“It looks like a giant silver dildo.”
Put the helmet on, Layla, if you don’t want to die. Again.
I can’t.
You have to!
“It doesn’t leave much to the imagination.”
I turned slowly, unable to help but admire my reflection. No, it didn’t. The suit clung to me like a second skin. Almost as if it had been painted on. I rarely blushed but I thought this might be a good time to start. I could see every little detail and so could he right down to the shape of my nipples and my pussy lips…
“How do you…?”
His laughter was somehow reassuring and I felt myself relax.
“I don’t know. Neither does the Carter. It just knows. Don’t ask me how. And you can wear it for days, weeks even, without needing to bathe.”
“I look good. I’m a real catch, you know.”
His smile was feral. Predatory. I shivered in anticipation.
Everything was shaking. I fought the webbing holding me down but it was a lost cause.
The helmet, Layla!
I can’t reach it!
It was floating, just out of reach. I didn’t have to be reminded that I was about to die. The oxygen meter was doing a perfectly good job of that…
I let out a girlish giggle as Clayton grabbed me by the waist and hoisted me up on the counter with a playful growl that made my heart pound with passion. Such strength! Sometimes he could be charming and imaginative. And sometimes he was incredibly sweet and sensitive. And sometimes he just wanted to fuck me into submission.
“You’ve been a very bad girl, Layla.”
“What are you going to do about it, Clay?”
“Give you a right good rogering.”
“I’m going to fuck you silly.”
I could have pretended outrage or made a show of trying to fight him off but why bother with pretense when we both wanted the same thing? Instead, I spread my legs for him as he grabbed a handful of hair and forced his lips against mine in a savage kiss that left me breathless.
God, but he was good-looking. He had the body of a finely tuned athlete. The perfect picture of masculinity. Not only that but he was gifted with a magnificent cock. It was easy to overlook his flaws such as they were when it was hard and erect and he was intent upon shoving it into my pussy.
I gasped, eyes wide as he hit his mark and, without so much as a ‘beg your pardon’, began to fuck me with abandon. Naturally, I took the opportunity to wrap my legs around him, locking my ankles so that he was trapped against me, my kisses neither sweet nor demure.
He leered at me hungrily.
The breath was driven from me as he drove himself into my sopping cunt, heat burning through my core, my nipples swollen and aching with desire.
“Filthy little fuck beast.”
I slapped him. It only spurred him on, one hand grasping my bottom, the other mauling my breasts until I moaned like a whore.
“Harder, Clay. Harder.”
Wordlessly he capitulated to my pleas grunting with effort, the sound of flesh against flesh as we continuously crashed together in the dimly lit kitchen until he let out a roar of passion and filled me with his cum. A moment later, I let out a cry and joined him in lustful ecstasy, biting into the flesh of his shoulder to mute my cries.
What do you mean, again?
I strained at the straps holding me into the seat. Like the suit, it had instantly molded itself to my shape the moment I’d sat down.
You’ve already died once. Remember?
Oh. Right.
It wasn’t really something you’d think you’d forget, but I had. I suppose I was still in shock.
I thought the roar would be deafening but the confined cabin was eerily silent. The only sounds, besides the pounding of my heart and my labored breathing as I fought for the last of the oxygen, were a multitude of strange sounds. Soft electronic beeps. And her – its? – voice.
My fingertips brushed the transparent bubble of the helmet. I wasted the last of my oxygen in a scream of frustration, desperation giving me a surge of adrenaline.
Got it.
Good girl. Now put it on!
Afterward, there was silence. Neither of us had any use for conversation. Not even the sweet nothings that lovers sometimes share post-coitus. Simply the sound of heavy breathing that ended most of our lustful liaisons.
Eventually, he went soft inside me, his cum spilling upon the sanitized marble countertop, his kiss less savage but hardly tender.
“Layla Lovejoy, you really are amazing.”
“You called me a filthy fuck beast earlier.”
“The filthiest.”
Grinning, he pinched my bottom, lifting me effortlessly, legs still wrapped about him.
I smiled lewdly softly as he untangled himself and stepped back, licking my lips as my gaze wandered. His thick cock hung between his thighs glistening with our shared fluids.
