moaning loudly, and when her own climax subsided, she watched Lisa come, her pussy dripping juices onto the floor.

The older man, still fucking Lisa, turned to Caro and grinned.

"Hey, you, ironing board," he said, "How about I ram my dick into your tight pussy?"

Caro bristled at the insult to her tiny boobs but decided to let it pass. She had enjoyed her lesbian experiences with Sophie, but it wasn't the same as being fucked hard by a man. She watched with anticipation as the man's dick emerged wetly from Lisa's pussy as he fucked her from behind. It was pretty long and fat and still like concrete. That will fill me up nicely.

"I'd like that," she replied. She grinned, her gaze still fixed on the man's dick. "But I bet I make you come first." 

She stood and walked over towards where he was fucking Lisa from behind.

The man entirely withdrew from Lisa and roughly pushed her out of the way. Lisa laughed and joined Sophie on the couch. The man turned over and lay on his back, his wet dick standing to attention.

Caro positioned herself astride the man and slowly lowered herself onto his cock. It felt marvellous as his fat cock stretched her wet pussy as she slowly impaled herself on his erection. When her weight rested on his groin, and he was hilt-deep in her pussy, Caro ground herself against his cock and then started to ride him. She started slowly, letting his fat dick stretch her pussy until it slid easily in and out. 

As she rode the man, she heard the younger man groan next to her. Caro turned just in time to see the man unload into Helen's pussy. When he pulled out of Helen's pussy his dick was coated in cum but still rigid.

The man gestured at Sophie. "Your turn," he said. "Come and ride my cock."

Sophie giggled. "I hope you've saved some cum for me," she said.

Helen and Sophie swapped places, and Sophie was soon astride the younger man and riding his cock enthusiastically.

Caro kept pace with Sophie, so they fucked the men in time, slamming simultaneously downwards. A few minutes later, both men were moaning and clearly approaching climax.

Caro turned to Sophie. "He's going to come inside me any moment now," she said clinically. 

The man underneath Sophie groaned, and Caro saw his hips thrust up into Sophie, who laughed. "This one already has," Sophie said. "I love it when I make a man come inside me."

Caro laughed. This drunken uninhibited Sophie was a far cry from the shy girl Caro thought she knew. Caro fixed her eyes back on the man beneath her, watching his face as she slammed herself down repeatedly onto his hard, fat cock. Caro was rewarded when the man groaned, and she felt a hot gush of cum inside her.

She grinned down at the man. "I told you I'd make you come first," she said.

Caro sat down on the man's dick and enjoyed the feeling as his cum oozed out of her pussy. After a moment, she dismounted and turned to suck his still-erect dick clean. She felt unfulfilled and wanted to come, so she sat astride the man again and impaled herself on his dick.

She leaned forward, kissed the man, and whispered in his ear. "Fuck me as hard as you can."

The man wrapped his strong arms around her, holding Caro to his chest and started to slam his dick into her wet pussy.

He pounded her hard and fast, and soon Caro reached another climax. As she shuddered and her pussy gripped the man's dick tightly, she heard Helen say to Lisa. 

"I want one of them to fuck my arse. And I bet you want the same; I know you love a dick up your back passage."

Lisa smiled. "Yes, it's been ages since I had your dad's monster in my arse."

Caro was shocked. She had seen that Helen and Lisa both had butt plugs in their arses, and she guessed that meant they had both been fucked in the arse, but neither girl had mentioned that Helen's father had screwed Lisa's arse. Caro was jealous; she knew he had fucked plenty of his daughter's friends, but this felt different. 

She wasn't in love with him, but she realised she felt some exclusivity and was upset he did more intimate things with her friends than with her. And worse, he had never even asked if he could do the same to her.

Not that she would. Caro decided her arse had one purpose, and that was exit only. The idea of anything being shoved there was repellant, though she did like the look of the tail Lisa sported. Very erotic and arousing. She focused on the rigid dick that was hilt-deep in her pussy, and started riding the naked man once more.

"Do you want to fuck my arse?" Helen asked the man, even though he was still fucking Caro.

Caro was disappointed when he grinned and turned his head towards Helen. "I'd love to make you my anal slut," the man said.

The man looked up at Caro and leered. "Lube her arse while she sucks my dick," he ordered.

He pointed at Sophie. "And you, lube tail girl's arse."

Caro reluctantly dismounted. Moments later, Helen and Lisa were again on all fours next to each other. Each had a rampant cock in their mouth. The pink jewel of a butt plug decorated Helen's arsehole, and Lisa's furry tail dangled between her bum cheeks. 

"Keep sucking bitch," the older man said to Helen. "I can't wait to ruin your arse."

