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Be Careful What You Wish For - It May Come True

"There was just something about her, an almost childlike innocence. I knew the younger girls seemed drawn to the older women and I could not wait to see her let loose."

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Author's Notes

"This is my first piece of fiction based on the fantasy of Eira, from Norway, who shared this with me. <p> [ADVERT] </p>We hope you enjoy this, and if you do, please “like” it."

“Have a lovely time!”

“And you, my lovely. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” and as soon as I said it, I knew I didn’t mean it. “Eddie, forget that. Please don’t do anything I would do!”

He turned and smiled and, after throwing his bag into the boot, he climbed in next to Claire’s husband, and off they set.

“Eira, it’s me. Are you ready?”

“No, I thought you said mid-day.” She sounded nervous, or perhaps it was excitement?

“I did. Has your husband gone?”

“Yes, he left about five minutes ago.”

“OK, I want you here now.”

“I haven’t dressed yet.”

“You can get dressed here. Now hurry up, and Eira.”


“Don’t forget your plug.”





If I had to be honest, I wasn’t sure I should have invited Eira. Please don’t get me wrong, Eira is a beautiful woman. Whilst she was a little older than me, and would be older than my other guests, she was a rare beauty, with lovely pale skin, a beautiful smile, and with eyes that just sparkle. But would she be up for what I had in mind? I wasn’t sure.

It had all started a month or so ago. She and her husband had moved here with his work and they had rented a lovely property a few streets from us, and I had been introduced to her by my friend Claire at a party. A few days later, I bumped into her again when shopping and, as I was on my own and a little bored, I suggested coffee. And she was charming and I must admit, as I looked closely at her, I was intrigued. There was just something about her. I wonder.

A week later and there she was again. I was with Sally, my girlfriend and as we walked into the bar, there was Eira, sat on her own, looking out of the window. At first, I considered quickly leaving. After all, I was with Sally and we were planning a quick drink and then back to my house where we intended to make love all afternoon.

“Hi there, on your own?”

Eira jumped slightly but then smiled when she saw it was me. I introduced Sally and she asked us to join her. I was amazed by the quality of her English and Sally and I chatted away to her, and she seemed happy to tell us all about herself and her family. But it was when we went to leave, she appeared a bit put out, and I had to make an excuse why she couldn’t join us, which I don’t think she bought.

My guilt had faded somewhat by the time Sally undressed me on the stairs and it had completely disappeared well before my first orgasm ripped through me.

It was the following day that I had a text message from an unknown number.

“Hi Emma, this is Eira. Claire gave me your number. Would you like to come to mine for a coffee?”

Why not I thought and later that morning I found myself sitting in her lovely kitchen. Even though the house was rented, they had obviously made it very much their home with lots of Norwegian items and family photos and as I browsed the photos one caught my eye.

“Eira, is that you?”

“Yes, do you like it?”

Wow, did I like it! She was dressed in full lingerie, sitting in a chair, her legs open, adjusting her stocking tops. She looked stunning. Wow. She explained her husband was a keen photographer and she often modelled for him. And then she showed me a few more which, for obvious reasons, were not on display.

“These are beautiful,” I said, and she smiled and as I picked up another I added. “So these are for your husband or boyfriend or perhaps girlfriend?”

“My husband, of course!”

“Why of course?”

Again, Eira hesitated. “Because I don’t have boyfriends or girlfriends.”

“OK, that’s your choice.” And I took a large sip of my coffee and waited.

Eira did likewise. There was a silence, not awkward, as I was not in the slightest bit feeling awkward.

“So, you have boyfriends and girlfriends?” Her eyes were wide open.

“Not so much boyfriends. If I want to fuck some bloke I will but I’m not in the slightest bit interested in seeing them more than once.” Eira's eyes grew larger and I could see by the look on her face she didn’t know what to say. But I waited, she could ask the next question.

“Emma, so Sally is your girlfriend?” I nodded and smiled.

“Is that why you both left so suddenly?” I nodded again. Eira thought for a few moments.

“Does your husband know about her?”

“Of course he does.”

“And he doesn’t mind?”

