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The Art Of Cuckold Diplomacy - Submission

"A couple's continued descent into cuckoldry and submission."

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Author's Notes

"The second part of a short series showing the different sides of cuckolding, submission and domination."

I was close to coming! I could feel it building inside as Peter pumped his thick cock into my wet cunt. God, I hadn’t felt like this for a long time – if ever! I felt like a wanton slut. I was naked now, except for my black, strappy heels. I was kneeling face down on the enormous bed with my arse in the air whilst Peter fucked me from behind with that incredible cock! I could feel my tits swinging each time Peter’s stomach smacked into my bum, impaling me.

I’d abandoned any sense of decorum as Peter pleasured me beyond anything I’d felt before. The increasingly loud, unladylike noises I was making left no doubt about my state of excitement and approaching orgasm.

‘Oh God, Peter…!’ I croaked.

As I felt his huge tool driving into me, images and semi-coherent thoughts about my seduction and the man responsible flashed through my head. In reality, Peter hadn’t had to try very hard. I’d been like a bitch on heat. I’d encouraged him in every way possible, with my husband, Jason, never very far away, watching me with an air of puzzlement – though not, I noted with satisfaction, any sign of anger or resentment!

At no point during the party had Jason tried to interfere. He had unquestioningly and blindly gone along with every aspect of the evening’s plan as it unfolded. Peter’s sexy (and crafty) girlfriend, Charlotte – puppeteer-in-chief, must have been purring with pleasure at how successful it was.

Of course, I had known Peter moderately well in our previous posting to Pakistan, where he had also been my husband’s boss. He had struck me then as an impressive man. From what Jason had told me, I knew Peter had been to Eton before going on to Oxford University to study politics. His career in the diplomatic service had seen him rise quickly, with some plum postings.

The difference was, in Pakistan, Peter had been single, and very much a ladies’ man who liked to play the field. Not that I’d discussed it with Jason, but Peter had always had an incredibly physical presence. He exuded maleness, radiating a powerful sexual energy. I’d always been attracted to him, but I was married and he’d never made any serious advances on me, despite his reputation. I’d always thought I didn’t appeal to him, being what you might call ‘cuddly’. We did sometimes flirt a bit though – and once his hand had ‘accidentally’ brushed against my breast, causing my knickers to dampen embarrassingly quickly.

Ah yes – his reputation! It was the one thing that might possibly torpedo his diplomatic career, if he wasn’t careful. He had seduced at least two of my friends during that posting – and they weren’t the only ones! It wasn’t something I had told Jason about, because they’d both been married to diplomatic colleagues – one Dutch, and one American. But they had both shared some of the juicy details over the intimate little lunches we had for the bored wives. Both had been more than eager to tell me about Peter’s sizeable cock and how he had pleasured them with it. One told me that she had even been spanked by him and she had sounded very happy with the experience! She had told me he had given her more excitement in one evening that she’d ever had in ten years with her husband.

I had always wondered what it would be like to be seduced by him.

Well, now I knew! And it was simply… actually, I have no words to describe this. My body felt like the inside of a pin-ball machine. As his cock drove into me, I could feel my whole being shaking as I teetered on the edge of perpetual orgasm. That I was making incoherent noises I knew – I just had no control over my body anymore.

And then Peter was coming in me. And it felt so overwhelming and filling! I felt him grab my hips more firmly and pull me back onto him as he cried out. I, too, cried out as I felt his cock pulsing. It was like a geyser erupting inside me! My responding orgasm was immediate and like nothing before! I had never come like this! Never come purely from having a man’s cock in me before! Jason always had to use his fingers or tongue to finish me. I didn’t know what I had been missing.

Minutes seemed to pass. Maybe years. As Peter finally pulled his still-firm cock out of me, I weakly protested.

‘No – stay inside me!’ I pleaded. I didn’t want it to end.

I got a firm slap on my bum in reply. Coming down, I was starting to feel like a used dish-rag. But in a good way. Between my legs, I was so wet it felt like a dam had burst down there. I was leaking what felt like a river of cum, mine and his together, mixed with our combined sweat.

I felt like a slut and I was proud of it. It felt so good! I’d wanted Peter to fuck me like he owned me, and that was exactly what had happened.

Peripherally, I heard Peter speaking.

‘I just came in your wife, Jason,’ he announced, ‘she really needed a good fucking – didn’t you, you horny slut!’ These last words were clearly directed at me and were backed up with another hard slap to my bottom.

