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Simon came back downstairs, after his shower, with his mind still muddled. It was only 10:30 AM, yet already his world had been turned upside down--again. He had woken up that morning being submissive to one gorgeous woman, Sarah, but now she was joined by an equally beautiful girl, Claire, who had quickly demonstrated a natural talent for domination. What's more, rather than spend the morning receiving fashion advice from Claire, instead he'd been required to please both women with his tongue and, as a reward, he had been forced to masturbate in front of them.

He knew he was sliding into an abyss, but what troubled him was whether he wanted to continue his descent or whether he wished to escape. Part of him revelled in the changes to his life, but another--a more rational part--was petrified. The problem, possibly, was that Sarah was always pushing him to his limits and beyond. He was forever finding himself out of his comfort zone, which he found terrifying. His life would be so much better if only he could pick and choose what he was called upon to endure.

Now fully dressed, and wearing the same clothes he had put on first thing that morning, he went into the lounge to find Sarah sitting there, but not Claire. "Miss Fraser's popped home for a shower. It's your fault that's needed, Simone," she commented, while smiling craftily. "I'm going up for a shower now, but she will be back before I've finished."

"Yes, Miss, I understand."

A couple of minutes later, Claire rang the doorbell and Simon let her in. He explained to her that Sarah was in the bathroom.

"Thank you, sweetie," she said, as she led the way into the lounge. "Why don't you go and stand facing the wall while we wait for your mistress? I'm sure there are some pleasant things you can think about."

Despite it being a suggestion, rather than an order, Simon immediately did as she had said, even placing his hands on his head without being told. Declining Claire's suggestion never occurred to him for a moment and, as Sarah always took ages in the shower, he expected to be standing there for some time, while becoming progressively bored.

Luckily for him, Claire's ebullient personality didn't allow her to stay quiet for long. "We're taking you clothes shopping, sweetie. You're going to buy all sorts of lovely stuff. Have you got deep pockets? You're going to need them."

Simon wasn't sure how to reply. "Say something, sweetie. I'm not talking to myself," she urged.

"Er, sorry, Miss. It's just that I don't have any money, not until I get paid at the end of the month. And then my salary will be paid into Miss Jones's bank account."

"Oh!" Claire replied, taken aback by what she'd heard. "There's more to this relationship than I thought. How did it all come about? Tell me, sweetie. Tell me everything--and I mean everything." She had a way of rapidly changing her voice from jolly hockey sticks to very menacing.

Simon wasn't sure that Sarah would approve of him revealing all, so he hesitated, playing for time. "Erm..." he muttered.

"Do I have to repeat myself, sweetie? Or shall I put you over my knees, pull your jeans and panties down, and spank your bottom? You might be more encouraged to speak up if you had a sore bum, with the threat of another dose to come."

Yet again, he was being manipulated by a dominant woman. What would Sarah think if she came down to find him being spanked by this very beautiful young student? Equally, what would Sarah have to say if he chose to physically resist being pulled over Claire's knees? He was in a no-win situation and he rapidly decided his best option was to tell Claire what she wanted to know. After all, he reasoned, she already knew he was in a submissive relationship, so it seemed acceptable to explain how he came to be living with Sarah.

Consequently, he gave Claire a potted history of the lead-up to his current predicament. He summarised how he had been punished—and misled—by Emma for wearing her underwear. And how she had kicked him out, dumping all his possessions in a skip. And how he now had no bank cards, and how Emma had destroyed his ID, preventing him from replacing his cards. And how Sarah had taken pity on him and allowed him to move into her house, but with strings attached, including writing undated letters of resignation, wearing a chastity device, dressing en femme 24/7, and doing most of the domestic chores. And how Sarah had tricked his boss into believing he was transitioning. Oh, and yes, and how Sarah had manoeuvred him into having his salary paid into her bank account.

Claire stayed silent for a few seconds before laughing boisterously, which Simon thought was unfair. "What a tale of woe, sweetie! Wrong decisions every step of the way. Basically, you're the architect of your own downfall? No one else to blame but yourself, eh?"

"Er, yes, you're right, Miss."

"Hmm ... but I'm sure, if you'd wanted to, you could have fought back and resisted all this. You're a grown man, for heaven's sake. Why not just leave Miss Robinson when you had the chance? You say she even offered to help pack your bags. And you're taller and heavier than Miss Jones, so why didn't you put up a challenge? You could have just walked away from all this and rebuilt your life. Why subject yourself to all this, sweetie?" It was a question, but not one he was keen to answer, so she continued, "I'll tell you why—it's because you're now living a life that most submissives can only dream about. You've converted a fantasy into reality. Isn't that right?"

