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Curiosity 2

"Gary's world has changed"

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When I entered the room, Rachel was lying beside Lisa, looking right at me. On the other hand, Lisa was looking for pinholes in her eyelids. A soft snore escaped her mouth, and Rachel chuckled quietly. I walked around the bed and made sure that Lisa was tucked in before kissing her forehead. She was dead to the world.

Rachel got up and joined me as I walked out of the room. We went to the kitchen, and I poured us a glass of wine. I leaned back against the island while Rachel leaned against the kitchen cabinets. She had read me pretty well and knew that I wasn’t feeling all that romantic at the moment.

“Rachel, I am so confused right now. I know the alpha types would say kick her to the curb, but that’s the last thing I want to do. I understand how things happened and probably would have reacted the same if I were in a situation that erotic. I can also understand how she could lose herself in the experience. I guess what worries me is that if tonight tempted her so much, when will the next temptation happen? Will she decide that she likes fucking other people? Will I even fit in the life she lives next?

“I know what she said, but she was exhausted. I can’t help but wonder if, after she’s had time to think about it, she’ll want to do it again. Tonight was the best sexual experience of her life without a doubt, and I’m left feeling inadequate as hell.”

Rachel’s eyes were wet when she walked over to me. “I’m glad you’re telling me this now so we can deal with it. If you said those things to Lisa, it would break her heart. I’m not seeing the Gary that Lisa and I know and love. Yes, I said love. I do love you, Gary, and so does Lisa. She loves you with a passion I’ve never witnessed before. You truly do complete her. If you lose your faith in her, it will destroy her.

“I get where you’re coming from. I really do. My ex-husband’s PA is younger, hotter, and much more compliant than I am. I saw my marriage evaporate and couldn’t do a damn thing about it. And do you know why? It wasn’t because she had me beat in every sexual measure. It was because he didn’t love me. It’s as simple as that. He betrayed our marriage without one second of compassion for the woman he’d promised to love all of his life.

“Do you understand what I’m telling you? Tonight happened, and at the end of it Lisa was concerned about you. When you touched her, her entire world focused on you. I don’t believe for a second that you will lose Lisa because of a sexual adventure. Your biggest danger is losing faith in yourself and in her.

She kissed my lips lightly while I wrapped my head around what she had told me. I wanted to believe everything she had said about Lisa’s love for me. It hit me hard when I realized that I was making this hard and doing it by doubting the woman I love. I hugged Rachel and held her tight until my arms got tired. “Thank you, Rachel, for saving me from myself.”

I let her get some circulation back and kissed her lips. “Has Lisa told you yet that she’s in love with you?”

Rachel shook her head. “I really feel that she does, but she hasn’t said it.”

I kissed her again. “It’s like she’s waiting for something, isn’t it?”


“I know what she’s waiting for. When she wakes in the morning, the waiting will be over. In the interim, what will you and I do to fill the long hours of waiting? I suppose we could sleep, but to be honest, there is this amazing, beautiful woman in my arms, and I would very much like to make love to her.

“What are your thoughts on the matter, dear Rachel? Sleep or…?”

Her mouth fell on mine, and her tongue was in my mouth in a heartbeat. She managed to pull back after a few minutes, although her hand kept squeezing my erect cock through my pants. She rubbed a hand along my length. “I’ll take ‘or’ anytime and every time.”


I left Rachel sleeping soundly in the guest room where the two of us had spent the night. The anxiety I had suppressed woke me early, and it was just as well. I wanted to be near Lisa when she woke so that she wouldn’t be anxious, especially since I hadn’t slept in our bed last night. I could just see her waking up to see my side of the bed undisturbed and jumping to some unhealthy conclusion.

I checked on her as soon as I got up. I walked over to the bed and looked down at her sleeping face. She looked so wonderfully beautiful. It struck me how very much I loved her. I leaned down and kissed her cheek, but she was sleeping so deeply I knew she didn’t notice. That was fine with me. I hadn’t wanted to disturb her anyway. I walked around to the other side of the bed and pulled the covers down. I took my pillow, rolled it around a bit to make it look used, and gently laid it against Lisa’s shoulder.

I stepped back and took a short look. If she woke alone, she would roll onto my pillow and see the turned-down blankets. She would hopefully assume that I slept next to her and, therefore, wouldn’t be upset. She could then wake up without worrying that I left her or some shit like that. When we got around to talking about last night, I wanted us both calm and open to each other.

I made coffee and read for an hour before taking a shower and getting dressed for the day. I got Lisa a glass of cold water and some Ibuprofen. I walked into the bedroom with the idea of letting her sleep and leaving my little offering on the nightstand.

I’m sure that I didn’t make a noise. I think she sensed my presence because her eyes opened sleepily, and she watched me set the water and pills down. Her voice was soft but full of emotion. “I love you, Gary.”

I looked at her, and what I saw nearly broke my heart. She looked like she was bracing for the blow that would kill her. I was on the bed holding her in an instant. I kissed her lips, then looked into her pain-filled eyes. “I love you, Lisa. That hasn’t changed, and it won’t. I’m not going anywhere unless you make me.”

I needed her to know that the choice was hers. It was always hers. There was no way I would give her up unless she wanted out. I would let her go if she decided her life needed something I couldn’t give her. I refused to contemplate what life would be like after that.

Her arms held me tightly. She buried her face in my neck for the longest time. When she pulled back to look at me, I smiled gently. That got me another crushing hug. “I’m a stupid slut, and I don’t deserve you, Gary.”

