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Be Careful What You Wish For - Part 2 The Debutant

"Well, Eira could no longer describe herself as “bi-curious” that was for certain. And if curiosity killed the cat, it had had a very different affect on this little pussy. And I wanted her."

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Author's Notes

"This is Part Two of Eira’s fantasy. This is her fantasy. We hope you enjoy this as much as we have had dreaming about it. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you do, please “like” it, it means a great deal to us."

Oh no, please no. I was just so tired.

“Eira, wake up, you’re wanted.”

Please no, but I knew I had to get up. I felt her hand on my face, and she gently swept my hair off my face and neck, so she could access my collar, and I felt the cold metal of the chain on my arm as she searched for the clasp. Click.

I opened my eyes but all I could see was her silhouette against the light from the hallway and, accepting my fate, I raised myself off the bed, swinging my legs over so I was sitting.

“Come on Eira, we are waiting.”

I stood but I stumbled, and she waited until I found my balance and then she led me out into the hallway. She was naked, and I followed her beautiful bottom towards the stairs and then down to the lower hallway. The door on my left was open, and I glanced in to see two, perhaps three, naked bodies on the bed but we walked on past, to the door on our right and in we went. And my heart fluttered as I knew who would be in here, waiting for me.



“I will be fine my darling, and when you get home, I will tell you all about it and you can do whatever you want to do with me.” But Oliver did not look convinced. He was worried about me and, if I was being honest, I was worried about me too.

I was about to find out if reality can match fantasy. In this case, this was my fantasy, in which I am in the control of a woman, to be used by her, in any way she wanted to. I had masturbated time and time again thinking about it, imagining the scenarios in my mind and today was my chance and my nerves were jangling, uncontrollably jangling, so much I felt physically sick.

“If you need me, I can get to you in no time,” he said and I kissed him tenderly and he went out to where the car was waiting, and off they went. He’ll be fine, I thought, quickly shutting the door and rushing upstairs to finish packing my overnight bag.


That was twenty-four hours ago. Now, sitting here in the sunshine, sipping my coffee I wondered if I would ever experience this incredible feeling of joy, of contentment, of utter delight, again. Oh god, I hope so. And in my mind, there were no horny fantasies, and no imaginary pictures but just real memories, and my body was flushed with reality.



Eira looked just wonderful. I adjusted her suspender belt for the last time and stood back to admire her. Oh my, she is going to get ravished, I thought, but I realised I needed to be careful. It was all well and good, her saying she was “up for this,” but the reality was that she had no experience at all. Willingness is one thing, but doing it is a completely different thing. Well, I thought, we are about to find out.

“Eira, please get my dress, it’s on the back of the door.” Standing in front of the mirror, I carefully checked my make-up and then my hair. Yes, I thought, that’ll do.

“Oh my god Emma, this is beautiful.” Eira was holding my dress, her eyes were bright and wide.

“Do you like it?” I said and she smiled, as she helped me into it.

The dress was a beautiful golden metal chain dress, which I had worn once before. It had certainly turned heads that night, even though I was wearing a body suit that time but this time I was otherwise naked. A pair of gold heels finished the look perfectly. Yes, that would do.

“Come on Eira, let’s go downstairs, they will be arriving soon,” but as I went to leave the bedroom, I realised Eira was not following. Instead, she was stood almost transfixed, near my dressing table. “Are you OK Eira?”

She didn’t say a word so I walked over to her. There, on the dressing table, were my toys.

“Eira, you told me you have used things like this before.”

“I have, but only with my husband.” She looked worried.

“Eira,” I said, doing my best not to sound annoyed, which I was, “I told you no one is going to hurt you.” She nodded. “I need you to relax. You are bound to be nervous, but I promise, you will enjoy today. Just do want I tell you to do, and let yourself go.” She nodded. “Come on then, you utterly gorgeous sexy lady. Let’s have some fun,” and I kissed her softly. This time she followed me downstairs.

This was the first time I had hosted the girls and I was nervous! But as the girls arrived, I relaxed and soon everyone was chatting and the drinks flowing, and Eira was passing around the nibbles, and looking very happy with herself. And so she should be, as she looked beautiful and all the ladies were chatting to her and, as she moved away to the next group, they would follow her bottom with their eyes.

“I told you they were a lovely bunch,” I said, as Eira arrived to refill my drink.

“They are so lovely,” she agreed, “and wow, some of the dresses are, well, so revealing.”

She was right. They were all lovely, all shapes and sizes and all dressed to impress. And some, just barely dressed at all.  

