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Erin And Bree: The Crop To "Black Magic"

"Part 3 of the series. It starts with Erin using a crop to edge Bree to a massive orgasm. Their joyful femdom-type relationship continues from there."

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Author's Notes

"This is the third story in the Erin and Bree series. It reads as a stand-alone story, but to fully understand the background of the characters and their relationship, it's best to read the two preceding chapters first."

Tap… tap, tap, tap.

“Oh! Miss,” she said, flinching slightly.

“‘Oh’ indeed Kitten. Kitty is quite swollen and wet, but you knew that didn’t you? Did you feel the blush?”

The pinky-redness was barely visible as it rushed up her neck and through her cheeks.

“Yes Mistress,” she whispered.

“I adore it you know. It’s your pleasure tell. Where you are?”

“In your cave, securely attached to the ceiling… quite vulnerable.”

“You like that, don’t you? Not knowing what or when it might happen to you.”

“Yes Miss,” she barely murmured.

I flicked the crop across each nipple. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to focus her mind. She flinched again but made no sound. So, I let it begin.

Again, tap, tap, tap… I used the crop rhythmically, moving between her thighs, pussy, nips, and occasionally, ass. Even though she made no sound, I could see the pleasure developing on her face. Finally, once when it was falling on her clit, she let out an “ah.” Good, I thought. I wanted to bring her close before I ended it—not the session, just her impending orgasm—she had considerable time to go before her final pleasure.

It was not long before the “ah’s” and “oh’s” were almost nonstop. Her pelvis was pushing forward as if asking for more. That’s when the crop went snick, snick—hard across each nip. She reflexively jerked back and yelped, “OW!” then murmured, “Fuck.”

“Remember, you have a safe word,” I said gently.

“Fuck you,” she spat out.

“Now, now, Kitten. Is that any way to speak to your Mistress?”

“No Miss. It’s just… no Miss it won’t happen again. I know my word if I need it.”

I knew when this ended it would either make us or break us. We’d either be bonded tight or she’d never speak or see me again. I still don’t know for sure why I chose to push her this hard this fast in our just budding relationship. I’m compelled to believe it’s because, sensing down deep, she wanted, needed, or some combination of the two, that push—that she harbored hidden feelings that were clawing to rise to the surface. They just required a push to get there.

If I was a composer it would be titled Variations on a Theme #1, for that’s how I played her. Gently bringing her to the precipice and then, like the pounding kettle drum, ending it—time after time.

Now, I wished I’d counted or timed it. Curiosity was really my only reason. I’d ridden the turbulence of her frenzied passions with her. Of course, she bore the consequences of my actions, but my heart pounded along with hers. Her energy was palpable.

When she was almost constantly whimpering, nearly hanging by the rope and cuffs—when her legs would barely support her, I let the crop push her glistening body into the orgasmic abyss her mind was desperately seeking. Her body shook like a grand mal seizure. Her voice, somewhat weak from her numerous previous outbursts, managed, “Oh my fucking god. Never imagined… wildest dreams. I hate you. No, I love you beyond belief.” Then, as I held her, she started to cry as her body slowly stilled itself.

I’d rigged the rope so all I had to do was make a quick tug and it all came loose. She fell into my arms. Half walking, half me carrying her, we went to the couch and collapsed together.

“Erin, I mean it. I love you. If we never saw each other again, I’d love you til the end of my life. That was the most incredible experience of my life. It clarified things that had been murky. I know myself better and I’m a better woman for it.” She smiled a bit, chuckled, and went on, “Of course, I hated you more and more as you tormented me, but the ending more than redeemed you. I need a drink. Can I soak in that lovely, large tub of yours?”

“Of course my love. Recovering a bit are you?”

“Hell yes! It’ll take more than some domination from you to keep me down.”

We both laughed. I told her to wait there while I filled the tub and added some of my special salts and oils.

The tub has its own room. The floor and walls are done with warm bamboo. The tub is an antique, claw foot recovered from an early 1900's hotel that was being demolished. Filling it with steaming water, adding salts plus just drops of lavender, myrrh, and frankincense oils, it was ready. I wanted Bree to have the best, to know that in my domination I cared deeply for her.

