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Curiosity 1

"She thinks being with a woman might put the spice back into their marriage."

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Lisa and I had reached that point in our marriage that most couples do. You know the one if you’ve been married for more than five years. The jubilant early days soon turn into day after day of trying to succeed in our careers, survive the crap the world throws at us, and gather enough personal energy to get through the week.

Nightly sex becomes a few times a week, then a few times a month. Putting heart and soul into wild fucking is replaced by going through the motions. It wasn’t that we didn’t care anymore; we were too damn stressed and tired. The goal went from bringing each other to loving ecstasy to just getting off and getting to sleep.

We fought the good fight on two fronts, the physical and the mental. Physically, we began forcing ourselves to work out together on a strict schedule. No matter how bad the day had been, we pushed and prodded each other to our workout room, followed by our evening run. It took a bit of motivation to get us to that point.

We lived in a modest four-bedroom house that we bought with the assistance of our parents when we married five years ago. We wanted kids one day in the not-too-distant future, and the house was perfect for a young family. The kids weren’t on the way yet, and we had an empty bedroom that we had never gotten around to furnishing. The other was a guest bedroom used only when our parents visited.

Converting the unfurnished room into a workout space required cleaning it out first. The room had ended up as a collection point for stuff one or the other of us brought into the marriage that had no apparent use. Stuff like college mementos, the clothing we never got around to giving away, old diaries, pictures, etc.

The cleanup process moved at a snail’s pace in the beginning, mainly because we kept getting lost exploring the contents of all those moving boxes. When we started that first day, we quickly got sidetracked, re-living the past. I thought of a fun way to move things along. “Lisa, I have an idea. I’ll go through your old stuff while you go through mine. We can set aside any clothing we would like to see each other in, keepsakes, and anything interesting we want to talk about.”

She was hesitant at first. I could see the wheels turning as she tried to remember if there was anything she absolutely did not want me to see. I think what convinced her was knowing she could dig through my stuff.

The honest truth for my part was there wasn’t but one thing worth discovering, and she was going to have to do some digging before she found it. Sure, some old porn mags were probably buried in that stuff somewhere, but nothing too weird. I was almost giddy thinking about finding her diaries and going through her unmentionables from those bygone days.

I also thought the idea had the potential of creating some fantasies and thus helping us with the mental part. Let’s face it: we fell into a rut because our minds led us there. We needed our minds to get us out of it. If digging through my old stuff gave her a bit of a thrill, I was all for it.

The second evening working on the mess, she found the small bundle of pictures. They were in a small wooden box covered with seemingly worthless crap that, at one time in my young life, held a lot of meaning for me. I could have told you the story behind the bottle cap, the empty condom wrapper, or anything else in that box. At the time, they were important to me. Now, they were the past. My life was so much richer now. Even when our sex life was at its most lethargic, I felt as blessed as a man could be. Lisa is a treasure beyond compare, and I’m still surprised she even likes me, let alone loves me.

Lisa called out from across the room. “Hey! What’s this? Is my hubby a perv?”

She held up an old Hustler magazine, and I gave her a serious look. “You don’t know what you are holding in your hand. That is the issue with the interracial couple that led to Larry Flynt’s obscenity trial. It’s a collector’s item, so don’t wrinkle it.”

For a second there I had her, but I couldn’t keep my grin from forming. She acted like she wanted to throw the fuck-book at me but opened it instead. She found the pictures in question and spent the next twenty minutes studying them closely. The woman in the spread was a petite brunette. The man was a tall black man with a prodigious member. It was the first men’s magazine that left no doubt that the models were actually fucking. Before that, fake fucking was the best you could expect, and rarely at that. I pounded my meat many times while looking at the pictures of that hot little brunette as she so obviously enjoyed his black cock. I’d found the magazine in a used books store under a stack of old Hot Rod magazines. I was super excited when I took it home with me.

What surprised me though, was her reaction when she found the lesbian pictorial. I could tell by the red rising up her neck that she was more than a little turned on by what she was seeing. Hmm, I never knew she liked girls. This may be something worth exploring.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when she tossed the magazine aside instead of throwing it in the trash. I watched as she reached into the moving box and pulled out my wooden keepsake box. She opened it and started digging. “What’s the deal with the bottle cap?”

“That bottle cap is bent like that because I was holding it in my hand when Suzy Jackson gave me my first handjob. Suzy was three years older than me, home from college, and probably bored out of her mind. She was the first girl to ever make me cum, and I fell in love with her instantly. She quickly cured me of that, but we did have fun that summer.“

“And the empty condom wrapper?”

“That would be Suzy again. I wore the condom from that wrapper when she took my virginity the next day.”

“This golf pencil?”

“First blowjob, number three hole at Willows Country Club.”

She grinned at me. “I’m beginning to see a trend here.”

She held up a tiny jar of Vaseline. “Do I even need to ask?”

“Nope. It’s pretty much what you’re thinking.”

She continued to dig, and I pretended to do the same, all the while watching her from the corner of my eye. She pulled a small bundle out of the box. The bundle was wrapped in notebook paper and held closed by several dry-rotted rubber bands that crumbled when she tried to remove them. She unfolded the paper to reveal a stack of Polaroid photos taken with my dad’s old camera. The stack was upside down, and I turned to watch her as she flipped it over, revealing the first picture. “Oh! This must be Suzy?”

