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All My Loving - All In - Pt. 6

"Allison's a quick study as she gives Jeremy exactly what he was looking for, finding she loves it too!"

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Author's Notes

"I hope you enjoy the conclusion of this series, as Allison and Jeremy find themselves even happier than they'd imagined when it all began."

Allison was up first the morning after their revelatory evening before. She’d woken earlier than usual as the evening found them sleeping earlier as well from sheer exhaustion. Wanting to give something back, she made Jeremy’s favorite breakfast despite it being another workday. Maybe a start like this would make their day better than they’d been recently.

“Good morning, baby!” she said with a loving smile as he appeared in the kitchen doorway, dressed and ready to go. She hit the microwave to warm the bacon, started three pancakes on the griddle, and poured him some tea from a fresh pot.

“Mmm, I wish we had more time this morning,” he said after he pulled her in for a bear hug and lustful kiss, their eyes smiling.

“After that kiss, I may have to change underwear before work!” she admitted. “Sit! Your breakfast’s ready!”

They ate with the exchange of loving pleasantries and the same feeling that they were finally in tune with each other and committed to showing each other how much. Jeremy was overjoyed at how Allison had taken him exactly where he wanted to go, and Allison was both happy and surprised at how much she enjoyed it, too. By the time they left for work, she was already planning another adventurous evening with her submissive husband.

As the week progressed, the plan took shape for the following weekend. She’d again found his Lush account logged in and now believed he was doing so on purpose. She read a few more stories he’d ‘liked’ and got a few ideas in addition to liking them herself.

A day or two later, alerted to Jeremy working late, she took advantage of his absence to go shopping, first to an adult store for some toys and then Victoria’s Secret for some lingerie with a more dominant vibe.

Friday came, and Jeremy called during the day to let her know he’d be working on Saturday. It seems they’d called an executive meeting (they called it a ‘summit’ meeting to make it sound important), and attendance was mandatory. While she would now have to change her plan, she was happy that he wasn’t concerned about it, which meant he didn’t expect much of an I.T. component and was in attendance merely as another executive, trusted with the Company’s future.

Thinking on her feet, she cut out the afternoon portion of her plan and told Jeremy to meet her at The Chop House for dinner directly after the meeting. Being his favorite steakhouse, she knew he wouldn’t object and agreed to text her as soon as he knew when the meeting would end.

By the time she received his message, the only reservation she could get was for six o’clock, just a half hour after the meeting would end. These meetings rarely ended on time, so he’d have to hustle to arrive on time, which she thought might fit nicely into her plan.

She arrived in time for their reservation and was seated a few minutes later, waiting for another message saying he was on his way. She’d ordered wine for them both and had put a good dent in hers when she got the message. Just over ten minutes later, he was walking toward their table and stopped abruptly at seeing his beautiful Ally standing to greet him.

“My God, you look gorgeous, Ally!” he said loud enough for nearby patrons to hear, who smiled in agreement.

Her simple, tight black dress accentuated every perfect curve and shape of her body, with a flared skirt ending mid-thigh and spaghetti straps leaving her shoulders and just enough cleavage exposed. An inch or so of lace showing below her skirt suggested sexy black stockings and a garter belt, which had him imagining what else was underneath her dress.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” he said when their eyes connected after a short kiss from her lips covered in dark red, almost black lipstick.

“It’s okay, baby,” she whispered. “We have plenty of time!” she added in a tone that had him hopeful for another evening of submissive worship of her fantasy-inspiring body.

Their dinner was tasty and leisurely. Jeremy initially monopolized the conversation, bringing Ally up to date on a new direction for the Company. As the wine flowed, so did their words, getting lighter and friendlier with Ally’s flirtatious comments, getting his hopes up again, to the point of feeling his loose casual slacks getting tighter in the crotch. Her panties were getting warm and moist as well.

“I have something for you,” she said after they’d decided on dessert and handed him a small, gift-wrapped box. “I don’t think you’ll want others to see it,” she warned as he was about to open it on top of the table.

