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The Adventures of Space Girl! Episode 3 : Sacrificed to the Serpent God!

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Author's Notes

"Took a bit longer than expected. For one, I ended up deleting most of what I wrote and starting over. For another, I ended up writing 3 more ketchup stories and entering 2 comps. Hopefully chapter 4 won't take as long. Enjoy!"

“Captain's log. Stardate 12345. USS…”

Do you have a name? It feels weird to keep calling you Ship.

It is what I am.

But is it your name?

I do not have a name, Layla.

Would you like one?

Perhaps. I will consider it.

“If it wasn’t for Ship I would have lost track of the days. There is no day or night in space. Simply unending blackness filled with faraway stars and distant planets–”

And the occasional meteor.

“And the occasional meteor. Fortunately Ship gave me access to some of the other rooms aboard her. A bunkroom. A kitchen. Sort of. A locker room. And, most importantly, a bathroom. All small – cramped, in fact – and kind of boring but functional. The locker room was the most interesting as it was filled with an assortment of alien technology including four more space suits, one blue, one red, one black, and one green. And what appear to be weapons. Hopefully I won’t need them.”



I have given it some thought. I would like to be referred to as Skye. It seems appropriate and I… think it’s pretty.

Skye it is.   

Also, we are approaching a planet with conditions favorable to human life forms. Please draw your attention to the screen.

It looked a little like Earth. At least the colors did. Green and blue. There were more continents than on Earth, though, and they were a lot smaller. More like hundreds of large islands upon a vast ocean.

I thought you might enjoy seeing it.

I don’t suppose we could land? It would be nice to stretch my legs and maybe explore a little.

I am not sure that would be wise.

Pretty please, Skye?

There was a long moment of silence as if the ship was calculating the risks involved. Finally Ship – Skye – came to a decision.

There are life forms. Impossible to ascertain if they are hostile. I will set down somewhere remote so you can ‘stretch your legs’. Briefly.

You’re the best.

The landing was smooth. Skye let me watch on the vid screen as she entered the atmosphere and set down on one of the smaller islands. It was surprisingly familiar. Like a tropical Pacific island. I found myself lamenting that I hadn’t packed my bikini.

Accessing Earth fashions. Bikini. Two-piece swimsuit. Change into the blue suit.

The blue suit?

The silver that you are currently wearing is programmed for flight. The blue is programmed for recreation. The red is for combat, the green is for exploration, the black for espionage.

I don’t understand.

I am reprogramming them so that I am in complete control of their functions until you become more familiar. Just change. Trust me.  

So I did. I changed. Just like the silver suit I’d been wearing it fit me like a second skin leaving nothing to the imagination. Unfortunately, there was no one with me to appreciate my reincarnation as mouth-watering eye candy. Layla Lovejoy. Sexy sci-fi pin-up babe. 

Too bad there’s no mirror…

The air shimmered in front of me. Not a mirror. Better. A 3D holographic image of me that slowly rotated so I could see myself from all angles. 

Wow. I do look pretty hot, don’t I.

Very hot.

I don’t blush often but Skye’s words did warm my cheeks a little.

So. How does this work?

Simple. You tell me what you want and I reprogram the suit.

Okay. Bikini.

I felt a sensation. A very brief one. The hologram was suddenly wearing a bikini. So was I. It was still blue, like the suit, but most of the suit had disappeared, leaving a lot of skin exposed. 


Damn indeed.

Will I need to wear the fishbowl?

Helmet. And no. The atmosphere, while humid, is breathable. In the drawer marked S’lurd Vah there is an ear insert. Wear it so I can remain with you if you wander out of range.

You know none of these are in English, right?

I forget. The second drawer down on your right. It is also fit with a translator.

I found what looked like a very tiny silver golf ball and slipped it into my ear. I couldn’t even tell it was there.

Any language in my files will automatically be translated.

What if it’s not in your files?

Then, at first, it will be gibberish. My program is very advanced. It will learn any new language it picks up very quickly. Sometimes a matter of minutes. Usually, however, it takes longer. Ten of your Earth minutes is standard.

Can I take one of the cool-looking rayguns with me?

You’re not trained in their use.

Point and shoot, right? Pew pew pew.

No, you may not.


Stay within visual range, please.

Yeah, okay.

Skye had been joking, not that I had doubted her. The air was humid. By the time I’d scaled down the ladder I was already damp with perspiration. Unlike the previous planet, this one looked fairly normal. Almost earth-like. What I imagined the Amazonian jungles to be like. Lush, green, and full of strange flowers and plants and buzzing insects which I hoped were harmless, although I think Skye might have mentioned it to me if they weren’t. It was actually beautiful in a primal way.

