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Curiosity 5

"Making movie magic"

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Gary asked me to review and edit what he had written so far about us, and I was more than happy to do that. Honestly, I was super excited to be the first to read about us from his viewpoint. I was looking forward to reliving our experiences through his eyes.

The only thing that surprised me was the emotional side of things. I was increasingly worried about his inability to see how irresistible he was to Rachel, Tina, and me. I was beginning to think that he was letting us have sex with other people, not because it was fun, but because he felt he had to in order to keep us from leaving him. That devastated me until my continued reading made it clear that he was happy for us and sincerely wanted us to have these amazing experiences. Still, I worried and nearly stopped editing to have an emergency meeting with Rachel and Tina. I decided to read through everything so far before doing that. I was glad that I did.

I nearly cried in relief when I read of his epiphany while on the beach with me. The absolute truth is that Rachel, Tina, and I would do anything to make Gary happy and to keep his love. If that meant never having sex with anyone else, we would happily agree to that. We didn’t need those other people, as fun as they are. We did need Gary, and none of us girls lost sight of that for a second.

His love for Rachel shone in his writing and made me feel so happy. I love her very much and know he does, too. His words showed me that his love for her is as deep and eternal as mine. What an amazing world we live in that among the billions of people on earth, three souls would find their way to each other and the love of a lifetime. And then there is Tina. Our petite ball of sexual energy and love. She is the catalyst to our joy. We were happy before we met her, but that pales compared to our happiness with her in our lives.

Outside of using the name Sara for Rachel (what was that about?) and minor punctuation and spelling errors, he did a remarkable job writing about our adventures. There was a gap, though. Gary couldn’t be present for everything that happened. For example, after our photo shoot on that second day, we fucked the poor man to exhaustion. Gary was out like a light when we three women got dressed for dinner. Our mild attempts at waking him proved fruitless. I wrote him a note before we left for dinner with Jen, Ken, and Scott. Zach and Trent were waiting when we left the room. I chided them again for not coming inside to wait.

Dinner was upbeat and fun. We got more than a little buzzed and decided that meeting back at our suite to swim in private was a great idea. The guys left us at our door and went to change. Tina, being the sexy little bundle of cuteness she is, suggested that we didn’t need swimsuits since we had our own private pool. It will be no surprise to anyone who reads about our adventures that we agreed with her readily.

Rachel and I entered the bedroom to find Gary splayed out on the bed. We poked and prodded him, trying to wake him. He never woke, but he wrapped an arm around each of us and pulled us close. His soft sigh as he settled back into a deep sleep brought a tear to my eye. He never left any doubt about how he felt about us.

We really wanted him to wake up before too long. He needed to eat and wouldn't sleep well later if he slept much longer. I set an alarm on his cell phone, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and the two of us left him to his slumber. When the guys arrived, four naked women greeted them. The grins that lit their faces made it pretty clear that they were more than happy with the evening dress code.

Tina, Rachel, and I seemed to think alike and flirted like crazy. Rachel and I weren’t looking to get laid, but getting things steamy was great fun. Rachel and I were building our anticipation for our porn debut. We definitely wanted to fuck our co-stars, and the anticipation was making me crazy with desire. I couldn’t believe how amazing my life was. I’m living out fantasies beyond my wildest dreams, and when the fantasy is over, I have my love waiting for me.

It's all because of him. Gary has the arms that hold me, the heart that heals me, and the cock that owns me. Some women talk about being their own person like their husband keeps them from that. I am my own person because Gary helped me to be that person. He makes me better in every possible way. You would think that would be enough, more than anyone could expect, but he doesn’t stop there. He gave us the freedom to find and love Rachel and Tina. He lets me fly and never complains or asks for something in return. He takes joy in my happiness and loves me. I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to give him the tiniest bit of what he gives me every day.

I hate that he thinks he’s a seven or some shit like that. A number doesn’t do him justice. Gary is stealthy-sexy. It sneaks up on you. When I saw it happen to Rachel, I understood why she also fell in love with him. Gary is a nice-looking man; if you saw him at a party, you would probably think the same. You wouldn’t be getting wet or hyperventilating with lust. He’s not some tall, dark, and handsome romance novel model. You would probably think he’s a nice-looking guy, but that’s about it. If you take a moment to talk to him, that viewpoint begins to change.

When you enter his space, suddenly, your eyes can’t leave his soul-filled blue eyes. His kind smile and warmth make you want to snuggle in his arms. That’s when you notice his arms, corded with muscle, stretching the sleeves of his polo shirt. His chest is broader than you thought and muscular. You start wondering what running your hands over his naked chest would be like.

Then, he moves, and it is so liquid and filled with grace it makes you wonder what dancing with him would be like. His deep voice is hypnotically sexy. You can’t help yourself. You have to see. You look at his bulge and wonder if what you are seeing is soft; how fuckin big does it get? Then, your mind starts to think of ways to get it that way. You know, just to see. That’s usually about the time either Rachel or I show up. Tina is a bit slower to pick up on things, but you can bet she’ll be along shortly.

