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Tamriel: An Erotic Adventure, Ch.1

"A Wood Elf finds adventure and pleasure after returning home"

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The water dripped from Eveli Sharp-Arrow's naked body as she climbed out of the bathtub. She took in her surroundings as she dried herself off. Being home in Grahtwood was still surreal to her after spending so much time in Wrothgar helping to unite the Orcish clans. Now that the mission was completed, she needed a break and a change of scenery from the frigid Wrothgar mountains. She hung the towel on a hook to dry as she pulled down the robe that was beside it. Slipping it on, she moved across the room to her bed. She sat down and began brushing her dark blonde hair. She stole a glance at the book that was on her nightstand. It was the latest Investigator Vale story and she was excited to read it.

Eveli had disappointed some friends who were anxious to hear about her time among the Orcs but understood that she desired a quiet first night of being back home. While that was the excuse she had given them, the truth was she was extremely horny and wanted to read about a new erotic romp featuring her favorite character. When she finished brushing her hair, she sat back on her bed, her back against the pillows. She picked up her book and began reading. It did not disappoint as by the third chapter, Investigator Vale had found herself in a bathhouse with a Redguard commander and two female attendants. 

When Eveli got to the part where the commander undressed Vale with the attendants helping, she found her right hand untying the robe. Her pussy became moist at the thought of what Vale was experiencing as the commander's strong hands explored her body; the attendants flanked on either side of her exchanging passionate kisses with the famed investigator. The image that Eveli had created became so intense that she put the book down and began rubbing her pussy furiously. The light-brown muff glistening from her juices.

The sexual wave that swarmed over her made her mind drift from the commander in story to other men she had encountered in recent months. However, one stuck with her and provided a moment of pause. She found herself focused on the Dark Elf who had assisted her with the unification of the Orcish tribes. He had uncovered a plot that would see the Orcs thrust in disarray and chaos had the self-proclaimed King Kurog remained in power. 

There had been a slight attraction to the Dark Elf, but those feelings increased after he had saved her life soon after the conspiracy was revealed. She was crushed when he told her he needed to leave. She had hoped he would have stuck around longer, but the Mages guild required his services for an internal matter. She had not seen or heard from him since.

The thoughts she had of him made her hotter as she continued to stimulate her pussy. Her left hand caressed her tiny breasts as she put herself closer and closer to orgasm. Soft moans passed through her lips as she began to climax. A couple of bucks on the bed and she felt satisfied. She picked up her book and returned it to the nightstand. Standing up, she pulled back the linens of her bed and removed her robe. She draped it over the footboard of her bed as she climbed into it, her naked body wrapped in the light, airy sheets.


The next morning, Eveli awakened with an eagerness to begin her day. She planned on meeting her friends and having breakfast all while catching up with one another. She got dressed and stepped out into the fresh morning air. It felt strange for her to not be carrying her bow and quiver of arrows with her, but for the first time in months, she was not planning on engaging in combat. She found the Inn at which she had arranged to meet her friends but was stopped by the Magistrate before she could step inside.

"Sharp-Arrow, there you are!" The magistrate yelled from across the street.

"Magistrate Orring, how nice to see you," Eveli replied.

"I'm sorry to bother you after you just came back, but there is an urgent matter that requires your assistance." The magistrate looked perplexed.

"What seems to be the matter?" Eveli asked.

"I'd rather tell you at my office. Let's go!" The magistrate gestured for Eveli to follow him.

Knowing she would have to disappoint her friends again, Eveli passed a note to the innkeeper to give her friends that would explain her absence. She hoped that she would not have to abandon future plans with them again.

The magistrate's office was just two blocks away and when she entered, she was greeted by two unfamiliar Bretons; one male and one female. The male had a commanding presence. He was tall and muscular with short, parted brown hair and a goatee. He was quite possibly the most handsome man she had seen in a while. His female companion was just as attractive. She was taller than Eveli, but was slightly shorter than her male counterpart. Her light, blond hair was tied in a long braid that went down to the small of her back, her face had a softness to it but her piercing green eyes suggested she was not to be trifled with. Despite the armor covering her, Eveli could see she had well-endowed breasts. 

"This is who you recommended to help us? A tiny Wood Elf?" The male Breton scoffed at her.

Magistrate Orring wasted no time coming to her defense. "Sharp-Arrow is one of the most skilled fighters you will find in Grahtwood," he said. "Her body of work speaks for itself!"

A smirk appeared on the face of the female Breton as she coyly said, "I would be very interested in getting to know her body of work."

"Eveli Sharp-Arrow, I would like you to meet Amsterdam and his bride, Paris," the magistrate said.