"Er, well, er, I see what you're saying, Miss, but it would be more exciting if it were a dream. Doing this in real life is frightening. I'm forever out of my comfort zone because Miss Jones keeps pushing me beyond my limits."

"Limits, sweetie? Limits?" she mocked, while laughing. "I thought limits only applied in sex games, where the submissive could shout out a safe word to stop the fun. I don't think it's a game you're playing, sweetie. I doubt you have any safe words or any limits."

The truth of what she was saying struck home. "I'm in very deep now, Miss," he gulped.

"Yes, you are! But, never mind, sweetie, it is what it is and you'll soon get used to it," she concluded, dismissively. He sensed she was smiling as she said that.

At that moment, Sarah came back into the room. "Oh," she said, seeing Simon facing the wall. "Has she been naughty?"

"No, quite the opposite. I just thought I would see how obedient she was with me if you weren't here. Totally compliant, it turned out. I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all, Claire. His former girlfriend explained to me how effective she found corner time so she'll be doing a lot of it from now on. Turn around, Simone, and come here." Simon did what he was told and stood in front of the two girls, who were now both sitting side-by-side on the sofa. He chose to keep his hands on his head, which only served to confirm his submissive status.

Ignoring him, Claire turned to Sarah and commented, "I hope it was OK, Sarah, but Simone's been telling me how she got into the terrible pickle she's in, having her life organised and controlled by you."

"Every decision has been hers, Claire, and I trust she made that clear. These are the choices she's made."

"Yeah! Absolutely. She accepts that."

"But I'm looking after her and reward her if she's well-behaved."

Simon had gone red-faced, listening to this humiliating conversation. Claire continued, "She was saying she's got no money for a shopping spree, Sarah. I trust she was telling the truth, erm?" Ominously, she directed her gaze at Simon, who was hoping the floor would swallow him up.

Sarah smiled. "Yes, she was, but she should know that I'm happy to lend her money until payday. Isn't that right, Simone?"

"Yes, Miss, but it, er, seems very unfair that you're having to lend me money."

If he was hoping that the shopping trip might be deferred until his salary was paid, then he was disappointed when Claire came up with a suggestion. "Sweetie, would it salve your conscience if your mistress were to charge you interest on the loan? Then you wouldn't be taking advantage of her generosity, would you?"

What could he say, other than, "Yes, Miss, that's, er, ... I suppose that might be possible."

"It's a very good idea!" chimed in Sarah. "To make it easy, let's say five percent. OK, Simone?"

"Yes, Miss," he replied, successfully disguising his hostility to the idea.

"How much do you think we'll spend today, Claire?" asked Sarah. "The priority is stuff she can wear to the office."

"It'll be a lot of money, I'm afraid. She needs some decent underwear, with matching bras, panties and suspender belts, and possibly even some foundation wear. Then there'll be some tops and some business suits--skirts and jackets. Oh, and we mustn't forget stockings. And this is just for starters! I'm sure if you were to add up all the clothes you own, Sarah, it would run into thousands of pounds."

"Um, I'm not sure about that, but, as Simone's starting with next to nothing, I agree it'll cost her a lot to acquire a complete wardrobe."

Claire continued, "And then there's casual clothes, sportswear, nightwear, jewellery, makeup, skin products, hair products, perfumes ... the list is endless, but I suppose not all for today."

"Oh god, no, not all today! Today we'll focus on underwear and business wear--and some makeup," concluded Sarah.

Claire turned to look at Simon to explain, "Underwear is important, sweetie. Wearing non-matching bra and panties is not a good look. You'll feel more confident if they're at least matched in colour, and preferably in design, as well. I'm sure we can find you something better than what you have on. Plain cotton coupled with a T-shirt bra can hardly be called glamorous. There's a fantastic selection of styles to choose from that are very alluring." Simon felt himself squirm as she emphasised that final word.

"Yes, Miss," he responded, fearing what was in store for him, but not wishing to do anything that might upset either of the girls.

But Claire hadn't finished. "And those long legs of yours, sweetie! Well, we should accentuate those," she declared. "So short skirts will suit you best, worn over stockings. This way, people will focus more on your legs than your face which, to be honest, is harder to disguise as being male, but I promise we will work on that. You'll be absolutely amazed at what I can do with a little makeup."

