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Erin and Bree: Mistress and Kitten

"Erin has a yearning for another woman to dominate and play with. What led her to this, how does she find her, and how does she handle her once she’s found? Read on to discover."

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Author's Notes

"I intend for this to be a series. The succeeding chapters will be published at irregular intervals. If this interests you, I urge you to follow me so as not to miss any in the future."

That feeling had been growing for the past several weeks—especially since Ken and I broke up. I knew I needed to satisfy it soon. Those sensibilities had been ingrained ever since my freshman year at college.

I lived in one of the dorms. My roommate was Tilda, yes, short for Matilda. Who names their child that? From the first moment I learned her name to this day, all that runs through my mind when she comes to mind is that song. If you know it, you know what I mean; if you don’t know it, don’t search it out, it will haunt you forever.

So, all new-to-be dorm residents had to fill out a questionnaire, which was run through a computer to determine compatibility. Tilda and I matched, probably for good reason, but nevertheless, she was the cause of my certain sensibilities, or at least she was who I mentally held accountable.

I’ve always been open to new experiences, all types of experiences. Some I dreamed up on my own, like flying—I’m a licensed pilot. Other things were suggestions or dares, like: mountain climbing, scuba diving, karate (I hold a black belt), and then there is sex. I lost my virginity at sixteen and never looked back. If it brings pleasure, I’m down for it. This driven desire has led me in many directions. One of my first curiosities, after guys, was sex with another woman. I was bi-curious. High school slumber parties had led to lots of talk and giggles, some touchy-feely activities, but no real, down-and-dirty sex—between us girls I mean. That’s where Til (that’s what I ended up calling her) comes in.

We hit it off immediately. It was like we were long-lost sisters or something. We liked and disliked pretty much the same things. Our wardrobes, such as they were, consisted of similar articles. We were even the same size so we could share things back and forth.

This doppelganger effect carried over to sex—we both loved it and discussed it often. One result was we both tended to masturbate at least once a day, most often at night when we were in bed, the room was dark, the beds were on opposite room sides, us always under the covers. We both thought we were being surreptitious—well, I know I was. Anyway, Til tried to quietly go about her business, but she could never quite stifle her lead-up moans or her muted, squeaky “oh” or “ah.”

So, one night, less than a month into our roomie relationship, her moans were quite noticeable. As a joke, and maybe to get her to tone it down, I said, “Hey, you need any help over there? You’re sounding especially needful tonight.” I figured this would embarrass her into quiet. I was so wrong.

“Sure,” she shot back, “why don’t you come over here, go down on me, and get me off proper-like.”

Well, as I’ve said, never one to turn down a challenge, I replied, “Sure thing!” and hopped out of bed, naked, and quickly dropped between her spread legs.

Unintimidated by this being my first up close and personal experience with a pussy other than my own, I threw myself into giving my best effort to get her off. Soon she was moaning loudly as she held my head tight to her. I was loving her slippery sweet juice trickling into my mouth as my tongue licked and probed her.

No longer using her suppressed voice, she exclaimed, “Holy shit Erin! Fuck. I’m gonna cum! God damn!”

I kept flicking her clit as she was now trying to push me away while I held her tight. “Fuck! Stop! I can’t take it!” She finally managed to wiggle away from me. “Fuck! That was amazing. Except for your little ending gift. Holy shit, it was so sensitive. How much have you done that before, you slutty bitch.”

We both started giggling as I said, “First time effort. I guess I did pretty good. You know turn about is fair play.”

“If that was your first time, I might be dreading the future. Just kidding. I already want more. You’re right about turn about, so on your back girl, and let me give it a whirl.”

Her efforts equaled mine. She soon had me moaning and then shouting out my orgasmic feelings. Of course, she included the ending clit flicking, causing me to protest and wiggle away.

This quickly turned into a regular thing for us, not every night but definitely several times a week. No longer bi-curious, we were both totally bisexual.

Til and I remain friends to this day. She majored in music and I in finance so we somewhat went our separate ways but always found times to get together, including a couple of summer vacation trips to Europe. Our fun never stopped but did evolve. I found that I enjoyed playing a domme role, while she was more inclined to the submissive—that worked out perfectly.

<**> <**>

So, back to Friday, that night of my building feelings. I decided to head over to the Scarlet Hearts Club, a lesbian club only a few blocks from my apartment. I love living in the city. It has so much to offer. The saying about how it never sleeps is mostly true.