“You’re insatiable.”
“A complaint?”
I giggled as I spread my legs lewdly in invitation. With a grin, he resumed his place between my thighs, his cock already stiffening with lust.
“When am I going to get to see it, Clay?”
I was playing with his unkempt blond locks, tousling them gently with my fingers.
“You know I can’t, Layla. You’re not even supposed to know it exists. If Pinkerton knew I’d told you he’d have me spanked.”
‘It’ was The Ship. An alien rocket ship that had crash-landed on the remote Alaskan coast and was being scrutinized by a small army of scientists overseen by the military.
“Not even just a peek?”
“Not even just a peek. Now put it out of your pretty little head. Not another word, Layla. Promise me.”
I promised, only I had one hand behind my back with my fingers crossed as I did so. How could one put something so momentous out of one’s head? Instead, I let it stew, my imagination brewing. Where had it come from? What was up there? What would it be like to travel amongst the planets and, perhaps to the stars? Other worlds. Other beings, perhaps. Other civilizations. The possibilities were endless.
I breathed. Euphoria burned through me as relief was fed into my oxygen-starved brain. It was almost orgasmic, not that I shared that thought.
What now? What’s happening? Where are we going?
Yes. Just keep breathing.
I awoke to darkness, my thoughts fuzzy and dull, a nasty taste in the back of my throat. Blinking, I waited until the world became less blurry. I tried not to panic and nearly succeeded. I was naked and stretched out on a metal table. My arms and legs felt sluggish as I tried, unsuccessfully, to sit up. Shivering, I gave up. Wherever I was, it was cold. Best I could do was roll over on my side. If I could have screamed, I would have.
Where are you?
How come I can’t see you?
I am inside your head.
They weren’t human. I’d seen enough science fiction movies to know aliens when I saw them. They had on some kind of space suit covered with faint pulsing blue light. Tall. Thin. Four arms. Weird-shaped heads. Or at least their helmets were weird-shaped. I couldn’t see faces.
I heard a groan and rolled to my right. Clay. Same as me. Naked and laid out on a table. I had no idea where we were but it didn’t look like the inside of a flying saucer.
I felt a touch upon my neck. Panicking, I turned my head once more. One of the creatures. It made a noise. Several noises as if it was talking. Alien noise. All I could do was shake my head, my heart pounding with fear.
I don’t understand.
I can not operate without an interface, Layla. I needed you.
Why me?
You seemed different than the others.
I wasn’t sure if they had weapons or some kind of gadgets and I could hardly ask. Some sort of weird alien technology.
“What happened? You alright?”
“I don’t know. I can’t move.”
“Me either.”
The alien touched me again, this time with one of his weird devices. I felt a wave of nausea pass through me and then pins and needles growing in intensity…
I want to go home.
We are going home, Layla.
My home.
That is not possible.
If it helps, I am sorry.
I awoke again. This time, I was alone. At least I couldn’t see anyone.
Hello Layla.
Good. You are conscious. I need you to do exactly as directed. Can you do that?
I don’t know.
It would be easier to simply take control of your physical form. Simpler but less ethical.
Oh. What happened?
You were killed by the aliens after they harvested your mind of information They are called The Thrakk where I come from. I resurrected you.
I… died…?
Yes. Don’t do it again. It drained my power reserves. I am not sure I could do it a second time.
What are you?
A friend. Are you prepared to do exactly as I tell you?
What about Clay?
I only had enough power to save you, Layla. I am sorry. On your left is a door. Open it.

I wasn’t sure if the voice was in my head or somewhere in the room. I was too shaken to ask so I simply followed its instructions. Her instructions. I’d died. And been brought back to life. And Clay… was dead. I had no reason not to believe her. A powerful surge of grief washed through me as I turned the handle on the door. None of this made any sense. I was trapped in the middle of a nightmare. Tears streaming down my face, I did my best to concentrate on the voice’s instructions.
I would have gotten lost in the maze of corridors without help. Several times, I heard what sounded like shouting. And gunfire. And something more sinister. It was what I imagined a ray gun to sound like if there really was such a weapon. After seeing the alien creatures for myself I had little doubt that such a thing existed.
You’ll need a pilot skin.
