It was another day in the I.T. hurricane, and Jeremy wasn’t sure how many more he could take. It can be an exciting field to work in, creating engaging experiences for internal and external customers, using code and configured applications to do seemingly magical things, from delivering meaningful help to Customer Service reps to custom e-commerce sites for customers. He loved it when a new service, website, or application came online, and users were enthused with it. That was the fun part.
But the downside always seemed to overpower the joy of creation, and the more complicated it got, the worse the reaction to any perceived problem. It might be a tightly focused problem with a small group of vocal users because a service was broken or down, or a widespread problem affecting a large contingent when some connection went down. If it wasn’t fixed quickly, he could expect calls from peers, seniors, and even subordinates, not asking but demanding it be resolved promptly.
As the Chief Information Officer or CIO, he was on the hot seat for all these problems, dealing with those affected and those trying to fix the problem, and it could happen during the night or even a vacation. People think executives have unlimited power and authority to do what they want but don’t realize how powerless they can sometimes feel. Sure, you can tell people what to do, but there are no guarantees. Outside service providers were often the worst as they had many other customers to deal with if the problem also affected others. Users and their managers only knew they couldn’t do their job as expected, and it was ‘all your fault.’
Another frustrating aspect of being at the top of the I.T. pyramid was that there was very little he could do himself, usually nothing except to handle all the people involved. He couldn’t fix the code, reroute the internet connection, or fix the file server himself. He had people to do those things, and he had to direct and trust them to do their job. He sometimes longed for the days when he was the one being told what to do before his competence had promoted him into this truly thankless job.
On an ordinary day, going home was an effective antidote for the pressures of the day. He had a beautiful wife, Allison, who respected him and understood the requirements of his career, even when it interfered with their time unexpectedly. Their kids were grown and recently on their own, so they were empty nesters still adjusting to the new dynamic of having all their personal time together.
While they still loved each other, they secretly wondered if they were no longer in love. They enjoyed their time with each other, including their sex life. Yes, they enjoyed it; it wasn’t amazing, fantastic, or surprising … just enjoyable. As one of the few things that could take his mind off the job, Jeremy hoped it could be more.
He’d been intrigued by the notion of power exchange, surrendering control to another. In extreme examples, it was a domestic discipline or BDSM relationship. In his case, however, he just wanted to give Allison that authority for routine daily decisions and, in particular, have her tell him what to do in the bedroom. He imagined being made to please her in various ways, telling him exactly what she wanted, maybe extending to some light bondage to limit his movement. He would make her enjoyment the only priority, and failing that, there might be consequences to ensure he understood who was in charge and that his pleasure only came when she allowed it. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to try this abdication of authority, freely letting someone else make all the decisions and tell him what to do.
He finally summoned the courage to approach Allison and chose a quiet afternoon by the pool to propose the idea. He began by expanding on his job's demands and pining for the days of responsibility only for himself. He tried to make her see what others couldn’t or wouldn’t understand about the burden of responsibility and the longing to relinquish it.
“I think I understand, honey,” Allison replied when he’d finished. “I can’t imagine the strain of so many people and systems relying on you for their stability. Is there something I can do to help?”
“I hope so,” he started, still unsure of himself, “There’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while, and I want to tell you about it, but I want you to promise to hear me out and not make any snap judgments or decisions until I’m finished, okay?”
“Oh! Um, well … I guess so. You have me a bit worried. Should I be?”
“No, but you might initially think it a little strange.”
“Okay. I’ll keep an open mind.”
He had tried to plan his approach to the topic, but so much depended on her reaction, so he settled for having a starting gambit but would have to wing it from there, something he wasn’t very good at. One of those people who always came up with just the right thing to say, but hours later, unfortunately, too late to be of value to the current conversation.
“I’ve been reading some about something called ‘power exchange.’ People in high-level positions who are tired of always being in control and in charge want to give that power to someone else. It’s often discussed in BDSM circles as a way to …” and he lost her right there.