Wearing jeans, heels, and a Polo silk blouse, unbuttoned halfway, no bra, of course. I choose to walk the few blocks to the club. The high sixties temperature was just what I needed. When I walked through the door my nipples were hard and my cheeks just a tinge reddish.

Upon entering, I noticed it was more than half full but only a few women were sitting at the bar. One in particular interested me. Dressed in a navy blue business suit, pencil skirt, white silk blouse, as expensive as mine, with a multi-colored, patterned scarf around her neck, Louboudin heels—I guessed lawyer. She was drinking either vodka or gin on the rocks, somewhat hardcore. The bar chair next to her was empty.

Walking over, I asked, “¿ocupado?”

“No. Feel free. Hispanic?”

“Thanks and no. I dabble.” This brought a smile and chuckle from her.

Even though I was not a frequent customer, Kate, the bartender, recognized me. “Dry Gibson on the rocks?”

Smiling, I replied, “Thanks Kate.”

It was soon deposited in front of me with a wink and a slight nod to my left. Kate had sensed something and was alerting me. I picked up my drink and turned to my as-yet-unknown friend, holding out my glass, I said, “Cheers.”

Stirred from her reverie, she also raised her glass and touched mine, saying, “Huh, oh, ya, cheers. Sorry, in a bit of a funk I guess.”

“I got that feeling. Bad day at work?”

“No, not really. Broke up with the boyfriend last night. Finally came to terms with him gaslighting me.”

“What a coincidence. I broke up with mine two nights ago. Third time cheating. Should have dumped him after the first. You been here before? I don’t come all that often, but I do recognize the regulars.”

“No. First time for me. I’ve heard of the club but never stopped before.”

“Well, welcome. Erin here.”

“Hi,” she said with a smile, “I’m Bree, Breeann actually, but everyone calls me Bree.”

I raised my glass again. “A pleasure. Let me guess, a lawyer.”

Bree laughed, “Is it that obvious?”

“Well, your outfit, which is beautiful by the way, is sort of de rigueur for the profession, plus your attache-sized purse kinda completes the look. Just an informed guess.”

“And you? Let’s see, Wang jeans, Boss silk blouse, Jimmy Choo heels—understand I’m guessing—braless, a great look by the way. It leaves me wondering.”

“I’m an M and A team leader at JP Morgan Chase. It more than keeps me busy but pays the bills. Also, this is not my work attire, just a little something I slipped on for the evening.”

“Well, your ‘little something’ is quite attractive. Not exactly thrift store quality. And I’ll bet your job does keep you busy. You must be well into six figures there—not prying, just an observation.”

I laughed and replied, “I doubt your under six yourself—not prying, just an observation.”

“Sounds like we’re both doing good in the job department, not so hot in the boyfriend department.”

“One of the things about being bisexual is it doubles your chances for a date.” I chuckled and went on, “Sorry about that old joke, but there is truth in it.”

“Well, to be totally honest,” Bree said, “I guess I’m still in the bi-curious category since I’ve yet to have a... what shall I say... full-fledged experience with another woman.”

“Oh my. Well, that should be seen to. I’ve heard that there’s an easy cure for that.”

“Really? And what might that be?” Bree asked in a knowing, teasing way.

“Temptation and enticement from the right person at the right time, plus commitment.”

“Interesting combination of thoughts. Give me a for instance.”

“For instance: I think we’re attracted to each other. I only live two blocks away in a charming apartment, one floor of a brownstone. I don’t charge for drinks and provide almost any music you desire. However, if this interests you, there’s one thing you need to do before we leave here, and it’s very important.”

“One thing... Do tell.”

“You need to go back to the Ladies, take off your bra and panties, bring them back and hand them to me.”

Her face noticeably fell. I knew I was taking a big chance with that, but I also knew that some people, sometimes needed a nudge, a small push, to get the ball rolling—this was her nudge.

She didn’t say anything. Her eyes moved from mine to my boobs, to my thighs, and back to my eyes. She slid off the chair, picked up her over-size purse, and headed to the back of the club. Soon she was walking back. Her boobs were obviously free. Her dark nipples flashed through the white silk. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out her matching, white lace bra and panties, handing them to me neatly folded.

Meeting my eyes, she said, “I believe you said it was a two-block walk.”

It worked! I thought as I took her neat package and put it in my purse. “Delicious doesn’t do you justice Bree, and yes, just two blocks.” She took my arm as we walked out into the night.