If we decide he wants you, then we make sure you get to see what it looks like hard, and what it feels like. You should consider yourself lucky. Few women get the privilege of bedding my husband. Not because Rachel, Tina, and I are against it, we aren’t. It’s just that he rarely expresses an interest in anyone but his three wives. The three of us love to watch him show a woman how wonderful sex can be. We would like him to do it more often. I’m really proud of him for taking such good care of Jen.

Gary has done a really good job writing about our lives, but he tends to talk little about himself. I felt the need to set the record straight. There is a very good reason three beautiful women are head over heels in love with him, and it isn’t hypnotism. Gary may not be movie-star gorgeous, but he is the sexiest man I’ve ever known. He’s also the kindest and most loving, along with a ton of other things. So, now you know.

We drank, we swam, we flirted and kissed. Jen must have decided that this was too good an opportunity to waste in flirting. She had Ken’s monster cock in her mouth and Scott’s fat cock in her pussy when Gary joined us on the deck. He was dressed for exercise while the rest of us were borderline wasted and naked. He was grinning when he walked over to me. “Hey, Babe. Having fun?”

I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. When we came up for air, we watched Jen get her brains fucked out for a few minutes. “How come you’re wearing your gym stuff?”

He shrugged. “I need a good workout, then a bite to eat. In the future, we’re gonna have to arrange for an IV drip of nutrients after you three finish with me. It could be a huge time saver.”

I smiled because that’s what he makes me want to do. “I don’t know about Jen, but the rest of us are going to bed, to sleep, before long. We’re filming scenes at the competition. You can sleep late if you want. It’ll be just like the day we wandered around filming.”

He winked at me, which I didn’t get, then said, “Maybe I’ll see you there.”

He turned and left while I stood there confused. What was the wink about? He almost never does that.”

About then, big old Zack spun me around and laid a lip lock on me that made my toes curl. Rachel was nearby doing the same with Trent. The two of us caught each other’s eye and shared a wink of our own. Moments later, we were both on our knees, fists wrapped around their cocks. They were so nice and protected us in the hot tub. The least we could do was give them a nice blow job.

Zach had a very nice cock that was just a bit longer than Gary’s, with a nice curve and a drop of pre-cum just begging my tongue to gather it up. I know Zach wanted to fuck me, and maybe that might happen, but not tonight. Tonight I sucked his cock with all the skill I could bring to bear. I wasn’t trying to get him to cum fast, although he was certainly welcome to. I was trying to get him to cum hard. I wanted his eyes to roll back in his head and his hot jets of cum down my throat. Otherwise, I wouldn’t feel like I was sincere enough in my thanks.

I devoured his cock, and he exploded in my mouth. Jet after jet of lovely cum filled my mouth until he was spent. I pulled his emptied cock from my mouth with a pop, and he fell back onto the lounge with a stunned look on his face. “Give me a minute and I’ll return the favor.”

I stood and grinned. “That wouldn’t do at all. This was my way of thanking you for all you’ve done. You can’t go thanking me back all willy-nilly. Anyway, I need to go to sleep. I’m sure that we’ll have the chance to thank each other profusely soon.”

His answering smile showed the real man behind the stoic facade he wore at work. He is quite likable and very hunky. “I look forward to thanking you long, hard, and deep, Lisa.”

I’ll admit I almost changed my mind about going to bed to sleep. I really needed to sleep, though, and there was no sense in being a sexual glutton. Tina was already in bed when Rachel and I joined her. The three of us snuggled and were soon in dreamland.

The phone alarm woke us up in the morning. I was surprised that Gary wasn’t in bed. I checked my phone and found the text he had left me. He had woken early and had gone to breakfast. His text ended with the sentence, “See you at the show,” and a winking emoji. He was really making me wonder. Whatever he was up to, I knew it would be fun.

Rachel and I showered quickly and threw on shorts and T-shirts. We would be changing into our acting clothes shortly, so getting ready didn’t take much time. Tina got in the shower as we were leaving. She was quiet this morning, which was very unusual for her. I mentioned it to Rachel as we walked down the hall, and we agreed to talk with her as soon as we got the chance.

An hour later, Rachel and I were sitting in the theater, front row, center stage, watching stripper after stripper strut his stuff. It was exciting, and we drew a lot of attention. Many of them focused on us from the beginning. Variations on lap dances and the rubbing of barely covered erections on our bodies had us both horny as hell. I’m sure that Jen got plenty of footage.

Fortunately, we were there for the finals and weren’t overwhelmed with dancers. Five guys strutted their stuff and got us horny. The sixth guy was something entirely new. He was wearing a black body stocking and a full black hood. He looked like a sleek and dark ninja. The body suit and hood were skintight. His muscles undulated through the silky blackness. He moved like a panther on the hunt. Rachel and I couldn’t see his eyes, but neither of us doubted the prey he had selected. As he began to move toward us, his body in languid flow, and every inch of him so fucking hot and enticing. I’ve never had such a strong reaction to a man’s body. I knew at that moment.

His twists and powerful movements made it seem like he was offering us an escape from his intentions. Before either of us could even consider the idea, he was right, fucking, there! His silken-clad body rubbed against me so deliciously. Before I could catch my breath or my out-of-control lust, he was between my legs and rubbing his hard cock against my panty-covered crotch. It was all I could do to fight the urge to wrap my legs around him. He spun away and paid Rachel the same attention that he did me.

