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Losing Control - Part 6

"I meet up again with Alice, and I lose an argument with her."

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Author's Notes

"This story is written in the first person, but is a work of fiction."

Work-wise, I had an easy start to my new life. Having arrived at midday on a Saturday, the rest of that day was spent learning the layout of the large house and what my role was. Then, the following day, Sunday, was a free day, so I spent the time in my room or the garden, sometimes in conversation with Helen. Alice was away for the weekend and didn’t return until Sunday evening. As I was allowed to do, I chose to wear male clothing over my female undies.

Alice got back around eight o’clock. This was the first time I’d seen her since the calamitous day at the zoo, so I feared how she would react to me, as she obviously hadn’t been keen on having me in the house. I decided to make the first move by apologising, yet again. “I’m really sorry about how I behaved at the zoo, Alice..., sorry, Miss. I’ve been punished for that, and I’ve learnt a hard lesson,” I explained.

I wasn’t sure how she would respond, but I was relieved when she gave me a little smile and said, “That’s OK, Julie, let’s forget it happened and start afresh. I get a kick from winding people up and you were an easy target!”

“So, I see, Miss,” I replied. “But I’m grateful that you’ve forgiven me, but I would have understood if you hadn’t.”

“There’ll be other times,” she remarked ominously, with a faint smile.

Before I could challenge her on that, she changed the subject. “I see you’re wearing a bra today! Nice boobs!” she exclaimed, laughing. “You’ll be in full uniform tomorrow, I suppose?”

“Yes, the first time outside my bedroom,” I replied, feeling my face flush.

“I can’t wait to see that,” she chuckled. “And besides the uniform, I’m sure I've got a lot more to discover about you, Julie!” She stared at me intently, but I felt it safest to say nothing in reply.


Monday was my first real day of work, and I was understandably nervous at the prospect, especially as Helen left for work at 7:30 AM, leaving Alice in charge. I put on my uniform, but felt concerned just walking around the house in it, so goodness knows how I would manage to do the weekly shop on Wednesday. I was having regrets about my lifestyle change, but I could see no way of returning to my previous existence.

To take my mind off my circumstances, I spent the morning deep cleaning the kitchen, stopping at noon to make myself a sandwich. Alice had been enjoying the warm summer sunshine in the garden but came in shortly after noon.

She looked at me in disbelief, dressed in my uniform, with Julie emblazoned across my T-shirt, my bra visible through both the front and back of my shirt, and my distinctly feminine trousers. “Oh my God! This is even worse than I was expecting. You look bloody ridiculous,” she remarked, shaking her head while grinning. “And you’ve made no attempt to pass as a woman, other than wear women’s clothing. Totally pathetic!”

This confirmed what I already knew and there was nothing I could say. She then asked me to get her a sandwich and a coke. I was slow to move, so she raised her voice. “Mum said you are here as our servant, so do some damn serving, will you?”

“Yes, Madam,” I replied sarcastically, somewhat taken aback by her rudeness.

“It’s not Madam, and it’s not Alice. It’s Miss! Don’t you remember what my Mum told you at the zoo?”

“Sorry, Miss,” I retorted, stressing her title. She glared at me in return. “Are you always this rude with people, Miss?” I added.

“No, actually I’m not, but I’m making an exception in your case!” I sensed she was winding me up again, which she had admitted she enjoyed doing. This time I intended to rise above it and retain my cool.

After placing her lunch in front of her, I asked, “Would you like me to leave you in peace, Miss?”

“No, I want to talk to you, Julie, but I don’t want you staring at me while I eat, so go and stand in the corner, facing the wall. Keep still and put your hands behind your back.”

“What!?” I gasped in astonishment.

“You heard what I said. Go and stand in the corner.”

The moment she said that I felt my penis twitch within its cage, looking for a gap to expand into. The thought of being compelled to do something so humiliating by an attractive eighteen-year-old girl was arousing. Yet, putting my emotions to one side, I could see that it would be foolish of me to give in to my basic needs and I had to refuse. After all, Alice was not my mistress and there was no saying where this might lead. I therefore had to challenge Alice. “I’m not doing that! Why should I?”

“Because I’m in charge when Mum’s not here. Did she not tell you that?”

“Well, yes and no. She said she wanted to give you some life skills in managing people. But she didn’t mention you issuing demeaning orders. Children stand in the corner, not a grown man!”

She had trouble controlling her laughter. “I don’t see a grown man! Did you look in the mirror when you got dressed this morning?” She knew the buttons to press to excite me, but I couldn’t let her know that she was turning me on.

I was losing this argument, and she was intent on provoking me, but it was important I resisted. “Asking me to stand in the corner is out of order. It’s disrespectful of you..., Miss.”

“Wow, can you hear yourself? You’re being pathetic. Now go and stand in the corner. I’m not giving in until I get my own way, so go and stand in the corner.”

