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Tamriel: An Erotic Adventure, Ch. 3

"Eveli wakes up at Guye's place and finally gets her chance with him"

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Eveli Sharp-Arrow slept comfortably in the canopy bed. Her dreams of Guye holding her close and caressing her body were a welcome surprise considering the hell she had just been through. Her elven pussy responded to the dreams her subconscious was presenting. Eveli longed for Guye's cock to be inside her. She wanted to take it in her mouth and feel the warmth of his cum all over her body and inside her hungry snatch. Her hands started rubbing her breasts through her nightgown, until they pulled it up past her thighs. Eveli's breathing increased as her fingers began to penetrate her moist slit. 

Then, she opened her eyes.

Sitting up, Eveli looked around the room. A massive bookcase was on the opposite side of the room. It could have been a wall by itself she mused. The floor was adorned by trunks with locks on them that were pushed against the walls. Eveli climbed out of bed and adjusted the nightgown she was wearing. The stone floor was cold underneath her bare feet. It felt good to be able to stand up on her own power. In fact, she felt better than she expected given what had happened to her. She walked out of the bedroom and into what appeared to be a sitting room with a bathtub at the other end. The fireplace had a freshly built fire that kept the room warm. She looked to her left and saw a door.

As she opened the door, Eveli was taken aback at what she saw. She had practically stepped out into a throne room. Long dining tables were in the middle of the room with a marble throne overlooking the entirety of the space. Eveli looked up. There were two upper levels on each side. Walking towards one of the staircases, she saw a room with multiple stations that served a specific function. 

"Am I in Alinor?" she asked herself.

"You are in the Villa," came an unexpected reply.

Eveli turned around. Nuzhimeh approached her from the opposite room. She was a tall and lean Redguard woman, who filled out her clothes rather nicely. Her white tunic hugging her torso and showing off her shapely breasts. She even looked good in her trousers. As she came closer, Eveli noticed the ring on the left nostril of Nuzhimeh's nose. Everything about her clothes appeared to compliment her dark complexion.

"It's good to see you up," the Redguard said. "I am Nuzhimeh, I am Guye's personal merchant."

Eveli accepted her extended hand. "I'm Eveli," she said. 

"Come, no doubt you are hungry," Nuzhimeh said, escorting the Wood Elf to the other room.

The pair entered a room that looked like a cantina. There were tables in the middle of the room, a cushioned bench against the wall and two big counters on the opposite side. Nuzhimeh stepped behind the one on the left and began preparing a plate of food. She looked up and saw Eveli looking at the stage set up near the entrance. 

"Guye has a tendency to invite some very unique guests and the entertainment can be quite provocative," Nuzhimeh said.

Eveli stepped on the stage and gripped the pole in the middle of it. "I can see that," she said. Never in her wildest dreams did she envision her hero to have a naughty nature about him. Then again, there were a lot of things that she did not know about Guye.

"Where is he, anyway?" she asked.

Nuzhimeh extended her hand in the direction of the nearby table for Eveli to sit. As she placed the food in front of her she answered the Wood Elf's question.

"He had some business to take care of regarding your abduction. I believe he was meeting with a couple of mutual acquaintances," Nuzhimeh explained.

"Guye must still be working with Amsterdam and Paris," Eveli thought to herself. She wondered what had changed. She had thought everything had been resolved with the demise of Mannimarco and his plot revealed. Surely, there wasn't more to it. Eveli poked at her food as she let her thoughts drift.

"You should eat," Nuzhimeh said, breaking the Wood Elf's concentration. "I will draw you a bath and lay out some clothes for you."

Nuzhimeh left the room as Eveli began eating. She finished her food and returned back to her quarters. A warm bath had been drawn for her. Nuzhimeh stood by the bedroom door as Eveli walked behind the divider and took off her nightgown. She draped it over the divider and stepped into the tub. As she slid down into the tub, Eveli relished how relaxing it was. She leaned back and closed her eyes to soak everything in.

"Your clothes are on the bed," Nuzhimeh said on her way out.

Eveli took her time. She decided to enjoy herself knowing that it might be a while before Guye returned. She took a sponge and cleaned herself up before standing up and stepping out of the tub. She wrapped a towel around her and entered the bedroom. She saw a neatly folded set of clothes waiting for her on the bed. She smiled. It looked very similar to what she normally wore and was pleased that Guye remembered her preference instead of providing her a dress.