“You’re not stupid or a slut. You are a very passionate and beautiful woman. Last night, I saw what was happening and could have stopped it. I didn’t because I knew that the uninhibited you wanted it and that it would be an amazing experience for you. I promise that you won’t lose me because of last night.

“Now, why don’t you take some time to start your day? I’ll be waiting in the kitchen when you’re ready. I’m making omelets for breakfast.”

Rachel was sitting at the kitchen table sipping her coffee when I walked into the kitchen. I walked over to her, gave her a good morning kiss, and started organizing breakfast. Rachel watched for a moment, then talked to my back. “You really are lousy at hiding your anxiety. Look at me, Gary.”

I set the knife down next to the cutting board and turned to face her. “Gary, honey, you need to get some perspective. You’ve not only accepted that Lisa had sex with Anna and Deb, but you’re also really happy for Lisa that it happened. It isn’t the sex that’s fucking with you.

“Do you really think that one night of hot sex is enough to destroy your marriage? Do you think for one second that Lisa would let that happen? Do you have so little faith in her love for you that you think she’ll toss you aside so she can fuck other people?”

I understood everything she said. “I understand, and I want to believe it, but I can also see how tempted Lisa must be. Hell, I have never made her feel the way they did. Why wouldn’t she want more of them or someone like them? It would be so easy for her to go down that path. Even if she treated me kindly, I would still be the second choice. I can’t imagine living my life knowing that I’m not enough to make my wife happy.

“As I stand here thinking about what I just said, it suddenly occurs to me what’s really fucking with me. It isn’t the worry about possible future events. It’s the right now. After last night, I know that I’ll never be the best lover my wife ever had. When she thinks about her most wonderful orgasms, someone else will be in her thoughts. It’s like I have a sign around my neck now that says, ‘He’s Not bad, But She’s Had Better.”

I was on a roll now. “How do I fight that? I’ve already seen that I can’t compete. Now that she’s experienced Anna and Deb, why wouldn’t she want more? I couldn’t live with that, of being reminded every time she was with someone else that I wasn’t good enough. Even if she doesn’t fool around with other people, I’ll feel like I’m keeping her from the sexual fulfillment she deserves.

It’s not her having sex that bothers me. In all honesty, I thought last night was erotic as hell. Lisa looked so fucking hot and sexy. I’m sure you felt it, too. I loved seeing her like that, so lost in ecstasy and giving herself to the moment.

“No, the problem isn’t the sex. DAMMIT! It’s my own feelings of not being good enough for the woman I love with all my soul!

I turned back toward the counter and grabbed a potato. It was blurry in my vision for some reason, and I hesitated to pick up the knife. I felt a hand on my arm and turned my head. Lisa was standing next to me with tears in her eyes. “Gary, you have always been and will always be the greatest lover I’ve ever known. You are part of me, and I treasure you. Please stop making yourself out to be a failure. You’re not one, and I don’t like you thinking that you are.”

It wasn’t just the words or the empathy that swept my self-destructive thoughts away. It was her presence. I could feel her emotions as if they were my own. I understood the feelings behind the words and knew there was no doubt about her love for me.

I also knew I’d made myself crazy with worry for no good reason. Add to that pissing off Rachel by being an oblivious dick and making my wife cry. Well, it can only get better from here. Unless I talk some more.

I wrapped my arms around my wife and kissed her with everything I had, and she kissed me back the same. We stayed at it a while. Our hands were getting busy when Rachel coughed loudly. “I’d say get a room, but you would, and I’m hungry. Gary, get to cooking. Lisa, come over here and kiss me good morning.”

I chuckled and disobeyed orders. I wasn’t about to start cutting potatoes and turn my back on that kiss. Lisa swayed across the floor as Rachel stood to meet her. They held each other, their lips met softly, and they kissed each other good morning romantically. Any second now. Here it comes.

It didn’t take long before ‘Good morning.’ turned into ‘I desire you.’. They were really into it and barely managed to pull themselves apart before they got to the ‘You, Me, Bed, Now’ point. I got busy cooking and soon had the omelets, potatoes, and bacon ready. I set their plates at either end of the table and sat myself down in the middle. I knew if I let them sit next to each other, they would continue to play, and breakfast would be forgotten. Lisa needed her energy back. I bet she would love a nice massage and a nap after breakfast.

I broke up their footsy playing twice and paid the price for that. Before I knew it, I had two hands suddenly squeezing my cock under the table. Fortunately, I was done eating by that point, and the coffee wasn’t all that hot when I dumped the cup on my own chest. They thought that was pretty funny. Me? Not so much.

I went to the bathroom and stripped off my T-shirt. I filled the sink with cold water and put the shirt in to soak so the stain wouldn’t set. I would spot-wash it in a while. I had higher priorities at the moment and walked into the bedroom to see if my two priorities had arrived.

They had, and the two vixens had started without me. Lisa was settled between Rachel’s legs, and the two of them were making out rather vigorously. I normally would have kicked back and let them have at it, but today was different. I climbed into bed and moved right up against Rachel’s body. I propped my head on my arm and watched them kiss a few inches away.

They could feel my breath on the side of their faces and managed to keep kissing for a few moments. Lisa was the first to blurt a laugh into Rachel’s mouth. That made Rachel laugh, and the kiss fell apart, just as I had hoped.

Lisa turned her head the tiny bit required to look me in the eye. “Bit needy this morning, babe?”

I smiled and kissed her cheek. “Nope. But we do have a little business to take care of.”

Lisa looked at me, puzzled, while Rachel just looked confused. “Yes, dear, we do. I believe there is something you have been aching to tell Rachel. I also believe you haven’t told her because you were concerned about me.

