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All My Loving - All He Wanted - Pt. 5

"Allison figures it out!"

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Author's Notes

"It took a while to figure out how to progress to this point in the story. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you like how I did it!"

5 – All He Wanted

On the way to the party, Jeremy reminded himself repeatedly that this was something Allison wanted. She’d had a rough couple of weeks and looked forward to the distraction of a large party, and though he didn’t much like such parties, large or small, he hoped it would put her in a better state of mind than she’d been in recently.

For Ally, she hoped that a little drink and some friends would help her forget the obnoxious customers who seemed to plague her lately. She was beginning to question whether she should remain in the homeowner’s insurance business with the ever-increasing premiums and the volatility of the competition, both reasons for policyholders to be angry.

On the way home, they reflected on the evening, each having a different experience than they’d expected, but as it was an enjoyable evening, those reflections were also pleasant. For Jeremy, it was simply that he again liked being the attentive lover to his beautiful wife. He’d settled into this role rather firmly and was beginning to find it second nature to do all he could to keep Ally happy.

His attentions were quite apparent to Ally, not only in the loving way he was always there when she needed him but also in contrast to the other couples attending the party. She particularly noticed the bickering between spouses, which was light and friendly on the surface but likely revealed more significant issues out of the public eye. She recalled that she and Jeremy had been like that, perhaps to a different degree, but not entirely dissimilar, just weeks ago. It reminded her of how far they’d come and made a promise to herself to do all she could to improve even further.

She’d drank a bit more than she intended, partly due to Jeremy’s efforts, always noting an empty glass that needed refilling. She hoped her romantic feelings weren’t amplified by the drink and her amorous desires would be realized despite her self-induced disability.

She smiled as she recalled a particular young man who had cornered her, doing his level best to land one of the dissatisfied wives with his complimentary attentions. He’d singled her out as one of the most stunning women in attendance, which made her feel good, but his blatant come-on was getting old, and just at the point of exasperation, Jeremy had come to her rescue. Introducing himself, he’d made it crystal clear that Ally wasn’t in the same league as the other wives with an over-the-top embrace that had her head spinning.

“You were wonderful tonight, Jeremy,” she said, running her fingers through his hair as they drove home. “I’m glad we went, but I’m happier we’re going home now. I know you don’t like such parties, but thank you for going anyway,” she added as she rolled in her seat to face him.

“You’re welcome. Did you get what you wanted from a night with friends?”

“I did,” she replied, thinking primarily of her promise to herself.

When they arrived home, Jeremy was careful not to push her into anything she didn’t want to do, though he hoped for the best. His fears were allayed when she wrapped herself around him, just inside the door, and kissed him with clear intentions. She led him to the bedroom and asked to be undressed.

Licking his lips with anticipation, he kissed her as he opened the collar of the gorgeous royal blue dress she’d worn during her birthday weekend. Pulling her to him, he reached back to lower the zipper but held her at arm’s length to savor the unveiling as the dress fell to the floor.

“Oh my God, Ally! You look good enough to eat!” he said, taking in her satin, black bra, and French-cut panties.

“My intentions exactly!” she replied. “Eat me, Jeremy! Let me feel that magic tongue of yours between my legs!”

Wanting to unwrap his present slowly, he kissed and licked his way down her body, reaching around to unclasp her bra when his tongue came between her heaving breasts. He relished each deep breath she took in response to his talented tongue. His hands slid down the curvy length of her body, following his tongue to their ultimate destination, and after removing her pretty panties, they grasped her firm cheeks to pull her into his face.

Knowing the dampening effect alcohol can have, he started gently, patiently tasting her with light dabs of his tongue, randomly over her luscious lips. Steadying herself with one hand on his shoulder and the other tousling his hair, she spread her legs and wondered whether standing was the best way tonight. But she so loved the position, her loyal subject kneeling before her, below her, as she lazily rocked her hips to enhance the feeling of his tongue in her slit.

He watched her carefully, ensuring she remained standing despite his knee-weakening efforts to make her cum. He loved this position too, and though her interactions were a bit subdued tonight, every sigh and shuddering breath drove him on as his tongue slithered through her slit, gradually getting wetter with each lick.

Her audible pleasure increasing in volume, he doubled his efforts, feeling her climax finally approaching. She helped with exaggerated hip movements, pushing, stuffing, forcing her pussy into his mouth in answer to his intensified attack. Jerking hips, gasping breaths, and loud exclamations all signaled her approaching peak, and he responded in kind with penetrations and a thumb on her clit.

“Fuck, Jeremy!” she screamed as her thighs clamped down on his face, her precious, peachy pussy still confined in his mouth with his tongue lapping at her lips when the thunder of her orgasm struck twice in the same place. Her knees gave out, and she’d have fallen to the floor had it not been for Jeremy scooping her into his arms to lay her on the bed, still twitching as he lay beside her naked body, offering a calming touch.