After getting dressed, Eveli decided to check out the rest of Guye's estate. She opened the massive doors and stepped outside. She was awestruck at the sight in front of her. The view was incredible. Massive columns adorned the far end of the property while giant statues were placed atop the steps just outside the main entrance. A beautiful skyshard was glowing from the fountain at the bottom of the steps.

She walked towards a collection of animals in what appeared to be a stable of sorts. She petted one of the horses and fed it some oats from her hand. Eveli heard a bubbling sound behind her. She turned around and noticed a small pool of water that was at the center of the stable. She moved in closer to investigate. When she got to the edge, a geyser of water shot up, startling the Wood Elf. When the water dissipated, Guye appeared.

"What the hell was that?" Eveli asked, confused.

Guye looked at her with an amused look on his face. "That is the only non-magic way of getting here," he replied. He moved closer as if to examine her. "You look good," he said. "How do you feel?"

"I feel fine," Eveli answered. "How long have I been here and where exactly am I?" 

Guye extended out his arm. Eveli smiled as she accepted it. "You have been here for three days," he said as they began walking through the courtyard. "I conjured up a healing potion and had Nuzhimeh clean you up. It was imperative that you rested long enough to let the potion take effect."

They stopped at an overlook on the east side of the property. "As for where you are, you are at my home on an island just off the coast of Summerset. This was the only safe place for you to be and where I felt I could leave you alone while I followed up our investigation," he said.

"What exactly have you found?" Eveli asked. "I thought this was over."

"Only part of it," Guye said to her. "As it turns out, there are Daedric princes and princesses that wish to walk among the people of Nirn and corrupt them into serving their needs."

There was a pause in Guye's words as he seemed to reflect on what he had said. "Some of these Daedric beings are ones I have had the unfortunate privilege of meeting in combat before." he continued.

Eveli studied his face. His red eyes looked ahead. She knew something bad was on a collision course with them, but what exactly it was, she was uncertain. Daedric princes were terrible in their own right and she knew that Guye had experience in bringing them down. She also knew that his last encounter with one damn near killed him.

She rubbed his hand reassuringly. "We'll find a way to defeat those bastards," she said confidently. Guye looked at her and smiled. He knew they could win, but at what cost?


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The day gave way to night. Eveli and Guye spent much of the evening preparing their gear and readying themselves for what lay ahead. Guye crafted a new bow for Eveli while she fashioned a quiver of new arrows. It was late when Guye stood up and walked across the room.

"If you fancy a drink, I have some mead," he said.

Eveli nodded and walked over to the cantina. Guye went over to a keg and filled two flagons with mead. Eveli took a seat at the table nearest the stage as Guye brought the drinks over. The two made small talk before Eveli decided to ask about the stage. Guye chuckled at the question. It was the first time in awhile, Eveli had seen some levity in his demeanor. 

"Not long after I bought this place, I hosted a party for a friend who was getting married," Guye said. "The other guests decided to construct this stage for the night's entertainment. Somehow, we went from a band playing to having Dark Elves stripping."

Eveli laughed. "I always thought you were the no-nonsense type," she said.

"Well, in my defence, I was drunk," Guye explained. "There was no point in arguing."

Eveli downed the rest of her mead as did Guye. While he was refilling their flagons, Eveli stepped onto the stage and swung herself around the pole. Guye looked up at her as he brought the next round of drinks to the table. 

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Eveli jumped and straddled the pole with grace and agility. Guye watched as she slid down to the bottom. "What were the strippers wearing?" she asked.

"Not much," was Guye's response.

Eveli began unbuckling her belt and tossed it to the side. Guye watched as she untied the strings of her shirt before removing it altogether. Her perky breasts turned him on and he continued to watch as Eveli stripped. She walked back towards the pole and slid down her pants. She shook her naked ass seductively at him before turning around and grabbing the pole behind her. Guye was at a loss for words. Her naked body was beautiful. Even the scar on her stomach from the assassin's attack in Wrothgar looked sexy.

Guye could feel his erection getting bigger as he watched Eveli dance on stage. Finally, she walked over to him and straddled his lap. She could feel how hard he had become and grinded against his cock. A soft moan escaped her lips. The two locked eyes and took each other in before Guye kissed her. Eveli traced the Psijic tattoos that were on his face with her finger. She kissed him again before helping him remove his shirt.