I got up, walked over to Lisa, and settled on the floor beside her. “Yes, she was quite the babe. Not in your league, but not bad for a barely eighteen guy with zero clues about women. I think I turned into a bit of a project for her. None of her friends were around, and she was bored to tears.”

Lisa slowly flipped through the pictures, commenting as she went, until she got to one picture in particular. “Uhm, Suzy liked girls too, huh?”

I nodded and waited for her to put two and two together. She studied the picture. “The other woman looks a lot like her. She’s too old to be her sister. There must be at least ten years between them.”

I smiled a bit nervously. “She’s a bit more than ten years older. That’s Suzy’s mom.”

Her mouth fell open, and she stared at the picture. “Wait a minute. Suzy was having sex with her mother?”


“And you were there, taking pictures. You fucked her too, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I did. After Suzy went back to college, Mrs. Jackson had a lot of chores she needed to have done. I spent a lot of time helping her out.”

She smirked at me. “I bet you did! You were a horny fucker, weren’t you?”

“Yep… I want to be again, for you. Those were wonderful times in my life. I can’t imagine how much more wonderful they would have been if it had been you instead of Suzy.”

I kissed her, and not long after that, our priorities for the evening changed. There was another bedroom in the house we needed to be in. We had a great time. We hadn’t been at each other with such passion for a long time.

We were lying together in the afterglow. Lisa rolled onto her side and reached for the stack of pictures she had set on the nightstand. She found the picture of Suzy and her mother and studied it closely. “Suzy and her mom, huh? I mean, wow, that’s some kinky shit right there… They do look hot together.

“I bet you loved to watch them, didn’t you?”

I looked down at my growing erection, and Lisa’s eyes followed mine. She arched her eyebrows at my rapid recovery. “I see that you did.”

I looked into my lovely wife’s eyes. “We all have fantasies, even husbands and wives. The problem is that we are afraid to share them, especially as a married couple. If you promise not to judge me, I’ll share mine. I want to hear yours, too. I promise I won’t think badly of you. Fantasies are just thoughts, and I’ll never judge you for your thoughts.

“With that in mind, I will tell you my top fantasy. Are you ready?”

Lisa nodded nervously. “Okay, lay it on me.”

“You and another beautiful woman fucking each other’s brains out. Kissing, caressing, licking, sucking, and making each other orgasm like never before. I want to watch that happen. I want to see you writhing in ecstasy as another woman makes you cum. I want to see your tongue lashing her pussy until she orgasms so hard she squirts.”

Lisa was totally silent, and my heart fell. “Too much?”

Suddenly, her mouth was on mine, and her tongue was trying desperately to beat my uvula into submission. Needless to say, I couldn’t get any harder. I was thrilled at her response and couldn’t wait to hear her fantasies. I had a ton more of my own to share if she was interested.

I fought my instinct to just fuck her brains out. I was way too curious about what she might have to say. I enjoyed the hell out of the kiss and managed to pull my lips away before my ability to think left me completely. “Wow, babe! That flipped a switch! Talk to me. Please tell me what you’re thinking.”

I think if she hadn’t been so worked up she probably never would have been able to share her slutty thoughts with me. “It’s just that you hit one of my fantasies pretty much exactly. I mean… I never had a specific woman picked out or anything, but still.

“Before you ask, yes, I’ve had sex with a woman before. It was just a couple of times, but I liked it. I liked it a lot. I just happen to like your cock a whole lot more. I gave pussy up and never looked back when we started dating.

“Then you tell me that you would love to see me with a woman, and suddenly my pussy is fucking drenched. Are you serious? Because if you are, I think I could do it. I mean, if everything is right. It would be just for fun, right? I don’t want some chick being with us all the time, wanting to move in or something like that. I don’t want a lover.”

I don’t know that I have ever been that shocked in my life. I got over it quickly. “I think it would be fun to explore that. I have an idea. Before we have you fucking someone else, how about we get really good at fucking each other first? We set up our gym, get in shape, and reward ourselves by getting your pussy eaten by another woman. What do you think?”

Her eyes got big. “Are you reading my mind? Let me get this straight. You want us to get in great shape while fucking each other in new and amazing ways, and when we think we’ve earned it, I get girl time? I’ll be thinking about it constantly. The slow tease will drive me insane. I can’t wait! Let’s do it!”

We practically attacked each other. Hot kisses led to oral pleasures, which in turn led to some serious fucking. Epic fucks twice in one day had never happened before. Sure, we’ve had multiple rounds in one day, and occasionally, one would be epic, but nothing like this.

Talk about your positive reinforcement! That little stack of Polaroids found a new home in Lisa’s nightstand drawer. I know that she looked at them often. I had caught her more than once masturbating with them in her hand. She didn’t know I was watching. I didn’t want to interrupt her fun and was fairly sure she was too shy to masturbate in front of me.

The combination of the fantasy occupying our minds, our physical improvements, and our re-invigorated sex life resulted in a remarkable improvement for both of us. Our outlook on life was much more positive, and we were happier as a couple. I couldn’t argue with the physical results, either.

Lisa is an alluring woman, even on her bad days. She’s tall and slender but not thin. She has an amazing ass and legs for days. Her tits are nicely rounded c-cups that fit her body perfectly. Hazel eyes, pert nose, full lips, graceful neck, and long brown hair. I used to get hard just watching her walk across the room.

Then, drudgery happened. Her shoulders slumped, and her posture along with them. She didn’t enter a room like she used to. She faded in and out of it, never really being present. Her facial expression was emotionless in a perpetual numb tolerance for a life of work and nothing much else. I am sure I looked the same way to her.