Looking at him through half-closed eyes, she accepted a kiss as the last physical thing she could manage and rolled over to fall quickly asleep, the combined effect of her wine and his tongue. Not the least bit bothered by her neglect, he left briefly to check for locked doors, pleased with himself and what he’d done for Allison. When he returned, he removed his clothes, slid under the covers next to his naked love, and hugged her tightly before falling asleep.


“Good morning, Ally!” he said softly as she entered the kitchen, still not fully recovered from last night. Standing beside his chair, she tipped his head back for a short but tasty kiss.

“Mmm, good morning, baby,” she whispered before getting a cup of tea from the fresh pot Jeremy had made and, sitting next to him, took his attention away from reading the newspaper on his iPad.

“I’m glad you enjoyed last night. You needed it, didn’t you?” he asked.

“I did, but I needed you more! And you were there. You’re always there for me, Jeremy,” she said, still enthused about the change in their lives. “And where did you learn to lick me like that?” she asked, almost as a challenge. “You’re not looking at porn again, are you?” she accused in a friendly way, for she didn’t care as long as she was the benefactor of his education, regardless of where he got it.

There was a time when that had been a problem, feeling he was choosing naked women on the internet over her. He had all but kicked what, at one time, he called an addiction. He’d found a different outlet for that curiosity in a site called Lush Stories. A social media site, it offered sensuous, sexy stories, lush stories covering a wide variety of sexual practices written by its members, nearly all of whom were amateurs.

He found the graphic, unrealistic scenarios of pornography couldn’t hold a candle to his imagination when reading these enthralling stories. Even the less expertly written accounts, with fantastic plotlines, painted a more vivid picture in his mind than some hairy ape of a man pounding a trampy-looking fake blonde, with store-bought tits, into submission.

In addition to his own imagination, it was here that he got ideas for how to please Allison. He wondered if he should share this site with her, afraid she may see it as just a substitute for the pornography she disliked. He decided to wait for a more fitting time to show her. He considered writing a story or two himself, and that might be the right time to share Lush with her.

Allison hadn’t completely forgotten the discussion they’d started about a ‘power exchange,’ and the promise she’d made had her researching it further. What she found reinforced her negative feelings about it. She didn’t condemn it for those involved, but it still conjured images of her controlling and mistreating Jeremy in ways she was not comfortable with, and now she wondered whether Jeremy understood it correctly as she couldn’t see him in this role.

She found a power exchange conference that was being held in a city nearby and looked at the people who would be speaking at it, and again, it further confirmed her belief that this was not Jeremy. Descriptions like, “She is a little/brat, leather kitten & poly/pan slave” or “I am a Leather, demi/pan, solo poly, little, brat, bottom, masochist, disabled switch.

She felt she understood Jeremy’s underlying desire, trying to escape the responsibility of his often high-pressure job, but he was also a strong and loving man. She believed that while he may want to let someone else take control and relieve him from having to make endless decisions, he didn’t want to submit as exclusively as these people she was reading about.

Letting the subject drop for now, she instead tried to figure out how to broach the subject again with him in a kind and accepting way.

A week later, she sat at the family computer to take care of some bills and review their financial statements. Initially confused at the screen she saw when she ‘woke’ the computer, she knew she was seeing the last screen Jeremy had viewed. It didn’t take long to figure out why, as his Lush Stories site hosted erotic stories for its viewer’s reading pleasure. What was positively eye-opening was the story currently on the screen.

She read the whole story and, using the back arrow on the browser, also read the two prior stories he’d viewed and flagged as being ‘liked.’ Smiling as she poked around the site, she read what she hoped explained in surprising, even graphic, detail what Jeremy was looking for. It didn’t take long for an idea to form. She vaguely wondered whether he intended for her to find it but dismissed the thought as irrelevant.

She called him at work the following Friday to see how he was but primarily hoping to find something to trigger the plan she’d devised. He was pleasant to a degree but also somewhat dismissive as he was in the middle of another of the many crises that had him wishing he was in a different line of work. ‘Perfect,’ she thought to herself while at the same time feeling bad for his predicament.

The first step in her plan was to prepare a dinner of comfort food that was easy to reheat. Given the nature of his problem, she expected him to get home late and planned to use that to trigger a reaction that would be surprising at first but ultimately in line with his unfulfilled desires.

Glad to finally be home but still subdued by his day, he walked into the kitchen where Allison was sitting, looking annoyed at his tardiness. Noticing dinner on the table, set out nicely with a bottle of beer at his place, he realized he hadn’t called to say he’d be late. He didn’t always call, but he had warned her on their phone call, which she conveniently and intentionally forgot.