In the near distance, I could hear running water and the sound of a fall? It was hard to tell. Falls usually meant pools, though, and the idea of a swim excited me. Carefully picking my way through the vegetation I walked until I came upon a small river and within sight of a small waterfall. I felt a little bit like Indiana Jones. Only without the fedora and the whip.

I had guessed right. There was a pool. Clear blue water. Lots of moss. Or something that looked like moss. Flowers, too. Weird-looking ones. And fish. Fish-like things, at least. I’m not sure I’d want to eat one. At least they were small. Worst they could do was nibble my toes. I decided to take a chance and waded out into the water. They seemed more scared of me than I was of them so I relaxed a little and went out further so I could swim and cool off a little.

I think we’ve discovered paradise.

Is that what you want to name it?

Name it?

The planet. For my files. AAxara 410 seems dull.

Paradise it is.

Relaxing, I let my feet leave the bottom of the pool and fell backward, floating peacefully on the surface. It was blissful. In no hurry, I stayed like that for at least a quarter of an hour, gazing around at my surroundings. The ‘insects’ look more like something you’d expect to find at the bottom of the ocean than flying around in the air.

I felt a tickle on the bottom of my foot. Apparently, the fish-things had gotten over their fear and had become curious. Giggling, I rolled over in the water and pushed my face under so I could see beneath the surface. It was covered with small stones of various shades of blue.

You should see this. It’s beautiful. Paradise is a perfect name.

I rolled over again and stood, the water coming up to my chest. I watched as a small serpent with iridescent pink scales slid into the water at the far end of the pool.



There’s a snake…

Harmless. Do not worry, Layla. I am monitoring you. Also, I am working on a surprise for you when you return.

A surprise? What is it?

If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise.

I watched as the snake-like serpent sent ripples through the water’s surface. Heading, not towards me, but close enough to make me nervous despite Skye’s assurance. As it swam past I could see it more clearly. While it resembled a snake it was clearly alien. It had six luminous orange eyes. And fins. It also had small arm-like appendages that ended in claw-like hands, two fingers on each. Fascinated I watched it glide past me and then disappear into the mists of the small falls. Curious, I decided to investigate.

I followed it cautiously. While I’d never been particularly scared of snakes I’d also never seen one with six eyes and arms. Ducking under the water, I went beneath the falls and was surprised to find a small cave hidden behind them. The entrance was mostly underwater, but there was enough space for me to raise my head so I could breathe if I decided to explore.

I found a cave. I’m going to have a look.

Be careful.

I will.

The entrance was small. Too small for me to stand up without bumping my head, so I propelled myself horizontally, guiding myself with my hands against the narrow walls which seemed to be covered in lichen or moss or some sort of otherworldly growth that glowed a soft blue giving me enough light to see where I was going. It was strangely beautiful, as was the entire planet. At least that part of what I had seen. Paradise had been the perfect name.

Eventually, the cave opened up into a grotto about the size of my apartment back on earth. Again, the walls were covered with light giving growth. There was no sign of the serpent. There was, however, a smooth flat slab of some kind of metal that seemed to float on the surface in the center of the cavern. I swam closer. It looked out of place. Definitely man-made. Alien-made? Whatever. Along the edges were symbols much like ancient hieroglyphics.

I found something. Writing? I wish you were here to translate it.

Your signal is weak, Layla. What did you find?

I could barely hear her myself.

Writing. Never mind. I wish I had something to take a picture with.

Next time.

I touched it. It was cold. Colder than I would have expected. Like it had been sitting in a refrigerator until just now. Shivering, I moved away. The ceiling was tall enough for me to stand again. This time the water only rose above my hips. Unlike the strange object, it was comfortably cool. Almost pleasant. Wading to water smoothed wall, I circled around until I found another small cave leading further into the rock. I decided to explore further. It had become an adventure. Once again, the walls were lit with the bioluminescent plants or whatever they were. Once again it was too narrow to walk. Not that I would have. Swimming was much more pleasurable.

The waterway curved slightly several times before bringing me to another cavern, this one larger – much larger – than the previous one and covered, not with blue glowing flora but with a variety of colors. Blues, greens, purples, and pinks. It was breathtaking.

I wish you were here to see this.

Skye didn’t answer this time. I wondered if she was busy or, more likely, out of range. Unlike the previous cavern, this one had a ‘shore’. Not only that but there was a small island in the center. Also, the water seemed noticeably warmer. I wondered if there was a hot spring feeding it. Perhaps from beneath? Also, the water here was much deeper. I tried standing but I couldn’t feel the bottom which suited me fine. After being on the ship for so long it was nice to be able to stretch my legs, so to speak.