“To be honest, he loves it.” Again, Eira’s face said it all.

“Look Eira, don’t look all shocked.” She looked at me, but before she could say anything, I added, “Wouldn’t you want someone to take you to bed and have wonderful, mind-blowing, uncomplicated sex with them?” She didn’t reply but she was thinking. So, I added, “Like me?”

Again, she hesitated but this time I waited.

“Of course, I am bi,” she said eventually.

“Are you?”

“Well, yes, I think so.” How many times have I heard that?

“You think so?”

“OK, bi-curious then.”

“Oh, you are curious, are you?” She nodded. “So, you’re curious about how it would feel if a woman kissed you?” She nodded. “How it would feel if a woman sucked your nipples, or sucked your pussy?” Again, she nodded.

“But you have never actually done any of that.”

“Well, no, but I have fantasised about it so many times.”

“OK,” I said, “let’s see.”

I got off my stool and walked around the kitchen counter and stood in front of her. I could sense her tension, as she sat motionless, just looking up at me, so innocent.  I gently took her face in my hands and stroked her cheeks, my fingers brushing her lips, and across her brow, as she gazed into my eyes, almost childlike.

“You are beautiful,” I said, as very slowly, I leaned over her and kissed her, at first lightly but then more passionately, gently nibbling her lips. And she responded. And, as we kissed, my hands stroked her face and then her neck, and then onto her shoulders, and eventually down onto her breasts and, as I gently squeezed her, she gasped and softly moaned.

“Still curious?” I said, breaking our kiss. Eira didn’t say anything but continued to look into my eyes.

“Eira,” I said, as I walked back to my stool, “I’m having a party, the weekend after next.” She still hadn’t said anything but her eyes followed me. “Now, if you are really curious, and you’re a good girl, you can come. Would you like that?”

“I think so, who would be there?”

“My girlfriends. But you’ll have to do exactly what I ask you to do.” She thought for a few moments.

“OK, I think so.”

“Eira, “I think so” is not good enough. It is either yes, and you can come, or no, and you don’t. You can come to my party or you can spend the Saturday night watching Strictly, let your husband fuck you for five minutes, if you’re lucky, and wake up to him snoring and scratching his hairy arse. It’s up to you.”

“What will I have to do?”

“Nothing you wouldn’t want to, I promise. You need to trust me. You do what I tell you to do and I promise it will be a night to remember.”

“OK.” But do you really mean that I thought, or are you just trying to impress me? OK let’s find out.

“So, Eira, it starts now, yes?”

“Why now?”

“Eira, I am not going to have you saying no to me, or any of the girls, next weekend. Do you understand?” She nodded. “So, we start now. And, like I said, if you’re a good girl, well, you won’t want to watch Strictly again.”

“OK. I will.”

I looked at her carefully. She was quite a beauty, with beautiful hazel eyes, her frame small and delicate and more importantly, she had an almost childlike innocence. Yes, she was exactly what I was looking for. And the girls will love her. But she had to do what I said.

“Eira, please take your clothes off?” She looked startled, and hesitated. “Eira, please do as you are told.”

She stood and slowly, and reluctantly took off her jumper. She was wearing a lovely blue lace bra, her small but milky breasts looked beautiful and I could clearly see her nipples. She stood and looked at me as if that was that. Go on Eira, I thought, I am not telling again, and she sensed I was waiting.


“Eira, I am not going to tell you again.”

Much to my surprise, she seemed to accept her fate and unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off. And looking straight at me, she pulled off her panties and unclipped her bra and stood looking at me. Oh, I was impressed. Her breasts were small but her nipples were pink and tender, her skin milky and soft and her pubic hair, light and fine.

I stood and walked around her, taking in her nakedness and, as I did so, I ran my hands over her hips and onto her lovely bottom and then, standing in front of her, I gently squeezed her breasts and rolled her nipples between my fingers.

“Yes, Eira, well done,” and I kissed her softly. “I want you to stay naked when you are at home. Do you understand?” She nodded. “I mean it Eira. Naked.”


“What are you doing tomorrow?”

“Nothing really.”