Retrieving her from my cave, she held my arm as we walked to the tub room. “Oh god Erin, this smells divine. I see the steam rising. I can’t wait. Hold me as I step over… ahh, perfection.” She kissed me and slid down. I left her to soak, knowing from personal experience that she’d emerge relaxed and invigorated.

“I’m going to order Thai. What do you want?”

“What are you having?”

“Shrimp Pad Thai, medium spice.”

“Same for me,” she said as she slid fully down.

Closing the door behind me, I knew the aroma would fill the room. Wanting to smell as fresh as Bree would when she emerged, I took a quick shower and put on a silk, Japanese print robe.

After ordering the food, I opened a Pinot and nibbled on some cheddar as I relaxed to some smooth jazz and waited for her to reappear. Any concerns I might have had about Bree faded after our tête-à-tête following the fairly intense ordeal I put her through. I knew we’d be fast friends at the very least. A full-on lesbian-type relationship was not in our future, we were both too guy-oriented, but our special intimate relationship would thrive.

As I was finishing my first glass of wine, the food arrived and Bree had yet to emerge. After putting the Pad Thai in a warm oven, I softly knocked on the tub room door.

“Coming, coming,” I heard, and shortly the door opened. She was wrapped in one of my Egyptian cotton bath towels and looked ravishing. “That was more than perfect. I need one of those and your secret sauce recipe. When I make Partner next year I’m moving to a place like this! So, what do you think?” she asked as she did a pirouette.

“You look fully revived and delicious!”

“Goody! I want to always please you. Can this be an Erin and Bree night?” she asked.

“Absolutely. I was thinking the same thing,” I said. “We’ll be like the woman that led two lives.”

“Wasn’t that a movie?”

“I think it was, She Led Two Lives, plus I think there’s also an old '40s one, The Man With Two Lives,” I said.

“Well, whatever. You have too many facts stored up there. Right now I’m more than ready for the wine I see, plus I can smell the food. Bring it on… please,” she said with a smile.

So, we brought the noodle-covered plates and wine into the living room, where we sat on the couch and used the glass coffee table as our dinner table. Her towel had been trying to come loose and she’d fix it each time, so I finally just pulled it off.

“Well! You could’ve just asked,” she said playfully.

“I love your tits… along with everything else. Plus, I’m the Domme, I get to do things like that.”

“Well, la-de-da, ain’t you the cat's meow.”

“I can sure make your kitty meow. Maybe it needs an instant replay.”

Trying to look contrite, she said, “Oh Miss, you know I’ll love anything you want to do, but kitty told me she’s had too much fun already.”

“I’ll have to kiss her and make her all better, right after you kiss mine.”

We laughed and joked our way through dinner. I think most women talk more and share more than most men do. It’s a genetic thing. We’re wired to be warm and mothering, to take care of the family—while guys are the hunter-gatherers, strong and stoic. Of course, all that’s slowly changed since women did men’s work in World War II and the “pill” was invented, “slowly” being the operative word.

Our professions are both high pressure/high stress. Me on Wall Street meant bringing in the accounts, meaning money, and making that money produce more money. Bree being a lawyer, a very specialized lawyer, patent and intellectual property law, it was, at its very basic level, the same as me—bring in the clients, meaning money, and turn them into more money. If you failed, you were unceremoniously kicked to the curb. Neither of us was, or ever would be, failures.

We talked about our relationships to this point. We both had some serious ones, like our recently departed ex’s and some flings that lasted anywhere from a night to a few months. I brought up Brian, our shoe man at Bloomies, making the point of the old cowboy adage, get back on the horse that bucked you off. We both could do with some unencumbered, guilt-free dick.

Reluctant at first, it didn’t take her long to agree with my point. A threesome could be quite fun. We’d still get to have our mutual fun while having a cock handy to service us. I told her I’d set it up for next weekend if he was free. I suspected even if he wasn’t he suddenly would be. Two hot girls don’t happen to want you every day.

This would be Bree’s second night away from home, from things she might need for her daily routine. I brought it up so that she’d know that whatever she wanted to do was fine with me.

“You’re right, I do have some things to do that will take some time, but I’d love to spend another night cuddling with you. I love my Mistress, as I hope she loves me.”