When he stepped back to continue his dance, Rachel and I both were panting with desire. He danced for us while gradually revealing his body. The sleeves went first, then his chest and wonderful abs were revealed. The leggings went next, then the trunks, leaving him so very obviously erect in the strange thong he was wearing. The thong had a long pouch that stretched to fit. His cock was covered in black silk so tight it looked painted on. I was drooling to get his cock in my mouth. I could have given a fuck about the filming, the show, or much of anything else. My entire focus was on the magnificent man in front of me.

He moved between my legs again and began to dry hump me torturously. He was going to make me cum by rubbing his cock against me. I needed to kiss him desperately. “Take that mask off, Gary, and kiss me.”

The mask flew away, and his mouth captured mine. That was the final straw. I came my ass off. Things got a bit out of the event planner’s control after that. While I basked in the afterglow, Rachel peeled that silk off his cock and enveloped it with her wanton mouth. It didn’t take me long to join her. The two of us sucked his cock until he blew his load in my mouth. I happily shared it with Rachel while my husband stood tall and commanding, leaving no doubt in anyone’s mind that he had caught his prey, and they were his.

The applause was deafening. Rachel and I sprang to our feet and clung to him, both of us so happy and proud of him. Our eyes shimmered with tears of love for our wonderful man. He hadn’t been satisfied to hang out and wait. He worked hard to become a stripper and did it for us. It was so typically Gary and so very wonderful.

The judges didn’t see it quite the way the crowd did. Gary came in second. As far as Rachel and I were concerned, Gary blew all of them away. All the guys who did this shit for a living got schooled by the newbie, and it was glorious.

Gary turned in time to catch Tina as she leaped into his arms. “You did it, Baby! You were amazing! I want to fuck you so hard right now!”

She laid a kiss on him that had his cock swelling again. When she paused to take a breath, she grinned at him mischievously. “Did our little trick work?”

I gave her cute butt a smack. “If you mean that Rachel and I didn’t have a clue Gary was going to strip, I will have to say yes. Outside of that, no. When I saw him move and my body responded, I knew it was Gary. Nobody makes my body sing like he does.”

Gary had to go back onstage to get his trophy and various swag. Several club owners tried to offer him contracts to perform at their clubs, but he smilingly waved them off. Jen gathered everyone up, and we made our way to the movie set. Gary poured some water down his throat while Jen did her thing. She approached us, grinning. “That was so fucking hot. Uhm…Gary, would you consider being in my film? I would really like to use your performance in the movie.”

Gary shrugged. “Sure, if it helps.”

Jen nodded. “Uhm…well, that being the case…and you all looking so hot together…would you mind if I filmed the three of you, now… Fucking?”

Instantly, Rachel and I had our hands and lips on him. I think we may have influenced his decision just a little. He didn’t actually say yes. It was more of a moan as we pushed him onto the bed. Jen ran to her cameras, and our world shrank to the bed that held us. We forgot the rest of the world existed as Gary fucked us, and we fucked each other to glorious ecstasy. As we lay in the afterglow, I promised myself we would find a way to get Tina involved. I had an idea and decided to share it with Jen just as soon as I got my breath back and my legs working again.

Poor Tina tried to get comfortable on a director’s chair while masturbating furiously. It wasn’t working for her. She needed dick, and I knew how to handle that little problem. Jen had stepped away from her cameras and was watching the three of us closely. I motioned for her to come over, and when she bent down, I whispered my idea into her ear. She was so fucking happy she jumped up and down before running to her crew and setting things up.

Jen subtly told Zach and Trent what was planned. I loved that Zach came over and verified things with me before adopting his role in our little passion play. I watched as he talked quickly with Trent, then the two of them turned their focus on Tina.

Zach turned to Trent. “It looks like we have a sneaky little pervert watching our actors.”

The two of them quickly towered over Tina. “You’re trespassing, and you’re going to jail!”

The look of shock on her face was fucking hilarious. Zach gave her tits a squeeze. “Of course, if you would care to do a little trading, we might be able to overlook your crime. “ Trent squeezed her cute little ass. “Yeh, we’re all about some trading.” Tina melted immediately. She shot me a huge grin and mouthed, “I love you,” before adopting her new role as a voyeur slash criminal, trading sex for freedom.

She sure had the innocent girl act down pat. They ‘forced’ her onto her knees and took turns stuffing their cocks down her throat. She slobbered over their cocks for a while before they tossed her on the bed and went to town on her. She looked so damned hot with a dick in her mouth and another in her sweet little pussy. She writhed on the bed as the two men shot their cum on her belly and chest. She dredged some from her tit with her finger and sucked it from her finger with a look of innocent joy on her face. That part alone was epically hot.

Jen kept the cameras rolling for another five minutes while Zach and Trent kissed her and caressed her body. Their affection for her was obvious, and closed out the scene on a sweet note. Jen decided that everyone needed a break for the day. Tomorrow, she would film the big scene between the two strippers and the two wayward wives on vacation.