Paris extended her hand. "Charmed," she said, her eyes fixed on Eveli. The Wood Elf accepted the gesture before returning her attention to the matter at hand.

"Magistrate Orring, why am I here?" Eveli asked.

"Yes, yes, of course," the magistrate said as he returned to his desk. "Amsterdam and Paris are investigating the disappearance of several individuals. These disappearances seem to be random on the surface, but..."

"But what?" Eveli asked.

"But the disappearances have been centered in Grahtwood and nearly at the same time," Amsterdam interjected. "We know of twenty-two missing people who have vanished over the course of three days. That is unusual considering that none of them were in the same vicinity at the time of the disappearance."

Eveli looked over the reports the two Bretons acquired detailing the circumstances surrounding the missing people. They seemed to vary in race, gender, species and class. The only thing linking them together was the fact they were all young adults.

"So, where do I fit in?" Eveli asked as she reviewed a report.

"The magistrate says you are familiar with a place called Vinedeath Cave," Amsterdam said. "We would like for you to be our guide."

The Wood Elf nodded. "I know it. What are you hoping to find?" she asked.

Paris stood up and gave her a wanted poster. "This man was tracked to that cave and may have information about the disappearances. We find him. We can shake him down and find out what he knows."

The poster was worn, but provided enough of a description that a positive identification could be made. The suspect appeared to be a mercenary of sorts. Scars adorned his face along with a patchy beard. The eyepatch suggested he would stand out in a crowd.

"Understood," Eveli said. "If we leave before noon we can make it there before nightfall."

"Excellent! We will meet at the city gate in half an hour," Amsterdam said. 


The trio ventured out to Vinedeath Cave on horseback. Eveli didn't ride much, so she found herself riding on Paris' horse. The Breton smiled as she felt the hands of the little Wood Elf constantly make adjustments to improve her grip. "Hold on tightly," she said enjoying the innocent pawing around her waist and stomach. Eveli did what she could to maintain both her grip and her balance. She wasn't keen on the idea of falling off a horse.

"Halt here," Eveli said. "The cave entrance is just around that corner."

They dismounted and the Bretons tied their horses to a nearby tree. Eveli scanned the area in front of them. 

"Wait here, I will check up ahead," she said.

The Wood Elf moved forward, staying inside the tree line and doing so in a way not to be detected. As she got closer to the cave, she could smell the burning of wood and meat. She took an elevated position at the cave's entrance to see what could be expected. When she peered over the rock, she only saw the campsite. The mercenary was nowhere to be seen.

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Suddenly, she was grabbed from behind. The stench of the mercenary offending her sense of smell.

"Well, thought you could get the drop on me, did ya?" the mercenary said in a low, growl.

Before Eveli could answer, the mercenary found his neck on the business end of a dagger. "Her, not so much. As for me, I have you dead to rights," Paris said. 

"What the hell do you want?" the mercenary asked as he released his grip on Eveli.

"We want answers," Amsterdam said as he strolled into the middle of the campsite. "Come down here and let's have a discussion."

Paris and Eveli escorted the mercenary down to his camp and pushed him to the ground. The mercenary attempted to get back on his feet to fight, but was met with Amsterdam's sword. He returned to a seated position; his one good eye full of rage as he looked at his captors.

"What the bloody hell do you want?" he demanded.

Amsterdam paced in front of him while Paris leaned against the outer entrance of the cave, using her dagger to clean under her nails. "We'll be asking the questions," Amsterdam said

"We have it on good authority that you have information about the string of disappearances occurring across the land," Paris said. "Tell us what you know."

The mercenary showed fear for the first time. "I can't tell you. He will kill me if I do."

Amsterdam smiled. "We're going to kill you if we don't get the answers we are looking for, so spill your guts or I will spill your blood."

The mercenary looked around and then at the Bretons and the Wood Elf. He knew his situation was a dire one and that he was in trouble regardless of what he decided to do. Feeling defeated, he nodded towards a satchel by the fire. 

"There's a book inside. It has names, locations of the captors. There is even a list of pickup points for them. Where they go, I have no idea." The mercenary looked down in disgust. It annoyed him that he was forced to sell out his employer. 

Eveli picked up the satchel and pulled out the book. She handed it to Paris. 

"This will come in handy," the Breton said, flipping through the pages. "One last question, when are the pickups?"

"Always at midnight," the mercenary said. "The location is the only thing that varies."

Paris looked over at Amsterdam. "Are you satisfied, my love?"

Amsterdam walked over to the mercenary. "Very satisfied," he replied. He had no sooner finished his sentence than he punched the mercenary in the face, knocking him out.