I yelped and looked back over my shoulder and, with growing shock, realised that my husband and Charlotte had joined us. Christ, I hadn’t even been aware that they had entered the room! How long had they been there? How much of our lusty coupling had they witnessed? That Jason had seen me in this state – for a moment - made me feel embarrassed and uncertain.

But wasn’t that the point? That he should see someone else making love to – fucking – me, his wife?

He didn’t look upset or angry. He looked – he looked a bit confused and dazed by the events unfolding in front of him.

And accepting. Yes! Of course. This was what he had wanted! He’d told me more than once that he wanted to see me fucked by another man. And now he had. I’d been fulfilling his fantasy, as well as mine. I shouldn’t feel embarrassed or ashamed. I should feel pleased! Pleased, happy, and proud! I’d given him exactly what he wanted! I was a good wife!

Charlotte’s grin corroborated my own feelings. She looked like the Cheshire cat! The things we’d talked about came to mind, along with the assurances she’d tried to give me. Yes – this was right and would work for him as well as for me. And now I looked more carefully, I noticed that Charlotte had hold of Jason’s cock. Or, more accurately, was leading him by his cock – which was betraying him with its stiffness. She looked like she had a firm grip on his member, and she quite literally had him in hand!

I looked back and gave my husband a radiant smile. My uncertainty had gone and I was sure now that he was enjoying this too. Even if it had been totally unexpected. From his point of view, anyway.

Jason had occasionally shared his fantasies with me. And I always thought it spoke well of my husband that he’d found the courage to share them with me. But I’d never known how to respond. It wasn’t that I didn’t love him – I did, and always had. Even though his fantasies had taken me by surprise. But the truth was, I couldn’t do the things he wanted. Not on my own, anyway, because, – and Jason really didn’t have any idea about this – because I had submissive feelings of my own. There was no way I could be the dominant one in our relationship. For some reason, I’d felt ashamed and embarrassed to share these feelings with Jason. I just didn’t have his courage.

Not anymore though. Not after the time I’d spent with Charlotte these last few days. Not after the conversations we’d had, the intimacies we’d shared. Things had changed and, with help, my confidence was growing and I was starting to make our fantasies real. It helped to have such willing partners and my only real concern was how this would affect my husband’s relationship with his boss once they returned to work.

I’d been lost in thought, and missed what was said next – I think Charlotte whispered something in Jason’s ear. But now Jason was on his knees, awkwardly moving towards me, with both Charlotte and Peter assertively looking on. His whole demeanour was extremely subservient. I felt such a wave of tenderness toward him as his eyes met mine. I really hoped he too was getting what he wanted out of this too.

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As he reached me, still on his knees, Jason’s intentions became clear. I looked at him in wonder and felt nothing but love for him. And then I felt his mouth and tongue on me and excitement and lust once again took over. Oh my God – my husband was kissing and licking me in the most intimate and private of areas where another man had very recently marked his territory! He was kissing my thighs where those rivers of cum were still running! He was licking me where Peter’s cock had just been spurting in me. He had his tongue in my hot, sweaty, swollen, cum-filled pussy, and…

And, I couldn’t help it – I came again – noisily and within seconds of my husband’s tongue reaching inside me. My legs shook as my second orgasm hit. Both the action of my husband’s tongue combined with the thought of his loving and submissive act took me over the edge. He was truly relishing this experience – the experience of seeing his wife receiving satisfaction at the hands of someone else – and in such a different way. I felt another wave of love and affection for my husband. He really was an awesome man. To go along with all the things that were happening on that eventful night said so much about him and his trust for me!

Peter and Charlotte were chatting, and as my orgasm subsided I listened, realising that Charlotte was plotting the next stage of Jason’s submission. I hoped he would go along with it. After all, I knew it was something he thought he wanted.

‘I was wondering if Jason would benefit from a spanking, Peter. I’ve already had to show him who’s the boss a couple of times. But I think it might teach him some humility and respect if you put him over your knee and spanked him in front of his wife.’

Peter, playing his part well, took a long look at Jason, who by now had now pulled his head from between my thighs and was looking at Peter in what looked like disbelief. I turned over, got off my knees, and sat back on the bed. Peter glanced at me briefly, before returning his gaze towards Jason.

‘Well, Jason – what do you think? Do you deserve to be spanked?’

Jason looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights. I could see him gulping, not knowing what to say. His cock, however, was giving him away. It was as stiff as a board.

Charlotte walked over to Jason and slapped him, once on each cheek.

‘Peter asked you a question!’ she said, steel in her voice. ‘Do you think you should be spanked?