“I’m here to tell you, dear, that I’m very happy that you feel the way you do about her. So, please, tell her.”

Lisa studied my face for a moment in wonder. I took advantage of that to kiss her lips. I gave her some room, and she looked into Rachel’s eyes. “I’m in love with you, sweet Rachel. I want to be with you always.”

Tears flooded Rachel’s eyes, then their lips met, and their love flowed through that wonderful connection. I watched, smiling as they sealed their promise to each other. When their lips parted, Lisa was so very happy. She grinned down at Rachel. I took advantage of the distance between them to turn Rachel’s head toward me. I looked into her lovely eyes. “I’m in love with you too, Rachel. Would you consider living with us?”

The tears came again. Rachel was trying to talk while sobbing. “I…love you both…so…so….much!”

I looked at my wife and grinned. “I didn’t hear her say yes to living with us. I guess we’ll have to convince her. I’ll take the top while you take the bottom. Sound good?”

Lisa grinned mischievously. “That sounds really good.”

Lisa lowered her head and began kissing her way down Rachel’s belly. I captured Rachel’s lovely lips with mine and kissed her thoroughly. Lisa lovingly licked Rachel’s pussy while I kissed her lips, her neck, and her amazing tits. I loved it when Rachel moaned into my mouth as my wife made her orgasm. She completely lost herself in the pleasure our mouths were giving her. I can only imagine how that orgasm must have been for her. I could easily see why they call it afterglow. She seemed to glow with happiness. I’ve never seen her look more beautiful.

Lisa left her position between the very relaxed Rachel’s thighs and settled next to her. The way they kissed had me hard as granite. I definitely wanted to share my current state with the beauties next to me, but not yet.

I let them enjoy their kiss and finally settle next to each other while looking all lovey-dovey at each other. “So, Rachel? Is that a yes?”

She looked at me, positively glowing, and smiled. “Yes, that’s a definite yes.”

I gave her another kiss, then turned to my wife. She lifted her head to me so that I could kiss her. My hand cupped her face. “I am so very sorry for how I acted. It happened so fast, and I wasn’t prepared for it. I reacted like an idiot, and I hurt you. You didn’t do a thing wrong. I’m glad you had a great time. I want you to have a great time. Maybe not as surprising next time?”

Lisa grinned at me. “I love you too. Now shut up and kiss me.”

I did, with enthusiasm. The position I was in leaning over Rachel didn’t lend itself to long and drawn-out kisses, but we made the most of the moments we had. I settled back on the pillow and looked at the two amazing women lying next to me. “I would love for you to tell me how it all felt. It must have been wonderful. It sure looked wonderful. You were so hot it was unbelievable.”

Rachel turned her head to look at Lisa. “I agree. I’m dying to know everything!”

Lisa sat up. “Really? You’re sure?”

Rachel and I nodded like bobblehead dolls, which made Lisa laugh, as intended. Lisa sat with her back against the headboard. I guided Rachel onto her side and settled in with my cock between her legs. Lisa giggled when she saw the angry red glans appear between Rachel’s legs. I reached around and cupped Rachel’s breast and let my thumb brush over her nipple. “You were saying, honey?”

Lisa bit her lip. “Yeh, uh…  Oh, you know that Anna and Deb are our friends and we all knew I could trust them. They know how we feel about each other. I think they respect that in their own way. I mean, if you leave out the suddenly revealing that they have cocks and want to fuck my married ass part. I knew they would never hurt me, and our fun sexy times would be kept private.

“I was actually going to live the fantasy of being with two hot women. I was beyond turned on just thinking about it. When we got home and they started in on me, I was ready for anything they wanted. I let myself go and turned my inner slut loose.  When we went through the bedroom door, I was ready for anything. Well, I thought I was.

“I mean, you guys heard me yell. I was in total shock that they had dicks! That was all that registered at first. There are two chicks in pantyhose, and inside their pantyhose were dicks instead of pussies. My world tilted for a minute. Then they peeled off their hose. I was fascinated by Deb’s amazing body. Her super hard cock sent fucking shivers through my pussy.  I was fascinated and so damn horny.

Then I looked at Anna’s cock and was immediately torn between fear of the damn thing and wondering what it would feel like. I wanted to touch it so bad. I wanted to touch both of them. It was so damn erotic. I’d let my inner slut out to play already. I was dripping with desire when you said what you said to them. I thought you were going to stop things. As horny as I was, I still wouldn’t have argued. You would have got your ears blistered if you didn’t immediately fuck me, though. It’s one thing to ask for what’s yours. It’s quite another to leave a girl hanging.

“That didn’t happen. You gave me a gift. I love you so much for that. You set me free to enjoy myself. That alone made the whole experience ten times better. Knowing you were there for me and cared for me enough to let me have this wild sexual moment made my heart want to explode with love. My unleashed slut said thanks for the handoff and grabbed Anna’s cock.”

I had been sliding my cock very slowly between Rachel’s legs. Her very wet pussy was lubing things up nicely. The way she was rubbing her clit against my shaft clearly indicated she was as turned on as I was.

“I had to suck his cock. I had to see how much I could take. To be honest, it scared me. I wasn’t sure that I could take that thing in my pussy. It was so much fun sucking that big cock. The more I sucked on it, the hornier I got and the more I wanted to see if it would fit. I was so focused on sucking Anna’s cock I didn’t realize that Deb was behind me until she started rubbing her cock on my pussy. It felt so damn good that when she slid into me like it was the perfect thing to do. I came so hard my slut reveled in it. She wanted more. I wanted more, and boy, did they give it to me.