"We'll deliver him to the magistrate when we return to Elden Hollow," he said.


It had been a couple of hours since the trio had returned to Elden Hollow. Eveli was finally able to meet up with her friends and regaled them with tales of her exploits in Wrothgar as well as what had transpired earlier that day. For the first time all day, she felt relaxed. The mercenary was in jail, the book turned over to the magistrate to be reviewed and the Bretons seemed please with the day's success. The only thing left to do was to enjoy her time with her friends.

The group had met at the Inn where they had initially decided to get together. After drinking and taking in the entertainment in the lounge, it was decided to take the party upstairs. Eveli and her friends met with some other acquaintances and huddled around a skooma bubbler. Eveli felt giddy and very relaxed as she took her hit on the Khajiit smoking device. It was a couple of hours after midnight that she decided it was time to go home.

Her friends didn't protest, especially since most of them were passed out. The others were in an oblivious daze. Eveli's experience with similar substances gave her an added level of tolerance. She slowly made her way down the hall to the Inn's stairwell. As she came to the end of the corridor, she heard soft moans coming from the last room.

The door wasn't locked and appeared to be slightly open. Eveli gently pushed the door open just enough to peer inside. She gasped lightly at the sight she saw in front of her. A naked Amsterdam was on his knees, his head buried between Paris' legs. The naked Bretons did not seem to be aware of their unexpected audience. Paris held her voluptuous breasts in her hands while Amsterdam pleasured her pussy with his tongue.

Eveli could feel herself getting turned on. She looked around, but didn't see anyone. She slid her hand down her pants and massaged her own wet pussy as she watched her two new friends explore each other's bodies. Amsterdam stood up and assisted Paris to the sitting position on the bed. Eveli could not believe the size of his cock. It was long and thick. She switched her gaze over to Paris and took in her exquisite body. Her arms were toned and athletic looking; her ass round and complementing her thick legs. 

The Wood Elf was so lost in pleasuring herself while watching the Bretons, that she did not know that Paris caught her watching. The Breton took her man's cock into her mouth and deep-throated it with ease. Eveli became more turned on. It was then, she noticed that Paris was watching her while she methodically took Amsterdam's cock into her mouth. 

For a second, Eveli considered leaving the two to their romp, but the eyes of Paris suggested she stay. Eveli pulled down her pants as her pussy was becoming drenched in her elven juices. She leaned against the wall just inside the Breton's room where she furiously rubbed herself while watching the action unfold in front of her. 

Paris became more turned on knowing they were being watched and became more aggressive as she sucked Amsterdam's cock. Her pussy ached for more attention and while the temptation to invite the Wood Elf over to the bed was strong, she resisted and decided to put on a show for her. After several minutes of sucking and jerking off Amsterdam's cock, Paris climbed back onto the bed on her hands and knees, her ass sticking up for Amsterdam to do what he wanted.

Amsterdam guided his cock into Paris' tight, wet hole and slid all the way inside her before starting a rhythmic thrust. Eveli watched as she matched the tempo of the Breton's pelvic movements. Paris moaned loudly and just enough to drown out the moans of Eveli who was fighting her own temptation to join the fray. An orgasm rocked Paris which was soon followed by Eveli's own orgasm. Amsterdam spanked Paris on the ass, calling her "naughty."

Eveli's heart skipped a beat. Did Amsterdam know she had been watching? Or was it just a random comment in the heat of the moment? The horny Wood Elf decided to stay put. She had unbuttoned her shift and had given Paris an eyeful. The Breton had become extremely turned on at the sight of Eveli practically nude. She wanted to touch her in the worst way, but being watched was something she had not enjoyed in a very long time.

Paris felt Amsterdam's meaty rod becoming more and more erect. It was only a matter of time before he unleashed his seed. She got on her knees and began sucking him again. A few strokes of his shaft and she was rewarded with a blast of cum to the chin and all over her big breasts. Eveli came one final time as she watched the Breton release another load onto Paris' breasts.

Paris smiled and sucked him clean before licking the cum off herself. When she turned towards the door, Eveli was gone.

Eveli stumbled down the stairs trying to button her shirt. Her legs were wobbly from the intense masturbating she had just done. Furthermore, her pants had become wet from her pussy dripping from all the excitement. She didn't realize just how much it turned her on to watch two people having sex. By the time she had reached her home, she had regained her composure. As she stepped through the door, she did not have the time to decide what to do next. 

A burlap bag was placed over her head and she felt her hands and feet being bound. The last thing she would remember was the fact that she was being kidnapped. Then, everything went black.

Written by EddieErotik
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