She was immediately put off by the mention of BDSM and all the implied connotations. She imagined being dressed in black leather, leading Jeremy around on a leash, and beating him with all manner of implements until he submitted to her will. Whatever else he said, she couldn’t shake these images, and the conversation ended almost as soon as it began.
Jeremy tried to broach the subject again at other times, but as soon as she realized where he was going, she turned off and either left or changed the subject. If only there were some way to show her what he meant.
Months went by with all the same pressures of his job and no relief in sight either at work or home. Their life and love continued much as they had, barely enjoying their time together. The thought that something had to change would occur to him often, as he couldn’t see going on like this for the rest of his life, but the problem of what to change and how to change it was no nearer a solution than ever.
An idea started to form when he was trying to think of something special to get Allison for the milestone birthday she had coming up. He didn’t care much about birthdays, but they were very important to her, and this was a special one that called for a special gift. Somehow, the two problems came together, and he decided to give himself to her for a memorable weekend.
There was a resort on the beach that she’d talked about, though not very seriously, as a place to spend a weekend. It was very expensive, not in an ostentatious way, but there never seemed to be an occasion worthy of the expense. Jeremy started making inquiries and quickly made a reservation for the weekend following her birthday.
That was a good start, but it had to be more than just a weekend away. He arranged for her to be pampered by the services offered at the resort, which would hopefully put her in the right mind to be pampered by him as well.
Her birthday was on a Thursday, with the resort stay the following weekend, so he planned to tell her about his plans on the Friday before so she’d have the weekend to prepare. He’d learned long ago not to give a woman overnight to pack for a special weekend away.
He made a reservation at a local, exclusive restaurant and got one of those unique cards that pop up into a bouquet, with a note inside …
My dearest Allison,
In celebration of this special birthday, you will be whisked away to the Longboat Key Club, where you’ll spend two full days being pampered and cared for in a way befitting your beauty and my love for you. I know you’ll want to wear something special for our special weekend, so tomorrow we will go on a shopping spree together to get you whatever you’d like to wear on your birthday holiday.
Happy Birthday, Ally! I love you more than you know,
“Oh, Jeremy! What a wonderful idea! Thank you!” she cried, shedding some real tears at the thoughtfulness of his gift.
“It’s all for you, Ally! The whole weekend will be focused on what you want and only what you want!”
“Are you sure you want to go clothes shopping with me tomorrow? You hate that!” she said, hoping he wouldn’t take the out she was offering him.
“Yes, I’m sure. We’ll make it fun!”
It was fun, especially with his mindset that he would do whatever she wanted. He would repeat the phrase, ‘It’s all for you!’ several times that day and the following weekend.
They went to several of her favorite stores, and he stayed engaged, giving her gentle but almost honest advice when she’d ask, ‘How does this look?’. He complimented her repeatedly and genuinely, and though he had often thought that such over-the-top praise was overdone and insincere, he was feeling better than he had in a long time.
They had lunch at a small café where they talked excitedly about the coming weekend and where else they still had to go on their shopping spree. As most men would be, Jeremy was particularly interested when she suggested going to Victoria’s Secret, looking forward to seeing her in the sexy lingerie she ultimately picked out with his help and approval.
The day went even better than he’d imagined, as they’d both embraced the fun aspects of doing it together. He was especially pleased with how they’d enjoyed each other’s company: laughing, walking arm-in-arm, and kissing lovingly, remembering early days when this was the norm.
Finally returning home, he carried her packages, laying the many bags on the bed for her to put away, and left to make them a light dinner accompanied by a bottle of wine. Reflecting on what a wonderful day it had been had them both thinking of the bedroom and taking the lead, Allison took his hand and led him there with their half-full glasses of wine.
“What a fabulous day, Jeremy!” she said, standing over him as he lay back from his seated position on the edge of the bed. “Thank you!” she said before planting a long, passionate kiss on his lips, followed by opening his shirt and her hands working their way down his chest to his pants.