“Good. Come round to my house at 10.00 am. I want you to wear a dress with your stockings and suspenders, like in your photo.”




I can’t believe I’m doing this. Holy fucking hell. But when Emma had kissed me and I had then stripped for her, I knew this was it. I had fantasised so often, and masturbated so many times, dreaming of a woman making love to me. And this could be it. But it was clear Emma wanted me under her control and I was determined to show her I would do anything she wanted.

When she had left me naked in my kitchen, I had run upstairs and found my vibrator, and masturbated until I orgasmed. And when Oliver got home, I was naked and he fucked me on the kitchen table. And it was in this respect Emma was wrong.

“What on earth has happened to you?”

“Do you remember Emma?” Of course, he did, he had commented about her when he had seen her at the party, and what he would like to do to her.

“Well. I think my fantasy just might come true!”

 And later, in bed, he made me tell him all the details, and we fucked again until we fell asleep in each other arms and when I woke, he had already left for work, so I had to masturbate until I orgasmed again.  

When I got to Emma’s, I rang the bell and waited.

“Hi Eira,” said Emma from the speaker, “come round the back. The gate is open and the back doors. Help yourself to coffee.”

When I went in, I heard Emma somewhere upstairs, talking to someone, but she appeared a few minutes later, naked.

“Good morning beautiful,” she said and kissed me, “leave your stockings on, but you can leave the rest on the chair,” and she picked up her coffee and trotted out into the garden. “It’s lovely out here, have you had breakfast?”

It was an incredible feeling, dressed in only my stockings and suspenders, wearing my heels, as I walked up the garden path to where Emma was sitting having her coffee. And she seemed so at ease it was incredible.

This was the first time I had seen her naked. Like me, her breasts were small but her nipples were dark and full, and her skin was dark, without a hint of tan lines. And she was lean and didn’t seem to carry any excess weight, with narrow hips, although her tummy had some folds, which I think we all have when sitting. But it was when she walked back to the kitchen that I saw that beautiful bottom and when she returned, I noticed she was completely shaved.

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“Is Eddie at home?” I asked as she topped up our coffees.

“No, why?”

“Just I thought I heard you talking to someone, that’s all.”

“Oh, that’s Petra, our cleaner.”

“And you don’t mind being naked in front of her?” Obviously not, as just at that moment a young lady appeared at the kitchen door and Emma trotted off to speak to her.

“OK,” she said, a few minutes later, Petra having left. “Get dressed, our appointment is in five minutes.”

As we walked up into the town Emma was bright and bouncing but outside the salon, she stopped.

“This is my treat, OK?” I nodded. “I promise you’ll love it.”

It was well over an hour before we emerged, both of us slightly flushed and, in my case, less a good deal of pubic hair. In fact, with no pubic hair at all. Emma seemed very pleased with me and as we walked down the high street, she held my arm and I felt wonderful.

We went to a small but lovely bar and sat in the window seat, and sipped Prosecco and chatted. And I told her about last night, and she wanted all the details, which I gladly supplied.

“So, you see, your husband finds you naked and he fucks you on the kitchen table. Has he done that before?” I admitted he had, but not like that.

“So, your husband knows about your fantasy?” I explained that he did and that he had his own fantasies which he had told me all about. Emma just looked at me for a short while, obviously thinking carefully.

“And he is happy for you to turn your fantasy into reality?”

“I think so,” I said and then immediately realised my mistake. “Yes, he is. Definitely.”

She looked at me for a few moments more and then changed the subject.

“What do you think he’s going to do to you when he comes home tonight and finds you naked and with a freshly shaved pussy?” I didn’t have to reply, I knew and she knew. And we both smiled.

“So, Eira, what about us?”

I didn’t really know what she meant but she reached across the table and held my hand.

“Do you trust me?” she said, and I nodded.  “OK Eira, please give me your knickers.”

I froze, but realising I had to do what she told me, I glanced around, looking for the toilets.

“Eira, your knickers, please. And I mean now.” Was she serious? Surely not. But she was looking at me and when she opened her hand for me to place them in, I realised I had no choice.