She moved to his lap as he opened the box, moving closer as he removed the small bullet-shaped item with a chrome finish and a red jewel on its flange. He looked up to see her devious smile and smiled himself at the thought of what other new experiences she had planned for the evening.

“I’ll order dessert while you go to the men’s room and put that in,” she said in a tone not to be trifled with. “There’s a packet of lube in the box.”

“Yes, Miss,” he replied, both excited and a little worried about inserting something that seemed so large in his butt.

As instructed, he found himself in a stall, waiting for another patron to leave, just in case. He tore open the packet and squeezed a pool of the viscous liquid into his left palm, and after spreading it liberally on both the plug and his tighter-than-ever anus, he pressed the pointed tip toward its target. Feeling a little pain as the widest portion seemingly stretched him to the max, he relaxed just a bit as it popped into position. He squirmed in place, trying to get comfortable with this intruder as he stood and pulled his pants up.

He opened the stall door, discarded the empty lube packet in the trash, and washed his hands as the fullness slowly became pleasurable. He left the men’s room, self-conscious of wearing a butt plug in a public place, but soon its intruding presence and the secret he held from the restaurant full of people had him smiling and looking forward to the rest of the evening.

Their shared Tiramisu arrived, and the conversation was suggestive as they fed each other forkfuls of the delectable dessert while finishing their wine. Memories of the meeting had faded completely, and he couldn’t wait to get home and tell her so.

“And what do you think is gonna happen when we get home?” she whispered breathlessly.

“Am I gonna get …” he started.

“Oh yes! And rather hard, I think!” she interrupted.

“I said I was sorry for being late,” he defended weakly.

“I’m not going to punish you, baby,” she replied and, seeing his sad face, added, “I’m going to do it because I want to!” He smiled when she whispered in his ear, “And because you want me to!”

Stealthily, she slipped her hand under the tablecloth to take hold of the growing bulge in his pants as he motioned for the check from their server with a red face. He put his hand on her knee, but she stopped him when he slid it up her thigh, just short of his goal.

“Uh-uh! Your tongue will be the first to find out how wet I am!” she scolded, chuckling at his groaning response.

The check finally paid, they walked arm-in-arm toward the door, attracting the attention of envious couples who’d seen their final minutes at their table and thought they had a pretty good idea of what they’d be doing soon.

At the front door, he handed the valet his ticket and asked Ally for hers.

“I had Marcy drop me off so we wouldn’t be driving home separately.”

“I really love you, you know!” he said, taking her face in his hands and kissing her lustily.

“I do know! And I’m sure you’ll show me how much when we get home!” she replied. Reaching around him to feel for the plug, she smiled at his startled look when she pushed hard on it.

She teased him mercilessly all the way home, hinting but not revealing what was in store for him. They were almost home when she opened her purse at a stoplight and pulled out another plug, slightly larger than the one still in its proper place.

“Now, when we get inside,” her instructions began, “I’ve left something for you to wear in the powder room downstairs. You’ll put them on after you’ve swapped your plug for this larger one and then come to the bedroom. Understand?”

“Yes, Miss,” he replied, squirming in his seat again, only a little worried about the larger plug as he was quite enjoying the one he wore now.

He made a beeline for the bathroom as Ally went directly upstairs for her preparations, though most of it was already in place. She’d left a bottle of lube on the sink, and he used it more skillfully this second time, enjoying the stretch of both the smaller plug coming out and the larger one going in. Only then did he notice the sheer black bikini underwear she’d left for him, and putting them on, he looked critically at his butt in the mirror, hoping it would inspire her to do her worst.

He pushed the bedroom door open and smiled when he saw her standing next to the vanity bench, bathed in subdued red lighting, her lacy corset hugging her fantastic body even tighter than her dress had. The side ribbons gave the illusion of cinching in her waist, and he finally saw the previously imagined garter straps holding up her sexy black stockings, with matching panties on the outside, able to be removed without taking anything else off.

Only then did he notice the red bulbs in their nightstand lights, also casting their glow over the black satin sheets on the bed, with just a sheet pulled to the side.

“Jesus, Ally! I’m gonna eat you up!”