Caro knew some people were turned on by being treated like that, but she hated it. Respect and politeness cost nothing. She saw Sophie lift the furry tail so it lay along Lisa's back and pull at the plug rammed into Lisa's arse. The bulbous silver plug slowly emerged from Lisa's tight arse, stretching it wide. Sophie poured lube over her fingers and pushed them into Lisa, replacing the butt plug. Caro watched her work them in and out, stretching Lisa's sphincter wide. 

"Is she ready yet?" the other younger man said. 

When Sophie nodded, Caro knew she had to do the same for her best friend, Helen. It was gross, but Helen clearly wanted it, so she nervously pulled at the plug, and it reluctantly started to stretch Helen's sphincter open.

It took more force than Caro expected, but the plug eventually left Helen's arse with a faint pop. She pushed one oily finger in to replace it. Helen's sphincter felt tight around it, so she slowly worked her finger in and out.

"Hurry up," the man said to Caro.

Caro pushed a second finger into Helen's tight arse. She didn't like to watch her fingers at work, so she turned away. Lisa was now sitting on the edge of the couch, leaning back. Her legs were together and raised, with her hands behind her knees.

Sophie held a camera trained on Lisa's arse. "Come on, ram it into her bum," Sophie said to the naked man in front of Lisa.

Caro couldn't rip her eyes from the awful sight of the man slowly pushing his circumcised dick into Lisa's bum hole. What must that feel like?

When the man's glans disappeared inside, Lisa sighed contentedly. "Push it home, big boy," she said.

Lisa gasped when the man did exactly that, his dick disappearing in one slow movement. Then his dick slowly pistoned in and out of Lisa's bum. "Yes ... harder," Lisa moaned.

Caro realised she had stopped with two fingers embedded deep in Helen's arse. She turned to the man who Helen was still sucking noisily. 

"I think she's ready."

"Finally," the man said. 

Caro pulled her fingers out of Helen's bum and grimaced when she wiped them clean. She couldn't bear to watch her best friend take a dick in her arse, so she picked up a camera and walked around to film Helen's face. 

The man positioned himself behind and above Helen, who gasped and screwed up her face when he drove his monstrous dick into Helen's tight sphincter.

Helen smiled. "That feels good," she said. "Now pound me hard."

The man repeatedly rammed his dick into Helen's arse. Caro saw Helen reach back to play with her pussy.

Helen looked up at Caro. "Film us from behind," she said. "I want to see that big cock fucking my bum."

This was precisely what Caro had wanted to avoid, but she reluctantly moved around, so the camera was pointed at the dick that pounded Helen's arse. He's not that big, she thought critically. Helen's father had a much longer and fatter cock.

"I want to be fucked next to Lisa," Helen said. "That way, you two can take turns fucking our arses."

The man nodded and pulled his monstrous dick, wet with lube, out of Helen's arse. Caro was horrified that her sphincter didn't close completely, and she saw a gaping black hole.

Caro continued videoing as Helen went to sit next to Lisa. Helen lifted her legs high and pulled them back with her arms. 

The man slammed his dick into Helen's gaping bum in one hard stroke.

Caro stood next to Sophie, who was videoing Lisa being fucked. 

"Swap over," Lisa said.

The two men swapped positions willingly, and after ramming their dicks in hilt-deep, their rigid poles moved in unison, gliding smoothly in and out of Lisa and Helen's arses.

The two girls were moaning loudly together. Soon their moans reached a crescendo, and Caro saw them shiver and convulse as they came simultaneously.

"Shit," the older man said. "I can't hold back anymore."

His hips jerked, and when he thrust himself into Helen's arse, Caro saw his bum cheeks clench as he emptied his balls into Helen's bum hole.

The man sighed. "What a nasty anal slut you are," he said. "That was fantastic."

The man withdrew his wet dick from Helen's red-rimmed gaping arse. Caro watched cum ooze out and drip onto the polished wooden floor.

The man still fucking Lisa's arse moaned. "I'm going to come," he said.

"Come all over my boobs," Lisa said.

The man withdrew his wet dick from Lisa's arse, and Lisa spread her legs wide. A jet of hot cum shot from his dick and up Lisa's body, splashing all over her boobs and face. A couple of smaller jets followed, and Lisa was covered in cum.

Cum still oozed from Helen's arse when she sighed contentedly and turned to kiss Lisa deeply.

"That was marvellous," Helen said. She turned to Sophie and Caro. "You two should try it." 

The idea still revolted Caro. She'd watched Helen and Lisa being arse-fucked, and they both clearly enjoyed it and had come almost simultaneously. But she'd seen how Helen's perfect starfish gaped wide open after her arse had been fucked, and the sight of that red-rimmed abyss appalled her. 