“But... but... this is really stupid. It will make me look like an idiot,” I protested.

“You’re dressed as a hotel maid, so doesn’t that make you look like an idiot? Go and stand in the corner. Now!”

No, I won’t!” I retorted, shaking my head. Despite my best efforts, I was starting to lose my cool with Alice.

Ooohh! You’re shouting! You’re not going to try to thump me again, are you?”

I took a deep breath and made sure to reply in a measured tone. “No, of course not, Alice..., I mean, Miss. And I didn’t hit you at the zoo!”

“Mum thought you were going to,” she insisted. “And I did have to take a few steps back.”

“You were mistaken,” I cried. “I would never hit you!”

“Hmm, but I’ll feel a lot safer if you’re standing in the corner. So, go on, get yourself into the corner.”

“You’ve no right to make me do that?” I was getting desperate and starting to clutch at straws.

“Well, I can do what I like, within reason! I make the decisions when Mum’s not here and you have to obey me. So go and stand in the corner, like you’ve been told. When you’re standing there, then we can talk, but, otherwise, we are each going to keep saying the same thing, time and time again, all lunchtime, which is bloody silly.”

I wanted to argue more, but I felt I was talking to a brick wall. Perhaps, if I did what she asked, then I could argue my case from the corner. So, feeling belittled at being bossed about by someone so much younger than me, I placed myself in the corner, with my hands behind my back.

I heard her laughing. “Wow! I really didn’t expect you to do what I told you. I thought you would just tell me to fuck off. This is very odd.”

Realising I had conceded too much, I started to turn away from the corner, but she instantly admonished me. “No! You stay there. Turn back round and get your nose into that corner. You missed your opportunity to tell me to F-off. You’ve lost that argument.” She was right, I’d lost the altercation. I was still feeling aroused by the way she was treating me, yet embarrassed that I had lost an argument with someone less than half my age.

She mused, “Either I must have acquired some superpowers, or else Mum has some hold over you that I’ve not discovered yet, because I can’t believe a thirty-seven-year-old cross-dresser would stand where you’re standing now. This is so cool!”

My face had gone red. If this was a battle of willpower between an eighteen-year-old girl and a thirty-seven-year-old man, then it was blatantly clear who had won.

“You can get much closer than that. Surely, you’ve been sent to the corner before!?”

I didn’t answer, which didn’t please her. “Answer me, Julie! Have you had to stand in the corner before?”

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“No, Miss,” I lied, my mind recalling the many times it had happened previously, with Helen.

“What about lines, Julie? Have you ever had to write out lines, before our trip to the zoo?”

“No, of course not,” I protested, relieved Alice couldn’t see my face. 

“Hmm, I’m not sure I believe you, Julie. You will have to hope I don’t find out you’re lying.”

Trying to change the direction of the conversation, I challenged her. “Even if you are in charge, I’m not sure you’re allowed to punish me, Alice... I mean, Miss.”

“Ahh! So, you now agree I’m in charge, so that’s progress. I noticed how Mum treated you at the zoo. I would have had to be blind and deaf not to have noticed!” She paused, as if thinking. “Do you know what, Julie?”

“Please tell me, Miss,” I responded sarcastically, resigned to whatever was coming.

“I saw at the zoo how rude Mum was to you. She bossed you around. She told you to be quiet when you spoke out of turn. She told you where to sit, and even how to sit. She confiscated your phone. And I’m guessing it was Mum who got you to write that cringy thank you letter to me that is now pinned on the fridge door? I was going to bin it, but Mum said she didn’t want to upset you by not putting it on display for all to see.”

She stopped to bite her sandwich. I didn’t know how to reply, so I waited to see what she would say next.

“If Mum’s treating you like a naughty child, it must be okay for me to do the same, especially as I’m in charge. That means making you stand in the corner if I want to. You can’t argue with that, surely?”

“No, Miss, but it doesn’t seem right.” Surely, she couldn’t have been aware of the mental games she was playing with me. She couldn’t have known that being humiliated by a woman was a turn-on for me, but, at the same time, I was very uncomfortable that I was being dominated by someone so young. And not just any someone, but the daughter of the woman who had become my mistress. All the same, as this argument was continuing, I was constantly aware of my penis pushing hard against the confines of its cage.

She continued to lay down her position. “Within reason, I can order you to do anything I want, and I can punish you on a whim.”

“But I don’t think this is within reason, Miss.”

“Seems reasonable to me. It doesn’t hurt, does it? There’s nothing medical that stops you from standing on your two feet, is there, like a broken ankle? If it’s not causing you any harm, what’s the problem? How’s it any different to standing somewhere else?”

“Well..., it’s... it’s very humiliating.”

Aahh! So, we’re getting to the truth. You find it humiliating to have your life controlled by an eighteen-year-old girl?”

“Er..., yes, I do, Miss,” I truthfully admitted.