Eira was very happily serving more drinks and enjoying the attention but I knew the time would soon be coming for her real debut. And I was very worried because, if I was not mistaken, Lara had her eye on her. Let me explain.

Lara is a beautiful black woman, about thirty years old and has a body to die for but, and I speak with the benefit of experience, she is not for the faint-hearted. And whilst she would undoubtedly get her time with Eira, here today, I did not want Lara to be her first.

So, I was very pleased when I saw Mia and Molly chatting to Eira and, when she went to get another bottle, they watched her bottom and giggled and walked over to me.

“Emma, can we be first?” Yes, you can, I thought, and I gave them her lead.



I don’t know how to describe what happened. One minute I was in Emma’s garden, surrounded by a dozen or more lovely ladies, serving drinks, and chatting away, feeling relaxed and happy, and the next minute I was being led away, on a lead, by two young girls. And everyone was smiling and even a few clapped in approval, as I followed them into the breakfast room.

As we climbed the stairs my nerves hit me and I felt sick. Oh god, here goes, I thought, and when we reached the hall, I thought I might faint, but one of the girls had waited for me and took my hand and we followed her friend into what I knew was the lounge.

Emma had shown me around earlier and the room was just lovely, with two large sofas at right angles to each other and a large armchair.

“Hello Eira, my name is Mia and this,” she said, looking at her companion, “is my sister, Molly.” And I stood transfixed as her sister, Molly, slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders and her dress dropped to the floor. She smiled, a cheeky little smile full of mischief, and I then watched as Molly unzipped her sister’s dress and that too, slipped to the floor.



Well, I thought, she can no longer call herself “bi-curious”. I had watched the events in my front room with a mixture of surprise and delight, with perhaps a splash of jealousy, as I think everyone stood watching with me, would have changed places with any one of the three of them. Oh, most definitely, any curiosity had disappeared entirely.

I have had the pleasure of Molly and Mia before and I can assure you they are something special, young fresh and utterly horny young ladies, and seeing them with Eira was a delight.

At first, Eira appeared anxious, perhaps in part due to the fact that most of my guests had followed them up to the lounge. But, when the girls led her over to the sofa and sat her down, she seemed to relax and, as Mia had kissed her, Molly had knelt in front of her, and Eira had lay back and seemed to accept what was about to happen.

I don’t think there are many things more beautiful, so erotic and so utterly horny, as watching women making love. And when Mia straddled Eira’s face and lowered herself onto her mouth, everyone in the room could sense the moment and, a few minutes later, thanks to the exquisite skills of Molly, I watched as Eira had her first orgasm with a woman, her groans muffled by Mia’s pussy.

As the three of them settled down to explore each other’s bodies, I looked around the room and it was clear that everybody had enjoyed watching Eira’s first. Suzie, who had wandered in just after me, and had been stroking my bottom for most of the time, had been joined by Sally, who had lifted her dress and was happily fingering her pussy.

And it was Claire who, with two more of the ladies, had decided their dresses were not a necessity and now, in just stockings and heels, had occupied the other sofa and were obviously intent on catching up Eira, Molly and Mia.

I decided to leave them to it, but as I reached the doorway, I stopped and looked again at Eira and I caught her eye. She was lying on her side licking Mia’s pussy and she hesitated, just briefly, and whilst still looking at me, she slowly and deliberately licked Mia’s pussy deeply and then raised her head and smiled at me.

I was on the deck in the garden when Molly returned with Eira.

“Wow, Emma, she’s fucking gorgeous,” she said and then, holding Eira's face in her hands, she kissed gently. “Thank you,” and off she bounced to where Mia was waiting, her arms around Claire.

“And how was that?” Eira just looked at me, and smiled, almost sheepishly. Her bra had disappeared and I could see where the girls had sucked her lovely milky breasts and chewed her nipples, and I instinctively stroked first one, and then the other, as Eira took a deep breath.

“Emma, when can we make love?” I wanted to say now, right now and take her to my bed. But I couldn’t. I was the hostess and Eira was, first and foremost, here for my guests to enjoy.

“Not yet my lovely, but I will, I promise.” She looked at me disappointingly, with a childlike innocence, her beautiful hazel eyes sparkling. “I promise.”



When Lara appeared by my side with the lead in her hand, I was initially very excited. I had chatted to her earlier and when she looked me up and down, almost examining me, I felt my body tingle. And she was a stunning young black woman, about 5’6’’ with an incredible body, covered only by a loose white dress. Well, I say dress but it was more a simple piece of fabric, tied at the waist by a chain belt, her breasts clearly visible and obviously wearing no underwear.