I took a quick glance around and, reaching under my dress, I whipped them down and unhooked them from my heels. She still had her hand out, open and waiting, and again, I quickly glanced around and put them in her hand. I don’t know what I expected but I didn’t expect what she did next.

“Very pretty,” she said, dangling them in front of her face, and then holding them up to the window. And she placed them on the table, in front of us. It was perhaps a minute later the waitress arrived with our food and I could not look at up as she served us.




“Eira, please. I don’t want to have to ask you again. In fact, this is your last warning.”

I really didn’t want to threaten her, in fact she had done so well. But I could not risk her being at my party and refusing to do something. Even hesitating was bad enough, she had to do what she was asked to do, immediately. Everyone there knew the limits and no one would ask her to do something wrong. She had to obey.

“I’m sorry, OK I will.”

“Thank you, Eira. Message me when you are home.”

“Yes, I will.”

I waited. And waited. And finally, I messaged her.

“Eira, are you home yet?”

I waited a few minutes more and then my phone pinged.

“Yes, I am home. Got them!”

“What have you got Eira?”

“My knickers and her number!”

“Good girl, you deserve a reward. Come here now.”

I waited with my phone in my hand, anticipating a problem. Ping.

“On my way.”

Good girl. You do deserve a treat.




I was almost bouncing with joy. The last half hour had been the most incredible and horniest half hour of my life. And it had been such a simple thing, but when Emma had initially told me to do it, I had been petrified.

“Eira, it’s very simple. Go to the bar where we were yesterday. Go now, it will be busy.”

“And then what?”

“Find the young lady who served us and ask her if she had found your knickers on the table. Tell her you had left them there by accident.”

“Oh, you are kidding?”

“No, I’m serious. If they have them say thank you. If they haven’t never mind, but in either case, ask her if she’d like lunch with you sometime. Be persistent, and get her number.”

“Emma I can’t do that!”

But I had. And now, on my way to Emma’s, her words were flying like butterflies in my mind. “Good girl… deserve a reward..”

When I got there, I was slightly out of breath and, after trying the side gate, I went up the steps to the front door and pushed the buzzer. Emma opened the door and smiled. She was naked.

“Come in my lovely,” and as I stepped in, she kissed me softly on my lips, and then closed the door. “Let’s go downstairs,” she said walking towards the stairs, “You can leave your clothes on that chair. Quickly.”

I hadn’t thought about having to strip naked for her, but I didn’t hesitate and I was downstairs with her in no time.

She had already poured my drink and handed it to me. “Well done, Eira,” and she raised her glass. “Now, tell me all about it.”

I started at the beginning and told her how I’d waited outside for several minutes trying to pluck up the courage. And she listened carefully, checking a few things, such as how busy it was, who was serving, and, on more than one occasion asking me to describe how I was feeling, what was I thinking, and was I excited.

“Oh my god, Emma, I can’t believe I did it and it was utterly, unbelievably horny!”

“And was it the same girl?”

“Yes, and she seemed to recognise me straight-away!”

“That does not surprise me, I mean, how many ladies leave a pair of lace knickers on their table?” I giggled and she beamed a most beautiful smile at me, and I felt my nipples hardened.

She jumped up off the stool and quickly topped up our drinks. “Follow me Eira,” and off she went, up the stairs to the hall, and then up the stairs to where, I assumed, were the bedrooms. And suddenly, my nerves returned.

“Come on Eira, in here,” she said as she trotted down the hallway, and she disappeared into a door on her left. And I followed, the butterflies in my tummy fluttering.

The bedroom was huge, with two large bay windows, beautifully decorated and a huge bed, with a large brass bed-head and matching base. And there were two doors, at either end of the room and I could see Emma in one of the rooms, in front of a large wardrobe.

“Here we are,” she said, walking back into the room carrying a pretty box, and she put it on the table and opened it. “These are for you.”

Oh my. Inside was the most beautiful lingerie set I had ever seen, and item by item, I took them out and admired them. They were lovely.

“Do you like them?” Emma asked smiling. “They should fit but I did have to take a guess.”