“Deb is a super good fuck all on her own. She made me cum so hard. I was so completely into it that I wanted to be their fuck slut. Everything they did to me felt amazing, and I wanted more of it. When Anna rubbed that fat cock of hers against my pussy I was nearly hyperventilating with a combination of fear and lust. I’m so glad she’s a considerate lover because she really could have done some damage.

“She didn’t, though, at least not anything long-term. When I felt that massive cock filling me, I started to cum, and I couldn’t stop. She just kept filling me and filling me until I could feel her pressing against me deep inside. I was relieved when she stopped pushing. I went a little insane when she started flexing that monster. I’ve never felt anything like it. It hurt some, but it definitely did wonderful things to me.”

While Lisa paused to take a breath and slip her fingers between her legs, I got a little more comfortable. I pulled back and little and moved my hips down a little to get my cock near Rachel’s entrance. She slipped a hand between her legs and guided me in. I pushed in slowly and stopped when we were fully joined. I caressed her tit and kissed her neck while Lisa continued reliving her experience.

“There was no holding back when Anna started fucking me. I came all over that big cock. She just wouldn’t let up, and I just kept cumming. When Anna took the bottom, I was more than happy to climb onto her pole. I was looking forward to being in control. I wanted to take that cock on a self-guided tour of my pussy, and I couldn’t wait to get started.

Lisa’s fingers were moving delicately around her clit. Her pussy was still quite sore, but she had turned herself on so much reliving her night that she had to touch herself. Rachel gasped when I gave her a slow stroke. She brushed Lisa’s hand away and used her fingertip to gently rub Lisa’s clit.

“Oooh, uh huh… No… Uhm… Nobody was… Fuck, Rachel!”

There she went! Rachel had just made my wife cum with the tip of her finger. I gave her a few good pumps of my own in appreciation.

Lisa leaned against the headboard for a moment with her eyes closed as she recovered from her orgasm. Her eyes opened, and she looked at Rachel and me as we slowly fucked with a loving smile lit her face.

“Sooo, nobody was more surprised than me when Deb’s greasy finger wiggled into my butt! Not nearly as surprised as I was when she put her cock in it! She did a great job preparing me. It didn’t hurt much at all. After a while, it felt really good. When they both of them started fucking me, I completely lost it. I have no idea how many times I orgasmed. I just kept cumming and cumming. It was absolutely amazing. They left me completely drained. It also left me with a sore butt and a sore pussy.”

I was fucking Rachel at a pretty good pace by this point. It wasn’t going to be long before I filled her pussy. Lisa, always helpful, slid down and began kissing Rachel while fingering her clit. Her pussy spasmed, and I came hard enough to turn granite into a wet noodle. At least it kind of acted like a wet noodle when I finally pulled it out.

I made a mental note while we showered. I was going to remodel our bathroom and make it a bit more threesome friendly. I figured a doorway into the adjacent bedroom, some major plumbing, and a lot of sweat equity would be required. I knew I could do it and decided to start just as soon as I had Lisa and Rachel’s approval.

That got me thinking. It suddenly occurred to me that my life had really changed. No longer would I have to check in with Lisa before I had a night out with the boys (rare, but it happens). Now I had to check in with Lisa and Rachel. They would, in turn, check in with each other and decide my fate. I could see that scenario playing out a lot. I also decided that I didn’t fucking care. A small price to pay, indeed.

We managed to get dressed for the day this time. I had yard work to do and dressed appropriately for that momentous occasion. Lisa slipped on her bikini and stopped in the doorway. “Inquiring minds want to know, so I’ll tell you. It was an amazing and wonderful experience that I will never forget. Would I like to do it again? Yes, of course, who wouldn’t?

“But there is a whole bunch of other stuff that’s way more important. That experience was kind of like going on a hundred-mile hike.  It feels amazing doing it, and there’s definitely a sense of accomplishment. It also leaves you very sore and tired. It’s certainly not something you would do every day, or every month for that matter.

“On top of that, I think the only way it worked was because it was spontaneous. Everything happened in the moment and led to the next thing. It was a roller coaster thrill ride, and it was great fun. I’m open to trying other adventures as long as we are good. Fun is all it is, though. If it were only us for the rest of my life, I would be doubly blessed. I will promise you one thing. I won’t spring something like that on either of you again.

“Gary, you had every right to be upset. I was so caught up in my debauchery that I didn’t consider what you might be feeling. All I wanted was a yes or a no. When you gave me a yes, I ran with it. That wasn’t fair to you, and it won’t happen again. You don’t ever have to sacrifice your happiness for me. I’m supposed to make you happy just as you make me happy.”

Rachel walked over and gave Lisa a kiss on the cheek. “He knows, baby. Let’s you and I go hang out around the pool. We can keep an eye on Lawn Boy here and give him direction as needed.”

“Now, wait a damn minute. Since when do I need you two telling me how to take care of my lawn?”

Rachel and Lisa shook their heads sadly. Rachel tried to keep the grin off her face and almost succeeded. “Dear Gary, you’re a man. You need us to give you directions. Otherwise, you’d never get anything done but drink, eat, and masturbate. We’ll make you a better man in spite of your base nature.”

“Ha, ha, fucking ha! Please feel free to give it your best shot. Don’t be too surprised when I ignore you.”

They laughed awfully loud for a couple of chicks that I had just put in their place. Apparently, they thought they knew something I didn’t. Over the days to come, I figured out that they were right most of the time. The rest of the time, they let me think I was. 

