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The Art of Cuckold Diplomacy – Ch 5, Domination (Part 2)

"Charlotte's seduction and domination of a willing Samantha"

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Author's Notes

"This is the fifth part of my Cuckold Diplomacy series, and the second part of Charlotte's story. If you haven't yet read the first part of Charlotte's tale, you might want to read that first. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy!"

Looking at Samantha, I still thought she was too desirable for her own good.

All she had left on after Peter had finished with her was a pair of high heels. I walked over to her and kissed her full on the mouth, teasing her just a little with my tongue.

‘I think, maybe, it’s my turn now, Sam…’

Sam looked at me, and swallowed. I grinned wickedly back at her. I was intending to enjoy this, and take full advantage of the submissiveness she’d admitted to me only yesterday!

‘Get back on the bed, slut. On your back!’ I ordered.

Looking at me, she did as I said, responding quickly, taking on that submissive mantle. I feasted my eyes on her full, mature figure. I leaned closer to her.

‘Have you ever kissed a woman’s pussy, Sam?’ I asked, softly. I saw her eyes widen. I knew she hadn’t, but didn’t intend to give her a chance to answer.

Quickly, I joined her on the bed, and straddled her face. Unlike Sam, I still had my dress on, though my panties were long gone. I hitched it up as I straddled her, exposing my hairy snatch. I shuffled forward until my pussy was hovering no more than an inch or so over her face.

Sam was looking up at me, her eyes displaying a mixture of trust, and apprehension.

‘I want you to worship me with your tongue, slut. I want you to make me cum!’

I lowered myself down, onto Sam’s face…

There was a moment of hesitation, then I felt Sam’s tongue on my cunt, felt her take her first, tentative lick. I sighed with decadent pleasure, relaxing my thighs slightly. Sam’s head was firmly trapped now, but she wasn’t fighting it. Instead she made little noises of contentment as she kissed and licked. I could feel her sensual tongue exploring me, finding my clit, yes! Oh God, yes! That is so nice, Sam! And yes! Deep inside me now. Deep breath! God, this was heavenly! I looked down and Sam’s eyes smiled at me, cheeky, knowing she was arousing me. I grinned back at her thinking damn, Sam, you are one horny little slut!! I’m so glad I found you!

It was hard to drag my eyes away from the lovely visage trapped between my thighs but, distracted, I looked across the room, I couldn’t help but giggle.

I saw Sam’s husband kneeling between my boyfriend’s thighs. My boyfriend, Peter was introducing Jason to his cock. I was very familiar with both the position and the cock and grinned to myself at the thought of it in Jason’s mouth.

I loved sucking Peter’s cock! Normally, I liked to be the dominant partner, but I would happily switch for the right person. And Peter was perfect! I loved being a sex toy for him to use and abuse. I loved serving him, and pleasing him. I’d been over his knee on more than one occasion, relishing the hard spankings he liked to give me. He often had me begging him to make me cum, begging him to impale me however he liked on his huge cock…

Sam had already sampled that cock tonight – in both her cunt and her mouth, anyway! I wondered how far Peter would take Jason…

Speaking of which – this sexy slut beneath me also needed to be encouraged further along that same road of sexual depravity.

I lifted myself slightly so Sam could move her head.

‘Look over there, Sam – see what your husband is up to?’

I could feel Sam turning her head, looking, absorbing what her eyes were seeing. Her husband submissively sucking cock. I wondered what she thought about that?

‘Peter’s giving Jason the same thing I’m giving you, Sam – an opportunity to demonstrate your devotion! I hope you’re enjoying it, slut! I am…’

I enjoyed calling Sam a slut - and she seemed to like it too – she reacted like she wanted to live up to the role. Who was I to stand in her way?

I wondered how far I could push her?

I lowered myself back down, pushing my wet cunt onto her face. I smiled down at her, willing her to continue what she’d started. Sam’s startled eyes looked back, and then she got the message…

Given she’d never done this before, she was doing a wonderful job! Her mouth and tongue seemed to know exactly what to do! I moaned as she pleasured me. I started to ride her face, rocking backwards and forwards, rubbing my cunt up and down, over her nose and mouth. I was getting close to cumming…

But I didn’t want that – not yet. I quickly flipped round, straddling her so that I was facing her feet. I grabbed Sam’s big tits and pinched her nipples hard. She moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure and her legs parted in response.

I ignored her parted legs. It wasn’t time to pleasure her – not yet! Instead, I sat upright so my arse was right above her face. I slowly lowered myself down - let’s see what she makes of this, I thought…

As before, there was a pause. I could sense her processing what I was asking of her. And then – like before – I felt her tongue! Oh yes! She was going for it! She was licking my arsehole! I sat back more fully on my haunches, putting more weight on her, encouraging her, and giving her easier access. Let’s see what this horny bitch would do!!