After everything that had happened during filming so far, I expected she would be doing a bit of re-writing for the closing scene. The foursome she had originally planned seemed a bit pedestrian, considering the scenes that had already been filmed. I also got the distinct impression that Jen was horny as hell and wanted a turn getting nailed to a bed.

I had a talk with Ken and Scott while she began putting equipment away. I had zero problems convincing them to seduce her. It was pretty funny, really. Jen didn’t catch on right away. The two strippers approached her and tried to make contact. Jen was so focused on her tasks that she dodged them both, totally clueless about their intentions. Finally, the two men trapped her between them. Scott stopped any talking she might attempt by kissing her passionately. She melted in his arms and was easy pickings after that. 

Gary and Rachel joined me to help collect a rather lethargic Tina. The four of us headed out the door. Jen was busy getting her brains fucked out. I figured we would see her a bit later.

We relaxed in the pool for a while back at the suite before snuggling in bed. It had been a full and very satisfying day. The warmth of the ones I love against me was so blissfully comforting that I was out in no time at all.



I’m so tickled that Gary and Lisa asked me to write down a few things from my viewpoint. I read what they both had written and I will admit I cried. I can know things in my heart, like that they love me, for example, but seeing it in writing, straight from their hearts, overwhelmed me. I don’t know why it affected me the way it did. They’ve both told me of their love so many times, and I know it’s true. I guess a little `part of me has always felt like I was like the dessert to the meal that was their love. I was welcome and very much appreciated, but dessert just the same.

It really hit home when I read their words. I was ashamed of the doubt I had harbored in my heart. They were in the kitchen talking over coffee when I ran into the room and threw an arm around each of their necks. I was crying, and snot was running down that little notch thing under my nose. “I love you both so fucking much!”

They held me close without words, giving me time to find my own. I managed to get a hold of myself about the time I realized what a mess I was. Gary handed me a paper towel, and I noisily blew my nose.

Lisa smiled gently. “Yeh, I cried too when I read what Gary wrote.”

I shook my head. “It wasn’t just Gary. It was both of you.”

They kissed my face. I was returning their smiles when Jen walked into the kitchen. “Well, good morning! You three look all romantic and shit. You make me sick with your happiness exuding all over the place and making me smile. Stop it so I can be the moody director the cliché calls for.

“Today is going to be awesome! You know the amazing thing? The script is out the window and I don’t have a clue what we're going to do. Normally, I would be frantic in such a dire situation, but not today. Today, I have a secret weapon. I have friends who make everything smoking hot. I know we’ll figure something out, and it will be awesome.”

I looked over at Lisa and shared a lascivious grin with her. Challenge accepted. We both turned to our husband. I asked him, “Any ideas, Babe?”

His answering grin sent shivers through me. Be careful what you wish for, girl. He’s going to rock our world!”

“I’ve got a ton of ideas. I will be happy to share them with the Director. You two go get ready while Jen and I talk.”

Lisa and I gave him sullen looks, but we didn’t mean them. We went to get ready, both of us anticipating a wild day on the set.

I don’t know what Gary told her, but the devious look on her face made Lisa and I both freeze for a moment. We gave each other a look, grinned, and went with it. Whatever Gary had come up with was bound to be fun.

Within a few minutes, our group of nine made our way to the conference room slash porn studio for the grand finale. We dressed in the same clothes we wore to the competition because our closing scene occurred directly after that. Lisa and I would be celebrating Ken and Scott’s win at the competition. They didn’t win, but it’s porn, so who gives a fuck? We would enter our room with the two strippers. Things would escalate from there. 

I happen to know that Lisa, as well as myself, would be perfectly happy getting our brains fucked out by Ken and Scott. I wanted to see how much of Ken’s ten-inch cock I could take. I certainly hadn’t forgotten about that wonderful fat cock of Scott’s, either. Lisa and I both wanted to be fucked by both of them and not only one at a time. The idea of having both of their cocks in me at the same time, taking me, and making me cum so fucking hard, had my pussy all squishy. Lisa and I both were like a couple of thoroughbreds straining against the gate. Jen’s voice called out, “Action!”

We opened our hotel room door. Lisa and I walked into the room arm in arm, followed by Ken and Scott. We were laughing and sharing flirty looks. Ken and Scott’s characters knew that they were going to fuck these two married ladies. The ladies knew it, too, but needed just a bit more encouragement.

Music would be added in post-production. It was kind of strange, but very hot, to see Ken and Scott stripping for us in near silence.  Ken pulled me close and began to grind his erection against my positively buzzing pussy. It would have been a short movie if I hadn’t still had my clothes on. I would have had his cock in me so fast you’d have to pause the video to see it. His mouth captured mine. Our tongues came together while both of us were nearly overwhelmed with lust.

There is no doubt that Ken is an amazingly hot man with a huge cock and a wonderful personality. He’s sexy as hell and very enticing. I was hot for him, without a doubt. The constant tease from the time we had arrived took me to the realm of animal lust. Kissing led to playing, and the heat between us kept building until we were ready to explode.