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The three of us fell deeper in love as the days and weeks went by. We were inseparable outside of work travel requirements. We settled into our version of domestic bliss. Somehow, we managed to get the couple-time we needed while being considerate and caring about whoever ended up as the third wheel.

Typically, one of us would slip into the spare bedroom and let the other two share intimacy. Occasionally, it would be a weekend together. That only happened twice. One weekend, Lisa and Rachel took off together while I remained home. The silence in the house about drove me insane. My response to that was to have the music playing loud. I missed them desperately and didn’t realize that they were home until the music stopped.

The weekends had a big downside. The couple off together worried too much about the one left behind. I understood that because I felt it myself. That didn’t mean I didn’t cherish the weekend with Rachel. In fact, I think that weekend solidified the commitment between us.

That weekend I spent alone with Rachel was a revelation. We shared so much between us and connected deeper than we had ever imagined. Until that weekend, I knew that I loved Rachel, but I felt like we were united in our love for Lisa. It was like co-workers helping each other to ensure Lisa was happy. I didn’t feel like my feelings for Rachel should have any priority. My focus was on their happiness.

Rachel showed me that she loved me as she loved my wife. Neither of us was second in her heart. We connected as only two people very much in love can do. We talked, we laughed, we shared tears of joy, we fucked, and we made love. It was wonderful. We still left for home early. As much as we enjoyed our time, something critical was missing. We needed Lisa.

Sunday early, we arrived home. Rachel walked into the kitchen from the garage, and I followed right behind. Both of us were anxious to see Lisa. We’d already flipped a coin to see who got to kiss her first! I couldn’t help but notice that the kitchen looked like someone had polished it. There wasn’t a speck of dust anywhere. Everything gleamed. I looked at Rachel and frowned. “Our poor baby has been going nuts while we were gone.”

We walked into the living room and found more perfection. Rachel looked at me. “This is serious. I’m worried now.”

Lisa trotted into the room, smiling from ear to ear. “Your back! I’ve missed you both so much. Tell me you had a great time! I know you did. I just know it was perfect!”

Neither of us said a word. I suppose Lisa would have worried about that if she’d been given time. Instead, we pounced on her. Rachel got her lips first because of a rigged coin flip. I’m not sure how she did it, but I’m sure she did. I didn’t pout about it. Well, not much, anyway. Between the two of us, we had Lisa naked and cumming her ass off on the living room floor in no time.

Rachel and I took turns kissing my amazing wife while holding and caressing her. We both wanted her to know that we had missed her. She basked in the attention for a while until she sighed and hugged us both tightly. “Okay, you two, I’m fine now. I’m sorry I’m so needy. I missed you both so much… And I worried.”

I think Rachel had figured it out as quickly as I had. I let her speak first. You know, just in case I totally misunderstood things again. Rachel caressed Lisa’s face and looked into her eyes with concern. “Did you think we would get so lost in each other that we would forget how much we love you?”

A single tear ran down my wife’s face. “I’m so sorry. I know better, but you were both gone, and I couldn’t stop thinking. I thought about all the things that you both probably don’t like about me and how wonderful both of you are. I couldn’t help but think that once the two of you had time together, you would realize you wanted a future together as a couple.

“I tried to stay busy, but my mind wouldn’t stop. I just knew you were going to tell me that you were both leaving me. I know it’s an utterly stupid place for my mind to go, but the thoughts kept coming. I got so wound up that I cried myself to sleep last night.

“I woke up this morning and was so embarrassed. I slapped my own face at my stupidity and lack of faith in both of you. I am so sorry I let my doubts rule me. It wasn’t fair to either of you. I love you both so very much, and I know you love me.”

Lisa turned her head toward me. “I understand now, as much as I can, how you felt that night with Lisa and Deb. If I had only known then what that felt like, I would have never been with them. I can’t imagine ever making you feel that way on purpose.

“There’s a big difference between what happened with Anna and Deb and what happened between you two, and it makes all the difference in the world. The three of us share our love. I know in my heart that you would never cast me aside. This isn’t three different couples sharing sex. This is one throuple sharing our love and our lives.”

There were kisses and hugs after that for a while. There was something that I needed to address. “Lisa, sweetheart, I need to make something clear to you. I am not upset about Anna and Deb. You had an amazing experience with them, and I nearly ruined it for you. You’re still carrying around guilt about that, but you have nothing to feel guilty about.

“Not only do I not have a problem with what happened between the three of you, I wouldn’t mind if it happened again. That’s a decision for all of us to make. I’m open to both of you living out your fantasies as long as we are all in agreement. What the three of us have together must be protected, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun.”

Rachel smiled gently at me. “I noticed that you mentioned both of us. What about you? Lisa and I want you to live your fantasies, too.”

I had to laugh. “Holy shit, woman! What do you think I’m doing right this minute? I have been the luckiest guy in the world since the day I fell in love with Lisa. Now, here you are, and I’m so much in love with you too. I’m constantly amazed that one of you gave me your love. That both of you have is beyond my wildest dreams. I’m the luckiest guy in the world to an infinite degree. No fantasy I’ve ever dreamed of comes close to what I’m living right this second.

“Plus, there is the fact that I’m only one guy and you are both amazingly hot sexual creatures. I want you both to have wonderful sex lives and I have no problem getting some help with that.

“I do have a suggestion. We all need to have some alone time as couples, but I don’t think we need to go away to do that. I’m happy to let you two have time together and it makes me happy to know you are both near me when it happens. I suggest that we continue to be considerate of each other’s needs and things will work out fine. I think from now on, if we go away somewhere, we all go and share whatever adventures we find.”