Two months after we started our workouts, Lisa walked into the room in her yoga pants and sports bra. I watched her walk toward me, and by the time she’d taken the few steps required to reach me, my cock was ragingly hard. She noticed right away and smirked at me as she came within my reach. I pulled her to me and kissed her hard. I pulled my lips from hers with a pop, and she giggled. I waited until she stopped and grabbed her now very tight ass with both hands. “I think it’s time we get you some pussy.”

The squeal of glee she let out made my ears ring. “Can we try tonight?”

I held up my hand. “Only if you promise to keep your voice below a hundred decibels.”

She was grinning from ear to ear. “I will. I promise. How do we do this anyway?”

I chuckled. “What? You’re a chick. Don’t you know how to pick yourself up? I’d think it would be easy for you since you already know what gets you hot. Just, you know, project your hotness or something. You’ll figure it out.”

She shook a finger at me. “Oh no, you don’t, mister. You’re my official wingman, and it’s your job to find me the pussy. I have to seduce the pussy once you find it.”

I held out my arm, and she rested her hand on my forearm. “Right this way, madam. We must prepare you for the hunt.”

I escorted her giggling ass down the hall to our bedroom. While she showered, I pulled the hot little cocktail dress she had worn once on our honeymoon out of the closet. It was the sexiest dress she owned, and she was normally too self-conscious to wear it. I hadn’t been able to get her to wear it again after that one wonderful night. It was red, slinky, and very revealing. She couldn’t wear a bra with the dress, so all I needed was that nearly transparent tiny red thong she wore on our wedding night. The one she also wore once and hid in the back of her lingerie drawer after that. Matching thigh-high stockings and red CFM heels rounded out her evening attire. I was going to be a good wingman and get lost in the background while she shined. It wouldn’t be difficult.

She didn’t hesitate when she saw what I had laid out for her. I watched her dress while taking pictures of her reverse strip tease with my SLR camera. I knew that some were destined for the walls. She looked so far out of my league when she finished it was pathetic. It wasn’t going to be difficult to fade into the background. Every eye in the place would be on her.

I got a nice look up her dress as she got in the car, and away we went. I drove for a while without saying a word. I wanted to see how long it took before her curiosity got the better of her. I took a few turns she wasn’t expecting, and that was all it took. “Uhm, Gary? Where are we going?”

I reached over and patted her hand. “As your official wingman, I am responsible for finding the pussy. Am I not?”

She grinned. “Yes, you are.”

“Well then, sit back and relax while I do so.”

She gave me her evil look, but her heart wasn’t in it, then sat back like she wanted to pout. I knew it was all for show. She was having a blast. The teasing was just what she needed to get her motor running. I pulled into the parking lot of a local club. The place wasn’t upscale, but it was nice and looked like the kind of place we liked to hang out at back when we did such things. I wondered if she would figure things out when she saw the sign with the club’s name, True Colors.

My lovely wife was about to discover that the club was as nice as it appeared and not like any club she had ever frequented. We were sitting at the bar, having ordered our first drink, when she began to get a clue. She was looking around, studying people, and thinking pretty hard.

A nice-looking guy walked up next to me and smiled. “Hey, you mind if I sit next to you?”

“Not at all. I’m Gary.”

Lisa was watching with interest as he sat down next to me. He didn’t even glance at her, but his eyes bored into mine. “I’m Bill. I get the feeling that you haven’t been here before. I know I would remember you if I had seen you. I wanted to welcome you to the club. You’ll have a lot of fun here and very little drama.”

I don’t know what he thought. Maybe he thought I was Lisa’s driver or something. Who knows what he was thinking, but he had chosen to believe I was alone, and I knew what was coming next. I didn’t have to wait long. His hand brushed across mine on the bar. “Would you like to dance?”

I moved my hand away from his fingers. “Bill, you’re a nice guy, and who knows? We might end up as friends. I’m not upset or anything, but I am straight. Sorry about that. You’re handsome enough that if I wasn’t, I would.”

Bill laughed. “Okay, I had to give it a shot. You’re a good-looking guy and nice, too.”

Lisa tugged on my arm, and I turned toward her. She leaned in and whispered in my ear. “How does your getting picked up in a gay bar get me pussy?”

I held a finger up in the generally accepted gesture to wait just a minute and returned to Bill. “Bill, my lovely wife, and I are trying to make her fantasy real. She wants to make love to a woman while I watch. To do that, she needs some pussy. As her wingman, it is my solemn responsibility to find her that pussy. I studied the ancient texts of Wingmen before me and developed my strategy over many months. A brilliant strategy that brought us here to this moment in time. At a gay bar.

“Why, you say? I’ll tell you why. Where else is the density of women who like to eat pussy the highest? Where else can you approach a woman for lesbian sex and know that the worst that will happen is a polite no thank you? The women here know what lesbian or bi-sexual life is like. They live it and understand how a newbie feels. I want this to be wonderful for both women, and the odds of that are infinitely better here than they are with some random pickup at a straight club.

“Oh, and I may have exaggerated a little on the whole wingman thing.”