Simon accepted that his face was still masculine looking, despite shaving twice a day, and despite the light makeup and ponytail prescribed by Sarah, but he wasn't convinced that enticing people to focus attention on his legs was the answer. Yet, the decision was not his to make, only to accept.

If Sarah was surprised that Claire was dictating requirements so quickly and confidently then she gave no verbal reaction, but she had what seemed to Simon to be a permanent Mona Lisa smile. She was taking pleasure in seeing him being embarrassed by a woman a decade his junior.

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"Right! Now we know the priorities, we need to get going," Sarah announced.

Simon dreaded what was to come. He wasn't dressed in an especially feminine way, except that his bra was filled to provide shape. However, it would be obvious to anyone that he was trying to look female. Fortunately, he thought, Sarah gave him a black jacket to put over his top. It had belonged to her old girlfriend and, while it was intended for females, it was not much different to similar jackets worn by men. As long as he could keep the jacket on in the store then he might get away with minimal humiliation.

Very soon, they were on their way in Sarah's small car, with the two girls in the front seats and Simon cramped in the back. Sarah was keen to offer Simon some advice. Well, she phrased it as advice, but he took it to be a firm order. "I think it's for the best if you keep quiet in the shop, Simone, and only speak when you're asked a question by me or Miss Fraser. She's the expert, as well as being a real girl, and I'm also a real girl. As you're only a wannabe girl, then we obviously understand more about fashion than you, so leave it to us. We will know what's best for you." Simon did not doubt that what they considered was best for him would also be what was the most debasing for him.

After parking, Simon trailed despondently behind the two girls as the trio walked the short distance to a large department store. As he had anticipated, the first stop was the lingerie department.

"For goodness sake, unzip your jacket, sweetie," urged Claire. "You'll melt if you don't. And you look stupid dressed for winter in springtime inside a warm shop." The last thing he wanted to do was unzip the jacket and expose his artificial breasts but he had no option--he knew that Claire was not going to accept any pleas from him concerning embarrassment.

Jacket undone, he was told to stand to one side, by the negligee aisle, while Sarah and Claire trawled through a voluminous collection of undies. Standing alone in a lingerie department, while his partner is shopping, is an awkward experience for any man but was much worse for Simon. Not only were there two of them shopping, but they were shopping for him.

From where he was standing, he could see them pulling item after item from the racks and holding them up against themselves or each other. He couldn't work out what they were saying, but there were frequent peels of laughter, so at least two of the three of them were having a good time.

After an age, during which he received several strange looks from other shoppers, he saw Claire coming towards him carrying a large selection of bras, knickers, and suspender belts. Unlike the plain underwear he was wearing, these garments were satiny and silky, with delicate lace panelling.

He felt himself becoming aroused just looking at what they had in their hands. And the colours! Not a single item was white--sure, there was black, but there were also pastel colours, such as pink and powder blue. What's more, the knickers were not bikini briefs but were in a variety of styles ranging from thongs to boy shorts. He could also see that the items in a particular colour matched each other in design. And each bra and suspender belt was accompanied by two pairs of panties. Overall, there were fourteen pairs of knickers with seven bras and seven suspender belts.

"What do you think, sweetie?" asked Claire. "Do you like them?"

Well, yes, he did like them and the thought of wearing them in private was causing his penis to swell. And it would probably have expanded to fill his cage to bursting point had the idea of wearing this lingerie to the office not served as a countermeasure. Despite his torn feelings, he gave the required reply, "Yes, Miss, they're lovely."

Just to confirm how lovely they were, Claire held several of the items up against him, causing him to wish a sinkhole would appear beneath him. He was then handed the items and taken by the two girls to the checkout where, red-faced, he placed them on the counter in front of the middle-aged assistant.

Claire and Sarah stood either side of him, but expected Simon to do the talking. The assistant was very professional, so made no snide or sarcastic comments about his purchases, despite it being obvious to her that he was dressed in feminine clothes and the underwear was likely to be for him.

But also, because she knew her job, she checked the size of each item and read it out for the party to confirm it would fit. Needless to say, the two girls remained silent, leaving poor Simon to agree that each garment had been chosen correctly.

As each item was processed, its barcode was scanned and the garment was placed in a plastic bag. Simon looked on aghast as the total on the display steadily increased. The final sum was £690. He couldn't believe this stuff could cost so much. After all, it was all so flimsy and it had slipped comfortably into a smallish bag. He was left wondering what the price per square inch was.

Claire made the payment with her card while Simon mentally calculated what five percent of £690 was.