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I circled the island which was about the size of the previous cavern and covered with rocks and a large cube about the size of a washing machine that looked similar to the slab I’d seen earlier. On the far side, I surprised another serpent – possibly the same one I had followed. It slid quickly into the water and made its escape below the surface leaving behind what appeared to be a nest filled with several eggs. I made sure not to disturb them and came ashore several meters away.

Like the strange slab, the cube also had strange markings on it and felt cold to the touch. It also has a small recess on one side. A square ‘hole’, big enough to put my hand into. Not that I did. At least not at first. I simply knelt and looked inside.

Buttons. Three of them in a triangle pattern. They appeared to be fashioned of red glass Or maybe gems. It was hard to tell in the dim light. I wondered what they did. Obviously, they had some sort of purpose. The cube probably did too. There was only one way to find out. I thought about that for a minute. Perhaps two. It was probably a bad idea to just randomly push buttons on a weird-looking alien artifact. I am sure that if I could communicate with the Ship – with Skye – it – she – would advise me not to. Only I couldn’t and I needed to know, so of course I reached in and pushed the one at the top of the triangle and…

Nothing happened. Feeling a little let down I pushed another one. Again, nothing. Again, I was disappointed. I’d expect them to at least glow or make the cube hum weirdly or maybe create a holographic projection of some hot space god on top of the cube. A hot naked space god. Obviously, I’d been on the ship too long if I was starting to fantasize about hot naked space gods who looked like Thor and had god-like cocks who were only interested in one thing. Ravishing sexy cosmonauts dressed in skimpy blue bikinis…

I giggled a little, realizing that, for the first time since leaving Earth I was truly alone. I could do whatever I wanted right now and no one would know. I could strip down naked and fuck myself silly with my fingers and make myself come over and over… The temptation was nearly overwhelming. First, though, I might as well try the last button. I pushed it and the cube began to hum. Finally, a result. Too late I wondered if maybe I should have left it alone…

A voice echoed through the chamber. I couldn’t understand it. I wondered if that had something to do with Skye being out of range or maybe it was a language so alien that the translator was having trouble translating. It sounded kind of angry. Like someone who’d just been woken up in the middle of a really good dream. So much for frigging myself silly. It ‘spoke’ again. It didn’t seem to be coming from the cube. Looking around I noticed a soft green glow below the surface of the water. Taking a closer look I saw what appeared to be a rectangular box on the bottom of the small lake that filled the grotto. It reminded me of a coffin that sent a chill through me. Note to self. Don’t press random buttons on strange alien artifacts in the future. Of course, if I pressed them again, maybe it would shut off whatever I’d turned on. Only one way to find out…

‘Who dares disturb my slumbers?”

Apparently, the translator was working.

The glow began to intensify, filling the cavern with bright green light and bubbles began to rise from the underwater box. I really did have to have a talk with Skye about letting me have a ray gun in the future so I could pew pew my way out of trouble. For now, getting out of here seemed to be my best option. I dived into the water and swam for the exit, somewhat surprised that I made it. I kept going, making it into the smaller grotto and past the original slab, breathing a sigh of relief that it hadn’t started glowing too, and then, past the falls and back into the pond where I was able to contact Ship once again.

Houston. I think we might have a problem.

What is it, Layla?

I think I woke up something. Not sure.

I suggest you return.

I would have if I could have. Before I could take a single step a figure burst out from beyond the waterfall. It was about my height and covered in black scales that glittered in the sun’s light. Its head was snake-like. Like the serpent I had seen earlier, it had six eyes, only these glowed red. It had limbs as well. Four arms instead of two, each ending in a trio of claws. It also had legs. And wings, reminding me more of a dragon than of a snake. I hoped it didn’t breathe fire…

What’s happening, Layla?

I think returning is out of the question!

Do you require assistance?


Let me see what I can do.

I didn’t have time to answer before the creature was on me. I’d requested Thor and I’d gotten some sort of serpent god. The universe must hate me. At least it had gotten part of my request right. It had a god-sized phallus that seemed to be rising up out of the water threateningly. Two of them, actually…

“Fuck me,” I breathed. I hadn’t meant for it to be an invitation. Not sure if it mattered. I closed my eyes and waited, wondering what was going to happen. If I was going to be torn apart by a pissed-off snake guy or if I was going to be ravaged…

It grabbed my arms. Despite its wicked-looking claws, it was surprisingly gentle. Not that it didn’t hurt a bit. In fact, I was sure I was going to have a bruise or two but at least it didn’t draw blood or break any bones.

It pushed its snout against my face, its tongue flickering like a snake, its breath cool. I wondered, abstractedly, what that tongue would do to my clit. Okay, it had been too long since my last orgasm. Embarrassingly enough I felt the stirrings of something besides fear. Lust.

“I am Kul’ta’Shat! God of the Van’yata. Where are my people?”