She was kissing it now! Oh yes – a kiss with her full lips on my ringpiece! Kissing and sucking! God, that felt nice! So naughty! So decadent. Mmmm, yesss – God, the sordid slut was licking all round my ring!

I could hear her moaning – dirty bitch was enjoying it! Her tongue was pushing right against the centre of me, trying to get inside! Let me flex – ahhh, that’s it, slut! God, your tongue is in my arse, now!

I couldn’t believe she’d got her tongue right up my arse! Oh God, she was fucking me with it! Was she pulling me down? She was! She’d grabbed my hips and was pulling me onto her! I was impaled on her tongue! I don’t think I’d ever been so turned on – so – so out of control!

I started fingering myself, stroking my clit and thrusting my fingers into my soaking cunt, relishing Sam’s tongue thrusting into my arse, ready to explode!

Ohhhhhhh , arrghhhhh – I was coming!!

I grabbed the back of Sam’s head and pulled her even deeper into me, forcing her head as far as it would go between my buttocks. If she wanted this, then I would make sure she got it, dirty bitch! I ground down on her face, revelling in the feel of her tongue inside me. I flexed my sphincter, and could feel Sam wiggling her tongue even deeper into my arse in response. Christ, she was a wild one! I was unleashing a tiger!

I came in shuddering gasps, spent, and breathless with the intensity of my orgasm. Finally, after recovering myself, I leant forward, pulling myself off Sam’s face.

I looked back at her. Her face was a picture. Her eyes were glazed, in a world of her own. She was coated in sticky cum, and as she looked at me, she licked her lips and smiled, looking very pleased with herself.

God, she was a dirty little bitch! That was way beyond my expectations! As I came down from my climax, I thought to myself that I needed to teach her a lesson. I needed to take the initiative back!

I turned to her.

‘Sam, you are a very, very, bad girl! - That was very naughty indeed! Don’t look so pleased with yourself, you dirty slut! I’m going to have to spank you hard for that! Turn over and spread your legs, you tart!’

With surprising alacrity, Sam did as I commanded, turning over, and spreading her legs wide apart. In the process, she offered me a view that would have had me wetting my knickers, if I’d still been wearing them! Her bum had to be the most spankable bottom I had ever seen!

And with her legs spread wide, Sam’s hairy cunt lips were fully on display, covered in a wet stickiness of their own, showing me that she had enjoyed the last few minutes almost as much as I had. Her lips were still puffy from the fucking Peter had given her earlier. I wanted to get down and eat her! I wanted to taste that gorgeous looking snatch! But no – not yet! First, I was going to spank that shapely bottom! Not too hard – not yet. I wanted to arouse her first…

I started to spank her with my hand, getting into a rhythm, alternating between those luscious cheeks. The cheeky cow pushed her bottom up to meet my hand, encouraging me. I was going to have to spank her harder!

Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack! Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack!

‘You’re enjoying this aren’t you, slut!’

Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack! Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack!

‘Mm – yes, Charlotte!’

Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack! Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack!

‘This is what you wanted, isn’t it, slut? I could see it in your eyes when you were watching your husband get spanked!’

Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack! Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack!

‘Mmm - yes – yes, I wanted it!’

Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack! Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack!

‘What is it you wanted, Sam? Tell me!’

I spanked her a bit harder.

Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack! Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack!

‘Ahh – I – I wanted to be spanked!’

Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack! Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack!

‘Good. Shall I spank you harder, slut?’

‘Ohhh – yes!’ She was moaning like a true cock-whore now.

I stopped spanking her. Instead, I slipped two fingers into her sodden pussy. Sam almost leapt two feet in the air in surprise at the sudden change. Good – I wanted to keep her off balance. Keep her on the edge…

Sam’s pussy was a thing of beauty. She was so wet, and after her fucking earlier, I slid my fingers into her stretched, sopping cunt easily. I started to tease her, moving from the depths of her cunt, to her clit and back again. And then I moved to her sexy little arsehole.

Sam had stuck her tongue well into mine, but I had other plans for hers. I stroked her hairy little anus gently, rubbing in circles before returning to her pussy once more.

‘Ask me nicely, then, slut!’

I loved playing with her like this. Teasing her. Playing with her mind as well as her body.

‘Ohh – please, Charlotte – please spank me harder!’

I started to finger-fuck her, using three fingers now – after Peter she was still well-stretched and lubricated. Evidence of his potent cum remained inside her, coating her vaginal walls.

‘Call me Mistress, slut!’