The goods paid for, the three made their way to the outer clothing department. The intention, Simon was informed, was to purchase a couple of smart outfits suitable for the office.

"She needs a couple of suits, I think," opined Sarah. "One to wear while the other is at the dry cleaners. Oh, and some shirts."

Claire nodded in agreement--Simon's views weren't sought. Sarah pointed to where he was to stand, while she and Claire inspected the merchandise. After a few minutes, they returned with a light grey jacket and a matching skirt.

"You can try the jacket on here, sweetie," Claire informed him. Crimson with embarrassment, he did as he was told, took off his jacket and put on the one Claire offered him. He attracted some strange looks from two or three other customers but if Sarah or Claire felt any embarrassment being close to this strange man they did nothing to show it.

"Give us a twirl, sweetie!" instructed Claire, not attempting to lower her voice. "Perfect, absolutely perfect, don't you agree, Sarah?"

"I do, yes! It's a good fit over her bust."

"We won't embarrass you by making you try on the skirt, sweetie, but let's hold it up against you." There was nothing--short of running out of the store--that Simon could do to prevent Claire from placing the skirt in front of him. He looked down to see that it finished midthigh.

Despite the instructions he had to keep quiet, he felt compelled to protest, but in a quieter voice than Claire was using. "Please! It's too short!" he hissed. "Especially for the office. And most girls wear trousers to work."

Sarah glared at him for disobeying her instructions to refrain from talking, but she seemed reticent to disagree with him. After pausing for several seconds, she turned to Claire and remarked, "It does seem a bit short. Don't you think so?"

"Nonsense!" Claire replied, without hesitation. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. This skirt will put focus on her legs, which is what we want."

Sarah pondered this statement before remarking to Simon, "Actually, I can think of several young girls at work who wear skirts of this length. It will look good on you. Now keep quiet. ... Oh, and by the way, I'll deal with your tantrum when we get home." She almost spat out that last sentence, displaying her displeasure at his intervention.

Simon was allowed to take the jacket off and was given the two items to hold while the girls went to fetch an identical suit, but in royal blue.

Clutching all his intended purchases, Simon then followed his tormentors to another department where several blouses were selected for him to wear. One was white and the others in pastel shades, but a common feature was that they were all made of a thin, silky material which he was certain would obscure little that was underneath.

Sarah saw the concern in his eyes. "You'll be wearing a jacket over the blouses, so don't give me that look."

He thought his ordeal was nearly over but Claire reminded him that stockings were required so they moved to another area where she chose a selection of nylons in different shades, ranging from nude to black.

All his office clothing now selected he was led to a checkout where he once again had to suffer the ordeal of confirming to the assistant, a young girl this time, that the sizes she read out were correct. Sarah once more paid and he was shocked to see that the bill came to £510. This was getting ridiculous but he was too timid--too frightened, in fact--to protest.

"We've nearly finished, sweetie," said Claire, not a moment too soon. "But we must get you some better makeup. I'll teach you how to make your face look more feminine using some clever techniques that you should be able to master with practice." She led the way to the large makeup section of the store where her experience came to the fore as she quickly went around picking up jars and tubes of different concoctions. Simon was handed the items as Claire chose them and was then taken to pay.

Having seen the price of the previous purchases, Simon was not overly surprised to discover the cost was a further £200. How such small containers could carry such exorbitant prices was beyond his male intellect, yet he was coming to terms with the high cost of being a woman. Sarah had paid a total of £1,400 for his goods and by the time interest was added that was £1,470 he owed her. What's more, Simon also knew that what would be left over from his monthly salary after Sarah had deducted all the other expenses—contributions to mortgage, insurance, council tax, food, electricity, gas, petrol, and so on—would not allow him to repay all this money in one go. He could be in debt for several months.

As the three of them travelled home together, with Simon squashed in the back seat of the car holding his new possessions, it dawned on him that by putting him into debt Sarah had tightened the screw still further. She was far cleverer and more devious than he had given her credit for. The alternative theory he toyed with was that he was far dumber than he had thought possible.

On arriving home, Claire made her excuses and left Sarah with Simon. Sarah hadn't forgotten Simon's outburst in the store when shown the skirt, so she informed him that he would be writing more lines that evening during his free time. She also scribbled out an IOU for him to sign to confirm that he owed her money. Once more, she had further secured her grip on him.

He was beginning to despair. Some elements of his new submissive lifestyle were giving him pleasure, but he was continually being pushed too far, too often. How was he going to cope?

Written by undiecontrol
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