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As Lara led me away, I heard a couple of the ladies say “Look, Lara’s got her,” and “Oh, this is going to be fun.” But it was when we entered the bedroom, I realised this was going to be different, and my nerves hit me. Lying on the bed were a set of cuffs, a blindfold and a selection of toys.

“I know you have used these before Eira,” said Lara, as two other ladies began to fasten the cuffs, “we’ve seen your photos on Lush,” and she led me to the bed. I lay down and assumed my position and between them, they secured my wrists and ankles. I waited and watched as Lara undid her belt and slipped off her dress and the two ladies did likewise, and all three stood, hands-on-hips, looking at me. Oh my god!

“This is Monika and this is Elizabeth,” said Lara. She was standing at the end of the bed and had the blindfold in her hand and I watched as she knelt on the bed and slowly, and so very gently, ran her hands up my legs and began to inch her way up my body, her breasts rubbing my body, as Monika and Elizabeth walked up either side of the bed, running their hands up my side.

When she was finally face to face with me, she lifted my head and put the blindfold on me. I have never felt so utterly vulnerable in all my life, but I felt my nipples harden, and my pussy tingle with nervous anticipation. And, as their hands and lips began to explore my helpless body, I gave myself to them.

I have no idea how long I was there, nor how many women licked me, sucked me, fingered me or fucked me. And I had lost count of my orgasms, not that I was counting anyway, but one seemed to merge into another and I would be resting, thinking they had finished with me, when another mouth would begin its work and my body surged again. I found myself trying to work out who it was sucking my clitoris, or chewing my nipples, or using the vibrator or who was using the strap-on. But there was only one person’s voice I wanted to hear, only one person’s hands upon me, and one person’s lips kissing me.  Emma, please!



When Lara walked away with Eira I was struck by how I felt. Get a fucking grip Emma, I thought, for fucks sake, and I set off to refill everyone’s drink and check whatever was in the oven cooking. And when Suzie smooched up to me and began to stroke my bottom, I briefly allowed myself to forget the images my imagination was conjuring, and when Sally joined us, we had settled down on one of the sofas and enjoyed ourselves.

When I finally went upstairs, I was reluctant to look into the bedroom where I knew Eira was being pleasured but I was drawn to the door by the sounds of ecstasy coming from the room. Although I know no Norwegian, it did not take a linguist to work that out Eira was in the throes of the mother of all orgasms. And what a scene met my eyes!

Lara was knelt above Eira’s blindfolded face, her pussy just inches from Eira’s mouth. Lara’s body was glistening with perspiration, her lovely full breasts gleaming and when she saw me, she smiled, a smile so full of lust. And in front of her were Monika and Elizabeth, lying between Eira’s restrained legs, their heads together, both licking Eira’s pussy, with the base of a vibrator just visible between Eira’s labia. I watched for a minute or so as Eira’s orgasm receded and, as Lara lowered herself onto Eira’s mouth, I turned and left them to it.

“Wow, Emma, where did you find her?” It was Isabelle, a beautiful French lady about the same age as me, who I had met at the last party. She was walking up the stairs.

“You like her, do you?”

“Oh Emma, she is lovely. I’m going to join them now. Come on, I’d love to see you with her as well.”

I made my excuses and went back down to the kitchen and, after topping up my drink, I went out into the garden to find Suzie. And, if I was being honest, I was not a happy bunny.



As soon as Emma saw me, she smiled and knelt up on her bed. Suzie walked me to the end of the bed and helped me sit, and I felt Emma’s arms around me, her body pressed against my back and, as Suzie helped me out of heels and removed my stockings, Emma gently removed my collar and kissed my neck, her hands gently squeezing my breasts.

“You are with me now, Eira,” she whispered in my ear and she gently helped me onto the bed, and I instinctively rolled over into her arms, my head resting on her breast and she held me tight, kissing my brow and my eyelids. And when I felt Suzie cuddle into my back, I felt my eyes close.

I was dreaming the most bizarre things. Well, they would have been bizarre other than the fact I had just lived through the most bizarre and incredible hours of my life. And even though I knew I was dreaming, I felt my body starting to respond to the strokes and then the kisses and I felt my pussy tingle as I moved my body to allow access to pussy and my bottom.

The kisses increased and I felt unknown fingers exploring my pussy and my bottom and then more kisses on my face and lips and, as I opened my eyes, I was face to face with Emma. And she kissed me and I responded with every ounce of my strength, our tongues dancing together, whilst the tongue between my legs lapped at my pussy and anus until I orgasmed yet again.