“It’s all for you, Ally!” he said as he pulled her down on top of him and rolled over, reversing their positions so that he could slowly undress her, spending an unusually long time touching, kissing, and caressing while, at the same time, he removed everything but her underwear. “You are so beautiful!” he said, loving the sight of her in a sexy bra and panties.
After undressing himself to the same state, he sat on the bed next to her and let his fingers ‘do the walking’ all over her body, taking his time exploring all the places he knew she liked to be touched and kissed. Her body moved slowly, gently with his touch, telling him silently where she wanted more and when to move on to the ultimate destination between her thighs, where his fingers first traced her dampening slit through her panties, slipping under the gusset to come back up, and finally under, the elastic, over her trimmed patch and through her slippery slit.
“Ohhh God, Jeremy! Lick me? Please?” she moaned as she pushed against his fingers, wanting a heavier touch now. As was his plan, he would do whatever she wanted, already enjoying how she took from him as he gave and the lustful effect it was having on her.
With his hands hooked in the waist of her sheer panties, he drew the tight bikinis over her upraised hips, down her legs, and off; his mouth watering at the sight of her pretty pussy. With her knees raised and splayed, her glistening lips parted, inviting his tongue for a taste. Their eyes met briefly before she closed them in reaction to fingertips gliding down the smooth expanse of firm thighs, but he saw enough to see that tonight was already something special to her.
Her body writhed gently, sensuously as she anticipated the arrival of his tongue with a sharp intake of breath on first contact and soft, lush moans when his tongue slithered between the petals of her flower, opening wider still at his touch. Still moving slowly, taking his time, he licked and kissed with a softness that walked her to her climax, rather than running at full speed, and her breathing, mewing, and whispering his name showed her appreciation of his patience.

Her hips, slowly gyrating in rhythm with his tongue, gradually moved in more pronounced circles, changing to thrusts as though wiping her juicy lips on his tongue. Her body motions egging him on; she could feel the climax coming from a long way off and wondered for a split second whether his tongue had ever felt this good.
Her back arched when, first one, and then a second finger slipped inside her, hooking upwards to reach her ‘spot.’ Quickening his progress, his tongue worked urgently within her slit while his other fingers spread her open. Her body stiffened while pushing her wet lips onto his face, and with his tongue planted firmly on her clit, the waves of pleasure washed over her, tumbling her mind in its wake. Fingers playing softly within her wetness kept the tumbling going for a bit longer, but slowly, her eyes opened, and she reached for him.
“Come here,” she said softly, pulling him into her arms for a loving embrace while her hands wandered over his back. “That was … so good.” She saw in his eyes the pleasure he’d gotten from giving to her and wanted to give it back. “Your turn,” she said, rolling them over, landing him on his back and her seated atop.
“Mmm, somebody’s ready for more,” she said, sliding back and feeling his shaft tenting his underwear. As her crotch brushed the tip of his leaking cock, he pushed upwards, his cotton boxers soaking up juice from her dripping cunt. “Ooo, you want in?” she asked.
“I want whatever you want,” he said, trying to maintain that theme.
After slipping his boxers off, she mounted him and rode his hard cock, her hips moving up, down, and around to maximize the sensations of his penetration. She felt him filling her, his stiff member slithering in her tight sheath, feeling the head and every engorged vein against the walls of her tight tunnel. Her eyes and mouth opened and closed, her bliss painted on her face to Jeremy’s delight and ultimately to simultaneous orgasms.
What Jeremy remembered was the pleasure he had given her; the look on her face and the sound of her lust was just what he’d hoped for, and he looked on the night as a successful prelude to the following weekend when he would step his game up further.
They fell asleep lying together, Allison’s last thoughts about how the night was a return to days past, days of genuine love and passion that had been missing for some time now, and hoped they would continue. Jeremy had been more patient and attentive than ever before, and she loved it, promising herself to make her birthday weekend just as special for them both.