Lisa’s face was a study of expressions while I spoke. Shocked that I told Bill, then a little mad that I told Bill, then curious, followed by a gentle smile. Bill was smiling happily. “I knew there was a reason I needed to sit with you. I don’t doubt a word you said. One of these days, you’ll have to let me read those ancient texts. My friend, I am about to ensure you enter the Wingman Hall of Fame. Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

Bill spun off his chair and disappeared into the crowd. I turned back toward Lisa. She shook her head and smiled at me. “Gary, you never fail to surprise me. Thank you for being the most awesome wingman in history.”

“Don’t thank me yet. We have no idea what Bill is doing.”

She kissed my cheek. “I don’t care. If the night ended right now, I would consider it a success. I love you, Gary.”

We ordered another drink and had just been served when I saw Bill walking back toward us. I saw the woman walking with him and turned to Lisa. “Yeh, who gets the best pussy. I’m the man!”

The raven-haired beauty with Bill smiled shyly as she approached. Then her eyes met Lisa’s. I don’t know what magic passed between them, but I knew the deal was done at that moment. The rest was just social window dressing. They barely acknowledged Bill’s voice. “Gary and Lisa, I would like you to meet Rachel. Rachel is a wonderful person. I think you’ll all be friends in no time.

“Gary, it was nice meeting you both. I do hope you don’t mind if I keep asking. One of these times, you might say yes.”

“Bill, you’re a great guy, but guys just don’t do it for me. I hope we can talk again, though. You’re an interesting guy. Oh, and thanks for the pussy.”

He chuckled. “No problem.”

Bill went about his business, and I turned my attention to my wife and her new friend, Rachel. They were talking quietly, their eyes never leaving each other. Lisa managed to notice me and grabbed my arm as a subtle way to include me in their conversation. She turned back to Rachel. “It feels like I already know you but know nothing about you.”

Rachel nodded. “I know. I felt that when I walked up to you. Let’s see. Well, I’ve been divorced for six months. My ex decided that my bisexuality wasn’t something he could deal with anymore. At least, that’s what he said. I tend to think the personal assistant he was banging might have had something to do with it. I was relieved to tell you the truth. He hadn’t been interested in our marriage for a long time. I needed that final push to move on with my life.

“Finding this club was a happy accident. I’ve been coming here for a couple of months for the company. Nobody pressures me, and I have friends here. I’ve never had the courage to go home with anyone. I guess the right person hadn’t come along yet...

“Are you the right person, Lisa?”

Lisa looked at her honestly. “Yeh, I think I am. At least, I really hope so.”

I stood up, and they looked at me. “Rachel, would you like to go home with us? You can follow us in your car or ride with us. Whatever works for you.”

Rachel smiled. “Well, I would like to, but I need one thing before I decide.”

Lisa knew exactly what she wanted. She put her hand behind Rachel’s neck and pulled her into a kiss. It was very romantic and very sweet. It was also hot as hell! Lisa couldn’t give a shit about what people thought as she gave the kiss all the time it needed. When their lips parted, they looked at each other for several long seconds before Rachel spoke, “I would love to go home with you. Give me your address, and I’ll be over in half an hour. I wasn’t planning on spending the night when I left home, and I will need a few things...

“You know what? Why don’t you two come to my place? I live just a few miles away.”

Twenty minutes later, we were walking in Rachel’s door. It was a small two-bedroom house, and I could see personal touches everywhere. This wasn’t a house to Rachel. This was her home, and she had welcomed us into it. I had a really good feeling about the way things were going. I was sure that they both felt the same way.

Lisa and Rachel were barely in the room before they were drawn together. At first, they kissed tentatively, but that soon passed. I watched their kiss become an expression of attraction and need between them. The two women felt an intimate connection they wanted very much to explore. I remained silent in the background, determined not to break the spell with my clunky manliness. I wasn’t needed right now. Nobody said I couldn’t take it all in.

Watching them affected me profoundly. I felt that I was being given a wonderful gift just to bear witness. As their intimacy progressed, I couldn’t help but feel wonder and joy at their pure connection. There was nothing contrived between them. Neither had an agenda or baggage to share. What I was seeing was a pure attraction between two very beautiful women. Perfectly uncomplicated and so much richer for that.

Of course, watching them also made me painfully hard. I subtly got things situated, well aware that I needed to be a silent voyeur, forgotten while they focused on each other.

Their lips parted, and Rachel took Lisa’s hand. She led her down the short hall to her bedroom and inside. I waited by the front door and watched the bedroom door anxiously. If the door closed, it would crush me. I couldn’t imagine a clearer signal that I wasn’t needed or welcome.

I stood there for several minutes, but the door never closed. I quietly moved down the hallway and peered around the door frame. They were nude on the bed and deeply involved in a passionate kiss. I spotted an upholstered bench in front of Rachel’s vanity and moved across the room to sit. I was within a few feet of the bed. They couldn’t help but see me if they looked in my direction. I didn’t expect that to be a problem for a while. They were so into each other the rest of the world didn’t exist.

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Was watching them hot as hell? Of course, it was. I was entranced by the way they connected. The joy they gave each other, the affection, and the need all combined to create one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Sure, it was erotic, but much more than that, it was beautiful.

Rachel understood Lisa’s lack of experience and she took control of Lisa’s body. Their kisses were more heated now and their touches more intimate. Rachel was in no hurry as she landed gentle kisses on Lisa’s face, neck, and shoulders. Lisa sighed when Rachel suckled her breast while her hand gently stroked Rachel’s hair. When Rachel’s hand slipped between Lisa’s legs and cupped her pussy, it was the most natural thing in the world.