I moved my sticky, lubricated fingers back to her arse, playing with her…

‘Please, Mistress – please spank me harder!’ She was starting to quiver, on the verge of another orgasm…

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I thrust two of my sticky fingers into her bottom. She gasped in surprise – good! I easily pushed my fingers all the way in, her ring constricting round the base of my fingers. I felt for her g-spot. Sam moaned and pushed her bottom back, wanting more.

She really was a horny slut! She was going to have to be patient, though. I wasn’t finished with her spanking yet!

‘I have a hairbrush and a riding crop, both to hand, slut. Which do you want me to use on your naughty bottom?’

I slowly started to fuck her arse with my fingers, each time penetrating as far as they could reach.

Sam was shaking now, and starting to hyperventilate.

‘Hairbrush or crop, slut? Answer me!’

‘I c – can’t decide, Mistress! B- both? P – please!’

Both, hey! Lovely – she really was asking for it! I didn’t want to disappoint her lol…

I gently pulled my fingers from her bottom. ‘Interesting choice,’ I said quietly, ‘that big arse of yours is about to get everything it deserves! Stay there, you kinky little minx!’

I moved across to my dressing table, and opened one of the drawers. I took out my wooden backed hairbrush, and the two-foot long riding crop I kept in there. I’d felt both of them on my own bottom and knew exactly what they could do!

‘Are you ready, you kinky slut? Ready for your naughty bottom to receive the punishment you seem so desperate for?’

In answer, Sam spread her legs even wider and pushed her bottom up.

‘Yes, Mistress.’ she replied.

Did I mention that Sam’s bottom was a thing of wonder? I’m sorry if I keep going on about it, but it really is worth repeating! Not small, but not too large either, it was absolutely perfect for spanking. It bounced beautifully when I spanked it with my hand, and was already a lovely shade of red by this stage. It had been warmed up perfectly – so I was thinking it should be ready to take a much harder spanking now.

Hmmm – but I wanted to change position!

‘No, Sam – I want you on your back. Bring your legs up and over, so your bottom is exposed, and your cunt is on display!’

There was a pause as she scooted round. I sat next to her on the edge of the bed and encircled her legs with my arm. Sam’s exposed bottom and pussy were now facing the ceiling in the ‘nappy’ or ‘diaper’ position. She was perfectly placed to witness her own spanking!

‘Now it’s time for a proper punishment, Sam. Are you ready?’

Sam was peering up at me, a look of worry in her eyes as she adjusted to this new, very submissive position.

‘Yes, Charlotte - Mistress…’ she whispered uncertainly.

‘Good girl. I think you can call me Mistress Charlotte now. Remember – you asked for this – begged me for it! And you deserve it for being such a horny slut!’

And I started to wallop her with the hairbrush.

Whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap!

Whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap!

Sam started wailing as soon as I started spanking her. Deliberately, this was much harder than the sexy spanking I’d given her before – this time I wanted to up the ante and give her a taste of what a ‘real’ spanking felt like. She would get more of a feel for what her husband had received earlier.

I also needed to remind her that I was in charge. And I wanted to see how far I could take her – she’d asked me for a harder spanking, and I was very happy to give her one on that luscious bottom. But I wasn’t spanking her anywhere near as hard as I could. That I knew would have been too much, and I didn’t really want to hurt her.

Whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap!

‘Are you enjoying yourself now, slut? Do you still want it harder?’

Whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap!

‘No, Mistress Charlotte! Please, no!‘

I spanked her a little harder anyway – just a little.

Whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap!

‘Are you sure? You seemed very keen on being given a good thrashing, you minx!’

Whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap!

Whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap!

‘Twenty more, I think!’ I wondered what she thought about being thrashed by someone at least twenty years her junior?

‘Please, noooooo!’


Whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap!

Whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap!

I paused.

Sam had tears in her eyes from the short, but painful spanking I’d just given her, but at the same time I was wondering how many more strokes it would have taken for her to have an orgasm.

‘Have you had enough yet, slut?’

She was crying softly now.

‘Yes – yes, Mistress!! No more, please!!’

I ran my fingers along her cunt lips, stroking, teasing. I slipped a finger inside her. She moaned in response.

‘Did you deserve it?’

‘Y – yes, Mistress, I deserved it! But, please! No more!’

‘I like it when you beg, slut. Okay, no more hairbrush – for now! But I seem to recall you asking for the riding crop as well…’

Sam gave a despairing moan and I grinned delightedly. I loved dominating this lovely woman – she was responding so wonderfully!

I picked up the riding crop.

‘Stay in that position! Grab your ankles and open your legs, slut! On the edge of the bed!’

She did as I said, in the process leaving her pussy even more vulnerable and on full display.

‘That’s right! Show off your naked slutty cunt!’