“Come here,” she said, holding out her arms. They went around his neck, while his were at her waist when she stuffed her tongue in his willing mouth. Pulling away, she held his face close, saying, “You’ll do what you’re told! Now, bend over!”

She quickly pulled his head down to her side, wrapped her arm around his waist, and spanked him good and hard on his sexy black underwear. The suddenness, pace, and ferocity of her attack caught him by surprise, eliciting a steady stream of painful complaints as she delivered a couple dozen smacks.

“What’s the matter, baby? Don’t you want to get spanked? C’mon, I know you do! Tell me!”

“Ow! Yes, Miss! Oww!”

“Tell me!”

“Oww! Yes, Miss, I want to get spanked! Please spank me!” he cried as the pain and pleasure mixed, thrusting his bottom out, begging for more.

“Yeah, that’s it. How do you like it? Hm? Tell me how to spank you!”

“Oh God, Ally! Take me over your OW! … over your knee, pull my pants down, and spank my bare bottom!”

“As you wish,” she said, letting him stand again, taking his wrist, and leading him to the vanity bench.

Needing no instruction now, he lay in her lap, the bulge of his semi-hard cock between her legs, and settled into position. Raising his hips invited another flurry of smacks to both cheeks, the sound muted somewhat by his underwear, sheer though they were. Resting her middle finger on the barely visible plug, she pushed on it rhythmically while continuing the attack on his lower cheeks.

“Holy shit!” he cried in response to the dual stimulation and pushed back against her finger as though somehow it could go deeper until, as suddenly as it began, she stopped.

“Time for these to come off,” she said as she gripped the elastic at both sides and, with his hips raised, easily pulled them down and off.

Anticipating a resumption of the spanking, he kept his hips raised but was pleasantly surprised when, instead, she gripped the flange of the plug and threatened to pull it out. Grunting at the feeling of pressure, the stretching of those tight, strong muscles, he only exhaled when she’d push it back in, wishing it were larger and longer.

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“You like that, baby?” she asked, continuing to tease him with its removal until the spanking began once again, the stinging pain and sharp sound of the smacks reminding him that this was now a bare-bottom spanking. Her hand swinging horizontally impacted the lower fleshy cheeks while her left hand pushed, pulled, and twisted the plug, driving him to an abrupt and unexpected climax, his semen spewing between her legs onto the floor below.

“Ally! I…” he started but couldn’t finish as her hands soothingly caressed his dark pink cheeks.

“I think you’ve had enough of this,” she said, pulling the plug on his anal stimulation, getting another wave of spastic jerks in response, adding, “For now!”

He knew what to do next and slowly rolled off her lap to kneel before her, anticipating her standing above him, wiping his upraised face with her sodden panties. Taking deep breaths, he savored the bouquet of her pungent pussy, wanting to remove her panties for a better taste but knew he must wait to be told.

She was pleasantly surprised at the pleasure she’d attained with the plugging of Jeremy’s butt and could feel her own climax approaching but wanted to hold it off as long as she could. Holding his face in her hands, she ground it against her pantied crotch, the smooth, sheer gusset contrasting with the coarse lace in front as she sawed back and forth over his chin, nose, and mouth. Edging herself, she repeatedly stopped just short of cumming, wanting his tongue in her slit when she did.

“Pull my panties down,” she instructed and added, “Not off!” when he pulled them down too far. Turning around so that she was facing away from him, she stepped forward and again, taking his head in her hands, positioned it in the crotch of her panties, a hammock for his head, and pulled them up a bit till his face was again in her slippery slit. He reached for her hips when she stopped him with a ‘Tongue only!’ command.

He could feel the wet crotch of her panties on the back of his head as his tongue lapped at her labia. As her gyrating hips directed his tongue this way and that, she could feel the precipice approaching and, squatting hard on his face, let his tongue take her over the cliff, her dripping cunt jerking into his equally wet face.

Her body back within her control, she removed her panties and knelt to kiss his lips and face, slippery with the produce from her pussy. Grabbing a hand towel she’d left beside the bench, she wiped his face, kissing him between swipes.