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“I’m sorry, Ally! I thought you realized …” he started.

You can reheat dinner!” she demanded, saying nothing further throughout their meal. They ate silently, Ally doing her best to stay in character, and Jeremy feeling guilty at letting her down this way. She finished before him and, after placing her dirty dishes in the sink, leaned over to whisper in his ear.

“We’ll deal with your punishment after you’ve cleaned the kitchen.” He looked up to see her smiling face, and his mood changed instantly. “I’ll see you in the bedroom when you’ve finished,” she said as she walked away but turned to offer another suggestive smile.

As she walked away, she could hear him jumping into action to finish his chore quickly and was more confident than ever that she’d read the situation correctly.

With an efficiency that surprised even him, he had the kitchen tidied up, with the cooking dishes in the drainboard and the others in the running dishwasher, in half the time it usually took. He decided against finishing his beer and headed upstairs to what he hoped would be a giant step toward his goal.

Pausing to catch his breath as he’d taken the stairs two at a time, he walked slowly into the bedroom like a condemned man and stopped in his tracks at the sight before him. Sitting in the middle of the room, on the bench normally used at her vanity, she was dressed in sexy, black lingerie, befitting her dominant character, crooking her finger for him to ‘Come here.’

“Have you been a bad boy?” she asked when he’d finally found the ability to walk and stood before her.

“Yes, Ally. I’m sorry. I should have …”

“Yes, you should have. And you’ll call me Miss when you’re being punished. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Miss,” he replied submissively, his body quivering in anticipation. Her statement held not only the promise of today but of future needs for chastisement.

“You deserve to be punished, don’t you?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Good. Take your shirt and pants off and come stand at my side,” she instructed, allowing a hint of a smile.

Resisting the temptation to tear them off, he slowly opened all the closures, slid them off, placed the items on the bed, and stood as directed.

“You’re going to get a spanking,” she said, and as she yanked his briefs down to his knees, she added, “On your naked bottom! Now get over my knee!”

He couldn’t help smiling, though he tried to conceal it as he bent forward, lying on her lap, ready for his punishment and sighing as her hands gently squeezed and caressed his exposed cheeks, with fingers wandering into other sensitive areas.

“Oh!” he cried when her hand landed hard on his exposed bottom, followed closely by a second on the other side. She paused briefly but resumed with at least ten more on alternating cheeks. Though it hurt more than he’d expected, it also felt far better than he’d imagined. Without knowing whether he could take it, he already hoped it would continue for hours.

“I hope you realize that whenever I deem necessary, you will find yourself in a similar position, having your bottom spanked like a naughty boy!” she said, her enjoyment of the new element in their sex life making her much wetter and more quickly than she’d expected.

“Yes, Miss! I understand!” he replied, choking back a plea to spank him even harder and groaning at the touch of her fingertip to the clenching star between his cheeks.

The spanking resumed, her hand meting out justice and exciting them in ways both remarkable and unforeseen. While she expected the spanking to color his cheeks, she was unprepared for how quickly it happened. The blush appeared almost instantly and developed into darker shades before she was even halfway through what she’d planned. As another stimulating result, she was sure her panties would leave a wet stain on the bench if she’d gotten up.

“Just a little more,” she said, actually planning more than a ‘little,’ adding, “When I stop, I expect to see your face between my thighs ready to show me your appreciation for my leniency tonight! Understand?!”

“Yes, Miss! Oww!” he screamed at the hardest yet, amazed at the pleasure he was getting from something so painful. On and on, she spanked, pulling him closer to her to keep his writhing under control as his exclamations increased in both volume and frequency.

“Ten more!” she said after a brief pause, during which her finger tested his back door again.

“Ow-ow-ow!” he cried as the ten spanks were delivered five at a time to each cheek, the hardest yet.

Collapsing over her lap like a wet blanket, a gentle push from her hand reminded him of his next task. Clumsily, he slipped off of her lap and knelt before her knees still tight together.

“Take my panties off,” she ordered, lifting off the seat while he took hold and pulled them down over her luscious thighs. He could feel the wet patch in the gusset and held them to his nose to breathe in her intoxicating scent.

“Thank you for spanking me, Miss!” he said, getting his line wrong, though accurate for how he felt.

Sighing loudly as his hands pried her knees apart and slid up her thighs, sweaty from her exertion and his hot body laying across them, she waited to feel that first touch of his magic tongue on her slippery, wet lips.

“Oh, Jeremy!” she cried as his tongue slid gently between her lips, spread wide by his fingers. He correctly guessed that it wouldn’t take long for her to cum and attacked her pungent pussy with an urgency usually reserved for later. Attaching his mouth to her luscious lips, his twisting tongue brought her to the precipice and over, savoring the outpouring of a prodigious amount of juice on his face, her quivering thighs gripping his wet face as they shook.