She continued tracing a line around the Psijic tattoos on his muscular chest before leaning in and kissing them. The feel of her lips on his skin felt good to Guye. He closed his eyes as she played with his nipples with her tongue. Guye grabbed her by the ass firmly and stood up. She locked her legs around his waist as he carried her to the bedroom. 

When they got there, he placed her on top of the sheets and got on his knees before burying his face between her legs. Eveli gasped as the Dark Elf's tongue teased her slit. Guye placed a hand on top of her mound, gently stroking the hair as he licked her pussy. Eveli squirmed and gripped his head. 

"Oh, my...," she sighed.

It had been awhile since Eveli had sex and compared to her many masturbation sessions, this was bliss. "Ohhh...," she moaned as her body shook in ecstasy. Closing her eyes, she imagined how Guye's tongue was moving based on the sensation it was giving her already wet pussy. "Your mouth feels so good!" she whispered.

Eveli thought she knew what it was like to be horny based on her limited experiences. However, what she was feeling now was pushing her over the edge. She could not wait for Guye's cock to be inside of her. She couldn't wait to put it in her mouth. Grabbing a handful of his long hair, her body bucked against his face as she felt the first wave of orgasm rush over her.

"OOOHHH YEEESSS...." she cried out.

Guye continued stimulating her slit with his tongue, feeling a small blast of her cum squirt into his mouth. She tasted sweet and he wanted more. He was determined to make her cum again with his mouth, but Eveli had other ideas.

"I want your cock," she said, nearly panting.

Guye stood up and undid his pants. His erect cock stood at attention for Eveli who had rolled over and crawled to him. She took his cock into her mouth and deepthroated it like she had been doing it for a long time. The truth was she had never done it to a man but rather long, phallic-shaped objects that she would use for practice. The glow of his Psijic tattoo above his cock illuminated his face as she bobbed up and down on his member. Pulling it out of her mouth, she let her tongue glide the length of his shaft before taking it all the way in again.

The Dark Elf couldn't believe how good this felt. It wasn't long ago he was having a High Elf about the same age as Eveli sucking his cock, but the Wood Elf was so much better. He looked down as her eyes locked on his. She maintained eye contact with him as she continued to suck his rod. Slowly bringing his cock out of her mouth, the pop of its head coming out preceded her next request.

"Fuck me, Guye," she said, turning over onto her back.

Guye climbed into the bed next and got on top of her. He slowly entered her tight hole and slid himself all the way inside of her. Eveli clenched the sheets in her hands as she felt him slide deeper inside of her. When Guye was all the way in, he began thrusting in and out of her. Her breasts moved in rhythm with each thrust. Eveli grabbed his arm that was by her shoulder and clenched it. Her body was ready to cum again.

It didn't take long as Eveli squirted out more of her juice, this time all over Guye's cock. He slid his shaft against her soaked mound and waited until she was done. At this point, he turned her over onto her stomach and pulled her curvy little ass towards him. His cock went in much easier this time, but the sensation felt new and amazing to Eveli. She moaned loudly; her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She had never felt anything like this before.

"You feel so good," Eveli said.

"So do you," Guye replied.

Guye pulled her back towards him, cupping her right breast in his hand as he continued fucking her. Eveli screamed in excitement. Her pussy ready to squirt more of her juices onto the bed. When she started, Guye pulled his cock out of her and slid his hand underneath, massaging her hole. It wasn't long before Guye returned his cock back to her pussy and resumed pounding it.

Eveli arched her back and cocked her head up letting out a loud moan. She could feel Guye's cock stiffening. It wouldn't be long until he was ready to cum and she wanted it. When he pulled out, Eveli turned around and got on her knees. She took his staff into her mouth, sucking and licking it. 

"Oh fuck," Guye said.

Pulling out his cock, he unloaded a blast of cum that caught Eveli on the chin and dripped down to her breasts. The second blast landed squarely on her chest. She took it back into her mouth, orally removing the remaining cum from his cock and swallowing it. He pulled out and it went semi-limp. Eveli kissed the head of his prick before taking her finger to remove the cum from her chin. She licked it off her finger and swallowed her reward.

The two collapsed on the bed together and spent the remainder of the night sleeping and having sex. By dawn, the sheets had become a cum soaked mess, but the two lovers didn't care. Guye held her in his arms as she slept; her head resting on his chest. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep, too.

Moments like this would be few and far between and the two elves had to make the most of each opportunity.

Written by EddieErotik
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