During the walk back she held me tight, sometimes putting her head on my shoulder. Our relationship had developed quite quickly. I hoped it hadn’t been too quick. The first thing she said to me during our walk was, “You know I almost just walked out of the club after your... stipulation. How’s that for lawyer talk?”

“Very good counselor. What changed your mind?”

“Well, I don’t suffer arrogant, conceited people. I was almost ready to put you in that basically bitch category, mostly due to your bra demand thing, when I realized that you’re really a self-assured, confident woman, that was trying to get me out of my shell, so to speak.”

I gave her a hug as I said, “Thank goodness for that! And really, I’m not a bitch. The thing is, in my business, you have to know when to push people and when to pull back. I just felt like you wanted it but just needed a small nudge... so I gave you one.”

She laughed. “Well, I don’t know how small it was. I felt like there was a spotlight on me as I was walking back, but you were right. You nudged me and here we are. I have no illusions about tonight. Time will tell. But I do want to be out of my shell, at least for the night, and enjoy whatever road you lead me down.”

We walked the rest of the way in silence. Some sort of bond was already being formed.

When we entered she turned to me with a reserved but expectant expression. I pulled her into a kiss. It was tentative at first, but then our lips parted and our hug became stronger as our tongues wrapped and probed each other. We were both a bit taken aback by its intensity.

“Wow,” Bree said.

“Yeah. Good description.” I swiftly gave her a follow-up buss on her cheek. “Wanna drink?” I asked.

“I think I need one,” she said with a smile.

Quickly making them, we walked to the living room. “Have a seat on the couch while I go change into something more comfortable. Take off that blazer and relax! I’ll be right back. Smooth jazz good for you?” I asked as I headed to my bedroom.

“Sure. I love it.”

“Great.” I flipped on the Sirius channel as I walked away. Once in the bedroom I stripped and put on a teddy. It wasn’t like we were here to play chess.

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When I walked back into the living room Bree said, “Oh là là, elle est canon!”

Grinning, I said, “Thanks. Are you fluent?” as I sat down very close to her.

“I dabble,” Bree said, “Now comes the awkward part, right?”

“I don’t see it as awkward as much as just getting to know each other more intimately, at our own pace.”

“Well, I know one thing for sure, when we kissed you smelled dreamy. I just came straight from work, something I never do. Now I smell like shit. I need a shower.”

“Ya know, that could be fun. I can always enjoy a shower. We could take one together. It would be a way to get acquainted on a new level.”

“Great idea,” Bree said, as she jumped up. “Lead the way.” She was already unbuttoning her blouse. It hit the floor just after my teddy. Her skirt was off before I got the water turned on.

My shower is quite nice: a large, square, overhead rain-type head and a mounted, handheld nozzle with multiple shower modes, each independently controlled.

With both on to bring the water up to temperature, I asked her if she had a preference. “Let’s use both. I’d love to get soaked with you.”

“Great choice!” I said as I stepped into the rain.

She was right behind and pulled me close. As the falling water soaked us, she ran her hands up from my waist to my boobs, cupping them and gently rolling my nips. “I’ve so dreamed of scenes like this,” she whispered in my ear, “I love your boobs, they’re firm yet so soft. I think I’m in heaven.”

As I was moaning from her attention to me, I reached behind, quickly finding her slit. My middle finger began exploring. Even with the water falling and running all over us, her slippery nectar was copious. Upon finding her clit she gasped as her body twitched. “Oh fuck! It’s so sensitive!” I hesitated. “No! Don’t stop. I love it. You don’t know how much I’ve dreamed of being touched this way... by another woman I mean.”

Pulling away, I turned to face her, as the water cascaded over us. My fingers now clasped her nipples and squeezed. She moaned and looked shocked.

“You really love this don’t you?” I said.

“I... you...”

I squeezed harder. She moaned louder.

“I need... Fuck! I’m...”

“Hold my nipples.” She grasped them. “That’s it. Gently or I’ll squeeze harder.” She obeyed. “Good. You’re holding back tears aren’t you?” She nodded her head. “Tears of joy and happiness, right?” She nodded again. I dropped my right hand to her pussy and began softly teasing her clit. Her body sagged against me.

“Oh god. Please... please, please.”

“Don’t you dare cum until I give you permission! Until I say okay. Just that word. Do you understand?” She nodded her head. “Say it!” I commanded.