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I’m not an animal. I could have walked away if I had felt that I needed to. Gary had made sure that I didn’t need to. I let my lust take me and forgot the world outside of the four of us existed. While our tongues wrestled, I used both hands to free his cock. I broke the kiss because I had to have that massive dick in my mouth. I dropped to my knees and watched his cockhead swell as my hands slowly stroked him. Several inches of cock projected from my hands. I found that those inches fit my mouth nicely.

I sucked that big, wonderful cock without a thought about camera angles. Fortunately, Ken was aware enough to pull my hair back and hold it in his fist. I’m sure from the camera's viewpoint, it looked like he was using my hair to control me while he face-fucked me. His hand was actually gentle. I was the one forcing my head onto his cock as hard, fast, and deep as I could stand.

Ken was beginning to tug on my hair, pulling me back. It took me a while to realize he wanted me to stop. My cock-lust subsided enough to bring my attention back. I pulled his cock from my mouth and looked up at him wantonly. I even remembered my line. It was pretty easy because it was exactly what I wanted to say anyway. “I want your cock in me.”

He pulled me to my feet, picked me up, and carried me to the bed. Lisa was already there, as was Scott. His tongue was working over her clit while two fingers explored her pussy. It was pretty easy to tell that he had found her g-spot when she came all over his hand.

My attention was quickly reclaimed when Ken’s tongue hit my clit. I was so wound up that I orgasmed nearly instantly. I was still in the throes of ecstasy when his cock replaced his tongue, slipped between my labia, and began to push inside me. God, what a monster! He kept filling me and filling me until I took all that I could.

Things would have been entirely different if our coupling had been via the usual route of dating, making out, and finally going to bed. First-time sex in that scenario would be an event that I would have planned ahead and would have also wondered if it would be as good as I hoped. I would have my eyes wide open, and when that massive prick made its presence known, that would have been the end of things right then. There is no way I would normally consider putting myself at risk with a beast like that.

This wasn’t that scenario. In this scenario, I had gotten to know Ken and Scott. They were good guys, and I knew I was safe. Our arousal had hit a fever pitch, my pussy was as lubricated as it could possibly get, and I wanted that big cock in me. I had to know if it felt as amazing as it looked. I wasn’t fearful of it, I lusted for it.

Ken was a very experienced lover. He was well aware of the weapon he wielded. He entered me perfectly, inch by inch, allowing my body to adjust. He filled me completely and held himself still. I could feel his cock throbbing deep inside me, and I lost my mind. I remember grabbing him by the hair on his head and slamming my lips against his. I remember thrashing his tongue with mine, and I remember breaking the kiss and looking at him in wanton lust. “Fuck me!”

I couldn’t believe how quickly he made me orgasm on that amazing cock. The first one shattered me, and I lay like a limp rag while he fucked the hell out of me. On the video, it looks like I’ve nearly passed out, and he’s pummeling away. In reality, I was cumming so fucking hard I was totally focused inward. The sensations in my pussy were my world. He wasn’t fucking a defenseless woman. He was fucking a wanton slut, and she was loving every second of it.

I was orgasming hard yet again when I felt the satin smooth head of a cock brush my lips. I opened my mouth readily to take Scott’s eight-inch and very thick cock in my mouth. I knew from our previous efforts that I could just barely take him fully in my mouth. When my gag reflex tripped, my eyes flew open. I quickly realized that the cock in my mouth wasn’t Scott’s. Zach was holding himself up by his massive arms while feeding his cock into my mouth. At the sound of my gag, he backed off a little. He had no intention of pulling out, so I did what I had to do.

I sucked his cock like it was the most delicious treat I’d ever tasted. I got him to the brink and was looking forward to swallowing my reward when he pulled back. He leaned down to kiss me and whispered, “You are awesome at that, but we have a movie to make and I can’t cum yet.”

I couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed. I was soon distracted when Ken rolled us over. I was straddling him, grinding my clit against his pelvis, when someone started playing with my ass. I looked over my shoulder. A naked and very erect Trent was lining his cock up with my ass. I settled against Ken’s chest and relaxed as best I could. Considering that I already had a giant cock in me and had orgasmed, who knows how many times already, I think I did pretty well.

Well enough that when his cockhead popped into my ass, there was a little sting, but nothing worrisome. A minute later, I was getting the fucking of my life as the two men pumped their cocks in and out of me. I became totally lost in the sensation of being double penetrated. When Scott stuffed his cock in my mouth, I came so hard that I nearly bit him.

They fucked me through two massive orgasms before turning their attention to Lisa. Zach returned to me, but not for a blow job. He settled behind me, raised my leg, and slipped his cock into my pussy from behind. His hand played with my clit as he stroked his nine-inch cock into me. He fucked me wonderfully while the cameras focused mainly on Lisa’s ravishment. From what little I could see then, her experience might have exceeded my own in the orgasm department.

When the guys got close, Lisa and I knelt before them. They shot their loads on our faces and chests. The scene finished with Lisa and I alternating between deep tongue kisses and licking cum off of each other.

Suddenly, the door to the hallway banged open. Gary and Tina rushed into the room and quickly slammed the door. Tina leaned against Gary, breathing hard. “I think… We… Lost them.”

Gary stroked her hair. “It’s okay, Baby. They didn’t see us duck in here. Security will catch up to them soon…

“How did you know this room was unlocked?”