Their kiss deepened as their tongues delved deep. Lisa slipped her hand between Rachel’s legs, and the two women brought each other closer and closer to wonderful release. Their first orgasm together happened nearly simultaneously, their soft moans and writhing bodies struggling to contain the joy of their intimacy.

Their kiss had made the transitions from lovingly romantic to full-on lust as their orgasms overwhelmed them. Rachel hungrily kissed her way down my wife’s body until her mouth was scant inches from Lisa’s very wet pussy. She hesitated a moment as she gazed lovingly at my wife’s shaven pussy. “You have a beautiful pussy, Lisa. I need to taste you.”

I watched closely as her tongue darted out and she devoured Lisa’s pussy. I wanted to memorize every detail. I knew that Rachel had things to teach me that I could use to improve my own abilities. My wife’s sexual gratification was the real goal here. I hadn’t lost sight of that.

Rachel’s skill was obvious as she brought my amazing wife to orgasm faster than I had ever seen. Lisa held Rachel’s head tightly to her crotch as her orgasm swept over her. “Oh, Rachel! Oh, my god, Rachel!”

Lisa’s chest was heaving as ecstasy swept over her. Rachel gave her a long lick up her pussy, making Lisa jump when her tongue hit Lisa’s hypersensitive clit. Rachel kissed her way up Lisa’s body until their mouths met yet again. The kiss between them was an epic display of affection and mutual heat. They went at it until Lisa had recovered her senses. It was Lisa's turn to please Rachel.

Lisa gently rolled Rachel onto her back and began to demonstrate her own budding skill. There wasn’t an ounce of hesitation as she kissed her way down Rachel’s body. She went after Rachel’s pussy like her wetness was the elixir of life and brought Rachel to an orgasm that left her shaking. Rachel’s face was a study of joyful contentment in the aftermath of what was obviously an epic orgasm.

They snuggled together and shared kisses for quite a while. They whispered sweet words to each other when their lips parted. They settled into soft caresses and little kisses until Lisa jerked and then rolled onto her side to look at me. She smiled almost guiltily at me. I couldn’t hold back another second.

I was at her side in an instant. I put my knee on the bed and leaned down to kiss my wonderful wife deeply. Her tongue danced with mine as I tried to express my undying love through that kiss. When our lips parted, I looked deep into her eyes. “That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. You made each other so happy and shared so much emotion. Thank you for letting me share this with you. I love you more than you will ever know.”

Rachel rose up behind Lisa, and the two shared a look. Lisa turned back to me. “I think you need to thank Rachel too.”

I certainly wanted to, but the positioning was a bit awkward. Lisa recognized that and quickly moved off of Rachel to lie beside her. Rachel reached up, put a hand behind my head, and kissed me passionately. In the five years that Lisa and I had been married, I had never come close to kissing another woman. I never had any wish to do anything with another woman. Lisa gave me everything I needed and more, even when our sex life became much less than we both wanted.

This was different. This wasn’t some tawdry liaison between cheaters. This was something else entirely. It felt right and perfect. I kissed Rachel deeply and tried in some small way to show her how much I appreciated what she had done for my wife. My cock was on the verge of tearing through my pants when our lips separated. “Thank you, Rachel, for giving Lisa such a wonderful gift.”

Rachel’s hand came up, and her fingers caressed my cheek. “That kiss was a nice start, but if you are really that thankful, why don’t you get out of those clothes and show me just how thankful you are?”

I never expected this. Tonight was about my wife, not me. I was the silent observer, there to watch and protect. Lisa's gentle smile told me everything I needed to know. I stood and began to undress as the two women watched me closely. What should have felt a bit intimidating instead felt invigorating. I wanted to show them both the effect they had on me.

I didn’t rush the reveal. I turned my back to them as I slipped my trousers off, not wanting to reveal my aching bulge too soon. When my boxer briefs were the last piece of clothing I wore, I turned and moved close to the bed. I slipped my briefs off inches from Rachel’s face, and my achingly hard cock sprang free.

Her eyes lit up, her mouth formed a grin, and her hand reached out to grip my shaft. “Oooh, Lisa, you are one lucky girl. I know you measured it. So, how big is it?”

Her words made my cock throb in her hand as Lisa chuckled. “Eight and a half inches long and, as you can see, very fat. I’ve never measured around it with a tape, but my pussy has determined that it stretches me wonderfully.”

Rachel gave my cock a tug. “Lie down. I need to suck this cock.”

I looked at Lisa. She grinned and nodded her head. I looked back at Sarah. “Only if I can eat you at the same time. I want to taste the ambrosia that has so entranced my wonderful wife.”

Rachel wasted not a second straddling my face. I began to give her a tongue lashing that I hoped she would never forget. I did my best to integrate what I had learned watching her with my wife while her hot mouth enveloped quite a bit of my achingly hard cock. She was definitely an oral woman. She seemed to enjoy sucking my cock almost as much as I enjoyed eating her sweet pussy.

I groaned in frustration when her mouth left my cock, but I continued exploring her pussy with my tongue. The bed moved, and I felt the familiar warm, wet, silken pussy of my wife sliding down my cock. Thankfully the pussy on my face provided a wonderful distraction, or I would have cum right then.

The three of us settled into a pleasant rhythm, and I soon had two orgasming women riding my body. I will admit that I was rather proud of my performance so far. I had never made two women orgasm at once before, and I knew I would love to make a habit of it. There was no doubt in my mind that while this was the first time the three of us would be together, it wouldn’t be the last.