The two smiles that greeted me lifted my heart. The two sets of lips that kissed me lifted something else. My beautiful wife soon had it buried in her warmth. I knew that she orgasmed hard, although I couldn’t see her. Rachel had blocked my vision when she sat on my face. I had zero complaints.

A while later we were having lunch and the subject of the three of us going off somewhere came up again. A review of work calendars followed and before another hour had passed we had set aside a week to get away together. We decided that wherever we went, we had to have summer weather, a beach, and opportunities for some serious fun. We decided to sleep on it. Each of us would do some research and share our findings.

Friday rolled around. All of us had ideas, and they were all interesting, but all were missing something. We decided to give the idea a rest and visit our favorite nightclub. We stopped at Finnegan’s for dinner and were greeted warmly at the door by the owner. She got us settled at our favorite table and promised to stop by and talk when she had a moment.

The three of us had learned to be selective about where we went as a throuple. We weren’t about to hide our feelings for each other. We didn’t make a spectacle of ourselves, but a blind person could see how into each other we were. As a result, there were times when we became the focus of attention which wasn’t our style at all. Other times we were met with varying degrees of hostility, especially by single guys trying to cut Rachel or Lisa out of the herd.

We had way more restaurants crossed off our list than on it when we discovered Finnegan’s. The owner and staff weren’t a bit put off by our relationship. We ate there often because they treated us well. Lisa and Rachel got the biggest kick out of the way the waitresses interacted with me.

Lisa and Rachel were pretty sure that I was the subject of speculation by the female wait staff. I will admit that our waitress always went the extra mile to make sure I was taken care of and often would check on me before checking on my companions.

I didn’t think much of it, figuring that they were fascinated by one guy and two women. I was pretty sure that any fantasy they may have had was way more exciting than my performance in real life. I’m not some super stud romance novel character. I’m just Gary.

The owner, Anne, told us that she’d had to step in and stop more than one argument over who got to wait on us. One particular waitress was almost giddy when she got to wait our table. More often than not, Tina would come rushing over to us as soon as we arrived with a huge grin on her face. She would make sure to greet me with a big smile and a long look. Poor girl, I’m sure that she thought I must be something special based on the company I kept. I didn’t mind that she was intrigued by me. I actually found it flattering until I realized how disappointed she’d be if she ever got her questions answered.

Lisa and Rachel knew I thought Tina was a living doll and teased me unmercifully about it. I was shocked that the petite beauty didn’t have at least an engagement ring on her finger. First of all, she’s a pure pleasure to be around. She’s the happiest person I think I’ve ever met. Her smile is contagious and I love to hear her laugh. She’s the kind of person that looks for the silver lining and ignores the cloud. I envy her ability to be happy all the damn time.

She’s also smoking hot in her work clothes. The place was aimed at a younger, sexier, crowd and the staff uniforms reflected that. Tina wore a plaid kilt that hung just low enough to prevent her from flashing her panties when she bent at the waist to drop our drinks off. Her top was a dress shirt with the top three buttons undone. When she moved just right, I could catch a glimpse of the lacy bra that hold her perky C-cup tits in gentle restraint. Considering her height at a few inches over five feet, those delectable C-cups looked huge. Top all that off with long wavy red hair, emerald-green eyes, an amazing ass, and world-class legs. Add in a mischievous and flirty personality and you have on little hottie who is most definitely fantasy-worthy. She flirted with me, I flirted back, and my companions teased the shit out of me. It was always lighthearted and fun.

Tina took our drink order and her forehead wrinkled as she frowned. “I’m sorry guys but I came in early today and my shift is over. I wanted to stay and take care of you but Anne said I have to let the other girls have a chance. I’ll put your order in and Marcie will take over.”

Lisa gave Rachel a look, then excused herself from the table. She walked away and I didn’t think much about it at the time. I found out later that she had gone to talk with Anne. When she came back to the table she sat down and grinned.

I was curious. “What are you up to, my love?”

She patted my hand. “Don’t you worry about it.”

We were preparing to order our second round when Tina walked over to our table. She had changed out of her work clothes and looked quite fetching in her short skirt and low-cut blouse. She looked at us with curiosity. “Anne said that you guys wanted to see me?”

At that moment Anne came over carrying a chair. We rearranged ourselves to make room for the chair and Lisa smiled at Tina. “Would you please join us?”

Tina looked at her boss and Anne nodded her approval. “You know the other girls are going to be jealous as hell, especially me. Don’t tease us when your next shift starts or I’ll spank your cute little ass.”

Tina’s face lit up in a grin and she sat down next to me. I gave Lisa a look and she smiled mischievously. She was definitely up to something and Rachel was in on it. I decided that whatever it was, it would probably be fun and turned my attention to making the petite beauty next to me feel welcome.

We enjoyed her company immensely. She was not only gorgeous, but she was also quite funny and had us laughing throughout the meal. Two hours later I decided we needed to free up the table for other customers and asked for the check. I paid and made sure to leave a healthy tip. As we stood to leave, Tina thanked us for inviting her. She walked with us outside, thanked us again for a wonderful time, and started to walk away. Lisa grabbed her hand. “Where do you think you’re going? Aren’t you having fun with us?”

Tina’s eyes got big. “You guys want me to hang out with you?”

Lisa gave her a hug. “Of course we do. Why don’t you follow us home and visit for a while?”

Lisa tried, and failed, to hide the wink she gave Tina. She couldn’t have hidden the excitement in Tina’s eyes. I was beginning to get a clue about what Lisa was up to and I wasn’t the least bit upset. The thought of Lisa and Rachel seducing the petite beauty had me concentrating on baseball statistics in a failed attempt to fight off an embarrassing erection. I don’t even like baseball all that much. I’m more of a football guy.