She looked up at him shyly. “Well, I kind of stumbled across it the other day. They were filming a movie and I kind of snuck in and watched for a while.”

Gary looked at her, shocked. “Where was I when this happened?”

“You were qualifying for the competition, and I was bored. I went wandering around the hotel, just listening near the room doors. I was kind of hoping to hear some people fucking.”

Gary was looking at her intensely. “Is that why you came into this room? Were they filming a sex video? Were they fucking in here?”

Zach’s deep voice froze everyone. “Yes, and we still are!

“This is the second time your young lady has broken our security and…”

“She’s not my young lady, she’s my wife. We are on our honeymoon.”

Trent, Scott, and Ken all stood and turned their naked bodies toward the couple at the door. Their cocks were growing as they leered at Tina. Tina was blushing fetchingly while staring unabashedly at their growing cocks. “Are you going to arrest me like last time?”

Ken walked up to her. His massive erection touched her belly and slid up under her bikini top as he closed the distance. He stood over her petite form like a giant with his amazing cock between her tits. “You’re a two-time offender, from what I understand. Apparently, we need to rehabilitate you with more vigor than last time.”

I finally caught on and followed my instincts. “Hey! New Hubby! Get your ass over here. Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in? I should have the guys haul your ass off to jail.

“I’ll give you one chance to make amends. Your choice: follow my orders without exception or go to jail. What’s it gonna be, Hubby?”

Gary was a pretty good actor. He pretended to be confused and torn about what to do, but his body was positioned so that the light hit his speedo-clad erection perfectly. I stuck out a finger and lifted his chin up with it. “Better think quick. It looks like your lovely wife has made her decision.”

Gary jerked and nearly stumbled, turning to look at his new bride. Lisa took advantage of the distraction to kneel behind him. His mouth fell open upon seeing his lovely wife. Lisa yanked his speedo down at that moment, revealing his raging erection. Gary pretended to be in shock as he watched his new bride, on her knees, sucking four cocks. There was no doubt that she was totally into it as she moved from cock to cock sucking, licking, and trying to swallow them whole.

Tina paused and held a cock in each hand as she looked up at her new husband. “Honey, it beats going to jail. I’m betting this is much more fun.”

She grinned lasciviously at him and maintained eye contact as she slipped Zach’s cock between her lips. Gary groaned, and his cock pulsed. Tina pulled the cock from her mouth and looked at him again. “Honey, these guys are going to fuck me for a while. Why don’t you do what these nice ladies ask you to do, and we can both avoid jail.

“I mean, it’s your choice, Honey. You can go to jail if you feel you must. I’m sure these fine folks will make sure I’m taken care of while you’re gone.”

Gary got a fierce look on his face, nodded once to his new wife, then turned to me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me with such passion that I got light-headed. In seconds, he was taking me like never before. He controlled me completely and fucked me thoroughly. I have never orgasmed so intensely in my life. He owned me, and I loved every second of it. I was a gasping, trembling, fucked out mess when he turned his attention to Lisa and did it to her.

I can only say that I was exhausted. It wasn’t my fault that I woke up to gentle shaking from Gary. “Wake up, Babe. It’s time to go get ready for dinner.”

Lisa was in the same shape that I was, and I found that reassuring. It turned out that we missed Tina getting her brains fucked out. Jen is going to release that as a separate movie. It did take them a while to finish up. I swear I don’t know where Tina gets the energy, or the stamina for that matter.

We arrived back at the suite and staggered our way into our room. The goal was hot showers that would, hopefully, reinvigorate us enough to eat dinner. The bathroom door opened. Ken came out carrying Tina in his massive arms. Trent came out behind him, and the two men walked to the door. Tina looked over Ken’s shoulder and smiled languidly. “They’re being so nice to me.”

I looked at Lisa, and we both relaxed and smiled. I knew she had been just as concerned as I was about Tina. Gangbangs aren’t exactly lovey-dovey experiences. Who else but Tina would end up having her own personal servants wash her body afterward?

We showered and put on bikinis mainly so we could answer the door for room service. We had a huge amount of stuff coming, and it was going to take a bit of a crew to deliver it. We meandered out onto the pool deck, ready for a cold beverage and a relaxing evening.

Lisa and I nearly broke down laughing when we saw Tina. She was lying on the lounge surrounded by four hunky men. Her pussy glistened with the medicated lotion that Trent was gently applying while the other guys massaged her sore muscles. Her eyes were barely open. She had a look of utter contentment on her face.

Lisa snickered before whispering, “All they need is some big Palm fronds to wave over her.”

I nodded, “Maybe some oil on those hot bodies.”

Gary smiled at us. “I’ll make sure that you both get similar treatment. Sorry, but I only have two hands, which might take a bit longer.”

Neither Lisa nor I thought that would be a problem.



I didn’t even have to beg! They asked me to write some, too, and I was all over that. I should probably share a little more about myself before I tell you how happy I am. You know what I look like and have probably made a few assumptions regarding what makes me tick. That’s okay, I guess. I‘m used to it. I do ask that you keep an open mind and accept the real me as you get to know me.