Lisa fell onto her back as Rachel slipped off my face and settled on the bed beside me. Lisa had a mischievous glint in her eyes as she looked at me. “It’s Rachel’s turn, babe. Give her that magic cock.”

I turned my attention to Rachel, and she reached for me. “Make love to me, Gary. I need it so bad.”

I moved between her legs, and she guided me into her without hesitation or fanfare. We started slowly and romantically, but we soon devolved to our basic instincts and began fucking each other’s brains out. Rachel’s loud moans of ecstasy and the sudden wet warmth of her orgasm nearly sent me over the edge. I slowed my pace in a vain attempt to hold off cumming myself.

Rachel gave my shoulders a gentle shove. “Lie down on your back. I want to taste your cum.”

I did as she asked because I’m not stupid. She dove onto my cock. Her obvious skill made me wonder what kind of idiot she had been married to. How could any man resist such beauty and sexuality? The guy was flat-out insane to cheat on her. Then, l was incapable of thought as the ecstatic pressure built until my cum exploded from my cock into her willing mouth.

I was in an orgasmic stupor as Rachel leaned toward Lisa and kissed her. They shared the taste of me between them as my spent cock twitched. My spirit was willing and wanted more. My body, however, was spent for the moment and wasn’t helping. I was pragmatic about it and happily watched the two beautiful women. This night had turned out better than I could have dreamed.

Snuggling ensued, followed by a bathroom break and a snack in the kitchen. Lisa helped Rachel straighten up the kitchen before we returned to bed. The three of us slipped into sleep with our bodies touching as if we had been together for years.

In the morning light, with our sexual appetites sated, we agreed that once was never going to be enough. Rachel became an integral part of our lives. Even though her work often took her away, we managed to get together at least a few weekends a month.


The three of us went to the club when we got together on the weekends and always had a wonderful time. We became social friends with the regulars and had a lot of fun. One couple, in particular, spent a lot of time with us. Anna and Deb always came together. I assumed that they were in a long-term relationship. Both women were very attractive and very flirty, especially with Lisa. Rachel didn’t mind at all, so I didn’t either. I had already decided that Lisa was in charge of this side of our sex life. I was perfectly happy letting her decide how far we would go and with whom.

One Saturday night, Anna and Deb turned up the heat. They took turns slow dancing with Lisa with seduction as their goal. I knew that they were watching me surreptitiously and gauging my reaction to their obvious intent. I maintained a stoic countenance just to mess with their heads a little. That kind of backfired when both women backed off. A slow song had started, and neither woman asked Lisa to dance. I reached across the table and gently touched Anna’s arm. I was surprised at the hard muscles. “Anna, Deb? I’m teasing you. Lisa is in charge of her body. Why don’t you let her tell you what she wants? Don’t worry about me. What makes Lisa happy makes me happy.”

Half an hour later, Lisa sat down next to me and whispered into my ear. “Can we take them home with us?”

I smiled at the glint in her eyes. She was raring to go, and I wasn’t about to refuse her. Anna and Deb agreed readily and asked if Lisa could ride with them to our house, ostensibly to provide directions. Rachel rode with me and managed to fish my cock out of my pants before I got out of the parking lot. The console, steering wheel, and general awkwardness precluded her from putting her mouth on me, but that didn’t stop her from slowly stroking me all the way home. She sent a clear message that she had plans for me while Anna and Deb continued my wife’s seduction.

Rachel and I couldn’t help but chuckle as my wife exited the back seat of Deb’s car. Her face was flushed, her lipstick smeared, and her blouse was unbuttoned. Anna had worked her over pretty well during the ten-minute drive to our house.

We went inside, and I asked Rachel to help me fix drinks in the kitchen while Lisa and her new friends got better acquainted. They didn’t need us hovering over them while they took their attraction to the next level. I took advantage of the opportunity to lay one hell of a lip lock on Rachel while we were about it. We gave Lisa and her new friends ten minutes before reappearing in the living room.

Anna and Deb had taken full advantage of the time. Anna had Lisa’s top off and was caressing her tits while sucking on her nipples. When we walked into the room, Deb had removed Lisa’s skirt and was peeling her thong off. She buried her face between my wife’s legs and went to town on her. I settled back in the recliner, and Rachel joined me with her back to me. She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed happily. I kissed her neck while unbuttoning her blouse. I was never more thankful than that moment for the invention of the front-opening bra. I played with Rachel’s nipples and her neck while watching the action on the couch.

It didn’t take long before Lisa was completely lost in lust. Her tongue and Anna’s were battling. Her body suddenly stiffened as Deb’s talented tongue brought her to a gushing orgasm. Lisa left no doubt that she was definitely into chicks.

Lisa pushed Deb’s head away gently and climbed to her feet. “We need to continue this in the bedroom.”

She led Anna and Deb down the hall while Rachel and I disentangled ourselves. We lagged a bit behind and walked into the bedroom in time to hear my wife exclaim, “OH MY GOD!”

Rachel and I looked into the room, curious as hell. Anna and Deb were standing with their backs to the bedroom door, naked, except for the pantyhose that they both wore. Lisa was sitting on the bed, staring with huge eyes. Her tongue darted out and licked her lower lip while she watched closely as Anna and Deb peeled off their pantyhose. The source of Lisa’s shock quickly became apparent.

Rachel was paying close attention to Lisa. “Lisa? Are you okay?”