Rachel rode with Tina in case we got separated during the drive and we arrived home without incident. We welcomed Tina inside. I called over my shoulder as I walked to the kitchen, “I’ll open some wine while you all get comfortable.”

I was going to do that but I wasn’t going to be in a hurry about it. I puttered around the kitchen and gave them some room to get acquainted. I didn’t want to inhibit Tina by hanging out with them and watching like some pervert.

Rachel’s voice rang out from the living room, “Where’s that wine? We’re thirsty in here!”

Hmm, what the hell are they up to? Deciding I had the same number of clues as I usually did, which is to say none at all, I put two open bottles of wine on a tray along with four glasses and made my way to the living room. I walked into the room and nearly dumped the whole damn thing on the floor.

Lisa and Rachel had been busy while I hid in the kitchen. They stood shoulder to shoulder in front of me completely, beautifully, enticingly, naked. My hands were shaking when I set the tray down on the sideboard. The two beauties that I love so deeply were smiling in that special way that told me something important.

First, and foremost, those smiles told me that they were up to something deviously fun. Their smiles also told me that I, as usual, had missed something and they were enjoying my ignorance immensely. Totally clueless, but nevertheless in for whatever they had in mind, I grinned back at them. I didn’t bother speaking because all would be revealed when they got good and ready to reveal it. Speaking would just give them more ammunition and I didn’t want those grins to get out of hand.

Their plan had worked perfectly and they got me pretty good. My goddesses moved apart and Tina moved up between them. My chin hit my shoes and my cock would have been instantly erect if it hadn’t already achieved that state when I saw Lisa and Rachel. Now it was ready to explode.

Tina looked very hot in her work uniform. She looked even better in the clothes she wore when she joined us at dinner. None of those clothes held a candle to what she was wearing now, which was nothing at all.

She was absolutely gorgeous! Her green eyes captured mine and I dwelled on the beauty of her elfin face. Her wavy red hair framed her perfection. Her perfect lips formed a shy smile and her tongue darted out to lick her lip nervously. My eyes left hers to admire the amazing work of art she was sharing with me. Her tits were absolutely perfect orbs that stood high with upturned nipples. Her stomach was flat, her waist narrow and her hips divine. Her pubic mound was slightly pronounced and her pussy was hairless, as it should be. I like pubic hair on a woman just fine but in Tina’s case, it would interfere with the view of the most perfect little pussy I had ever seen.

She stepped toward me and moved closer until she was pressed against me and looking up into my eyes. “Lisa and Rachel said it would be okay with them if you took me to bed. Would you like to take me?”

I looked at the loves of my life and they managed to hold it together long enough to give me solemn nods of agreement before desperately trying to choke back their laughter. When they saw me hesitate they immediately sobered. Lisa gave me a gentle smile. “Rachel and I think you and Tina would be wonderful together. Please don’t hesitate on our account. I think it’s obvious that we want this for you.”

Rachel grinned. “Plus, we want to watch!”

I’ll admit that as much as I ached for the red-headed beauty, I wasn’t about to screw up my relationship with my wives. Yeh, I know I’m legally married to Lisa and not Rachel but fuck a bunch of legal. I know in my heart they are my wives and will be as long as they’ll have me. That’s why I hesitated. I knew now that they were not only fine with it but were encouraging me. I was speechless for a moment as I tried to wrap my head around what was occurring. Okay Gary, come on, dude. They said go and this unbelievable hotty wants me. Stop fucking around and kiss her before she changes her mind!

My hand came up all on its own and caressed her cheek. “Uhm, Tina? How much have you had to drink tonight? Has someone maybe slipped something in your drink? Cause, I’m here to tell you I’m not worthy.”

She giggled, then turned her face to kiss the palm of my hand. “That bulge pressing against my belly feels very worthy. You should probably start with a kiss. Don’t you think?”

Well, pick Lisa or pick Rachel, it doesn’t matter a bit. Either one of them can convince me of pretty much anything at any time. Both of them together, along with Tina, while they are all naked? They were having a battle of wits with an unarmed man. I joyfully surrendered.

I wrapped my arms around Tina and held her close as our lips met for the first time. Her kiss was everything I dreamed it would be and I got lost in it. I was perfectly content to spend the rest of the evening kissing her sweet lips but apparently, my wives weren’t that patient. I felt Lisa and Rachel’s hands touching me. They rubbed my back and my arms, showing me how much they wanted this for me and I began to choke up.

Suddenly, their hands were practically tearing at my clothes. I had broken the kiss with Tina and Lisa tilted my chin toward her. “We know you love us and we love you but right now please live this moment. Rachel and I are more than fine. You need to show Tina why Rachel and I are so lucky to have you.”

Rachel had dropped down to her knees and had my pants at my ankles. She yanked my shoes off and tossed them before pulling my jeans off. She tugged Tina’s hand and she knelt beside her. Rachel nodded to her and she reached up and her fingers slid under the waistband of my boxer briefs. Her amazing green eyes looked up at mine. She must have liked the look of pure lust because she turned her attention back to my groin and with one quick tug, pulled my underwear down.

Rachel took it from there and pulled them down and off my feet. I barely notice because Tina had wrapped a hand around my cock and was slowly stroking it as she studied it intently. Her tongue darted out and licked the pre-cum from the tip of my cock and I groaned loudly. Her warm lips kissed the very tip, then opened as her head came forward. Her mouth enveloped the head of my cock and continued to slide down my shaft. Her mouth was magical and while she couldn’t take anywhere near all of me into her mouth, what she could take felt wonderful. She even had that tongue thing down. You know the one where she licks the underside of my cock with her tongue while she’s blowing me? Yeh, that one.