They arrived at the resort late Friday evening, pulling into the large portico and letting the valet take the car away for the weekend. The attentive staff took their luggage to the guest check-in desk and waited while the procedure was completed, taking them to their sumptuous suite immediately after.
“Your resort host, Jamie, will be up to your suite shortly to go over the weekend plans and take care of anything else you need,” the agent had said, getting a raised eyebrow from Ally, who noted approvingly the unexpected extra attention.
“Jeremy, it’s beautiful!” she cried, taking in the gulf view from three floors up and the opulent but tasteful décor of their large suite. She ran to his open arms, kissing him passionately as they held each other tightly. “I love you so much!” she said just before the knock on the door.
Jamie went over the plans for the night and following day, Allison remarking positively on the full schedule he’d arranged for her but didn’t know the full extent of it as he intended to stay as fully engaged in this day as he had when they’d been shopping, the pleasure of that marvelous day still fresh in his memory.
Jamie left, and Allison disappeared into the dressing room of their suite to get ready for dinner, having barely enough time before their reservation. Jeremy changed into dress slacks, a tailored shirt, and sport jacket while she dressed. He was enjoying the colorful sunset over the gulf when she’d finished.
“What do you think?” she asked, getting his attention.
“Ally! You look gorgeous!” he enthused, going to her and holding her at arm’s length to take in the red dress they’d bought together, but then pulling her in for a long, sensual kiss.
“Thank you, Baby,” she said, using that term of endearment for the first time in many years. “Now I can put my lipstick on,” she said with a smile and another short but loving kiss.
Their dinner was delicious and joyous as they shared pleasant memories of similar times together, agreeing that this weekend held the promise of bettering them all.
The nightclub was something Jeremy worried about as he wasn’t much of a dancer, didn’t like loud music in a social setting, and didn’t want to drink too much. Still, he remembered his promise to himself and, ultimately, to Ally, and it proved to be an enjoyable prelude to the night’s final activities.
The music was subdued, and they danced to every slow song, Jeremy following her lead as his hips found the motion in hers intoxicating with their bodies pressed tightly and her head on his shoulder when they weren’t kissing. While at their secluded booth, they sat closely and spoke of casual things with a touch of lascivious teasing flavoring the night.
After another arousing kiss, they stared into each other’s eyes while Ally took his hand from the table and placed it on her thigh, slowly sliding it up under her dress until he felt the satiny fabric of her pretty panties.
“I want you, Baby,” she whispered. “Let’s go upstairs!” she added as his fingers found the damp spot between her legs.
“Anything you want!” he countered.
“Mmm, I like that! Wanna be my boy toy?” she asked, his finger tracing the line of her slit through her panties, and combined with the effects of alcohol, she was hornier than she could ever remember being.
“Just tell me what to do!” he said as she took his hand and directed him to the exit. Alone in the elevator, she pushed him up against the wall and kissed him hard with one hand on the bulge in his pants and the other behind his neck. She moaned softly into his mouth when she felt his hands clutching at her ass, pulling them together for the short ride up two floors.
He’d barely turned the knob on the door, and she was pushing them inside. She was ready to go, but Jeremy wanted to slow things down and show her what he was capable of. Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her adoringly while his hands traced her body, shoulders, waist, and hips and came to rest on her sumptuous ass, which he squeezed hard.
Ally was more than a little impatient as she pulled away and opened his shirt, pushing it and his sports coat over his shoulders and onto the floor. Kneeling before him, she started on his pants and had them around his ankles in a few seconds, commenting on his satiny, black undies. She was about to pull them down when he reached to lift her to him, going for the back zipper on her dress.
“All for you, Ally!” he said as her dress fell to the floor. “Oh my God!” he cried as her lacy, dusky pink bra and panties came into view, “You look just … delicious! I want to eat you up!”
“Do it, Baby! Eat me! Eat my pussy!” she moaned wantonly.
On the right path to her pleasure now, it was his turn to kneel before her, and with his hands on her ass again, he pulled her onto his face, feeling, then tasting the dewy gusset of her enticing panties. She stepped forward, almost standing over him, and ground her craving crotch into his face while he sucked her juice to savor like fine wine.