Anna and Deb turned toward Rachel, revealing the two impressive erections they were sporting. I was speechless for a long moment. When I finally found my voice, I wasn’t very happy. “You know this may come as a shock to you, but the fact that you’re Trans is information you should have shared before things got this far.”

Anna and Deb had trouble meeting my eyes. Anna was the first to screw up her courage. “We thought you knew. We thought everybody at the club knew. Deb and I are not your typical trans couple. We’re into each other, and we love women. We thought you guys were into it.”

Deb looked at me pleadingly. “We didn’t mean any harm. We’re sorry that we’ve offended you. We'll go and we won’t bother you again.”

I felt the need to correct some things. “First of all, I’m not offended. You are free to be whoever you want to be. I hope that brings you happiness. But come on! You have to know that Lisa's being with another woman is one thing. Having two cocks after her is quite another.

“Next time, you should probably make sure you explain yourselves before things get intimate. Just a suggestion.”

I looked at Lisa, who had caught every word. I could tell that she was very curious. “Lisa, honey. What do you want to do now that the shock is past?”

Her mouth fell open. “You’d let me fuck them? Really?”

I shrugged. “It only seems fair. You let me fuck Rachel. You’d let me be with a guy if I was so inclined. From the way you worded your question, it appears to me that you are definitely interested.”

Her face turned red at that, but her libido wasn’t going to let a little embarrassment get in the way. Deb and Anna had turned sideways to face each other while standing on either side of Lisa as she sat on the bed. The profile view had Lisa and Rachel’s undivided attention, and for good reason. Deb was hung similar to me, which meant she was no slouch in the cock department. Anna, on the other hand, was pornstar hung. She was sporting a good ten inches of fat cock, and Lisa couldn’t take her eyes off it. Her hand reached up and grasped Lisa’s cock. She soon demonstrated that she couldn’t keep her mouth off of it either. Her eyes closed as she sucked Anna’s cock like it contained the elixir of life.

The rest of us watched in fascination as my lovely wife did her best to swallow her whole. She’d never had a cock that big in her mouth before, and she choked on it with several inches left in her hand. She must have realized that there was no way she was swallowing all of that because she settled into a nice blow job using as much cock as could fit comfortably in her mouth. Anna had zero complaints.

She worked that big cock over pretty well until Deb decided to move things along. Anna pulled her cock from my wife’s mouth, then got onto the bed. She leaned back against the headboard. Lisa got the hint right away. She moved between her legs and returned to sucking her cock. Lisa’s cute little ass wiggled invitingly. Deb moved onto the bed behind Lisa and began to rub her cock up and down Lisa’s labia. When she got it wet enough, she pushed inside my wife.

Lisa was groaning around the huge cock in her mouth as Deb began fucking her with long strokes. It was odd, yet very erotic, to watch a slender woman with some pretty awesome b-cups and a pert ass fucking my wife with her big cock. Apparently, Lisa felt the same way because she let out a muffled scream as she came all over Deb’s cock.

Deb pulled her rigid cock out of my wife’s spasming pussy and switched places with Anna. Anna rolled Lisa onto her back and pushed her legs up and back, exposing her most intimate parts for the entire room to see. She rubbed the head of that big cock of hers up and down my wife’s soaked pussy.

Lisa watched with her mouth gaping as Anna pushed inside, then, inch by long inch, sank deeper into her. When she had Lisa full to capacity, she stopped moving. Her butt began flexing, and I knew that she was flexing her massive cock in my wife’s pussy. Lisa certainly noticed and orgasmed loudly as she was joyfully impaled on that massive prick.

Anna was far from done. As soon as Lisa’s respiration steadied, Anna pulled slowly back, then pushed back inside. Within a few moments, Anna was fucking Lisa with nice long strokes. Lisa was nearly delirious with ecstasy. Deb had been left watching because of the way that Lisa was positioned. She couldn’t get her cock anywhere near Lisa’s mouth.

Anna increased her pace and was really putting the meat to my wife when Lisa suddenly let out a piercing scream and orgasmed so hard that a puddle formed on the bed.

One of the oddest things happens when an experience is so far out of normal that the brain decides it’s time to start looking for an out. My wife was getting her brains fucked out by two transgenders that didn’t fit any transgender definition that I had ever heard of. We hadn’t discussed her fucking another cock before now. I definitely would have remembered that conversation, especially if we decided that multiple cocks were allowable. It all kind of happened organically, but that didn’t mean my brain wasn’t fried.

She was obviously having a wonderful time. I was happy for her in that regard. Two other cocks fucking her, I wasn’t so sure about. Especially one that I was worried would become addictive to my wife. I know that for most women, size isn’t really something they concern themselves with. At least if the guy is somewhere in the average range. I know that I’m well-endowed and that my wife loves my cock. That didn’t stop that little voice in me from telling me I’d just been replaced.

All of that was sending my brain reeling, so it found an out. My attention focused on my wife’s orgasmic puddle and took solace in the fact that we’d put a leak-proof mattress pad on the bed. I mentally patted myself on the back for a brilliant decision that would prevent an unsightly stain. I would strip the bed when everyone left, throw the sheets in the wash, and the stain would be gone when the cycle was complete.

My view of the puddle was blocked when Anna pulled out of my wife long enough to reposition. Anna rolled onto her back and pulled Lisa on top. Lisa wasted no time feeding that big cock back into her pussy.  She was grinding on his cock when I noticed Deb digging through the nightstand drawer. I was just about to ask her what the hell she was doing when she pulled out the lube. She shoved the drawer closed and moved behind my wife.