“No idea. I’m not from around here.”


It’s Skye now. Remember? Working on it, Layla.


His scales felt surprisingly good against my bare skin. Not at all slimy. Smooth and cool. I felt my nipples go stiff and I found myself panting as his cocks pushed against the material of my bikini bottoms. Could I even take two cocks at once? How does that even work? I really should have been thinking about getting away, not getting off, but when in Rome…

I reached down and pushed my bottoms down, wiggling until they were around my thighs. I guess we had enough in common for him to get the idea. I let out a soft grunt as he pushed himself up into me. With both cocks, taking not only my pussy but my ass as well. My grunt turned into a moan. It hurt a little, at least at first. And then?

I’m coming, Layla.

Me too. At least I will be. And really, there’s no hurry.

He thrust himself into me, filling both holes in a way they’d never been filled before. My moan turned into a gasp of pleasure. His cocks were smooth and cool, covered with the same black scales that covered the rest of him. For a moment I wondered if there was a name for fucking aliens. Xeno-something-or-other? Maybe I could look it up on Ship’s computer later. Right now I had other things to think about like a tongue flickering against my bared throat sending a million and one tingling sensations through my nervous system and being DP’ed by a serpent god.

He wasn’t gentle. Not that it mattered. I don’t mind it a little rough. I shivered and shook as he fucked me, standing knee-deep in the pond, his cocks shoved deep into me while I rode him, bouncing up and down helplessly, my cries rising into a crescendo as I came. Hard. I screamed out his name, mangling it, I’m sure. I don’t think he noticed. Maybe the translator fixed it for me. I didn’t even have time to recover. He just kept thrusting, pumping into me, biting into the meat of my shoulder. This time it hurt and he drew blood. I was beyond caring. I came again. Harder. This time, he did too, filling my ass with serpent god cum. Not my cunt, though. He wasn’t done with me yet.

“Fuck!” I screamed as he slammed into me over and over, pounding me with inhuman strength. I was going to come again. I could feel it. I just needed an extra push. I felt him release his cum into me. Unlike his scales, it felt hot as it blasted into my already overheated pussy. This time I couldn’t even scream. I erupted into a supernova, my climax tearing through me until I thought I was going to die. What a way to go, though.

That’s when Skye arrived. Or at least a drone did. Just in time to watch me explode in pleasure as Kul’ta’shat did his best to impregnate me with a mighty serpent god-like bellow that echoed across the once peaceful waters of the pond, replaced by the sound of pew pewing a moment later.

This time his bellow wasn’t one of pleasure but of anger.

“Who dares!” he cried, rays of light striking his scales and leaving angry red marks upon them. Apparently, gods were no match for lasers. He must have realized that too, for he fled back behind the falls, leaving me to collapse into the water, undone by three massive orgasms.


I’m fine. Just give me a moment.

You’re bleeding. You should return immediately for medical attention and decontamination.

And a nap.

And a nap. And don’t forget my surprise.


I returned, accompanied by the drone, and made my way up the ladder slowly, still unsteady on my legs, serpent god cum still leaking out of my pussy and ass. I needed a shower, too. A nice long hot shower.

Skye scanned me upon re-entry and then bullied me into letting her see to my bites, declaring them non-lethal and applying some sort of foam that healed them almost instantly. After that she allowed me to take a hot shower and a nap. When I awoke I was surprised to find us in space once more.

I didn’t think you’d object.

I didn’t want to admit that I’d miss Paradise so I kept quiet. As for her surprise…

Close your eyes.



I closed them, curious, not knowing what to expect.

Now open them.

It was a robot. Not quite a robot. An android? I wasn’t sure what to call it. A human female with silver skin, silver eyes, and long wavy silver hair. It looked a little like me. Actually, it looked a lot like me. It smiled at me. She smiled at me.

“I thought you might enjoy interacting with this interface better, Layla.”

It sounded a little like me, too.

“Is that you, Skye?”

“Yes and no. It is a part of me. My consciousness is still part of this ship as well as in this construct. This body. Do you like it?”

I should mention that she was naked and that my thoughts were turning slightly indecent.

“It will take some getting used to,” I mumbled. “And would you mind putting on a suit?”

“If it pleases you, Layla.”

I was back in the silver flight suit. There was, apparently, an extra. Other than the color of our skin, we looked like twins. It really was going to take some getting used to.

“Where now?” I asked, not wanting to think too much about it. I was still processing my encounter on Planet Paradise to be honest.

Skye flashed a beguiling smile and shrugged, looking a little unsure of herself for the first time since we’d met.

“Out there,” she said, pointing.

“Make it so,” I replied, managing to keep a straight face.

To be continued in The Adventures of Space Girl Four: Doctor Zero!

Written by sprite
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