“I think you need another spanking,” she said almost as a question, his smile confirming his answer. “Lay face down on the bed, straddling the corner with your legs spread.”

He was barely in position, with his hard cock pressed against his belly, when he felt the first random spanks on his upraised bottom, asking for more. His head moved back and forth as he watched her move around the room, getting something red from her nightstand and something else from the bathroom, the identity of which was revealed when he felt a familiar clear fluid dripping between his cheeks again.

Expecting the feeling of another, probably larger, plug pressing against his back door, he was fooled at first as the now familiar stretching accepted this new intrusion. When it didn’t ‘pop’ into place like the plugs and instead penetrated further into his rectum, he relaxed a little, savoring the feeling of the deeper touch of what he would later learn was a prostate massager. It, too, eventually settled into place while two protruding fingers on the outside pressed into his crack and perineum for a three-pronged assault on his rear.

“Oh God, Ally!” he cried as she slid it in and out a few times with one hand and spanked him randomly with the other.

“Do you like it, baby?” she asked rhetorically, seeing his body squirming ecstatically. “Try clenching. It supposed to …” and she stopped as he felt what it did both inside and out when he clenched his cheeks, pressing his p-spot inside and the finger stimulation outside.

She smiled at his reaction to the toy she’d never heard of either but was highly recommended by the woman at the adult store. She spanked him again, adding to the extraordinary stimulation he already felt.

“All right, baby. My turn again,” she said as she climbed on the bed with his body between her legs. He lifted his torso on his elbows, which allowed her to slide down, placing her pussy directly below his eager mouth.

“C’mon, baby! Eat me up! Eat my wet cunt!” she cried, barely able to finish her demand as his mouth attached to her, sucking her wholly in as his tongue slathered her swollen lips.

Allowed to use his fingers this time, they initially just held her thighs apart as he feasted on her pretty peach but got more actively involved, one set of fingers fucking her gaping wet hole and the other giving her a taste of her own medicine by pressing on her puckered rosebud.

Squirming on the bed, almost out of control, she was going to cum again very soon, and sensing this, his fingers and tongue tried to follow her spastic gyrations while she seemed to pull away, trying to escape, like she couldn’t take any more.

“Oh fuck, Jeremy!” she screamed when she came with a squirting orgasm, drenching his face and shooting over his head to his back and the bed. Her legs and hips jerked uncontrollably as she tried to calm herself, but found that Jeremy wasn’t letting up, his face slithering around between her thighs as he continued eating her sopping wet cunt.

“Jesus Christ!” she gasped as her body responded involuntarily to his efforts.

Feeling she needed a defense against this latest attack, she reached under the sheet for the other item she’d bought for the night: a round leather paddle with a long, stiff handle. Just catching a glimpse of her movement, he looked up to see her brandishing a new weapon that, held at arm’s length, was just long enough to reach his bottom if she sat up.

Harder than she’d intended, the first swat landed on his right cheek, getting a screeched ‘Yeow!’ from him, taking his attention away from her pussy; just as she’d hoped. Not quite as hard, she hit the other cheek next, his recoil still evident, beginning a new steady rhythm of swats to alternate cheeks, trying to hit hard enough to produce a good sting but not be overly painful.

“I don’t think you’re getting the full benefit of my new toy,” she said, climbing out from underneath his pussy-hungry tongue. “You stay right where you are!” she commanded as she got off the bed.

“Now, where were we? Oh, yes!” she enthused, paddling his red bottom energetically on the fleshiest part, turning the red-hot cheeks even redder as she stood over him.

Jeremy couldn’t believe how quickly his now playful wife was taking to this new dynamic and lifted his hips, silently requesting the delicious paddling she was more than willing to give him. The inevitable clenching of his tortured cheeks reminded him anew of the stimulating shaft still buried deep in his ass. Between the extraordinary pain and the internal massage, he couldn’t imagine anything better and was approaching another climax.

It might have taken another minute or two, except for Ally, noticing his enjoyment of her surprise, reached for the bottle of lube, quickly squirted a stream of the clear fluid between his cheeks, and pulled it out. Ignoring his protests, she ran it up and down his crack, coating it again, and shoved it back in place to a satisfying moan from Jeremy.