“Yes... yes, I understand. Oh fuck! Please! Please!”

After teasing her clit for several more minutes, I pushed my middle finger deep into her and curled it against her “G” spot as the heel of my hand rubbed against her clit.

“OH my Fucking god!” she cried.

“It’s hard to hold back isn’t it?”

All she could do was nod her head. Her breath was coming in gasps. Tears were still running as I said, “Okay.”

Her body began quivering and she clutched me for support. I kept up my hand-finger movements for a few more seconds, stopping to help her sit out of the waterfall on the shower’s built-in bench. Sitting next to her, I held her as she gasped to recover her breath.

Finally, mostly back to normal, she turned to see my smiling face. “You’re a devil woman, aren’t you? You prey on poor, unsuspecting women like me. In another age you’d be burned at the stake.”

I started laughing and so did she.

“I’m your worst nightmare and best friend rolled into a sexy little package. How was that for a get acquainted first time? Was it all you expected?”

“Not exactly what I expected. Actually, my expectations were fairly vague, but it sure was unbelievably fun and pleasurable. You touched parts of me that I had no idea existed, mentally I mean. Do you have a waiting list?”

I had to laugh at her last comment. “No waiting list. Just a few friends that I share with. I hope you want to be one. Maybe we should really shower this time and then hit the bed. Whaddya think?”

“Great idea! And no more making me beg for at least... oh, a half hour. Deal?”


We had a fun touchy-feely shower, dried each other and hit the bed. After some preliminary snogging, as the Brits say, she looked at me. “Can I?”

“Can you what?” I couldn’t make it too easy for her.

“You know. Go down on you. Eat your pussy. I shouldn’t be this nervous, should I? I mean I win million dollar cases and here I am worried about doing it right, pleasing you. Fuck!”

“Bree, just do what comes naturally to you. Think of the best oral orgasms you’ve ever had and replicate them. You’ll be fine, better than fine, great. Just one thing...”


“Never make me beg, ever, capiche?”

“Got it. I can live with that. You dabble in Italian also?”

“A bit. Cool language. So get to it girl!”

She did just that, with gusto. A woman with just a little bit of experience knows what feels great, what’s mediocre, and what’s a don’t ever do that again. She obviously had much experience. Her techniques were impeccable. In short order I was alternating between clawing the sheets and running my hands through her hair to hold her head as I let out a fairly continuous stream of verbal encouragement.

Soon enough I was getting closer and closer to the big O. “Oh god yes! So good baby. You’re a natural. Ah fuck! There, that’s it. Almost... YES! Fuckin’ yes! God damn Bree!” I finally pushed her head away.

She was laughing and gasping at the same time. “Fuck Erin! I thought you were going to smother me. You held me to you so tight at the end. You’re stronger than you look.”

I started laughing with her. “Jesus Bree! You’re sure this is your first time? You’ve got nothing to be nervous about girly.”

“I guess I passed the test?”

“If there had been a test, you’d have gotten an A-plus. You can eat my pussy anytime you want!”

With that, we were hugging and kissing each other. That went on for quite a while. One of us on top and then the other, rubbing our pussies together, reveling in what I later called a fantastically exquisite experience.

This eventually led to me going down on her, which led to much begging, and a few tears on her part, until I relented and got her off. After that, I told her that next time I might have to get out a paddle and some rope. She giggled as she said, “Oh no, not a spanking.”

We agreed to a short rest before more fun. Bree snuggled up to me and we fell asleep. I woke to a room filled with sunlight with the clock displaying 10:06 am. Bree was spooned-up behind me. I turned over and she opened her eyes.

“Morning sleepy head,” I said as I kissed her.

“Morning... Mistress,” she replied.

“Ah, so our roles are being defined, little miss sub.”

“Yes Miss, if you’ll have me...”

“Well... I’ll take you on as a postulant. You have already shown definite potential. I’m sure, with proper supervision, you’ll progress to being fully integrated into that which you desire.”

“Oh thank you Miss! I know it’s been brief, but you’ve actualized feelings that have smoldered in my brain for years. After last night I crave to experience more.”

“We need to have names to distinguish between real life and our DOM/sub relations. Mistress or Miss is perfect for me. I was thinking of Kitten for you. What do you think?”

“Oh Miss, that’s perfect. Kitten’s kitty belongs to you. I love it. Thank you.”