Sam was now looking very worried. Maybe she needed some reassurance…

I leant close to her face and wiped a tear away. I kissed her gently on the cheek, and then on her lips. She looked beseechingly into my eyes.

‘Trust me, Sam. Do you trust me…?’

Still looking at me, Sam nodded.

‘Good.’ I stood back up.

‘Samantha, your bottom has received its just desserts, however, that cunt of yours has also been very naughty, don’t you agree? There is spunk in your cunt, Samantha, that does not belong to your husband. That makes it a naughty cunt, Samantha, and naughty cunts should be punished. I am going to punish it, Sam.’

Sam gasped when I said this, her eyes begging me. Inwardly, I smiled to myself. This was a crucial part of our dominant/submissive relationship. Her uncertainty versus my knowledge. Her trust in me that I wouldn’t do anything to really hurt her.

I was going to use the crop on her pussy - but not too hard. Just enough for her to feel it. But she didn’t know that, yet. And there lay the difference that gave me my power over her.

I stepped close and raised the crop. I looked into her eyes, then brought the crop down, whipping her pussy lips. Sam gasped as the crop lashed her, whimpering.

I smiled down at her, and gave her another stroke, slightly harder this time. I started to rain the blows down, whipping her cunt. Each time she jerked, anticipating the stroke. Each lash elicited a whimper or a moan. I whipped her puffy pussy lips, the tops of her thighs, and everything in between.

As I continued, I could see that Sam was getting aroused. Her eyes were becoming unfocussed, and I could see that she was pulling back harder on her ankles, exposing herself even more.

‘Should I stop, slut, or do you want me to continue?’ I leaned down to her again, ‘or maybe you want it harder. What do you want, slut?’

Sam moaned. ‘Harder, Mistress! Please whip me harder!’

‘What was that, slut? What did you say?’

Sam groaned in frustration. ‘Please whip me harder, Mistress! I beg you! Whip my naughty cunt!’

I grinned. That was more like it!

‘Pull your arse cheeks apart, slut – show me your arsehole!’

She did as I said, moving her hands to her bum cheeks, parting them, and showing off her shy little anus. I smiled, and started to whip that as well, landing the end of the crop on her sensitive skin.

Sam’s breathing quickened, and I could see her anal opening contract as the strokes landed.

I stopped whipping, and started to use the Keeper at the end of the crop to play with her, teasing and tickling her anal opening. I could see Sam’s thighs starting to shake with the sensations I was causing. I started to tease her mercilessly with the crop, eliciting noises that filled me with delight!

Enough! Time to move things on again…

Pausing, I reversed the crop and gently slid the rounded, silver end into her bumhole. Sam cried out and I grinned in satisfaction as the crop penetrated her. I started to slowly fuck her arse with it.

‘Are you enjoying that Sam?’


‘Do you like me playing with your arse, Sam?’

‘Mm – yes, Mistress!’

‘I’ve got something bigger, if you want Sam. Would you like something bigger than my riding crop, Sam? Something bigger in your horny arse?’

She opened her eyes and looked at me, uncertainty showing once again.

‘I think your arse needs fucking properly, Sam. Shall I fuck your bum?’

I was still shafting her with the end of the riding crop. I had about four inches inside her.

Sam looked up at me, seemingly unable to speak. What was she thinking?

‘I’ve got a strap-on in the drawer, Sam. It’s much bigger than this. I want to bend you over and fuck you with it in that delectable bottom of yours.’

With my free hand, I started to play with her clit, using my thumb to manipulate her.

‘Tell me. Tell me what you want Sam.’

She groaned, and finally spoke.

‘Yes! I want you to fuck me, Charlotte. Fuck my bum, Charlotte! I want to submit to you. I want to belong to you, Charlotte. Please fuck my naughty arse!’

I smiled.

‘That’s a good girl! You’d better turn over! On your hands and knees!’

Whilst Sam did as I instructed, I grabbed the strap-on from the drawer and put it on. It was eight inches long – smaller than Peter, though not by much! Looking back, I could see that Sam was once more presenting me with her wonderful bottom, her sexy star winking at me.

With the strap-on in place, I positioned myself behind Sam.

‘Cunt first, slut! I want to get well lubricated!’ I slid easily into her pussy, and Sam groaned at my entry.

‘Bet you never thought you’d be fucked by a woman, did you, slut?’

Sam just moaned again, and pushed back against me. I slapped her buttock, and thrust into her several times. Then, slowly, I pulled out of her.

‘Time for your arse to be fucked, Sam!’ Another moan.

I wanted this to be easy for her, so squeezed some additional lube onto the strap-on, and onto her bottom. Then I positioned the head on her arsehole. Slowly, ever so slowly, I started to slide into Sam’s delectable rear…




Written by TheShyThespian
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