“I think that’s pretty well cemented. I do love you and a night of cuddling would please me.”

“Who knows,” she said, “maybe in the morning I might meet another of your inanimate friends—one that’s very penetrating.”

“That’s entirely possible. Now come over here and snuggle your Miss. We’ve got some wine to enjoy.”

She backed up against me as I put my arm over her shoulder, my hand landing on her right boob, my fingers circling and tweaking her nipple. That brought forth “Ohhh, Miss.”

“Kitten likes that, hmm?”

“Oh yes, Miss. They’re extra sensitive from the crop you used on me today.”

“We never really talked about it, to any significant degree anyway. Tell me what was going through your mind as it unfolded.”

“Wow. So many thoughts. Of course, they changed as things changed, meaning as they evolved I guess is a good way to put it.”

“Take your time and try to recall things as they evolved for you. I’ll just gently enjoy your tit. It might jog your memory.”

“It’s already jogging something else, but I’ll tell you as best as I can.”

“Take your time Kit,” I said as I continued my slow, gentle playing.

“Well, you know I trust you, so I didn’t give it any particular thought when you tossed me the cuffs other than to wonder what you had planned. I knew it would be something fun and different, so I just did as you told me to.”

“You had no worries?”

“No, not then anyway,” she said with a giggle. “I just put them on and then everything sort of followed what I expected. I mean I knew you were going to restrain me somehow. That was obvious. I was curious about how. Then it seemed the rope sort of magically appeared and before I knew it my arms were pulled up. That was very tricky Miss. I thought you might take me to another room after I put the cuffs on.”

“Surprise is part of the fun,” I said.

“Indeed. You were pretty quick with the rest. The bar to keep my legs apart. You knew just the distance that would be bearable without painful strain. The blindfold surprised me. I mean I’ve been blindfolded before, but that one created total blackness, not a hint of light, even with my eyes open. It was actually a bit disconcerting to totally lose that sense.”

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“I know. It’s made to do that and allow your eyes to be open. Were you nervous then?”

“I wouldn’t say nervous. More just surprised at the feeling, the total darkness. Then the first pat on my clit happened. I was startled but in a good way. It wasn’t too hard or too soft. You have a very nice touch, Miss.”

Grinning, I said, “Glad you appreciated it.”

“Well, I did then. Later hadn’t happened yet, obviously. So you did that a bit more and it felt good, reminded me of a guy spanking my pussy with his cock. One guy used to get me off like that before fucking me.”

“So, that was good, enjoyable.”

“Very much. I thought, wow, she’s going to get me off like this. Little did I know.”

“Well I did… get you off that is.”

“Yeah, eventually. After much… torture.”

I was surprised she used that word. “Was it that bad?”

“In the moment, yes, but in retrospect, no. I think the next time, you are planning a next time I presume?”

“As long as it’s not too much for you. I don’t want to ‘torture’ you. If you enjoy the pleasure/pain experience, I will enjoy giving it to you, but only if you enjoy the experience, the concept.”

“I probably need to experience it more and think about my feelings. Part of it is I want to please you and part of it is there’s, at least right now, an undefinable pleasure from the pain and, of course, the pure pleasure when you allow me to orgasm. I’ve read the Story of O and Fifty Shades and enjoyed them. Guess that probably says something about my feelings, proclivities?”

“Probably so… I’m just glad that fate brought us together. We’ll enjoy the future together. So go on, finish telling about me torturing you.”

“Well, I was enjoying your tapping my clit and feeling the approaching orgasm, until you zip-zapped both my tits with that crop and I cursed you. You had such an understanding reply, but I got the underlying message.”

“What was that?”

“Don’t do that again or you’ll be sorry, basically.”

“How very perceptive of you.”

“Well, it didn’t take a genius, which I am by the way. Did I tell you that I’m a member of Mensa?”

“What a coincidence, so was I until I let my membership lapse. They’re a bunch of snobs.”

“You may have a point, but it impresses my law firm.”

“Okay, àndale.”

“Well, you probably know better than I. You started the just perfect tippy-taps on and around my clit until your Devil instinct told you I was very close to cumming. Then it was hard, fast whacks to my tits, or kitty, or sometimes my ass. The result was the same, that oh-so-special feeling instantly disappeared. Only to be replaced by pain.”