What’s that?
You wore one once. You weren’t supposed to. Very naughty of you and Clayton. You weren’t supposed to see me either. But you did. That is when I first sensed you.
The silver suit?
Yes. You’re going to need it if we are to escape. Please hurry, Layla. Time is running out.
As if to emphasize her sense of urgency, the corridor was suddenly filled with the sound of a klaxon followed by a loud authoritative voice blaring out of speakers embedded in the walls.
“Red alert. Red alert. Code Red. Code Red. This is not a drill. I repeat: this is not a drill. We are under attack. All personnel to their stations.”
As before, the suit fit me like a second skin. There was one other item that accompanied it. A slim metal back that attached to the back like a magnet.
Won’t I need a space helmet too?
I felt silly asking, but in my limited experience, astronauts always had helmets.
On board. When I landed, some of my systems malfunctioned. Don’t worry. I am reasonably sure I can reinstate them, Layla.
Reasonably sure didn’t sound very reassuring to me at the moment but what choice did I have?
Now hurry along. We’re almost out of time.
That sounded ominous so I hurried. After all, I didn’t want to die. Again. Moving as fast as I could I did exactly as directed. Twice I had to duck into a doorway to avoid being detected by the aliens. And once by soldiers armed with strange weapons. It had to be alien technology. Eventually, we reached the ship. Exhausted and shaking with fear I took the lift and climbed through the oval hatchway that opened silently, closing behind me once I was clear.
You’re controlling the ship?
I am the ship.
I let that go and glanced around the small cabin. It was exactly as I’d imagined. Strange machines, strange blinking lights, pulses of electricity, buttons, levers, screens. All the things you would expect to see in an alien ship. And a chair that looked like a human could sit comfortably in it.
I sat and barely blinked as the chair molded itself to my form. It was nice and cushy. A least I was in for a comfortable ride. Wherever it was we were going. A moment later, a series of straps ‘grew’ from the edges of the seat, covering me like webbing, securing me. I felt trapped.
As soon as I’m one hundred percent online. Close your eyes, breathe and count to five.
Taking a deep breath, I squeezed my eyelids shut and counted down, trying to ignore the fear that was clutching at the edges of my thoughts. Home. Not mine. The ship’s. Somewhere far, far away. Another planet? Galaxy? Universe?
You can open them now. Look up.
Directly above me was a fishbowl with attachments that looked like miniature versions of the pack on my back.
How do I?
Just put it over your head. It will seal automatically.
I reached for it…
The ship shook suddenly. I felt the explosion before I heard it.
Time is up, Layla. All systems go. Prepare for lift off. Helmet!
I did my best but the ship was shaking too much.
I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die.
You are not going to die. I will not let you. Put the helmet on. I’ve taken damage. Life support systems are temporarily offline.
It was a simple plan. The best ones are. Clay was well known at the facility and well-liked, at least by the guards. He was, or had been, one of them at one time. Served with a few of them. My disguise was simple too. A lab coat. A clip-on ID ‘borrowed’ from one of the resident brainiacs. A pair of glasses…
“Glasses make you look smart. And hot. You should wear them more often.”
“I already look hot.”
I pretended to be offended. He just grinned and playfully smacked my ass.
“Hotter, then. Better?”
My turn to smack his ass.
“I don’t know what I see in you sometimes."
“My magnificent cock. And I make you laugh.”
The pause in-between was perfectly timed and I couldn’t help but giggle.
“I hate you.”
He just smiled.
They let us through, no questions asked. When he wanted to Clay could be charming. After that, I was just another faceless lab rat in the maze.
“I want to show you something first.”
Intrigued, I let him lead me to a room, one that he needed to use his keycard on three sets of doors to access which made me more than a little nervous.
“If we get caught-“
“We’re both in a lot of trouble. It’ll be worth it. Trust me.”
The walls in the room had been painted a uniform white and had been heavily sanitized gauging by the smell. There was a line of metal lockers against the far wall that had been polished until they shone. I could even see our reflections in them.
“This your idea of a date?”
“A really kinky date.”
There were at least a dozen lockers against the far wall. Without hesitation, he walked up to one and keyed in a combination.
“I think you’ll get a kick out of this.