“Get on the bed, Jeremy! I want to sit on your face,” she said without the authority she intended, still recovering from such an unexpected climax.

“Yes, Miss,” he replied eagerly and was in position within seconds.

Kneeling at his side, she wiped his wet face lovingly, wondering if she could keep up the authoritarian attitude for the whole night, as she thought he expected. She climbed on top of him with her thighs gripping his face, moved forward, and groaned loudly as she lowered herself onto his waiting mouth.

When he first entered the room and saw Ally, he’d promised himself he would give her everything and more than she could handle, and he went about fulfilling that commitment with his hands on her ass, pulling and pushing her onto and over his face. They fell quickly into a coordinated rhythm, and before long, she felt another climax approaching, but with his tongue flicking and nibbling her protruding clit, it overcame her, shocking her again at the suddenness of it.

“Oh my God!” she screamed as her body folded forward, bowing repeatedly as the spasms radiated from her crotch. “Holy fuck, Jeremy!” she added with the briefest thought of gratitude at what he brought her to and what was yet to come.

“Was that okay, Miss?” he asked with massive understatement.

“Yes … yes, Jeremy,” she replied, still struggling to speak. “It was okay, but I’m hoping you can do better,” she added, recovering her in-charge attitude, though unsure if she could handle it if he succeeded.

Turning around atop him in sixty-nine position, she warned him, “You’d better not cum before me!” and took his steely pole as far into her mouth as she could. Gasping at the skilled licking she gave him, he decided he wanted to find out what the ‘or else’ was implied by her command, and while he again buried his face in her dripping cunt, he held back just a bit, keeping her arousal at ‘simmer’ level while he enjoyed his own approaching climax.

Happy that he’d taken the cue she’d given, Ally sucked and licked with abandon while one hand kneaded his loaded balls, and the other teased his anus yet again. Even if he hadn’t followed along, she would make sure he came first, and with all the stimulus he’d received before, it didn’t take long. She felt it coming and took him deeper just in time for the fountain of semen to spurt into her mouth, leaving his hips jerking in time to the pulses of ejaculation.

“I told you not to cum before me!” she said threateningly as she rolled off him to his side. “Turn over!” she commanded, spanking him again before his body came to rest face down. She didn’t stop once this time but kept smacking his dark pink bottom at a steady one-per-second pace.

Lifting his butt in an invitation to do her worst, he gasped and moaned with only an occasional acknowledgment of pain. With her left hand on his thigh, he absorbed every strike with increasing pleasure, unable to believe it could feel so good yet hurt so much. He particularly liked having one cheek battered with several swats of her hand; the more, the better, before repeating the cycle on the other side. He had no idea how many times she’d smacked his stinging bottom but was disappointed when she did stop, though he had to accept her decision.

He rolled to his side to face her, and she stroked his face gently before bending down to kiss him several times, then laying on her back next to him with her knees raised and apart.

“Fuck me, Jeremy! Hurry! I need it so bad!” she said as both a request and a demand.

Laying between her thighs, he guided his cock into her seething tunnel with ease and stroked once out and back in before looking at her beautiful face. Wanting her tits in his hands, he finally removed her sexy, black bra, liberating those magnificent orbs of flesh to his waiting hands.

Quickly achieving a rhythm, they both felt the impact of their bodies as they came forcefully together with each thrust. New heights were easily surmounted, both disbelieving the incredible night together and what had triggered it. Remembering how he’d reacted the last time, she smacked his ass as hard as she could manage, goading him on.

“C’mon, Jeremy! Fuck me! Fuck my greedy pussy!” she cried, smacking him for emphasis on her demanding words.

They lasted far longer than either could have imagined or hoped for; the impending explosion felt from a long way off, yet the eruption was still shocking in its magnitude. They fell together, gripping each other tightly and rolling on the bed as the tumultuous aftershocks continued.

“Oh my God, Ally!” he cried with real tears. “I love you so much!” he added, wishing more appropriate words would come to him as they seemed too simple to express his gratitude.

“I love you more than I can say,” she replied, tearing up as well. “I had no idea we could ever …” she started, also unable to find the words.

Realizing words weren’t important right now, they held and touched each other, expressing their joy with actions instead, knowing that this night had started something they would cherish, yet unaware of how it would blossom even further.

With simple expressions of their love, they closed their eyes and slept better than either could remember.


I hope you liked this big transition in Jeremy and Allison's relationship! Remember to 'like' and/or 'favorite' the story if you did! Thank you for reading!

Written by 2bespanked
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