Another display of impatience had her stepping back, yanking her panties down and off, and stepping right back onto his face, demanding more from his fingers and tongue.
“Come on, Baby! Eat my fucking cunt!” she cried with unusual vulgarity, “I’m gonna cum! And I want to cum on your face!!”
Jeremy loved it, and though he’d never seen her like this, he looked forward to loving her often in the same way. He hoped his plan was responsible for driving her to these new heights and depths! With his hands on her perfect now-bare cheeks, he pulled her in again, feasting on her dripping pussy, and like a juicy watermelon on a hot summer day, her juice flowed over his face when she came with shuddering gasps and weak knees.
Standing to take her in his arms, she gave him a weak smile, like every ounce of energy had been drained from her, and almost falling against him, she laid her head on his shoulder, whimpering her satisfaction. Scooping her up in his arms, she reached for his neck and pulled him to her for a passionate tongue-twisting kiss, and she didn’t let go when he laid her on the bed, pulling him down on top of her and their hips together to feel his hard cock against her still-hungry pussy.
Jeremy tried to slow things down again, but she wasn’t having it. Wrapping her arms and legs around him, she rolled him over this time to end up sitting atop his still-restrained erection.
“These have to go!” she said as she got up enough to pull his bikini briefs off. With a sly, sexy smile, she took him in hand and stroked slowly, not needing to get him any harder, just wanting to feel him in her hand and mouth. Bending down with an outstretched tongue, she sucked him in with her tongue lapping at the sensitive underside of the tip. With some newfound expertise, she brought him within an inch of coming but stopped just in time.
Sitting on his hips, his cock jutting out between her legs, she reached back to remove the only article of clothing between them and swung those gorgeous globes free before bending forward to sandwich his face between her delicious tits. Pushing them into his face with her hands, she giggled as his mouth tried to get a hold of just one of them, finally letting go to let him take them in his hands to knead, lick, and pinch them to her appreciative moans.
Still teasing his mouth with her swinging breasts, she lifted her hips and shifted forward just enough to plug him into her outlet, with a power surge flowing freely between them. Her hips rose and fell slowly at first but with increasing urgency.
Knowing he couldn’t hold on too long, Jeremy continued playing with her bouncing breasts while the other hand reached for her clit, hoping to make her cum before him. Gasping and breathing rhythmically, Allison was like a machine until his finger found just the right touch on her protruding nub, her climax like a blown engine with parts flying everywhere, though still trying to run as one piston continued its cyclic thrusts.
Her convulsing body lost its cadence, but Jeremy was close too, lifting his hips to persevere in the pumping of her pussy. She was lost in another world as one climax was barely cresting when another came crashing down, and Jeremy erupted inside her.
Falling to her side, her body still quaking, Ally tried to control her breathing, successful only after a minute or two had passed. Jeremy had rolled over to face her, gently caressing her face, shoulders, and arms as she quieted with her eyes closed.
When her eyes flickered open and saw his face so near, she smiled, such a beautiful smile, and reached out to touch his face. No words were necessary as their thoughts were the same. Their unbridled lust had also been filled with love that was finding a new way for them.
As they lay together, heading for sleep, he couldn’t be happier with how their special weekend had started. He hoped this new aggression he saw in her would grow into the kind of connection he hoped for, but even if it didn’t, they’d already achieved something he didn’t think possible a few weeks ago. He still had a few tricks up his sleeve for tomorrow night, but whether he used them or not, he knew it would be even better than tonight.
Ally’s breathing was soft and shallow when he closed his eyes to sleep, whispering “I love you” to his sleeping beauty, and she smiled inside, letting him think she hadn’t heard him.
Will Ally catch on to Jeremy's plan? I welcome comments about where the story should go next! I hope you liked my story. As always, if you enjoyed it, please 'like' and/or 'favorite' it! Thank you!