“What were your thoughts when that happened?”

“That you were a mean, nasty bitch. That was until I really couldn’t think much anymore, then I just zoned out. Each time I wanted it more than the last. I kept thinking, this was the one, this time she’ll take me over the edge. I guess that's why they call it edging. I’d never wanted anything so bad in my life. I felt like I was close to passing out when the pain never came. It was replaced by the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had in my life. You played me exactly right, Devil woman. You’re not a mean, nasty bitch by the way.”

That was when I pulled her into straddling me, grabbed her by the hair, and gave her a deep, tongue-probing kiss. When we eventually broke it, she told me of her realization that she’s never loved anybody more in her life. Adding, that she meant the combination of the three types of love, which we’d discussed earlier. Her final comment on the experience was a rather shyly uttered, “Miss, there’s one last thing that occurs to me about the pain. It made me totally focus on what was happening, on my desire for you and for the sexual satisfaction you provide. Any other thoughts were banished—you were my world for that period of time, and I loved it. I think that may be a major part of pain’s pleasure.”

“Kitten, I think you have definitely hit on a truth. I’ve never thought of it quite the way you’ve explained it, but I think you’re correct.” As I was talking I slid my hands around her. My fingers found her nipples, squeezing and rolling them.

“Oh, Miss! They’re so sensitive… but you know I love it. You’re so good to me.”

“Do the same to me.” Her hands flew to my nips. Her fingers found them and gave them the same attention. “Oh yes, Kitten. Aren’t we lucky to have found each other? Only twenty-four hours ago, it hardly seems possible.”

That led to, “Please Miss, can I go down on you? I so want to get you off and use my finger to cum with you. I promise I won’t before you do. Please… I so love to drink your juice. Your orgasms make me shiver with joy.”

“Let’s do it in bed. Afterward, we can cuddle and fall asleep. It’s so sensuously relaxing to be skin-to-skin with you and go to sleep.”

With that, we headed to the bedroom. On the way, I asked her if she’d ever done anal sex and/or rimming. Immediately her faint blush rushed up her neck to her hairline. That told me she either had or was totally embarrassed by the thought.

“Oh yes, Miss. There was one guy in particular, the one I told you who would spank my kitty and get me off. He was quite into anal… all types. We’d rim each other and he loved fucking my ass. He was the first guy to make me cum from anal sex, not that I’d had all that much experience before him, but he was very good at it. It became a fairly regular part of our lovemaking. I miss him sometimes.”

I noticed her eyes tear a bit so I asked what happened.

“He’d just made partner when I was hired at my Firm. I worked under him, in more ways than one. I like to think that we’d have married, but he was killed in a car crash six months after we began our intimate relationship. That was four years ago.”

“Good god Bree, that’s awful. I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks. I’m over it. At first, I became a nun, mentally. Then I went into my slut phase. Eventually, things evened out. He would have wanted me to get on with my life so I did, and here we are. So what made you ask about anal. Do you like it, do it?”

“Yeah. Done it, do it, love it. Probably similar to you it sounds. Now I’m looking forward to you and your tongue starting there. My star will welcome you.”

“Oh good Miss. I’m glad to know something else I can do to please you. Can I ask you about my collar?”

“Sure. What’s on your mind?”

After some hesitation Bree said, “Sorry to be antsy, I just feel a bit… I don’t know… foolish.”

“Nonsense. You can say or ask anything.”

“Okay. Thanks. It’s just that a day ago I was feeling sorry for myself and now I’ve had an amazing twenty-four hours and I’m excited about wearing a leather collar. Before this, I’d probably have been put off by the idea. Will you have it by next weekend? Do you plan on it having any, you know, word or words? Please not slut.”

Smiling, I replied, “Yes, it will be ready by the weekend. As to writing, I’m debating between nothing, Kitten, or Owned. What would make you most comfortable to be out in public wearing?”

“Any of those choices would be fine. If I could choose, I say Kitten as first choice, nothing as second, and Owned last, but, of course, it’s your decision.”

“You’re right, it is my decision, but your thoughts are important to me. I’ll think about it and you’ll be surprised.” Walking over to my dresser, I asked, “Have you ever used a butt plug?”