When I woke, I was alone. Light was streaming in through a crack in the curtains, and I quickly looked around. I had a sheet on me which felt cool and crisp but then I heard voices and the bathroom door opened and Emma and Suzie came bouncing out.

“She’s awake,” and they both jumped onto the bed and kissed me, and I found myself sandwiched between these two gorgeous women. They smelt fresh and clean and their cool skin against me felt wonderful but I needed to use the bathroom so I quickly excused myself.

When I returned, they were chatting and they both pulled me onto the bed and we kissed but there was something, I did know what, just something about them.

“Eira, did you enjoy yourself?” asked Suzie. I had and they both looked pleased.

“And did you?” I asked, and I was a bit surprised, or perhaps slightly confused, when they exchanged glances.

“I did,” said Suzie, “but your hostess has been waiting for you.” I looked at Emma who was lying on her back, her arms outstretched.

“Waiting for me?” And Emma smiled and gently pulled me to her.

In hindsight, when Molly, or was it Mia, had orgasmed, it was the first time I had seen a woman cum. The very fact it had been me bringing her to orgasm had added to that wonderful moment and when I heard, and felt, others orgasm on me, the thrill was incredible, especially when Lara had removed my blindfold and she orgasmed, loudly and almost violently.

When Emma finally orgasmed, it was in a different league. She had scissored me and, as she used her pussy against mine, I could hardly believe the feelings and emotions wreaking havoc deep in my body. And Emma’s body responded to our kisses and caressing, and when she arched her back, lifting her body off the bed, I watched in awe, witnessing this woman in ecstasy.

We lay together for at least another hour, laughing and giggling, softly kissing and caressing each other bodies until the sounds of others up and about roused us from our bed. We found Lara cooking breakfast and Isabelle, Monika and others preparing fruit, croissant and yoghurt, but it wasn’t long before everyone started to leave and I realised it was past midday.

When I came down from the bedroom with my bag, Lara was saying goodbye to Emma.

“Oh Eira, welcome to the club darling,” she said and kissed me. “I’ve been chatting to Emma. Would you and your husband like to come to dinner the weekend after next?”

“Oh, that would be lovely,” I replied, instinctively.

“We are only a twenty-minute drive away and you can stay the night, we’ve got plenty of room.”  Again, I said that would be lovely and she gave me her phone number and, after another peck, off she went.

I was the last to leave. I had seen Emma say goodbye to Suzie. Everyone had kissed everyone goodbye but when I saw Emma and Suzie, I realised that the pair of them together were somewhat different. What I was witnessing was love, and anyone could plainly see it. And I found myself with a yearning that took me by surprise.

“So, you’re off to Lara’s soon then.” I told her I had just said yes without thinking, and I hoped Oliver would be OK about it.

Emma giggled. “Oh, I think he’ll love it.” At first, I didn’t know what she meant. I certainly did not have any intention of letting Oliver fuck Lara. No way. But then it hit me.

“Emma. Did you tell Lara about Oliver’s fantasy?” She smiled a wicked little smile. Oh, fucking hell Emma.

“You can always cry off Eira. But, if I told you her husband, Marcus, is one of the most beautiful young black men I’ve ever seen, well, he’ll find out for himself.” I nodded. Oh my.

I helped Emma load the dishwasher for the last time and she saw me to the front door. I was dressed in my T-shirt and jeans, Emma with just one of Eddie’s T-shirts on.

“Thank you,” I said, and I found myself staring into her big brown eyes. I sighed as she put her hands on my face, and she stroked my cheeks and then she kissed me and I kissed her right back. And we stayed kissing and kissing as I wrapped my arms around her and, as she pressed herself into me, I cupped her naked bottom in my hands and gently squeezed her. And suddenly I wanted her, right her, right now and, as I lifted her T-shirt off her, she grappled with the buttons on my jeans and yanked them down, her hand thrusting inside my panties.

“How was Oliver when he got home?”

“He was tired but I’ve tired him right out now! He’s exhausted.”

“Good girl, he needs to reclaim you, good and proper! Have you told him about Lara’s invite?”

“Not yet. Think I’ll tell him tonight after he’s pleasured me again.”

“Fancy a bit of shopping tomorrow? Need to replace your lingerie. Think someone has your panties as a trophy.”

“Lol, but you don’t have to do that. Lunch? My treat.”

“That would be lovely. You could ring the girl from the bar. A threesome for dessert!”

“I’d forgotten about her! Emma, are you serious?”

“Definitely. Ring her Eira.”

“OK. If you say so.”

“Good girl. I love you Eira”

“And I love you too Emma.”

Written by EmmaEddie72
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