Kneeling behind him, she gave him a half dozen full-force swats on each cheek and then grabbed the plug again, and this time, after pulling it partially out, she shoved it back in. Repeating this pattern, she fucked his ass with the prostate toy to a chorus of gasps and moans as he sprinted to his finish line and crossed it when she added the hardest swats yet to the buggering that had him spewing all over the corner of the bed he collapsed on.

“Oh fuck, Ally! That was the most amazing …!” he cried, unable to finish as she sat on the bed next to him and held his head in her lap, stroking his hair, unaware of the power of her scent on him. Still breathing heavily, he inhaled her intoxicating pussy perfume. Sliding off the bed, he knelt before her and begged.

“Please let me eat you? I want your pussy in my mouth so bad!”

“Oh, you’re going to eat my cunt, all right! Lay on the bed. I’m gonna sit on and cum in your face!”

Needing no further encouragement, he eagerly positioned himself on his back in the middle of the bed, broadly smiling as she stood above him so he could watch her mouthwatering, shiny wet pussy come into closer focus before settling on his chin and sliding up over his nose before settling in his mouth again.

“Come on! Eat me, baby! Lick my syrupy slit!”

With his hands on her ass, he guided her gyrating hips over his face as she ground him into the bed. Noting her startled reaction to his tongue briefly touching her puckered star, he slipped a finger into her flooded pussy and twirled it around to collect her slippery juice before pressing on the tight rear opening, inserting a fingertip inside.

“Oh God, Jeremy!” she cried as he wiggled and twisted the tip within its tight confines while together with his tongue, he brought her quickly to another shattering orgasm. Her hips jerked spastically, pounding his head into the mattress until slight spasms were all that was left.

“Do it again, baby!” she demanded after turning around and bending forward to place her still-churning pussy once again in his mouth.

Letting him do the work this time, she just held herself in position as his tongue traversed her slushy slit, penetrating her in the middle and teasing her clit and ass at the ends before reversing direction to do it again. After lubing his finger again in her dripping cunt, he again inserted his finger in her ass, sliding into its depth when she pushed back, asking for it. Fingering her clenching buttocks, he concentrated on her pussy with this tongue, licking and flicking her hard nub to continuous gasps, moans, and groans as Ally tried to take it all in, resulting in another squirting climax soaking everything within its reach.

When she finally opened her eyes, she was happy to see his stiff flagpole waving in the breeze and quickly turned around again to sit on it, disappearing swiftly in her teeming pussy. She bent to kiss him, her tongue entreating his into a tangled tango while gliding slowly on his shaft that somehow felt longer than ever.

“Come on, baby! Fuck me hard!” she begged after a few additional quicker trips up and down his cock.

Delirious with the combined pleasure of the whole evening, he pounded his throbbing cock into her greedy pussy, praying he could hold on that they might cum together. He read her cue perfectly when she extended her legs and, holding her tightly, rolled over to reverse positions. Not missing a beat, his rhythm continued while on his elbows, he buried his face between her bouncing breasts, trying to escape their confines.

“Fuck, Jeremy! I’m cumming! Cum with me!” she cried as her legs flew up in the air. Her hands, which had been feeling every thrust while gripping his sore cheeks, let go and smacked both sides simultaneously with cries of ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ as she felt him unload deep inside her, their hips still grinding slowly together as they milked every last bit of bliss before rolling to their sides to face each other with small, sated smiles.

“My God, Ally! Weeks ago, I only hoped to feel a fraction of what we just did! I love you more than ever!”

“Me too, baby! I had no idea, but I will keep an open mind now because I have a feeling we have even more to give. Hold me, Jeremy,” she asked as she rolled over, her back against his sweaty chest.

As they lay together, merely enjoying the touch of the other’s body, they felt the same thing. Although they could probably start something up again, it couldn’t compare to what the night had already wrought, preferring to keep that achievement and memory intact, perhaps as a record to be broken some other time.

Written by 2bespanked
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