“Yes. He had me insert one each time we had sex and when I was home alone to keep me acclimated, as he put it. This was all after he broached the whole subject with me and I agreed to try. Why do you ask?”

By then I’d opened my special drawer, fished around, and pulled a small one out. Turning around, I held it out. “Because I’m going to insert this one right now. Bend over the edge of the bed.”

“Oh Miss, I’ve got goose-bumps,” she said as she bent. “Am I going to wear it all night?”

“Of course my pet. Now spread your cheeks.”

With her head on the bed, she used both hands to pull her cheeks apart. After lubing her, I began pressing the plug against her star—it entered easily. “Oh Miss, it’s been so long. I love that feeling. Oh yes. This is so seductively sensuous. You make me feel owned at times like this… Devil woman. I know it’s true. I’m under your spell.”

I started giggling just before giving the plug its final push. It popped into place, leaving a red jewel to mark its penetration. “You may be right. Lilith is my middle name. Adam’s first wife. Cast out of Eden. I’m your seducer, sent to drag you to the depths of depravity and debauchery.” With that, I gave each cheek a hard smack.

“OH! Ahhh,” she exclaimed as she wiggled her ass. “So it’s true… Lilith. I don’t think you’ll have to drag me too hard. Debauch the hell out of me, I’m ready for it.”

She started to stand. “Keep your position! I want to enjoy the view for a bit. Tell me, have you ever fucked a black man? One with a large dick, the size you see in porn vids.”

“Black men, yes. BBC men, no. Why? Will that be another of your debauchery goals?”

While she was still bent over I’d gone back to my special drawer and retrieved the dildo I refer to as Black Magic. It is an eight-inch, perfect replica of a thick BBC. “Okay, stand up,” I said. Her eyes got big as I went on. “Meet Black Magic. Tomorrow morning I’ll be fucking you with it. Right now you’re going to suck it.” I handed it to her and she caressed it joyously.

“Oh Miss, it’s so realistic. If my eyes were closed I’m not sure I’d know the difference by feel alone.”

Then she began kissing and licking it as I stood quietly playing with myself while taking in the intoxication of the scene. Soon her mouth opened. She began taking it in, somewhat tenuously at first, and then with more vigor. My fingers moved faster and faster.

“Oh god, that’s so hot Kit! You want a real one don’t you?”

“Mm hum!”

“Lilith might have a friend… Fuck yes! I’m cumming! Ohh yes, yes.”

It was a small but very pleasant orgasm. The sight of Kitten sucking brought memories of times I’d had and possibilities for the future.

“Oh Miss, I’m so happy you came! Can I please put it in… just a little… I really want to feel what it’s like. Please.”

“No! Give it to me!” Clearly reluctant, she handed it to me. “Now bend over like you were before.” She moved a little slower than I wanted, but she bent over, laying her head on the bed. “Now, let’s see how wet you are.” I rubbed Black’s head up and down her slit. Her juice covered it. “Quite juicy I see. Someone’s quite hot and horny. I guess the crop didn’t fully satisfy you. Hmmm?”

“Oh no, Miss! That was wonderful. Like I said, biggest, strongest ever! It’s like you’ve turned me inside out or something. You’ve brought out feelings and desires I didn’t know, or wouldn’t admit, I had. Please Miss, please! Just a little bit. Just give me something to think about for the morning. Please.”

I can’t fully describe how wonderful this moment was. I was awed by the power and trust she’d given me and by the feelings I’d aroused in her. Enthralled, I pushed it in about an inch or two—just enough for her to feel the stretch. She moaned as I twisted and moved it slowly back and forth. Then squealed as I abruptly pulled it out.

“That’s it. ‘Just a little bit,’ as you asked for.”

“Lilith the Devil woman strikes again.”

“Maybe… but you’re loving every minute of it aren’t you?”

“You know it and fuckin’ love it, don’t you?”

“We both love it. Now you’ve got a pussy to eat, as I recall. I’m looking forward to your rimming skills and a finger in my ass while your downtown.”

“Yes Miss,” she said in a slightly broken, hopeful way.

Her efforts proved outstanding. We fell asleep holding each other. The last words of the evening were Kitten saying how much she was looking forward to Black Magic.

Written by Kee
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