People tend to make assumptions about you when you’re petite and attractive. That tendency grows legs when the petite and attractive person is also a very happy and outgoing person. It was a painful lesson to learn. My heart was broken by more than one boy who was more interested in who he thought I was rather than who I really was. I hide my scars deeply because I choose joy whenever I can. I find joy in so many things that some consider me rather ditzy. My feelings have grown callouses. I’ve learned to avoid those people when I can and ignore them when I can’t.

The fact that I’m getting ready to start my hospital residency at twenty-two doesn’t fit into their definition of me. I received my first college degree at the age of seventeen. I have a master's in mechanical engineering and a Ph.D. in finance. I did that while competing at a national level in gymnastics. I thought the medical field could probably use a good engineer and decided to become a doctor, so I understood the need better. I’m not ditzy, and I’m definitely not stupid, or vapid, or a dingbat. A person can be considered a genius and still be a person. I like me just fine, thank you.

My life was full of work and study, with very little social stuff, when I met Gary, Lisa, and Rachel. The first time I served their table, I knew I needed them in my life. They are so full of joy and love. And so hot and sexy! I wanted Gary so badly my thong was practically dripping. Lisa and Rachel were smoking hot. I could tell that they were into each other. I wanted to be with them too. I knew it would be wonderful.

Mostly, though, I really liked them as people. They are the kind of people we all need in our lives. They help us grow and make us happy while they do it.

I was so excited when they invited me to join them on that amazing evening. The more time we spent together, the more my instincts were proven right. I entered into their lives, riding the wave of happiness they so freely provided. I was having so much fun.

My world changed when they took me home with them. I’ve always enjoyed sex, but I’ve never enjoyed sex like I did that night. I never imagined it could be so good. Suddenly, things changed from fun with friends to making love with lovers. I was falling hard for Gary, and I knew that Lisa and Rachel were right there with him. I had a choice to make.

You might think that I carefully analyzed the plusses and minuses of being in love and how that would affect my career path. It wasn’t that complicated. When I left their house that next morning, I knew I would be back. When I returned, it would be without reservation. I would give them all of me, trusting them to treat me kindly. I followed their advice and let it all soak in for three days. Each hour of those days moved glacially because each hour that passed made my decision clearer.

When I returned it wasn’t good, it was wonderful. I never questioned my decision, and I never will. I didn’t know in those early days if they would ever love me like they did each other. I wanted that more than anything I could imagine. If I remained their friend with benefits, I would be more than happy to fill that role, but I truly wanted their love.

As long as they would have me, I would be with them. That was my bottom line. I would never give up trying to win their love because I was so very much in love with them. I’m not naive. I know you can’t make someone love you. Hanging around in and of itself won’t do that either. I believed that they did have feelings for me. They needed time to process a huge change in their lives. I was willing to give them all the time they needed. I’m in it for good. How could I not be? They’ve given me their love and so much happiness I’d have to be insane not to be in for as long as I live.

We do have so much fun. Lisa, Rachel, and Gary are marvelous lovers. Give me any one of them, or any combination of them, and I’ll have the best sex of my life. It’s not just the sex, though. I cannot describe the love and contentment I feel when one of them holds me.

So, now you know a little more about me and how I feel about my three loves. I can’t wait to introduce them to my family. It will be so much fun. Daddy’s gonna love Lisa and Rachel. I expect Mom will be drooling over Gary. I’ll have to give my siblings some thought. I have a feeling that Gary, Lisa, and Rachel are really going to like my family.

Let’s see. We finished the movie and were back at the suite. I was sore and tired. I also had four men making over me, massaging my body, and treating me like a fucking princess. It was so awesome I never wanted it to end. The morning light and Gary’s soft endearments informed me that it had ended some time ago. I opened my eyes and was captured by his. “Good morning, beautiful. I love you.”

I grinned and pulled him into a hug. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. “Take me to the bathroom, please.”

He made a production out of grunting his way to his feet, but I knew he could carry me around easily. His body is so defined with muscle, and he moves with such grace. He feels so warm and sexy. I love to feel his muscles move as he carries me.

I started kissing and nipping at his neck as he carried me. When he set me onto my feet in the bathroom, I squeezed his cock. After that, talking him into showering with me was easy. We worked out an equitable trade. He washed my body while I sucked his wonderful cock. I got clean and got my morning protein shot. He got a goofy smile on his face. Everyone wins!

Today was our last full day at the resort. We hurried to get breakfast so we could spend the day doing fun stuff. The four of us left the resort to explore and shop. Gary rented us a taxi for the day, which turned out to be a Toyota van of a style we don’t get in North America. We had acres of room and ended up buying a bunch of stuff for the house. Lisa, Rachel, and I snuck off on our own for a while and bought some fun swimsuits. Gary was in for a surprise!

We packed as much as we could when we returned to the resort. We wanted to have fun that evening and didn’t want to have to frantically pack in the morning. I suspected we would be a bit hungover when we left for home.

Having done all we could, it was time for the pool. Gary stretched his swim trunks wonderfully when he saw us in our new swimsuits. All three were in the style of Wild Weasel and never intended for public view. Gary’s erection looked painful. I offered to pull it out and apply saliva to ease his discomfort, but Lisa and Rachel grabbed me before I could do anything and tossed me into the pool. My devious mind went to work on a plan for a little payback later when they least expected it.