“Oh, Emma, they are beautiful, thank you.”

“Well, you deserve them, you have done very well. Let me help you try them on.”

She started with the bra, which was half-cupped and she clipped in on me, and after adjusting the straps, she stood back and smiled, as I looked at myself in the large mirror on the wall. It was lovely, the bra gently lifting my breasts and my nipples on show.  

Next was the suspender belt, which was simple but beautiful and as Emma fastened it, I picked up the stockings, the tops of which matched the bra and belt. Emma sat me on the stool and she knelt in front of me and rolled them onto my legs and then helped me stand.

“You look absolutely beautiful,” she said as she started to fasten the stockings to the straps. And I found myself just standing there, looking into the mirror, watching as this gorgeous, naked woman, dressed me. And when she picked up the knickers, I felt my nipples harden, and my pussy tingled.

Emma knelt and helped me put my feet into them, and then she pulled them up and I couldn’t believe what I saw. They were made of the same lace, and so pretty but it was the fact they were open crotched, and as Emma adjusted them, I realised my pussy was framed between the beautiful fabric and when I turned, my bottom was fully accessible. But, oh wow, even I thought I looked wonderful.

“Oh, I forgot, just a second,” and Emma disappeared into the dressing room and returned with a pair of heels. “Try these,” she said, kneeling in front of me, and placing them onto my feet. “I think you are the same size as me,” and having fastened them she stood and looked at me, a huge smile on her face. “You look fucking gorgeous Eira.”

And I had to agree. The woman in the mirror did look fucking gorgeous. 




I was very pleased. OK, I was still worried. Yes, Eira had done what I had asked, and she was not questioning my instructions, or hesitating, but how she would react when asked to do, well, whatever she is asked to do, by one of my guests? I was not sure. But I think she would be worth the risk.

There was just something about her. She would be the oldest of our debutants, but that was definitely not an issue, as she did not look her age, helped by a lovely milky complexion, her blond hair and lovely body. And I had seen how the younger girls seemed drawn to the older women.

But the thing that stuck me most, was that there was an innocence about her which made her appear to be so delicate and almost fragile. And I could not wait to see her let loose, as I had the feeling that when she did, it would be a sight to behold. Whilst there was definitely an innocence with respect to sex with women, it was obvious that her sex life with her husband was not vanilla.

“So, Eira, this is what I want you to wear on Saturday.”

“Yes, of course I will.”

“Good, so I want you to be here by mid-day, as soon as the men have gone.”

“Yes, but I am a bit worried Oliver doesn’t want to go.”

“Is he having second thoughts about this?”

“Perhaps, a little,” she said, “but as you said, reality is so different than fantasy.”

“It is Eira, but you will convince him to go. I don’t care what you have to do, or tell him, or promise him, but he must go because you will not be home until Sunday afternoon and we don’t want him coming looking for you.”

“OK, I will.”

“Good girl,” I said and I gently kissed her. She stared into my eyes and I smiled at her.

“Now, there are just a few other things you need to know.” She looked at me, and I thought I could hear her heart thumping.

“Have you ever worn a collar?” She nodded. Yes, I thought so. “Good. When you get here on Saturday, I will put a collar on you. OK?” Again, she nodded. “I will have the lead. If a guest wishes you to be with them, they will ask me for the lead and then you will be theirs’ until they give me back the lead, with you attached to it, of course. Is that clear?”

“Oh, yes.”

“And, Eira, if I am not mistaken, you have had anal sex with your husband?” She nodded but I could see she was anxious. “Please don’t worry Eira. Nobody is going to hurt you, I promise.”

I reached into the box and picked up the ruby-red anal plug and applied some lube. And, as I walked over to Eira, her eyes widened and I could see her body tense, just slightly.

“Do you like it?” She nodded. “Just bend over,” and she obeyed immediately. I gently spread her cheeks and after I rubbed the tip around her anus, I pressed it in. There were a few seconds of resistance, and in it went.

“I want you to wear this a few hours every day before Saturday.” She nodded. “Eira, please tell me.”

“Yes, I will.”

Written by EmmaEddie72
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