She shook her said. "No, I don't think I will," she said firmly.

She was surprised when the usually shy and inexperienced Sophie agreed enthusiastically. Caro grinned. First lesbian, now anal; Sophie really is broadening her horizons.

"Yes, I'd love to," she said. She giggled. "I saw how much you enjoyed it, and I want to feel the same."

Sophie positioned the camera she had been holding on the coffee table and knelt on all fours, carefully ensuring the camera could see her face.

"Make sure you don't block the camera," she said to Helen and Caro.

Caro didn't want to see any more anal action but decided she owed it to her friend to record everything. She realised she also got a perverse thrill from seeing her friends' bum's violated.

She watched Helen lube her fingers and massage Sophie's bum. Sophie shut her eyes and grimaced when Helen pushed a finger a little way into her tight sphincter.

"Relax," Helen said to Sophie. "And push out, that makes it easier."

"I'll try," Sophie replied, "but I'm nervous. I've never had anything in my bottom before."

"How does that feel?" Helen said a few moments later.

"Weird," Sophie replied. After a moment, when Helen wiggled her invasive finger, Sophie continued. "Mmm ... that feels nice."

Behind Sophie, Caro saw Lisa sit astride the older man, facing towards her. Lisa sighed as she slowly impaled her arse on the man's dick and started riding him in reverse cowgirl.

When Caro turned her attention back to Sophie, she saw Helen had three fingers pushed knuckle-deep into Sophie's virgin sphincter.

Helen turned to the younger man, who was watching intently. "Be gentle," she said, "you know she's never done this before."

The man just nodded. He wanked himself for a few strokes to ensure he was hard, then positioned himself behind Sophie. Caro watched him pour lube onto Sophie's arse and his rigid dick.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

Sophie sounded nervous when she replied. "I think so," she said.

The man rubbed the tip of his glistening dick up and down Sophie's bum crack. Caro saw him position it at her back entrance.

Sophie squealed when the man pushed his dick into her sphincter. "Slowly," she said. "That burns."

The man paused with his glans only partly inside Sophie's tight sphincter. When he pushed again, Sophie moaned as the man's dick slowly entered her virgin bum. When he was halfway in, he started slowly shafting Sophie's arse.

"How does that feel?" the man asked.

"It feels ... okay," Sophie said.

Caro was distracted by Lisa's enthusiastic squeals and moans as the older man fucked her arse. "Like that ... harder ... ruin my bum."

Caro shook her head and turned her attention back to Sophie.

After a few more strokes, the younger man started to push deeper into Sophie's derriere. Soon his dick was hilt-deep in her bum, and he paused.

"How does it feel?" the man repeated. "That's everything I've got."

"It still burns a bit, but it's better now," Sophie said.

Caro saw Helen pick up a large vibrator. She lay under Sophie and applied the vibrator to her clitoris.

"This might help," Helen said. "Once you get used to it, it's marvellous."

A few seconds later, Sophie sighed. "That helps; it feels great."

The man started slowly ramming his dick in and out of her arse, pausing each time he was balls-deep.

"It feels nice now," Sophie said. "You can fuck my arse harder now like you did to Helen."

The man sped up, pistoning his dick hard and fast into Sophie's no longer virgin bum.

The noises from Lisa had subsided, so Caro glanced over. She saw Lisa leaning back against the older man's chest, with his dick still embedded in her arse. Both were watching Sophie intently.

With the dick ramming hard into her bottom and the vibrator pressed to her sensitive clitoris, Sophie started to moan loudly, and Caro saw her reach her climax when her skin shivered and her muscles rippled.

"That arse is so tight, I just can't hold back," the man said.

He pulled his rampant member out of Sophie's tight sphincter, and his rigid dick shot a jet of cum all over her back. Caro watched Helen emerge from under Sophie and take the oily dick, fresh from Sophie's bum, into her mouth. Caro grimaced. I'm never going to do anything that disgusting. Helen sucked the man's softening dick for a few more seconds.

"You've mastered anal," the man said to Sophie.

"I've mastered anal," Sophie said proudly, "with your help."

Sophie looked up at where Lisa lay, her arse impaled on the older man's dick. "I want to try that position," she said, "but not now. My bum feels a bit sore."

Sophie turned to Caro. "You really must try it, Caro. It feels so perverted and exciting having a massive dick in your bum. It only hurts a bit to start with, and then it feels simply marvellous," she said. "I loved being used as an anal sex toy."

I won't do it, Caro thought. An image of Helen's father's massive cock invading Lisa's arse flashed through her mind. But I can't let Lisa have all the fun. Her resolve weakened slightly.

Written by grendel54321
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