I was having visions of both of them tied to the bed while I edged them for hours when Jen came out to join us. “I’ve got the preliminary edit done. There’s still a lot of editing to do, but it is viewable. I was thinking we could watch it together after dinner.”

Of course, we were all about that. We really didn’t have enough room in the living area for everyone. Jen called the guys and told them to meet us at the studio. It was a great idea. There was plenty of room, video equipment, and places to lie down comfortably. Once we got there, we contacted room service and ordered enough food and alcohol to feed a family of five for a year (assuming the kids were old enough to drink).

We snacked and drank while Jen set things up and started the video. “There aren’t any titles or credits yet. I’ll take care of that in post. That reminds me, I need porn names for everybody. Maybe we can brainstorm some after the movie.”

Lisa suggested Cutey Puss for me. I jumped on her and tickled her until she begged for mercy. I rolled off of her and raised my hand like I was in elementary school. “Gary should be Hunky Bigcock! Lisa can be Ima Tightpussy, and Rachel can be Schoolmarm Hotty!”

Rachel grabbed me and held me down while Lisa tickled me. I pretended I was pissed when Rachel made her suggestion. “How about we call you Red On The Head Like The Cock On A Poodle?”

Jen was laughing for some reason. “That one might be a bit long. Now, do you want to watch this or not?”

Immediately, Lisa, Rachel, and I sat up, lined up next to each other, with our legs crossed meditation style. Our faces took on a studious look. Our eyes were laser-focused on the big monitor hanging on the wall.

Jen chuckled. “Hell, if I had known I could get you to do that, I surely would have done it long ago.”

The opening scene started. We watched as Lisa and Rachel explored the resort and met Ken and Scott. The heat was a slow build. I figured people would find this movie much more erotic than the usual quick jerk ones. Lisa, Rachel, and I thought that the way Jen built the desire between the actors was hot as hell. 

When the oral sex scene came on, Lisa and Rachel got that gleam in their eyes. They quickly moved over to Ken and Scott and began to re-enact the scene. Gary chuckled and called out, “Lisa, Rachel, behave so we can watch the movie. You can suck all the cock you want later.”

That was a bit hypocritical of him because, as he said that, he was laying back with his hands behind his head and his cock in my mouth. I didn’t see the sense in arguing the point. I think it’s bad manners to talk with my mouth full.

Lisa and Rachel stuck their tongues out at us but stopped sucking. They did remain where they were, with cock in hand, waiting for an opportune moment to suck them again. They were watching us surreptitiously. When I took Gary’s cock back in my mouth, they both copied my move. Gary, being Gary, didn’t take long to figure that one out. “Oh, I see. You want to play that game?”

He grabbed Jen’s ankle and pulled. “Jen, would you mind sitting on my face, please?”

I thought Jen was going to pull a hamstring when she leaped into action. She was straddling his head and lowering her pussy on his face before the second hand could move. I decided that my pussy needed to be on Gary’s cock and did my cowgirl thing. It was super awesome to grind on his cock while Jen kissed me.

Not to be outdone, Lisa got on her hands and knees and waved at Zach. He grinned at her. She pointed at her pussy while raising an eyebrow. He moved behind her and slid his big cock into her pussy. Her mouth went back onto Ken’s cock. Rachel adopted her strategy and was soon being pounded from behind by Trent with Scott’s cock in her mouth.

I kind of lost track of things for a while because Gary was making me cum so good. I came so hard that I fell off his cock. Jen was on it like she was shot from a cannon. I took a moment to look at my wives. They were cumming like crazy with cock in their asses and pussies. The movie played on, but I don’t think anyone remembers watching more than the first few minutes.

When the four of us cried uncle and left for bed, Jen was busy being taken by the four men and rapidly fading from all the orgasms. It was an amazing last night at the resort. As much fun as we had, I was ready to go home. I wanted to settle into domestic bliss with my loves.

The next morning, Zach and Trent escorted us to the airport. Customs took all of a second because they pretty much don’t care what you leave with. We had some time to kill and had the private terminal to ourselves. I took Zach’s hand, then grabbed Trent’s as well. “I need a security escort to the pilot’s lounge, please.”

I led them through the lounge door and spotted the bed against the wall. I also spotted two pilots doing paperwork, but I didn’t let that slow me down. It was super fun to fuck both of them in front of the pilots. The pilots seemed to enjoy the show. I base that assumption on the fact that both of them masturbated furiously and made a hell of a mess on their paperwork.

Fortunately, the lounge had a shower. I really didn’t want to carry the fuck funk with me all day. The plane was ready when we returned to the group. All of us girls took turns kissing Zach and Trent. We were going to miss them.

By the time we finally arrived home, all we wanted was something to eat, a relaxing beverage, and sleep. Jen had decided there needed to be a movie premier party at True Colors. She was going to let us know when. I’m sure that will be an adventure, too, but right now? Right now, I want to love and be loved by Gary, Lisa, and Rachel, then I want to see what fun tomorrow will bring. We'll stay in touch.

Written by Woodart
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