“So, Kitten, I’m thinking my kitty needs some attention.”

“Oh, yes Mistress! I’ll attend to it immediately.”

With that, she quickly moved between my legs and spread my waiting lips. Her lips surrounded my bits as her tongue probed and licked.

“Reach up and play with my tits. Tease them and squeeze them. Show me you know just how to treat them.”

Her hands flew up, enveloping my boobs with my nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Her technique with her mouth and fingers was delicious. I decided to hold off cumming as long as I could—she needed the practice and I wanted the enjoyment of her new status. Little did I know, less than twenty-four hours ago, that I’d have a new submissive lover. I have no real Supreme Beings belief, but sometimes the Fates do seem to intervene.

Unable to hold off any longer, I gripped her head tightly. “Yes my Kitten. Soon now... Fuck yes sweetie! Now! Fuckin now! Suck my clit, gently... so good.” I released her, tenderly pushing her head away and then pulling her up to me. “Very good my Kitten. You’ve quite pleased Mistress.”

“Oh thank you Miss! I so want to make you happy.”

We lingered over our tender kiss as our bodies gently writhed against each other. The scent of sex filled the room. It’s so distinctive but somewhat indescribable as everyone gives off one just slightly different than another. Yet, if you’ve smelled it once, you recognize it immediately.

With slight encouragement, Kitten moved off me while looking at me expectantly.

“Now it’s your turn. Get yourself off. I want to watch you masturbate.”

“Oh Miss, I’ve never—”

“That’s the last time I want to hear that word! From now on the answer to anything I request will be...?” I said with as stern a look as I could manage, waiting for her reply.

“Yes Miss. It will always be yes Miss. If not, I will be punished.”

“Very good. Carry on,” I said with a wave of my hand.

Her right hand went to her kitty, her left to her breast. As she began to manipulate her chosen spots, her eyes closed and she began a soft moaning. She was slow and tender at first. I was enthralled and becoming aroused as I watched. I was so reminded of Til and our relationship. She was to blame for all this I thought with an inner grin. I was loving being right next to her, smelling her scent, hearing her slightest sound, seeing her body react to her fondling. I reached for myself, but then stopped. No, I told myself, I could not be distracted in the slightest. I’d ordered this. My Kitten was doing this for me. I had to give her my full attention.

Her breathing was increasing, as was her moaning. She was tugging and twisting at her nipple as her fingers were moving rapidly around and across her clit. This had been just a whim, a curiosity. Now I was being pulled into her lustful sensuality.

Her movements became faster and more intense. Her soft moans had almost turned into shouts. I saw her toes curl as her leg muscles contracted. Even though she’d just sated me, I felt as if I was about to cum. My heart was pounding, as I knew hers was. Then: “Oh my god! Miss, I’m... Oh fuck yes! Yes, yes, yes.” Her eyes popped open and locked with mine. It was passing through her. “Thank you Miss. Thank you so much. Just knowing you were beside me made it my best solo one ever. I guess, in some ways, I wasn’t really solo.” I pulled her into a passionate embrace.

Pulling back just enough to talk, I said, “Bree, it feels like something magical has happened in the past fourteen hours, give or take a bit. I certainly didn’t plan this, yet it feels so natural and right, to me anyway.”

“I’ve been thinking the same thing. We didn’t know we existed before last night. I know I tend to be sexually submissive, but I’ve only let that out a tiny bit with a couple of guys. With another woman, I’ve never given it a thought, until last night. This felt so comfortable and so good... Mistress,” she said with a giggle.

“Do you have any plans for the day?” I asked.

“I was going to go into the office for a few hours, but I’m not really in the mood for that. How about you?”

“Same. I have a few projects in the works that I wanted to review their financials again, but I’m not really in the mood either. Whaddya say we go shopping? We could take the train to near Bloomies, get some lunch and just see what we see. We might find something just right for Kitten.”

“Or maybe for Mistress. Great idea, but I really don’t want to do that wearing that business suit. It’s obviously all I’ve got.”

“We’re either the same size or very close. I’ll fix you up with a mini skirt and cami, plus I’m pretty sure I’ve got some lacy black ribbon that I can tie around your neck as your collar. It’s meaning will be just between us. I will get you a proper, feminine, black leather collar.”

“Cool! Let’s do it,” Bree exclaimed. “I’m already looking forward to my collar. Kitten will love wearing it.”

Written by Kee
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