The hardest thing I’ve ever done was to gently push her head away. I was moments away from shooting my load down her throat and I didn’t want to interrupt the fun while I recovered. Plus, there was the whole hotty with the sweet pussy thing going on and I really didn’t want to sit on the sidelines for that.

I took Tina’s hand and helped her stand, then kissed the ever-living shit out of her. I’m not a huge guy but Tina’s not exactly the biggest girl either at somewhere around a hundred and ten pounds. I lifted her in my arms and when I laid her on our bed I was breathing hard from arousal, not from the labor.

I certainly had enough oxygen to make my way between her legs and put my mouth on her pussy. From the moment I saw her nude body I wanted to taste her. We could have loads of fun with the slow build-up during the next round but at this moment I wanted her nectar on my tongue. I’ve never seen or tasted such a perfect pussy. She left no doubt in my mind that she enjoyed being tasted. I looked up at her as my tongue caressed her clit. Her hands had a death grip on the sheets and her face was clenched. “OH, GOD!”

The rest wasn’t in any language I knew but it was loud and enthusiastic. Watching that beautiful young woman orgasm was a pure expression of ecstasy, so very beautiful and so very hot.

She didn’t seem to go hyper-sensitive after she orgasmed, so I kept my mouth right where it was. Her nectar was richer now from her orgasm and she was very wet. I slipped a finger into her and found that wonderful little rough spot. Within moments she was shaking and moaning. Her legs clamped my head and her body stiffened as her second orgasm made the first one look lame. When her thighs began to relax I put my tongue back to work. That didn’t last long. Her hand grabbed the hair on top of my head and pulled. “Are you trying to kill me? Come here and put that big cock in me!”

I had two choices, forced male pattern baldness, or put my raging erection in this amazing woman. The situation was the perfect example of a quintessential no-brainer. That didn’t mean I needed to be in a hurry about it. I kissed her belly as I began moving up her body. When I got to those amazing tits I gently held them and kissed each nipple softly. It was my way of saying, “Hello, it’s wonderful to meet you.”

I traced each one with my tongue before lightly sucking. Her chest was heaving and I silently promised her tits that I would return to worship them. My princess’s need was great and I bid her tits farewell for now as I moved that last little distance and our lips met again.

The heat of that kiss was astounding. Our lips parted for a moment and I looked into her lovely eyes, so filled with need. “Give it to me, Gary. Please! I need you in me!”

I guided my cock to her entrance and pushed slowly inside. She gasped as I began to fill her velvet warmth. I paused for a moment when I was halfway inside her while our lips clashed together and our tongues danced. I pulled back, then pushed a little deeper, well aware of how small she was. I don’t know how she did it but eventually, she took all of me. I pulled back until I was nearly out, then pushed back deep. Her response was immediate. Her nails dug into my shoulders and her heels dug into my butt. If I had stood up at that moment she would have been clinging to me like she’d been super-glued. She wasn’t about to let me get away.

The last thing I wanted was to get away. I really liked the way she was clinging to me. This angel wanted me desperately.It is impossible to describe what that did for my ego. I began stroking into her in no hurry to finish things but with enough pace to push us both toward that wonderful little death. Our entire world was our bodies, our minds, and our all-encompassing need to bring each other ecstasy. It shouldn’t be surprising that men often confuse lust and love. We rarely allow ourselves to feel our emotions as profoundly as we do when we have sex with a beautiful woman.

I didn’t shout out words of love or any craziness like that, but I was certainly feeling very affectionate. I was entranced by her, and at that moment, my goal in life was to bring her joy. My pace increased as her vocalizations increased. Her eyes got huge, her mouth dropped open, and her body suddenly stiffened as the orgasm that had been building exploded through her.

I stopped moving and held her as she trembled and moaned her way through her orgasmic journey. When her eyes finally focused on this world again, she pulled my head down and kissed me passionately. When our lips parted, she grinned at me joyfully. “My turn on top!”

I couldn’t help but grin as well. Tina was having a wonderful time, and that made me very happy. I rolled onto my back, taking her with me like we’d done it a hundred times. She settled her weight on her knees and began grinding on my cock. It didn’t take her long to begin driving toward that next orgasm. Soon it wasn’t enough to grind her clit on me with my cock buried inside her. She braced her hands on my chest and began to slide up and down my pole.

I was on the ride with her this time, and we were rapidly approaching the end. When she was on the verge of cumming, her arms got all rubbery, and she fell onto my chest. She struggled to move her pussy on my cock and reach that orgasm. I grabbed her hips and thrust up into her half a dozen times, sending us both over the edge into ecstasy. I shot what felt like laser beams of cum deep inside her as her lips found mine. The heated, sloppy kiss became lustful, then loving in the afterglow. Tina laid her head on my chest and sighed happily. For my part, I was perfectly happy being her mattress for as long as she needed me.

We let ourselves bask in the afterglow for a while, and then Tina popped her head up and gave me another of her patented grins. “I’m leaking your awesome cum, Gary. Next time, I’ll swallow it, but right now, I need to go to the bathroom.”

She gave me a peck on the lips and moved off of me. My wet cock flopped on my belly as a rude reminder that I was a bit of a mess myself. I gave zero fucks and watched her cute little ass as she held a hand cupped under her pussy and waddled her way to the bathroom.

Written by Woodart
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