“And did Mum give you any advice on what you should do if you thought I was overexerting my authority?”

I felt my face flush, yet again. “Yes, Miss, she told me that I should talk you out of it, using persuasion.”

There was a loud snort as Alice nearly choked on her drink, followed by uncontrollable giggling. It took a while before she was able to reply, “Well, that worked out well for you, didn’t it?!”

“So, it seems,” I agreed. In case her zest for punishment gets out of hand, I added, “I hope that you will treat me fairly and don’t abuse your position, Miss. And may I respectfully say that I’m not a prisoner in this house, so I may leave whenever I want.”

“Hmm—you’re getting a bit stroppy, aren’t you, but at least you’re not swearing at me today, so we’re making progress! But you’d better mind what you say, respectfully or not, or do you want to write out some more lines? How did it make you feel when you had to write out ‘Chimpanzees are Pan troglodytes’ two hundred times because you couldn’t spell troglodytes?”

“I thought it was unfair. After all, perhaps you only knew how to spell it because you looked it up on your phone, Miss. Anyway, I was being punished for my outburst towards you, not for my poor spelling.”

She laughed. “I suppose you’re right, but I’m not sure I like your tone of voice, Julie, so you’d better watch your step. And, as to whether I can spell troglodytes, you can think whatever you like, it’s none of your business!” She paused to take another bite and then, speaking with her mouth full, she added, “You know, the best part for me was that I was the one told to check your lines. It gave me a thrill knowing you had wasted all that time writing out such nonsense and, at a whim, I could have torn them up and told you to do them again. There would have been nothing you could have done. Mum would have supported me, I’m sure.” As I listened to this, my penis was straining against the bars of its prison.

“That was what I was worried you might do, Miss. So, thank you for not making me repeat them.”

There was another pause while she chomped on her sandwich. “I could make things up if I wanted. I could tell Mum you disobeyed my instructions, then you would be in very serious trouble.”

“That would be very nasty, Miss, so don’t do that. Please!” I was starting to panic a bit at the influence that Alice carried with her mother.

“Or..., what if I were to say to Mum, that you’d tried it on with me? You must find me attractive? You’re not gay, are you? Actually, I suppose you must be gay as you like dressing as a woman.”

I hesitated, seeking the best response. “No, I’m not gay and I find wearing female clothes to be humiliating. And yes, I do find you attractive, but I’m twice your age. And your mum has made it clear that any inappropriate behaviour on my part towards you would mean I would have to leave the house. Therefore, I wouldn’t be here to work as your servant.”

“Hmm..., interesting point, Julie. I like the idea of a skivvy running around after me.” I heard her giggle, and then take another slurp of coke.

She continued, “Anyhow, Mum says you couldn’t have sex with me even if you wanted to. Is that right? Why not?”

“She’s right, Miss, but I’m not allowed to tell you why. It’s strictly against the rules and I would be thrown out if I told you why.”

“Hmm... As I said, I think I want you to stay, because it’s going to be fun, so I won’t push for an explanation, but I’ll find out somehow.” There was a pause while she continued the rest of her lunch. “I’ve decided you’re not a pervert, but you’re weird—very weird! But I feel safe with you because my Mum wouldn’t allow you to live here if she was worried and, to be honest, I knew you weren’t really going to whack me at the zoo! You wouldn’t have dared.” 

“Thank you,” I replied. “I lost my temper at the zoo, but I would never have hit you. I’ve never hit anyone!”

She continued munching her sandwich before adding, “I liked it when you lost your temper. I’m going to enjoy teasing and tormenting you—and humiliating you—and it will be interesting to see how far I can wind you up before you lose your temper again and disobey me! Then you’ll be in proper trouble, and not from me!” She laughed loudly and I could understand the point she was making.

There was a pause before she added, “You know, Julie, thinking more about it, from the back you could easily pass as a woman. Your bra couldn’t be more visible if you took your T-shirt off, and you have a lovely firm bum, although your trousers are so tight that I can see the outline of your pants. I might fancy you myself, if I was that way inclined. You’re not so feminine from the front, though, but that’s because you don’t shave close enough. Try a sharper razor tomorrow, and some make-up would help.” She giggled again, amused by her analysis.

“You can come out of the corner now. It’s bizarre that I have the power to order someone of your age to stand facing the wall. I thought only small children were punished like that. I love it, so we’re going to do this again.” I turned around to face her, and she looked pleased with herself.

“I’ll leave you to your cleaning, but I’ll let you know if I need a snack or a drink brought out to me. Listen out for me calling you.” With that, she stood up and returned to laze in the garden. I was left emotionally drained and, strangely, I was relieved that my penis was constrained in its cage, otherwise, I would have had the task of hiding a full-blown erection from Alice’s sight. At the same time, I recognised that verbally and mentally I was no match for Alice, so I was expecting more humiliation to come my way. My new life was going to be a struggle.


Written by undiecontrol
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