She’s not doing what I think she’s doing. Is she? If the slippery finger that just got buried in my wife’s asshole was any indication, she was definitely doing it. Deb spent several minutes preparing my wife’s ass. Lisa’s response to the anal intrusion was to groan and shiver in ecstasy. I shrugged internally and let it go. I had either already lost her or had never lost her at all. Our conversation in the light of day was going to be interesting.

Deb positioned herself over my wife’s ass and aimed her cock at my wife’s asshole. Her experience was obvious as she entered Lisa’s ass smoothly. By the time Deb started seriously pounding Lisa’s ass, Lisa was loving every second of it.

To this point, Anna had been unmoving below Lisa. That changed when her hands came up and gripped Lisa’s hips. She pushed up and back, forcing Lisa onto Deb’s cock and giving herself room to stroke upward. Anna and Deb settled into what was obviously a familiar rhythm. At first, they alternated strokes. Lisa came so hard that she screamed herself hoarse.

They stopped stroking into her until she returned to earth, then returned to stroking into her, only this time in unison. Lisa was a babbling mess by this point. Anna and Deb nearly simultaneously shot their loads into my wife’s pussy and ass, and that sent her into her final orgasm of the night. Her head was lolling between Anna’s tits while she gasped for breath and tried to remember her own name.

During the entire threesome, Rachel’s body had been pressed up against me, and I found her presence reassuring. I really wasn’t interested in sex at the moment. I was more concerned about what would happen next.

I watched as Deb slipped her spent cock from Lisa’s ass. She got off the bed and went into the bathroom. Anna gently rolled Lisa onto the bed and kissed her softly on the lips. Lisa was aware enough to return the kiss. Moving her lips was about as much muscle as she was capable of moving for the moment. Anna was tender with her and kissed her for several very, very long minutes.

I think Rachel sensed my stress and gently held my hands, letting me know she was there for me. Anna got off the bed and joined Deb in the bathroom. The shower started as I went to my wife. I put one knee on the bed and touched her cheek with my hand. Her eyes gradually opened, and she looked up at me. She smiled softly. “Thank you for giving me that. I love you so very much.”

She paused for a moment and licked her dry lips before looking at me again. “Honey, it was fun and everything, but I don’t like that you weren’t part of it.”

I shook my head. “I want you to be happy, and they made you happy. Honey, they made you cum harder than you ever have in your life. I’m glad you got to experience that. It was something that you seemed to really want. There was no way I could refuse.

“It happened, honey, and you had a wonderful time. It doesn’t have to be anything more than that if you don’t want it to be. If you decide later that you want more, we’ll need to talk. Right now, I’m okay with it. If we’re going to have sex with people outside our marriage, then it needs to be like it is with Rachel. Not separately having sex with other people. I can’t live a life of a cuckold, and I don’t want a replacement for you.”

She reached for me and I let her pull me in. She clung to me desperately without saying a word for what seemed like ten minutes but was most likely less than one. “I feel the same way you do. Can we chalk this up as an adventure and let it go?”

I nuzzled her neck. “I think that would be for the best. That doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it, right?”

“Yes, baby. We always need to talk. I love you, Gary.”

The shower shut off, and I stood to face our guests. Rachel got onto the bed and knee-walked over to Lisa. “Hey, slut! You got seriously fucked!”

Lisa gave her a bleary-eyed look. “Jealous much, bitch?”

They grinned at each other as Rachel bent down to give Lisa a kiss. They were nestled together when Anna and Deb came out of the bathroom and began dressing. It didn’t take them long. They were ready to go when Anna turned toward the three of us. “Deb and I are really sorry if we messed things up. We both had an amazing night. We think you guys are great people. I hope we can all be friends, even without the awesome sex.

“We should go. I’m sure you have a lot to talk about. We know we’re different. We’re used to people pushing us away. We tend to be a bridge too far for most folks. It’s okay if you don’t want to see us again.”

I held up a hand. “Now, hold on a minute. What happened tonight was beyond our experience and has given us much to process. That’s not because of you. It’s because of the sexual lines that were crossed. We had a wonderful time with you as friends, and I think that Lisa and Rachel agree that we like you. As long as we respect each other’s boundaries, I don’t see why we couldn’t remain friends.

“The fact is that I’m not ashamed of you or anyone else in this room, and I’ll be seriously offended if you are ashamed of yourselves. You do need to work on your approach. I’m surprised that presenting those horse cocks like some kinky jack in the box hasn’t gotten you punched. It’s a bit jarring and not something a person wants to be sprung on them in the heat of the moment.”

I grinned at my wife. “Well, some of us. Apparently, others find it quite stimulating.”

Lisa blushed furiously, but the wiggle of her hips and the grip she had on Rachel’s hand told me she wasn’t about to argue my point. I walked them to the front door and was reaching for the handle when Anna pressed up against me. “You are a very sexy man.”

I held up my hands. “I’m flattered. You are very beautiful, but the cock hanging between your legs just isn’t my thing.”

Anna chuckled and kissed me on the cheek. “Well, if you ever get curious, I will happily volunteer to educate you. You might be surprised at how much fun it can be.”

I stepped back and opened the door. “Not likely, but thanks for the offer. We’ll see you at the club.”

I closed the door behind them and walked back down the hall to the bedroom. I had a lot to think about.

Written by Woodart
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