Everyone was looking at Jason to see what he would say. Charlotte seemed keen on asserting her dominance over my husband, and I began to see how it turned her on.

Peter turned to me. ‘What do you think, Sam?’

I looked at Jason.

‘Yes,’ I heard myself saying, ‘I agree with Charlotte.’ I said, ‘I think you should spank my husband, Peter. I want to see him spanked. A good, hard, spanking, in front of me. It’s what he wants.’

I could see that my words hit home as Jason’s eyes widened in surprise. I hoped I wasn’t doing the wrong thing! This would fulfil his fantasy perfectly. But what if he didn’t really want it? What if he hated it?

Well, it was too late for that now. The thought made me smile. We were in this together, whatever happened next.

And I realised it was true. I did want to see my husband spanked. I wanted to see him get exactly what he’d been asking me for all these years. For that reason alone, he did deserve it!

I saw Jason nod in – what? Acceptance? Resignation? Whatever, once more, my husband was going to go along with it. Good man! I wanted to pat him on the head.

‘Yes, Peter, I deserve to be spanked. I – I need to be taught some humility. And if that’s what Sam wants,’ he uttered in a little more than a whisper as he looked at me out of the corner of his eye, ‘then would you please spank me?’

For a moment, I felt guilty for helping bring this about. But only for a moment. I had to remind myself that he wanted this!

Witnessing my husband’s spanking over the next few minutes was something I would never forget. Between us I think we experienced so many emotions that it had an inevitable effect on our relationship. It brought us closer together and made us stronger.

Peter sat down on a dining chair that seemed to be in the room just for this purpose, and beckoned to my husband.

‘Very well then. Remove the rest of your clothes and come over here, Jason. Sam and Charlotte are going to watch me give you what you’ve asked for and deserve!’

I watched as Jason did as he was told. Then he bent submissively over Peter’s knee. That one act started to make me feel incredibly horny again!

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Charlotte had a video camera in her hand.

Then Peter started to spank my husband! And how! Each time Peter’s hand landed on Jason’s bottom, it sounded like a gunshot! My husband was writhing and gasping within seconds. It looked like it was going to be a real thrashing!

Oh my!

And yet, as I watched my husband being spanked I was almost overwhelmed by the desire to change places with him. I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to have Peter spank me like he was spanking Jason. What would it feel like to have Peter’s meaty hands walloping my bare bottom continuously like that? The two firm slaps he’d given my bare bottom earlier had made me yelp, but they had felt – exciting, and sensual.

I gulped, feeling a definite sense of arousal at the thought of being spanked over Peter’s lap.

My insides suddenly started churning in excitement at the thought and I could feel my pussy leaking in anticipation. God, I suddenly really wanted to know what it felt like – like I had wanted to know what it felt like to have Peter’s cock inside me.

As Peter continued to spank Jason, he glanced up at me and grinned, as if reading my thoughts. I felt myself blushing and quickly looked away. But I soon looked back again, not wanting to miss anything.

The spanking seemed relentless. Jason’s bottom and the backs of his thighs had turned a bright red, and I could see tears on my husband’s face. He was crying! And then, all of a sudden, he wasn’t just crying, he was sobbing. Sobbing like a child whilst laying naked over the lap of his new boss, being given a thorough and humiliating spanking.

After what seemed like forever, Peter finally stopped. My poor husband continued to lay over Peter’s lap without moving for several minutes until his sobs eventually subsided. Jason’s bottom was no longer red. It was literally black and blue and very swollen. Peter had given him a really good hiding.

When Jason eventually clambered from Peter’s lap, it wasn’t just his bottom - his eyes were also red and swollen and he wouldn’t meet my gaze. I was suddenly worried for my husband and wanted to reassure him.

I walked over to him and gave him a big hug.

‘Jason – you took that so well! I am so proud of you for what you did! Thank you for being my husband!’

Jason looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

‘You wanted that, you know you did!’ I added, comfortingly.

Charlotte wandered over.

‘How did it feel?’ she asked him.

Jason smiled at her. ‘Cathartic.’ He said, simply.

‘So, what do you say?’ she asked.

Jason turned towards Peter, who was still sat on the chair.

‘Thank you, Peter. I needed that.’

‘Any time.’ He replied with a grin.

‘Now what?’ Jason asked, with a grin of his own.

I smiled at him.

‘It’s not my party. We will have to see.’ I turned towards Charlotte.

‘I think, maybe, it’s your turn now…’ she said to me.

I gasped.


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Written by TheShyThespian
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