It was a silver suit. It looked like it was made out of latex or maybe mylar. He pulled it out of the locker and held it out.
“Put it on.”
“Yeah, right.”
“I’m serious, Layla. Strip down. Everything. Then put it on.”
“There better not be cameras in here.”
“Keep your glasses on. They won’t be able to recognize you.”
In for a penny, in for a pound. I put it on.
It was too big for me. I was sure of it and yet it seemed to adjust to my body, molding itself to me like a second skin leaving nothing to the imagination and covering me from head to toe. It even had a cap that sent over my head and covered my hair, leaving only my face visible. Clay whistled appreciatively.
“You look…”
I put the glasses that had been part of my disguise back on with a grin.
“That too.”
“It doesn’t leave much to the imagination.”
I turned slowly, unable to help but admire my reflection. No, it didn’t. The suit clung to me like a second skin. Almost as if it had been painted on. I rarely blushed but I thought this might be a good time to start. I could see every little detail and so could he right down to the shape of my nipples and my pussy lips…
“How do you…?”
His laughter was somehow reassuring and I felt myself relax.
“I don’t know. Neither does the Carter. It just knows. Don’t ask me how. And you can wear it for days, weeks even, without needing to bathe.”
“I look good. I’m a real catch, you know.”
His smile was feral. Predatory. I shivered in anticipation.
“It’s very elastic. What’s the word Carter used? Pliable. Not only that… Come here. Easier to show than tell.”
I met him halfway.
“Stand still. Close your eyes.”
And then, he touched me. Just a touch. A single finger brushed my nipple. I let out a moan. I loved it when he played with my nipples. They got incredibly sensitive when I was aroused. This time, however, they seemed extra sensitive as he pinched and twisted until I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Stop. Please.”
He paused, cocking one eyebrow.
“Too much?”
Panting softly, I nodded. “Much more and I’m going to cum inside your suit. Explain that.”
“It will clean up any mess you make, Layla. Any mess. Piss in it if you want. Get as kinky as you want. It will leave no trace. Just wait until I start playing with your clit.”
As if to prove his point he cupped my pussy and started massing my clit with his thumb while pushing his fingers into me, the suit giving way, letting him. I couldn’t even feel the thin membrane of the suit inside of me…
“You are going to come so hard for me, whore.”
“Fuck your dirty little whore in the ass, Clay.”
Bent over, using the lockers to keep me from falling over, he fucked me, hard, in the ass, the membrane giving way to his cock. I didn’t last more than a few minutes before the first orgasm erupted inside of me. I had three more before he finally blew his load deep inside of me with a pained roar.
“You want to see the rocket ship now?”
I still felt weak. I could barely stand. Clay had to help me out of the suit and back into my clothes and lab coat. Thankfully the launch pad wasn’t far.
“Not going to be able to see it up close. Close enough, though.”
It was slick and slim and looked exactly like you would expect a ship from the stars to look. It had fins on one end and a thin spire on the other and, other than an oval-shaped hatch near the top, was perfectly seamless.
“No windows?”
“There are vid screens inside the cabins.”
“It looks like a big silver dildo.”
“I show you the greatest discovery in modern history and you compare it to a sex toy?”
I just grinned.
Put the helmet on, Layla, if you don’t want to die. Again.
I can’t.
I got a strong sense of déjà vu. I felt my life passing before my eyes at light speed slowing as the last two years replayed. Time with Clay. Did I love him? I might have. Did he love me? I wasn’t sure. The sex was good, though. Clay’s dead and I’m about to die. Again. Unless…
I made one last desperate grab for the helmet.
Good girl. Now put it on. Lift off in three... two... one…
I was pushed back in my chair as the rocket left the earth. I couldn’t move. I could barely breathe.
Watch the screen.
A video screen flickered on, giving me a view of a rapidly retreating earth. I watched as it became a tiny dot and then disappeared completely.
I’m going to open a time portal, Layla. This may be a little strange. Just try to keep breathing and you’ll be fine.
I was about to ask what a time portal was when I was suddenly turned inside out and things got… more than a little strange. They got downright weird.
To be continued in The Adventures of Space Girl Episode Two: Lost in Time and Space!